Thyroid obesity how to treat. Difficult, but possible: how to lose weight with hypothyroidism. The drug "Thireo-Vit" helps patients with hypothyroidism lose weight

Endocrinological disorders very often lead to obesity, which is very difficult to combat with traditional methods. A disruption in the production of hormones in the thyroid gland also leads to excess weight gain.

Is it possible to lose weight with hypothyroidism?

Hypothyroidism is a serious disease that causes a number of problems, such as excess weight gain, increased cholesterol levels, excessive fatigue, memory impairment, decreased metabolism, and deterioration of skin and hair. Men and women with hypothyroidism also lose some qualities characteristic of their gender - the former experience erectile dysfunction, and the latter experience cycle disorders.

Hypothyroidism develops gradually and rather slowly. That is why a sick person is often unaware of the illness and struggles with negative symptoms separately. However, without treatment prescribed by a doctor, hypothyroidism can cause cardiovascular failure and even coma.

Losing weight with hypothyroidism is possible, although this problem is secondary for the patient. More important is to solve the problem of hormone deficiency, which implies replacement therapy for the rest of your life. Before prescribing medications, the doctor finds out the factors that caused the development of hypothyroidism. This may be due to inflammation or removal of the thyroid gland, hereditary problems, iodine deficiency, exposure to certain medications, or injury to the hypothalamus or pituitary gland.

How to lose weight if you have hypothyroidism?

Hypothyroidism and excess weight are interconnected primarily due to impaired metabolic rate. In this case, you can normalize weight using proper nutrition, active image life and proper drug treatment.

Treatment can help you lose weight if you have hypothyroidism. folk remedies, in particular - infusions and decoctions. One of the most effective remedies is tincture of walnut partitions. To prepare the tincture, pour a tablespoon of crushed partitions into 500 ml of vodka and leave for 21 days in a shaded place. Drink the resulting medicine 1 tablespoon before meals.

A decoction of chamomile flowers is indispensable for obesity due to hypothyroidism. You need to drink at least 2 glasses a day. Together with chamomile, you can brew rose hips, St. John's wort, juniper, licorice, and chicory. These herbs help improve digestion, stimulate metabolism and actively remove waste products from the body.

Beetroot juice, taken half a glass in the morning on an empty stomach, helps reduce cholesterol levels, cleanse the body, remove excess fluid and improve the functioning of the digestive system. A mixture of beetroot, carrot and potato juices in equal proportions also helps normalize the functioning of the body. Take this remedy 40 ml 3 times a day before meals.

How to lose weight quickly with hypothyroidism: diet

Frequent signs of hypothyroidism are chronic fatigue and decreased emotional level. Against the background of these symptoms, the patient usually begins to lead a sedentary lifestyle and eat too much, and not the most healthy foods. To reduce excess weight in this case, a diet is necessary.

The regimen prescribed for hypothyroidism excludes fat-rich animal products, salt, sugar, flour products, and honey. The emphasis in nutrition should be on low-fat fermented milk products, vegetables and fruits with low levels of sugar and starch, lean meat and fish.

The diet for hypothyroidism includes permitted foods in small portions 5-6 times a day. In this case, fasting is contraindicated, because The rate of fat burning in this case drops to almost zero. You should reduce your calorie levels wisely. You can calculate your daily caloric intake using the formula: weight multiply the person by 25, and subtract 200 from the resulting number.

Weight gain with hypothyroidism is closely related to problems of the thyroid gland, which takes part in metabolic processes. With hypothyroidism, the metabolism is slowed down, and excess weight appears regardless of whether a person plays sports or not; very often the problem of excess weight turns into a problem of obesity. An endocrinologist, a doctor who treats diseases of the endocrine system and the thyroid gland in particular, will help you lose weight if you have hypothyroidism.

The endocrinologist will give directions for laboratory examination, make a diagnosis and prescribe medications necessary for the treatment of the thyroid gland. The consultation can provide information about a thyroid disorder called hypothyroidism and what diet will help cope with it. overweight.

Treatment of hypothyroidism

The disorder is associated with dysfunction of the thyroid gland, which ceases to produce hormones in the required quantities. It can be caused by a lack of iodine in the body or surgery on the thyroid gland. Hypothyroidism can also be associated with diabetes mellitus, which disrupts the functioning of the endocrine gland.

Treatment is carried out with replacement therapy drugs, these are synthetic hormones that patients must take for the rest of their lives. In addition to replacement therapy drugs, the endocrinologist will prescribe a diet and advise how to lose weight with hypothyroidism.

Endocrinologist's advice:

  • If you have hypothyroidism, you cannot adhere to a strict diet with severe calorie restriction. Hunger will not help you lose weight and get rid of obesity, since with a lack of calories, your metabolism slows down even more.
  • Endocrinologists for diseases of the thyroid gland advise taking food little by little, but often.
  • You need to give up medications that contain estrogens and calcium, these substances contribute to sudden weight gain.
  • Patients suffering from diabetes need to reduce the dose of insulin injections. Insulin promotes recruitment extra pounds. However, you cannot adjust the insulin dose yourself; only a doctor can do this.
  • Losing weight with hypothyroidism of the thyroid gland occurs naturally if a person walks a lot, goes swimming and exercise on fresh air. Physical activity speeds up metabolic processes and promotes weight loss.
  • You can restore thyroid function with diet. To get rid of obesity, it is necessary to exclude soy, cabbage, fried, spicy and fatty foods from the diet.

Products that help you lose weight:

  • dairy products;
  • lean meat;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • fresh vegetables, except cabbage;
  • berries and fruits;
  • iodized salt;
  • kelp.

With thyroid diseases associated with hypothyroidism, weight loss occurs gradually, this is due to the slow restoration of metabolic processes.

What is L-carnitine and how to take it for hypothyroidism

Synthetic L-carnitine is a pharmaceutical preparation containing levocarnitine, a natural substance produced by the human body. Carnitine accumulates in muscles, brain, sperm and heart and helps convert fat into clean energy. In addition to pharmaceutical preparations, carnitine can be obtained from lamb, red meat, dairy products, poultry, fish, wheat and avocados.

A completely healthy gland allows the body to produce as much carnitine as is necessary for normal functioning. In patients with hormonal deficiency, low production of levocarnitine contributes to the development of angina, intermittent claudication and the development of other problems.

  • Endocrinologists advise taking carnitine as an addition to the therapeutic treatment of the thyroid gland.
  • The drug L-carnitine can be taken for weight loss; it stimulates the transformation of adipose tissue into muscle tissue, promotes weight loss, while eliminating lethargy and fatigue.
  • Carnitine regulates the functioning of the gland and reduces metabolism. It can be taken by patients who abuse alcohol; the substance protects the liver from the influence of alcohol. Endocrinologists recommend L-carnitine for hormonal disorders; the drug helps to lose weight and cope with weakness. You can also take L-carnitine if you have hyperthyroidism of the thyroid gland; the drug helps reduce body temperature, cope with tachycardia, and relieve excitability and the effects of stress.
  • Carnitine is recommended to be taken for chronic pancreatitis and gastritis, for diabetes and hypertension.
  • For thyroid diseases accompanied by excess weight gain, you can use carnitine as a means of reducing metabolic resistance to weight loss.

All actions related to weight loss pharmaceutical drugs, it is recommended to consult with your doctor.

Hypothyroidism is characterized by dysfunction of the thyroid gland. This imbalance affects body weight, resulting in fats and carbohydrates being stored in problem areas fast enough. According to endocrinologists, all groups of people are susceptible to the disease, but women over 55 years of age are at risk. Many people are interested in the question of whether it is possible to lose weight with hypothyroidism and how exactly the process goes. To formulate the correct answer, you need to adhere to the recommendations of experienced doctors and reconsider your lifestyle.

To achieve the desired result, follow effective tips.

  1. It is important to remember forever that if you have hypothyroidism, you should abandon strict weight loss methods and all kinds of mono-diets. Otherwise, the metabolism will slow down, the body will begin to store fat, getting it from absolutely all foods.
  2. Plan your diet in such a way that the number of meals is about 5-6 times (every 3 hours). Eat small meals as often as time allows. Leave the table with a slight feeling of hunger.
  3. Find an online calorie calculator on the Internet and calculate the norm typical for your weight and age. Do not exceed the maximum allowable value, otherwise you will not be able to get rid of extra pounds. Always leave a 200 Kcal corridor to drink a glass of kefir or eat yogurt before bed.
  4. Read the ingredients of the medications prescribed to you by your doctor. They should not contain calcium and estrogen in large quantities. Such components provoke accelerated weight gain in people with hypothyroidism.
  5. Consult your endocrinologist about reducing your daily insulin dose. The high concentration of this substance in the blood does not allow the use of sugar for energy, since the body takes “strength” from insulin.
  6. It is logical to mention that to lose weight you need to expend more calories than you consume. However, this is not the case with hypothyroidism. It is important to create a deficit of a maximum of 350 kcal to prevent your metabolism from slowing down. It is also forbidden to arrange fasting days, they are not useful at all.
  7. People with hypothyroidism can lose weight with gentle diets. Such techniques involve excluding certain foods from the daily diet. These include soybeans, white cabbage, broccoli, and mustard. In this case, you need to focus on meat and fish, seafood cocktail, sushi and rolls, garlic, onions, and dairy products.
  8. Not many people know, but when eating food frequently, the body expends much more energy than when eating twice a day. This is why you need to eat even before bed (3 hours before). Make sure there are no more carbohydrates and fats than protein and fiber.
  9. Don't neglect breakfast. It is important to send a signal to your brain early in the morning that it is time to wake up. The ideal breakfast option is flaxseed, oatmeal or wheat porridge cooked in water. Add berries, fruits, nuts, sweeten the composition with honey.
  10. In combination with aerobic exercise, achieving weight loss with hypothyroidism will be much easier. To begin with, you can do regular exercises in the morning, after which you should gradually move on to more intense exercise.

Methods of losing weight for hypothyroidism

In most cases, the weight loss program of an ordinary person and people with thyroid disorders is not very different. Of course, there are certain features that must be adhered to. The emphasis is mainly on changing eating habits and lifestyle in general.

Step #1. Get tested

  1. Before you start an intensive fight against excess weight, visit your doctor and make sure that you have a thyroid disorder. You will need to take a general blood test, as well as a test for thyroid hormones.
  2. If your doctor diagnoses you with hypothyroidism, you will most likely be prescribed synthetic T4 and Levothyroxine. The drugs normalize the level of thyroid hormones, making the disease easier to control.
  3. Modern medicine does not stand still. Some people are prescribed not only T4, but also T3 in combination with Liothyronine.
  4. Synthetic T3 can be used together with T4 or taken as a stand-alone drug. A lack of T3 causes the body to store fat, slowing down weight loss.

Step #2. Normalize your diet

  1. Empty (useless) calories include refined carbohydrates. They slow down the process of burning fat deposits. Also, this energy value lacks fiber, which is so important for people with hypothyroidism.
  2. Sufficient consumption of fiber eliminates constipation, normalizing stool. Nutritionists advise consuming about 25 grams. fiber per day. People who are not accustomed to such a volume should increase the amount slowly and systematically. This move will prevent bloating and gas accumulation.
  3. Say "No!" carbohydrates with a high starch content. Eat only whole grain bread, replace light rice with brown rice, and wheat pasta with rye or integrated pasta.
  4. It is important to understand that portions should be measured. If you have a habit of eating 1.5 plates of pasta per meal, get rid of it. Limit your diet to one serving, which fits into your open palm.
  5. Don't neglect intermediate meals. Carry food in containers with you if you cannot eat in the corporate cafeteria often. Take snacks to work; they can include a banana, an apple, a pear, nuts, bread with fish, lean meat with vegetables, drinking yoghurts and other dairy products.
  6. Avoid vegetable oil, replace it with olive, corn or, as a last resort, unrefined oil. Such products accelerate blood circulation and bring metabolism to the proper level. Coconut oil is extremely beneficial; drink it during your main meal (half a teaspoon).

Step #3. Eat protein for breakfast

  1. It is extremely important for people with hypothyroidism to follow their daily caloric intake without exceeding or falling below acceptable limits. You also need to eat by the hour, without shifting your schedule.
  2. Plan your menu so that each meal includes about 25 mg. pure protein. This organic compound satiates you faster than unhealthy fats and carbohydrate-containing foods.
  3. Take your daily dose of protein after waking up in the morning (for breakfast, about 15 grams at a time). At this particular time of day muscle needs protein.
  4. The most useful source of protein in the morning is considered to be whey (fast-digesting) protein. Taking BCAA (amino acids) would be a good idea. All of the products listed are sold in a sports nutrition store.
  5. Other sources of protein include chicken and quail eggs, lean meat (turkey, pork, beef, chicken, lamb), beans, low-fat cheeses, cottage cheese and other dairy products.

Step #4. Play sports

  1. To stimulate metabolic processes throughout the body, you need to exercise regularly. No need to attend Gym and perform exercises with iron. For starters, fifteen minutes of exercise in the morning is quite enough.
  2. Make it a habit to take the stairs instead of using the elevator. Do squats without weights, jump rope, or take an hour-long walk in the park (at a fast pace).
  3. To build muscle and burn fat at the same time, you need to drink protein and exercise. power loads. Buy dumbbells or an elastic band, find video lessons on the Internet from professional masters (entry level).
  4. Excellent sports areas Swimming, Pilates, yoga, stretching, water aerobics, gymnastics, and dancing are considered. You can purchase a gym membership, make easy program and do it for your own pleasure.
  5. If you previously led a measured lifestyle, increase physical exercise gradually. Along with the set muscle mass Fat will be burned, as a result of which you will begin to lose weight. If you perform a heavy complex without preparation, you will overload the body and there will be a risk of joint injury.

Step #5. Combine Supplements Correctly

  1. It is extremely important for people with hypothyroidism to follow their doctor's clear instructions when taking dietary supplements. Vitamins have the unpleasant property of affecting the digestibility of food.
  2. Calcium and iron supplements reduce the absorption of hormones. For this reason, hormonal medications are recommended to be taken after waking up in the morning before the main meal containing iron and calcium.
  3. People with thyroid disorders should not consume goitrogens that block thyroid peroxidase. Similar compositions include legumes, soybeans, broccoli, cauliflower. Heat treatment reduces the content of active enzymes that cause itching.

Hypothyroidism is not a death sentence! After a comprehensive examination, you can begin losing weight with your doctor’s permission. Don't neglect your protein breakfast, reduce daily norm insulin, normalize the level of synthetic T3. Play sports, eliminate harmful foods.

Video: diet for hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism is a deviation in the functioning of the thyroid gland, the actions of which are directly related to weight gain. As a result of the lack of proper functioning of the thyroid gland, consumed carbohydrates and fats are converted into subcutaneous fat, which is deposited in problem areas. Many people are interested in how to lose weight with hypothyroidism, how to improve this process without gross surgical intervention. The answer is simple - you need to follow the recommendations of specialists and radically change your lifestyle.

Hypothyroidism is a disorder of the thyroid gland that is caused by a long-term deficiency of hormones. The prevalence of the disease is 1-2% among young women and 10% in older women.

If the quantity is insufficient, certain disruptions in the body’s functioning occur. Energy consumption decreases, metabolic processes are disrupted, as a result of which a person experiences weight gain. If you start this disease and do not take the necessary measures, in addition to gaining body weight, more serious changes and diseases will occur in the body that worsen your health.

Permitted and prohibited products

In order for metabolic processes to work at the proper level, you need to include foods containing plant and animal protein in your food. They help synthesize hormones and build cells. Particular attention should be paid to products that contain tyrosine.

What can you eat

Allowed products are those that contain a lot of iodine, since it is the one that is involved in the production of thyroid hormones. Don’t forget about vitamins B and C, they help, are responsible for its optimal functioning, and strengthen the vascular walls.

All foods taken, which include a diet for hypothyroidism for weight loss, should have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, not irritate it, and not form gases. The list of allowed foods for hypothyroidism is as follows:

  • Vegetables and fresh herbs;
  • Eggs;
  • Low-fat cheese;
  • Lean chicken and turkey meat;
  • Coffee and tea without sugar;
  • Low fat fermented milk products;
  • Vegetable oils;
  • Seafood;

This list has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, does not irritate it, and promotes optimal functioning. From the list of products you can prepare various dishes that will be tasty, nutritious and... You can diversify your menu according to your personal wishes, the main thing is not to deviate from the permitted products, based only on them.

What not to eat

There is also a list of prohibited foods for hypothyroidism, which negatively affect the functioning of the digestive system and also further suppress the activity of the thyroid gland.

You should exclude all carbonated drinks from your diet, as well as unfiltered water. Products that form gases cause rotting of food masses and also interfere with the absorption of nutrients. The following foods are prohibited on a diet for hypothyroidism:

  • Fish roe;
  • Flour products;
  • Sausages;
  • Fat meat;
  • Mustard, pepper, salt;
  • Pasta;
  • Legumes;
  • All types of cabbage;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Strong coffee, tea;
  • Margarine, butter, lard.

All this will only irritate the gastrointestinal tract and provoke gas formation, which in this case will negatively affect the functioning of the body. To lose weight with hypothyroidism, you must follow the rules and exclude all prohibited foods from the list, focusing primarily on the permitted list.

Principles of losing weight

When you visit a specialist for examination, he will tell you how to lose weight if you have thyroid hypothyroidism without causing harm to the body. It is not recommended to start losing weight on your own; in this case, you will need a full consultation with a doctor who will answer all questions and select the right set of measures.

The stages of losing weight with hypothyroidism should always be followed, they are as follows:

  • Visiting the doctor. At this stage, the patient is examined, his level of well-being and the state of his body are determined, and a diagnosis of “hypothyroidism” is made. Next, the specialist prescribes the necessary medications in the form of vitamins and other necessary elements that normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and stabilize the functions of the thyroid gland;
  • Nutrition is the key to success. The patient receives from the doctor all the necessary recommendations regarding diet, prohibited and permitted foods that will not burden the stomach. Good advice from a nutritionist and endocrinologist will allow the patient to quickly understand the essence of following a diet, answer all questions and make it possible to perceive the diet as a means of getting rid of the problem;
  • Breakfast is a must. One meal should include at least 25 mg of pure protein, protein can be used to ensure that the body receives the dosage it needs. In the morning, muscles need an increased amount of protein, so most of it should be consumed during the first meal. If it is not possible to take pure protein, include more protein foods in your diet in the form of low-fat cheeses, cottage cheese, dairy products, meat, and egg whites;
  • The mode should be sport. Some suggest that to lose weight it is enough to review your diet and eat right. Physical activity necessary not only for getting rid of excess weight, but also for body elasticity, as well as for optimal performance of cardio-vascular system. It is not necessary to play sports in the gym, it is enough to intensify your work at home, turn on running or another mode. Good options There will be group or swimming.

Any weight loss process is built on these principles and stages, regardless of the presence of certain diseases. Nutrition, sports, nutritional supplements, healthy sleep is the key to success when losing weight, which will not harm the health and functioning of the entire body. Before choosing a method for losing excess weight due to hypothyroidism, you should visit a specialist and discuss with him all the details and nuances of this process.

Diet menu for hypothyroidism

Diet for hypothyroidism should only be discussed with your doctor. It will be individual for each person, taking into account his characteristics and the course of the disease.

For weight loss with hypothyroidism. This menu contains no fatty foods, as well as foods high in carbohydrates. The emphasis is placed more on protein foods, which suppress the feeling of hunger and allow the body to be satiated with a minimum amount.

There should be at least 5 meals a day, 3 of which will be main meals and 2 snacks. It is important to fill your diet with fruits and raw vegetables, which will be low in calories, but can still saturate the body with useful components. If you experience a slight feeling of hunger while on a diet, you should suppress it with fruits or vegetables. You can’t let the situation get worse, because excessive hunger can unsettle someone who is losing weight and provoke a breakdown.

The Mary Chaumont diet for hypothyroidism is used no less often. Mary created the principle of nutrition by personal example, since she previously also had problems with the functioning of the thyroid gland and excess weight. The author of the diet tells his method of calculating daily calories. She created the original formula. The latter assumes the following: the weight in kilograms must be multiplied by 25, and 200 kcal should be subtracted from the amount. The result will show the optimal daily caloric intake for a person losing weight.

Mary Chaumont claims that every person’s body needs optimal quantity vitamins and macroelements. They can be obtained both in pure form from products and in the form of medicinal supplements. Their correct dosage will allow you to activate the necessary processes, saturating the body with useful components.

Contraindications and side effects

The diet for hypothyroidism is contraindicated during pregnancy, lactation and children under 16 years of age. You should coordinate your diet with your doctor to avoid complications.

When choosing a diet on your own, you may encounter side effects: dizziness, nausea, pain in the stomach. In order not to endanger your health, it is important to seek medical help and speed up the weight loss process.

Failure to follow the rules of the diet, which is complicated by myxedematous coma. If a pregnant woman encounters complications, then there is a high probability that the child will have thyroid pathologies.

Why does a person get fat? The source of such troubles would seem obvious - overeating plus low physical activity. However, there are other, lesser known factors in obesity. For example, endocrine diseases or impaired hormone production. There is no need to be sad, because any endocrinologist will tell you that the problem is solvable. Find out: how to lose weight with hypothyroidism, create the right menu and influence the functioning of the thyroid gland with medications.

What is hypothyroidism

Hormones of the endocrine system influence all processes in the body: they participate in the formation of soft tissues, are responsible for the functioning of the heart, bone growth, etc. However, it happens that the endocrine system fails for some reason. Autoimmune hypothyroidism is a decrease in the production of the hormones thyroxine and triiodothyronine, which interferes with metabolic processes and contributes to obesity.

Hypothyroidism and excess weight

Characteristic symptoms of hypothyroidism include: decreased body temperature, pale or yellow skin, and the formation of cholesterol plaques. Due to the reduced production of gland hormones, the rate of metabolic processes decreases, while the need for energy at rest or activity remains the same. As a result, a person constantly feels hungry and begins to eat a lot of higher-calorie foods. Obesity with hypothyroidism appears as a consequence of this process.

Hypothyroidism and weight loss

It is known that the thyroid gland and weight loss are closely related concepts. If you don’t improve the functioning of the first one, then losing weight will be simply unrealistic. It’s good that there are a lot of medications and food products that can stimulate the endocrine system. However, you need to remember that losing weight with hypothyroidism has a number of contraindications, including:

  • pregnancy or breastfeeding;
  • severe intestinal disorders;
  • the presence of other serious chronic diseases.

Is it possible to lose weight

It is quite possible to lose weight with hypothyroidism, the main thing is to adhere to the rules and slightly change your lifestyle. In general, the program for getting rid of obesity due to thyroid dysfunction is not much different from a regular diet for weight loss. You need to discuss details with your doctor about how to lose weight with hypothyroidism if:

  • there were cases of thyroid dysfunction in the family, especially in the female line;
  • you are entering premenopause or have reached full menopause;
  • Over the past few years, you have already suffered from hormonal imbalance or experienced severe emotional turmoil during this period of time.

Is it possible to play sports

A good combination is hypothyroidism and sports. Moderate exercise for a few minutes a day will help speed up your metabolism. How to lose weight with hypothyroidism through sports? Any will do simple activities: jumping, bending, walking, climbing stairs, running. Easy fitness for weight loss can be combined well with strength exercises for building muscle mass. The muscles will gradually grow and displace the fat layer.


Before starting to lose weight if there are disorders in the endocrine system, it is necessary to confirm the alleged diagnosis. In most cases, to diagnose hypothyroidism, you need to take a blood test for hormones and do an ultrasound of the thyroid gland. If the results confirm the suspicions, the doctor will prescribe artificial hormones, the purpose of which is to compensate for the lack of thyroxine and triiodothyronine.

The endocrinologist's diet for weight loss will go along with taking medications, but will not begin until TSH returns to normal. All foods containing goitrogenic substances that interfere with the production of hormones will be excluded from the diet. As a rule, these are all types of cabbage, spring vegetables and some greens. A good example of a proper weight loss regimen is the diet for hypothyroidism from Mary Chaumont.


The essence of this weight loss program is to stimulate metabolic processes by eating properly selected foods. The basis of the diet should be proteins, most of which are best eaten at breakfast. Quality protein can be found in:

  • fermented milk products, especially cheese or cottage cheese;
  • lean meat: beef, sea ​​fish, offal, rabbit meat, liver;
  • eggs.

What will not be beneficial are foods rich in refined carbohydrates for hypothyroidism. Their dietary fiber levels are unusually low, and complex carbohydrates slow down their metabolism. Sources of empty calories include:

  • all types of granulated sugar;
  • store-bought juices;
  • fine flour;
  • instant porridges and other dishes made from refined grains;
  • pasta;
  • refined starches.

However, you cannot completely give up carbohydrates for weight loss. It is important to learn to distinguish beneficial substances from placebos. For example, instead of pasta for hypothyroidism, it is better to cook sweet potato, replace polished rice with brown rice, and use coconut oil instead of refined rice. Fruits and foods containing fiber, iodine, magnesium, and selenium will be especially beneficial for the thyroid gland.

Diet Mary Chaumont

Meals should be divided: it is better to eat little by little, but chew often and slowly. The American writer and author of the book “How to Lose Weight with Hypothyroidism” suggests preparing food in the same way as following a regular diet. In addition, the Mary Chaumont diet for hypothyroidism suggests taking into account several important points:

  1. Make sure your TSH level is low. As a rule, doctors prescribe a diet when the TSH level reaches 4-4.5 mU/l. However, Mary claims that the optimal T4 value for weight loss is in the range of 2.5-1 mU/l.
  2. If you have hypothyroidism, you should not take any other medications that will interact with thyroxine preparations. For successful weight loss You will have to stop taking vitamin complexes with calcium, as well as birth control pills.
  3. Test yourself for insulin resistance. If the amount of insulin produced in the blood is significantly higher than the concentration of sugar, this will inevitably lead to the accumulation of fat.


Metabolism, already working at its last strength, can slow down significantly if you start consuming less than 1200 kcal per day. Therefore, fasting for hypothyroidism is strictly contraindicated. According to Mary’s weight loss diet, you can calculate your individual food intake using the following formula: X=Y*25 – 200, where:

  • X – total daily calorie content;
  • U – total weight body in kilograms.

Thyroid medications for weight loss

The principle of nutrition based on taking the right medications and foods is the most effective method reduce body weight. However, before using thyroid medications for weight loss, you should have your blood tested for plasma levels of triiodothyronine, TSH, thyroxine, and cortisone. Only after receiving affirmative answers and on the recommendation of a doctor can hormone replacement therapy be started.

As a rule, vital medications for hypothyroidism include:

  • Euthyrox;
  • Tyrosine;
  • Omega-3;
  • L-carnitine;
  • Levothyroxine sodium.

The nutritional system for hypothyroidism remains the same, but becomes more useful. To make it easier to fight excess calories, you should take note of the endocrinologist’s advice for losing weight:

  • If you have hypothyroidism, you should not set goals to lose weight in a week. Therapeutic weight loss is a long process, but effective.
  • A diet for thyroid hypothyroidism involves excluding alcohol, fat, fatty acids, and complex carbohydrates from the diet.
  • For proper weight loss drink coffee in the morning. It contains vitamins of the PP group and potassium.
  • Monitor your cholesterol levels and regularly replenish iodine deficiency with ready-made vitamin complexes or food: walnuts, seafood, grapes.

