Entertainment "Ball Day" in the senior group. Sports event "My funny ringing ball" Flu vaccination is not a 100% guarantee

Tatiana Patrusheva


1. Clarify and expand knowledge about various types sports;

2. Improve motor skills with the ball;

3. Develop coordination of movements, agility, speed;

4. Continue to develop an emotionally positive attitude and interest in movements;

5. Foster collectivism, discipline, and respect for each other.

Clowns Iriska and Filya run in

Clowns together: Hello guys!

Toffee: Oh – oh! There are so many of you in the hall today!

Filya: What do you have? Holiday? Adore holidays!

Toffee: What is yours holiday?

Presenter: We have ball celebration! Our guys love to play with balls and now they will sing a song about it.

Children perform a song "Balls" sl. Z. Petrova music. Yu. Chichkova (magazine "Charging begins").

Filya: Well done! What a good song you sang! Guys, Iriska and I know everything about balls, because we love to play sports. After all, we work in a circus. Really, Toffee?

Toffee: Yes! Filechka, let's tell the guys everything we know about balls. Do you guys want some?

Presenter: Yes, sure. We are very interested.

Toffee: The first ball is the smallest. This ball is used to play ping pong. (or table tennis).

Filya: And, in order to play ping-pong well, you need to learn how to hit the ball with a racket. I suggest you play the game "Who will beat back more".

(First, Filya and Iriska show the children how to hit the ball with a racket. Then the children compete in pairs).

Toffee: But the other ball is bigger. This is also a tennis ball, but it is different from the first one - it is covered with a fleecy fabric. Feel how soft it is. They play this ball with a large racket, hitting the ball on the floor.

Filya: The tournament is underway. The tournament is in full swing.

Iriska and I play together.

The two of us go out onto the court.

We hit the ball with rackets.

And between us there is a net

We play tennis here.

Look how Iriska and I play tennis.

(Clowns stand opposite each other and play tennis with large rackets).

Toffee: Guys, I think this ball is familiar to you. (Toffee shows a soccer ball). That's right - it's a soccer ball. Boys love to play football. Do you agree with me, Phil?

Filya: Of course, Toffee! After all, this is a game for real men, where strength, speed and dexterity are required. And I invite our boys to play football.

A game "Kick the ball into the goal".

(Filya stands on the goal, and the boys take turns scoring the ball).

Toffee: And this is a basketball. Who knows how basketball is played? (Answers children) .

Filya: Right! They throw the ball into the hoop. Like this. (Filya shows how to throw the ball into the hoop).

Toffee: Now you and I will turn into young basketball players and play game:

Relay race: "GET INTO THE RING".

(Children line up in two teams; at a signal they run, hitting the ball on the floor; when they reach the end of the hall, they throw the ball into a small hoop held by the teacher).

Presenter: Filya and Iriska, you love very much sport. And the riddles about sport you know?

Filya: Of course we do. Listen and guess.

(Filya and Iriska take turns reading riddles to the children)


1. In this sports players

Everyone is agile and tall.

They love to play ball

And throw it into the ring.

The ball hits the floor loudly,

So this is (basketball)

2. We are physically active

With him we will become fast, strong...

Tempers our nature,

Strengthens muscles.

No need for candy, cake,

We only need one (sport)

3. We compete in dexterity,

We throw the ball, we jump deftly,

Let's tumble at the same time.

This is how they pass (relay races)

4. The teams kick the ball around the field,

The goalkeeper at the gate was caught by a trickster.

He doesn't let him score a goal with the ball.

Boys are playing on the field... (football)

5. Table tennis - great! - a game.

We have a table in the middle of the yard.

Both of us, me and my friend Vadim

We want to play by the rules.

But how to play without a net?

Still needed... (rackets)

6. It can be basketball,

Volleyball and football.

They play with him in the yard,

It's interesting to play with him.

Jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping!

Well of course it is... (ball)

7. The music is playing loudly.

All movements are performed.

The movements are not simple,

These are exercises.

Gymnastics to music

Makes us healthier.

Name of gymnastics

I want to ask you (aerobics)

Toffee: And I really like gymnastics. Especially when gymnasts dance with balls.

Presenter: Toffee! And our girls know how to dance with balls. Do you wanna take a look?

Toffee: Certainly! We'll all be happy to watch.

Preparatory group girls dance "Tuchka".

Toffee: Thank you, girls, you showed us a very beautiful dance. And they danced like real gymnasts.

And now I will introduce you to my favorite ball. It's called fitball. This is the biggest one of all sports balls. You can have fun doing it - like this! (Iriska and Filya are jumping while sitting on balls, roll on their stomachs, roll balls to each other).

Filya: Guys, do you want to jump on balls? I suggest you play game:

Relay Game "Jumpers"

(Children are divided into two teams, at a signal they ride on a fitball, jump to a landmark and back, whoever gets there faster wins).

Filya: Well done! We had fun playing. And now the competition "Who can name more". We need to name the species sports, in which a ball is used.

(Children call ball sport) .

Filya: And now I invite you to play my favorite game with air balls: "Head it off". To do this, you need to put your hands behind your back and hit the balloon with your head, trying not to drop it. Whoever wins back the most wins.

Several are invited children to play.

Presenter: Thank you, Filya and Iriska, for the interesting games.

Toffee: And thank you, we really enjoyed playing with you. It was fun and interesting.

Filya: If you want to play some more, call me and Iriska, we will come to you with pleasure.

Well, at the end we have prepared a surprise for you - sweet lollipops. They are as round as a ball.

Clowns treat children.

Toffee: And now it’s time for us to go back to the circus. See you again!

Presenter: Goodbye, Filya and Iriska!

The children and the presenter say goodbye to the clowns. They are going away.

Presenter: Guys, this is our the holiday ends. Thank you all very much!

"Game and Ball Day" MADOU "Kindergarten No. 14" Kurchatov, Kursk region. Sports entertainment with parents “Ball Day in a preschool educational institution” Goals and objectives: Popularization of folk games among preschoolers and their parents; The children start, they dribble the ball to their parents, pass the ball and stand at the end of the parents' column. The parent leads to the children, passes the ball and stands at the end of the column of children.) Presenter: Let's remember what Great Holiday our country celebrates in May? 1 child: The May holiday - Victory Day is celebrated by the whole country. Our grandfathers put on the Military Orders. 2nd child: In the morning the road calls them to the solemn parade. And thoughtfully from the doorway, the 3rd child looks after them from the grandmothers: What is Victory Day? This is the morning parade: Tanks and missiles are driving, a line of soldiers is marching. 4 child: What is Victory Day? This is a festive fireworks display: Fireworks fly into the sky, scattering here and there. Child 5: What is Victory Day? These are songs at the table, These are speeches and conversations, This is grandfather's album. 6 child: These are fruits and candies, These are the smells of spring... What is Victory Day - This means - no war. Educator: Our girls will congratulate everyone on the Victory Day with a dance. Host: And now the jury speaks. Summing up and rewarding Educator: And let the boys and girls. All the naughty kids. Today they will say it loudly and loudly. Long live the Game!

Maria Krasnovskaya
Scenario for the event “My merry, ringing ball”


"My cheerful ringing ball»

Target: consolidate possession of the ball through sports entertainment.


- educational: strengthen knowledge about the history of the ball;

-educational: to cultivate a sense of collectivism, mutual assistance, the ability to work in a team, the need for children to engage in daily physical exercise;

-developing: develop strength, agility, endurance;

- wellness: help strengthen the musculoskeletal system and form correct posture.

Equipment: gym, 3 medium size balls, 3 balls "Hedgehog", 6 hoops, 3 tennis rackets, 3 hockey sticks, 3 tennis balls.

Participants: children of older, preparatory groups.

Progress of the event:

Children enter to the music about the ball.

Instructor: Hello guys! Look around, maybe you can guess what sports subject our holiday is dedicated to? Of course it's a ball! Is our the event is called"My cheerful ringing ball

The ball, guys, appeared a long time ago, in ancient times. At first, the ball was woven from grass and palm leaves, then made from tree fruits and animal wool. Later they began to sew from animal skin, and then they learned to make it from rubber. Later, the ancient Greeks and Romans came up with a wonderful filler called air. These are the balls that are used today. Now it is a very popular sports equipment. Guys, in what sports is a ball used?

Children: They play football, basketball, volleyball, rugby, tennis, etc. with a ball.

Instructor: Today you will have a ball competition.

To the sports ground

The funny ball called us,

So that everyone becomes friends with him

And he became stronger and stronger.

Are the teams ready?

Children: Ready!

Instructor: I declare the ball festival open!

Fanfare sounds

Now I will introduce our teams to you. Our teams will be named after three sports balls, and guess which balls they are? puzzles:

1) In this sport the players

Everyone is agile and tall.

They love to play ball

and throw it into the ring.

Ball hitting the floor loudly,

So this is... (Basketball.)

2) Round, like a bun,

He has no arms or legs.

He has one concern,

Get through the gate quickly.

(Soccer ball.)

3) Here the team wins,

If the ball doesn't drop.

He flies accurately from the serve

Not into the goal - through the net.

And the playground, not the field

Athletes in (Volleyball)


Instructor: Are our teams ready for competition? But there must be judges in sports competitions (introduce the judging panel)

Let's start the relay race.

1. Relay race. Children line up in a column one at a time, with the ball in the hands of the leader. The first player runs around the cone and returns to the column, passing the ball to the next player. And so on until the guide.

2. Relay race. Children line up in a column one at a time, with the ball in the hands of the leader. At the signal, the children pass the ball over their heads to the person standing behind them. The last one in the column, having received the ball, takes the place of the guide, the rest of the children take a step back and pass the ball and so on. Until the guide returns to its place.

3. Relay race.

Jumping on two legs with a ball clamped between the knees. Children jump to the cone, go around it and run back to the column.

4. Relay race.

Children line up in a column one at a time, with the ball in the hands of the leader. At the signal, the children pass the ball, turning to the right, to the person standing behind them. The last one in the column, having received the ball, takes the place of the guide, the rest of the children take a step back and pass the ball and so on. Until the guide returns to its place.

5. Relay race. The guides in the column have 1 ball, 1 (2) hoop in front. You need to go to the finish line, stopping at each hoop and hitting the ball into it. Then he runs around the cone and passes the ball to the next player on the team.

6. Relay race. The guide has a racket and ball in his hands "Hedgehog". The participant must bring the ball on the racket to the cone and back, without holding the ball with the second hand.

7. Relay race.

In the hands of the guide there is a club for "Hockey". You need to use a tennis stick to move the tennis ball to the cone and back. Passes the stick and ball to the next player.

Guys, our relay games have come to an end. And now on "Dance of Friendship", and our jury will sum up the results.

Well done to all of you. We tried very hard. But the main thing is not victory, but participation. And now we will sum up the results, the jury gives the floor. Rewarding participants.

Goodbye, guys. Until next time.

The teams take a victory lap to the music.

Publications on the topic:

"My funny ringing ball" Technological map of Direct educational activities Date of implementation___ Full name of the teacher Kachinskaya Victoria Borisovna.

Goal: creating conditions for emotionally close communication between children and parents in various situations; formation of interaction skills with each other.

Physical education leisure with the participation of parents in the middle group “My funny, ringing ball...” Physical education leisure with the participation of parents in the middle group “My funny, ringing ball...” Conceptual goal: Promoting a healthy image.

Summary of the final event “My funny ringing ball” for middle group children and their parents Summary of the final event for the implementation of the project “About Health Seriously” using health-saving technologies on the topic: “My.

Summary of the GCD “My cheerful ringing ball” Goal: to introduce children to a new way of making appliqué - sprinkling semolina. Corrective and developmental: develop and strengthen.

“My funny ringing ball” - developing children’s interest in exercises with the ball. Teach children to do exercises with a small ball. Exercise children in different types of walking and running using a small ball.

Scenario day “My funny, ringing ball.”

Target: continue to work to improve children’s health and develop an idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle. Cultivate the desire to be healthy, follow simple rules of caring for your health.

Tasks: - develop psychophysical qualities in various forms of motor activity

Improve children's motor skills and abilities

Instill a love of sports and a desire to play sports

To develop in children an interest in knowledge about their bodies and a desire to take care of their health

Preliminary work: project “Such different balls”

I. Morning meeting of children with the ball-aid “Mood”,on which the child sticks his mood.

1. Didactic game "Mood"The teacher tells the children that every person has different moods. He names situations and

asks children to answer what feelings they will experience in certain

cases: mom doesn’t let you go for a walk; dad gave you a big one,

a beautiful toy, etc. The teacher reads a poem:

Animals have feelings

In fish, birds and people.

Without a doubt, it influences

We're all in the mood.

Who's having fun?

Who's sad?

Who was scared?

Who's angry?

Dispels all doubts

Our ball is moods.

Then he offers to play the ball game “Mood”. (Children pass the ball

in a circle, the teacher asks the child to find his card with

mood and asks the child to depict his mood with the help of facial expressions, and the rest of the children must guess what mood it is, invites the children to depict a similar mood on their faces.

2.D/i “Types of sports”Goal: to develop children’s knowledge about winter and summer

sports, develop attention, associative thinking.

3. Flat ball "Find a pair"Goal: consolidate knowledge about ball sports.

Individual work (Dasha Shiryaeva, Ilya Oshchepkov, Sofya Mokrushina, Kopylov Philip).

4.Game with a speech therapy ball.Goal: development of fine motor skills of the hands.

5. Individual work with a “math ball”Goal: - consolidate the score within ten (Nastya Polushina, Seryozha Ishkuatov)

Practice recognizing familiar geometric shapes by description (Valeria Kuzminykh, Irina Obukhova).

II. Morning exercises with a ball(according to the plan of the physical education instructor).

III. Pouf ball game “Say a compliment”Goal: to enrich children’s speech with adjectives denoting human qualities.

IV. Lesson on life safety. Topic: “Keep your health yourself”

Goal: to learn to independently monitor your health, to know simple

Self-healing techniques, be able to provide yourself with basic help;

Instill a love of physical exercise and self-massage.

Progress of the lesson

Guys, today we will talk to you about health. Who wants to be

healthy? (I want!)

Guys, do you know that every person can improve their own health? No wonder it says:

I will save my health, I will help myself. Let's learn these words with you. (Memorization)

Now we’ll talk about how we can help ourselves.

Guys, who can answer what health is?(This is strength, this is beauty, this is intelligence, this is when everything works out.)

How can you improve your health?(Exercise, eat right, follow a daily routine, toughen up.)

- How much do you know! Well done! This needs to be done every day. Let's start in the morning (finger gymnastics)

“Morning” Morning has come, the sun has risen. Hey, brother Fedya, wake up the neighbors. Get up, big guy! Get up, pointer! Get up, middle! Get up, little orphan and little Mitroshka! Hello, palm!

Everyone woke up and stretched! Well done! Now let’s hurry up for some fun exercises (rhythmic gymnastics)

Guys, after training, try to see if our muscles have become stronger? (Children check their muscles.)

Guys, you know, Moidodyr came to our group today. He wanted to see you so much and it’s such a pity that he didn’t wait for you, he has a lot of worries in the morning. But he left you this wonderful little bag. Want to see what's there? (In a wonderful bag - toilet soap, comb, toothpaste, toothbrush)

The teacher takes out one item at a time, finds out with the children what each item is for, talks about the need to follow hygiene procedures in order to strengthen and harden the body.

Oh, what a great guy Moidodyr is! Let's say "Thank you" to him for such necessary items.

Guys, look, Moidodyr wrote us a letter. What did he write here?

“Guys, if you carefully examine your group, you will find very

interesting drawing..."

Children search and find a poster with a picture of a tooth.; children are looking.

What is drawn here?(Tooth.)

~ Guys, but for some reason he’s kind of strange. One half of the tooth is sad, crying, and the other, on the contrary, is cheerful, laughing. What happened here? (Children tell which foods destroy teeth and which strengthen them, list:candy, cake, chocolate, lollipops, ice cream, carrots, berries, cabbage, apples, etc.)

- Guys, what healthy foods do they give you in kindergarten? Let's name them (children's answers)

That's how many healthy products we get in kindergarten! And the main product that makes us strong, helps us grow and develop, and without which any dish seems tasteless, is...(...bread.) There is a very good proverb about bread: “Bread comes from the earth, and bread comes from the bread.”

Hardening also improves health. It's such a shame that we don't have a TV in our group. I have a wonderful film, I would like to show you the film. And maybe we’ll figure it out somehow without a TV. (The teacher and the children look at the drawn “film”, which depicts various methods of hardening, talk about each frame, recall stories from personal experience, where and how they were hardened, etc.)

What a useful film we watched! Do you remember everything? Don't forget to do these important procedures.

Everyone who wants to be healthy, toughen up with me. In the morning, run and have an invigorating shower, just like for adults, a real one, open the windows at night, breathe in fresh air, wash your feet with cold water, and then the hungry microbe will never overcome you.

True, it is not always possible to run barefoot on the grass or swim in the river. But there is such a wonderful way of hardening that you can do every day. Let's remember it (children sit on the carpet, do self-massage)

You guys learned a lot about health today and I can see the smile on your faces. But a smile is the key to a good mood. This is how we give each other health and joy. Can a gloomy, angry person bring us health?(No, of course not!)

So let's give each other our smiles and good mood.

Good health to you all!

V. Physical education lesson(according to the plan of the physical education instructor), using the ball in an outdoor game.


1. Low mobility game “Find the ball”

Goal: improve ball passing, develop speed of movement, and ingenuity.

The players stand in a circle, close to each other, facing the center of the circle. IN

in the center of the circle is the driver. All children keep their hands behind their backs. One of them

give a medium sized ball. Children begin to pass the ball to each other

back. The driver needs to guess who has the ball. Turning then to

to one, then to another child, he says: “Hands!”

According to this requirement, the player must immediately extend both hands forward.

The one who has the ball or who dropped the ball becomes the driver.

2.D/i with the ball “Who was who or what was what”

Goal: activation of vocabulary and expansion of knowledge about the environment.

The teacher asks a question and throws the ball to the child, the child answers and

returns the ball to the teacher.

Sample questions: who or what was the chicken (egg), horse before?

(foal), frog (tadpole), butterfly (caterpillar), boots

(leather), shirt (cloth), fish (caviar), wardrobe (board), bread (flour),

bicycle (iron), sweater (wool), etc.?

3. Hitting the ball. Purpose: inserting the ball with the right and left hands. Individual work with Tanya Taranenko, Vika Korovina, Vlad Lopatin, Artem Fetu.

4. Outdoor games “Trap with a ball”, “Hunters and ducks”

Goal: to cultivate in children the desire to participate in outdoor games,

take the initiative. Develop psychophysical qualities: speed,


VII. Evening: “Ball Festival”

The hall is decorated with balloons, flags and balls. Children enter the hall under

“Football March” by Matvey Blanter and sit on the benches.

Host: We live in a big country,

Generous and rich,

And I don’t feel sorry for anything

It's for you guys.

New stadiums

It doesn't give to you in vain,

May you be healthy

Grow up, friends!

So that everyone becomes stronger

So that everyone becomes bolder,

And good deeds

Helped his country!

Host: Guys, do you like to solve sports riddles?

Children: Yes!

Host: Then answer loudly:

He doesn't want to lie down at all

If you throw it, he will jump,

If you throw it again, it races off at a gallop.

Guess? This...

Children: Ball.

If he falls, he will jump,

They hit him - he doesn’t cry


Children: Ball.

They beat him, but he doesn't cry,

But he just jumps and jumps. This...

Children: Ball.

Host: Correct! It's a ball! And today we have a ball festival.

Children perform the song “Ball”.

Host: Do you know how the ball appeared, and what games our people played?

ancestors? Listen to the history of the ball. The ball originated in ancient times.

It was made from an animal bladder, inflated and covered with skin. The ball was woven from

herbs, palm leaves, made from tree fruits, wool

animals, sewn from leather, stuffed with grass, sawdust and other similar

material. Ancient warriors played a ball game similar to football. A

modern football players can hit the ball 15 thousand times without

letting you touch the ground. What ball sports do you know? Name them.

Children: Football, basketball, volleyball, field hockey, water polo, tennis,

golf, rugby.

Presenter: Well done, guys! You know a lot of sports! Attention,

attention! Let's start the ball competition! Today we are taking part

two teams: “Zvezdochka” and “Dodgers”. I remind you of the relay rules:

the relay starts at the signal, the last player whose team finishes

completes the task first, she receives one point (flag).

Children line up in two columns of 12 people each, preparing for the relay races.

Relay races: "Kangaroo"

Goal: improving jumping on two legs.

to the child, he returns it and sits down, etc. The team wins

which will sit down faster.

"Running with a ball"

Goal: improving motor skills in running and climbing.

run around the pin, come back, pass the ball to the next player,

stand at the end of the column. The team that completes the task faster wins.


Host: I suggest you relax a little and listen to poems about the ball.

1)Round, soft, striped

All the guys like him

Can he ride for a long time?

And don’t get tired at all.

You'll throw it on the floor -

He'll jump high

It's never boring with him

We want to play it.

2) In the morning I run onto the lawn with a ball

I'm running and singing, I don't know what I'm talking about

And the ball, like the sun, burns above me

Then he turns the other way

And it will become green like grass in spring.

Host: And now it’s time to guess riddles about sports equipment:

We are nimble sisters,

Craftswomen run fast.

We lie in the rain, we run in the snow,

This is our regime. (Skis)

It's my birthday

They gave me a horse.

So wonderful

Blue - blue.

You need to drive carefully

You can hold on in the stirrups,

It's a pity, but there's no mane,

What kind of horse? (Bike)

When spring takes its toll

And the streams run ringing,

I jump over it

And she through me. (Jump rope)

He is with you and with me

Walked through forest stitches,

A hiking friend behind your back

On belts with buckles. (Backpack)

The mouse runs on the ice

Will I get there or won't I get there? (Washer)

Presenter: Well done, you guessed all the riddles, and now the next relay races with

ball and his friends.

“Who will throw the most balls?”

Goal: To consolidate the skills of throwing at a target, developing the eye. Content: children throw the ball into the basket one after another in any way. The team that scores the most goals wins. Presenter: With this, our relay races have come to an end. While the jury is summing up the results, let's play a sedentary game"Football". Goal: develop attention.

Children who make mistakes leave the game. The team with the most players remaining wins.

Host: Well, guys, relay races

You did it very cleverly.

Get your rewards...

The presenter brings in a “Surprise Ball” with treats and treats the children.

VIII. Evening walk: children play independently with a ball.
