Warm-up for pregnant women 3rd trimester. The best exercises for expectant mothers in later stages. How to do exercises correctly for pregnant women

The third trimester of pregnancy is the most difficult: clumsiness, back pain, heaviness in the legs, constipation, swelling appear, but right now it is especially important to be in shape and feel good. And gymnastics will help a lot with this.

In the third trimester, the overall physical activity decreases compared to previous periods: the number of exercises and the number of repetitions in them decreases, gymnastics complex Be sure to include exercises to relax the body and stretch the muscles of the perineum. The purpose of physical exercise during this period is to increase joint mobility, increase the elasticity of the pelvic floor, reduce venous stagnation, and stimulate intestinal activity.

The position “lying on the right side” is usually excluded from the starting positions, since the enlarged uterus puts pressure on the liver. The amplitude of movements decreases, movements become smoother and calmer.

Before you start exercising, you should consult your gynecologist for any contraindications. Gymnastics is undesirable if there is a threat of miscarriage, uterine hypertonicity, hormonal problems (insufficiency of the corpus luteum), or a history of bleeding.

The benefits of gymnastics

Breathing exercises

The set of exercises must include breathing exercises. Breathing exercises improve blood supply to the placenta, which means the baby receives much more oxygen. It can be performed either separately or before physical exercise. The duration of breathing exercises should not exceed 10 minutes. in a day.

With active oxygen saturation of the blood, the amount of carbon dioxide decreases, and this leads to such physiological reactions of the body as falling blood pressure, dizziness, drowsiness, weakness. The goal of breathing exercises is to be able to manage and control your breathing during childbirth. During childbirth, this will help you maintain strength and reduce pain.

Shallow breathing. Breathe quickly and easily with your mouth slightly open. Inhalations are shallow, air fills only the top of the lungs (breathe through the chest). In one cycle – 8-10 inhalations and exhalations. Repeat 5 times.

Deep breathing. Take a deep breath so that your lungs are completely filled with air, then exhale slowly and leisurely, relaxing as much as possible. Repeat 10 times. Finally, breathe as usual.

"Push" breathing. Take a deep, slow breath and hold your breath for 5-10 seconds, then exhale very slowly and gradually. You can take two short breaths, followed by a long and deep exhalation.

More information about breathing exercises can be found in the article “How to breathe correctly during childbirth.”

To obtain maximum benefit from classes, you need to choose the right time for them, allocate a special place in the house, and prepare comfortable clothes. Gymnastics should not cause fatigue or dizziness. During exercise, you should carefully listen to how you feel, and stop doing the exercise at the slightest discomfort.

Side bends

Sit on the floor, fold your legs cross-legged, back straight. Extend your arms straight to the sides so that your fingertips touch the floor. Body weight should be evenly distributed between the sitting bones. After inhaling, raise your right arm up and tilt your torso to the left. Place your left palm on the floor near your left knee, bend your left elbow. Keeping your hips stationary on the floor, reach your left elbow towards the floor, feeling the stretch on the right side of your torso. As you exhale, return to initial position. Repeat 6 times on each side, alternating.

Rotation of the feet

Lie on your back (you can lean in a reclining position on your arms bent at the elbows behind you), legs bent, feet on the floor. Place the shin of your right foot on your left knee and slowly make circles with the foot of your right foot, working ankle joint. All other muscles should be relaxed, and at the end of the exercise a feeling of warmth should appear in the ankle. Repeat 10 times in each direction, then switch legs.

Spinal stretch

Sit on the floor, fold your legs “Turkish”, straight back, grab your ankles with your hands. As you exhale, round your back, tighten your abdominal muscles and pelvic floor muscles. Try not to fall backwards. As you exhale, gently relax all the muscles and straighten your back. Repeat 6 times.


Sit on the floor, place your hands on the floor behind you, legs bent, feet on the floor. Place the knee of one or the other leg to the side on the floor. Lower your knee to a comfortable level. Promotes the development of mobility of the hip joint. 8-10 times with each leg.

Leg lift

Lie on your back, legs bent at the knees, feet on the floor hip-width apart, arms along the body. Take a deep breath, then tense your muscles as you exhale. abdominals and slowly straighten your right leg, sliding your heel along the floor, with your toes pointed. The lower back remains pressed to the floor. Inhale: raise your right leg straight up to a comfortable height, without bending the knee. Contract the foot, feeling the stretch back surface legs. Exhale: tighten your abdominal muscles, slightly loosen your right leg (bend your knee) and move it to the side, the inner thigh facing the ceiling. Inhalation: Pull your toes and extend your right leg up. Exhale: straining your abdominal muscles, lower your leg to the floor. Bend your knee, returning your leg to the starting position. 4 repetitions with each leg, alternating them.

In this exercise, you need to focus your attention not on the height of your legs above the floor in both positions, but on training your abdominal muscles and fixing your lower back on the floor throughout the entire exercise.

Shoulder bridge

Gently, leaning on your hands, lower yourself to the floor, first on your side, then on your back. Legs bent, knees slightly wider than the pelvis, arms along the body. After inhaling, raise your pelvis as you exhale, and lower your pelvis down as you inhale. Raise your body to a comfortable level, optimally so that there is a straight line from the chest to the knees. Do not bend at the lower back. Repeat 10 times.


This exercise to relax the pelvic floor muscles is performed in tandem with your husband.

Sit opposite each other, put your feet on your partner’s thighs, who should clasp your stomach so that your elbows touch inner surface woman's knees. The partner rocks the woman from side to side for a minute.

Exercises for pregnant women with fitball (ball)

Gymnastics on a ball helps develop coordination and balance.

Pelvic rotation

Sit on the ball, so as not to strain your back and stomach, place your feet slightly hip-width apart, and arms horizontally in front of your chest. Rotate your pelvis, moving slightly on the ball. If you find it difficult to balance, you can put your hands on the ball and hold it. Repeat 10 times in one direction, then in the other direction.

Prevention of flat feet

Sit on the ball with your feet on the floor shoulder-width apart. Use the foot of one foot to stroke the shin of the other, holding the ball behind you with your hands. Repeat 2 times with each leg.


Lie on your back, bend your legs, place your toes on the ball. After inhaling, as you exhale, push the ball away from you with one foot, rolling your foot over the ball from toes to heel, then return your leg and ball to their original position, the other leg remaining motionless at this time. As you exhale, push the ball away from you, and as you inhale, push it toward you. Try while moving. If it is difficult to straighten your legs completely, make movements in a comfortable amplitude. Do 8 times with each leg.

Do doctors recommend exercise for pregnant women? The 3rd trimester is a special period when women gain weight faster, their abdominal volume grows, and muscles, joints and especially the spine need regular training.

And often at this time the expectant mother suffers from shortness of breath and insomnia, swelling and varicose veins, stress and back pain. How to gain strength, regain vigor and good mood?

It is fitness for pregnant women that becomes a real “lifesaver” in this matter. It helps normalize blood pressure, remove swelling, and also prevent the development of a dangerous complication that occurs in the last stages of pregnancy - preeclampsia.

The main criterion for the level of physical activity during exercise should be your well-being. If you feel energized after a workout even though your muscles are a little sore, that's great! But if fatigue accompanies you for several hours after exercise, there is drowsiness, pain in the pelvic area and lower back - you need to reduce the load!

In addition, any exercise, especially in the third trimester, can only be performed with the approval of a doctor!

What exercises are most beneficial for pregnant women (3rd trimester)?

The basic rules of behavior during training for women “in an interesting position,” especially in the last stages of pregnancy, state that:

  • Physical activity when there is a threat of premature birth, increased tone uterus, late toxicosis, polyhydramnios or placenta previa is contraindicated! Discomfort during training: dizziness (even mild), pain in the lower abdomen, scarlet or dark discharge - a reason to immediately consult a doctor;
  • While charging, you need to control your breathing (no more than 110-140 beats per minute!);
  • If there is tachycardia, burning or other unpleasant sensations in the heart, it is necessary to avoid cardio training;
  • Stretching exercises lower parts the body must be controlled so as not to injure the ligaments in the symphysis pubis and softened tendons;
  • Any dangerous categories of sports are prohibited at this time!
  • Under no circumstances should you run, jump, lie on your back or stand for a long time, perform balance exercises, make sharp lunges and turns, or experience stress that threatens to hit you in the stomach!

In the third trimester, exercises for pregnant women are allowed in sitting position, on a fitball (such workouts perfectly relieve back and lower back pain), yoga, barre (pure barre), and swimming, as well as working with your own body weight in a standing position, leaning on a wall, and for trained ladies you can use weights no more than 1 kg.

Doctors allow light jogging only for pregnant women who did it in the first or second trimester. However, they recommend that for the 3rd trimester you still reduce the load to 60% of the running intensity in the 2nd trimester.

All movements must be performed smoothly, since exercises during pregnancy are aimed at strengthening muscle tone and stretching them in order to prepare the body for childbirth, making it as easy as possible.

Water sports: water aerobics, swimming, and also in the pool can bring pregnant women (including the 3rd trimester) not only benefits, but also incredible pleasure.

Water exercises the body and at the same time relieves pain, prevents overheating of the body, improves the condition of the legs and back, which bear a lot of load in the last weeks of pregnancy. Any movements in the water are made smoothly, their range expands, gently testing a woman’s capabilities, and therefore bring maximum benefit.

1. Gymnastics for pregnant women 3rd trimester

If the expectant mother practiced jogging before the 27th week of pregnancy, then she can continue it further in the absence of health problems and discomfort. At the same time, 70% of women reduce the duration and intensity of running. Doctors consider it inadvisable to start practicing this sport, even at an easy pace, in the last stages of pregnancy.

Walking is one of the best and most accessible exercises for pregnant women (3rd trimester). Walking on fresh air, especially in the park or in the forest, not only compensate for the strain on the muscles, but also saturate the body with oxygen, give positive emotions and improve mood. If possible, pregnant women in the 3rd trimester should go for a walk at least once every 7-14 days.

Gymnastics for women in the last stages of an “interesting situation” should begin with a warm-up (10 minutes), do it in the first half of the day, spending 20-30 minutes. Each exercise takes 1-2 minutes (4-8 repetitions) and you can rest between them until you have the strength to continue exercising again.

We do a warm-up sitting on a mat “oriental style”:

  • Turn your head left and right;
  • We rotate our hands, then with our arms bent at the elbows, we rotate the torso and shoulders;
  • Sitting cross-legged and straightening your back, inhale and raise your right arm, slowly leaning to the left. At the same time, we rest our left hand on the floor next to our left knee. Then we repeat the exercise in mirror;
  • In the same position, we stretch the spine, rounding the back as we inhale (we hold our ankles with our hands), and slightly strain the muscles of the pelvic floor and abdomen. As you exhale, smoothly relax all the muscles, straighten your back, returning to the IP (starting position).

This skill serves as an excellent assistant for relaxation during childbirth and at the same time significantly reduces pain during contractions. Breathing exercises have a positive effect not only on the expectant mother, maintaining her strength, but also on the fetus.

The only strict warning is the prohibition on holding your breath for a long time, as such an action can harm the child!

  • Late training diaphragmatic breathing, take a deep breath and exhale (through the nose), placing one palm on the chest and the other on the stomach. We make sure that only the hand lying on the stomach rises, while the palm on the chest remains motionless.
  • Regulation chest breathing It is performed in the same way, but in this case only the chest is raised, and the hand on the stomach will remain in a fixed position.
  • Gynecologists advise all future mothers to master “dog” breathing during contractions. Quick and shallow inhalations and exhalations through the mouth (like dogs do in the summer heat) during labor help saturate the body with oxygen.
The best workout that strengthens the muscles of the abdomen, back and lower back, pelvis and perineum is considered to be positional gymnastics, which makes the birth process as easy as possible. What exercises can pregnant women do in the 3rd trimester for this purpose?
  • "Kitty."
  • "Butterfly". Sitting in an oriental position, fold your legs into wings, press your feet together, and place your hands on your knees. Do a little stretching (without fanaticism!), using light pressure movements of your hands on your knees. Painful sensations should not be allowed;
  • Twisting.
  • They can be done sitting or standing, but be sure to do it smoothly and in a comfortable range! We spread our arms to the sides and, leaving them motionless, turn left and right;
  • "Frog". Sitting on the floor, we rest our hands on it behind us, our knees are bent, our feet are pressed to the floor. We alternately lower the knees of one or the other leg to the floor level (you can lightly press the knee with your hand if there is no discomfort). This exercise develops mobility of the hip joint; Lying on the left side of the body on the floor , bend a little hip joint
  • , and knees at an angle of 45 degrees. Without lifting your left knee from the floor, raise your right knee as high as possible without moving your pelvis. We pause for a few seconds (as long as you can) and return to the IP. We repeat the exercise on the other side;
  • "Bike". Lying on a rug or sofa, we lift one or the other leg alternately, imitating riding. Kegel exercise. It makes elastic and elastic muscles

vaginas: we strain and relax them in various ways (wave-like, when moving on an elevator, and others).

2. Safe and healthy yoga for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester

  • A variety of poses (asanas) in yoga help with tired legs and numbness in the arms, constipation (frequent companions in the last stages of pregnancy) and spinal deformation caused by the weight of the fetus. For example:
  • Supta Udarkarshan Asana - stimulates the gastrointestinal tract, relieves constipation and improves the condition of the spine from prolonged sitting;
  • Ardha Titli Asana – strengthens the hip and knee joints;
  • Poorna Titli Asana – relieves tension in the inner thigh muscles and relieves leg fatigue;
  • Ankle Cranks – normalizes blood supply to the legs, relieves cramps and numbness of the lower extremities;

Shoulder Rotation – improves the flexibility of the upper body and blood circulation in it, relieves tension in the neck and arms.


Stand straight, facing the back of a stable chair. Place your feet wider than on the Shp. Holding onto the back of the chair, we tense our abdominal muscles and lower our body down, as if we were going to sit down on a chair. When the thighs become parallel to the floor, we return to the IP.

Lying on the floor, interlace your fingers behind your head, bend your knees, and press your feet to the floor. Exhaling, lower your knees to the right, reaching the floor (if possible). Then inhale and turn your head to the left to twist and stretch your spine. We repeat the exercise in mirror. The entire approach should not take more than 30 seconds.

Pregnancy is such an important event that often a woman’s relatives take special care of her, and the woman herself is advised to lie down more and move less. Inactivity is justified in cases where there is a real threat of losing the child due to the weakness of the mother’s body, often this happens during the first pregnancy. Also, pregnant women should not work hard physically or be exposed to psychological stress. But if the pregnancy is progressing normally, you can do different things at home. physical exercise and also do breathing exercises. Of course, you shouldn’t get hung up on training; mom should be in normal motion - walk more, do simple housework and social work. Movement improves the mother's metabolism and this makes the baby in the tummy also eat better and feel better. The third trimester is not only the final stage of a child’s intrauterine development, but also preparation for childbirth. Therefore, in addition to the usual exercises, the mother needs to generally master breathing exercises, which will help during contractions.

Class safety

The mother really needs physical activity, but during pregnancy there are various situations when various pathologies prevent the ability to do gymnastics for pregnant women, so the doctor needs to tell you exactly what exercises you will do and he will tell you whether it is possible for you.

The third trimester of pregnancy is characterized by a significant increase in the abdomen, so exercises must be done taking into account the mother’s shape; many exercises that are indicated for the second trimester, in the third trimester the expectant mother either will not be able to do, or they will be harmful. You should absolutely not directly pump up your abs, you should avoid jumping, and you should refrain from working on weight machines.

You cannot move abruptly, exercises must be performed smoothly, if you need to increase the load, this must also be done gradually and carefully. You also need to lie down and sit down carefully so that there is no pressure on your stomach.

If pain occurs, heart rate increases, or shortness of breath, you should stop exercising and in the future do not do exercises for pregnant women that cause discomfort. Mom should enjoy training, they should be a joy - this is the basic rule of breathing and physical gymnastics for mothers in all trimesters of pregnancy.

Benefits of exercise

Breathing exercises are a way to calm down, relieve stress, and most importantly, a mother can occupy herself with something pleasant, uncomplicated, immersing herself in thoughts about her future happy motherhood. This is a pause in the daily routine when a woman can relax and at the same time be sure that she is doing something. As a result, the pregnant woman feels better, blood circulation improves, the placenta is better nourished, which means the baby becomes more satisfied, feeling the mother’s care.

Also, during gymnastics, the mother can learn the breathing rhythm that is needed during childbirth. After all, proper breathing is an opportunity to make contractions and childbirth less painful, helps you comfortably survive stress during childbirth, and it is inevitable, no matter how hard the mother tries to be calm.

General exercises

  1. Breathing through the chest - hands on the ribs, inhale deeply through the nose, breathing through the chest, after maximum filling with air chest exhale slowly.
  2. Breathing through the diaphragm - one hand on the ribs, the other on the stomach. We quickly inhale through our nose, while protruding our stomach, hold for one second, and exhale through our mouth or nose.
  3. Breathing in four phases - inhale for five seconds, hold for two seconds, exhale for five seconds, hold again for two seconds, breathe for two minutes.

Positional gymnastics is not related to breathing, but it trains great respiratory system mother, helps prepare the muscles for childbirth (this is important in the third trimester), since the muscles of the back, pelvis, and abdomen work:

Simple workout

In the third trimester, the intensity of exercise needs to be reduced, and breathing exercises gain more weight. First you need to do a warm-up - raise your arms as you inhale, lower them as you exhale, bend and make circular movements with your head, walk in place for two minutes. You need to repeat each exercise about five times.

Also, in addition to gymnastics, in the third trimester you need to take leisurely walks in the fresh air, you can swim. Shown proper nutrition and complete cessation of bad habits - alcohol and cigarettes are dangerous for a child in any dose, and not only in the third trimester, but throughout pregnancy (and better yet, throughout life).

The third trimester of pregnancy can be called the home stretch, and it is during this period that expectant mothers relax the most. Meanwhile, the last 3 months of pregnancy are the period during which you need to prepare the body for childbirth in order to make the process and subsequent recovery of the body as easy as possible.

For this reason, playing sports in later stages is not only not harmful, as many women think, but, on the contrary, is simply necessary. 28-40 weeks of pregnancy are characterized by an increase in pressure on the spine, a decrease in overall motor activity and mobility.

Physical activity during this period has several goals:

  • reducing the load on the back and spine;
  • practicing proper breathing before childbirth;
  • increased skin elasticity;
  • stretching of the perineal muscles;
  • increasing overall joint mobility;
  • reducing blood stagnation and swelling in the lower extremities;
  • increasing the elasticity of the pelvic floor;
  • stimulation of the intestines and gastrointestinal tract.

As you can see, all these effects are needed in order to ease the pleasant, but such a heavy burden of a pregnant woman. By increasing skin turgor, joint mobility and elasticity of the pelvic floor, a woman prepares herself for childbirth. A prepared body will take the load much easier, and the likelihood that complications will arise during childbirth is noticeably reduced.

Plus, doing exercises will prevent you from gaining excess weight and will allow you to quickly return to good prenatal physical fitness after childbirth and breastfeeding.

Clothing for charging should be chosen as comfortable as possible, not impeding movement and not tight anywhere, especially in the abdominal area.

Pick up specific exercises and types of exercise are better under the guidance of a doctor. There are several techniques that are best suited for pregnant women in the third trimester, and when drawing up individual programs physical activity they can be combined and alternated.

What types of exercises should you do over a long period of time?

Type of exerciseDescription
1 PilatesPilates is ideal both in the second half of pregnancy and after childbirth. When performing exercises, you can use apparatus and dumbbells, auxiliary objects. This type of exercise is necessary to prepare the body for childbirth, improve muscle tone and blood flow, gain strength and boost vigor. Of course, you should not perform exercises if you experience discomfort, shortness of breath, abdominal pain and other unpleasant symptoms.
2 YogaYoga can be called gymnastics for relaxation. Of course, an expectant mother at the end of her term should avoid complex asanas, but simpler, basic elements are great for stretching, preparing ligaments, not to mention the fact that they are an ideal way to relax.
3 Breathing exercisesBreathing exercises- these are elements of yoga, and you can practice them both while performing other asanas, and on your own, simply by taking the necessary pose. Knowing basic breathing techniques will greatly simplify the birth process and make you feel better physically and more confident in your abilities.
4 Water aerobicsThis is the type of exercise that you cannot do at home and is usually carried out in groups under the guidance of a trainer with a medical education. Water aerobics is by no means obligatory, but a very pleasant form of preparation for childbirth, which allows you to minimize the load on the spine and legs, feel lighter and relax in a special pool.
5 Kegel exercisesVery simple and no less effective exercises that allow you to train the muscles of the vagina and prepare them for childbirth. Elastic muscles are less susceptible to ruptures, which not only significantly increases the chance of giving birth naturally as safely as possible, but will also allow for a faster recovery after the birth of the child.
6 Power trainingIf there are no contraindications, exclude power loads It’s completely not worth it even over a long period of time. Of course, it is necessary to significantly reduce the load, and if before pregnancy a woman was actively involved in gym, then at 28-40 weeks of pregnancy you can limit yourself to exercises with dumbbells. This trains endurance and will allow you to not get tired so much in the third trimester, when the load on the body is maximum.

Breathing exercises

Of all the sets of exercises breathing exercises- This is an essential element of preparation for childbirth. Correct breathing will allow you to better control the birth process and properly stimulate labor activity, but will also give you the opportunity to relax at any moment, simply by using a memorized and acquired breathing technique.

Chest "upper" breathing

With this type of breathing, only the top part lungs. In order to better control your breathing, you can place your hands on your ribs and inhale slowly through your nose, so that the diaphragm remains in the same position. Exhale through your mouth or nose.

Diaphragmatic deep breathing

Placing one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach, you need to slowly, deeply inhale until your lungs are completely filled with air; the diaphragm moves. After inhaling, hold your breath for a couple of seconds, then exhale very slowly, pausing before the next cycle.

Push four-phase breathing

Taking a deep breath through your nose, hold your breath for 2-3 seconds, then exhale just as slowly through your mouth. After exhaling, hold your breath for a couple of seconds and repeat.

Each exercise is repeated 10 times, you can start with 1-2 times a day. A pregnant woman needs 10 minutes of breathing exercises a day to prepare for childbirth.

Gymnastics for pregnant women: the most important exercises

Type of exerciseDescription of the exercise
Pelvic rotationOne of the most important exercises for a pregnant woman, to perform it you need a fitball or, in the absence of one, you can use a chair or pouf.
You need to sit straight, keeping your feet shoulder-width apart, and perform rotational movements pelvis to the right and left. When performing the exercise, the stomach and back should be relaxed, hands can be kept on the stomach. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
Spine stretchTo perform this exercise, you need to sit straight on the floor with your legs in the “Turkish” position. Holding your ankles with your hands, you need to bend, rounding your back, then, having reached the maximum, freeze in the final position for a few seconds, then relax, return to the starting position and repeat a dozen times.
Side bends while sittingHaving taken the starting position as for the previous exercise, you need to lower your arms along your body, touching your fingers to the floor. Inhaling, you need to raise one arm vertically up, while simultaneously leaning in the opposite direction. The elbow of the second hand should be aimed at the floor. This effective exercise to stretch the side of the body, it should be repeated at least 6 times for each side.
Circles with feetYou need to lie on the floor with your knees bent. Place the shin of one leg on the knee of the other, and in this position, rotate the foot in both directions. This exercise improves blood circulation, reduces blood stagnation in the legs, and improves the tone of the calf muscle. Each foot must be rotated at least 10 times.
Prevention of flat feetStarting position is the same as in the first exercise: sitting upright on a fitball, chair or pouf with your feet shoulder-width apart. Raise one leg and rest the arch of the foot on the shin of the other leg, move along calf muscle. Several times will be enough for your legs to feel more comfortable and not hurt so much due to the heavy load.

These are the most important exercises, which should not be ignored by a pregnant woman in the third semester. They should be performed every day (of course, if there are no contraindications), and then you can confidently look forward to the day of birth.

Video - strengthening the back and pelvic area during pregnancy
