Arm extensions on the upper block. Extension of arms on a block while standing Extension on a vertical block

Bent-over arm extensions with a dumbbell load all three heads of the triceps, but they are most strongly involved in the work Bottom part. Bent over arm extension isolates, sharpens the relief and symmetry of the triceps.

Execution technique

  1. Turn your side to the bench, bend down and make a fulcrum with your left palm and left side of your knee. Move the other leg slightly back so that the body moves to a horizontal position. The arm at the fulcrum should be level and perpendicular to the bench. In some cases, people prefer not to rest their knees on the bench and simply spread their legs to the width of a long stride. This positioning of the legs is also allowed, as long as the body is parallel to the floor and slightly bent at the waist.
  2. Raise the dumbbell and grab it with a simple grip (palm facing your body, thumb front) and, bending your arm, raise your elbow to the level of the latissimus muscles or slightly higher. Thus, the angle at the elbow joint of the working arm should be straight, and the dumbbell hangs freely down at this stage. initial position.
  3. Take a deep breath and hold your breath. The top of your working arm should be secure and motionless (from shoulder to elbow), tighten your triceps and straighten your arm.
  4. When the arm is on top during the exercise, it should be fully straightened and positioned at the same level as the body or slightly higher.
  5. Having reached the moment when your arm is as high as possible, exhale, and with all your might, strain your triceps and for a couple of moments, secure your arm in a flat position slightly above your back.
  6. Keeping your upper arm locked (elbow above your back) as before, slowly return the dumbbell to the starting position.
  7. Lower and raise the dumbbell slowly, without acceleration or jerking.
  8. After completing the planned number of repetitions with your left arm, stand on the other side of the bench and perform the same number of bent-over arm extensions. This is one approach.

  1. The horizontal position of the torso is critical. If the deltoids are located higher than the hips, the range of motion will be greatly reduced and you will not be able to fully load the triceps.
  2. Stopping your breathing while straightening your arm makes it easier to keep your torso and upper arm horizontal.
  3. The performance of the exercise directly depends on the execution correct technique performing the movement. If you fix your elbows below the level of the latissimus dorsi muscles or do not straighten your arm to the maximum, then you will not achieve the maximum contraction of the triceps.
  4. Don't chase too much weight! Dumbbells that are too heavy will force many to jerk at the beginning of the exercise to get them off the ground, and are unlikely to allow you to straighten your arm as much as possible.
  5. At the bottom of the exercise, the dumbbell should be located exactly under the elbow. If, when lowering the dumbbell, you move it forward beyond the vertical line crossing the elbow, then in the future bending arm extension you will begin by inertia rather than by contracting the triceps.
  6. To long head triceps contracted intensely, divide the exercise into two stages. First stage: keeping your elbow level with your back, straighten your arm, then hold in this position for a couple of moments and raise your straight arm as high as possible.
  7. Keep your shoulders and body parallel to the floor. Do not twist your torso as you lift the shoulder of your working arm to help you lift the dumbbell. This is a risk of curvature of the spine due to the load on it rather than on the triceps. Your main task is to extend your arm at the elbow, while maximally blocking all other parts of the body.
  8. Exercise options: bending arm extension with both hands at the same time. We advise performing this striking exercise only for athletes of intermediate level and above with very strong muscles legs and belt. Keeping the body horizontal while suspended, and at the same time lifting the dumbbells above the line of the spine - this will be too difficult for beginners.


Intended for: Everyone, from beginners to professionals.

When: Before finishing your triceps workout. We recommend performing a bench press in the middle of this workout. narrow grip or push-ups are also welcome.

How many: 2-3 sets of 8-12 repetitions.

Sports instruction: In bodybuilding culture bending arm extension most often used to achieve symmetry in the development of the right and left triceps, delineating the relief and shape of these muscle groups.

Due to the fact that the angle of influence of the load on the triceps here is completely different than in other exercises, the back extension of the arm is powerful method, inciting triceps muscle to growth, especially when you are stuck in a plateau.

In addition, the auxiliary static load that the triceps feels while you hold your arm with the dumbbell extended back as far as possible uses the hardest-to-reach parts of the triceps muscle, which is extremely important when working on separation and detailing of the triceps.

By systematically performing back extensions, you will increase your skill in many sports, such as tennis (hitting the ball forehand if you are left-handed), sprinting (extensions of the arms in time with the movement of the legs to accelerate), luge (pushing while starting), martial arts (back punches).

Bent over arm extensions

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Genus. 1984 Trained since 1999 Trained since 2007. Candidate of Masters in powerlifting. Champion of Russia and South Russia according to AWPC. Champion of the Krasnodar region according to IPF. 1st category weightlifting. 2-time winner of the Krasnodar Territory championship in t/a. Author of more than 700 articles on fitness and amateur athletics. Author and co-author of 5 books.

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Date of: 2012-05-29 Views: 684 533 Grade: 5.0

Why medals are given to articles:

Core muscles -
Additional- no (with the right technique)
Difficulty of execution- light

Extension of arms from the upper block

Weight and reps for beginners

For men: 10 - 15 repetitions of 15 - 20 kg. 2 - 3 approaches.
For women: 10 - 15 repetitions of 5 - 10 kg. 2 - 3 approaches.

Load by muscle group

The load is indicated on a 10-point scale ( total load summed up)

Description of the exercise

An even more effective option is when you use straps instead of a handle. This way, you lower your arms down and spread them out to the sides, which allows you to better work all 3 heads of the triceps. An underhand grip also makes sense. But for beginners it’s better to do without it for now.

Main features

1. I advise you to hardly lean forward. The more you bend over, the more you will help yourself with your weight. own body. In addition to the fact that you will extend your arms using your triceps, you will also press with your whole body from top to bottom. And this is already cheating. 2. Elbows must be fixed in one position. Don't turn your extensions into presses. 3. In addition to the iron handle, you can also try using ropes or special straps. These straps allow you to turn your hands with your palms facing up at the top point. Which stretches your triceps more. Or you can also extend your arms down and to the sides. This will cause additional contraction in the triceps. But doing this is a little more difficult. Therefore, it is better to put less weight. 4. Try to straighten your arms all the way. 5. The back should be straight and the chest should be turned out. For greater stability, you can put one leg slightly forward.

The exercise we are going to look at now is called the dumbbell bent over arm extension. Despite the fact that this exercise is not very popular, it is worth including in your training plan for an even more effective triceps workout. It will help you work the triceps muscle and provoke its growth, especially during periods of stagnation.

This exercise is slightly different from others in that when you move your arm, the triceps are worked from a completely different angle. In addition, at the top point, the triceps and accessory muscles not only contract, but also experience static load, which allows you to include and work out all muscle groups well back surface hands and .

The long and middle bundles of the triceps muscle receive the greatest load in this exercise. A lower load is placed on the side beam and rear delta. Also, the back muscles receive a static load, namely the latissimus and the trapezius receives a small load. This exercise will be a very useful component of any workout, especially for people who are engaged not only in bodybuilding, but also in various martial arts and other sports where the arms, namely the triceps, are directly involved.


1. Starting position: Take two dumbbells suitable weight. Stand near the mirror with your side to it so that you can see and follow the correct technique movements. Bend over so that your upper body is almost parallel to the floor, place your feet shoulder-width apart, pressing your feet firmly to the floor. Keep your back straight and bend your lower back slightly. Move both arms back so that the part of the arm from the deltoids to the elbows is parallel to the floor, and the forearms are exactly parallel to the floor. Palms should face each other and use an overhand grip.

2. Inhale and exhale smoothly during extension. Perform elbow extensions slowly and raise your arms as high as possible, keeping your shoulder parts motionless (from the deltoids to the elbow). At the top, hold for 1-2 seconds and return to the starting position until your forearms are vertical to the floor.

3. Perform 3 sets of 8-10 repetitions.


1. There are many ways to do it this exercise. It can be performed with one dumbbell, or with two. Also, if you do not have the dumbbell you need, you can also use the lower block using a power bench or, when performing, you can place your free hand on the machine as a support, and so on. We looked at the option without using a bench with two dumbbells, however, the technique in all forms of this exercise is almost the same, so there is no need to worry.

2. The weight of the dumbbells should not be too heavy; you should lift the dumbbells without breaking the technique, contracting the triceps as much as possible. Aim for about 8-10 reps. Of course, the weight of the shells should also not be too light. Experiment, take different weights.

3. I advise you to start by performing this exercise with one arm, so you can concentrate more and work out the target muscle group better, as well as thoroughly study the technique of the exercise. As you become more experienced, you can perform extensions with two dumbbells.

4. To work your triceps more effectively with extensions, I advise you to perform the exercise while standing at the bottom block with one hand. The fact is that it is easier to concentrate on a muscle group in a block, since it uses a cable rather than free weight.

5. Arm extensions with dumbbells standing at the elbows are best performed in the middle of a triceps workout; you can also perform it at the end of the workout.


My respect, dear readers, admirers and all those who came to see us! It’s Wednesday on the calendar, which means it’s time for a technical note on And today we’ll talk about arm extensions on a block. After reading, you will learn everything about the muscle atlas, the advantages and technique of execution; the second part will be devoted to the practical aspects of training and assessing the effectiveness of the exercise.

So, make yourself comfortable, let's begin.

Extension of arms on a block. What, why and why?

It is one of the most popular women's manual exercises and many ladies use it to get rid of the “jelly” at hand. As we all know, young ladies are not very fond of such equipment as barbells and dumbbells, but various blocks and exercise machines cause wild delight in them, which is why extension of arms on a block is so popular among the female audience gyms. However, you often see how each beauty tries to bring something of her own to the exercise, so to speak, to add a special twist, to add her own unique charm. Whether this should be done and how, in general, to perform block extensions correctly, we will discuss in this article.


For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Muscle atlas

The exercise belongs to the class of isolating, single-joint exercises. Target muscle group is the triceps, a component 2/3 manual volume and responsible for cosmetic, i.e. “chatty-cold” :) look of the hand.

Muscle ensemble exercise includes:

  • target muscle - triceps brachii;
  • stabilizers – latissimus muscles back, big round, rear delta, large chest (sternal head), pectoralis minor, lower trapezius, rectus abdominis/obliques, wrist flexors;
  • antagonist-stabilizers – spinal extensor muscles.


By performing arm extensions on a block, you will receive the following benefits:

  • development of triceps strength;
  • address and isolated study triceps brachii;
  • more toned arms/more sculpted arm muscles (reducing “jelly”);
  • greater arm volume;
  • increasing bench press characteristics in basic exercises.

Execution technique

The arm extension exercise on a block is not technically difficult, but it is not without its subtleties. The step-by-step execution technique is:

Step #0

Go to the top block and install the corresponding handle (straight or inclined bar), then equip the machine with a certain weight of weights. Place your hands, with a grip shoulder-width apart or slightly narrower, on the handle from top to bottom. Standing up straight with a slight tilt of the body forward slightly bent knees, lower the handle until right angle forearms with shoulder. Keep your elbows close to your body. This is your starting position.

Step #1

Using only the strength of your triceps, in an isolated movement, bring the bar down until it touches front thigh, and your arms are not fully straightened, exhale through this part of the movement. Stay on 1-2 counts in a shortened position, additionally squeezing the triceps. From the compressed position, slowly and under control, return the bar to the IP position while inhaling. Complete the prescribed number of repetitions.

In the picture version, all this disgrace looks like this:

In motion like this...


In addition to the classic version of arm extensions on a block, there are several variations of the exercise, in particular:

  • with rope handle;
  • reverse grip;
  • With different types handles (straight, EZ, V).

Secrets and subtleties

To get the most out of the exercise, follow these guidelines:

  • squeeze the projectile down exclusively due to the isolated work of the triceps;
  • at the lowest point, fully straighten your arms and hold the contraction 1-2 sec;
  • do not throw the weight back up, but slowly and under control accompany it throughout the entire trajectory of movement;
  • keep your elbows tightly pressed to your body;
  • do not stand on straight legs, but slightly bend your knees and lean your body forward;
  • use the exercise last in the PT arms as a finisher;
  • at the initial stage, do not use too heavy weights;
  • if your shoulders hurt (anterior delta), then do not use this exercise;
  • numerical training parameters: number of approaches 3-5 , reps 10-15 .

Actually, this is all theoretical information, now let’s look at some practical points.

Extension of arms on a block effective exercise for triceps?

A team of scientists from the University of Wisconsin, led by Dr. Porcari, decided to identify the best women's exercises for the triceps, in terms of electrical muscle activity. During the experiment, it was revealed that of the 8 most popular exercises, arm extension on a block takes 5 (with rope) and 6 (with straight handle) places with EMG values 74+-22.64 And 67+-20.48 . The best exercise was considered to be push-ups with a close grip in a triangle position.

Thus, we can conclude that arm extensions are quite effective, but they are best used at the end of manual training.

Handle VS rope. What to choose?

In fact, it all depends on the athlete’s goals and different handles have different effects on the triceps. In particular, the rope allows you to “reach” the deepest muscle fibers triceps and has a fuller range of motion.

Different handles target the triceps from different angles, for example the v-bar is more focused on the outer triceps while the straight bar is more focused on the long head. Conclusion - choose a handle based on your hand goals (pulling up lagging areas).

Well, that’s probably all, now let’s sum it up and say goodbye.


Another technical note has come to an end.

Today we dealt with arm extensions on a block and there is one more exercise in your hand toolkit. Of course, theory is nothing without practice, so let’s finish reading the article and head into the hall for a run-in, let’s get going!

PS. and you use block simulators in your hand training - yes, no?

P.P.S. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it as your status social network- plus 100 points for karma, guaranteed :).

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

Not only the abs and buttocks are formed beautiful body– the arms should also be strong and sculpted. Today we will talk about triceps. One very effective exercise will help you work out this part well - bent over arm extension with dumbbells.

What does the exercise do?

Extension of the arm with dumbbells while standing in an inclined position can be performed by both men and women, due to the undemanding nature of the element to the strength of the core and shoulders. During the training process, an isolated effect on the triceps occurs, giving the man the opportunity to emphasize the relief and add volume to the arms. Girls can practice bent over arm extensions with a light dumbbell - this will be enough to improve the shape of their arms and get rid of sagging on the back side.

Additionally, bent over dumbbell extensions:

  1. It will allow you to equalize the volume of the triceps of different arms by doing different numbers of repetitions.
  2. It will give beginners the opportunity to develop basic triceps strength in order to easily move on to complex training.

Possible contraindications

There are no contraindications as such for performing the element. The main thing to pay attention to is elbow joint: his injuries are possible. Therefore, if there is the slightest pain in this area during training, it is recommended:

  • reduce the weight of dumbbells;
  • number of repetitions;
  • in some cases, cancel training for a couple of weeks.

Execution technique

Only at first glance, the bent over arm extension looks easy to perform. In fact, it is somewhat technically difficult: not everyone manages to correctly perform a bent-over arm back extension with a dumbbell the first time.

To complete the exercise we will need:

  1. One or a couple of dumbbells required weight.
  2. A bench or any other horizontal surface to rest your knee on.

The bench is not a mandatory element - you can perform the element without it. We'll come back to this a little later. In the meantime, all attention to the execution technique.

Step 1. Take the starting position

We stand with one knee on the bench, holding it with our hand on the same side. This is necessary to maintain balance and balance. We lean forward a little: the body should be one parallel with the floor. We direct our gaze forward, straighten our spine, and align our neck to its level. Don't forget about the abdominal muscles: they should be tense throughout the entire exercise. The second supporting leg is on the floor, and we load the working arm with a dumbbell. The elbow should be bent at a right angle.

Step 2. Perform the basic movement

The element consists of four main points:

  • we raise the bent elbow to the level until it becomes higher than the body - inhale;
  • as you exhale, extend your elbow straight back until the arm is completely straightened - the shoulder should be fixed and the triceps should be as tense as possible;
  • hold this position for several seconds;
  • With an inhalation, we return the hand to the starting position.

Step 3. Repeat the required number of times

Step 4. Change sides

Particular attention should be paid to the shoulder: it must remain absolutely motionless. Only the elbow joint works. Many beginners swing a dumbbell, and as a result, the body begins to swing by inertia with shoulder abduction. This is not only wrong, but also dangerous. It is necessary to clearly control the movement, reinforcing it correct breathing.

Extensions without a bench

We compensate for the lack of a bench with two dumbbells. In this case, we work standing, tilting the body forward. The technique will be as follows:

  • We take a dumbbell in each hand;
  • slightly bending your knees, tilt your straight body forward;
  • bend your elbows at right angles and move your shoulders back;
  • We extend our arms back, fixing our shoulders.

Both options are effective. But in the first case, you can load first one and then the other hand to the maximum. When working with two hands, concentration is not as great as when performing an element alternately.

Other embodiments of the element

Bent-over arm extensions with dumbbells can not only be performed from a standing position or with support from a bench. The following variations are also available:

  • with an emphasis on incline bench;
  • standing with elastic band(here a band is used instead of dumbbells);
  • lying on a fitball.

Load by muscle group

The triceps consists of three heads that are involved in performing the element:

  • long;
  • medial;
  • lateral.

The main value of the exercise is that the long head is used to the maximum, the load on which in other elements is not so great. For many, it is precisely this that lags behind in development compared to other triceps heads.

To squeeze out an element maximum benefit, it is recommended to adhere to the following recommendations given in the table below.

The most popular mistake

The main mistake when performing dumbbell back extensions is the unconscious lowering of the elbow, which causes the following:

  • the range for extension and tension of the triceps at the end point of extension decrease;
  • an attempt by the practitioner to compensate for the lack of amplitude by greater flexion of the arm.
  • Often the elbow may drop due to too much heavy weight. Therefore, if you notice that your elbow has “slipped” down, pick up a different weight.


If you decide to engage in fitness, then you need to pay attention to all parts of the body. At the same time, the hands differ in that completely different elements can pump up certain groups of arm muscles. Not only the biceps is responsible for beautiful hands, triceps also plays an important role in this. And the exercise, arm extension with dumbbells in an inclined position, will allow you to short term achieve a beautiful hand contour and get rid of sagging skin.
