Gym training schedule. Training program for beginners. Let's start creating ourselves! Home training for beginners: general rules

For newcomers to gym It is very difficult to decide on the choice of exercises to perform, especially if they are done without a trainer. Most often, novice athletes focus on cardio and isolation exercises for each muscle group, forgetting about more effective method– performing basic exercises.

And in vain, because it is the base that helps us create an ideal figure with a low percentage of fat and a lot of defined muscles.

What are basic exercises?

Basic exercises are exercises that involve several muscle groups at once. They have many advantages, among which we can highlight:

  • Acceleration of metabolism;
  • Increased strength and endurance of the body;
  • Even work over the whole body;
  • The ability to build beautiful and large muscles;
  • Starting the fat burning process.

Due to its complexity and a large number energy expended basic exercises They help both build muscle and burn fat, depending on the amount of food you consume. That’s why everyone should include them in their workout.

  1. Your workout should definitely start with a warm-up! Do light exercises with own weight all muscle groups or walk on a treadmill average speed 10 minutes. This will help you warm up your muscles and avoid the risk of injury, as well as prepare your body for more intense work.
  2. After completing the warm-up, you need to start basic exercises. It is best if you do 2-3 basic exercises and 2-3 isolation exercises in 1 workout. There is no need to do more.
  3. Try to focus on the quality of the exercises you do, not the quantity. It is very important to ensure the correct technique so as not to injure joints and ligaments.
  4. It is best to finish the session with a cool down and some stretching. This method will help you smoothly release your muscles and minimize pain the next day.

Basic muscle exercises

You need to approach the choice of exercises wisely; the main thing is to decide which muscle group you will work with today. Based on this, it is worth selecting a base and building a training plan.

Back exercises

One of the best basic exercises that perfectly works the back muscles, gluteal muscles, hamstrings, strengthens the lower back and uses the arms. It allows you to develop all muscle groups proportionally.

To perform a deadlift, stand up straight, hold a bar with weights in your hands, your legs are set narrowly, your back is absolutely straight, your knees are bent quite a bit. Slowly lean forward, the bar seems to slide along your legs, maintaining a deflection in the lumbar region. Having reached the lowest point, stay there for a couple of counts and rise up again.

An easier version of the deadlift is performing the exercise with dumbbells. His technique is similar to the previous version, only instead of a barbell in his hands there are dumbbells.

Bent-over rows help build beautiful and harmonious shoulder and back muscles. To perform a row, bend your knees at an angle of about 10 degrees and place your feet shoulder-width apart, grab the bar with your arms extended downwards and bend at an angle of about 30 degrees, while looking forward. As you inhale, pull the barbell straight to your stomach, and as you exhale, lower it again to your outstretched arms.

Be careful to only pull the bar with your latissimus dorsi and not with your arms. Your elbows must be strictly fixed, and your back should not be slouched under any circumstances.

Exercises for the pectoral muscles

You can do push-ups with equal efficiency both in the gym and at home. So if for some reason you are temporarily unable to go to the gym, then push-ups will compensate you for a full chest workout.

Lie down on a gymnastics mat, place your hands wide grip and bend them at the elbows. The body weight is supported on the feet and bent arms, the back, head and legs form one straight line. Rise up, straightening your arms while keeping your back straight, then lower to the starting position.

Girls can choose an easier type of push-ups - knee push-ups.

Exercise for the full and harmonious development of the latissimus dorsi, chest, shoulders and biceps. Lie down on a horizontal bench with your feet firmly pressed to the floor.

Using a wide grip, grab the barbell and slowly remove it from the support with your arms outstretched. Then slowly lower the bar parallel to your chest, while your elbows should move along a clearly defined path. As you exhale, press the weight back up and hold it for a few seconds at the highest point.

The advantage of this exercise is that you can vary the effect on the upper or lower chest. For more work of the upper pectoral muscle, use a bench with a slight incline, while a regular bench will engage the entire chest.

Biceps exercises

When doing pull-ups, several muscle groups are involved in the work at once: all the back muscles and biceps. To perform this, grab the bar with an overhand grip, with your hands at a distance of 3-4 cm from each other.

Pull yourself up with your arms and back, bending your elbows until your head is above the bar. Then lower yourself down the same way.

The exercise can be greatly facilitated if you perform it in a gravitron, where you can place a small counterweight.

Triceps exercises

Stand with your back to the bench, rest your palms on it with your straight arms, your feet resting on the floor, and the rest of your body suspended in the air. Bend your elbows and lower your hips down, then begin to return to original position. Reverse push-ups affect not only the triceps, but also the top part pectoral muscles.

Lie on a horizontal bench, feet resting on the floor, and buttocks and shoulder blades pressed to the surface. The bar is at the top outstretched arms above chest level. Then, while inhaling, lower the projectile behind your head, bending your elbows. You should feel your triceps working and stretching.

Shoulder exercises

Sit on a horizontal bench, back straight, feet resting on the floor. Take dumbbells in both hands, bend elbow joint and lift the dumbbells to shoulder level. Now, as you exhale, press the dumbbells up until they stop, then return to the starting position. Please note the following points:

  1. The back is perfectly straight all the time;
  2. The elbows move along a strictly defined trajectory;
  3. At the highest point, the dumbbells are very close.

Stand straight, feet together, take dumbbells with the required weight in both hands. As you exhale, bend your elbows slightly and then spread your arms out to the sides until they are parallel to the floor. Pause at the highest point and slowly lower the projectile down. Keep an eye on the situation lumbar region and back, it must remain straight all the time!

On the abdominal muscles

One of the most wonderful exercises that harmoniously works the abdominal, back, back surface hips. Lie down on a gymnastic mat, bend your arms at the elbow joint. Transfer your body weight with your arms and feet bent, your back, head and legs forming a straight line.

Hold this position for 30 seconds or longer.

Other variations of the exercise: plank on one hand, plank with alternating hands, plank with one leg raised.

Lie on a horizontal mat, legs bent at the knees, hands behind your head. Connect your right elbow to your left knee, doing a twist, then vice versa. Perform the exercise at a fast pace to get a good feel for the work of all the abdominal muscles.

On the leg muscles

An excellent basic exercise that will help evenly work all the lower muscles. Sit in a bench press machine with your back and head pressed against the support, your knees bent and your feet on the platform. As you exhale, press the platform all the way, then bend your knees again and lower the platform.

If you want to focus on gluteal muscles, then place your feet on the upper edge of the platform, and if on the quadriceps, then on the lower edge.


One of the best basic exercises that evenly engages the back muscles, glutes, legs and abs. Place your feet approximately shoulder-width apart, with your toes facing outward, and your back completely straight. Take the bar with weights and place it on your shoulders, holding it with your hands, squat down, and then stand up again.

During a squat, your knees should not go beyond your toes, your back should remain straight at all times. Also make sure to squat to parallel with the floor or slightly lower.

Weekly training program for beginners in the gym

At the beginning of each workout, you need to do a warm-up, and at the end - stretching or cool-down. The program is designed for a beginner who trains 3 times a week. On each training day we will work the entire body to achieve harmonious muscle development.

Day 1:

  • Squats with a barbell 4*12;
  • deadlift 4*12;
  • wide grip pull-ups 4*15;
  • reverse push-ups 4*15;
  • upper block thrust 4*15;
  • hanging leg raise 4*20;
  • twisting 4*20.

Day 2:

  • Wide grip bench press 4*12;
  • dumbbell raises to the side 4*20;
  • forward lunges 4*20 on each leg;
  • leg press 4*15;
  • plank 1 minute;
  • lateral twists 4*25.

Day 3:

  • Hyperextension 4*15;
  • squats 4*12;
  • push-ups 4*15;
  • French press 4*15;
  • Bent-over barbell row 4*12;
  • twisting 4*20;
  • plank 1 minute.
  1. Beginners are recommended to train 3-4 times a week, working all muscle groups in one workout.
  2. You shouldn’t chase heavy weights; first you need to learn how to do exercises with correct technique.
  3. Perform 2-3 basic and 2-3 isolation exercises per workout.
  4. Select such a weight of the projectile that the last 2-3 repetitions in the approach are difficult for you.

And of course, do not forget about the full and healthy eating. Include meat, fish, poultry, herbs, vegetables and fruits, cereals, and dairy products in your daily menu. After all beautiful body builds not only in the gym, but also in the kitchen!

Many people have heard about “chest day” or “leg day” and imagine training in the gym exclusively this way: today you do one thing, tomorrow you do something else. This technique - splits - is often used in bodybuilding.

How often to exercise

Arrange training three times a week. For example, you can study on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and leave the weekends free. Or train on other days according to your schedule. The main thing is that between two workouts there is at least one day of rest - during this time your muscles will have time to recover.

How to select weight

To find out yours, try doing the exercise with a barbell or light dumbbells. If you were able to complete the specified number of repetitions without straining, take the next-highest weight dumbbells or hang 2.5 or 5 kg weights on the barbell. It's still easy - hang it up some more. Your weight is the one at which at the end of the set you find it difficult to perform the exercise, but your technique does not suffer.

How many approaches and repetitions to do

  • The rapid formation of the neuromuscular connection necessary to increase muscle mass.
  • Active growth of muscle mass.
  • No injuries from heavy weights.

To simplify the program, perform the same number of sets and reps for all exercises. Do all the exercises below for three approaches 10 times, unless otherwise indicated.

What should the warm-up be like?

Warm up before your workout.

  • Joint warm-up: twirl your joints, bend and twist your body.
  • Five minutes of light cardio: gentle jogging on the treadmill, exercise elliptical trainer, jumping rope.

If strength exercises are performed with a weight of more than 20 kilograms, warm-up approaches are necessary before them. You perform the exercise 3-5 times with an empty bar, and then add 10-20 kilograms.

For example, if you are doing back squats with a weight of 50 kilograms, your warm-up sets would look like in the following way: 20 × 3, 30 × 3, 40 × 3, one minute rest and first set with working weight.

What exercises to do

By starting a workout with your abs, you tone them so they better support your core and keep your back tight in movements like deadlifts or back squats.

Place your legs bent at the knees on the floor or place them on a hill so that the angle at the knee is 90 degrees, and put your hands behind your head. Perform three sets of 20 reps.

This exercise puts stress on the hip flexor muscles. Perform three sets of 20 reps.

Lie on the floor, place your arms along your body. Raise your legs bent at the knees so that your thigh is perpendicular to the floor. Lift your pelvis off the floor and push it up, then lower yourself and repeat.

This exercise does double duty: it pumps up the back extensor muscles that help you hold your back during deadlifts and squats, and it activates. The latter is especially important for people with sedentary jobs.

The exercise can be done on incline trainer for hyperextension, where the body is positioned at an angle, on a Roman chair, in which the body is parallel to the floor, or on a GHD.

Bend your body until it is parallel to the floor or slightly lower, and then straighten your back up. The deeper you bend down, the more your buttocks engage.

The exercise puts stress on the front of the thigh and buttocks.

To begin, experiment with the position of your legs and find out which one is most comfortable for you: wide, narrow, with your knees turned out strongly or just slightly to the sides.

While squatting, pay attention to your technique.

  • The back should remain straight throughout the exercise. If it rounds at the bottom, your back muscles are not strong enough, take a lighter weight.
  • Feet should not leave the floor.
  • Squat through your full range: at least to parallel with the floor or slightly below.

Pumps up pectoral muscles, engages the triceps, shoulders and core muscles.

Lie down on a bench press bench with your legs wide and feet flat on the floor. To determine your grip width, grab a barbell and lower it to your chest. At the bottom, your forearms should be perpendicular to the bar. Take the barbell, move it to a position above your chest, lower it until it touches your chest, and raise it again.

Here are a few features of the technique:

  • If you are using medium grip, wrists, elbows and bar are in the same plane.
  • The feet are pressed firmly to the floor; do not place your feet on your toes.
  • Do the movement in full amplitude, touching the bar to your chest.

Works the back of the thigh, buttocks and back extensor muscles.

Walk up to the bar, position your feet so that the bar is above the laces of your sneakers, close to your shins. Grab the barbell a little further than shoulder-width apart and bend your knees. Lift the barbell with a straight back until the hip joint is fully extended.

Features of the technology:

  • Keep your back straight, this will take the pressure off your lower back.
  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and turn your toes out 15-25 degrees.
  • Raise the bar close to your shins, almost sliding over them (but, of course, not like in the GIF below).

This exercise targets the latissimus dorsi muscles.

Sit on the machine, grab the handle and pull it towards your chest. Perform the exercise using your back muscles, not your arms and shoulders.

This exercise targets the shoulders, especially the front of them, and the pectoral muscles.

Take an overhand grip, shoulder-width apart or slightly wider. Raise the barbell up, at the extreme point, fully straighten your elbows and move your hands slightly back, behind your head.

Several features of the technology:

  • The gaze is directed forward, do not raise your head behind the bar.
  • When the bar passes in front of your head, do not lift your chin, but tilt your head back.
  • Do not lean your body back while pressing.

9. Barbell curl

This isolated exercise on the biceps brachii.

Take the barbell reverse grip shoulder-width apart, lift it by bending your arm at the elbow and gently lower it.

Features of the technology:

  • To relieve the load on your lower back, slightly tilt your body forward.
  • To protect your elbow joint, lower the weight smoothly and under control rather than throwing it down.
  • You can shift the load on different heads of the biceps due to the position of the elbows (pulled your elbows back - you loaded the outer head of the biceps more, brought your elbows forward - you loaded the inner head of the biceps).

10. Bent-over dumbbell flyes

This movement is working through back shoulders

Take it, bend down until it is parallel to the floor and spread your arms to the sides.


  • Do not raise your shoulders up; they should be lowered to turn off the trapezius muscles.
  • To increase the load on the rear deltoids, slightly turn your hands with your little fingers up.

11. Arm extension on the triceps block

Stand next to the upper block, grab the handle with a straight grip, slightly move your body forward, do not round your back. It is important to fix the entire shoulder girdle so that only your forearms move during the exercise.


  • You can shift the load to different heads of the triceps by changing your grip (a forward grip pumps up the lateral head of the triceps, and a reverse grip pumps up the long head).
  • Upper block pull with rope handle allows you to spread your arms at the lowest point and turn your hands with your little fingers outward (this also allows you to better work long head triceps).

How long will this program last?

You can do this program for one to two months, and then either change it to splits to hit each muscle group harder, or continue working your whole body in one workout, but change the number of sets and reps to suit your goals.

If you like variety and the same exercises performed day after day deprive you of interest and motivation, you can diversify your workouts with the movements presented below.

How to diversify your workouts

Movement from the program Options for replacement
Roman chair sit-ups, V-shaped sit-ups
Raising the knees to the chest while hanging on the horizontal bar, raising the legs to the horizontal bar
Squats Lunges with a barbell on the back, sumo squats with a kettlebell or dumbbells
Dumbbell flyes, push-ups, hummer presses
Leg bending on a lying machine (deadlift on straight legs)
Bent-over barbell row, bent-over dumbbell row, bent-over T-bar row
Standing chest press Standing Dumbbell Press
Barbell curl Dumbbell biceps curl
Bent-over dumbbell raises Raising arms on a machine (“reverse butterfly”)
Triceps pulley extension French bench/standing press, reverse push-ups with elevated feet, dips

How to do a cool down

After your workout, spend time focusing on all muscle groups. There is no scientific evidence that stretching reduces post-workout muscle soreness, but it does:

  • Increases the elasticity of muscles and connective tissue, which reduces the risk of injuries during training and in everyday life.
  • Partially removes restrictions that may prevent you from performing exercises with proper technique.

A beautiful and toned body is the result of long and persistent sports training. Ideal figure accessible to absolutely everyone, but the path to it begins small. Every athlete or bodybuilder was once a beginner and achieved everything through strength and perseverance. It should be right start, which will set the pace and mode for all subsequent work on oneself. Let's figure out what the program for beginners looks like and what it consists of.

Training program for beginners

A new person in sports is usually not prepared for physical activity. His muscles and joints are weak and undeveloped, and elementary rules he doesn't know how to do the exercises. If you do not have basic knowledge of the technique, then the very first training session may end in injury. Therefore, initial preparation is very important at the start. It's like with stunt scooters - you first need to learn how to ride a regular one.

Where to start working on yourself? A beginner should know the basic rules and recommendations before starting exercise in the gym or at home:

  • you can’t start without a specific training program;
  • prohibited to use basic complex exercises without prior physical training;
  • you need to master the correct technique for performing all the basic exercises, preferably under the guidance of a professional trainer;
  • it is important to follow a diet, the specifics of which depend on the ultimate goal - gain weight, lose weight, build muscle, build endurance;
  • There must be a sleep schedule - for good muscle function and sufficient recovery of the body, you need to sleep at least 8 hours a day;
  • It’s worth developing a schedule - only regular exercise can give results;
  • for beginners, all achievements and problems must be recorded in a sports diary to regulate loads;
  • physical training is a system that is divided into several stages, none of which can be ignored or skipped, especially the preparatory stage;
  • loads should increase gradually - from minimum to maximum;
  • training on average should not take more than an hour, taking into account short breaks between approaches;
  • Between classes there must be time for rest and recovery muscle tissue;
  • The desired result can only be achieved through perseverance, determination and patience.

For beginners, you need to initially develop a training program for beginners for a week. It cannot be the same for everyone due to the individual characteristics of the body and level of physical fitness. It is worth consulting with a trainer who will tell you how to create a program for yourself.

Gym training program for beginners

For beginners, the best option is the gym. It is equipped with all the necessary exercise equipment and sports equipment. In addition, there is usually an instructor present who will always help and correct if the exercise is done incorrectly.

For the first 3 months, it is recommended to use a circular system, when all muscle groups are pumped in one session. Optimal schedule– 3 days a week with a break of 1 or 2 days. The duration of one lesson is 1 hour. Be sure to take 60 seconds breaks between sets. The working weight should be slightly less than what you can lift. You should not take on a lot or increase the load in the process, so as not to overload the muscles and the body as a whole.

When you arrive at the gym, the first thing you need to do is warm up. Warm-up is very important to warm up and stretch your muscles. You can choose an exercise bike, jump rope, treadmill or any other cardio exercise. After 10-20 minutes of preparation, you can proceed to the main block.

An approximate training scheme in the gym looks like this:

  • for arms – lifting the triceps block (3 sets of 12-15 repetitions) and dumbbells for the biceps (3 sets of 10 repetitions);
  • for the back: rise vertical block(3 to 15) or pull-ups on the horizontal bar (3 to 5);
  • for legs: leg press (3 to 15) and lying leg curls (3 to 12);
  • for the chest: bench press on a machine (3 to 14);
  • for shoulders: seated press (3 to 12);
  • press: lying crunches (3 to 15).

All exercises are repeated at each training session in a circle. The number of repetitions and approaches can be varied slightly depending on how you feel. There is no need to push yourself to the point of exhaustion. The first month of classes is aimed at mastering the correct technique and the ability to feel your muscles.

The circular system is designed for 3 months. All this time the schedule does not change, you can only increase the weight a little, focusing on your own feelings. By the end of this period, the first external changes will be visible, and tangible strength and endurance will appear.

Training program for beginner girls

The women's program is different from the men's. Its main goal is general physical training and muscle tone. This is where the path of newcomers to the big world begins. strength sport. It is more convenient to perform the entire set of exercises in the gym, but it is quite possible to adapt to doing them at home. Sport equipment quite simple and affordable, and the loads are moderate.

The indicative program is designed for 7 days a week to tone the body and accustom it to active work every day. Between courses of 2-3 months you can take a 2-week break. Optimal quantity such vacations per year should not exceed 5 weeks in total.

For classes, a beginner will need:

  • dumbbells weighing from 2 to 5 kg, preferably set ones;
  • step platform;
  • exercise bike (optional);
  • fitball (gymnastic ball);
  • bench.

All this equipment is available in any gym, so it is more convenient to conduct classes there. Weight is selected individually, according to strength, it should be moderate. The break between approaches lasts no more than 3 minutes, preferably up to 1 minute. If at some stage it becomes difficult, do not strain yourself - you can reduce the number of approaches or repetitions to a comfortable value.

The weekly schedule looks like this:

Such a program to maintain good physical fitness can be used for a long time. Your figure will be beautiful and you will always feel great. The main thing is to enjoy what you do.

Home workout program for beginners

Home fitness for beginners is quite possible. But you need to understand that the lack of specialized simulators and a sufficient amount of equipment slightly limits the results. The ideal option is if home exercises complement men’s workouts in the gym. If for some reason this option is not suitable, then you should set a minimum goal and purposefully go towards it.

Before moving on to the program, you should recall a few important nuances of working on yourself at home:

  • You should not set impossible goals, as disappointment may set in;
  • training should be systematic, according to a predetermined schedule (at least 2-3 times a week with rest breaks);
  • Each lesson should begin with a warm-up;
  • the intensity of the exercises directly depends on the desired result (gain strength, endurance or relief);
  • It is important to adjust the amount of exercise depending on your physical fitness and well-being.

You need to start training at home with a circular circuit that develops all the muscles at once. That is, each session performs the same set of exercises. For starters, the following complex will do:

  • pull-ups – 10 repetitions for 3-5 sets;
  • push-ups – 3 x 10;
  • squats – 5 sets maximum number of times;
  • hanging leg raises – 5 × 10.

Over time, when endurance and strength appear, you can move on to a more complex set of exercises at home - split training. They involve working different muscle groups on different days. There is no need to rush; it is recommended to stay for several months at the preparatory stage.

Strength training for beginners

Strength indicators are usually important to professional athletes who engage in powerlifting or bodybuilding. They compete in competitions where the maximum weight lifted is recorded. For ordinary people who want to increase their strength, such training is also used, but you definitely need a basic level of physical training. A complete beginner will not be able to withstand heavy loads.

Complex strength exercises Suitable for the most part for men, and requires special exercise equipment, barbells, dumbbells. At the initial stage, it is important to have a person nearby who will belay with a large weight. A warm-up with light loads is required to tone the muscles and develop the joints.

The program is designed for a 4-day course with rest breaks.

  1. The first day – the back and chest area are pumped. Done 4 different exercises: bench press (1st set – 3 times, 2nd – 3, 3rd – 2, 4th – 2, 5th – 1), dumbbell bench press (4 sets from 4 to 8 times descending), push-ups on planks (4 by 4), rows on the block (5 × 6-10).
  2. The second is pumping the legs: squats at right angles with a barbell (from 1 to 3 repetitions for 6 approaches), leg curls on a lying and sitting machine (4 × 4), calf raises (4 × 15).
  3. Third day – arms, shoulders: seated barbell press and standing dumbbell lift (4 × 6), barbell bench press (4 × 6), bench press narrow grip(4 × 4-10 times), French press (4 × 6).
  4. Day four – repeated pumping of the legs: deadlift (6 x 6), lying leg curls (4 × 10), lunges with a barbell (5 × 6), calf raises (5 × 10).

Working to develop strength involves significant loads, so it is very important to alternate them with lighter ones so that the body can rest. Don't forget about diet and healthy life.

A set of weight loss exercises for beginners

You can lose weight easily and pleasantly by playing sports. In addition to getting rid of extra pounds will gain muscle mass, beautiful body contours will appear, endurance will develop.

Before you begin, you should learn a few rules:

  • for beginners, the first thing you need to do is prepare - running, swimming, cycling, treadmill, step, dancing, Pilates;
  • To strength training You can start losing weight only after 1-2 months of cardio training;
  • Regularity of classes is very important;
  • Constant monitoring of the pulse is important, which indicates fat burning;
  • you need to follow a diet - more proteins, less fats and carbohydrates;
  • each sports activity begins with a warm-up warm-up.

The training program is universal, suitable for girls and boys. The regime is gentle - 2 days a week with the same rest period. More intensive classes can lead to fatigue and slow down fat burning.

The scheme is as follows:

  • Day 1 – leg raises on a bench, hyperextension, standing press (French), lunges on both legs alternately (all 15 times in 3 sets);
  • 2nd – overhead barbell press sitting position, chest pull from a pulley (upper), leg curls on a lying machine, abdominal crunches on the floor, deadlifts with a barbell (dumbbells), seated leg extensions, steps with dumbbells, sumo squats with a barbell – 3 to 10 -15.

For optimal weight loss results, it is better to exercise in a gym under the guidance of a trainer, rather than at home. This increases efficiency and maintains motivation.

Good results from training can only be obtained if you have 3 components: motivation, dieting, load calculation.

  1. The first factor depends on psychological mood;
  2. the second - from personal responsibility;
  3. the third - from a properly designed training program for men in the gym.

Beginners They start with mastering basic skills and preparing the body for stress.

After adaptation— after 2-4 months they move to a more advanced level.

To make progress, it is better to rely on the experience of a trainer who will offer beginning men a gym program.

In a modified form, the exercises are relevant for intermediate and advanced levels.

Below, the proposed training plan for the gym for men can be rotated and changed depending on the level of training and other factors.


  1. We sit on the simulator, bend our arms and lean on the surface.
  2. We take the figured bar with our palms on top.
  3. We bend and extend our arms with a projectile (15x4).

Athletes with experience additionally work on the right and left hand.

We repeat abdominal exercises

Hello, friends! My name is Nikita Volkov. If you are completely new to bodybuilding or just planning to join the gym, then this article is for you! How many difficulties a beginner has to overcome even before he grabs the barbell for the first time in the gym!

Changing your usual lifestyle (leaving your “comfort zone”) causes anxiety for the vast majority of people! After all, after work or study, you won’t have to collapse on the sofa, but go somewhere, load yourself with weights, and then eat. Nutrition... You will have to control how much you eat, stop stuffing yourself with all kinds of infection, such as poisonous Cola, carcinogenic chips and... limit your consumption of sweets.

My head was spinning from the amount of various information that I could not put together. So many different techniques and methods. Moreover, there are a lot of rumors circulating around this difficult sport. At that moment I was unsure of myself. I was ashamed of my body. But I wanted to start changing myself and my life.

“Why do I need all this?” – any “normal” person would think. “And in general, my genes are bad, my bones are heavy and wide, and my muscles also hinder my movement and make me enslaved. I also heard that jocks have a boom-boom sex life. Besides, they are stupid!” – this “sensible” person will continue.

This is all just funny! Now I will not dispel these myths of not very smart people, otherwise the article will be very long. I am sure that you understand that these are trivial excuses that you need to either forget or remain in your world of prejudices and justifications.

Where do I begin?

There are many options on how to create a training program for a beginner, but I want to say one thing: universal workout- DOES NOT EXIST! Each organism is individual and how adaptation to stress and muscle tissue will proceed depends on many factors, such as gender, age, fitness, genetics.

Now I will give you a scheme that you will need to follow in the first 3-4 months of your training. What is characteristic of this period?

  • Poor muscle-brain connection (a beginner does not understand and does not know how muscles contract), and also, they are not able to abstract themselves (forget that someone is looking at them).
  • Any physical activity is stress for an unprepared body, so there is no point in overloading the system with excessive weights
  • Muscle fibers adapt to new loads, so fairly rapid increases in strength and volume are observed.
  • There is no point in dividing workouts into splits (by body parts), because... this is necessary for a targeted, increased load on the muscles being worked.

These were the main points. I'll quickly go through all the points before giving you a program in which you will need to begin the path to climbing to the top, where respect awaits you, beautiful girls and success.

Poor muscle-brain connection. Most beginners come into the gym and just mindlessly lift and press weights without thinking about how the muscle they are working works. This is fine. This is the mistake of almost 100% of new bodybuilders. You need to read about how you need to learn to contract muscles.

About stress from anyone physical activity, I think it’s clear. Your goals in the first months are setting correct technique performing exercises, getting the body accustomed to weights and the ability to focus on the muscle being worked.

Next point. In the first months of training, quite large increases in muscle volume and strength are observed, do not rush to rejoice, this is only the body’s response to an external load after a “long sleep”.

I advise you to measure all your volumes with a centimeter and write down all the data on paper. In a month or two, measure yourself again and you will be pleasantly surprised. Just don’t be a fan of it, don’t measure every other day and expect crazy gains.

Further. There is no point in splitting in the beginning. A beginner’s muscles are not adapted to such loads and such training will not give the expected result, as for example after 1.5-2 years of training. Just forget about it for now. Everything will happen, but everything will happen in due time.

Next point. Most beginners cannot abstract themselves. They think that everyone in the room, and even people passing by, is looking at them to laugh at their still modest results. My dear friends! Understand that everyone in the gym is focused only on themselves and no one cares how you work out. Everyone was there at first, just like you. They came to the hall with frightened eyes and were afraid of doing something weird. Relax! The race you are running is only with yourself.

You should be better than only one person today, that was you yesterday.

What types of exercises are there?

Exercises are divided into basic and isolating. Read more.

Compound exercises involve multiple joints and muscle groups during their execution. Such exercises include, for example: bench press/dumbbells, squats with a barbell/dumbbells, barbell rows, etc. The principle, I think, is clear.

Isolation exercises involve only one muscle group and one joint. For example: leg extension/bending in a machine. Such exercises are good for pumping blood into muscles or for pre-fatigue muscles, but not for great muscle growth.

Therefore, in the training program for a beginner, I included only basic exercises! No isolation for a year and a half of training!

Now it's time to get down to the fun part. How you should train in the first 3-4 months of your training.

Training program for beginners

The training program for beginners will look like this:

Do the above workout 3 times a week, every other day (Monday, Wednesday, Friday, or Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday).

Let's start with shoulder girdle, because in the future, this will allow you to increase your chest and back volumes.

First, we perform one warm-up set (usually with an empty bar) for 12 repetitions, then 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions with a weight that allows you to perform the exercises with the correct technique and feel the work of your muscles.

The weight, as you already understand, will increase on its own. But make sure that you don’t fall out of the corridor in 10-12 repetitions. Can you lift more reps without? Throw another 2.5-5 kg ​​onto the bar, don’t be afraid. But remember Now the main thing is technology!

If you are not yet 23-24 years old, then your growth zones are open, and you can significantly expand your backbone. Therefore, the above complex needs to be slightly adjusted.

Therefore, one workout (usually the middle one, for example on Wednesday) should be replaced with this one:

    1. Deep squats (20 repetitions) + Pullover with a dumbbell, lying across the bench (15 repetitions). They are performed one after another without rest (first squats, then 1-1.15 minutes...then again). Complete three super series.
    2. Pull-ups by the head with a wide grip (30 repetitions, excluding approaches). For example: 10, 8, 8, 6.
    3. Pull-ups to the chest with a wide grip (30 repetitions, excluding approaches). For example: 10, 8, 8, 6.
    4. Pull-up with a medium reverse grip, palms towards you (on the biceps) until your stomach touches the bar (30 repetitions, excluding approaches). For example: 10, 8, 8, 6.
    5. Push-ups on wide bars with maximum chest stretch at the lowest point (100 repetitions, excluding sets). For example: 25, 25, 20, 15, 15
    6. Hanging straight leg raise (abs exercise)

This alternation of training will give an even greater effect, because... work with weights will be performed not 3, but 2 times a week. Plus, it will expand your core.

This is how your training will take place over the next 3-4 months! No isolation! Only basic exercises! It would be enough! You will grow well the first time, because... At first, the progress is generally great! The body gets used to the load and responds to it very well!

P.P.S. To choose an INDIVIDUAL TRAINING PROGRAM based on your individual characteristics, you can download my “Selection System individual program training." Details below:

P.S. Subscribe to blog updates. It will only get worse.

With respect and best wishes,!
