Endurance training program. How to develop endurance in running for an athlete? Running workouts for beginners

Endurance - the ability of the body to withstand intense stress for a certain period of time. It is required not only for professional athletes or representatives of law enforcement agencies. Moving, working in the garden, long walks, cycling, even long shopping - there are many situations in everyday life when good physical shape is simply necessary. Therefore, the question of how to develop endurance is very important for any modern person.

A trained, hardy person looks different - fit, portly, without excess weight. His movements become more precise, faster and more confident. But the changes don't end with the look. In the composition of the blood, the number of red blood cells increases, which contribute to the supply of internal organs with oxygen. The heart muscle is strengthened, the respiratory muscles are improved.

A modern person, who has a huge amount of information, can easily develop endurance while running. Anthropologists have proven that ancient people were the best runners on the planet. Moreover, they ran not only quickly (modern Olympic champions next to them would seem clumsy juniors), but also extremely long. It can be argued that the ancestors were better motivated - by hunger or sharp teeth behind their backs. But these are excuses for lazy people. Becoming stamina in running means learning to run longer and faster. It will also improve your performance in cross-country skiing, swimming, rowing, cycling and many other sports and activities.

There are many ways to become resilient. But the main thing is the right motivation. Without it, any methods will not bring anything but suffering. After all, you have to get out of a sitting state, so comfortable and familiar. Now you need to move, become healthier and more beautiful, add years of life and positive moments to yourself. If you are not ready to do this, then you can not read further.

But if you have firmly embarked on the path of physical self-improvement, it would be useful to find out some more information.

Types of endurance

Endurance is a broad concept. The types of endurance in sports have long been identified by experts. The classic typology looks like this:

But such a classification is more interesting for athletes. In everyday life, you just need to know that endurance is general and special.
Special endurance is characteristic of a specific professional activity. Its components differ depending on the type of work performed. Someone needs to hold out for a long time in one position, others must get used to working in conditions of oxygen deficiency.

Endurance in running

How to increase endurance while running is not an idle question, even if you are not going to win the Boston Marathon. Running is the best way to keep your body in good shape, your weight is normal, and your mood is on a positive wave.

Beginners need to adhere to the following principles:

  • Systematic. Training should be regular.
  • Graduality. You need to increase the pace of running and the length of the distance gradually.
  • Craig Beasley System - Ragged Rhythm

    Famous Canadian marathon runner Craig Beasley recommended the following system: run at a maximum speed of 30 seconds, then make a transition to a calm walk for 5 seconds. Perform 8 repetitions of these actions per workout with three workouts per week and in a month you will be able to feel the strengthening of the body and increased endurance. Gradually increase the number of repetitions and the time of the maximum load.

    Bart Jasso method - interval running

    Another method was proposed by Bart Jasso, who is the manager of the Runner's World Race organization. It consists of the following. It is necessary to divide the target distance into intervals of 800 meters, and the total time to complete the distance divided by the number of intervals. Once a week, arrange a race consisting of several such intervals, running them in the allotted time. Every week, add one interval and eventually conquer the entire distance completely.

    Endurance in everyday life

    If you decide to increase your level of general physical development, you want to become hardy and strong in everyday life, work on those functional capabilities of the body that you constantly use. Run, take long walks, ride a bike, ski, rollerblade, skate. Jumping rope regularly is one of the easiest and most effective endurance exercises. Gather a small yard football team or any other sport. Sports games give not only a lot of emotions, but also bring real health benefits.

    How to increase muscle endurance? Perform basic exercises to develop the main muscle groups with a gradual increase in repetitions. General physical condition will also improve. After all, you go in for sports, and this is always beneficial (this does not apply to professional sports, there are other rules for survival).

    Home workouts

    The easiest and most democratic way to improve your own physical activity is to start running. Now it is fashionable to lead a healthy lifestyle, so they look at people running with a certain amount of envy. But with the onset of the cold season, envy can be replaced by sympathy or misunderstanding. Running, pulling out the legs of their snowdrifts, is not just a development of endurance, but a real training of a special forces soldier.
    If you don’t consider yourself one of the latter, you still don’t need to be upset. You can develop endurance at home. A treadmill or exercise bike will help with this. The main thing is not to turn them into another hanger for towels and clothes, but to really do it.
    You can do without additional equipment. Regular push-ups, jump-ups, pull-ups (a horizontal bar in the opening is the easiest solution) will allow you to keep yourself in shape all year round without any investment.

    The most important

    Once you think about how to become more resilient, and start to make your desire come true, you should never stop. Otherwise, all previous work will go down the drain. Just a few weeks of muscle downtime leads to serious losses in terms of functionality. Well-known and seemingly simple exercises will again become unbearable loads. If you have chosen the path of a healthy body, a toned body and a good mood, then follow it to the end.

    Are you a runner and want to develop your endurance and run marathons? Or maybe you are a beginner and would like to run a couple more kilometers. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced runner, we'll show you how you can take it to the next level.


    Part 1

    build your running endurance with interval training

      Use interval training. Their benefits will help you get more out of your run and build your endurance.

      • Develop your cardiovascular system. Endurance running can completely exhaust you. By using interval training you will develop anaerobic capacity (reducing the oxygen content). And when you combine this with aerobic capacity (increasing oxygen levels through easy runs and crosses), you'll get faster.
      • Burning calories. Energy bursts (the high-intensity component of the workout) will increase the amount of calories you burn. This is true even for relatively short accelerations.
      • This makes your running exercises more interesting. It may seem like a small thing, but if the usual routine gets boring, it will be much more difficult to stay motivated.
    1. Do workouts at regular intervals. This is the easiest way to get used to interval training. Just alternate periods of high and low intensity running.

      • Start with a fifteen minute warm up. To start, go fast and go for a jog, pick up speed, and by the end of the warm-up, run at full speed. This guarantees the correct warm-up before you start intensive speed work.
      • If you are starting interval training for the first time, then you need to train your body so that it can withstand heavy intervals. Accelerate for a minute, then jog or walk for two minutes. Repeat these intervals 6-8 times. Continue for a few weeks and everything else will become easier. Then cut your recovery/rest time by 30 seconds until you're running 50/50 (one minute of acceleration and one minute of rest). Before shortening your recovery/rest time, make sure you are ready to increase the intensity of the fast phase and reduce your recovery/rest time.
      • Finish your workout with a 15-25 minute cool down. Go from running to light jogging, then, towards the end of the cooldown, to a walk.
    2. Use pyramid type interval training. Start with short, intense bursts and then build up so that the longest period of high-intensity work occurs in the middle of the workout. Then gradually return to shorter accelerations and finish the workout with a cool down. This is more complicated than regular intervals, and you might want to use a stopwatch to keep accurate time.

      • Warm up for ten to fifteen minutes. As described above, start by walking at a brisk pace, move to an easy run and build up speed towards the end of the workout so that at the end of the warm-up you run at the most intensity.
      • Run hard for 30 seconds. Then calmly for one minute. Continue like this:
      • 90 seconds intense, two minutes calm.
      • 60 seconds intense, one minute and thirty seconds calm.
      • 45 seconds intense, one minute and fifteen seconds calm.
      • 30 seconds intense, one minute calm.
      • End your workout with a twenty to thirty minute cooldown, ending with a calm step.
      • NOTE--> When embarking on any interval training program, make sure your body is up to the task and ready for it. If you overload it too quickly, injury may result. Just like building up mileage, you don't just build up, you do it gradually. If you're training for a race, take longer intervals and rest longer in the months leading up to the race. As the race approaches, increase the intensity and reduce the time for rest and recovery.
    3. Make variable intervals. If you also play a sport like tennis in addition to running, then you know that the requirements for speed and endurance change according to the conditions of the game. Variable Intervals help you unpredictably alternate between short and long high-intensity intervals to more closely match the jerky accelerations typical of gaming environments.

      • Warm up with a light jog for ten to fifteen minutes.
      • Change intervals. High-intensity running for two minutes, then jogging for two minutes and thirty seconds. Speed ​​up for 30 seconds, jog for 45 seconds. Randomly change intervals. Most importantly, make sure you rest longer after long periods of high intensity than after short bursts. When you first start such workouts, rest a little longer, let the body get used to the loads and then shorten the rest intervals.
      • Do a 15-25 minute hitch.
    4. Use the interval settings on the treadmill. When you run intervals on the track, the machine itself changes speed and incline, and you face new and unexpected challenges. The main thing - do not forget to do a warm-up and a hitch, if this is not provided for by the machine program.

    Part 3

    More Ideas on How You Can Build Endurance

      Increase your mileage by 10% every week. For example, if you run 2 km a day, increase your daily run by 2/10 km. To develop endurance, continue to increase your run by 10%. But be sure to alternate workouts. For example, if you run 20 km a week, then the next week you will run 22 km. But after another week, return the total mileage to its previous level, this is necessary in order for your body to get used to it (run maybe 18-20 km). After another week, run 25 km in a week, and then run 21-23 km during the week. Gradually build up your running load. The maximum load depends on which race you want to participate in.

      Run cross country on weekends. If you are used to running 2 km a day on weekdays, run 4 km on weekends.

      Run slower and longer. For example, run at 60% strength for a long distance. Cross-country runs are designed to develop endurance, and this is not a race. Make sure you don't overwork your body the days before and after these runs.

      Try plyometrics. Exercises like jumping rope and jump rope by reducing the time your feet are on the ground will help develop running motor skills.

      Accelerate at the end of your run. Run the last quarter of the distance as soon as possible, then cool down. This exercise will help counter fatigue at the end of the race.

      Run across changing terrain. Whether you're running on a treadmill or outdoors, change your incline frequently to help your cardio workout.

      Change your diet. Cut out refined carbs and eat more lean proteins and vegetables. Eat less, but more often.

    Part 4

    Create a workout schedule
    1. Make a schedule. After creating a schedule, stick to a certain mode. This will help you achieve your endurance goal and also give you the opportunity to collect metrics: Are you keeping up with the rhythm? Can you run longer and/or faster, has progress stalled? Here is a sample schedule that will allow you to develop endurance and speed:

      • Day 1- Equal intervals. Warm up for 15-20 minutes, then run fast for a minute, then jog or walk for 1 minute and 15 seconds. Repeat intervals 6-8 times. Keep track of time with a stopwatch, cool down for 20-30 minutes, gradually slowing down and moving to a step.
      • Day 2- Light jog (only 3-6 km, depending on your form and experience).
      • Day 3- Pyramidal intervals. Warm up for 10-15 minutes, do pyramidal intervals as described above.
        • Run for 15 minutes at a normal pace, then do the exercise at alternating intervals.
        • Finish your workout with a 20-25 minute cool down, at the end of the cool down, moving to a calm step.
      • Day 4- Easy run (3-6 km, depending on your form and experience).
      • Day 5- Easy run (3-6 km, depending on your form and experience).
        • It may seem that here you will often rest, but on the third day you worked hard. And given that you will have to run cross-country on day 6, it is better to save your strength.
      • Day 6- Cross. Start at a slow pace and run at a leisurely pace for 40-90 minutes. It will be great if one of your friends or family members runs with you, or rides a bike next to you.
      • Day 7- Day of rest (3-6 km, depending on your form and experience. Take a day off every 8th week).
    2. Change up your routine a bit. Work hard once every three weeks using this technique:

      • To run, find a stadium 400 meters long near your home. Avoid the streets - they are too uneven: the foot closer to the road will be significantly higher.
      • Do dynamic stretches (not static stretches) and warm up a bit (for example, do 25 push-ups or jog a little).
      • Run 400 meters at speed, then another 400 at a jog. Repeat at least 4 times.
      • Push the boundaries. When you reach the limit, write down the time and place of the race. Let it be the minimum distance or duration, try to improve the result. As you improve, increase the minimum.
      • Make a pause. After each running workout, you can’t just stop and that’s it. Walk around and wait for your heartbeat to calm down. Then stretch.


      • Listen to your body and avoid injury. Be sure to do stretches, warm-ups and cool-downs. Be sure to make sure your shoes fit.

    What is running endurance and how can it be improved.

    Speaking of endurance, we mean the body's ability to perform work of a certain intensity for a certain period of time. A runner is considered to be of sufficient endurance if he does not tire easily or can continue the race in a state of exhaustion.

    Endurance depends on maximum oxygen consumption and lactate threshold (the period of onset of lactic acid accumulation). Roughly speaking, MPC is the size of the engine in the car, it sets the upper limit of your ability to withstand the load.

    The lactate threshold provides information about your cardiovascular system's ability to sustain a given amount of effort while running. It depends on the characteristics of skeletal muscles and adaptations resulting from training. The combination of factors MIC and LP (oxygen consumption at lactate threshold) is an indicator of the effectiveness of your "engine".

    Let's take an example. A large displacement engine in a truck can accelerate it to 200 km/h. But the same engine in a small racing car will be able to accelerate it to 350 km / h! At a constant engine power, the speed increases.

    Therefore, it would be reasonable to introduce a third factor: efficiency (in running, the term economy), which determines the limit of speed increase.

    There are general, special, speed, power, aerobic, anaerobic endurance.

    Aerobic endurance

    The term "aerobic" literally means: "with energy obtained using oxygen." Aerobic training leads to the development of the ability to use oxygen in the muscles. This type of endurance can be developed through continuous or intermittent running (more on that below).

    Aerobic endurance is of two types - speed, which helps the athlete to run at high speed despite the formation of acid, and strength, which develops the speed of movement in sprinting, hurdling, throwing and jumping.

    Anaerobic Endurance

    The term "anaerobic" means: "without oxygen": the muscles work using the energy received without the participation of oxygen. Proper anaerobic training with the participation of the lactate system allows the athlete to withstand the accumulation of lactic acid.

    The most important types of training for developing endurance are constant with extensive repetitions, and interval, with various series of repetitions and segments.

    How to develop endurance

    An example of constant training for the development of general endurance, special endurance and for recovery:

    Slow run.

    Purpose: recovery.
    Location: forest and park trails, unpaved.
    Pulse: 120-140.
    Duration: 30-40 minutes;

    Purpose: development of general endurance.
    Location: forest and park trails, alternating flat and mountainous terrain. Covering soil, less often asphalt.
    Pulse: up to 145.
    Duration: 1-3 hours depending on your preparation.

    Hill run.

    Purpose: development of special endurance.
    Location: Parks or forests with hilly terrain.
    Surface: asphalt, soil.
    Duration: segments of 60-100 m, 3-5 series of repetitions of 3-5 runs in each series (depending on training).

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    We have already touched on the development of speed endurance earlier - due to exercises that load muscle groups involved in movement in general and in running, in particular. Performed in an explosive manner in order to increase strength and energy reserves.

    Given the intensity and rest time, the emphasis was on the “speed” part, and not on the “endurance” part, although it developed. This training focuses on the “endurance” part.

    Under the endurance of football players is understood the ability to perform game activities without reducing its effectiveness throughout the match. Game activities are diverse and, accordingly, endurance is different.

    There are several types of endurance, which manifests itself in different situations. Polishkis M.S. and Vyzhgin V.A. (Football: a textbook for institutes of physical culture) cite 3 types of endurance - general (aerobic) endurance, mixed (aerobic-anaerobic) endurance and speed (anaerobic) endurance. Godik M.A. (Physical training of football players) identifies 6 types of endurance: general, speed, strength, mental, sensory and special. There are other classifications, but speed endurance is distinguished everywhere.

    Speed ​​(anaerobic) endurance determines the ability to perform jerks with maximum (or close to it - submaximal) power or speed throughout the game or training.

    Any type of endurance is affected by several factors.

    So the ability to run relatively long at high speed or recover quickly between short bursts at maximum power or speed affect the state of the respiratory and circulatory systems, the availability of energy and muscles in general, as well as the efficiency of tissues in the removal of lactic acid. The factor (system) that will limit the endurance of a particular athlete is the limiting factor.

    As a rule, in the process of training even standard, not narrowly focused training, an athlete develops a respiratory and circulatory system, strengthens the necessary muscles (footballers mainly have leg muscles), and if we train even 3-4 times a week and eat well, we gradually build up and energy stores (glycogen). The limiting factor in speed endurance among football players is often the lactic acid utilization system. .

    If lactic acid, which causes pain and burning in the muscles, is produced faster than the body can get rid of it, local chemical processes in the tissues of the body change - this manifests itself in fatigue. Lactic acid blocks the muscles. They say, "the muscles are sour."

    Mitochondria are involved in the utilization of lactic acid.

    The more of them, the better / faster lactic acid will be excreted. As a result, the duration of the dash will be longer, the recovery time between dashes will be shorter - all this will lead to an increase in the distance traveled at maximum or sub-maximum power or speed during the match.

    To simplify, we can say that fatigue will come later, performance will increase.


    The first step for speed endurance training in general is strength work - we need muscles to work at maximum power and speed. And already in the presence of muscle fibers and sufficient energy reserves, we have to solve the issue of acidification in the process of intensive work.

    Although it will not be possible to completely solve it, it is definitely possible to make very significant progress. There are 2 main types of training aimed at the growth of mitochondria in glycolytic muscle fibers. We will tell about the first, and we will show the second.

    For the muscle whose endurance we need to increase, we perform the usual strength work, but with a certain regulation. It can be, for example, squats, lunges or leg presses - in general, an exercise that loads the muscles you need in your case.

    In one approach, we perform 10 repetitions, but with a pause between each repetition of about 2 seconds. That is, not continuous execution, but with a fixation in the initial position, a pause. Then rest 8-10 minutes. But rest is not in a sitting position, but rest for this muscle.

    You can, as an option, perform a similar approach for other muscles, or you can walk. Then another approach. And so on. Number of approaches due to the form and tasks, standard 5-10 .

    It is important that the muscles should not “clog”, there should not be “to failure”. The greater the weight of the projectile, the more muscle fibers will be recruited and you can expect a greater effect. But at the same time, with a lot of weight, you can overload the muscles, burn them. The truth is often in the middle, here the “average” weight will be optimal. You can train this way quite often - several times a week.

    It is possible on free days, it is possible on the day of training in the morning, if the training is in the evening, or vice versa in the evening, if you trained in the morning. Usually we are talking about one or two such workouts per week and a cycle of 6-10 workouts.

    2. This method is more dynamic and complex.

    If we want to increase endurance in snatches, then we will do snatches - all the necessary muscles will be involved in the process of natural work.

    Training is to do 5-10 snatches for 30 meters, with active rest for 2 minutes between each snatch. The intensity should not be maximum, we don’t run for a record, we don’t run at full speed. 80-85% power/intensity enough. The first of the jerks - retracting, can be performed at an even lower intensity - 75-80%.

    Cycle - 6-10 workouts, you can train 1 or 2 times a week. The choice depends on your workload, goals and time before the competition. Training will be effective throughout the season. The training is not long, it can be done in the evening on free days or on other training days.

    It is not recommended to train like this on the day before the match. But it is highly recommended to run uphill, up the slope, or at least on soft surfaces. This applies not only to these jerks, but also to running work in general. When running up, there is less stress on working joints. No one needs extra wear and tear.

    Therefore, even when running on a treadmill, set the incline mode.

    Source: http://footballgas.blogspot.ru/2017/05/blog-post.html

    How to increase endurance while running

    If we understand running as a mass sport, then it is dominated by medium and long distances.

    This is due to the fact that distances of 3000-5000 meters are more comfortable for regular runs than sprints.

    In addition, long distances have a positive effect on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, as well as on the development of endurance.

    Most of those who have been running for six months or more show a desire to participate in mass starts, but such starts involve running on the highway from 10 kilometers. At the same time, there is a competitive moment and the person himself, without suspecting it, runs faster than his capabilities, from which the chances of successfully finishing become less.

    If the desire to participate in road races is high, and the performance so far leaves much to be desired, then endurance running is a good way to rectify the situation.

    Why Run Endurance?

    When an athlete trains with the awareness of what and how he trains, the result will not keep you waiting. Therefore, we will leave the popular expression “there is strength - no mind is needed” and we will develop endurance with knowledge and understanding of the practical application of quality and training processes.

    The value of endurance in running is great, since this physical quality determines success not only in competitive, but also in training activities.

    As a rule, the total volume of loads performed during a workout is greater than the distance itself. That is, an athlete who specializes in 1000 meters in a training session can run 5000-10000 m.

    The resulting effect depends on how well the load is performed.

    If the endurance reserve is low, then after several segments the athlete will feel very tired, as a result of which the running technique will be disturbed. This will lead to a decrease in the quality of performance and a loss in the effectiveness of the exercise as a whole. Therefore, endurance training is one of the main qualities that must be developed during the entire sports life of a person.

    Running Endurance Exercises

    There are various reasons that motivate you to develop endurance: the desire to run longer, run your first marathon, or improve your performance to get into the lead. Regardless of the reasons, training will have common features, and differ only in the volume of loads performed.

    At the same time, it is worth remembering that exercises for the development of this quality are interconnected with the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Therefore, to increase the effectiveness of classes, I recommend additionally performing exercises to improve the functions of these systems outside the main running program.

    To increase the stock of running endurance, I recommend using the following variations of running exercises:

    • interval running
    • Running with weights
    • Non-specific exercises

    interval running actively involves the respiratory and circulatory systems, so you should pay great attention to running at a variable speed. The bottom line is the alternation of the intensity of running throughout the distance, which is similar to the wave-like nature of training, but in this case, the load does not change during the week, but in one session.

    There are various variations of interval running, among which are: running with the transition to walking, time differences between kilometers and step segments.

    Running to walking is often used by beginner runners who are not yet capable of running long distances. The problem is to separate the intervals when you need to run and when to switch to walking.

    A common suggestion is to use time intervals that indicate that you need to run for 2 minutes, then go for a walk for 30 seconds. This option has proven itself and is actively used.

    Time differences belong to the classic version of interval running and consist in changing the speed of running for each kilometer. That is, after running 1000 meters in 4 minutes 51 seconds, the next kilometer should be faster, for example, 4 minutes. 30 s.

    Stepped segments imply a change in the duration of acceleration and rest time. For example, a run began with intervals of 50 seconds of acceleration, 20 seconds of a slow pace. After 2-3 repetitions, the conditions change - 80 seconds of acceleration, 30 seconds of rest. Before completing such a run, it is recommended to run 1-2 repetitions with initial conditions.

    Running with weights suitable for trained runners who can easily overcome 10 kilometers. Using weights, you can run holistic distances or try interval runs.

    Additional weight contributes to the development of strength capabilities.

    But it should be remembered that weighting leads to an increase in impact force on the ankle and knee joints, so this method is not recommended for frequent use.

    Non-specific exercises imply the performance of actions that only indirectly affect the result in running and are able to develop endurance.

    Such exercises include swimming, skiing, cycling and working out in the gym.

    Also useful will be exercises for recovery, fitness, stretching (improving flexibility and stretching) or crossfit for general physical fitness.

    1. Run 3 times a week. More is possible, less is not recommended.
    2. Alternate the suggested exercises. At the same time, pay more attention to interval running and minimal weighting.
    3. Take your pulse in the morning and evening. If the indicator starts to drop by 1-2 strokes within a month, then training brings results. Although a decrease in heart rate is not a direct indicator of good endurance.

    The result of the classes will depend on the efforts made. You can notice the improvement in performance by paying attention to the sensations during runs. Each workout will be easier than the previous one.

    If one of the days it was unusually difficult to run, it follows that the muscles were in the process of recovery and were not ready for the load.

    Try to run at the same time so that your muscles have time to rest.

    Source: https://beguza.ru/beg-na-vynoslivost/

    Development of speed endurance

    It is customary to talk about speed endurance in relation to exercises of a cyclic nature (running, walking, swimming, rowing, skiing, cycling, etc.). Any of them can be performed at different speeds.

    More enduring will be the one who can maintain a given speed of movement longer than the other.

    Naturally, depending on the speed of movement, the duration of the exercises will also be different, the higher it is, the shorter the duration of the work will be, and vice versa.


    Endurance is manifested only when there are phenomena of fatigue. It has been proven that the better the speed endurance is developed, the later during the movement at a distance the phenomena of fatigue begin to appear and, as a result, a decrease in speed.

    Consequently, speed endurance in a particular power zone develops only when a person in the process of training reaches the necessary degrees of fatigue - in this case, the body, as it were, responds to such phenomena by increasing the level of endurance development.

    Table 1 shows the time characteristics of different zones of relative power in cyclic exercises in people of different ages. Knowing the time intervals of relative power zones at different ages is of great practical importance. These data serve as a guideline for the normalization of high-speed loads in the classroom.

    Table 1

    Indicators of work time in zones of relative power in cyclic exercises in people of different ages

    The main way to improve speed endurance in each power zone is to use in the classroom a little more intense work compared to that which is typical for it in different age groups.

    Such work is movement at a speed exceeding the competitive speed at distances falling into the corresponding zone. Of course, the distance will be shorter than the competition, so the impact on the body is not enough.

    To achieve the necessary nature of the responses, their magnitude and direction in the development of endurance, training segments in one lesson are overcome several times.

    In the process of training, mainly the repeated (interval) method is used, which involves performing exercises with an intensity of 90-95% of the maximum and a duration of 10-20 seconds. The number of repetitions of the exercise in each series is 3-4.

    The number of series for those who do not have sports categories is 2-3, for well-trained people - 4-6. Often use the passage of the competitive distance with maximum intensity.

    In order to increase the margin of safety, they practice passing a longer distance than the competitive one, but again with maximum intensity.

    The main criterion for the development of speed endurance is the time during which a given speed or pace of movements is maintained.

    Speed ​​endurance in submaximal power work in people of different ages and preparedness, it manifests itself mainly in exercises of a maximum duration of at least 50 seconds and no more than 4-5 minutes.

    The main means of developing speed endurance when working in the zone of submaximal power is to overcome training segments of various lengths at a speed exceeding the competitive one.

    Speed ​​endurance in the zone of submaximal loads is mainly provided by the anaerobic-glycolytic mechanism of energy supply (i.e., from the amount of glycogen decomposing to lactic acid) and often aerobic, so we can say that the work is done in an aerobic-anaerobic mode.

    Speed ​​endurance in high power work It manifests itself in exercises, the duration of which can reach approximately 2-10 minutes or more. The boundaries of the time range within this zone are not the same for people of different ages.

    The main means of developing endurance is movement at training distances at a speed close to critical, equal to it or slightly exceeding it.

    According to its effect, such work should cause the maximum consumption of oxygen in the body and allow it to be kept at a high level for a longer time.

    The process of providing energy to working muscles is mixed, aerobic-anaerobic with a predominance of the aerobic component.

    To develop endurance in this power zone, mainly variable, repeated and interval methods are used. The intensity of movement in the variable method can be applied from moderate to competitive.

    Variable training is carried out either as a “fartlek”, when segments of a distance of different lengths are overcome at different speeds, or with a strict alternation of identical segments of a distance, run alternately at high and low speeds.

    As the fitness grows, for the development of endurance, the interval method is used, which is characterized by a large number of repetitions of the exercise in long segments at a speed below the competitive one and relatively short rest pauses.

    Speed ​​endurance for moderate power work typical for exercises in which the maximum duration of competitive activity is from 9 to 10 minutes and up to 1-1.5 hours or more.

    At the heart of speed endurance at long and extra-long distances, first of all, is the capacity of the aerobic mechanism of energy production, i.e. glycogen stores in muscles and liver, fatty acids. Its informative indicators are the level of the threshold of anaerobic metabolism (IIANO) in relation to the maximum oxygen consumption (MOC) and the speed of movement at the level of ANNO.

    ANOT corresponds to such an intensity of work at which oxygen is clearly not enough for complete energy supply, the processes of oxygen-free (anaerobic) energy generation increase sharply due to the breakdown of energy-rich substances (creatine phosphate and muscle glycogen) and the accumulation of lactic acid. Raising the threshold level of anaerobic metabolism allows the runner, rower, skier, etc. to cover most of the distance in aerobic conditions and use anaerobic reserves during the finishing acceleration.

    The main means of developing speed endurance at long and extra-long distances are: running, rowing, swimming, cycling and other cyclic exercises performed at a subcritical speed.

    Improving endurance is carried out using the methods of continuous and intermittent exercise. When using a uniform method, exercises are performed at a relatively constant speed, which is 75-80% of the critical speed for 20 minutes or more.

    This mode of operation creates optimal conditions for improving the functions of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems of the body.

    To increase endurance through a variable method, it is important to maintain the optimal level of movement speed and not overestimate it so as not to unnecessarily activate anaerobic processes. It should change in the range of 60-80% of the critical one.

    To develop the ability to keep the speed of movement at the competitive level for a long time, it is useful to include control passages of a shorter distance in comparison with the competitive one.

    This is usually done in the order of control estimates.

    Then the duration of the movement at the speed required in the competition is gradually increased until the chosen distance is almost completely covered.

    How to improve stamina while exercising? The answer to this question is of interest to a fairly large number of people. And now we will discuss it with you - we will consider existing programs, we will pay attention to medications that increase endurance, and their effect on the athlete's body.

    As a universal remedy for solving this problem, consider running. After all, this is a simple method that does not require special simulators.

    general information

    Running, of course, is universal, but it requires a special approach, for which it is not enough just to get off to a good start. You also need to be able to keep pace for a long time. For this, in addition to physical training, you will also need willpower, as well as tactics (or techniques) of movement. Conditionally allocate special and general endurance. They are needed for the following purposes:

    1. General endurance. Allows you to consolidate the existing result and be ready for possible physical exertion.
    2. Special Endurance. It is necessary for those who are engaged in the body's ability to overcome prolonged stress. Its development is carried out by athletes who want to organize long-distance races. After all, it allows you to better tolerate hypoxic conditions and cope with aerobic exercise.

    Sports running requires a lot of endurance. Let's see how to get it.

    So, in order to achieve the optimal result, you need to:

    1. Engage in terrain with a slight rise (up to 4%). In addition, it is necessary to choose a pace so that during it you can talk without choking. When answering how to increase the endurance of your body, it should also be noted that as the initial speed, you can choose such a distance as to overcome a distance of 30 steps in 20 seconds and aim that the training should last at least 20 minutes.
    2. Complicate yours as the number of classes grows. So, it will be useful to move on hilly terrain (rise of at least 8%). Of course, it is necessary to spend not all the time on it, but only half. The speed of movement should be at the level of the previous paragraph.
    3. Don't forget to rebuild your muscles. You can do this both during the hitch and during the warm-up at the very beginning. This will be especially useful for those who have suffered an injury and have not loaded their body for a long time. To restore the muscles, it is enough to do. If training is difficult at first, then it can be used periodically throughout the workout.

    Now let's look at exercises that increase endurance and are based on running.

    The slower the better

    The desire to achieve results often overrides human caution. But in vain! After all, this can lead, at a minimum, to krepatura, and sometimes even to microtraumas or fractures.

    The idea of ​​the first exercise is that a person needs to perform it in cycles. For those whose sports form is deplorable, the following option is suitable:

    1. It is necessary to run thirty seconds;
    2. Walk at a calm pace for 4.5 minutes;
    3. Repeat eight times.

    This workout is enough to do three times a week. You can choose Monday, Wednesday and Friday as running days. Over time, you need to increase the load and reduce the rest.

    For six months of training according to this method, those who do not miss classes and adequately assess their strength can boast of the result of two hours of running at a calm pace. But it is better to work here not by time, but by distance. It can be increased once every two weeks.

    Fast run

    So, we continue to consider exercises that increase endurance. The essence of the next lesson is that it is necessary to run a certain distance in a short time. And not once, but a certain amount. And you need to run as fast as a person wants.

    As an example, you can set a distance of 800 meters in 3 minutes 30 seconds. You need to start with 4-5 approaches in one workout. If you can’t meet the standards, still run and try to reach the goal. As soon as all the approaches are successfully performed, you can increase their number. Although it is not recommended to run more than 10 times in one workout. It can be done in the same way as the previous one - three times a week.

    Now you know how to increase endurance if you want to learn how to quickly run long distances. But this method is suitable for people who can’t even run at least three kilometers at all? If this is not possible - well, then read point number 1.

    Slow and long run

    The following exercise is suitable for those who are interested in how to increase stamina and at the same time not succumb to fatigue. Its main meaning is that it is necessary to concentrate on easy running. By the way, in addition to its direct goal, the exercise helps to avoid traumatic situations.

    This running program is focused on human effort. According to this technique, it is necessary to run not at 90% of your strength, as most people do, but at 80%. If you can overcome 8 kilometers in 25 minutes, then try to do it in half an hour. That is, for time, you can use a factor of 1.25.

    Documented Workout

    This running program provides for the presence of physical activity to the point of exhaustion. Moreover, this should be no more than three times a week (you can use the same Monday, Wednesday and Friday).

    It is necessary to draw up a work plan, which will indicate the speed and distance traveled for each workout. At the same time, conditional Monday is but at a slow pace. On Wednesday, physical activity is carried out at intervals. And on Friday, you need to arrange a tempo workout. By the way, due to the alternation, the risk of injury is reduced. But whether such endurance training is suitable in this case is up to each person to decide for himself.


    The following endurance workouts use the percussion method. This approach shows good results when speed, quickness and power are needed. Also, elements of plyometrics can be seen in parkour. Explosive and fast movements are used here to develop muscle strength and speed. Jumping is important here.

    There is no specific methodology, but you can start with this: first, run with quick small steps for 15-20 meters. In this case, you need to raise your knees quite high (but not too much). After that, you need to rest and repeat 6-8 more times. As an additional warm-up, you can add different jumps (on two legs, on the left, on the right). In order not to be injured, it is preferable to work on the ground or asphalt.

    Long tempo workouts

    Continuing to consider how to increase the physical endurance of your body, let's pay attention to one more method. For comparison, we will touch on standard approaches. They provide for a person to run at a slightly lower speed than the one with which you can easily overcome 10 kilometers. Here it is proposed to increase this figure to 60 minutes.

    At first, it is recommended to practice only once a week. This should continue for two months. At the same time, in order to avoid injuries, it is recommended to start with a standard approach - from 20 minutes. Every week you need to add 5 minutes. If that doesn't work - well, try the previous mode until you can pull in the new magnification rule. After two months of classes, give yourself a good rest for a week. Over time, you can increase the frequency of classes. So it will be possible to carry out two races per week - as long as there are free days.

    Fast and long run

    This option is the opposite of approach #3. The essence of this method is to start picking up speed when only 25% of the set distance remains. And this must be done gradually. Ultimately, many will have the feeling that they don't worry - this is normal. But there is no need to drive yourself like a racehorse.

    Medicine comes to the rescue

    Let's talk about drugs that increase endurance. First of all, I would like to place a warning that their use does not go unnoticed. Therefore, think three times, and also consult a doctor before taking anything. They can have the following effect:

    • mobilizing;
    • metabolic;
    • mixed.

    The drugs of the first group are undesirable, since their long-term use leads to the progression of various disorders in the body. The second type can be taken longer, but they tend to have a rather slow rate of action. Mixed-effect drugs occupy an intermediate position.
