Increase physical endurance and improve. How to increase muscle endurance. Use the reverse pyramid principle

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Genus. 1984 Trained since 1999 Trained since 2007. Candidate of Masters in powerlifting. Champion of Russia and South Russia according to AWPC. Champion of the Krasnodar region according to IPF. 1st category in weightlifting. 2-time winner of the Krasnodar Territory championship in t/a. Author of more than 700 articles on fitness and amateur athletics. Author and co-author of 5 books.

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Date of: 2015-05-31 Views: 50 049 Grade: 4.8 Any man does not want to increase his muscle mass endlessly. But anyone wants to increase their strength endlessly! And one day a moment comes when the body shape and weight are already satisfactory, but the strength is not. Why does this happen? Yes, because a real man ALWAYS wants to be even stronger than he is!)) At the same time, many understand that strength is mass. And mass is strength. That is, to become even stronger, you need to become even bigger. But I don’t want to anymore. How to be? Now I will tell you some tricks that will help you increase strength without gaining mass.

Natural nutrition

If you don't want to gain weight, then you need to consume exactly as many calories as you burn. Here you can calculate how much you spend: . And here are the corresponding and . Nutrition is the main factor that keeps weight at the same level. If calorie intake is equal to calorie expenditure, then there will simply be nothing to gain from additional body weight. In general, everything is quite simple here. You calculate how much you spend per day and eat approximately as indicated on the menu.

Sports nutrition

From sports nutrition, you will need drugs that do not have a DIRECT effect on weight growth, but have an effect (at least indirectly) on strength growth. These are drugs such as: Creatine retains water, but not in large quantities. In addition, the water immediately disappears as soon as you stop drinking it. Ecdysterone or tribulus stimulates the body's production of testosterone. And the higher its level, the stronger you are. Vitamins and minerals make you at least feel good. Which also has a positive effect on your strength. Well, BCAAs restore muscle structure. It turns out that using even all of these drugs at the same time will not directly lead to weight gain. Although, it may indirectly affect her. However, do not forget that you will be eating to maintain weight, and, in theory, the weight should not increase. But these supplements will significantly increase your strength.

Basic exercises

Everyone knows that growth requires strength. But they also grow well and mass. What to do? Make a base. But do it with a small number of repetitions. From 1 to 6 repetitions. Isolation exercises are also needed. But they are needed to dilute the base. After all, if you only do the basics, and even 1-6 repetitions, then you will quickly wear out not only your musculoskeletal system, but also get tired psychologically. It will be enough to do 4 basic and 2-3 isolation exercises per workout.


A little cardio won't hurt. It is needed so that you can convert some of the extra calories (if they suddenly appear) into energy. It will be enough, for example, to run 2 times a week for 30 minutes. This should not affect your strength gains. At the same time, the risk of gaining excess weight will be much lower. If you lead a fairly active lifestyle: you walk a lot for work or have physical labor, then you most likely will not need cardio.


In the end I want to say a rather necessary thought. The fact is that the increase in strength without an increase in mass is quite limited. That is, you will be able to increase your strength without increasing mass only for the first few months. Until you reach your genetic limit. Then, in order to increase strength even a little, you will need to increase body weight. In addition, the more trained a person is, the fewer resources he has to increase strength without increasing weight. For well-trained athletes who, for example, have been involved in powerlifting or other strength sports for many years, it is almost impossible for them to increase their strength to any significant extent without increasing weight. Well, remember that working for quite a long time only on strength is dangerous. First of all, it is dangerous for your joints and ligaments. Therefore, I recommend focusing on strength for no longer than 3 months. But for good measure, 2 is quite enough. Then you will need to switch to other goals. Good luck!

By the way, you can order yourself

Yes, yes, nothing new. But just listen to how much you can improve your results! I myself don’t like to prolong pleasure, and the desire to achieve everything as quickly as possible often takes precedence over caution. I'm lucky so far, and the only unpleasant consequences are hellish strength.

Some of my friends were not so lucky. There can be a lot of options for punishment for such impatience: starting with microtraumas and ending with fractures. Therefore, here is an example from the life of a person who was able to achieve amazing results through patience and perseverance. And soon he will achieve even more!

So, meet Craig Beasley from Canada. Craig started running two years ago and at that time could only run for 30 seconds before breaking into a walk and walking for 4.5 minutes. Then ran again for 30 seconds. He repeated this cycle eight times for a total of 40 minutes. He tried not to miss and trained three times a week.

30 weeks later, Beasley was able to run 30 minutes without stopping and completed his first half marathon in 2 hours 12 minutes. He decided to continue training and trained even in winter at sub-zero temperatures. In May, he was already able to run non-stop for 2 hours 45 minutes and do six sets of 400 meters in 1 hour 45 minutes. The first marathon awaits him ahead.

Try increasing the distance gradually. For example, increase by 1 km at the end of each week for three weeks in a row (for example, 5, 6, 7 km), and in the fourth week take a vacation, rest and recuperate. Then start adding 1 km again.

Option 2. Bart Jasso method

This training option was used by Bart Jasso, manager of Runner's World Race. It consists of running 800 meters at the speed at which you plan to run your first marathon. So if you want to run it in 4 hours 30 minutes, try running 800 meters in 4 minutes 30 seconds. This training was written about 10 years ago, and since then this method has gained many fans.

Doug Underwood is one of the many fans of this technique. He has only been running for three years and has already completed two marathons in 3 hours 55 minutes and 3 hours 53 minutes. After that, he really wanted to take part in the Boston Marathon and decided to take his training seriously. His training was based on the Yass method.

To get to the Boston Marathon, you need to do it in 3 hours and 30 minutes. So Underwood decided to train until he could run 800 meters in 3 minutes 30 seconds, and combine 10 sets into one run, interspersing 3 minutes 30 seconds of jogging between the fast runs.

Underwood ended up running the Baton Rouge Beach Marathon in 3 hours, 30 minutes, 54 seconds. This was quite enough to qualify for the Boston Marathon.

What's the best way to train? Try running the Jasso plan once a week. Start with 4-5 800m intervals at the speed you set for yourself, and then add one interval per week until you get to 10.

Option 3. Long and slow run

Megan Arbogast has been running marathons for five years, and her best time is 2 hours 58 minutes. Everything would be fine, but there is one problem: while preparing for the marathon, she brought herself to the point of exhaustion.

And starting in 1998, she began training according to a program that was developed by Warren Finke, a famous trainer from Portland. Finke believes that marathon runners should focus on easy running that will help them achieve their desired level of endurance without injury every few months. He believes many runners train too hard, get injured and then never reach their upper limit.

Finke's program is based on learning that is built on effort. He believes that if a runner runs at 80% of his standard pace, he will perform better than if he runs at 90%. Just a 10% difference helps you avoid injury and achieve the desired results.

And this program helped Megan a lot. Two years after starting training with this system, she improved her personal result to 2 hours 45 minutes.

How to train using this system? If you run 10km at an average pace (a kilometer in 7 minutes 30 seconds), then try running the same distance at a kilometer pace in 9 minutes 23 seconds. So you just need to take your pace and multiply it by 1.25.

Option 4: Record every workout

When you've been running marathons for 25 years and have a degree in physiology, you know some interesting things about training. Bill Pearce, Chairman of the Department of Health at the University of Fermanagh, has developed a program that works very well. At 53, Pierce runs the marathon in 3 hours 10 minutes - not much slower than when he ran his first marathon 20 years ago.

The secret is that Pierce runs three days a week, but on those days he trains hard. The remaining four days he just rests: he doesn’t run at all, but he can do some strength training or play tennis.

Pierce creates a work plan for each workout that includes speed and distance. One day he runs a long distance at a slow pace. On the second day he runs intervals, and on the third he does a tempo workout. He works at a higher intensity than others recommend, but by alternating his workouts, the risk of injury is reduced. This training plan has proven to be ideal for Pierce, and he has been practicing it for many years.

Pierce's training schedule: interval training on Tuesdays, tempo training on Thursdays, long-distance slow training on Sundays. Interval training - 12 repetitions of 400 meters or six repetitions of 800 meters at a pace slightly faster than that at which he runs his 5K. On tempo days, Pierce runs 4 miles 10 to 20 seconds faster than the pace he runs his 10K. And finally, a long, slow run - 15 miles at a pace that is 30 seconds slower than his marathon pace. You can calculate your schedule in the same way.

Option 5: Do plyometrics

Plyometrics is a sports technique that uses the impact method. In the modern sense - jumping training. Plyometrics are used by athletes to improve athletic performance that requires speed, quickness, and power. Plyometrics are sometimes used in fitness and are one of the main elements of parkour training. Plyometric exercises use explosive, fast movements to develop muscle strength and quickness. These exercises help the muscles develop the greatest force in the shortest possible period of time.

Dina Drossin is one of America's all-time top female runners. She once asked Weatherford, a coach at the US Olympic Committee Training Center in Chula Vista, California, to develop a special program that would allow her to develop endurance and improve her speed.

Weatherford said he hasn't worked with distance runners, but he'll give it a try. He ended up coming back with two ideas that worked great. Weatherford and Drossin started with core strengthening and continued with explosive plyometrics for the legs, focusing on the fundamentals and choosing quality over quantity.

Drossin performed various types of jumps and after these trainings ran the London Marathon in her new personal (and American) record of 2 hours 21 minutes 16 seconds. And this is 5 minutes faster than her result before this marathon.

Try incorporating jumping into your workouts. For example, running in short, fast steps for 15–20 meters. This is when you run in small steps, moving your feet quickly and lifting your knees quite high, but not too high. Use your arms vigorously while running. Rest and then repeat 6-8 more times. Train in this way 1-2 times a week, adding 5 minutes of various jumps (on one leg, on two legs, etc.). Jumps are performed on soft grass or dirt.

Option 6. Long tempo workouts

Military man Patrick Noble ran his first marathon in 1986 in 3 hours 15 minutes, feeling like a hero. Noble decided not to stop there and ran 50 marathons without breaking his 3-hour barrier. But 52 times he managed to jump above his head: he ran the marathon in 2 hours 58 minutes 23 seconds. Patrick believes that his special approach to training - running at a fast pace over long distances - helped him.

The standard approach to tempo training involves running for 20 to 40 minutes at a pace that is 10 to 20 seconds slower than your 10K pace. Noble raised the bar to 60 minutes. In the end, this is what helped him overcome the barrier at the 52nd marathon. At least that's what he thinks.

Try doing long tempo workouts once a week for eight weeks. Start with 20 minutes at a pace 10-20 seconds slower than your average 10K pace. And add 5 minutes to the duration of your workout every week. After tempo training, do not forget to give yourself a complete rest for 1-2 days.

Option 7. Run fast and long

This option doesn't work for everyone and is the opposite of option #3. Meet Scott Strand, a fan of fast, long-distance running. He was recently able to improve his marathon time by 4 minutes: his time was 2 hours 16 minutes 52 seconds.

During his training, he ran between 18 and 23 miles. And the last 9-14 miles he ran at marathon pace or faster.

Hard training at a fast pace over long distances was brought into fashion by Khalid Hanouchi, the world record holder in the marathon. And if previously it was considered important to stay on your feet for 2-3 hours, now many people prefer to take a high pace and run as fast as possible at the end of the distance.

Try running very fast for the last 25% of your distance, gradually increasing your pace. You'll probably end up feeling like a lemon at the end, but that doesn't mean you have to push yourself like a racehorse. Eventually you will feel your pace and can gradually increase it.

You can try all seven methods and eventually choose one or more. The main thing is that they really help you and not harm you.

Be careful, pay close attention to your gut feelings, and you can definitely run your first marathon or improve your next one.

The human body is capable of many things. Its resources have large reserves and can be successfully developed. Endurance, both physical and emotional, helps with this. These types of endurance are tightly connected to each other. By training one ability, the other automatically improves too. Endurance is the ability of the human body to withstand heavy loads for a long time. But how to develop endurance?

Features of endurance development

It is generally accepted that the strength of the human body is demonstrated by the presence of muscles. This is not always the correct opinion. All athletes pay great attention to cardiological exercises, which improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system. All training should be aimed at increasing endurance, building muscle mass and strengthening the functioning of all systems. The less a person gets tired, the stronger his health is - this is an indisputable fact. To achieve these results, it is important to spend time building endurance. There are two types of body resilience:

  1. General, when the body is able to withstand prolonged physical influences.
  2. Special, the body’s ability to tolerate fatigue under specific loads.

The best method to achieve your goal of increasing endurance is physical activity. The resistance of the body is perfectly developed by running, cycling, swimming, as well as simple exercises that can be done at home. Then the result will not be long in coming. The body will be more toned, flexible, strong and resilient.

How to develop endurance at home

Good motivation is the first step towards achieving a goal. A trained person not only looks good physically, but also feels more confident. The right motivation will turn training into pleasure, not hard labor.

Where to start training? Initially, you need to pay attention to your lifestyle. Without going to the gym, you can increase your body's strength and endurance at home. Experts have developed simple rules that must be followed regularly.

  1. It is important to adhere to the correct daily routine. Get at least 8 hours of sleep a day. Internal overstrain will interfere with the development of endurance.
  2. Initially, you need to include morning exercises in your daily routine.
  3. Once every seven days you need to include cross-country in your training. Running on long routes helps develop the body's power. You can start with a 3-kilometer distance and then increase it. It is recommended to run the race on a day off to allow the body to recover. Little by little, the body will get used to such loads, and endurance will increase.
  4. Endurance directly depends on the proper functioning of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. It is important to include exercises in your daily workouts that will strengthen all body systems. You can get acquainted with yoga, which provides comprehensive classes.
  5. It is important to pay attention to nutrition. If it is incorrect, then all efforts will be in vain. It is recommended to consume more fiber, which is found in nuts, fruits, vegetables, and dairy products. All this food is perfectly absorbed in the body and will certainly have the best effect on it. You can even pay attention to a complex of vitamins and drink them in the early stages of training.
  6. It is important that training is enjoyable. Scientists have proven that a good mood during exercise will contribute to the best results. A clean mind ensures a stable positive mood. Be sure to check out this system for clearing your mind – you won’t regret it.

Exercises to improve endurance

For high-quality results and achieving goals, athletes recommend training to be carried out efficiently and regularly. The body quickly gets used to the stress, and after a short time it will demonstrate strength and endurance.

At home, with just five exercises you can effectively create and consolidate good results.

  1. Pull-ups on the horizontal bar (20 times). The exercise is familiar to everyone. The body should be straight, the legs should be together and the body should be pulled up with the hands so that the chin rises above the horizontal bar. You need to inhale when going down, and exhale when going up.
  2. Push-ups (60 times). An old exercise that many people remember from school. Take a lying position, keep your legs together and your back straight. You can inhale as you go down, but you must exhale when you go up.
  3. Abdominal pumping (40 times). On your back, in a lying position with your knees bent, bend forward. Then you need to raise your body and reach your chin to your knees. Inhale as you straighten and exhale as you lift your back.
  4. Leg throw (40 times). You need to sit down and rest your palms on the floor, and then throw your legs back while bending your back, then get to the starting position. Exhale must be done while throwing your legs back.
  5. Jumping with changing legs (45 times). When doing the exercise, it is important to keep your hands behind your head, elbows turned to the sides. The body must be vertical and kept level. One leg is bent at the knee and looking forward, the other is evenly extended back. During the jump you need to change the position of your legs. Inhale during the jump, exhale when landing.

Exercises should be performed comprehensively. You are given 8 minutes for one approach, during the allotted time you need to include a rest (30 seconds). It is important to carry out everything according to clearly established rules and not change places.

Exercising always brings health benefits:

  • the number of capillaries that direct blood to the muscles increases;
  • the heart trains, it begins to pump more blood and supply oxygen to the muscles;
  • muscle volume increases due to an increase in mitochondria;
  • the functioning of the lungs, which saturate the blood with oxygen, improves;
  • the presence of lactic acid in the muscles decreases, which causes pain after completing sports;
  • red muscle fibers develop.

Stages of training endurance

Before acquiring strength and becoming a resilient person, preparatory stages are necessary for the body. Preparation will help you get in the right frame of mind. There are three main stages: preparatory, main, special.

During the preparatory stage, you need to study the exercises that will be used to acquire endurance. Pay attention to drawing up a training plan, their duration and proper execution of exercises.

The main task of the main stage is to strengthen the cardiovascular system, muscles and ligaments, and adjust breathing. All this is necessary to increase overall performance, strength, agility and speed. The second stage is the foundation before acquiring full endurance.

The special stage can only begin when the first two are completed perfectly. This can be tested by running a 3 km cross-country race, which should be supplemented with strength exercises. If the body has passed the control test, then you can move on to a special stage. It involves long-term physical activity, which must be combined with unexpected and instant strength and speed exercises. This stage will help develop contrasting endurance.

The most basic

Once you decide to take up sports and develop endurance, you never need to stop.

If you don't exercise for just a few weeks, your muscles will lose their previous functionality and you'll have to start all over again. If your choice has fallen on a healthy lifestyle and a fit figure, it is important to follow this path to the end.

What factors influence performance, and how to increase the body's endurance during physical activity? Let's talk to coach Yulia Pogotskaya.

The performance of the body is influenced by many factors, the main ones:

  • Gas exchange is the body's ability to absorb oxygen and remove waste products. To assess this indicator, the rate of gas exchange in the lungs and tidal volume are taken into account.
  • Blood circulation - the rate of blood circulation, the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood (oxygen carrier protein) and the total volume of blood.
  • The rate of removal of waste products from muscles is the ability to maintain normal blood pH, the rate of utilization of lactic acid and the removal of carbon dioxide through the lungs.

To increase physical endurance:

Develop your respiratory system! This can be done with the help of special exercises, the purpose of which is to increase the rate of oxygen delivery to the muscles: short, high-intensity workouts (30-90 seconds) with breaks between sets equal to the time they are performed.

Take care of the body's ability to maintain acid-base balance. The maximum concentration of lactic acid is observed during short-term intense exercise (1-2 minutes). With repeated loading, its concentration increases even more - the acid-base balance shifts to the acidic side. The peak of muscle fatigue is reached after 3-4 repetitions of these. Divide the workout into 3 series with breaks of 10-15 minutes.

Provide your muscles with fuel" The main source of energy is glucose. To increase your glycogen stores, follow the training principle: depletion, recovery, super recovery. An hour before physical activity, eat something high in complex carbohydrates.

Keep drinking regime. If you are not hydrated enough, you risk muscle wasting. Maintain a drinking regime - at least 1.5 liters of water per day. Before training, you can use the “hyperhydration” technique - drinking 0.5 liters of water 50 minutes before physical activity.

Don't forget about dynamic warm-up. It takes at least 10 minutes of physical activity to release synovial fluid, which lubricates the joints. A series of push-ups, squats and jumping rope is an ideal start to your workout.

Choose the right shoes. Sneakers with good cushioning reduce the load on the spine. Give preference to special models for training - when choosing, be sure to consult with the seller, or even better, with a trainer.

Take care of your immune system. Normal functioning of the immune system is the key to good health. When you are healthy and alert, training is easier to endure.

Follow the rules of proper nutrition. When playing sports, it is necessary to strictly maintain the balance of KBJU (calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates). Insufficient protein intake is the reason that muscles do not have time to recover. Norm for regular physical activity: 1.5-1.7 g of protein per kilogram of body weight.

Include more vegetables and fruits in your diet. Training is stressful for the body. During this period, the menu should contain as many vegetables and fruits as possible that neutralize free radicals: zucchini, blueberries, tomatoes, eggplant. Eat at least four servings of vegetables and fruits per day.

Keep a daily routine. Any specialist will say: rest is an integral part of good physical shape, helping to increase the body's endurance. During sleep, muscles relax and recover quickly. If your lifestyle does not allow you to sleep 8 hours, try relaxing procedures - floating, for example.

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Endurance, in essence, is the ability to perform physical work for a long time that requires large amounts of energy. Endurance can be emotional and physical. While emotional endurance allows us to cope with difficult, grueling conditions, physical endurance is the ability to expend less energy on performing any action, as well as quickly recover from physical muscle fatigue. It can be assumed that physical endurance comes only after or together with the development of emotional endurance, and the development of one of them leads to the development of the other. This article will provide some tips for increasing your physical endurance.


How to increase physical endurance:

1. Stretching. Stretch your muscles before any physical activity. This will prepare your muscles for physical activity and improve blood circulation. Good blood flow in the human body is very important for endurance; it accelerates the removal of breakdown products from muscle tissue, in particular lactic acid, which causes a feeling of fatigue.

2. Frequency and type of exercise. The more often you exercise, and the more often you change the type of exercise you perform, the higher your endurance becomes. This is primarily due to the fact that you are developing different body parts and muscle groups without allowing the body to become accustomed to the exercise being performed, which could hinder the increase in speed. Equally important is consistency and regularity in performing exercises.

3. Continuity. If you are going to perform several types of exercises, do not take breaks between them - after completing one, immediately move on to the other. This approach to performing exercises increases the overall level of endurance, and also allows the muscles that were involved in the previous exercise to rest. It can be applied to both anaerobic and weightlifting exercises.

4. Do aerobic exercise. Many aerobic exercises, such as running, walking or cycling, improve physical endurance. So, long-term and regular aerobic exercise improves heart function, cleanses the lungs, evens out breathing, stabilizes weight, as a result, it allows you to do more complex exercises with less stress on your body and, in particular, cardiac activity.

5. Increase the number of repetitions. Whatever type of exercise you do, as you get easier and easier, increase the number of repetitions. However, do this gradually, adding one repetition per day, week or month, depending on the type and complexity of the exercise being performed. Slowly but surely, expand the boundaries of your capabilities, achieving ever greater levels of success.

6. Eat healthy. Stay away from high-calorie foods that only provide short-term energy, such as candy, cookies, soda, sweet tea, white bread and chips. Preference should be given to fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as cereals made from oats, wheat, rye, and other cereals, in general, food that provides your body with energy for a long time.

7. Use lighter weights. Reducing weight and increasing the number of repetitions in weightlifting and strength training helps increase endurance. So, the heavier weights you use, the larger and stronger your muscles become, however, given the size of the muscles and the energy required to contract them, endurance leaves much to be desired. Increasing endurance is achieved by increasing the number of repetitions, which will most likely require you to reduce the weights used in your training.

Physical endurance is needed, first of all, by athletes and people doing hard physical work, however, it can be useful for all other people, since by developing physical endurance, we simultaneously help strengthen our mental endurance. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to torture yourself by performing heavy physical exercises; regular performance of simple exercises without weights is quite enough. I wish you success.
