Why Kerzhakov left football. The best scorer of the Russian national team and Zenit, Alexander Kerzhakov, has retired. Do you remember how it all began

The main theme of the past Spanish-Russian football summer again appeared on the pages of sports publications: as reported in Spain, Sevilla continues to negotiate with Zenit St. Petersburg on the acquisition of striker Alexander Kerzhakov. The story of his transfer to the Spanish team has already grown to the size of a novel, but, as they say in the Pyrenees, the final chapter is now being written to this novel. Of course, with a happy ending, in which Kerzhakov ends up in Seville.

The reason why interest in Kerzhakov has intensified right now is quite simple. The fact is that striker Javier

Chevanton, whom the Andalusian club signed in the summer just to replace the Russian forward, has not played a single match in the example: for more than two months he has been dealing with a problem with his spine, and there is a possibility that the treatment will drag on indefinitely. At the same time, it is widely known that Main coach“Seville” Juande Ramos has long wanted to see Kerzhakov in his team and on this basis even came into conflict with sports director Ramon Rodriguez Verdejo Monchi, who believes that it will be difficult for the Russian to adapt to Spanish football and the Seville climate and lifestyle.

Now, however, the club's sports management is looking for a replacement for Chevanton, and, as Madrid's AS reports, Kerzhakov is the “chosen one” that Sevilla has its eye on.

As the Spaniards write, there is an almost complete agreement with the player. Kerzhakov himself, in an interview with the Seville edition of ABC a week ago, said that he would not renew his contract with Zenit and that he only wanted to play in the Spanish club:

“The President of Zenit promised me that at the end of November, when the Russian championship ends, he will consider the possibility of my moving to Seville,” Alexander said then.

True, for the transition to take place, Seville needs to solve one small problem: in the Spanish league there is a limit on the number of foreign players, of which there can be no more than three in each club. For Sevilla, these three places are occupied by the Brazilians Adriano and Luis Fabiano, as well as the Uruguayan Chevanton. However, according to AS, the Sevilla management has several options for further action. Firstly, you can sell one of the foreigners. Secondly, this winter Adriano should begin the process of obtaining Spanish citizenship, writes Championship.ru.

It is alleged that the club’s management is already working on the option of registering Kerzhakov using the precedent established in 2005 by the so-called “Simutenkov case”. In accordance with it, athletes from nine countries of the former USSR (including Russia), who have a special cooperation agreement with the EU, cannot have their rights limited and thus are not subject to the limit on foreign players. As a result, according to the Spaniards, the long-running transfer saga involving Sevilla, Alexander Kerzhakov and Zenit could end in the near future - “within a matter of days,” AS believes.

The most productive Russian striker of the 21st century is leaving football. By the age of 34, the forward, remembered by domestic fans not only for his scattering of goals, but also for the phrase “I hit, I hit and I will hit,” set more than one record. recalls the most striking episodes of Kerzhakov’s career.

Do you remember how it all began

In March 2001, he made his debut with the St. Petersburg team. He was 18 years old. He scored his first goal in June, three months after his debut. But not just anyone, but Moscow!

Kerzhakov quickly became one of the stars of Zenit, successfully performing not only in the domestic championship, but also in European competition. In 2006, the Spanish Sevilla wanted to buy him. The forward's transfer to the Spanish club amounted to 5 million euros. Then it seemed fantastic - the Russian football player became interested abroad, and not just anyone, but one of strongest teams Spain. Domestic players are never in great demand Western clubs, to put it mildly, we didn’t use it. The mini-boom happened only after the successful Euro 2008, but Kerzhakov opened a window to Europe even earlier. He had a five-year contract, but he spent only two seasons in the Pyrenees, winning bronze medals Spanish Championship, National Cup and Cup.

In 26 matches for the Spanish club, Alexander scored 11 goals. One of the most spectacular was the goal in the game against Barcelona on March 4, 2007. Having received the ball, the Russian striker quickly turned around and fired into the bottom corner of the goal, leveling the score - 1:1.

After the break, Kerzhakov earned a free kick near the Barca goalkeeper. His teammate Daniel Alves scored to give Sevilla victory over the Catalans.

Why did Kerzhakov leave Spain early? After changes on the coaching bridge - Manolo Jimenez was invited to the post of Sevilla coach - the Russian’s career at the club began to decline. He spent more and more time in the reserves and in 2008 returned to Russia - but not to Zenit, as many expected, but to Dynamo Moscow.

In his first season for the blue and white, Alexander was not very productive, resembling a pale shadow of himself: he scored only 7 goals in 27 matches. Nevertheless, he made his contribution to the team success and helped Dynamo win bronze medals in the Russian Championship. Kerzhakov gradually returned to his scoring path - in 2009 he already scored 12 goals, and in 2010 he returned to Zenit, signing a four-year contract with his native club.

Kerzhakov and the team

Success accompanied the goal-scorer not only in clubs, but also in the Russian national team. A bright game at the beginning of his career provided Kerzhakov with attention from the outside coaching staff national team. In 2002, he invited the 19-year-old football player to the national team. The debut took place in a friendly match with the Estonia team in Tallinn on March 27 of the same year. And in the summer, Kerzhakov, in company with much more experienced comrades, went to defend the honor of the country at the World Cup in Korea and Japan. The national team performed unsuccessfully, and this picture is still before the eyes of domestic fans: a tear-stained young forward and a very young Kerzhakov, who was consoling him, leaving the field after a defeat from the Belgians and elimination from the World Cup.

Then no one would dare to blame Russian football players lack of motivation or indifference. Kerzhakov, unlike Sychev, continued to successfully represent the country at the international level. He scored his debut goal for the national team in August 2002, but already under the leadership.

It is also worth recalling why Kerzhakov was not part of the national team during the triumphant Euro 2008. The fact is that the forward, the top scorer in the qualifying cycle for that continental championship, did not have the best year at Dynamo and the then coach of the national team cut him off from the squad.

On October 12, 2012, he scored the only goal against the Portuguese in a qualifying match for the World Cup in Brazil. De facto, that goal turned out to be decisive, and for once the team entered a major tournament without unnecessary hassle. At the World Cup itself, he scored the first goal of the national team at the tournament, hitting the goal of the South Korean team.

After the inglorious departure from the World Championship, Kerzhakov did not give up. On September 3, 2014, in a friendly match against Azerbaijan, Kerzhakov scored his 27th goal for the Russian national team and surpassed the previous record holder for this indicator.

During the break between the goal against the Portuguese and the new scoring record in the national team, Kerzhakov managed to write his name in the football annals as the most productive player in the Russian championship. On September 28, 2013, in a match with the capital’s Spartak, Kerzhakov scored the 208th goal of his career, beating (207).

Sunset of the Bomber

Despite the stream of criticism and negativity that accompanies many outstanding athletes, Kerzhakov continued to perform well into his fourth decade. Yes, lately I haven’t been able to boast of my former speed and endurance, but my scoring instinct hasn’t gone away. In 2016, he ended his career in the national team, and played less and less at Zenit. But even in those rare moments at the end when the coach let him onto the field, he managed to score.

His difficult character made his life difficult when communicating with some mentors, but Kerzhakov did not deviate from his principles. When Zenit wrote him off, he went on loan to Swiss Zurich, scoring 5 goals in 17 league matches. It was not possible to revive the career, but it was enough to dust off goodbye.

It’s nice that Kerzhakov remains in his native club: now he is the coordinator of Zenit’s youth teams. His responsibilities include monitoring the progress of players and promoting them throughout the club system. He already knows how important it is to spot young talent in time and provide him with suitable conditions for development.

Kerzhakov will not hit again, but he will be able to bring considerable benefit to Zenit and his sport. Domestic fans will forever remember Alexander as the best scorer in the history of Russian football and just a good guy. The guy who didn't care then, in 2002, won't care now.

Alexander's transfer cost Dynamo 8 million euros. The striker signed a three-year contract with the blue and whites. And yesterday I flew to a training camp in Holland, where I joined my new team.

The usual story

Kerzhakov’s foreign career developed as a carbon copy of most Russian football players of the new wave. A memorable start, a generally successful first season, followed by a disastrous second. And - hello, Mother Russia. Here it is enough to recall such of our players as Karyaka, Semak, Sychev. Now Kerzhakov has followed their example. And this despite the fact that Sasha managed to win the UEFA Cup, Super Cup and bronze medals in the Spanish Primera with Sevilla.

But the head coach of the Andalusian club, Juande Ramos, resigned (it was he who invited Kerzhakov. - Author's note). A new mentor Luis Jimenez began to trust Kerzh less.

Kerzhakov is a high-class footballer,” Jimenez admitted. - But since the beginning of the season, he has been thinking not about what needs to be done for our team, but about his move to another club. As a result, the Russian firmly settled on the Sevilla bench and, moreover, lost his place in the Russian national team. In this situation, it was time to pack our bags. Which is what Alexander eventually did. It's just bad luck. None of the famous European clubs set their sights on the striker. The ex-Zenit player had to choose for himself new team at home. And the choice fell on Dynamo Moscow.

By the way, Kerzhakov’s new contract with Dynamo also has a noteworthy clause - if the striker is invited to a better team, he can leave the club at any time.

What about Zenit?

Konstantin Sergeevich, did Zenit have a desire to return Kerzhakov to the club? - we ask the advisor to the Zenit president on transfer issues, Konstantin Sarsaniya.

Did not have. As soon as it became clear that Alexander could leave Sevilla, the management decided that with the number and quality of forwards that we have today, we will not acquire Kerzhakov.

- Is it true that Zenit also received a certain amount from this deal?

True (according to KP, the club received 20% of the transfer value - 1.6 million euros - Author's note).

When Sasha moved to Sevilla, it was agreed that for two years he would not be able to join the squad of any Russian club. We could have vetoed his transfer to Dynamo, but we did not do this because we understand the player’s situation. Moreover, we were able to agree with Dynamo on the amount of compensation.

- How do you personally feel about the fact that Kerzhakov is now a Dynamo player?

Every football player has successful and unsuccessful periods of his career. Moving to Dynamo for him - a good option. First of all, because he will have constant playing practice. And therefore, there are more opportunities to go to Euro 2008 and help the Russian team there.

- Explain the situation with Igor Denisov. There are more and more rumors that he could move to either Moscow or Saturn.

There were no proposals addressed to us regarding Denisov. But if they come in, we will consider them. If they suit us, we will not interfere with Igor.


Honored Football Coach of the USSR German Zonin:

Sasha did absolutely the right thing. He needs game practice, because he dreams of playing at Euro 2008. And in Seville he would sit on a bench and wait by the sea for the weather. The weather there is good, but time is ticking. So, what is next?

Kerzhakov did the wrong thing when he left for Spain. The lawyer then told him: “You need to win a place in the team every day.” But Alexander did not listen. And now he again needs to fight for his place in the sun.

According to the press service of the Nevsky club, the best scorer in the history of Zenit has been appointed to the position of coordinator of the youth teams of the blue-white-blue system. His responsibilities include tracking the progress of players and promoting them throughout the club system along the academy - youth team vertical - - first team.

34-year-old Kerzhakov played for Zenit from 2001 to the fall of 2006 before his winter departure to and from 2010 after moving from a break to a loan in the spring of 2016. In total, the striker played 386 matches for St. Petersburg and scored 162 goals in all tournaments. Together with the blue-white-blue players, the footballer became a three-time champion of Russia, winner of the National Cup and two-time winner of the Russian Super Cup.

2002 Alexander KERZHAKOV (right) and Andrey ARSHAVIN. Photo by Alexander FEDOROV, "SE"

2015 Alexander KERZHAKOV (right) celebrates the championship with Andrey ARSHAVIN (left) and HULK. Photo Vyacheslav EVDOKIMOV, FC Zenit

, former forward of the Russian national team:

Kerzhakov could still play football, he is in excellent physical fitness. But if he decides to try himself in a new role, then we should only wish him good luck.

We have a lot of good forwards, but we lack the stability and aggressiveness that Kerzhakov has. I don’t think that in the near future anyone will be able to break his records in Russia. But it’s a big plus that such strong personalities remain to work in their home club. Sasha knows football from A to Z, he will undoubtedly help Zenit. (Pavel GUREVICH)

, former midfielder of the Russian national team:

Kerzhakov graduated at the age of 34? It's a bit early. He could still play, he’s relatively young. If not at Zenit, he would definitely fit into other clubs. Top scorer Russia would also attract interest abroad, even in China or Arab countries.

Alexander is constantly aimed at the goal and finishing the attack, and there are few of those in our football. Considering that the Russian team practically does not hit, Kerzhakov would be very useful to us in the national team.

We can only accept his decision. In any case, he did a lot for Russian football. We wish him good luck in his new position and success in his development children's football. (Evgeny BELOUSOV)

Alexander KERZHAKOV is the best scorer in the history of the Russian national team. Photo by Alexey IVANOV, "SE"

- Russia's top scorer (233 career goals in all clubs and the national team)
- top scorer of the Russian national team (30 goals)
- Zenit's top scorer (162 goals)
The best scorer of the Russian Championship is Oleg Veretennikov (143 goals versus 139 for Kerzhakov)

233 goals by Kerzhakov
- in the Russian Championship
19 - in the Russian Cup
30 - in the Russian national team
30 - in European competitions
15 - in foreign championships
