The best casein protein for weight loss - which one to buy? Casein for weight loss: how to take and reviews When to drink casein

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is:)

Athletes who get big physical exercise, more nutrients, vitamins, and microelements are required. Most of it is obtained through food intake, but during heavy training this amount is sometimes not enough. Casein protein provides additional protein, which is used for weight gain and weight loss, the rating will be presented below best options and describes the method of taking this sports supplement.

What is casein protein

This is one of the additional sources for obtaining protein. Such food additives There are several types, so you should understand what casein is and how it differs from other options. This type of protein belongs to the milk type and is produced by curdling milk with special enzymes. All people receive it along with the consumption of regular cottage cheese. Casein makes up 80% of all proteins in dairy products.

This element is included in the group of complex complete proteins. Casein contains all types of essential amino acids, which are very important for the human body. Under the influence of enzymes, a dense clot forms in the stomach. The supplement is a slow protein with slow absorption; over time, the lump breaks down, gradually releasing calcium, amino acids, and phosphorus.

Refers to complex complete proteins. It contains all types of essential acids that are vital to the human body. In the stomach, under the influence of enzymes, casein forms a dense clot, which slowly breaks down, releasing amino acids, calcium and phosphorus. This protein is sold in powder form, packaged in jars, and mixed with liquid for consumption. Casein itself has the taste of milk and cottage cheese, but is usually sold with sweeteners and flavorings.

What is it for?

Casein protein breaks down slowly, so there is no point in taking it immediately after training; in this case, rapid absorption is necessary, like whey protein. Casein powder will not provide the required rate of supply of amino acids and vitamins to accelerate muscle growth. This type of protein supplement is necessary to support metabolism during sleep or throughout the day.

Thanks to the slow digestion of this protein, the body will constantly receive it during sleep. This will protect the muscles from destruction while there are no additional sources of protein (food). It is recommended to drink a casein shake in the morning if you want to lose weight, but at the same time maintain muscle mass.


The casein protein formula consists of complexes of substances that include nitrate, inorganic phosphate and calcium caseinate. The powder does not dissolve completely in water, so when preparing cocktails it should be stirred very thoroughly (it is better to use a blender). The protein supplement contains two main parts, one of which is sensitive to calcium, and the second is not.

The first part is capable of breaking down into subfractions, the second has a stabilizing effect on the protein micelle. Under the action of enzymes secreted by the calcium-insensitive part, casein is broken down and coagulated. Protein micelles consist of:

  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • potassium;
  • caseinate, calcium, phosphate complex;
  • citric acid.

Benefits and harms

Taking casein protein can provide an increase in strength and muscle mass. The supplement is an excellent source of protein, this is especially important if the athlete is allergic to egg or whey protein. Each serving of the product contains the required amount of protein, which can help during drying and weight loss. Together with the sports supplement, the body receives a complex of essential amino acids.

This type of protein helps maintain muscle mass during nighttime catabolism, which is difficult to achieve in other ways. Casein is slowly absorbed by the body, which ensures the supply of nutrients throughout the entire period of sleep or day. Due to the absence of carbohydrates or fats, as in a gainer, protein is ideal for dietary nutrition. The composition does not contain only the amino acid glycol, which is easily synthesized by the body itself and is replaceable.

There are no difficulties in casein production technology, which was the reason for the appearance on the market large quantity manufacturers. Not all of them produce a high-quality product, which can cause harm to the athlete’s body. This requires you to approach the purchasing process very carefully. protein product. Do not buy unknown cheap brands in online stores without reviews, even if the price is very tempting. Any side effects are either a consequence of personal protein intolerance or an overdose.

Types of casein protein

There are several types of protein, which differ in price, protein synthesis technology, and rate of absorption of the substance. There are three main types:

  1. Casein hydrolysate. To obtain it, a hydrolysis process is used, in which amino acid bonds are destroyed, which increases the rate of protein absorption.
  2. Micellar casein. It is extracted by ultra-microfiltration of milk to separate protein from fat, lactose, and whey. In this case, the protein structure does not lose its natural shape. This type absorbs easier than caseinate, but longer, usually about 1 hour. The additive does not dissolve well, so the cocktail turns out to be mushy and thick.
  3. Sodium caseinate. It is a mixture of potassium, sodium, and calcium salts. The mixture contains at least 90% high-quality protein. The additive easily dissolves in liquid and is often used for industrial cocktails.


To avoid side effects due to the low quality of the product, you should choose well-known brands with positive reviews. This will not only protect your health from negative consequences, but will also help you achieve real results. Below are the options for quality ratings from practicing bodybuilders:

  1. Gold Standard 100% Casein. This complex considered a market leader, produced by the company Optimum Nutrition. One scoop contains 34 grams of protein, of which 24 are pure casein protein. It is a valuable source of amino acids, calcium and other beneficial substances, which is highly valued among athletes.
  2. Elite Casein. Produces a sports supplement Dymatize company. Each serving contains 24 grams of protein. Appears to be a white complex High Quality, which provides the athlete’s body with all the necessary microelements, helps to obtain the desired increase in muscle mass.
  3. Casein. The products are manufactured by the MusclePharm company, the protein content is 80%. Casein helps stimulate muscle growth and is good for maintaining nighttime catabolism. The composition includes enzymes and probiotics that improve the process of casein absorption by the body.
  4. Casein Pro. Releases it Universal Nutrition, has several flavor options (chocolate, cookies-cream, vanilla). The product is based on pure micellar casein, each serving contains 24 grams. It is recommended to use it to maintain the anabolic process itself.
  5. MRM 100% – micellar casein, is gradually and slowly absorbed by the athlete’s body, has a unique complex of amino acids. Active enzymes and biological additives ensure ease of absorption.

How to take casein protein

The product is sold in powder form, which must be dissolved in liquid; milk is well suited for this purpose. If you bought the unflavored version, you can add a pinch of cinnamon, vanilla or cocoa. Casein does not dissolve well, so to achieve the required consistency, it is better to use a shaker or blender. The amount of powder depends on the goals you want to achieve:

  • during drying, casein is taken 15 g between main meals and before bed, stirred in water or milk;
  • when gaining weight, it is recommended to consume 40 g of casein before bed;
  • if you drink casein instead of meals, then the dosage is increased to 35-50 g;
  • After training, you can mix whey protein and casein in a 1:2 ratio to enhance anabolism.

For weight loss

It is recommended to take casein protein when losing weight if necessary to eliminate hunger. Casein for weight loss is well suited for cutting, so that excess weight goes away and muscle mass is preserved. Should be taken before bedtime, and catabolism should be maintained during the day with whey protein. It is recommended to drink casein 3-4 times a day:

  • in the morning;
  • before training;
  • between main meals;
  • an hour before bedtime.

For gaining muscle mass

It would be wise to drink a casein shake to increase muscle mass in combination with whey protein. Casein itself will not help in muscle growth; it provides additional nutrition to the muscles at night and throughout the day. For this reason, the optimal time to take it is 1 hour before bedtime. This will protect your muscles from destruction during catabolic processes. During the day, whey protein is necessary for muscle growth, which is absorbed much faster and participates in building your body.

Casein protein price

Protein and Casein are easy to order on the Internet; when choosing, give preference to trusted companies that guarantee the quality of their products. The cost of casein is influenced by the method of processing the raw materials, the promotion of the brand and the amount of powder in the jar. Those who are actively involved in fitness, perform heavy exercises daily, buy the options described above in the rating. The estimated cost of protein in Moscow is as follows:

  • Dymatize Elite Casein 4lb - 4,290 rubles;
  • Optimum Nutrition 100% - 3,050 rubles;
  • Weider 100% Casein - 5,770 rubles;
  • VPLab 100% Platinum Casein – 2296 rubles.


And we hear about the importance of casein in our diet from everyone who has gone to the gym at least a couple of times and started thinking about nonsense nutrition. But what is it? What is one of the most popular species? What are its features, benefits and potential threats to humans? Let's find out in the article.

Casein - what is it and what is it for?

We all know that protein (protein) is needed by the body to build muscles. The most famous option is whey protein, which is often...

Casein- the second most important protein after whey protein. It prevents muscle breakdown, which means it helps maintain good health. physical fitness. Casein is a long-acting protein: it takes the body 5-7 hours to completely digest it.

Benefits and harms of casein: table



1. The main advantage of casein is its ability to create a long-term feeling of satiety. This means that by eating casein-containing foods, we are able to avoid snacking.1. Casein abuse can cause weight gain excess weight: the product is high in calories.
2. Casein will be useful for those who are actively involved in sports, build muscles, or want to get rid of excess weight and fat reserves.2. Casein can cause kidney and liver diseases due to additional stress on the organs in case of overdose.
3. It accelerates protein synthesis, which is especially important during periods of “drying”.3. An allergy to casein is manifested by a rash, itching, and redness of the skin.
4. Effectively satisfies hunger for 6-8 hours.4. In rare cases, abdominal pain and indigestion may occur.
5. Contains 10 essential amino acids.
6. When taken regularly, it reduces the risk of injury, because contains a lot of calcium necessary to strengthen bones.

Where is casein found?

The source of casein production is milk curdled with special enzymes. In its pure form, this protein is a white powder without a distinct taste and contains 10 essential amino acids. It can be used as a base for cocktails or cooking.

As already mentioned, casein is a milk protein. And it is logical that it can be found in milk and dairy products. Various subtypes of casein are found in cow's, goat's, and human breast milk. It is not found in the milk of mares or donkeys - they contain another protein, albumin.

The highest casein content is observed not in milk itself, but in its processed products: cottage cheese and especially cheese.

The advantages of the latter also include a good balance of phosphorus and calcium. It would seem ideal, but do not forget that cheese is a rather fatty product and should not be abused.

Store-bought casein protein can be used to prepare it by mixing it with water or milk.

Casein absorption by the body

To digest casein, like any other type of animal protein, special enzymes are needed.

In addition, casein greatly increases the acidity of gastric juice and to bring the gastrointestinal tract into balance, the body often uses calcium as an alkaline neutralizer. Thanks to the presence of calcium in milk, this process is easy.

However, if the amount of casein is large, the body may begin to use its own to digest it, which can pose a health risk.

Therefore, it is best if the diet simultaneously contains foods rich in calcium and phosphorus - strawberries, almonds, poppy seeds, flax and sesame seeds, tofu, kelp, broccoli, figs.

Casein and allergies

Allergy to casein - what is it, a fiction or a common phenomenon? In fact, neither one nor the other. There are not many cases of casein intolerance, but they do occur from time to time.

And in last years Doctors note a tendency towards an increase in allergic reactions in general not only to casein, but also to.

Don’t rush to shout: “Aha! That’s what I knew!” Don't forget that allergies can be caused by anything: even water or sunlight.

If you buy ready-made dry casein, do not forget that allergic reactions can be caused by additional components - sweeteners or flavoring additives, flavors, dyes, etc.

Advice: When consuming casein, it is important for allergy sufferers to monitor their condition in the same way as you do with all other food or personal care products.

The presence of an allergy to casein can be suspected by the following symptoms:

  1. Skin rash
  2. Swelling of the mucous membranes
  3. Labored breathing

In addition, children experience behavioral changes: moodiness, constant crying, poor weight gain, and slow development.

Fortunately, you can eliminate these symptoms and even cure a casein allergy with the help of. In particular, all casein-containing products should be avoided.

Athletes love casein

Is casein dangerous for children?

What is casein and why is it harmful for certain categories of people, in particular children? The answer lies in the technology of its production itself. It is not difficult to isolate casein, which is what many manufacturers (not always conscientious) use.

It is important to remember that the World Health Organization does not recommend use under 3 years of age.

This is explained by digestive system The baby is not yet strong enough and complex milk proteins often cause disturbances in its functioning and even allergic reactions.

However, many children who suffer from milk intolerance in childhood successfully “outgrow” this problem. Most often, people get rid of casein intolerance by the age of two or three years, maximum by school age.

Ideally, of course, you should limit yourself to using high-quality cheeses and natural cottage cheese.

So, what is this “beast” - casein and can it be used in baby food? Yes, you can, but don't forget about moderation! A child’s diet, as well as an adult’s diet, should be complete and varied.

Types of casein: which one to choose

We figured out what casein is, now it’s time to understand how the price of the same product can vary from different manufacturers.

Having carefully studied the range of casein offered in stores and sports nutrition, you will notice that there are two types:

  1. Calcium (or sodium) caseinate. To obtain this type of protein, milk is treated with acids. According to customer reviews, this type is somewhat heavy on the stomach and not everyone likes it. The main advantage of caseinate is its low cost.
  2. Micellar casein. This type is obtained by filtering milk and removing fats and carbohydrates from it without heating or using acids. The result is a product that tastes good and is easily digestible by the stomach. Compared to caseinate, this is a product of the highest quality category. However, its price is appropriate, so some people prefer more affordable options even at the expense of quality indicators.

In addition to the type of casein, pay attention to other ingredients. Namely, dyes, flavors or thickeners, which are often found in ready-made protein shakes based on casein.

There are often cases when, along with beneficial casein, a manufacturer uses harmful and even dangerous components. As a result, a product designed to improve your health, on the contrary, harms you.

To minimize the risk of purchasing a low-quality product, you should always give preference to trusted manufacturers with a good reputation and many years of experience.

There is no need to chase low prices by purchasing protein in random places.

Several Yet interesting facts You will learn about casein, its harms and health benefits from the video below:

One of the most pressing problems of any athlete is creating an appropriate diet. The effectiveness of his training directly depends on what, when and in what quantities a bodybuilder consumes. The most important component of an athlete's diet is protein. To supply themselves with this element in sufficient quantities, many people take casein protein. But not everyone has sufficient knowledge of how to take casein protein.

Casein is a complex protein found in cow's milk and makes up approximately 80% of the product. To obtain casein protein, whole milk is subjected to ultrafiltration. As a result of this processing method, a very high-quality product is obtained, which contains many useful and essential amino acids for the body.

Casein is a slow protein. Once in the stomach, it is transformed into a kind of clot, which the body spends a lot of time digesting, while gradually becoming saturated with amino acids.

When should I take casein protein?

Many athletes want to get the most out of their workouts. combine the intake of two proteins - whey and casein. It is worth noting that the first is absorbed much faster, and is simply necessary in cases where the body requires immediate restoration and saturation with amino acids - immediately after a long night's sleep and after the end of a workout.

Casein proteins, in turn, need to be taken to saturate the body during long periods without food:

  • It is optimal to take casein protein at night
  • between meals

Consumption of casein has an anti-catabolic effect - it prevents muscle destruction due to its rather slow absorption.

How to prepare and how much casein protein to take?

To prepare the cocktail, you will need a shaker so that it is completely dissolved. One serving of casein is diluted with 300-350 ml of milk or water. The volume of the cocktail is calculated individually, based on body weight, fitness level and energy needs. Average 25-45 grams of protein (1-2 scoops) provides the body for a period of 8 hours.

Casein protein is very effective for weight loss and fat burning. This is due to the fact that the finished drink helps reduce appetite, but at the same time supplies all the necessary nutrients. For those looking to lose weight, take 15 grams (half a scoop).

Which casein protein is best?

The rating of casein proteins is headed by Optimum Nutrition with its product “100% Casein Protein”. This is the best casein protein on the market. sports nutrition, which is in demand, which means it is truly of high quality.

Today it is becoming increasingly popular healthy image life. People are signing up en masse GYM's and fitness clubs, and in the stadiums you can see many self-training athletes.

The development of sports determines the development of production sports supplements, which help make the training process more effective, and its results faster and of higher quality.

Today there are many different sports nutrition products. Some of them will help build muscle mass, others serve to increase the efficiency of fat burning processes in the body.

Sports nutrition is also used as an energy boost for an athlete during intense training. Today we want to tell you about one of the most popular sports nutrition products - casein protein, about the benefits it can bring to the body and how to take it correctly, about its use for gaining muscle mass and losing weight.

Casein is one of the most popular proteins which are used as dietary supplements in bodybuilding. Being a multi-component protein, casein is used to provide muscles with essential amino acids for a long time.

In addition, casein has the ability to coagulate under the influence of gastric juice, due to which it slows down the digestion of other proteins entering the body, and also gives a long-lasting feeling of fullness.

Where is casein found?

The main source of casein in its natural form is cow's milk and cottage cheese. Casein protein powder is obtained from cow's milk by enzymatic curdling. According to laboratory analysis, Milk protein consists of 80% casein.

This is its so-called hard and most difficult to digest part. At the same time, casein does not contain lactose, to which a certain group of people are allergic. The downside to casein is that it has less of an anabolic effect on muscles than whey protein.

Because of this, athletes are more speed dial muscle mass, the latter is chosen. Casein has no significant harm to the body, however, if you take this supplement incorrectly, you may experience problems with the digestive system.

Also, do not forget that casein has a very high energy value, and if you are overweight, it is better to give preference to a less calorie training complex.
Casein protein adopted for two main purposes:

  • for gaining muscle mass– casein is taken at night to prevent processes in the body that destroy muscles;
  • for weight loss– the property of casein protein to suppress hunger is used here. Also, many bodybuilders take casein during the period of “drying” muscles to eliminate the possible negative impact of fat burning processes on muscle tissue.

If you decide to use casein to improve the effectiveness of your training process, remember that it is important to approach the issue of choosing this dietary supplement responsibly.

It is also worth paying attention to the method of manufacturing casein protein. This can be understood by the name of the product indicated on the packaging.

It can be of three types:

  • Micellar casein– produced by repeated filtration of milk.
  • Calcium caseinate– means that casein was obtained by treating cow's milk with various acids.
  • Casein hydrolyzate– a product obtained through repeated processing of milk.

If you are interested in other types of protein, particularly soy protein, and want to learn more about its features and how to take it, check out our article “What is Soy Protein.”

How to take casein protein to gain muscle mass?

If you are taking casein protein to gain muscle mass, it is recommended to consume from 30 to 45 grams at a time, depending on your body weight.

In this case, it is best to take casein before bed to prevent the catabolic processes that occur in the muscles during sleep.

In addition, in the evening the body tends to break down proteins much more slowly, and taking casein in this time will have a positive impact in the process of gaining muscle mass.

However, do not forget that casein protein is less effective for gaining weight than whey protein, and in the daytime it is better to give preference to the latter. Also, to increase the effectiveness of casein intake, you can combine it with quickly digestible amino acids and leucine.

How to take casein for weight loss?

If you plan to use casein in the process of losing weight, then its one-time dose should be less than when gaining muscle mass. It is recommended to take up to 20 grams of dietary supplement at a time.

The main role that casein will play in the process of losing weight is eliminating the feeling of hunger and preserving muscle mass. You can take it if you plan to not eat food for a long period - for example, during a busy work day.

In the usual manner, it is best to consume casein in the same way as when gaining muscle mass - at night. Also, in order to preserve muscle mass and combat subcutaneous fat Casein can be taken in small doses throughout the day - between meals and before training.

Casein is consumed in the form of a cocktail with milk or juice, which is whipped using a mixer or shaker.

Rating of the best caseins

So that you don’t rack your brains about which casein protein is better in quality and price, we have compiled rating of the best caseins. It includes the following products:

Athletes who undergo intense physical activity should consume more nutrients, microelements and vitamins. A person receives the main part with food, but when intensive training this amount may not be enough. Casein protein provides additional protein, which the body uses to gain weight and lose weight. The article will provide a rating of the best supplements and describe the method of administration.

Many have heard about casein, let's try to figure out what it is. Casein is a complex protein, the foundation of cow's milk, and serves as the main material for the production of cottage cheese and cottage cheese. From the Latin caseus - cheese. 70-90% of the milk protein composition is casein, whey protein accounts for no more than 2-5%.

In the human stomach, casein behaves in the same way as gluten. Both form clots that bind the contents together, making it difficult to digest food. Previously, these substances were part of technical glue.

Slow protein

Casein protein is the basis of all proteins in bodybuilding, it appears as a result of milk curdling with the help of enzymes. It takes longer to digest in the human body than all other types of protein. Casein protein tends to suppress appetite. Compared to other whey proteins, casein has almost no anabolic effect, but its advantages are long-term nutrition of muscles with amino acids.

The main emphasis in all sports nutrition advertisements is that you need to consume large doses of protein during the day, and take casein at night. Casein protein is absorbed 2 times slower than regular protein, thereby protecting muscles from breakdown.

20 years ago, a study was conducted that proved the low rate of its absorption. 16 people took part in the experiment. They were divided into two groups, each of which received absolutely different types milk protein without eating 10 hours before the test. The amino acid level in the blood was recorded every thirty minutes.

When consuming regular whey protein, the concentration of the amino acid leucine in the human body increased at the beginning of intake, reaching a maximum between 30-60 minutes, then gradually decreased. When consuming casein (we now know what it is), leucine levels reached 65% of whey milk protein levels, but decreased much more slowly.

And consumption at night to prevent “muscle breakdown” and slow down digestion has never been tested. This is a purely personal statement from the major manufacturers of all tested sports nutrition.

When gaining weight

If there is a need to gain muscle mass, casein will be less effective compared to other proteins, so this type Worth purchasing if you have enough protein to gain weight. For this purpose, casein is taken at night, and whey protein is taken during the day.

How to Use Casein Protein for Weight Loss

What is casein is of interest to many.

Protein dosage

Usually take 30-40 g at a time, dissolved in liquid. Standard casein has a curd-like taste; if you don’t like it or get tired of it, you can change it by adding fruit or cocoa.

Only well-known manufacturers value their reputation and are responsible for quality, so it is better to buy from them. There are also protein blends, it is more profitable to buy casein separately.

It is forbidden to take more than 40 g of casein at a time. More than this value causes stomach upset. You also need to check yourself for an allergy to casein; it can start with vomiting, diarrhea, or problems with the gastrointestinal tract. If found, you should move on to other proteins. Which casein is the best? More on this later.

Can I take it at night?

No research has been conducted in this area. All subjects took casein on an empty stomach, so how the protein works in combination with food during sleep is unknown.

A large amount of complex carbohydrates in the human stomach (in particular fiber), as well as fats, slows down the absorption of whey protein. It is not known exactly how casein affects this slowdown.

Casein and gluten: pros and cons

The public never ceases to discuss the dangers of gluten, and every year this trend is becoming more and more frightening. This substance is considered the main enemy, linking the acquisition of overweight, decreased immunity and the development of gastrointestinal diseases. To some extent, this is confirmed by scientific research.

But casein is the twin of gluten. Both are hard-to-digest proteins that stick together the contents of the stomach, especially complex carbohydrates.

Casein protein: benefit or harm

This type of protein increases strength indicators, helps increase muscle mass. In extremely rare cases, allergies can occur to this protein. Casein is indispensable for weight loss, suppressing appetite and at the same time helping to maintain muscles in their original volume during drying. It is often the basis of dietary nutrition because it is easily digested and absorbed. It lacks just one amino acid - glycol, which is perfectly synthesized by the body itself; otherwise, this protein has a full spectrum of amino acids.

Low-quality casein is often found, because the manufacturing process is very simple and inexpensive. Many companies are trying to make big profits from its production, neglecting quality. You should only buy from companies with a long-standing reputation. Of course, there is no harm from casein protein, but a low-quality product can cause stomach upsets. Also, if the recommendations for use are not followed, there is a risk of ruining your health - the liver and kidneys will suffer from an excess of protein. Ordinary natural athlete consumes 1-2 grams of protein per 1 kg of weight, athletes taking additional pharmacology - 3-5 g of protein per 1 kg of weight.

Best Casein Proteins

In first place is Gold Standard 100% Casein. Manufacturer: Optimum Nutrition, USA. The mixture contains 35 grams of protein, 24 of which are casein. This is one of the best manufacturers and products on the sports nutrition market. Is an excellent source of protein to stimulate muscle growth.

Second place went to Elite Casein from the American manufacturer Dymatize, which, like protein, contains 24 g of protein per stick. Serves to build the desired amount of muscle mass, and is also an excellent source of amino acids.

Third place goes to Casein from MusclePharm, an 80% casein protein per serving that helps you gain muscle mass quickly. This complex is very effective in combating muscle breakdown at night. The mixture includes a complex of probiotics that help better absorption of the product.

In fourth place in the ranking is Casein Pro from Universal Nutrition. The advantages of this supplement are that it is sold in three flavors: vanilla, chocolate and cookies-cream. There are also 24 grams of protein per serving. Designed to maintain an anabolic environment in the body.

Fifth place goes to micellar casein MRM 100%. The main goal of the complex is to have an anti-catabolic effect. It also includes dietary supplements that allow the body to absorb amino acids very well and quickly.
