A set of exercises, instructions and training program for stretching the legs. Stretching: the best muscle stretching exercises

Leg stretching exercises are essential for developing body flexibility. Thanks to simple activities muscle flexibility and elasticity improves. In addition, flexibility improves coordination and allows you to improve your performance in sports. Basically, the body loses elasticity due to a sedentary and passive lifestyle. So if you work in an office, this article will be very useful for you. But let's look at motivation first. Not everyone wants to stretch for 15-20 minutes every day. For more desire, set yourself a goal do the splits. Below we will look at the basic information about stretching the leg muscles.

Getting ready to stretch

In addition to fulfilling every girl’s cherished dream of “doing the splits,” stretching has its own advantages. Firstly, after strength and aerobic exercise, muscles contract in volume. This happens due to tension muscle tissue. To return the muscles to their former shape and get more effect from power loads, it is worth doing stretching exercises immediately after the main workout.
In addition, muscle flexibility allows you to perform strength training in a larger range and increases mobility. But if you neglect it, you can only worsen the condition of the body. For example, lack of warm-up before training can cause overstrain of joints and ligaments. The result is body fatigue and even decreased flexibility.

The benefits of stretching include:

  • warming up joints and ligaments;
  • improves blood circulation in the body;
  • stabilizes the nervous system;
  • Increases body tone and promotes rapid recovery after training.

Before you start stretching, you need to warm up. It is very important to warm up the body and drive blood through the muscles. Ideal for: jumping in place with high knees; deep squats; jumping - legs to the sides, arms to the top; jumping with your buttocks touching your feet.
After 7-10 minutes of warming up, you can move on to stretching. First do simple exercises, and then increase the difficulty level.

Leg stretching at home

Here are the 10 best leg stretches that are suitable even for beginners. The main thing is desire and regularity in training. For clarity, watch a video about leg stretching:

Exercise No. 1

Stand up straight, with your lower back arched and your back straight. Bend one leg at the knee and bring it back. Grab your toe with your same foot and pull your heel toward your lower back. Hold this position for 30 seconds, then change to the other leg. To make it easier to maintain balance, place the foot of your supporting leg not straight, but slightly to the side.

Exercise No. 2

Do lunges. Place one leg far enough forward and the other far back. In this case, the lower back and back should be straight. Make sure that when performing the exercise, the knee of the front leg does not go beyond the level of the toe. Start leaning forward; you will feel tension in your hips. Don't make sudden movements, just stretch the muscles slowly. After 30 seconds, change position to the other leg.

Exercise #3

As in the previous example, lunge forward. Only this time, the second leg will not look back, but perpendicular to the exposed leg. The second foot is on the heel, and the toe is facing you. For convenience, you can hold on to your knee. Try to sit as low as possible. You should feel the tension back surface hips. Hold this position for half a minute and then change legs.

Exercise #4

Place your feet wider than shoulder-width apart. Make sure your posture is straight and your back is not bent. Clasp your hands and slowly lean down, trying to touch the floor. Try to stay at one level for 20-30 seconds. If this is difficult for you, cup your hands and try to touch the floor.

Exercise #5

It is suitable for more advanced students. Stand straight with your feet together. Try to do the same bends as in the previous case. If you touch the floor with ease, try to grab the bottom of your legs and reach your head to your knees. The technique is not easy, but very effective.

Exercise #6

Lie on the floor, bend your knees. Grab your leg with one hand and pull it towards your chest. You need to hold it in this position for 20-30 seconds, then change to the second one.

Exercise No. 7

Make a butterfly. Sit on the floor with your back straight. Place your feet together, take your toes in your hands, and place your elbows on your knees. After the starting position, begin to slowly press your elbows onto your knees. This way we stretch the leg muscles. The main thing is smooth movements, otherwise you can damage the inner thigh muscles. After a zone of strong tension, hold it for 20-30 seconds and relax.

Exercise #8

Swings to stretch the thigh. Lie on the floor, your back should touch the surface, your arms along your body. Keep your legs straight, and one should always lie down. Start raising one leg to 90 degrees with your body, and lower it. Then repeat with the other one. Here it is not necessary to maintain a certain level of swing degree; everything needs to be determined individually. If your flexibility allows, raise your leg level right angle.

Exercise #9

Sit on the floor with your feet in front of you, slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. The socks should be facing you. Start bending forward. At the same time, fold your hands into a boat or lock, and try to bring them beyond the level of your heels. Hold in this position for 15-20 seconds and return to initial position. You can repeat 5-6 times.

Exercise No. 10

Similar to the previous one, only a little more complicated. Sit on the floor with your feet in front of you and together. Start bending forward with your hands touching your heels. The main thing is that your back does not hunch and your knees do not bend. If you adhere to these conditions, the flexibility of the body will develop.

Leg stretch for splits

In order to do the splits, you need to practice regularly. Here we are talking about, albeit short, daily training. This is necessary so that the muscles are always in good shape and do not fall back in shape until previous results. In order to do the splits faster, we recommend watching a video with stretching exercises.

We must remember that it is important to monitor the exercise technique. Your back should always be straight. An arched back is the worst enemy of flexibility. In addition, your knees should always be level. If you cheat, you will only delay the desired result. When you manage to do the splits, we advise you to consolidate your result. Namely: sit in a splits position for 2-3 minutes so that the muscles get used to the tension.

Leg flexibility is one of the best physical benefits plastic and active girls. It is she who gives special elegance and beauty to movements.


Professional athletes perform many difficult and effective exercises. Looking at them, you just want to repeat something so amazing. But stretching and flexibility exercises for beginners are very different from those exercises performed by amateurs and professionals. Where should an unprepared person start stretching?

You should start gradually, with a properly selected set of exercises to perform at home. There are many easy-to-do and very effective exercises for body flexibility. These exercises help you stretch your legs and back. A set of flexibility and stretching exercises not only trains the body, but also speeds up metabolism, energizes, strengthens willpower and brings a great mood.
Stretching or flexibility and stretching exercises improve flexibility throughout the body. Many modern programs for rehabilitation after severe injuries include simple stretching exercises. Stretching helps restore body mobility after injury. For people who have been involved in sports for some time at the professional or amateur level, stretching exercises are mandatory. Athletes receive high loads on their muscles and tendons, and stretching prevents injuries such as sprained ligaments or tendon muscles. If an injury is sustained, the athlete who does stretching will recover much faster than the one who closed his eyes while stretching.

Where to start stretching?

Body flexibility exercises for beginners are very simple to perform and really anyone can do them. Stretching is a sport in which there are no restrictions. In this he even bypassed the “lazy sport” - sometimes called that Nordic walking with sticks. You can start stretching at absolutely any time. physical fitness. Age is also not an obstacle to exercise; stretching will have a good effect on the body of any age. The muscles and body will thank you for the additional oxygenation and strengthened tone. Light stretching exercises can be performed even in the middle of the working day. Exercise is much more invigorating than coffee and brings much more benefits.

There are a few important points, which you should pay attention to before you start stretching. Knowing them, you will achieve good results and perform the exercises correctly.

  1. There are two types of stretching: dynamic and static. Dynamic stretching is designed for movement. When doing dynamic stretching, you focus on sudden movements, increasing the stretch. This type of exercise is strictly prohibited for beginners, as careless sudden movements can cause damage or rupture of ligaments and tendons. Static stretching focuses on specific muscle groups. The exercises are performed in one position and the muscle group that receives the load is maximally trained.
  2. Quick effect The activity invigorates and inspires me. You immediately feel increased muscle strength, vigor and well-being. All this happens due to the fact that the body begins to be actively saturated with oxygen. After regular exercise, the skin will become cleaner and look fresher, and a couple of extra centimeters will disappear from the sides. However, it is precisely at such moments that it is worth paying attention to careful execution of the exercises. The adrenaline is off the charts and you want to try something more, for example, doing the splits. But a beginner is strictly forbidden to suddenly do the splits - an attempt to do this can lead to injury.
  3. Do not perform stretching exercises from a calm state. Before you begin the main set of stretching exercises, you need to warm up your muscles. You can do a little exercise, jump rope, do bends, and squats. After these small exercises, you will feel a rush of adrenaline, which means that your muscles and body are ready for the main exercises.
  4. You can do stretching during the day whenever it is convenient for you. However, fitness trainers recommend postponing exercise until the evening. In the evening, exercise will help you relax after a working day, switch gears and not think about everyday problems and feel better. After a light evening activity, you will sleep soundly, and in the morning you will feel well-rested and ready for a new day.
  5. No pain! You should feel a pleasant tension in the muscles and ligaments, but not pain. If during the exercise you feel a sharp pain, stop the exercise immediately. Pain indicates that something has gone wrong and there is ligament damage. To prevent damage, exercises must be performed smoothly and carefully. It is especially recommended to listen to your own feelings during training.

Exercises for stretching the legs and back are best combined with, this will allow you to achieve amazing results.

Stretching for your legs

Leg stretching exercises for beginners help make the thighs and legs more toned, remove excess fat in the riding breeches area and restore tone to the calves. A wonderful set of 4 exercises for beginners will help restore activity to the body and tune the muscles to more difficult exercises.

Exercise 1

  1. Moving your left leg back, lunge forward with your right leg. Place your left knee on the floor and use your right knee or floor as a support for your arms.
  2. Bend forward slowly. You will begin to feel the tension in your thigh muscles as soon as you feel it - hold in this position for 30-40 seconds.
  3. Take the deepest but slowest breath possible, and while exhaling, bend over as far as you can. Stay in this pose for 30-40 seconds.
  4. After completion, change legs and repeat the exercise.

Exercise 2

  1. Take the same position as in exercise 1, leaning on the knee of your left leg. The right leg should be completely straight and the hands should be fixed on the floor.
  2. Perform a slow bend with your torso, keeping your back straight. Lower yourself as far as you can and stay in the position for 30 seconds.
  3. Take the deepest breath possible, and as you exhale, try to bend lower. You will feel a stretch in your thigh muscles. Muscle tension will be felt on the back of the thigh. Freeze for half a minute, and then return to the original position and do it all over again, changing legs.

Exercise 3

  1. Lie down on a hard surface (the floor or exercise mat) and raise your right leg. Keeping your leg up, grab it with your right hand just above the knee.
  2. Take a deep breath and relax. Begin to slowly pull your leg towards you as you exhale. When you reach the end point, stop for 30 seconds. It is necessary that the leg remains level during execution.
  3. Repeat all over again, changing

Exercise 4

  1. Sit on the floor. The feet should be brought together. Place your elbows on your knees.
  2. Slowly lean forward, pressing your elbows onto your knees. You should feel a stretch internal muscles hip and inguinal ligaments. Your back should be kept straight.
  3. When the peak of tension is reached, stop for 30-40 seconds. Next, return to the original position and perform the exercise 5 times.

Such easy exercises include leg stretches for beginners. With these exercises, your legs will always remain beautiful and slender.

Back stretch

Back stretching and flexibility exercises are very helpful for people with chronic back pain. Back stretching increases blood supply to the spinal cord, due to which oxygen begins to actively flow to the brain and well-being significantly improves. Back stretching is especially necessary for office workers and those who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Such light exercises will help get rid of unpleasant and painful sensations in the back and prevent the development of osteochondrosis.
It will take very little time to complete the exercises, and you will feel the benefits immediately.

In addition to the exercises indicated in the video, below are the most effective and simple exercises for stretching the back muscles.

Exercise 1

  1. Keeping your back straight, get on all fours.
  2. Take as deep a breath as possible, and as you exhale, arch your back upward as much as possible.
  3. Freeze for about 15 seconds and repeat the exercise 10 or more times.

Exercise 2

  1. Lie on your back, pressing your shoulders to the floor as tightly as possible.
  2. Cross your right leg over your left, keeping your shoulders off the floor. The torso can only be rotated at the lumbar region.
  3. Hold for about 30 seconds each time and alternately perform on different legs.

Exercise 3

  1. Sit on a chair, clasp your palms. Your arms should be extended forward.
  2. Leave your torso motionless. Try stretching your arms.
  3. This should be done within two minutes.

Simple stretching and flexibility exercises for beginners will quickly restore tone to your muscles and improve your overall well-being.

According to fitness trainers, almost anyone can train the muscles of the hip part of the body and do the splits quickly enough healthy man with proper desire for training and the absence of contraindications.

The main thing is a high-quality approach to training, because the results depend largely on how correctly the stretching is done and how the muscles of the pelvis and hips are trained. To quickly do the splits, first of all, you need regular training and dedication.

How long does it take to train to do the splits?

If you have good stretching and experience in sports, doing the splits will be quite easy. Absolute beginners in the sport without proper physical training, you will have to work longer and harder than people who engage in some kind of sport on a regular basis.

Several factors influence how quickly a person does the splits.

Exist factors affecting the physical condition of the human body, which should be taken into account when drawing up a training plan to do the splits:

  1. Genetic predisposition- innate flexibility of the body, which depends on the length of the ligaments, the number of sarcomeres and elastin in the muscles.
  2. Frequency and duration joint warm-up before training, as well as the correct training technique to do the splits.
  3. Training diary, thanks to which you can monitor your development not only psychological, but also physical.
  4. Correct healthy eating , which should include a sufficient amount of water based on the weight and age of the person.

When flexibility is achieved, changes occur in the muscles, joints and ligaments. This, of course, takes time and effort. Therefore, you cannot hope that you can do the splits in a day or even in 1 month.

Stretching doesn't have to be painful.

Exercises should not be done through pain. Mostly those who already have good flexibility or children sit down during the day, since their body is not fully formed.

But I still want to know how long it will take to train and whether it depends greatly on age. Experts say that if you start training before the age of 30, it usually takes 3-5 months to practice regularly. People over 30 will need more than six months of intense training.

These figures are calculated for people with average physical characteristics. The timing will only be affected by the degree of flexibility, patience and attitude.

Effective stretching exercises for doing the splits

The main purpose of stretching is to make elastic muscles, more mobile joints and tone the body.

Stretching also improves blood flow, promotes the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the muscles, and protects the body from the occurrence of chronic diseases and pain in old age.

  • It's worth starting with squats for the development of leg muscles. First, you need to put your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, your back is straight, your gaze is directed forward.

When doing a squat, you can move your arms forward, but most importantly, move your pelvis back, as if there was a chair behind you. You need to make sure that your knees do not go beyond your feet, otherwise there will be a lot of stress on the joints.

One of the effective stretching exercises is leg swings, which can be performed both to the sides and back and forth.
  • Second exercise - swing your legs. Swings can be performed to the side, forward, backward, lying on your side and sitting on all fours.

When performing, the back and legs must be straight; if swings are made to the side, there must be a support that you can grab with your hand.

  • Required tilts for stretching ligaments.

Feet are shoulder-width apart, bending over, hands stretch first to the right toe, and then to the left. The knees are straight and do not bend. Everything is done smoothly and no sudden movements.

  • Exercise with support. To begin, you need to rest your hands just above your head against the wall.

Bend your right leg at the knee to a right angle, and, keeping the other straight, take it back as far as possible. So they will stretch calf muscles.

Exercises with support are one of the ways to stretch to do the splits
  • Stretching is also promoted alternately extending legs to the sides. First, your feet should be placed shoulder-width apart, while your back should remain straight.

Then you need to move your leg to the side, your pelvis parallel to the floor. Hands in front, then tilt your body towards one leg, and then gradually straighten your legs at the knees, and stay in this position for 20-30 seconds.

Afterwards, the exercise must be done on the second leg.

  • Exercise for half-split on the back. You need to lie on your back and place your arms along your body. One leg should be bent for support, and the other should be extended and grasped with your hands.

The leg should be level so that the pelvis does not go to the side.

  • IN next exercise you need to kneel down and extend one leg, bent at the knee at a right angle.

For balance, you can grab the chair with one hand. Next, the second leg is taken by hand and pulled towards the buttocks.

  • To stretch the hamstrings, you need to kneel and extend your other leg forward without pulling on your toes.

Then gradually you need to reach for the toe with your hands, the knee should not bend.

How to properly stretch to do the splits

Stretching is key to maintaining flexibility and healthy joints. Tendons (tissues that connect muscle to bone) begin to shrink and tighten as we age, limiting the body's flexibility. Movements become slower, standing straight is already difficult, even the step becomes much shorter.

Correct technique is of great importance. In parks, you can see runners stopping to stretch the front of their thighs and pulling their legs toward their buttocks. Such stretching can only do harm.

There are basic rules for how to stretch in order to do the splits, following which you can achieve good results and not harm yourself.

So, stretching rules:

  • You need to stretch as often as possible, better daily if possible. Always after cardio training and strength training.
  • Be sure to remember to do a little before stretching warming up the muscles.
  • In every position you have to move slowly without forcing yourself to make sudden movements. You should always pay attention to tension.

The stretch should be measured from mild tension to the edge of discomfort. You need to focus on the area that is being stretched.

  • Before holding each position, you must do at least two deep breaths. Deep breathing promotes relaxation.
  • In no case you can't jump. Once you have found a comfortable stretching position, you should stay there and gradually stretch more.

How to do the cross splits

You can achieve results at home. It all depends on a person’s lifestyle, activity and nutrition.

You can start your day with morning workout, since it is in the morning that the muscles are stiff, and the effect will be better. To perform the splits, you must have a strong back and abs, so strength exercises are needed 2-3 times a week.

If everything listed above is observed, the result will not be long in coming.

First you need to warm up with a warm-up. It is advisable to start with the neck, then move on to the arms, back and do not forget about the legs.

After this, you need to perform the following exercises:

  • Deep bend with support on hands. The back should be straight and relaxed, breathing should be free.

You need to stay in this position for 30-60 seconds. As soon as you can lean on your palms, you should try to stand on your forearm.

  • The next pose is stupa. The legs are spread wider to the sides, the arms are extended upward. Gradually you need to lower yourself down, spreading your knees and hips as well.
  • Push ups. Keep your legs wide apart to perform push-ups by bending your elbows as your pelvis is pulled forward just above your head. As you exhale, return to the starting position. Repeat this exercise 10-15 times.
  • Preparing for the splits. The legs are placed wider, the body is parallel to the floor, you need to stand on your forearms or palms. Remain in this position for 30 seconds.

Twine trainer

Performing stretching exercises, both for the profession and for health and beauty, obliges a person to do them with patience, endurance and perseverance.

A special simulator will help to facilitate the process in order to do the splits faster and not damage the muscles.

How does he work? The simulator is designed specifically for stretching muscles, as well as for fixing them. Thus, the muscles get used to it and gradually stretch without much pain. The simulator has its pros and cons, which must be taken into account when purchasing it.


  1. By adjusting the degree of stretching, the pain will not be as noticeable, and the legs will be in a comfortable position. This will reduce the load on your legs.
  2. You will no longer have to be afraid of injuring your muscles and ligaments. Exercises on the simulator take place without sudden jerks and sloppy movements.
  3. Most models of exercise machines are designed for stretching while lying down, that is, the muscles will be as relaxed as possible, which contributes to quick results.


  1. The trainer is not cheap. Its minimum price is 2-3 thousand rubles.
  2. If a person is constantly traveling, then the exercise machine will have to be left at home, since transporting it is quite difficult and inconvenient.
  3. Good stretching and splits will not come in a month for beginners. This process is quite labor-intensive.

The dangers and disadvantages of fast splits without warming up

Most sites promote quick split in a month, week, day and even in an hour! For beginners, it usually happens like this: a lot of strength, which complicates training, and insignificant results.

To achieve your goal and do the splits, you should consider the following mistakes:

The load during warm-up can be different, for example, cardio exercises that should last at least 15 minutes will be quite effective.
  • The first and most common mistake beginners make is short warm-up, which does not contribute to good muscle warming.

The load can be any: cardio, jogging, jumping rope, dancing. Duration – 15-30 minutes. This will make the muscles soft, they will be pliable and more flexible, which will prevent training pain.

  • Many, starting to work on themselves, overdo it with the load. Yes, a new business and goal are inspiring, but at first it is very important to give yourself a minimum load, there is no need to rush, you need to gradually complicate the process.
  • Plays a big role class schedule. Stretching requires discipline. You should exercise at least 3 days a week, but if one day is missed, then you must make up for it.
  • Most people do not know the anatomy of their body and start searching as much as possible faster exercises for stretching to do the splits in just a few workouts.

This is their mistake. Not all exercises are really beneficial and doing them without knowing which muscles they affect is really dangerous. You need to pull only certain muscles, following the technique.

The stretching studio trainer told how to stretch to do the splits and achieve results even at home.

Training is important, but you don't need to attend it intensively. 2-3 days a week will be the best option, otherwise the muscles simply will not have time to recover.

Under no circumstances should you invent “your own” exercises.– this could end badly.

Don't forget about the warm-up, on which the twine itself depends. It is worth paying attention to stretching the lumbar region.

Don’t be afraid of soreness and skip classes because of it; after warming up, the pain will subside. You can also reduce it with a hot bath or shower after training.

How to stretch to do the splits:

How to do the splits correctly - beginner mistakes:

Here, especially for you, a set of leg stretching exercises is described in detail, presented best program training sessions and recommendations from professional trainers.

Leg stretching exercises: benefits and harms of the complex

Leg stretching exercises are very important not only for keeping your legs in great shape, but also for maintaining good health throughout the body. Today, leg stretching exercises have gained immense popularity. What is the reason for their spread? Let's take a closer look.

1. Availability

Doing some sports exercises requires certain skills. Thus, they become accessible only to professional athletes. Leg stretching exercises are suitable for absolutely everyone. They can be performed by both trained athletes and amateurs. The main conditions in this matter are desire and endurance.

2. Benefit

Leg stretching exercises have incredible health benefits. It is simply necessary to carry them out. Leg stretching exercises perfectly train flexibility, thereby increasing skin elasticity. They also work well on joints, increasing their tone, making them mobile and healthy. Stretching also prevents aging and relieves tension from the body after a grueling strength workout.

3. Relaxation

Leg stretching exercises, in addition to their direct function, also serve as relaxation. The general condition of the body improves, the mood rises. This happens by stimulating blood circulation. Leg stretching exercises significantly improve blood circulation.

Note! Leg stretching exercises, like any other, must be performed exactly according to the rules. If you make mistakes when performing, you can cause irreparable harm to the health of your body.

Among the negative consequences of incorrect leg stretching are the following:


Joint damage;


General harm to the body.

However, if you follow all the instructions for properly performing leg stretching exercises, your body's health will only improve. Let's take a closer look at what leg stretching is correct.

Correct leg stretching: what is it like?

Leg stretching exercises can be divided into two types:



Let's take a closer look at each type.

1. Static stretching. Trainers offer this type of leg stretching exercise to beginners in the sport. It smoothly works the leg muscles without causing any damage or injury. We will look at static stretching in our article.

2. Dynamic stretching. These leg stretching exercises are only suitable for trained athletes, as they require good pulled muscles. This group of stretching exercises consists of various split rolls, bends, and so on.

Leg stretching exercises: what is important to know before starting a workout

Exercises to stretch your legs should be approached with great responsibility. That's why you need to warm up first.

Warm-up exercises are as follows:


Jumping rope;

Riding an exercise bike.

Squats. This exercise must be done in two approaches. The number of times for each approach is 25-30. It is important not to lift your heels off the floor when doing this.

Jumping rope. This exercise The warm-up needs to be done 50 times. The number of approaches is two.

Riding an exercise bike. If the simulator is not available, then a regular bicycle will replace it beautifully. You just need to ride it for about 10-15 minutes.

Leg stretching: correct static exercises

Static leg stretching is a complex of certain effective exercises. Let's take a closer look at them.

Note! During training, room temperature is very important. For execution static exercises it should fluctuate between 17-18 degrees.

Exercise one. The stretch is performed while lying on your back. Raise your straight legs up so that they are perpendicular to the floor surface. Place your hands along your body, palms down. They act as a support. Spread your legs in different directions as far as possible. They cannot be bent at the knee. You need to stay in this position for 30-35 seconds. Repeat the exercise three times.

Exercise two.

Sit sitting on the floor in the following way: feet rest against each other, knees bent, spread apart, back straight. Your task is to press your hands on your knees so that they touch the surface of the floor, imitating the wings of a butterfly. This must be done very carefully so as not to damage the ligaments.

Exercises three. Sit on the floor in a squat position. Extend your right leg to the side with your heel down and toe up. Grasp the toe of your outstretched leg with your right hand and bend your body. If you can’t grab your fingertips, then simply reach for them as much as possible, bending your body to the right side. Your task is to touch your thigh with your body while bending. Once completed, switch legs. In total, you need to do 30 bends on each leg with a break of one minute.

Exercise four.

Sit on the floor in reverse lotus position, as if trying to sit down cross twine With bent knees. Stretch your thigh muscles, but don't tighten them. Your task is this: hold out for two minutes in this position.

Exercise five. Take a deep lunge with your right leg in front and your left leg behind. The left leg should rest its knee on the floor, creating support. You also need to rest your hands - either on your right knee or on the floor. Your task is as follows: bend forward until you feel a stretch in your thigh muscles. Stay in this position for 30 seconds. Then switch legs.

Exercise six.

Sit down on your knees. Extend your straightened right leg forward and place it on your heel. Place your hands on the floor. Bend your body forward as much as possible. The back should be straight. Hold for 35 seconds and switch legs. This exercise is good for stretching the knee ligaments and hip ligaments.

Exercise seven. Lie down on your back. Left leg lift, bend at the knee and place on the floor without lifting your foot from the floor surface. Raise your right leg up without bending the knee. Grasp it with your hand and tilt it towards you as far as possible. At the limit, hold your leg for 30 seconds. Do the exercise in three sets with each leg.

Exercise eight. Sitting on the floor, stretch your legs forward. Now spread your legs in different directions as far as possible. You cannot bend your legs at the knees. The hands serve as support in front. Slowly bend your torso forward, feeling the stretch. Stay in this position for a minute. Perform the exercise in three sets with a minute's rest.

Exercise nine.

Position yourself standing on the floor. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Extend your arms forward. Bend your torso forward and touch your palms to the floor. Hold for 15-20 seconds in this position. Perform the bends in three sets.

Exercise ten. Stand up straight. Place your feet together. Bend your torso down, stretching your arms forward and touching your fingertips to the floor. Perform 10-15 such bends without bending your knees.

Exercise eleven.

Standing straight, close your legs together. Bend your torso down and clasp your knees with your hands. Try to bend as far as possible and touch your forehead to your knees. Legs should be straight. You need to stand in this position for 20 seconds. Perform these bends in three approaches.

Exercise twelve. Sitting on the floor, straighten your legs in front of you. Close them together. Stretch your arms forward. Bend forward several times, touching your toes with your hands. Legs must not be bent. The average number of bends is 10 times. After this, bend forward to the maximum limit and grab the tips of your toes with your hands. Hold for 30 seconds in this position. Repeat the exercise from the beginning. The break is one minute.

There are many training programs and techniques for performing exercises for stretching the legs. We will present to your attention the best of them. Numerous reviews indicate that the stretching program described below is not only harmless to the ligaments. It helps to quickly and effectively stretch the ligaments of the legs.

Note! The main principle of this training program is complexity. When performing exercises, each time you need to increase the load more and more. This will provide excellent results.

So, the program we have chosen involves the mandatory completion of two workouts per day.

1. First training. It should be done in the morning. This workout focuses the main load. Stretch the ligaments in it to the maximum limit, with the maximum number of approaches.

2. Second training. It should be evening. This training takes about 10 minutes. You shouldn't strain yourself too much. But it is necessary to carry it out.

Note! To help yourself, you can freely use dumbbells and other weights in the set of exercises described above for stretching your legs. By increasing your load, they will become best helpers on the way to achieving the goal.

Now let's introduce you to a few useful recommendations on how to independently conduct home workouts to stretch your legs.

Home workout: how to properly stretch leg ligaments using a set of exercises

Based on expert advice, we bring to your attention some useful training tips. By following these tips exactly, you can easily protect yourself and your ligaments from various injuries and damage that are so often found when not correct execution Leg stretching exercises.

1. Warming up As mentioned above, warming up before starting a workout is mandatory. It will develop the ligaments well, heat them up, and saturate the blood with oxygen.

2. Smoothness. Do not make sudden movements under any circumstances. You need to stretch smoothly and slowly so as not to tear the muscle ligaments. If the training was correct, then by the end of it you should perform all the exercises of the complex much easier than at the beginning.

3. Time. Ideally, each element of exercise should take no more than 1-2 minutes. Depending on the shutter speed, this time can vary up or down.

4. Voltage. Do not allow it in your training under any circumstances. When stretching, the body should be relaxed. If muscles are tense, they will not stretch.

5. Posture and legs. Always keep your back straight. Posture must be ideal when performing leg stretching exercises correctly. The legs should also generally be straight, apart from special exercises, where knee bending is indicated (for example, lunges, etc.). However, unlike posture, the slightest bending of the legs is allowed in all exercises. This is done to avoid injury.

Stretching - This is a human achievement that requires long training.

Flexibility allows you to adjust your gait, pump up your legs, and avoid muscle damage from a fall or injury. The best way to cope with muscle stretching is twine.

Let's talk about how to quickly do the splits at home without damaging muscle tissue.

Why do the splits?

For many, stretching is not a priority, but in vain. After all, the ability to do the splits is an indicator of high tissue elasticity. Answering why this is necessary, here are the main arguments:

  • Posture improves. Flexibility is the direct path to beautiful posture and smooth movements, since by working on stretching, you strengthen the spine. An additional benefit is the reduction of back pain during exercise.
  • Develops endurance . Since just the desire to do the splits is not enough, during training you “cultivate” endurance, perseverance, the ability not to give up, and self-control.
  • Joints are strengthened . Their mobility becomes higher. Such classes are recommended for women who are planning their next pregnancy, since the birth process in women with good stretching is much easier.
  • INs acts as a prevention of varicose veins. During exercise, blood circulation improves, which significantly reduces the risk of developing varicose veins and congestion.
  • Self-esteem increases. By placing this sporting goal like the splits, many, having achieved it, look at the world a little differently, as their self-esteem increases significantly.

Experts say that exercises that allow you to do the splits normalize the menstrual cycle, prevent scoliosis, and improve blood circulation in the pelvis.

How to do the splits correctly?

The real period during which muscles can be stretched without harm or damage can be called month, but subject to moderate daily exercise. Below we have collected several sets of exercises that will help you get good stretching within the minimum reasonable time.

What exercises should you do to stretch your leg muscles and how often?

So, as mentioned above, training involves two types of exercises, which should be given the same amount of time:

  1. Dynamic - These are movements that are repeated. When they are carried out, the movements are performed a certain amount of once.
  2. Static – movements are not carried out here, parts of the body are motionless, but the position causes the muscles to stretch.

To achieve the goal, the frequency of exercise can be daily or at least 4 times a week.

How to painlessly do the splits in a month: a set of stretching exercises

The set of exercises below is aimed at stretching the muscles and will help you do both the longitudinal and transverse splits. Initially, do a warm-up and warm up your muscles, only then proceed to the main activity. Hold each statistical pose initially for 30 seconds, gradually increasing the time to 3-5 minutes with subsequent training. All exercises, both static and dynamic, are first performed on one leg, then on the other, this will help to evenly stretch the muscles on both legs.

Exercise No. 1

Sit on your heels, your back should be straight. Bend forward with your whole body, stretch as much as possible, trying not to lift your buttocks from your heels. Hold this stretch for a few seconds. Return to the starting position. You need to repeat these steps 10–20 times.

Exercise No. 2.

Sitting on your heels, spread them in different directions, your buttocks should be between them. Spread your feet in different directions to the maximum possible width. Each time the breeding radius will become larger. While performing the exercise, watch your back; it should be straight.

Exercise No. 3.

From a standing position, lunge with your leg forward. At the same time, smoothly transfer the weight to the front leg, stretching the back leg to the maximum. Perform the exercise 5 times for each leg.

Exercise No. 4.

Do side lunges To do this, you need to sit down as deeply as possible, spreading your legs as far apart as possible. Shift your weight to one leg and completely straighten the other. Lock in and “spring” for a few seconds. Slowly change position, transferring your weight to your straight leg, bending it at the knee.

Exercise No. 5.

Sit on the floor, legs and back straight, toes pointed towards you. Grasp your feet with your hands and tilt your body forward, without bending your knees. Maintain in this position for as long as possible. Return to a sitting position. Perform such bends in 5–10 approaches.

Exercise No. 6.

IN sitting position, grab one foot with your hand, the other remains level. Straighten the captured leg, lifting it up to maximum knee extension. Hold at maximum straightening for up to 30–60 seconds. Perform the same actions with the second leg. 5–10 approaches will be enough. The back should be straight when performing.

Exercise No. 7.

Sitting straight, cross the foot of one leg over the thigh of the other. The lower leg should be level. Reach your fingertips with your hand outstretched leg, and the tension should come from the chest, and not from the head. Fix in this position until obvious discomfort appears. Switch legs and perform the exercise for another 5–10 approaches.

Exercise No. 8.

From a sitting position on the floor with straight legs, bend one leg at the knee, crossing it over the other, fixing your foot on the floor with outside hips. Reach forward, clasping the foot of the outstretched leg with your hands. Having reached maximum tension, fix the position for up to a minute. Change legs and repeat the steps. Perform in 5–10 approaches.

Exercise No. 9.

Sitting on the floor, bring your feet together and try to lower your knees to the floor. When performing the exercise for the first time, you can help yourself place your knees on the floor with your hands. WITH straight back try to touch your feet with your forehead, hold for a few seconds and return to the starting position. This tension should be done in 10–15 approaches.

Exercise No. 10.

In a sitting position, extend one leg forward and bend the other back. The foot of the back leg should be near the outside of the thigh. Tilt your body forward with a straight back towards your straight leg, while helping yourself with your hands, holding your foot. Having stretched to the maximum, return the body to its place and tilt it to the center, trying to touch the floor with your forehead. Such movements need to be performed in 10–15 approaches.

How to effectively and correctly do 3 splits: training program

Can everyone do the splits?

Stretching training has no age restrictions, so anyone can try doing the splits. Another question is how quickly this will happen, because in addition to the innate “ductility”, one should take into account the build, gender and age of the person training.

The younger the person, the less time he needs to master the splits, and the exercises will be easier. It should also be noted that stretching is easier for women, since men are physiologically less flexible.

Twine also has contraindications. It is not advisable to seat children under 5 years old on it, since their muscles and tendons are still very weak. It is not recommended to conduct classes if you have the following diseases:

  • Hypertension (high blood pressure).
  • Cracks, fractures, bruises in the hip area.
  • Musculoskeletal disorders.
  • Spinal injuries.

Why can't I do the splits?

It has been noted that more than 80% of those who are “inspired” to do the splits stop halfway without achieving results. Therefore, when you decide to stretch, do not give up regular exercise, and if you cannot do the splits, then look at the possible reasons given below; perhaps you are doing something wrong.

  • Impatience. One of the main “enemies” for stretch marks. It so happens that after spending several weeks training and not getting the desired effect, a person becomes disappointed and quits training.
  • Lack of correct execution of techniques. In order to achieve your goal, you need not only to engage daily training, you must perform the exercises correctly. If you do not notice a positive result after 2-3 weeks of training, it is better to seek the help of a trainer.
  • Presence of injuries. About 35–40% are injured during stretches that are performed incorrectly. Such activities lead to disastrous consequences.

Video from Laysan Utyasheva: how to do the splits?

If you decide to do the splits, then confidently go towards your goal. Don’t let minor failures scare you, because stretching is not only beautiful, but also has health benefits.
