Chinese belly slimming patch - reviews. Negative, neutral and positive reviews. Weight loss patch - transdermal, pepper and magnetic patches for weight loss Belly weight loss patch instructions

Like many women, I faced the problem of excess weight after giving birth to a child. Nothing helped in the fight against extra pounds - neither diet nor physical activity. When I once shared my problem with a friend, she told me about the Chinese Slim Patch patches.

A friend told me that for weight loss this remedy from China is better than all others because:

  1. It contains only natural ingredients, or rather medicinal plants and herbs;
  2. Almost lightning-fast weight loss occurs during a set of metabolic acceleration;
  3. Slim Patch has virtually no contraindications;
  4. You can use it at any time of the day or night. Even when you are sleeping or taking a shower, the pasted patch does its job, and you really lose weight in your sleep!

Of course, at first I questioned her words, how could some patch solve the problem of excess weight. But when, after some time, a friend came to visit me, my doubts were dispelled at the first glance of her! The friend looked like a ballerina - slim, fit, rejuvenated. Of course, I immediately decided to try the actions of Slim Patch on myself.

The first thing I did was find out where I could buy it. As it turned out, it is impossible to purchase patches at the pharmacy. To avoid the spread of counterfeits, it is sold only on the official website. The price of one package, which contains 10 pcs. patches, I wasn’t scared because they were sold on the website at a discount. Therefore, I was able to order the required quantity for one “trial” course immediately and for quite reasonable money.

My second step was to learn how to use the Slim Patch correctly. It turned out there was nothing complicated.

Review about Aminocarnit for muscle growth, drying and weight loss.

Throughout my childhood and adolescence, I was involved in heavy sports, but there was no progress in muscle growth. Then I decided to try this supplement. simple, mixed with water or milk and drank. To achieve the most effective results, you can drink 2 times a day. A month of consumption was enough to notice tangible results.

Instructions for use

Slim Patch is as simple to use as anything ingenious.

1. It is necessary to thoroughly clean the area of ​​the body on which you plan to apply the patch. To do this, just take a shower with a hard washcloth. Then it is necessary to dry this area of ​​the body especially carefully so that the fixation of the patch is ideal. 2. Then, Slim Patch is removed from the packaging and glued to the body. An important point is that you need to make sure that there are no folds or air bubbles, otherwise its efficiency will not be one hundred percent. 3. The patch can be applied in any quantity to all “problem” areas of the body. There shouldn’t be any questions about where to glue it! The first thing I did was stick the patches on my stomach, it was really ugly. You can wear it without taking it off for one day. 4. And finally, after the period of use has expired, it is recommended to replace the Slim Patch with a new one, sticking it on the same places.

I don’t know how this miracle remedy works! But now I can boast that after one course I have an almost flat tummy, cellulite has disappeared, my skin color has improved and I am much more often in a good mood! The patch really helps to get rid of excess weight in a very short time. Since I stopped using it, I look much better!

As practice shows, he helped solve the eternal women’s problem of losing weight not only for me and my friend, but for many, many others.

Among all the easiest ways to lose weight, one of the most famous is the Slim Patch. Reviews claim that with its help you can become slimmer with almost no effort, just stick the patch in the right place, and after a while you can enjoy the result. It sounds like a fairy tale... But maybe this is a “panacea” for excess weight?

"Slim Patch" - what is it?

The “Slim Patch” patch is a development of the famous American company “Beauty Style Inc.”, which has been producing health products for many years. The manufacturers of the product used transdermal penetration technology to create it, according to which the active substances from the patch penetrate the skin and subcutaneous layers, being absorbed by almost 90%.

In appearance, a patch intended for weight loss is practically no different from a bactericidal one. The difference is that it is impregnated not with an antiseptic, but with a solution of active substances that promote weight loss.

Composition of the patch and its properties

The main active ingredients of the Slim Patch patch include:

  • ginseng extract;
  • extract from cassia seeds;
  • solution of natural mineral powder;
  • safflower;
  • aloe vera juice;
  • lotus leaf extract;
  • poria mushroom extract;
  • radish seed extract;
  • hawthorn fruit extract;
  • alisma root extract;
  • extract from black sesame seeds;
  • extract from senna leaves.

The presence of these ingredients, according to the manufacturer, guarantees:

  • improving the condition of the skin;
  • positive effect on the circulatory system;
  • removal of excess fluid from the body;
  • removal of toxic substances;
  • slight laxative effect;
  • elimination of swelling;
  • decreased appetite;
  • activation of lipid metabolism;
  • anti-cellulite effect;
  • reduction in body volume.

A number of clinical studies conducted by American researchers have confirmed the possibility of weight loss up to 5 kg when using the Slim Patch patch. The effectiveness of losing weight increases significantly when combined with a rational, balanced diet and physical activity.

You also need to take into account that in addition to the “patch” from the American company, there are Chinese “Slim Patch” weight loss patches. Reviews indicate their lower effectiveness compared to the original.

The principle of influence of “Slim Patch”

If we look at the action of the patch in detail, it is very simple - biologically active substances penetrate the body through the skin and activate the processes of burning fat deposits. The patch also improves blood circulation, normalizes the functionality of the lymph nodes, and relieves swelling.

Since supplements penetrate into the body, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract, they retain their unchanged appearance and provide a greater therapeutic effect. It also affects the outer layer of the skin, which helps eliminate cellulite.

In addition to the fact that the Slim Patch patch is impregnated with a solution of potent components, there is a thin magnet in its center. Magnetic waves emanate from it, which provide the skin with a massage of the meridian. Due to this, “Slim Patch” provides an effect similar to acupuncture, which is considered one of the most popular alternative methods of weight loss.

Indications for use

The slimming patch “Slim Patch” will help if necessary:

  • reduce body volume;
  • reduce food cravings;
  • eliminate swelling;
  • remove harmful toxins and accumulated waste from the body;
  • reduce cellulite manifestations.


  • Infectious diseases accompanied by fever;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • individual intolerance to some components;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • skin diseases or violations of its integrity in the areas where the patch is placed.

How to apply Slim Patch?

To achieve the desired result, you must use “Slim Patch” weight loss patches correctly. Instructions for use are as follows:

  1. Degrease the skin where the patch is placed using regular wet wipes and wipe dry.
  2. Apply the patch to the abdominal area a few centimeters from the navel.
  3. It is advisable to apply the patch at night, so that it remains on the body for at least eight hours.
  4. The course of application of “Slim Patch” lasts a month, the patch must be applied daily. In case of severe obesity, the course can be doubled.
  5. In the morning after waking up, remove the patch and treat the skin with a damp cloth.

Pros and cons of Slim Patch

The “Slim Patch” weight loss patch, like any other weight loss method, has both pros and cons. The undoubted advantages include the following factors:

  • you can use the patch at any time of the day and even around the clock;
  • active substances are delivered exactly where effective fat burning is needed;
  • the weight loss patch does not affect the gastrointestinal tract, which compares favorably with a variety of tablets and dietary supplements;
  • the active substances from the patch are fully absorbed by the body, while the same components in tablets or supplements are excreted from the body in some quantity.

Among the disadvantages, the most significant ones can be noted:

  • It is advisable to use the patch only if excess weight does not exceed 20 kg;
  • the patch only affects a certain area of ​​the body in which it is located;
  • the fight against cellulite formations is possible at the initial stage; advanced forms cannot be eliminated by the patch;
  • The slimming patch cannot burn internal fat, it only affects external subcutaneous fat.

Experts' opinion

How do doctors and nutritionists feel about the use of Slim Patch? In their opinion, a weight loss patch cannot affect the number of fat cells; the maximum it can do is make the subcutaneous fat tissue thinner by removing fluid. The patch has no effect on fat concentrated around the internal organs, since the active substances cannot penetrate so deeply.

As for the naturalness of the product, the opinion of experts here is not so rosy. The manufacturer assures that there is no harm, since only natural plant components are used to create the patch. But herbal extracts can provoke severe allergies, increase unwanted hair growth, contribute to the development of inflammatory processes, and cause headaches and nausea. So in this case it all depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.

In general, experts in the field of weight loss are not against the use of patches to combat extra pounds, and “Slim Patch” in particular, but they emphasize that they can be used by people who are 3-5 kg ​​overweight. It is advisable to maintain proper nutrition and increase physical activity. Using the patch if your weight is too high will not bring a significant result; in this case, “Slim Patch” can be used as part of a complex effect to slightly accelerate the weight loss process.

Ehh, how I wanted to lose weight without doing anything))).

I don’t know what I was hoping for, I’m buying this thing, we’ve been accumulating fat for years, and we hope that we’ll stick something on the fat and it will melt)))...

I bought this patch in SP, for only 60 rubles a pack, I bought 3 packs at once so I could cover myself with more).

The smell reminded me of star ointment, I stuck 2 pieces on at once, there was a chill, then a tingling sensation and that was all, I walked for 4 hours, and oh my God, I started tearing them off of me, it’s something, I’ll tell you! They stuck like super glue))), I could barely peel them off! The places where they were glued were red.

I used them for 10 days and didn’t lose an ounce of weight! The redness after the patches remains for several days, it feels like the burn is not big.

So there are no miracles)))


  • well packed


  • doesn't work at all
  • it hurts to peel off the patch
  • there was irritation and redness on the skin
  • no effect


  • did not cause any allergies.


  • They smell terrible
  • don't help.


Whatever I bought or did in order to lose the excess weight that I had gained after the long-awaited pregnancy. I even took a turpentine bath for weight loss PHYTOcosmetics and took tablets Medicine for weight loss KRKA Orsoten. I don’t seem to eat much, but after 6 pm I generally try to limit myself to just plain water and green tea (without sugar). At the same time, most often I try to walk more, and I don’t forget to do some training exercises. And the Action Power ACP-0043 electronic floor scales stubbornly refuse to show my weight as less than 60 kg and that’s it. I thought maybe it was broken and that’s why they were blatantly lying to me, but no, yesterday I bought 1 kg of sugar on purpose and checked it, it showed exactly 1.0. So one day, when I came across these same Slim Patch weight loss patches on the Internet, I couldn’t resist and ordered as many as 3 packs for my beloved. Fortunately, the discounted price for them was only 58 rubles per package, and delivery throughout Russia turned out to be free.

Since, apart from the name Slim Patch itself (which is translated from English as “Thin Patch”), everything else is written in Chinese, and I don’t know it, I had to look for additional information on the composition and application on the same Internet.

There are 2 stickers on the back of the package and, unfortunately, everything is also in Chinese.

On the same website where I ordered, I found the composition of the Slim Patch weight loss patches: mint, resin, phytoncid (phytoncid is a volatile substance secreted by plants), natural mineral powder, natural essential oils (which ones are not indicated).

One sealed package contains 10 patches, which are bright yellow on one side, covered with film, and lighter on the other.

The film is removed quite easily, you just need to slightly pry it with your fingernail. Under the film there is an adhesive surface which must be glued to the skin.

It is best to apply Slim Patch slimming patches daily before bed on clean skin of the abdomen (under the navel), thighs or other problem areas. I personally most often place them on my hips.

But I don’t do this at night, as they have a disgusting smell, but during the day before I start cleaning the house. Once I stuck them on my skin at night, but after about five minutes I couldn’t bear taking them off, because I was getting a headache from the pungent smell of these same Slim Patch slimming patches, it very much reminded me of the smell of stickers and mosquito repellent sprays.

I usually don't walk with them for a long time, about 2-3 hours.

Maybe that’s why after removing them I don’t have any allergic reactions on my skin or severe redness like some people do. By the way, they don’t hurt at all to remove; they don’t pull the skin behind them.

I store my Slim Patch sealed; in a dark, dry place out of reach of children, namely in the same packaging in which they came, because it is airtight and easy to close.

Of course, I didn’t lose weight, to be honest, I didn’t expect this from the Slim Patch weight loss patches, they stink terribly, there’s no other way to put it, well at least they didn’t cause an allergy and aren’t expensive. Therefore, based on everything I wrote above, I give them only 2 points out of 5 possible, maybe they help someone.



  • not effective
  • causes irritation


I continue to talk about products that help us stay beautiful and healthy, and today we will talk about the Slim Patch weight loss patch. I first ordered this patch from the Chinese online store TinyDel. My first experience of ordering goods from a Chinese online store. A cardboard box arrived containing 20 pieces of magnetic patches.

There were no instructions in Russian, but the most important thing is that I read in English, the patch must be used for 2 months, no less, to feel the effect. Of course, I used it, the result was zero, no weight loss occurred, but I chalked it all up to short-term use.

And, making my next order on Aliexpress, I saw this patch at a big discount, and there were 100 pieces in a package, of course, I ordered it. This time the order came not in packaging, but in a regular plastic bag.

Each patch is packaged in an individual bag.

Stick on the navel with the magnetic side for 12 hours.

I used almost all 100 pieces, only two remained, but my weight did not move an ounce. Manufacturers advise drinking plenty of water, eating healthy and leading an active lifestyle. But then why the bandage? I just wanted to lose weight by leading a passive lifestyle, but I was once again convinced that this could not happen. In addition, irritation appeared at the place where the patch was applied, it seemed as if the skin was simply burned, this has not gone away to this day, and I stopped gluing it more than a month ago.

Conclusion - for me the product turned out to be completely ineffective, and also caused an allergy on the skin. I don't recommend it.

Neutral reviews

With these patches I lost 2 kg per month. What did I do? By and large - nothing. I walked around with patches on my stomach and drank a lot of water. They simply cause extreme thirst, and accordingly they are diuretics. This is good, but after a week or two you get tired of going to the toilet every half hour. As I understand it, this is a standard effect of the patches, and not a side effect.

Slim Patches are safe and natural. They are only forbidden for allergy sufferers and children. For everyone else, it can even be used to easily suppress hunger (gluttons and people with stomach problems).

I paste it near the navel from different sides. Each time I try to change the location of the patches on the body. Fat disappears not only from the abdomen, but evenly throughout the body.

I am happy that I discovered these unusual patches. Although they are not ideal in terms of weight loss, they definitely have benefits.

In combination with physical activity, for example, cardio exercises, the effect will be 2 times better, it seems to me.

Soon I plan to order Slim Patches and take care of my figure again.

They don’t reach the 5 mark, but I’ll give it a 4 with a clear conscience)

I've been losing weight for 3 months now. More precisely, I just try to eat right and go to the gym 2 times a week. To these main factors, a couple of weeks ago I added slim patches.

Small size patches. They look cute and yellow. They are invisible under clothes and practically imperceptible on the skin. In general, there are no problems with them.

I stick it on for a day, then replace it with a new one. These stickers contain a lot of herbal ingredients - hawthorn berries, sesame seeds, etc. In theory, all of them should be absorbed by the body and cleanse it.

According to the Chinese manufacturer, the patches work most effectively at night, that is, during our sleep. And, by the way, I noticed that I sleep much better with them. The patches are also soothing! Over the past 14 days I have lost 4.1 kg. I think this effect was achieved precisely thanks to an integrated approach.

If you want to lose weight while lying on the sofa with a band-aid glued on, then, alas, the weight will not decrease at all. Patches only work when a person himself plays sports and eats healthy. In short, assistants and that's it.

I don’t take them seriously, but I don’t have anything against patches either. At least there is definitely no harm from them.

Positive reviews

I’ve tried everything for weight loss, and then a friend suggested making a joint order on one of the wholesale sites, I saw there, among other interesting things, the Slim Patch weight loss patch for 30 and a penny rubles, it was because of this price that I ordered it, I thought if it didn’t help I don’t mind the money, I ordered 3 packages, each containing 10 patches. So far I have used one package, I just glue it overnight, I don’t keep track of the time. The result was pleasant, firstly, it was noticeable that it had some effect, because the metabolism accelerated, and secondly, in 10 days, minus 3 cm in the waist. Of course, not much, but without difficulty, in addition to the patch, I gained a little physical activity, but this usually only affected weight, without changing size, and the patch helped achieve what I wanted. For now, I decided to take a break for the New Year holidays, and then continue to use it in combination with a diet. There were no allergies to the skin, nothing turned red or itched, the patch was usually stuck on for 7-10 hours, I woke up and took it off. The smell is quite normal, you can only feel it if you sniff the patch :)


  • Result
  • Weight loss
  • No extra effort required.


  • Apparently not.


  • result

Many people say that the positive effect of the patch is just self-hypnosis. I wouldn't say so. I didn't have my hopes up for the patch. It wasn’t like I ordered it, waited and finally, happy, received it. My husband's father gave it to me. I ordered it from Ali and forgot. When the patch arrived, he regretted ordering it. Why, he says, should he lose weight? I asked him to give it to me. Gave. I stuck it on my stomach and legs. I only remember about the patch when I see it while changing clothes. I’ve been on a diet for two months now, so this patch is purely for experience, out of interest: what if it’s true, who knows?! Some say it increases appetite. It seems to me that the appetite appears precisely because they constantly think about this patch, hoping for it. They think: “But anyway, the bandage is taking off the weight for me, I can eat!” Or they constantly think about its effect, and therefore about their weight and how they gained it. So they think about food... And they eat! Regarding the smell of the patch. It smells like "Star" balm. But it doesn't stink! The smell is strong, but not throughout the entire room! You apply it to your body and there is no smell. No allergies. I once used a patch to get rid of smoking addiction and I was allergic to the patch. Redness of the skin area where the patch is located and severe itching. But in "Slim" this is not the case. After a shower, the patch peels off at the edges. But only at the edges. I stuck it on two legs. One on the front, the other on the back. And that patch on the back rolls up when I put on my jeans. I started going to the toilet more often. But nothing has changed. I think you know what I mean. And there is no such thing as “Oh, God! I wish I could run to the toilet!!!”, as happens with teas for weight loss. In general, try it, but don’t get your hopes up. By the way, a pharmacist once told me one thing about the patches, after which I began to believe in their properties. Because the pharmacist both praised and scolded the patch. She says that when used in the abdominal area, she lost 5 kg. But when I stopped using it, I gained that weight back. It seems like my appetite has decreased. Or maybe I just noticed that I didn’t want to eat. Maybe it was like this before, before the patch, but I just didn’t notice.

It’s also strange that among the advantages offered by this site, “short-term effect”) is indicated)) There is no option “Preserved effect”) Conclusions can be drawn)))

Oh, and for those wondering, my patch says it's from Taiwan.

I wanted to get rid of extra centimeters in my hips and, in order not to exhaust myself with diets and lose weight where I shouldn’t, I bought patches and applied them to the problem area. Two at once, one for each zone).

There were no changes on the scales, but I began to notice that the skin on my hips became softer and the “orange peel” bumps were less noticeable. And since there is less cellulite, then there is less hip volume.

I was quite satisfied with this result, although there was no visible result on the scales. To summarize, the patch expels excess water, the kilograms will not go away.

In order to have time to get myself in order for summer, I began to use all imaginable and inconceivable ways to combat kilograms.

I also got to the patches. At first I just went on a diet, then I added patches. The effectiveness of weight loss has become much more noticeable. And I wanted to eat in much smaller portions than even what was written in the diet itself.

The only negative is that it was not very comfortable for me to wear the patches themselves. The active plate is quite voluminous and, for example, if you stick it on the stomach, the plate digs into the skin.

At first there were no changes at all, probably only when I applied the second patch I began to feel that my hunger had dulled. In the evening, the thought of what to eat usually haunts me. And now I just don’t want to, it seems like I can eat this and that, but I don’t feel like eating. It’s so easy on both soul and body. I have already lost 800 grams in 5 days, which is not enough, but weight loss occurs naturally, due to a decrease in daily caloric intake. The patches are thin, smell of some kind of herbs and essential oils, very bright. They stick well, they don’t come off the edges, so after some time after gluing them safely I forget about their presence. I will continue to use it!

In 2 months of using the patch, I was able to lose 9 kg. In the first 30 days, the weight came off more slowly, I lost only 3 kg.

But after the metabolism reached a normal level, fat deposits began to melt literally before our eyes.

There are no restrictions on the location of gluing. At night I attached one patch to an acupuncture point just above the navel, and during the day one on each thigh so that the weight loss process would continue around the clock.

The patch sticks out a little under clothes, so I wore loose trousers or skirts.

A week after starting to use Slim Patch, I felt lightness throughout my body and a noticeable surge of strength. The patch stays on well. But due to the fact that the sticky base is not much larger in area than the round with the active substance, the corners sometimes begin to peel off after a few hours.

The patch can survive a shower, but it’s better not to take a bath, as it will definitely fall off. It peels off easily, but leaves a slight stickiness on the skin. It is easily washed off with water and removed with a regular damp cloth.

There are no restrictions on how long you can wear the patch. However, the manufacturer recommends applying the patch for at least 8 hours at night to achieve maximum effect.

I heard a lot of unflattering reviews about this Chinese patch, especially regarding its quality, and not just its effect. They usually complain that it doesn’t fit well, and when they sweat, it immediately falls off. But this happens with any plaster, except perhaps the domestic pepper one, which sticks tightly.

I put it on at night, at about 8 pm, and took it off in the morning, at 8 o'clock. 12 hours is enough for the active ingredients to be absorbed into the skin and then into the blood - this is the principle of transdermality.

With approximately the same program, in the previous month I lost 1 kg without a patch, and this month - 3 kg. And it seems to me that it’s just a matter of the patch, because the kilograms have gone off not only on the scales, but also in the form of centimeters on the waist.

Purely wearing it will help little, I'm sure of it. You need at least a diet, because the patch gradually burns fats on its own, but then you need to ensure that they are not replenished. Then the fat will go away from the sides. But ideally, include physical activity.


  • Comfortable.



Fine. Lost 10 kg. But my friend has allergies. But there is still an effect. It itches but pecks)))) looks at me and is jealous)

Only with the patch I wouldn’t have lost so much weight; there was also fitness. I put the patch on at night because it is not thermal, but transdermal, it has no use during exercise, it just comes off from sweat. But then, when a tired body begins to actively use up reserves, absorption into the skin is stronger. Therefore, getting rid of fat is much more effective this way.

However, before gluing, you still need to treat the skin. At a minimum, wash with soap, wipe dry, and at maximum, wipe with a disinfectant. This will make it possible to stick the patch more firmly, and there will be no barrier between the skin and the active substances. It should be glued on the stomach, or on the sides.

In the morning, after removal, slight redness remains. But this is standard irritation from the adhesive material and the lack of ventilation of the skin in this place; the remaining adhesive is removed with a soap solution or a damp cloth, and the redness goes away in half an hour. There is no serious irritation or itching under the patch.

Weight loss is noticeable, including a reduction in waist size. But the hips go away much more slowly, and what’s most interesting is that there is no point in putting a patch on the hips, it’s better that the fat doesn’t go away from there for some reason, only the waist. It’s the same with the buttocks and other problem areas. But at least it allows you to trim your waist, and your overall weight is reduced, so when used correctly, the patches really help you lose extra pounds.

The rhythm of my life is very busy, so monitoring my diet, much less following some kind of diet, is not an option at all. Plasters are convenient because they eliminate all these unnecessary worries. I glued them on my stomach, under my navel (this is where I had a fold of fat) and walked around with it the whole day. It’s not difficult to wear the patch, since it doesn’t particularly interfere, and you don’t feel it on the skin at all; sometimes the truth may come off a little, but this is not critical.

First of all, I liked the principle of the effect of the patches: they control the appetite itself and remove harmful substances from the body. Simply put, you can not only get rid of extra pounds, but also cleanse your body well. Plus, there is no need to swallow any dubious additives - the application is exclusively external and harmless. The skin was not damaged: there was no redness or rashes.

When you stick the patch on your stomach, after a couple of hours you feel a slight warmth in this area. At first I was a little worried about this, but then I realized that the blood began to circulate faster, which increased sweating, but not much.

I used the patches for 1 month, that is, I used 30 pieces, i.e. 3 packs. The first 10 days of use saved me from 2 kg. The result was not bad, but the crease was still there, but after 30 days I completely got rid of it - I lost 5.3 kg. When I stopped using the product, I was determined that the kilograms might return. Fortunately, my figure is still fine, and my appetite is normal - I don’t have to go to the kitchen at night to buy sandwiches.

Personally, I actually got an interesting effect. I just want to eat less and go to the toilet more often. I understand that due to this, weight loss occurs. In general, I like this principle of operation. Limiting food consumption, especially high-calorie foods, is the best way to lose weight quickly, effectively, and most importantly, without harming the body. I glued the patch consistently every 48 hours, each time changing the place where the patch was glued.

I didn’t experience any discomfort while wearing it, but most often I simply forgot that the patch was currently on me, and was afraid that I forgot to stick it on))

I was very surprised that the patches in a pack of 30 cost only 500 rubles. It’s painfully cheap for an effective drug, especially considering how much medications and dietary supplements for weight loss cost in pharmacies.

But 500 rubles is not a pity, I decided to try it on my stomach. Naturally, the patches will not tighten the hanging belly, but they will reduce the volume.

While I was using one package of patches, my waist size decreased by 3 centimeters. It's not much, but it's still a result.

Many methods of weight loss and figure correction have been invented and developed. However, there is a special way to lose weight - a patch. Reviews about this drug are contradictory.

How the slimming patch works

All weight loss patches are transdermal. These are preparations with biologically active substances applied to a sticky base. These components penetrate the bloodstream, under the skin, where they trigger the processes of processing accumulated fat.

Additionally, the components of the patch stimulate the regenerative abilities of the epidermis, accelerate lymph flow, and improve metabolic processes. This leads to the removal of toxins and waste, and, consequently, to the disappearance of cellulite.

Composition of the patch

Each manufacturer of weight loss patches selects their own ingredients. There is no single recipe for making such a drug. However, by comparing several types of patches, we can identify the components used most often.

The weight loss patch may include:

  • Kelp.
  • Cactus extract.
  • Guarana extract.
  • Fucus finely blistered extract.
  • Pepper extract.
  • Herbal extracts. Herbs are selected individually for each patch. With their help, there is an additional effect (skin moisturizing, nutrition, and so on).

Instructions for use of the drug for weight loss

How to apply the slimming patch on the stomach? The instructions are very simple. But it is still printed on every package. It is difficult to do something incorrectly and misuse it.


  • Select the problem area where the patch will be applied.
  • The body area should be thoroughly cleaned. This must be done so that the drug is well fixed. It is best to take a shower and thoroughly wipe the area with a hard washcloth. Wipe dry.
  • We open the package with the drug, take out the patch, remove the protective layer and stick it on the selected area. This should be done carefully to avoid wrinkles or air bubbles. If the adhesion is uneven, the effectiveness of the drug decreases.
  • It is allowed to stick several patches at a time, naturally, on different parts of the body, and not one on top of the other.
  • During the day you go about your business without removing the drug.
  • After 24 hours, you need to change the patch. Therefore, slowly peel off the patch from the skin. Take a shower.

To consolidate the result and prevent the course of treatment with the patch, it is necessary to repeat it 2-3 times during the year.

Contraindications for the use of weight loss patches

Any drug that has an effect on the human body has restrictions on its use. They should never be ignored. Remember that not only your weight loss process, but also your overall health depends on correct use.

Contraindications for using the patch:

  • Age up to 14 years.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Lactation.
  • Kidney diseases.
  • Thyroid diseases.
  • Frequent allergies.
  • Diabetes.
  • Recovery after chemotherapy.

The area of ​​skin on which the drug will be used must be healthy. There should be no rash, open wounds or scars. It is also prohibited to use the patch on the mucous membrane, chest and areas with abundant hair.

After the first use of the drug, a slight allergy is possible. This is a completely normal skin reaction. But if severe pain and discomfort occur, you should not endure them, but should go to a medical facility, taking with you the package with the patches you are using.

Side effect

If undesirable reactions occur on the skin, stop using the drug for three days. If during this time the skin’s response to the patch has not disappeared, then you should definitely consult a dermatologist.

Undesirable effects from the patch are:

  • Redness.
  • Rash.
  • Edema.
  • Burning.
  • Change in skin color.
  • Dryness.

Benefits of weight loss patches

The benefits of using weight loss patches in the fight against excess weight and an imperfect figure include:

  • Easy to use. The instructions for the patch are easy to follow. The main thing is to change the drug in a timely manner. There is no need to make significant dietary changes or perform strenuous exercise.

  • Maintaining a normal lifestyle, despite using a belly patch for weight loss. Reviews from women indicate that it does not interfere with working, playing sports, going to the pool, or even taking a shower.
  • Losing weight locally. With the help of a patch it is convenient to adjust the figure in a certain place. To do this, you just need to stick it on the problem area.
  • Efficiency. According to the manufacturers, those losing weight will achieve the desired result in exactly ten days.
  • No overdose. The patch contains a strict dosage of substances aimed at breaking down fats.

Slimming patch in the abdomen: disadvantages

In addition to advantages, any weight loss drug also has disadvantages. The ideal remedy has not yet been invented. The belly patch for weight loss is no exception.

Reviews from people who have used these drugs prove this.


  • Excess weight is accumulated fat. It is divided into subcutaneous, which we see as cellulite and folds, and internal, enveloping the internal organs. The patch is not able to get rid of the latter.
  • The drug affects only the area of ​​skin on which it is applied. It is not capable of influencing the entire body as a whole.
  • According to experts, the biologically active substances on the patch begin to work effectively during physical activity.

The vast majority of women have been on a diet at least once in their lives or used dietary supplements, creams, and others. In the fight for a beautiful, toned figure, all means are good. But... is this really so? Do the new products offered by manufacturers help you get rid of those hated pounds on your sides and waist? Our article will talk about the Slim patch for weight loss. Reviews about it, application (rules), as well as other useful information will be provided below. Analyzing the data, you will have to decide whether to use this product or choose something else, or maybe just switch to proper nutrition and sign up for the gym...

What are Slim patch - slimming patches

According to the manufacturer, this product is designed to activate metabolic processes in tissues, as well as remove excess fluid and help break down fats. In addition to this effect, the patch helps to somewhat reduce appetite, as well as restore elasticity. Tempting, isn't it? In addition, this product is simple and convenient to use - the Slim patch is simply attached to the skin in the abdomen, thighs and other problem areas, it is not visible under clothing and does not cause much discomfort. When using the product, you are not prohibited from taking a shower, as well as leading the lifestyle to which you are accustomed. Nothing interferes with your activity, and at the same time you lose weight

How to use weight loss product correctly

Slim patch is very easy to use, however, it is best to follow the instructions provided before using it. So, before gluing you need to take a shower or wipe your skin with a damp towel. Then open the patch and press it to the skin (thighs, abdomen, etc.).

It is best to use the product at night; the total duration of use should not be less than 8 hours. The course is designed for 1-3 months, depending on how overweight you are and what your intended weight loss results are. Also keep in mind that after the first application of the patch, minor redness or itching may occur on the skin - this is a normal reaction of the body, usually it goes away within a day. Manufacturers promise that within 3 days your body will begin to cleanse itself of accumulated waste and toxins; after 5 days the volumes of the so-called. problem areas will begin to decrease, and the weight will decrease slightly; in 10 days you can lose up to 5 kg, and your skin will become smooth and elastic.

SlimPatch patches: composition, storage conditions, contraindications for use

This product has a completely natural composition, which includes mint essential oil, resins, phytoncides, as well as other components that promote weight loss. The patch should be stored sealed, preferably in a dark and cool room (for example, in a closet), out of the reach of children. Since the product in question involves external use, it does not have many contraindications, among them are:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • skin diseases, especially during exacerbation;
  • allergies or individual intolerance to the components included in the patch - this is especially true for essential oils;
  • There is also no need to use the product if there are open wounds or other damage to the skin.

If the itching and irritation that occurs after the first use of weight loss stickers does not go away, you need to stop using them and consult a doctor. Of course, many are interested in what customers say about Slim patch weight loss patches. Reviews about this product - both positive and negative - will be discussed below. This will help you finally decide whether to purchase this product or pay attention to something else.

Positive characteristics of Slim patch patches: reviews from satisfied customers

Of course, this product has quite a lot of advantages, this is what those women and men who have already tried the patches on themselves note:

  • Using stickers is very simple, and you don’t need to radically change your lifestyle - go on diets, exercise intensely, take additional supplements;
  • the active components of the patch act specifically on problem areas of the body, that is, they help you lose weight exactly where you need it - this especially applies to the hips and buttocks, waist, abdomen in men, and forearms;
  • Slim Patch is a product for external use, that is, it does not have a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract;
  • The stickers do not stain clothes, are not noticeable, do not restrict movement, and can be easily removed from the skin if necessary.

Slim Patch weight loss patches, reviews of which we reviewed above, also have their negative properties. Actually, like any other products and means intended for weight loss. After all, there is no panacea for solving the problem of excess weight - supplements help some, diets help others, and others lose weight by doing Pilates or yoga. Each body is individual, and even if some weight loss product helps 99% of respondents, there is always a chance that you will be in the one percent for whom the drug (or patch, or anything else) does not work at all.

Slim Patch slimming patches: reviews from dissatisfied customers

First of all, many people complain about the price of this product - stickers cannot be called a cheap product. Packaging, depending on the region, costs from 1,500 rubles (a pack contains 10 patches, placed in individual plastic bags). There are other disadvantages:

  • the product helps burn the so-called external fat, but the internal fat that envelops the organs remains in the body;
  • For people who are extremely overweight, the patch does not help to get rid of a significant amount of body weight, for example, you can completely lose 3-5 kg, but it is unlikely that you will lose more;
  • the product fights only the initial stages of cellulite, that is, if your “orange peel” is already visible through your jeans, the patch will not help you tidy up your skin.

Useful tips for those who want to find a beautiful and slim figure

Slim Patch weight loss patches, reviews of which indicate that they really get rid of volume on the waist, hips and other problem areas, will remove the extra 2-5 cm. But will you be satisfied with this result? If your weight is much higher than normal and you have been diagnosed with obesity, in this case the patch can be recommended as an addition to complex weight loss therapy. This means that you need to exercise, follow a diet, or simply switch to proper nutrition, and also use special weight loss medications that will be selected for you by an experienced doctor.

In this article, we looked at everything about such a drug as Slim patch (plasters) - positive and negative reviews, its composition, as well as detailed instructions for use. We hope the information presented will help you in choosing a reliable weight loss product, and you will finally find the figure of your dreams.
