What is the best method of taking protein. How to take protein, how it works and how to calculate the dosage. Preventing muscle loss

In today's article we will learn how to take protein. First of all, such cocktails are intended to complement an existing, properly selected diet, and not replace it. You should take no more than 2-3 protein shakes per day. training days and 1-2 on rest days.

The two most important times to take protein are:

  • immediately after waking up
  • Take immediately after training

Why immediately after a night's sleep? For many hours at night, your body is in a state of “starvation.” This means that without protein intake, the body will begin to use muscle as fuel for recovery. By taking protein in the morning with simple carbohydrates (fruit juice or a banana), you will kill the process of muscle breakdown in its very bud and return yourself back to “positive nitrogen balance” - there is more protein available than the body can use.

The second key time to take protein is immediately after strength training. During this 30-60 minute post-workout period, muscles are like a sponge, absorbing nutrients, especially protein, as an essential substance for the repair and recovery process. The body also uses carbohydrates more efficiently during this window due to increased insulin sensitivity... be sure to take some simple carbohydrates along with your protein - this will help the body absorb amino acids more efficiently, using them for continued tissue repair and growth.

What protein should I take?

If you don’t know which protein to choose, then a shaker containing whey - the best option. This form of protein is one of the most easily digestible types - it takes no more than 20-30 minutes for the body to begin receiving the necessary raw materials. Remember, time is of the essence in both scenarios, so if you take long-digesting forms of protein such as casein (found in dairy), by the time the amino acids become available to the body, you will have already missed your window of opportunity.

By the way, you can combine several proteins by mixing whey and soy protein with low-fat milk as a base + a carbohydrate with a high glycemic index. By combining these three forms together, you will provide yourself with a constant flow of amino acids for as long as 5-6 hours, as they are absorbed at different rates.

In addition, soy, whey and milk proteins have different amino acid balances. For example, soy protein contains more glutamine, helping with recovery and reduction of symptoms of delayed onset muscle pain (LMS). Combining these different kinds, You maximize the nutritional and restorative properties of your drink. Analogues are multicomponent powders, for example, from the company BSN.

How much protein should you take?

Supplements are always supplied with measuring spoons, the volume of which may vary. On average, this is 22-30 grams of protein per 1 scoop. How much protein should I take per day? It all depends on how many meals the athlete had per day and what his weight is. I would recommend double serving (2 spoons) after training and in the morning on the day of training. On rest days - one serving in the morning and throughout the day if necessary. You can read more about how much protein you need per day.

Is it possible to take protein before training?

Protein drinks are also popular as a pre-workout meal. In such cases, as a rule, they are consumed 30-50 minutes before training, use water or milk as a base, and mix with slow carbohydrates such as oatmeal.

While pre-workout shakes help ensure that you have enough amino acids available during your workout, they are not always necessary in supplement form. You are exactly the same you can get proteins from a complete food source 1.5-2 hours before the start of the training. Protein shakes First of all, they are needed for the sake of convenience, and not always for the sake of necessity.

Is a protein supplement the key to success?

Should I take protein? Of course not! Carefully planned protein meals will help fill minor gaps in your diet, but they will never replace complete, healthy, clean foods. You can experience amazing transformations and build an amazing physique without pouring liters of protein powder into yourself. However, it is also your best friend, which helps you out if you have a busy schedule that makes 5-6 meals a day difficult. If I could only take one protein cocktail per day, I would do this after my workout!

Did you know how to properly take protein for muscle growth or weight loss? Despite the fact that protein is a fairly harmless drink, you still need to follow some rules for taking it.

But first things first. Go!

How many times a day to take protein

There are no clear limits for the number of times you consume protein per day. You can drink it all at once, or you can divide it into 8 doses.

However, drinking the daily dose once is not recommended, because part of the protein may not be absorbed by the body, but even if divided into a large number of techniques, it will only bring unnecessary trouble.

It is also worth considering that it is better to consume protein an hour before training and 30 minutes after it.

How much to drink at one time, dosage

The amount of protein you need to consume per day depends on your weight and the goal you are pursuing.

If you want to maintain weight, then 1 gram per 1 kilogram of weight is enough. If you want to gain weight, then the amount of protein should be increased to 1.5-2 grams per kilo.

It should also be taken into account that protein also comes into the body with regular food, and protein does not consist of 100% protein, but approximately 70-80%.

Wanting to achieve the most quick results, you cannot exceed the daily norm, the excess protein simply will not be absorbed by the body, and there will be no benefit from it.

If you take protein correctly, the results will not take long to appear.

The effect depends on several factors:

  1. amount of protein;
  2. proper nutrition;
  3. correct level of physical activity.

It happens that when using protein powder, it has no effect. This may happen if the dose is too low for you, the dosage schedule is not followed, or you do not exercise enough.

It happens that the product itself is not suitable, then it should be replaced with another. I would like to add that you should not skimp when choosing protein, buy a good, high-quality product right away so that it has health benefits and you can see the result.

If you buy some cheap fake, you will not only throw away money, but will also suffer from digestive problems later.

When to take

To decide when to consume protein, you need to take into account its type.

1. “Fast” proteins are absorbed in the body at high speed, immediately saturating it with a large volume of necessary substances. These include egg and Whey Protein.

The ideal time to use them is in the morning and between physical activities, you need to drink them about 5-6 times a day, but 50% of your daily protein intake should be obtained from regular foods.

2. Casein is a “slow” protein, they make it from cow's milk and it is better to take such a product if you have not been able to eat regular food for a long time; those who want to lose weight can replace it with a lunch meal or dinner.

3. A combination of fast and slow proteins - complex proteins. They are recommended to be consumed approximately 2 hours before training; they can be used for long breaks between meals, replace 1-2 meals, can be consumed before bed.

Reception depending on the time of day:

In the morningDuring night sleep, the body does not receive food, so it has to use reserves of energy sources for its work, plus in the morning the hormone cortisol begins to be actively produced, which leads to a decrease in testosterone, loss muscle mass and accelerates fat gain; to stop this, when you wake up, you need to drink a dose of “fast” protein.
During the dayTo gain weight, you need to constantly replenish the amino acid pool; for this you need to eat regularly and drink 2-3 servings of a protein shake in between. If on this day it is not possible to eat on time, then you need to play it safe and drink either slow or complex protein.
Before trainingAbout 30 minutes before training, you need to drink a portion of “fast” protein in order to provide the body with a reserve that it will use during physical activity.
After trainingIn order to increase the level of amino acids and the supply of carbohydrates after training, you need to drink a portion of protein, a gainer is ideal, this will help the body in short time recover. If you are going to lose weight, then you do not need to consume carbohydrate mixtures; it is better to limit yourself to concentrate only. After an hour and a half you can eat.
Before bedtimeSome people believe that eating before bed leads to fat storage, but this is not the case with protein intake. Since during sleep the body will not receive an additional source of energy and it will have to use up its reserves, it is worth drinking a slow protein 30 minutes before bedtime; a complex protein is better. Then a stable level of amino acids in the blood will be ensured throughout the night and there is no need to be afraid of night catabolism muscle tissue.

Drop if you want excess weight you need to eat at least 5-6 times throughout the day.

When working, studying, etc., this is not always possible; cocktails made from complex and slow protein come to the rescue. They should be drunk between meal breaks, replacing snacks.

Then the body will be saturated with protein, but there will be no extra calories and carbohydrates.

When losing weight, portions are half the standard and you must remember to drink cocktails 2 hours before and after training.

Proteins at night

At night, they usually take a slow protein, the so-called casein.

The idea that eating at night adds pounds only applies to those who eat carbohydrates or fats, from amino acids and physical training there will be no such effect.

How to take casein

We take it as usual - dissolve it in a glass of cow's milk. Due to the fact that it is poorly soluble, you need to use a sports shaker for stirring or a blender if you are at home.

The dose is determined depending on the weight and level of need for extra energy body.

On a note!

As a rule, for 8 hours of sleep you need about 30-40 grams of powder.

This type of protein can be used for active fat burning, as it reduces appetite well, the athlete will lose unnecessary weight, while his body will receive all the necessary nutrients.

When to take casein

Casein is good at preventing the destruction of muscle mass, so it is recommended to take it when long breaks between meals, before intense physical activity, and before bed.

It is optimal just 30 minutes before going to bed so that the body has the resources it needs at night.

Can I use it every day?

To achieve muscle growth It is necessary to consume protein constantly until the desired result is achieved.

You should drink protein shakes every day, regardless of whether you are working out that day or not.

The approximate amount of use can be seen in the table:

Is it possible for girls

Both men and women can drink protein. The female body needs a large amount of protein; it is necessary for the beauty and health of hair, nails, skin, figure, etc.

It is often difficult to obtain all the required amounts from conventional products. active image life, then cocktails with protein powder come to the rescue.

Girls also need to choose for themselves protein product based on their lifestyle and the result they want to achieve.

“Fast” proteins should be drunk by girls who train and lead a sports lifestyle.

If a girl wants to lose weight, then before going to bed or instead of dinner, she can drink a mixture with “slow” protein, replacing snacks during the day with it, thus saving the body from unwanted calories and carbohydrates, but saturating it with protein.

For weight loss

If you're taking protein for weight loss, it's best to take it instead of some meals rather than with them, such as snacks, to maintain your protein intake but avoid excess calories.

That's the whole secret.

But they cannot completely replace food!

What can it be used with?

The protein can be mixed with milk, water, juice, beaten egg white and the resulting mixture can be eaten with a spoon.

If your goal is to gain weight, then it is better to mix it with cow's milk. You need to know that protein powder from some manufacturers is less soluble in milk than in water, so you need to make sure there are no lumps.

Your body must accept milk well to avoid unwanted consequences.

A cocktail made with water is not as tasty as one made with milk, but does not contain as many calories, so if you want to lose weight, then this is definitely your option.

Also, the water mixture is ideal for use after training.

In water, the powder mixes faster and better and is quickly absorbed by the body.

Some people prefer to dissolve protein powder in juice, but this should be avoided by people trying to lose weight due to the large amount of fast carbohydrates.

However, the juice contains many minerals and vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the body, so mixing the powder with the juice is allowed.

Compatible with other additives or products. Protein along with...

With creatine

These additives are very compatible.

On training days: protein also every 4 hours all day, after training, take a serving of creatine (5 grams) with protein within half an hour.

On non-training days: If you are not in the loading phase, you should take 5 grams of creatine in the morning, protein - every 4 hours during the day.

In the loading phase, the amount of creatine increases to 15 - 20 grams per day, this is 3 - 4 servings.

With gainer

If you eat normally and regularly, then using a gainer will be unnecessary, since it is needed solely to maintain the calorie content of your daily diet.

It's another matter if your diet is irregular.

To make the combination effective, you need to adhere to the following tips:

  • Protein is taken in the morning, immediately after sleep;
  • Protein mixtures like protein should be taken before training, gainers should be taken after;
  • During long periods of time between meals, some athletes take proteins, others take gainers, there is not much difference between these methods;
  • Before going to bed at night, you should drink cocktails with slow-release proteins. Amino acid levels will be maintained over time, and muscles will not be destroyed during sleep.
  • Supplements should be taken in approximately equal proportions– this will help the body receive a powerful charge of energy, and it will also not need building materials for the healthy formation of muscle mass.

With food

Of course, food intake is necessary for any supplementation.

Protein intake is usually divided:

  1. Before breakfast, immediately after a night's sleep;
  2. Between meals, 2-4 small portions of 20-35 g;
  3. As a meal replacement in the form of slow protein;
  4. After dinner, no later than 30 minutes before bedtime.

With bcaa - amino acids (bcaa)

Consumption with bcaa is not prohibited, however, it must be done wisely. These additives have different functions.

Bcaa is taken first, and protein is taken a little later, since the body will immediately begin to absorb the protein, ignoring ready-made amino acids, thereby neutralizing the effect of bcaa.

Some tips for consuming amino acids:

  • Take protein in the morning to replenish the amino acids lost overnight;
  • To prepare the body for intensive training, you need to take a serving of protein half an hour before;
  • BCAAs are taken immediately before the workout itself, during it, and also immediately after the end of the workout (you can use one option, or you can use all three at once);
  • To replenish your amino acid supply, you should definitely take protein within half an hour after training.

With fat burners (l-carnitine)

Protein goes well with fat burners.

The result is that the loss of muscle tissue is completely minimized, while fat tissue is quickly burned.

Due to the properties of l-carnitine, the combined use of these supplements helps to gain only lean muscle mass without fat.

L-carnitine should be consumed 20-30 minutes before an intense workout, one ampoule per workout.

You should not take them before evening classes. Protein should be diluted in low-fat milk and drunk an hour and a half before the same exercises.

The entire course takes 4-5 months, after which you go on a month-long break.

With glutamine

When these supplements are taken together correctly, the results will be amazing.

When drawing up a course of glutamine intake, the athlete’s weight is taken into account:

Weight, kgDaily dose, g
45 9
57 11
68 14
90 18
113 23

Glutamine is taken half an hour before meals on an empty stomach.

Important note: these supplements cannot be mixed (glutamine and protein).

You should wait at least half an hour between glutamine and protein doses., otherwise their effect is neutralized!

In this article, we tried to talk in detail about how to properly take protein to gain muscle mass, for weight loss, in what portions, and whether it is compatible with other nutritional supplements.

How do you consume protein? Be sure to write in the comments!

Happy training!

Views: 23,808

How much protein do you need to gain muscle mass? Is 2 grams per kilo enough or if you eat more, will muscle mass grow faster? Or maybe 1 g per kilogram is actually enough? We’ll talk about all this in this article, and also touch on the questions “how the type of protein affects the daily intake” and “when and how often is it better to take protein.”

What is protein for?

I'm sure you know the answer to this question, but it won't hurt to remind you.

Protein in food and proteins in our body (such as muscle protein) are made up of amino acids. They are usually compared to building blocks. When we eat a natural protein product or drink a protein shake, during digestion it is broken down to the level of amino acids, they are transported by the blood to different parts of the body, where they are reassembled into various protein molecules that form our organs and tissues, including muscles.

There are a huge number of types of proteins in the body that perform an equally wide variety of functions, ranging from dividing and repairing DNA cells that carry genetic information, to creating hormones and tissues such as hair, nails, muscles, etc.

For creating muscle protein, which makes up muscles, requires a variety of amino acids, some of which can only be obtained from food. These are the so-called essential amino acids.

If there is very little protein in the diet, this will lead to amino acid deficiency, a condition in which restoration muscle cells and muscle growth are impossible.

Even if a person does not train, he always has a basic need for protein, since every day the body’s cells are renewed (they die and new ones are created), and this requires amino acids.

During physical training, the need for protein increases significantly, since amino acids are needed to repair damaged muscle cells and ensure their growth. This is why a high-protein diet is necessary to gain muscle mass in bodybuilding.

But fats and carbohydrates are no less important, as they supply energy for training; if there are few of them, part of the protein will be used for energy, which is not good. Look .

This is the answer to the question of why protein is needed in bodybuilding and why everyone is talking about it.

Those. we need a different definition of daily protein intake.

A McMaster University study 2 suggests that the daily intake of protein 1.3 - 1.8 grams per kilogram of body weight is sufficient for maximum stimulation of protein synthesis. But scientists note that an athlete may need more protein in the case of private and intensive training, as well as during calorie restriction for weight loss. Look

A similar result is contained in a large-scale study by The University of Western Ontario 3: 1.6 - 1.8 g/kg enough for athletes, but a larger amount may be recommended depending on various factors: caloric content of food, amount of carbohydrates in the diet, intensity of training, duration and type, quality of protein, degree of training, frequency of meals and others.

It's obvious that The question of how much protein you need per day... does not have a clear answer, since it depends on many variables.

In bodybuilding for several decades, the vast majority of professional and amateur athletes have been guided by the following rule:

  • 2.2 g protein per kilogram of body weight per day
  • 2.6 - 3.3 g of protein per kilogram of body weight during a “cutting” or any other calorie-restricted diet

These figures are confirmed by AUT University 4 research:

The daily protein requirement for bodybuilders under calorie restriction is 2.3-3.1 kg and can be further increased depending on the degree of restriction and depletion (percentage of body fat).

The experience and statements of famous bodybuilders such as also confirm that the amount of protein is about 2 g/kg should be quite enough to gain weight.

It is very important to monitor the dosage of protein during drying: if it is less than 2 g/kg, then muscle strength and mass will be lost.

Egg protein is digested much more slowly than whey and beef, and its degree of absorption is as high as that of whey. Its amino acid composition is also very rich 5.

The degree of protein absorption is important because to satisfy daily norm It is better to use the one that is better absorbed. The speed of absorption also matters, as do fast and slow proteins. Whey, for example, is recommended immediately after training

The conclusion is this: if you eat enough fish, meat, dairy products and eggs, then you should not have problems getting the right amount of protein.

But if you are a vegetarian or vegan... Everything is a little more complicated.

Mainly plant proteins inferior, i.e. not all contain essential amino acids. And if the problem of inferiority can be solved by combining their different types (see material), then you need to understand that their degree of absorption is significantly lower, as well as the speed of digestion.

Do I need to drink protein every 3 hours? does it matter before or after training?

Protein intake frequency

Latest Scientific research they say that The frequency of protein intake is not particularly important, the main thing is to satisfy the daily requirement during the day 6 .

A state of catabolism will not occur unless you drink protein every few hours. Eating protein frequently won't help you build more muscle either.

In principle, eating 3 meals a day (as long as it contains enough protein) is not a big problem. However, Bodybuilders usually eat frequently (5-6 times) and in small portions, which allows you not to overload digestive system and speeds up digestion.

I wonder what Fasting is somewhat beneficial for muscle growth.. since it stimulates the release of growth hormone. See material.

Protein Before and After Workout

Pre- and post-workout protein intake likely makes a difference in muscle building

Why 'probably' because the research results are contradictory.

Some studies suggest that taking protein before and after exercise helps with muscle gain 7,8,9, while other studies suggest there is no relationship 10,11

Personally, I eat a protein-containing meal 2 hours before and immediately after my workout. Years of training have led to this pattern. Sometimes, in accordance with the concept of intermittent fasting, I train on an empty stomach.

The importance of taking protein after a workout.

Protein before bed

Taking protein before bed also has a scientific basis 12, since during sleep the body and muscles are actively repairing and protein is needed for this.

The frequency of protein intake is not particularly important. It is recommended to take protein before bed and after training

(8 votes, average: 4,38 out of 5)

Many athletes who train in gyms, soon realize that without receiving additional nutrients, their progress in training will slow down significantly, if not stop altogether. After all, when the body has nothing to build new muscle fibers, what kind of progress can we talk about? Protein is the basis by which muscle mass is gained.

Protein supplements your diet with quality protein

But after purchasing this powder, a lot of questions immediately arise about how it should be taken. But in our article we will tell you about the correct intake of protein and will try to protect you from the negative consequences that may arise from its improper use.

Protein is our indispensable helper

Protein has been gaining popularity among athletes for quite some time now. It is ideal for people who do various by force that exist in sports. But just a couple of years ago there were a fairly small number of schemes with the help of which it would be possible to determine the required dose of such a protein.

And what was important was not just one dose, but also the time that was most suitable for absorption and for better effect. One thing everyone had in common was that they needed to drink protein shakes several times a day.

Knowledge will protect you from low-quality goods and counterfeits

But no one knew that there is a certain time when the body will absorb this cocktail better or worse. Then the effect was better and the body quickly absorbed this drug. Then everyone already knew that it was impossible to consume protein if you had kidney or liver diseases.

But many modern studies have long determined the optimal time for taking protein. This also caused some concerns and they began to treat it with great seriousness, since they considered it not an ordinary powder, but a high-quality drug that performs important functions for the human body.

Today, everyone knows about protein, even novice athletes and many people not involved in sports. But there are still those who do not understand that it is just one of the key details, which, together with a high-quality diet, good sleep and training, will give you a positive result.

Taking Whey Protein - Video

Taking Whey Protein for Maximum Results

This type of protein has been in great demand in the sports nutrition markets for many years. After all, it is quickly absorbed. When consuming this protein, the level of amino acids in the human body increases and this level remains for some time. We have already said above that there are specific periods during which the best absorption of protein into the body occurs. Correct technique protein.

The most best time Protein intake is considered to be in the morning and long breaks between meals. You need to be very careful with the dosage, because protein is not so easily absorbed by the body. You can consume enormous amounts of protein per day, but only some of it will be absorbed. Therefore, you shouldn’t just waste protein, because protein can be consumed in smaller quantities, but more often, while the benefit and effect will be maximum, and the amount will be minimal.

It is also useful to use this drug at the end of training, but not immediately, but preferably half an hour after its completion. Well, if you take the drug in the evening, then there will be little benefit from it. After taking the protein, if it was done correctly, you will feel a surge of strength and a feeling of satiety. Deciding on the dosage and quantity you take is an individual issue and will directly affect the result of protein intake.

Only by thoroughly knowing the mechanism of assimilation can one build successful program

I think you've heard that it's best to use it, but why can't you take it before you start? This is all due to the fact that with the help physical activity There will be a complete blocking of muscle growth when using amino acids that were obtained through protein. After the workout ends, the amino acids and muscles that were damaged are pulled back. It is at such times that the use of protein is extremely necessary.

What should be the dose of protein per day?

The standard recommendation for protein intake is about one and a half to two grams per kilogram of your weight per day. I repeat again - this issue is very important and requires an individual approach. And if you understand, this applies not only to taking protein, but in general to all protein, since you can take protein and eat many more foods that also contain protein in a day.

When calculating, do not forget about the proteins you received from food

Scientists calculated this figure to apply the dose per day to an ordinary person. But this dose may also be suitable for athletes. Well, if your diet is not balanced enough and you are actively involved in sports, then you should increase your protein intake. But to absorb that much protein, you will have to drink a lot, since absorption requires a lot of liquid.

How to take protein on rest days?

They say that you can’t do without eating protein while on vacation, but it’s taken a little differently. Many people wonder how to take protein? But there is nothing complicated, read our article and you will be able to find out exactly all the information!

You need to take protein in the morning as before, but then you should take a protein shake after lunch. And take your next protein intake before bed. But before going to bed, the dose should be small, about the same as in the morning. It is this scheme that will allow you to achieve a certain result in the near future. But in addition to protein, you can also eat foods that contain a lot of protein. Eggs, fish, milk, cottage cheese and much more will help you. And if we talk about the benefits for the body, then such nutrition will be much better.

Don’t think that your body doesn’t require protein on rest days.

But the main thing to remember is that training only helps you achieve thirty percent of your goal, and the remaining seventy percent depends directly on proper nutrition and sleep. There will be no bad consequences from taking protein. On the contrary, this protein intake is useful for gaining weight.

Many novice athletes do not know how to drink protein to gain muscle mass. The choice and correct use of sports nutrition is perplexing, and the varied advice of experienced “jocks” sometimes only gets in the way. Therefore, today we will talk not only about how to properly consume protein, but also where to buy high-quality sports nutrition without harming your wallet.

Whey protein isolate is the most common sports protein. It is a natural by-product produced during cheese production. During the production process from food additives Excess fats and lactose are removed. Selected species isolate also does not contain cholesterol and carbohydrates.

Whey concentrate is typically a dry, powdery substance that can be used to prepare a variety of foods, from meat to candy and beverages. Due to its unique properties, whey protein concentrate is widely used as a dietary supplement - it supplies the body with protein in an easily digestible form.

Whey Protein Composition

Whey isolate is one of the most popular protein products that does not contain carbohydrates, fat, cholesterol and lactose. One serving of protein will provide your body with the amino acids it needs to improve your workout results and build muscle mass. This type of protein contains high level amino acids leucine and cysteine.

The great advantage of isolate is that it supplies the body with pure protein and amino acids, without fats and lactose. This makes it an ideal dietary supplement for those who watch their diet and strive to acquire a slim figure.

Regular and proper consumption of protein contributes to:

  • muscle growth,
  • fat loss,
  • stimulates the body's immune functions,
  • reducing the risk of breast cancer in women,
  • normalization of blood glucose levels,
  • prevention of bone and muscle loss during aging,
  • increasing the effectiveness of training,
  • improving general health.

How to properly drink protein during training

Want to know how to properly consume protein? The two most important intakes of whey protein are:

  • 30-50 minutes before training
  • within 30-40 minutes after training.

These rules are dictated by the composition of the protein, since it contains easily accessible components.

Rapid absorption of amino acids into muscle tissue before, during and immediately after strength training promotes maximum muscle gain. All other food sources of protein such as chicken breast, eggs, fish and beef are not digested quickly enough to be useful during training hours.

Why drink sports drink before exercising?

Before training, consume 10-20 grams of protein. This technique is carried out to increase muscle strength, increasing endurance, reducing muscle destruction during heavy loads.

Keep track of the time interval between taking protein and starting your workout. The body needs at least 30 minutes to absorb all the nutrients. When you begin to break down muscle with strength training, protein components will already be available as building material for repairing muscle fibers.

Should you consume protein during exercise?

Should you drink protein to gain muscle mass during a workout? This is an interesting question, the study of which led to the conclusion - consume protein during power loads not worth it.

When you eat something, extra blood flows to the stomach to digest and absorb the food. This can be a challenge to getting a quality workout. If the blood supply to the stomach increases, it decreases in other parts of the body. The muscles are less well supplied with oxygen, which disrupts metabolic processes.

This remark is true for those who practice power training. When doing cardio, you may need an extra boost of energy to continue high intensity workout. But even here, the benefits of taking protein are not great.

How to Take Whey Protein After Sports

Just after a workout, it’s right to drink protein to gain muscle mass. A drink containing 20-40-60 grams of whey protein is taken to restore muscles and stimulate protein synthesis in tissues. The amount of protein powder is determined based on gender, individual needs and physical indicators(weight gain and loss; height and weight).

Post-workout time is critical. You have no more than 40 minutes to get the most benefit from your extra protein intake.

Supplemental Protein for Muscle Growth

You can also drink extra protein to gain muscle mass. Take a drink containing 20-40 grams of whey as a snack between meals to stimulate muscle growth and support fat loss.

Protein before bed

Do you think that eating before bed is wrong? As a rule, this is true. Eating carbohydrates at night is not recommended; you should consume them in sufficient quantities during the day, but not before bed - this can lead to weight gain. But this rule does not apply to additional dose squirrel.

While you sleep, your muscles are still recovering, which is why consuming protein at night is a good idea. This will help maintain the required protein levels for muscle growth overnight.

As a rule, bodybuilders and experienced athletes consume casein at night. It digests slower than whey protein. Since the average sleep duration is 7-8 hours, this is a justified replacement.

How to choose and buy whey protein

There are several types of whey protein on the market that can be purchased both online and in numerous stores. sports nutrition. The most common type of this dietary supplement is a powder that is intended for preparing water or milk based drinks. You can also find isolate in the form of a ready-to-drink drink.

Powdered isolate, like the drink, can have different flavors - chocolate, vanilla, apple, lemon, etc. Recommendations for the use of dietary supplements may differ, so be sure to read the instructions for use before use.

Protein on iHerb

When I was puzzled by the search for high-quality protein, I looked through all the sports nutrition stores and was horrified - how expensive it is!!! A few days later, while studying the assortment of my favorite online store, IHerb, I discovered that you can buy whey protein there, and the prices were much nicer than I had already seen. So let's get started with the review:

Bluebonnet Nutrition Whey Isolate for Every Taste:

  • Natural Original Flavor, 2.2 lb (992 g)
  • Natural French Vanilla Flavor, 2 lbs (924 g)
  • Natural Berry Flavor, 2 lb (924 g)
  • Natural Chocolate Flavor, 2 lb (924 g)
  • Strawberry Flavored, 2 lb (924 g)

How to use Bluebonnet Nutrition Whey Protein: Dilute one scoop (31-33 g) of powder in 250 ml of any cold liquid. Whey protein dissolves easily and without sediment, does not require intensive whipping.

Now Foods Protein Concentrate:

  • Natural Vanilla Flavor, 1.8 lbs (816 g)
  • Dutch Chocolate, 1.8 lb (816 g)
  • Dutch Chocolate, 5 lb (2268 g)

How to properly consume protein from Now Foods: dissolve 2 scoops (62-64 g) in 350-450 ml of liquid.

The next type of protein from Muscletech, Nitro-Tech, is positioned as an excellent supplement for building lean muscle mass. This line has a large selection of flavors, as well as different can weights.
