How to increase the stamina of the body. How to increase the stamina of the body Lack of stamina in training

Endurance is the parameter by which a truly trained athlete is determined. It is an indicator of balance: the fact that all systems in the body work clearly, smoothly and ergonomically. Ultimately, endurance is more important than big muscles: it, and not muscles, is more likely to prolong your life.

How to increase the endurance of the body, dealt with "Soviet Sport".

Endurance. What it is

Most often, the endurance of the body is understood as its ability to perform some work for the maximum time - without reducing the intensity and without losing working capacity.

Divide endurance general and special. General - this, conditionally, is everything that concerns your daily life: the ability to perform daily tasks and work without getting tired. Special endurance is the ability to carry specific loads. For example, lifting weights, running, swimming. There are speed, speed-strength, coordination and power types of special endurance.

General stamina is the base on which special stamina is built. Ideally, training in the gym should develop both types of endurance in you.

How to increase endurance. Increasing the intensity of training

The easiest way to increase your endurance if you're doing weight training is to increase the intensity of your workouts. This can be achieved:

Increasing the number of exercises in one workout;

Increasing the number of repetitions in each exercise;

An increase in the weight of shells;

Decreased rest time between sets.

The main advice here: increase the intensity should be moderate and gradual. Joe Weider, the author of one of the most popular bodybuilding courses, wrote: the step in increasing the weight of shells should not exceed 2.5 kg in isolation exercises and 5 kg in basic exercises. Set priorities: you cannot increase the intensity of your workout at once in all points. If you are more interested in developing strength and coordination endurance, focus on increasing working weights. If you are more interested in speed-strength, speed and general endurance, go the way of reducing the rest time between sets and increasing repetitions in one exercise.

How to increase endurance. Interval training

Research published in The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research shows that interval training is one of the most effective ways to increase general and special endurance.

The essence of interval training is the alternation of short stretches of intense work and rest. Take the Tabata protocol as a guide - a system where 20 seconds of work are replaced by 10-second pauses. The standard Tabata cycle consists of eight 20-second rounds. As endurance increases and adaptation to training, the number of rounds can be increased indefinitely.

“Alternating periods of peak activity and rest is much more effective in speeding up metabolism, burning calories, strengthening the heart muscle and increasing overall endurance,” says Dr. Izumi Tabata, a researcher at Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto, Japan.

This training regimen is best suited if your goal of training is to lose weight. Along with the development of endurance, Tabata is excellent at burning fat - and it does this for another one or two days after you have completed your workout. This is how the body reacts to the stress received by the rapid alternation of work-rest.

WikiHow is a wiki, which means that many of our articles are written by multiple authors. This article was edited and improved by volunteer authors during the creation of this article.

Have you already started working on yourself and want to improve your physical shape? Don't know where to go? You have come to the right place for complete and brilliant information on how to improve your fitness!


    Do your own research. If you really want to improve your fitness, then you will need to find out exactly how to achieve your goal. You may want to know which fats are healthy and which are unhealthy, which exercises should be done for which part of the body, and how long it will take to train. This will help you improve your fitness, as well as know in detail what to do to be in shape.

    Stick to the established routine. Create a routine for yourself that matches the results of your research. Contact a fitness expert if you know where to find one. He or she can create a plan for your individual needs. It is very important that when you start following a routine, you do it correctly and systematically. An example of such a schedule would be:

    • Monday - squats and press
    • Tuesday - cardio workout and arm exercises
    • Wednesday - rest
    • Friday - cardio
    • Saturday - rest
    • Sunday - exercises with and without weights
  1. Stick to a healthy diet. The number of calories you eat is the key to improving your fitness. Don't overeat when you're emotionally aroused. You need to eat food only when you feel hungry, and then you need to burn excess calories so that excess fat does not form in your body. Small changes like eating an apple instead of saturated fat, water instead of soda, cutting back on your daily serving by at least one scoop, etc. can make a huge difference. Drink at least 200-300 ml of water thirty minutes before meals or snacks. This will create a feeling of fullness, so you won't overeat. A balanced diet is very important in the process of improving and maintaining physical fitness. Exercise without a proper diet is unacceptable, as the body will retain harmful fats that will begin to accumulate in the body. The same thing happens when you start to starve. Try the South Coast Diet, which will help you shed excess fat and improve your fitness. It is essential that proteins are present in your daily diet.

    Physical exercise. To improve or maintain physical fitness, it is necessary to do different types of physical exercises. To do strength training, you need to engage every muscle group, as you need to break the fibers during your workout and then give them time to harden during the rest phase. The key to strengthening your muscles lies in exercising at a high intensity level, increasing the number of exercises or repetitions during your workout. Father-in-law, if you did 50 squats yesterday, then today their number can be increased to 55. However, you need to increase the load moderately, because you won’t be able to become a jock in one day. If you manage to watch TV during your workout, it means that you are not trying hard enough and you are not training your muscles hard enough. Here are a few exercises you'll want to try: squats to strengthen your hips and legs, leg raises, push-ups, stretches, bicep curls, sprints, squats, and ab exercises. Make sure you exercise in such a way that your entire body receives an even load. Remember not to overwork. You do not allow the muscles to rest and strengthen, which causes fatigue. As a result, the exercise is difficult. Also, it can cause seizures.

    • Take part in sports events. This will not only allow you to learn sports skills, but also improve your physical fitness. So the next time the school has competitions, football matches, or boxers are needed in the gym, don't miss your chance!
  2. Try circuit training. If you want to improve your fitness, then you should try circuit training. Circuit training is doing different exercises for different parts of the body in a rotation. This is not only a great way to evenly distribute the load on the entire body, but also to avoid injury. For example, if you're doing 80 biceps exercises, but you have a weak lower back, then you could injure your spine! Suitable exercises for circuit training include arm stretches, ab presses, squats, leg raises, endurance runs, arm raises, abs, and back strengthening exercises.

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Genus. 1984 Trained since 1999. Trained since 2007. CCM in powerlifting. Champion of Russia and the South of Russia according to AWPC. Champion of the Krasnodar Territory according to IPF. 1st category in weightlifting. 2-time winner of the championship of the Krasnodar Territory in t / a. Author of over 700 articles on fitness and amateur athleticism. Author and co-author of 5 books.

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Date of: 2015-05-31 Views: 50 049 Grade: 4.8 Any man does not want to increase his muscle mass indefinitely. But to infinitely increase strength - anyone wants! And one day there comes a moment when the shape of the body and weight are already satisfactory, but the strength is not. Why is this happening? Yes, because a real man ALWAYS wants to be even stronger than he is!)) At the same time, many people understand that strength is mass. And mass is power. That is, to become even stronger, you need to become even bigger. But you don't want to anymore. How to be? Now I will tell you some tricks that will help you increase strength without increasing mass.

natural nutrition

If you do not want your weight to grow, then you need to consume exactly as many calories as you spend. Here you can calculate how much you spend: . And here are the corresponding and . Nutrition is the main factor that keeps weight at the same level. If calorie intake is equal to calorie expenditure, then there will simply be nothing to take on extra body weight. In general, everything is quite simple here. Calculate how much you spend per day, and eat approximately as indicated on the menu.

Sports nutrition

From sports nutrition, you will need drugs that do not have a DIRECT effect on mass growth, but have an effect (at least indirectly) on strength growth. These are drugs such as: Although creatine retains water, but not in large quantities. In addition, the water immediately leaves as soon as you stop drinking it. Ecdysterone or tribulus stimulate the production of testosterone by the body. And the higher its level, the stronger you are. Vitamins and minerals give you at least good health. Which also has a positive effect on your strength. Well, BCAAs restore muscle structure. It turns out that the use of even all these drugs at the same time will not lead directly to weight gain. Although, it can indirectly affect it. However, do not forget that you will eat as if to maintain weight, and, in theory, the weight should not increase. But these additives will increase the strength noticeably.

Basic exercises

Everyone knows that strength is needed to grow. But they also grow well and mass. What to do? Make a base. But do it with a small number of repetitions. 1 to 6 repetitions. Isolation exercises are also needed. But they are needed in order to dilute the base. After all, if you do only the base, and even 1 to 6 repetitions, then you will quickly wear out not only your musculoskeletal system, but also get tired psychologically. It will be enough for 4 basic and 2 - 3 isolating exercises per workout.


A little cardio won't hurt. It is necessary so that you can process some of the extra calories (if they suddenly appear) into energy. It will be enough, for example, to run 2 times a week for 30 minutes. This should not affect the growth of strength. However, the risk of gaining excess weight will be much lower. If you lead a fairly active lifestyle: you go to work a lot or you have physical labor, then you most likely will not need cardio.


In the end, I want to say a rather necessary thought. The fact is that the growth of strength without an increase in mass is rather limited. That is, you will be able to increase your strength indicators without increasing mass only for the first few months. Until you reach your genetic limit. Then, in order to at least slightly increase strength, you will need to increase body weight. In addition, the more trained a person is, the less resources he has to increase strength without increasing weight. For well-trained athletes who, for example, have been involved in powerlifting or other strength sports for many years, it is already almost impossible to increase strength in any significant way without increasing weight. Well, remember that working for quite a long time only for strength is dangerous. First of all, it is dangerous for your joints and ligaments. Therefore, I recommend focusing on strength for no longer than 3 months. Well, 2 is enough. Then you will need to switch to other targets. Good luck!

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Yes, yes, nothing new. But just listen to how much you can improve your results! I myself do not like to prolong pleasure, and the desire to achieve everything and quickly often takes precedence over caution. So far I've been lucky, and the only unpleasant consequences are hellish krepatura.

Some of my friends weren't so lucky. There can be a lot of options for punishment for such impatience: starting with microtraumas, ending with fractures. So here is an example from the life of a man who was able to achieve amazing results through patience and perseverance. And more to come soon!

So, get acquainted: Craig Beasley from Canada. Craig started running two years ago and at that time could only run for 30 seconds, and then transitioned to a walk and walked for 4.5 minutes. Then ran again for 30 seconds. He repeated this cycle eight times for a total of 40 minutes. He tried not to miss and trained three times a week.

30 weeks later, Beasley was able to run non-stop for 30 minutes and completed his first half marathon in 2 hours and 12 minutes. He decided to continue to train and trained even in winter at sub-zero temperatures. In May, he was already able to run non-stop for 2 hours and 45 minutes and complete six sets of 400 meters in 1 hour and 45 minutes. He has his first marathon ahead of him.

Try to increase the distance gradually. For example, increase by 1 km at the end of each week for three weeks in a row (for example, 5, 6, 7 km), and on the fourth week, take a vacation, rest and recuperate. Then start adding 1 km again.

Option 2. Method Bart Jasso

This workout was used by Bart Jasso, manager of the Runner's World Race. It consists of running 800 meters as fast as you plan to run your first marathon. So if you want to run it in 4 hours and 30 minutes, try running 800 meters in 4 minutes and 30 seconds. This workout was written about 10 years ago, and since then this method has gained a lot of fans.

Doug Underwood is one of the many fans of this technique. He has only been running for three years and has already run two marathons in 3 hours 55 minutes and 3 hours 53 minutes. After that, he really wanted to take part in the Boston Marathon and decided to take his training seriously. The Yassa method formed the basis of his training.

To get to the Boston Marathon, you need to keep within 3 hours and 30 minutes. So Underwood decided to train until he could run 800 meters in 3 minutes 30 seconds and combine 10 sets into one run by inserting 3 minutes 30 seconds of jogging between fast runs.

As a result, Underwood ran the Baton Rouge Beach Marathon in 3 hours 30 minutes 54 seconds. This was quite enough to get into the Boston Marathon.

What is the best way to train? Try running the Yasso plan once a week. Start with 4-5 intervals of 800 meters at a speed that you have set as a goal for yourself, and then add one interval per week until you reach 10.

Option 3. Long and slow run

Megan Arbogast has been running marathons for five years now, and her best time is 2 hours 58 minutes. Everything would be fine, but there is one problem: during the preparations for the marathon, she brought herself to exhaustion.

And since 1998, she began to train according to the program, which was developed by Warren Fincke, a well-known trainer from Portland. Fincke believes that a marathon runner should focus on easy running, which will help him achieve the right level of endurance without injury every few months. He believes that many runners train too hard, get injured, and then never reach their upper limit.

Fincke's program is based on learning that is built on effort. He believes that if a runner runs at 80% of his standard pace, he will achieve better results than if he runs at 90%. Only 10% of the difference helps to avoid injuries and achieve the desired results.

And this program helped Megan a lot. Two years after starting training on this system, she improved her personal result to 2 hours and 45 minutes.

How to train with this system? If you're running 10K at an average pace (a 7:30 mile), then try running the same distance at a 9:23 mile pace. That is, you just need to take your pace and multiply by 1.25.

Option 4: Record every workout

When you've been running a marathon for 25 years and have a degree in physiology, you know some interesting things about training. Bill Pierce, chairman of the Department of Health at Fermanagh University, has developed a program that works great. At 53, Pierce is running the marathon in 3 hours and 10 minutes—not much slower than when he ran his first marathon 20 years ago.

The secret is that Pierce runs three days a week, but these days he trains for wear. In the remaining four days, he just rests: he doesn’t run at all, but he can give himself strength training or play tennis.

Pierce draws up a work plan for each workout that includes speed and distance. One day he runs a long distance at a slow pace. On the second day, he runs intervals, and on the third he arranges a tempo workout for himself. He works at a higher intensity than others recommend, but by alternating workouts, the risk of injury is reduced. This training plan proved perfect for Pierce, and he has been practicing it for many years.

Pierce's training schedule: interval workouts on Tuesdays, tempo workouts on Thursdays, long distance at a slow pace on Sundays. Interval training - 12 reps of 400 meters or six reps of 800 meters at a pace slightly above the pace at which he runs his 5K. On tempo days, Pierce runs 4 miles 10 to 20 seconds faster than the pace at which he runs his 10K. And finally, a long slow run - 15 miles at a pace that is 30 seconds slower than his marathon pace. You can calculate your schedule in the same way.

Option 5: Do plyometrics

Plyometrics (English plyometrics) is a sports technique that uses the shock method. In the modern sense - jump training. Plyometrics are used by athletes to improve athletic performance that requires speed, agility, and power. Plyometrics is sometimes used in fitness and is one of the main elements of parkour training. Plyometric exercises use explosive, fast movements to develop muscle strength and speed. These exercises help the muscles develop the most force in the least amount of time possible.

Dina Drossin is one of America's top female runners of all time. One day, she asked Weatherford, a coach at the U.S. Olympic Committee Training Center in Chula Vista, California, to develop a special program that would allow her to develop endurance and improve her speed.

Weatherford said he hasn't had to work with distance runners, but he will try. He ended up coming back with two ideas that worked great. Weatherford and Drossin started with core strengthening and continued with explosive leg plyometrics, focusing on the basics and prioritizing quality over quantity.

Drossin performed various types of jumps and after these trainings she ran the London Marathon with her new personal (and American) record - 2 hours 21 minutes 16 seconds. And this is 5 minutes faster than her result before this marathon.

Try including jumping in your workouts. For example, running with a short fast step of 15-20 meters. This is when you run in small steps, quickly moving your legs and raising your knees quite high, but not too much. While running, use your arms vigorously. Rest and then repeat 6-8 more times. Train this way 1-2 times a week, adding 5 minutes of different jumps (on one leg, on two legs, and so on). Jumps are performed on soft grass or ground.

Option 6. Long tempo workouts

Military Patrick Noble ran his first marathon in 1986 in 3 hours and 15 minutes feeling like a hero. Noble decided not to stop there and ran 50 marathons without breaking his 3 hour barrier. But 52 times he managed to jump above his head: he ran a marathon in 2 hours 58 minutes 23 seconds. Patrick believes that his special approach to training - running at a fast pace for long distances - helped him.

The standard approach to tempo training suggests that you run 20 to 40 minutes at a pace that is 10 to 20 seconds slower than your pace by 10K. Noble raised the bar to 60 minutes. In the end, this is what helped him overcome the barrier at the 52nd marathon. At least he thinks so.

Try doing long tempo workouts once a week for eight weeks. Start with 20 minutes at 10-20 seconds slower than your average 10K pace. And add 5 minutes to your workout every week. After tempo workouts, do not forget to give yourself a complete rest for 1-2 days.

Option 7. Run fast and long

This option doesn't work for everyone and is the opposite of option #3. Meet Scott Strand, a fan of fast long distance running. Recently, he was able to improve his marathon result by 4 minutes: his time was 2 hours 16 minutes 52 seconds.

During his training, he ran from 18 to 23 miles. And the last 9-14 miles he ran at a marathon pace and even faster.

Hard training at a fast pace over long distances was introduced into fashion by Khalid Hanouchi, the world record holder in the marathon. And if earlier it was considered important to stay on your feet for 2-3 hours, now many people prefer to take a high pace and run as fast as possible at the end of the distance.

Try to run very fast for the last 25% of your distance, gradually picking up your pace. At the end, you will most likely feel like a squeezed lemon, but this does not mean that you need to drive yourself like a racehorse. As a result, you will feel your pace and can gradually increase it.

You can try all seven ways and in the end choose one or more. The main thing is that they really help you, not harm you.

Be careful, pay close attention to your inner feelings, and you will definitely be able to run your first marathon or improve your results during the next one.

Ludmila Kovaleva

Not only a professional athlete, but also any ordinary person, regardless of gender, age, state of health and type of activity, can face the problem of a decline in strength and insufficient endurance of the body. Meanwhile, this factor is very important for each of us. What can we say, because even in sexual life, endurance plays an important role in our lives.

What to do in such cases? How to increase the endurance of the body in order to withstand loads for a long time, maintain a high duration of work and outdoor activities?

This task requires an integrated approach: this includes proper, rational nutrition, a healthy lifestyle, various stimulant drugs, etc. In this article, we will outline several effective ways to increase the energy and endurance of the body.

physical training

As you know, sport can affect not only physical, but even emotional endurance.

In order to significantly increase endurance, it is necessary first of all to pay attention to the disciplines of athletics, since in this matter it is very important to constantly alternate intense training with static ones.

That is, the essence of such training lies in mild, but very long loads, which should be alternated not with complete rest, but with a decrease in the intensity of exercises. For example, when running, you can increase endurance by changing it with a quick step.

In no case should you do what some people do: exhausted while running, they stop, sit down or even lie down on the ground. This will not only not bring the desired results, but can also adversely affect the state of health, in particular, on the cardiovascular system.

You can choose the individual level of the necessary load yourself, but a professional trainer can do it better.

Basic rules of physical training

There are many options for physical activity, characterized by variable complexity of their implementation. Swimming, skiing and cycling, tennis, hand-to-hand combat are great for these purposes. If you do not have the opportunity to go to the gym or swimming pool, you can just do morning exercises at home or go for a run in the morning near the house.

But the most important thing is that the sport you have chosen should give you joy and pleasure, since violence against your own body can never benefit it:

  • do it systematically, at least 3-4 times a week, do not let yourself be lazy;
  • to significantly increase muscle endurance, gradually increase both the time of training and their intensity;
  • exercise outdoors when possible;
  • start exercising at least 2-3 hours after eating and finish no later than 2 hours before bedtime;
  • after physical activity, rest, allow the body to relax and recover.


To maintain overall health and increase the endurance of the body, of course, one should strive for optimal weight, when there are enough muscles to effectively control the body, and exactly as many fat cells as necessary for the normal functioning of all organs.

Extra pounds, as you know, often cause disruption of many body functions and, of course, lead to a decrease in activity and endurance. That is why you should eat so as not to gain excess weight.

Products that increase the endurance of the body are animal proteins (sour-milk products, white boiled meat, fish, eggs), fruits, vegetables, herbs, cereals, dried fruits, honey. Energy requires a lot of calories, but these calories must be obtained from easily digestible foods.

For example, two hours before an intense workout or physical activity, eat a bowl of sugar-free buckwheat or oatmeal with fresh fruit.

Completely exclude fast food, fatty and smoked foods from the diet, minimize the consumption of alcohol, sweet, salty and pickled foods.

We should also not forget about the water balance in the body, because water deficiency contributes to blood thickening and inhibition of metabolic processes. Drink at least 2 liters of clean non-carbonated water at room temperature per day.

Daily regime

If the body does not recover properly after physical exertion, the energy in the body will become even less. That is why it is very important to follow a certain daily routine.

Ensure yourself a healthy sleep, go to bed as early as possible, sleep at least 8-9 hours a day; try to go to sleep, wake up, eat and exercise at the same time.

Endurance drugs

Means that increase not only endurance, but also the body's resistance to various influences, are called adaptogens. They can be of vegetable, animal, mineral or synthetic origin. The industry produces various dosage forms of adaptogens: powders, alcohol tinctures, capsules, tablets, etc.

These substances do not have a harmful effect on the body, but at the same time they help to mobilize, increase immunity, strength, and adapt to stress.

The most popular and effective adaptogens of natural origin are ginseng root, eleutherococcus, rhodiola rosea (aka "golden root"), the combination drug "Eltacin".
