How to stretch your biceps after training. Stretching: the best exercises for stretching muscles. Warm up before stretching

Arm muscle strain is one of the most common injuries. This is damage to muscle tissue that occurs when the muscles are under maximum tension. With severe tears, it may be accompanied by rupture of the ligaments of the shoulder or elbow joint. Such injuries significantly reduce the quality of life and require careful treatment.

The main cause of sprains is the impact of a load on the muscles that exceeds the elasticity of the muscle tissue. It can occur at home or when performing physical exercise. It appears especially often in professional athletes.

In everyday life, a strain in the muscles of the hand, forearm or shoulder can occur due to an unfortunate fall or fall on outstretched arms, strong impact or lifting weights.

Gender and age category do not matter. Women, men and children are susceptible to muscle strain. But it is worth noting that women are more likely to receive such injuries. This is explained less in an active way life and decreased muscle tone.

Sprains can occur as a result of sudden intense movements in which their amplitude does not correspond the right direction joint

Leaving a limb in an unusual, unnatural or uncomfortable position for a long time can also cause a sprain.

In the life of athletes, strained arm muscles are a consequence of poor preparation for performing exercises or heavy physical activity.

A severe sprain may be accompanied by rupture of connective and muscle tissue, ligaments and tendons. Such damages are combined into one group. They are very similar in their mechanism and are accompanied by similar symptoms.

Symptoms of a sprain

The clinical signs of a muscle strain in the arm are very similar to the symptoms of a bruise, but when stretched, the pain is much stronger. Such injuries have two main forms: acute and chronic.

Regardless of the type, the main symptoms of sprains are:

  • sharp sharp pain;
  • swelling or swelling;
  • slight redness or bruising;
  • partial or complete impairment of the motor ability of the hand.

The severity of symptoms depends on the degree of muscle damage. In medical practice, three main degrees of stretching are determined:

  • moderate;
  • average;
  • muscle rupture.

In the first degree, damage occurs small area muscles. There is moderate or minor pain that does not limit the movement of the arm.

The moderate degree is characterized by weakness of the affected muscle and its contraction, which is accompanied by pain. With this type of damage, a partial rupture occurs muscle fibers therefore, swelling and hematoma may occur.

Muscle tear is the most severe form of sprain. It is accompanied by severe pain, extensive hemorrhage into the soft tissues and severe swelling. With such damage, contraction of the damaged muscle is impossible, movement of the hand and fingers is impossible or is accompanied by severe pain.

It is impossible to independently determine the degree of injury. To establish an accurate diagnosis, in addition to a visual examination, it is necessary to take an x-ray examination of the damaged area. Therefore, medical consultation in such cases is mandatory.

First aid

Timely provision of first aid for a sprained arm muscle is the key to the effectiveness of subsequent treatment. With its help, you can eliminate the occurrence of painful shock and reduce the area of ​​hematoma spread.

First aid for sprained arm muscles is aimed at immobilizing the limb and pain relief. To do this, carry out the following manipulations:

  1. The hand needs to be given rest. You cannot continue physical activity;
  2. If a large hematoma appears on the skin, apply a tight bandage to the arm or fix it with a splint;
  3. A cold compress should be applied to the injured area as quickly as possible. To do this, use a cloth soaked in cold water or ice. Using ice or something from the freezer, first cover the skin of the damaged area with a cloth. Leave the compress on for 15–20 minutes. Longer exposure to cold can cause tissue frostbite.

After providing first aid, you need to go to the hospital and take an x-ray. Such an examination will allow you to see whether there is a fracture or rupture of the ligaments.

Proper first aid for a sprained arm muscle will not only ease the general condition of the victim, but will also speed up the recovery process of the limb.

Treatment with folk remedies

Use methods traditional medicine for the hand is possible only with a moderate or moderate degree of injury. For more severe forms, folk remedies can be used as an addition to conservative therapy.

The most effective traditional medicine for treating arm muscle strain:

Traditional medicine is effective only when used systematically. Therefore it is necessary to go through full course treatment without interruption.

Effective ointments

For drug therapy of arm muscle strain, drugs for local local use are used.

Many products are sold not only in the form of an ointment, but also in the form of a cream or gel. What is the difference?

  • creams are quickly absorbed, do not have a strong odor and do not leave marks on clothes;
  • The gel quickly spreads on the skin and does not require rubbing. It is odorless and washes off easily if it gets on clothes;
  • the ointment is made on a fatty basis and often has a pungent odor.

In addition to the release form, each drug has a specific effect and has a number of contraindications, so you should consult your doctor before purchasing. Each drug is selected individually, taking into account the degree of sprain and general health. Self-medication in this case is unacceptable.

An athlete talks about his personal experience in treating sprains:

Rehabilitation and recovery period

Muscles recover very quickly, as they are body tissues with good blood supply.

For first and second degree injuries, the rehabilitation period is 10–14 days. Sprains accompanied by tears of muscles and ligaments require longer treatment. Its duration depends on the severity of the injury and is prescribed by the attending physician.

Rehabilitation for sprained arm muscles includes drug therapy combined with physiotherapeutic procedures. The most effective treatments for such injuries are mechanotherapy, acupuncture, electrophoresis, magnetic therapy, microcurrent therapy, and UHF. These procedures can only be completed in a hospital setting, as they are performed using special medical equipment.

To completely restore the integrity of muscle tissue, it takes from 10 days to 5 weeks. The period depends on the degree of sprain and the method of treatment.

Recovery includes a gentle set of exercises and massage. Procedures must be performed according to the prescribed course. The load is increased gradually. This helps restore muscle tone and avoid the development of complications.

Preventive measures and consequences

The most negative consequence of stretching the arm muscles is the formation of scars on the muscle tissue. They can cause constant pain in the arm or limit the motor ability of the limb. To avoid this, you must strictly follow all doctor’s prescriptions, do not interrupt the course of treatment on your own, and avoid the occurrence of such injuries.

The most effective preventive measures against strained arm muscles:

  1. Regular, feasible sports activities.
  2. Strengthening arm muscles.
  3. Rubbing with warming cream immediately before performing exercises.
  4. For professional athletes, a good warm-up before training.

The main rule of prevention is to gradually increase the load on the arm muscles. Only in this case muscle warms up and becomes more elastic, which prevents damage.

A muscle strain in the arm is a fairly common injury. At the first manifestation of pain or other symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor. Only in this case will the treatment be more effective, and full recovery will take a minimum amount of time.

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Achieve beautiful hands is possible only with the help special exercises for stretching the biceps of the arms. Exactly daily workouts will make your hands beautiful and slender. We have prepared for you a set of exercises to stretch your biceps. We also draw your attention to the fact that before starting the workout, the muscles need to be warmed up by performing a series of swinging movements to the sides and rotating the arms at the shoulders. Spend at least 10 minutes warming up, then stretching will bring the greatest effect.

First, let's introduce you to the theory. Stretching the biceps of the arm should only be done with the help of isolated exercises, that is, those in which only this muscle is involved.

The best position for performing biceps stretching exercises is to tilt your torso slightly forward and let your arms hang freely. If possible, it is best to perform these exercises on a sports bench.

It is necessary to stretch the biceps of the arm so that the muscles do not lose their flexibility and do not shorten. In addition, performing biceps stretches at the end of your workout helps your muscles recover 15-25% faster.

A set of effective exercises for stretching the biceps.

Exercise 1. Starting position: stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, clasp your hands behind your back, turning your hands palms down. Performing the exercise: Raise your arms and pull them up, you should feel a stretch in your biceps.

Exercise 2. Starting position: stand next to the doorway, grab the doorframe with one hand at shoulder level. Performing the exercise: without unclenching your hands, twist your arm so as to turn your biceps upward. We draw your attention to the fact that the rotation of the arm should occur around its axis, and not around the shoulder. Repeat the same with the other hand.

Exercise 3. Vertical stretching of the biceps using a bar. Your task is to hang on the bar with a supinated grip for as long as possible.

Exercise 4. Starting position: stand straight, bend your knees slightly. Performing the exercise: With one hand, grab the outer surface of the other arm just above the elbow. Move your second hand to the side, overcoming the resistance of the first hand. Repeat the same with the other hand.

Arm biceps stretch: video

Muscle stretching exercises are rarely included in the training program: often there is not enough strength for it and the benefits do not always seem obvious. However, stretching is an essential part of the program because it has a number of proven benefits for muscle growth.

Why you should stretch

  • Helps stretch the fascia– a sheath of connective tissue that surrounds muscles and physically prevents their growth.
  • Muscle recovery after training it happens faster: 15-25%.
  • Helps fight joint stiffening: as a result long workouts The connective tissue becomes rougher, strengthening the joints, which reduces their elasticity. This prevents you from performing a number of exercises with a wide amplitude and reduces the effectiveness of training.

When to do it

The biceps stretch should be performed immediately after training for this muscle group. It is not recommended to do biceps stretches before training because the intensity of the workout may be reduced.

Also, stretching the biceps should not be performed after pumping, since the muscles “clogged” with blood lose their elasticity.

How to stretch your biceps: 5 exercises

Exercise 1

  • Place your hands behind your back. Turn your palms so that they face the floor.
  • Raise your arms up until you feel tension in your biceps.
  • Stay at the top for a few seconds and return to initial position.

Exercise 2

  • Stand in the doorway and grab the doorframe so that your hand is at shoulder level. The thumb should point down.
  • Start turning your body in the opposite direction from the joint, feel the tension in your biceps.
  • When you feel tension in the muscle, hold for 15-30 seconds and return to the starting position.

Exercise #3

Stretching the biceps also occurs while hanging on the bar. It is done simply:
  • Take it straight or reverse grip for the crossbar or horizontal bar.
  • Bend your knees and hang by your hands.
  • You need to stay in this position for about 30-40 seconds.

Exercise #4

  • Sit on the mat, bend your knees, and place your arms behind your body so that your hands are parallel to your body. Distribute your weight evenly between all support points. Keep your back straight, your neck should be an extension of your spine.
  • Pull your butt toward your heels while maintaining the position of your feet and hands.
  • Feel the stretch in your biceps and stay in this position for 15-30 seconds, then return to the starting position.

Exercise #5

Stretching the biceps can also be performed on a Scott bench: the technique will already be familiar to you, since the starting position of the well-known exercise is used for stretching:
  • Sit comfortably on a Scott bench and pick up a barbell.
  • Relax your arms and feel the stretch in your biceps.
  • Stay in this position for 15-30 seconds and lower the barbell.

Hello readers!

In this article I will tell you how to stretch the arm muscles. After reading, you will know how to relax your muscles after strength training and speed up their recovery.

After intense workout it is necessary to relax the arm muscles, shoulder girdle and forearms, this will help improve blood circulation. Due to the fact that the muscle is in a “bloated” state, the blood vessels are pinched, which means the blood cannot fully deliver nutrients, which interferes with rapid recovery and muscle growth.

Stretching the muscles of the biceps, triceps, shoulders and forearms not only serves to restore muscles after training, but also prevents the risk of injury, increases the elasticity of ligaments, and also improves flexibility and mobility of joints. This is an important factor, since over the years our joints wear out. Therefore, they need to be monitored from a young age to avoid problems in the future.

Before stretching the shoulder girdle, like other parts of the body, you need to warm up. Best time and condition for stretching – after training.

If you decide to do stretching exercises on a day off from training, you need to warm up well so as not to injure your ligaments and joints. A great option for preparing for stretching is a light jog. After the muscles are well warmed up, start stretching. Remember that when doing stretching exercises, they should not cause pain. Avoid sudden movements, otherwise this can damage the ligaments.

Perform the exercises smoothly, starting with a small amplitude, gradually increasing it. Having reached the extreme point of stretching, hold for a few seconds while exhaling, continue to increase the amplitude, but do not overdo it. Be focused on the muscles that are being stretched.

One of the important factors that contributes to the effectiveness of stretching exercises is breathing. Don't hold it - breathe! Exhale as you bend over, try to breathe deeply. It is also important to understand that only constant practice will help achieve results. Therefore, do not be lazy, do the exercises regularly and soon your body will thank you and you will be proud of your achievements.

Biceps stretch

Stretching these muscles is one of the main factors in their growth. Thanks to stretching, blood supply to the biceps improves and muscle recovery occurs much faster.

Biceps stretching exercises

1. Stand straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart, clasp your hands behind your back so that your palms face down. In this position, raise your arms up without bending your elbows. Keep your body straight and feel the stretch in your biceps.

Biceps stretch

2. Stand with your back to the door frame or horizontal bar post. Move your hand back and grab the jamb so that thumb looked up. Next, try to turn your arm with your biceps down, while keeping your hand in place. Switch hands and do the same.

3. To perform next exercise you will need a horizontal bar. Grab it with a reverse grip and hang with your arms outstretched for as long as possible.

Stretching the triceps is also important for the growth of these muscles and the arms in general. The triceps give the arm most of its volume, so you should pay more attention to it.

Triceps stretching exercises

1. In order to perform the first exercise, we will need a towel. Take it in your hand and move it behind your head so that your thumb is pointing down. Place your other hand behind your back and grab the second edge of the towel. Pull the towel down until you feel a stretch in your triceps. Repeat this exercise for the other hand.

2. Stand up straight, put your hand behind your head, grab your elbow with your free hand and pull your hand towards your head, hold in this position, then repeat the exercise with the other hand.

3. Put left hand on right shoulder. With your right hand, grab your elbow and push your left arm toward your body. Then switch hands.

If you have a problem with posture, then shoulder stretching can correct this problem! Also, stretching the muscles of the shoulder girdle helps improve blood circulation in the upper body.

Shoulder stretches

1. Move your right arm, without bending it at the elbow, to your left shoulder. Repeat the same with your left hand.

2. Place one hand behind your head and the other behind your back and try to hook them into a lock. Stay in this position for a few seconds and then change hands.

3. Stand facing the wall, rest your hands on it. Place your hands as close to each other as possible. Move your feet away from the wall as far as possible. Lower your head down and bend in the lumbar region. You will feel a stretch in your shoulders, chest and spine.

Forearm stretch

Forearm stretching exercises

1. Stand with your back to the doorway. Straighten your left arm and raise it to mid-waist level. Grasp the joint with your left hand, thumb pointing down. Rotate your arm outward, trying to keep your biceps at the top.

Recommendations: This exercise can be performed while holding onto a vertical support. Don't bend your elbow. To increase the degree of stretching, turn the inner surface of the arm upward, while simultaneously turning the body to the right.

2. Get on all fours. Your toes should point outward and your fingers should point toward your knees. With your palms flat on the floor, lean back to stretch the front of your forearms. Hold a gentle stretch for 15-20 seconds. Relax and then stretch again.

3. Stretch your arms above your head, placing your palms together, stretch your arms up and slightly back. Inhale as you stretch. Hold the stretch for 5-8 seconds without holding your breath. This is a great exercise for muscles outside arms, shoulders and chest. It can be performed anytime and anywhere to relieve tension, achieve a feeling of relaxation and well-being.

Try to stretch your muscles one at a time, paying attention to each muscle group, this will reduce the risk of injury during training.

Best regards, Arina Klishina

In the article you will find a lot useful information regarding stretching.

Briefly, I will tell you: about the types of stretches (static / dynamic), what is the difference between them, their advantages / disadvantages (which is better for a beginner, etc.), I will touch on a very topical issue that interests many beginning guys/girls: “ how to do stretching correctly” (where to start, what to do, how to do it, etc., so as not to cause harm and waste time).

Well, and finally, I’ll tell you about a set of the best (effective) exercises for stretching all the muscles of the body (neck, trapezius, shoulders, arms (biceps, triceps), chest, back, and of course legs), of course talking about the technique of performing them , everything is detailed with pictures, in general, so that no unnecessary questions arise.

Everyone has their own goals, for example:

  • do the splits;
  • improve posture,
  • improve muscle elasticity;
  • develop coordination;
  • acquire a flexible and “obedient” body that will help you easily master new sets of exercises in various directions...
  • for fighters, for example, to perform kicking techniques (for example, (kick to the head), etc.)
  • to improve *nt*m*th life, new poses are all to do =)
  • and so on. in general, there are a lot of directions.

But! Let’s not fan the air with stories about how this is useful, everyone needs it, etc.

Everyone makes their own choice, whether a person wants to study - ok, no - it’s his choice.

How to do stretching correctly?

Always adhere to the following simple rules, and everything will be great =)

1. Before you stretch your muscles (it doesn’t matter whether it’s your legs or other parts of the body (back, chest, arms, neck, etc.), be sure to warm up before training.

This is vitally important so that you do not harm yourself or get injured (sprain or something else), because the body is “cold”, and muscles and ligaments stretch on a cold body very poorly, therefore injuries are inevitable. Do you need it?...

If you are doing anaerobic training ( Gym, training with iron), then stretching should be performed after training (not at the beginning, as some individuals mistakenly do, but only at the end, after strength training).

This is done specifically because stretching helps to relax and relieve tension from the muscles. Accordingly, if you put it at the beginning of the training, before strength training where mobilization of forces is required, you will only worsen your strength results.

2. Perform absolutely all stretching exercises smoothly, under control, without any sudden, thoughtless movements/jerks that can lead to injury (even to a warmed muscle).

3. While performing this or that exercise, try not to strain your muscles, because relaxed muscles stretch much better (more efficiently).

4. When doing stretching exercises, always make sure that your back (namely, the spine) is straight (you cannot bend or bend, because this reduces the flexibility and elasticity of the muscles and ligaments).

5.Breathing should be as calm and even as possible (starting position - inhale (nose), stretch - exhale (mouth)) - watch this (and in no case, do not hold your breath while performing this or that exercise, this not allowed).

6.As a rule, the time to complete one exercise is about 60 seconds.

Well, in general, it varies depending on the flexibility of your muscles (at first, as much as you can, usually 5-10 maximum 15 seconds, however, each time (gradually) you need to try to increase it to the required minute or more depending on your fitness).

7. Get into the habit of exercising (training) regularly (and not when you feel like it/want, once a week or month... because the effect of such training is like milk from a goat). I would definitely recommend starting with at least three regular workouts a week (less will not be enough), and gradually (under control, depending on how you feel) increase to daily training (if you want), no, even 3 times will be enough.

8. What else can I say... oh yes, under no circumstances should you copy someone.

Don’t try to stand out by showing off how cool I am, etc.

Always stretch in a way that suits you, not someone else.

Always consider your personal stretching limits, otherwise injury is inevitable. The game is not worth the candle...

9.If you are stretching with a partner, be very attentive and let him know how you feel. I don't argue that stretching together is more fun, but be very careful and speak up immediately if you feel too much, because your partner cannot feel when your thigh is about to tear... (this is just an example, get the point).

10. A very common mistake many people make is that they pull ligaments, not muscles! Ligaments are strong and almost inextensible membranes of the joints.

It is quite difficult to break them, but with due diligence it is possible.

As a result, you will have to undergo long-term rehabilitation, or completely forget about training.

Therefore, always take basic precautions, namely:

  • Bend your knees slightly as you pull your hamstrings;
  • When working on stretching your legs, relieve lateral stress on your knees by turning your toes up;
  • Just be careful when stretching small arm muscles or vulnerable shoulder muscles;
  • Avoid severe pain when performing flexibility exercises.

11. Many people do stretching in such a painful way that they simply cannot stand it and quit this activity. This is not the right approach!

Under no circumstances should you endure pain, because this is the direct and shortest path to a hospital bed.

However, stretching should not be too pleasant if you want to get serious results in the foreseeable future. Do you understand?

In general, no severe pain, but don’t just fool around...

12. The body should be stretched symmetrically, paying equal attention to each limb or half of the body. If you stretch your right leg for 5 minutes, be kind enough to stretch and left leg as many. Nothing less.

Only in this case can you count on the benefits of stretching exercises.

13. A reasonable duration of flexibility training is considered to be at least 30-50 minutes, no less. More is possible, but not less (although at the initial stage I spent 15-20 minutes, gradually reaching 30 minutes, I never do more than 30 minutes, because there is no need - those who are seriously involved in this, who want to achieve serious results, have a need). results).

When should you not stretch?

There are practically no contraindications for muscle stretching, so anyone can do it.

However, carry out various exercises It is not recommended for stretching any parts of the body in the following cases:

  • Severe spinal injuries;
  • Inflamed hip joints;
  • Sore lower back;
  • For bruised legs;
  • In case of cracks in bones, especially the pelvis;
  • With high blood pressure.
  • Exercises during pregnancy, according to experts, are not prohibited, however, the physiological changes that occur in a woman’s body during this period require special attention... therefore, be vigilant (look at how you feel).
  • And also, in no case should you practice stretching on a cold body (without warming up), I have already talked about this in detail above.

P.s. Ideally, if you have significant health problems (especially with joints and muscles), you should consult a doctor or an experienced trainer before starting stretching exercises.

In case you were doing stretching and you experienced the following symptoms:

  • Dizziness
  • Muscle spasm
  • Unexplained crunching or clicking in the body

Then see for yourself how you feel, maybe you need to rest for 5 minutes, maybe change the exercise, maybe stop training altogether...

Types of stretch marks

There are five types of stretching:

Active - the practitioner himself makes efforts to stretch one or another part of the body.

Passive - these are movements performed with the help of a partner (work in pairs).

With this type of stretching, the amplitude is greater than with independent work, however, the training has one subtlety: if you don’t reach it, then there will be no effect from the exercise, and if you overdo it, you can get injured. It is for this reason that you:

  • You must be absolutely confident in the competence of your partner;
  • Constantly inform him (while performing this or that exercise) about your feelings, so as not to get injured.

In my opinion, this is a kind of metamorphosis of static stretching, which is not performed under own weight, but under the influence of the partner’s efforts. That's all the differences.

Dynamic - unlike static, this type is performed in motion.

The simplest example is lunges with one leg forward (backward), to the side.

An increase in the range of motion is achieved by increasing the speed or intensity of the exercise.

Ballistic - in short, this type is performed with jerks and springy actions (prohibited for health stretching).

In detail, the basis of ballistic stretching is jumping, pushing and other sudden power movements that help stretch the muscles.

Please note that all exercises are performed with maximum amplitude and sharply (the only type in which the exercises are performed not smoothly, under control, but sharply), due to which a jerky traumatic stretch of muscle and connective tissue occurs.

During such a load, joints and muscles experience risky overloads, so this method is not widely used (as far as I know, it is not recommended for beginners).

Statistical is the most effective type of stretching recommended by doctors. In this type of stretching, a certain pose is assumed in which all muscles are stretched to the maximum, after which the body position is fixed for 15-30 seconds (maximum 1 minute).

P.s. In general, the fixation time depends on the flexibility (stretch) of a particular person. In my opinion, in essence, all these types can be divided into two types (statistical (holding) and dynamic (in motion). Why reinvent the wheel, who knows.

Conclusion: The ballistic type of stretching is the most traumatic, because, as already mentioned, it includes various swings and springing movements with a large amplitude...

Accordingly, if your muscles and joints are not properly prepared, this can lead not to stretching, but to rupture of ligaments, muscle injuries, “knocking out” of the joint, etc....

That is why, for most people, I would recommend starting stretching training only with static, smooth exercises.

In the future, as you become more trained (experience, experience, etc.), see for yourself.

The best stretches for all parts of the body

Do not forget that only after a thorough warm-up can you move on to basic exercises that develop the flexibility of any part of the body. As a rule, you need to start a stretching workout with stretching the neck muscles, then move on to the shoulders, back, arms, chest and abs, and only lastly do stretching exercises for the legs. This is just for your reference, so that you are aware)), but don’t worry, I’ve already compiled everything for you below, just start repeating.


Exercise No. 1.

  • The exercise can be performed either standing or sitting (in my opinion, standing is more convenient).
  • Head tilts are performed using the hands: the free hand is simply extended along the body (in our example, the right one), the working hand (in our example, the left one) performs a movement, namely: with your left hand, carefully pull your head down towards your shoulder.
  • After which, simply hold this position as long as you can, and then move to the other side.
  • Repeat a couple of times on each side.

Exercise No. 2.

  • Stand up straight.
  • Place both palms on the back of your head.
  • Lightly pressing them on your head, pull your chin towards your chest.
  • Stay in this position and feel the stretch rear end neck (see figure No. 1 below).

Shoulders, back, chest

Exercise No. 1.

  • The exercise is performed standing.
  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and raise your right arm up.
  • Then pull it above your head close to your ear. Grab your right elbow with your left hand and gently pull your hand towards your ear. You should feel tension in your deltoids (shoulders).
  • When you feel it, stay in this position for as long as you can.
  • Repeat with the other hand.

Exercise No. 2.

  • Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Place both arms behind your back so that your elbows are bent at a 90-degree angle (see the picture above).
  • Grab your arm with your other hand as close to the elbow as you can and pull it gently across your back to your opposite shoulder.
  • Hold the stretch as long as you can, and then stretch with your other arm.


Exercise No. 1.

  • Grab a post or pole with one hand and lean back, straightening your legs, so that your back muscles stretch.
  • Hold for as long as you can, feel the stretch (burning) in this position, then repeat the exercise with the other hand (see the picture above, you’ll roughly understand what we’re talking about).

Hands and wrists

Exercise No. 1. Stretching the triceps (and even the shoulders and back)

  • Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart (for convenience).
  • First, throw (raise) one arm (let's say the right one) back behind your back and bend it at the elbow.
  • Now we pull up the second hand (left), that is, we take the right elbow with our left hand and begin to pull it carefully, slowly, under control, as far (deeper) as possible.
  • Hold the stretch for as long as you can, and then repeat the exercise with the other arm.

Exercise No. 2. Stretch the biceps

  • Kneel on the floor and place your hands down in front of you, fingers pointing towards your knees.
  • The thighs almost touch the feet.
  • Arch your back and lean back slowly, keeping your elbows motionless and your palms on the floor under control, so that tension (stretch) occurs in the muscles we need.
  • Stay in this position (when it burns) for as long as you can.
  • Then relax for 15-20 seconds and repeat the exercise several times (depending on how you feel).

Pectoral muscles

Exercise No. 1. Stretching pectoral muscles about the counter

  • Find some kind of support (vertical), such as a wall (as shown in the picture above).
  • Go to the wall and place your hand on the wall or any other vertical surface (depending on what you find) and bend your elbow 90 degrees while leaning forward with your whole body and slightly to the side of your hand until you feel the tension in your pectoral muscles.
  • Then hold this position for as long as you can (to stretch your chest muscles), and then repeat the exercise on the other side.

Exercise No. 2.

  • Stand in vertical position and pull your outstretched arms back while keeping them locked (as shown in the figure below).
  • After which, not sharply, but with a controlled movement (if you can, of course), raise your arms to the ceiling (as long as you can, according to your health); it is important to keep your arms straight during all this until you feel a stretch in the pectoral muscles.


Exercise No. 1.

  • Lie on your stomach and place both hands on the floor directly in front of you (as if you were about to do push-ups).
  • P.s. I use my fists (I have a wrist injury), but you can use your hands (see for yourself).
  • Lift your head and chest off the floor, slowly and carefully arching your back. Feel the stretch in your abs and hold this position for as long as you can.
  • Then rest and repeat several times.

Exercise No. 2.

  • Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Place one hand on your waist (as shown in the picture above) and tilt your torso to that side, while reaching for your hand.
  • Then repeat on the other side.


Exercise No. 1.

  • Sit on the floor. Legs widely spaced.
  • Start tilting your torso forward as low as possible, then do springy tilts up and down.

Exercise No. 2.

  • Sit on the floor with your legs spread wide apart.
  • Bend towards your right leg as low as possible. Use your hands to hold your leg below the knee.
  • Do springy tilts up and down at least 10 times. (you can go up to 50).
  • Return to the starting position and repeat with the other leg.

Exercise No. 3.

  • Sit on the floor. The legs are shifted and extended forward.
  • We bend our torso as low as possible, trying to reach our ankles with our hands. If this is difficult, you can bend your knees slightly.
  • We make smooth springy tilts up and down at least 10 times (up to 50). Your goal is to touch your head to your knees.

Exercise No. 4. It’s like doing the splits :)

  • Move your feet apart from each other until you feel the tension in the leg muscles of the inner thighs during the stretching exercise (the final pose of the legs is in the form of an obtuse angle, approximately 120-140?).
  • Tilt your body down, place your elbows on the floor (or try to reach for it, but not jerkily, but slowly). Stay still (hold, feel the tension) for 5-10-15-30 seconds (depending on your degree of flexibility).
  • Every day, try to place your feet further apart, increasing the time of immobility in all intermediate poses.

Exercise No. 5. for stretching back surface leg muscles (similar to a lunge).

  • Stand on a hard surface with your body straight.
  • Move your left leg forward (and your right leg back) as far away from you as possible.
  • Bend it at the knee, lowering yourself down. Keep your back straight, feeling the stretching of the leg muscles during the exercise, stop in such a position that the angle of your bent right knee is 90 degrees.
  • Relax your core - let the weight of your body be distributed downward, increasing the pressure on your legs. We stand still for as long as we can (as usual, no more than 1 minute).
  • You can try to put your hands together in a “lock” behind your back (honestly, this is very difficult for beginners, so you can just put your hands on your hip or on the floor, or you can even hold on to the handrail with them/lean against the wall (if you can’t keep your balance).
  • Repeat everything on your left leg.

Exercise No. 6. Side Lunges

Lunge to the right side, with the toe of your left foot facing forward (or at a slight angle outward) and your entire foot on the floor, your left leg straight. Stretch (lower) feeling the tension. The same must be done to the left side.

Exercise No. 7. Forward bends

  • Place your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • With your legs completely straight (don't bend your knees at all, watch this, that's the point of the movement) perform 12 springy forward bends.

Exercise No. 8. Stretching the groin, inner thighs

  • Sit on the floor, then press your feet together.
  • Hold your feet with your palms.
  • Place your elbows on your knees (see picture).
  • Begin to slowly press your elbows on your legs and at the same time tilt your torso forward (in principle, you can simply press on your legs so that they spread and keep your torso straight, see for yourself).
  • In any case, make sure that your back is straight at all times.
  • Bend over as you exhale, and, having reached the peak of tension, stay in this position for as long as you can (in the future, up to 1 minute). Then return to the starting position and repeat these bends several more times (depending on how you feel).

Exercise No. 9. Hamstring stretch

  • Sit on the floor. Straighten both legs in front of you.
  • Start to reach your toes with your hands (or even further if you can), feeling the tension in the back of your thighs and hold for as long as you can (up to 1 minute).
  • Repeat the exercise several times (depending on how you feel).

Exercise No. 10. Stretch the front of the thigh (quadriceps)

  • Stand up straight, bend one knee and press your heel into your buttock with one or both hands (as shown in the photo).
  • If necessary, help yourself with your opposite hand to maintain your balance.
  • Watch your knees, they should be on the same line, and internal surfaces thighs tightly squeezed.
  • Tighten up gluteal muscles and twist your pelvis a little forward and upward - this will enhance the sensations. Stay in this position for as long as you can (no more than 1 minute), feeling the tension in the front of your thigh (quadriceps).
  • Repeat all over again with the other leg.

Exercise No. 11. Stretch your hips and buttocks

  • Lie on the floor with your back down. Bend both legs at the knees.
  • The upper body is completely relaxed.
  • Raise your left leg onto your right knee (as shown in the photo).
  • Place both hands on your right knee and begin to slowly, under control, pull it toward you.
  • Change the relative positions of your legs and repeat the exercise.

Exercises No. 12. Ankle stretch (calf, calf)

  • Stand facing the wall, then press your palms against the wall.
  • Take one leg back 40 - 60 cm without lifting your heel from the floor (if you do tear it off, then press it to the floor in order to feel the tension in your ankle and calves. Otherwise (if you don’t press your heel), the exercise loses its meaning.
  • Only when the heel is pressed do you feel a burning sensation (tension), only in this case does stretching occur. In general, press your heel and stay in this position for as long as you can (up to 1 minute).
