How to properly make a man lust from caresses - the basics of foreplay to a passionate night. How to do a plank correctly? Exercise "plank" for weight loss: technique, benefits and contraindications Exercise "Plank": benefits and harm

Useful tips

Shopping often brings not only happiness - the feeling of euphoria can be replaced by annoyance if the purchase did not live up to expectations or turned out to be unnecessary. How to shop correctly, saving time and money?

In this article we will give you some recommendations to make shopping not just enjoyable, but also useful.

We shop profitably

Don't give in to temptations

Salespeople always operate on the theory that the shortest route to your credit card is through your feelings.

In many hotels and salons you can smell the unique aromas of fresh mint, jewelry stores shine powerful lamps on products to give them extra shine, but do not forget that creating an atmosphere is just a way to lure you. Thanks to him, we stay longer in establishments and spend more than we planned, but this does not make the quality of the goods higher.

Don't let the stores fool you

Many people who frequently purchase certain products know prices very well. However, if you see a product you are used to at a regular price, but from a different manufacturer, you should not spend money ahead of time.

Often the price for the same product may be the same, but the volume of the product will differ. If you have a little free time to compare the price of an item and its quantity, it can save you some money.

Always be mindful of your temperament

Psychologists divide buyers into two types: those who are not very concerned about public opinion and make purchases based on their own desires and preferences, and those who buy things in order to join the team or fit in with the environment.

When shopping, follow your own temperament and you won't have to update your wardrobe too often.

Free cheese only comes in a mousetrap

Quickly imagine: you are offered a free $10 certificate and a $20 certificate, but you have to pay $7 for it. Which one will you choose?

Renowned economist Dan Ariely conducted a study that showed that most people immediately choose a free certificate, without thinking that the second option will earn them $13 and is more profitable.

Hearing the word "free" , do not rush to take it right away - perhaps the paid option will bring you much greater benefits.

Choose your shopping partners carefully

You can have a great evening shopping with close friends, but it is worth remembering that the opinions of others can significantly influence your choice of goods.

Many people take into account the comments of loved ones and often buy something that they don’t use later, or don’t buy what they really need.

It may happen that your friend really liked the way incredibly expensive shoes look on you, you buy them and after a few hours you regret this thoughtless purchase.

Read also:

You see a cash register with quick payment - think twice

You can spend wisely not only money, but also time, especially if you are late for work or left your car in a paid parking lot. At first it may seem to you that it would be more advisable to stand in line at the checkout with a maximum of 10 items, but do not rush into making a choice.

Mathematician Dan Meyer discovered that it would be much better to choose a line at a regular checkout, where they sell an unlimited number of products. Why? It takes much more time to perform many individual operations on a small number of products.

Satisfy your needs

It is believed that all a person needs is a roof over his head, food and clothing. This list includes love, but buying love is not a good idea. However, in addition to basic needs, there are also small pleasant things that you should not deny yourself.

It may seem that going for a massage or buying a new blouse makes you an irresponsible person who makes rash decisions, but in reality this is not the case. Pampering yourself on a budget is not a crime.

Invest in experiences and memories.

If you recently returned from a trip and bought yourself new clothes that cannot be found in your city, think about whether you managed your budget correctly? It won't remind you of your travels, since wool and cotton are pretty much the same everywhere, so your item isn't all that unique.

The brightest moments of your life can be captured in your memory with the help of those same photographs - in our opinion, this is a worthy investment.

How to shop online correctly

Let the mouse do all the work

In this age of evolving technology, it is not surprising that many people shop online. The key to successful online shopping is constantly searching for the best deals.

Don’t be lazy to click your mouse, maybe one click separates you from the product of your dreams. Look for sellers with good reviews and ratings, compare prices and you will definitely purchase a quality product at a reasonable price.

The search box is your best friend

If you go to a site with goods, knowing what exactly you are looking for, write your request in the search box and choose the one you like. You should not search for a product through menus, links, or similar products.

According to research from one Massachusetts website, shoppers who use a menu continue searching after purchasing the desired product and make three times more thoughtless and unnecessary purchases than those who use a search engine.

Profitable online shopping

Often, sites will offer you an item at a "low" price so that you think you are saving money, but first you should make sure that the price is really low. You can add an item to your cart so as not to lose it and find the same item and price on the Internet.

In many cases, you won't notice a significant difference. Sometimes it may even happen that the same product on another site can be purchased much cheaper.

Read reviews

Discounts for online purchases

Be patient

If you're not sure whether you want to spend money on an item, add it to your cart but don't make the purchase. Make sure you have a registered account and when registering you have given permission for manufacturers to notify you of new products and offers.

Often, various brands, if their product is in your cart, send various offers and discounts at which you can buy the product at a profit.

The best time for shopping is the end of the work week

The best days for shopping are Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. It is on these days that sellers offer the biggest discounts and most often hold various promotions.

Speak directly

The next time you see a pop-up window with a message from a seller, don’t rush to close it. Say hello and ask if they have any promotions or promo codes at the moment. Often you may be notified of discounts that are not listed on the website.

If it is not possible to write to the seller directly on the online store’s website, write by email or on social networks.

Much is known about the benefits of the plank exercise for weight loss: all self-respecting sports websites, fitness brochures and yoga studio brochures are full of enthusiastic epithets and grateful customer reviews. It is adopted by beginners and experienced athletes, women and men, “iron” jocks and fitness athletes, knowing that seemingly simple actions often turn out to be the most effective and efficient. Every reputable trainer keeps in stock several interesting types of this many-sided exercise. What the “bar” gives is explained in almost every training session. Therefore, many beginners think that this pose is as easy as shelling pears, but in practice it turns out to be the opposite.

How to do a plank correctly is described below.

What is the point of the exercise?

From the outside, the pose looks like a straight line of the entire body (hence the name), almost parallel to the floor. This occurs due to the emphasis on the toes and hands, and the hands can be in different positions: on two palms or one, on the forearms and even on the fingers.

The body is held in this position by the strength of deep skeletal muscles, mainly in the core region, although, in fact, the whole body is involved.

How to do a plank correctly?

The first classic version of this pose, based on the feet and forearms, is obtained from a kneeling position: place the forearms of the hands on the floor so that the line of the shoulder joint is located directly above the elbow, the hands are gathered into a fist and pressed to the floor, or the palms are shoulder-width apart. The feet are spaced pelvis-width apart and stand on the toes: straighten your legs, straining your hips and stretch your body into one rigid straight line, engaging the internal muscles.

From the line of the crown to the heels, it is necessary to create a strong connection, stretching out in length, while making sure that the pelvis and head do not sag towards the floor, as is usually observed in beginners or very weak people. To do this, you should keep the thigh muscles active, preventing your knees from bending, direct the pubic bone towards the navel, squeezing the buttocks, and pull the navel itself towards the spine, creating a dense lump of tone in the abdominal area. All muscles in the plank exercise must maintain a stable position; you do not need to sag down, and after five seconds bend in the lower back or knees. These movements are unnecessary, expending energy, which is necessary for long-term fixation of the pose.

Errors in constructing and fixing a pose

Many beginners believe that the plank exercise is for the stomach, but this is completely wrong. Yes, the main activity comes from the core muscles, but the buttocks, hips and shoulder girdle work just as much, the whole body must become active and rise to the challenge. This is the main benefit of the “bar”: the exercise affects all major muscle groups, actively promoting weight loss and volume reduction.

The main and most common mistakes when holding a pose for a long time are:

  • Lumbar deflection of the spine, when inactive muscles of the buttocks and abs “allow” the spine to arch, creating compression in the intervertebral discs. There are two variants of this mistake: when a person sags his pelvis to the floor or, conversely, lifts it too high, bending at the lower back.
  • The head is below the shoulder line: this creates excessive stress on the shoulder girdle, trapezius and deep neck muscles, which can lead to compression of the vessels leading to the brain, and as a result, migraine.
  • The knees are bent, which leads to a passive pelvis, which will result in lumbar deflection. Reason: passive hips.
  • Incorrect hand position: shoulders go forward behind the elbow or, conversely, too far back. Also, beginners often spread their elbows too wide in the plank exercise, which puts unnecessary stress on all the muscles of the torso: it begins to sag more toward the floor.
  • An overly rounded thoracic spine shifts the load from the abdominal muscles to the back: this trick is often used by those who want to show off the duration of the fixation, but the experienced eye of a trainer will always distinguish between the correct pose and the “hack”.
  • Improper breathing: often a person under severe stress begins to hold his breath, thereby unknowingly creating even greater stress on the body. On the contrary, you need to breathe deeply and evenly, supplying the muscles with a large dose of oxygen, which will burn the hated fat.

Because of these fairly common reasons, many beginners experience discomfort and pain and quit at the very beginning, without achieving the first results.

Photos with correct and incorrect fixation of the pose

How to do a plank correctly is clearly shown in the photo below. There is a clear line without sagging of different parts of the body.

And here is the execution of the “plank” exercise for weight loss with errors that are the most common among beginners and people unfamiliar with the essence of this pose.

Options for men

The “plank” exercise for the stronger half of humanity has more than thirty variations, some of which can challenge even trained athletes. Here are some variations:

Options for women

How to do the plank exercise if the classic version is easily achievable? There are several simple modifications for the fair half of the population:

How long should you do the plank to have an effect?

Internet resources are replete with actively advertised achievements of athletes: everyone names their personal time for holding a pose, boasting about the strength of their body. How long does it actually take to “hold the bar” to achieve the effect? If we consider that the method is static (implies a long stay in one position), then it is clear that it is by increasing the amount of time that the maximum result from the exercise is achieved. The "bar" has several levels of fixation:

  • Beginner or zero: maintaining the correct pose for 30 seconds.
  • Medium level: fixation of the pose from 1 minute to three.
  • Advanced: three to five minutes.
  • High impact: various modifications of the exercise, held for 1 minute.

Experts believe that if the fixation time has reached the three-minute mark, then the body position should be modified, as a habit is developed and efficiency decreases. Increasing the time will not give much progress; it is better to try to change the position of the legs or arms:

Variant of "plank" on straight arms;

Use three support points instead of four: two legs and one arm, two arms and one leg;

- “plank” on one arm and leg (placing the body sideways relative to the floor);

Chaturanga Dandasana is a yoga pose identical to the bottom support for push-ups, only the elbows are directed strictly back to the heels. A powerful position that can warm up the body in a matter of seconds.

It is worth noting that a long “plank” is ineffective if the pose is performed incorrectly: only with ideally correct body position does the exercise make sense. One minute in the correct position is many times more useful than five in a distorted state and with incorrect breathing.

The world record, recorded by the Guinness Book of Records for 2016, was set by the Chinese Mao Weidung, who stood in the classic “plank” for 8 hours and 60 seconds. This is worth remembering when things get hard for you at the 20th second.

What's the benefit?

The “plank” is ideal for those people who are contraindicated in exercising with heavy weights on machines, jumping or running, as well as various high-impact fitness programs with a heavy load on the cardiovascular system and musculoskeletal system. This pose can quickly strengthen the core muscles, giving the body a toned shape. Despite the fact that many skeptics claim that the plank exercise for weight loss is not effective, but only gives a standard tone, it is worth noting: isn’t it the toned muscles that make the body visually look slimmer and thinner? Of course, “abs” will not appear on the abs from this exercise, but the stomach will no longer hang like a bag, the internal muscles will tighten, and along with them the puffiness of the figure will go away.

If you perform the “plank” exercise as it should, then the stabilizer muscles will be activated and throughout the day they will fix the spine and the whole body in a straight position: it will no longer be natural to slouch and round the shoulders, there will be a desire, on the contrary, to open the chest, breathe in with full lungs and raise your head high. The elongated state of the spine and the activity of muscles that rarely work during a sedentary lifestyle will make it possible to relieve the load from the lower back and neck and eliminate internal tension, which can lead to osteochondrosis, and subsequently to herniated intervertebral discs.

And one of the most important bonuses of doing the plank: long-term fixation teaches the mind to endure difficulties and limitations, training patience, endurance and fortitude. This skill is very significant in the modern world, because all the achievements of the mind from victories in the gym can easily be transferred to social and personal life.

Are there any contraindications for the plank?

The exercise has virtually no categorical contraindications, but there are some recommendations and easier options:

  • If there is a history of fractures of the arms or collarbones, or ligament ruptures, then the “bar” should be done on the forearms, which will provide a wider and more stable area of ​​support for the body and significantly reduce the load on the joints.
  • It is not recommended to do the “plank” after a stroke or heart attack in the first six months, even if the body feels great. It is better to complete a full course of rehabilitation and only then add such significant loads.
  • There are natural contraindications to the plank exercise during pregnancy and menstruation, inflammatory processes in the reproductive system and varicose veins in the pelvis.
  • If you are overweight (from 80 kg), then in the first stages it is recommended to do the “plank” pose on your knees, reducing the load on the joints, but actively working the gluteal muscles and abs, directing the pubic bone towards the stomach.
  • Do not do the “bar” with a full stomach, fever or with acute diseases of the internal organs; you should wait for remission by doing a lighter set of exercises.
  • If you have undergone abdominal surgery (including caesarean section), start doing the “bar” no earlier than six months later; in some cases, it is worth postponing this exercise for ten months.

And a few more facts

“Plank” is a bodyweight exercise, which means it does not require special equipment, shoes or sports attire: it can be done simply on the floor at home, outside on the grass, or in the office during a break.

By regularly performing this simple pose, you can acquire:

Strong and elastic buttocks;

A toned belly instead of a saggy piece of fat;

Active oblique muscles of the torso will reduce your waist by half;

Beautiful toned thighs, arm muscles and shoulder girdle;

By activating breathing, blood circulation improves, which means the body quickly gets rid of toxins and excess calories;

The physical strength of the body will almost double, and this is just from three minutes a day;

Due to the strong axial extension of the spine, pain in the back, neck and between the shoulder blades goes away, which makes the plank pose a good prevention of osteochondrosis;

Increases immunity to stress and various psychological stresses;

The desire to feel sorry for oneself gradually disappears, which means that an additional incentive for self-improvement appears.

You could go on for a very long time listing all the advantages and pleasant bonuses of doing the plank exercise, but that would just be shaking the air. It is much more important that everyone can experience the magical effect of this pose, so beloved by all athletes, yogis and simply fighters for a healthy consciousness.

Finally, I got to this topic - abdominal vacuum, how to do it correctly. Back in the winter, I heard that this is an effective exercise for the stomach or against the stomach, which is the correct way to say it... I’m neither for nor against, I just want to get my body in order a little, otherwise I’ve been feeling lazy lately, I’ve stopped doing exercises in the morning , extra kilos have piled on.

Something needs to change. I decided to return to morning exercises and at the same time learn a new exercise, “abdominal vacuum.”

Why is a stomach vacuum and why is it needed?

Before getting down to the question of how to properly make a vacuum, I’ll tell you why I decided to take up this exercise.

  1. Firstly, for me personally, for motivation, in addition to other conversations about usefulness, I need interest, and learning something new is always interesting.
  2. Secondly, I liked the postscript to the exercise - “for the lazy”, in this situation it suits me.
  3. Thirdly, despite the attack of laziness, I am not indifferent to my health, and they say about this exercise that it not only tightens the stomach, but also heals the body.
  4. And the last argument is the reviews of those who did it - not difficult, but effective.

I even came across this headline:

If your belly is lying nearby, and summer is already close, a belly vacuum can help you!

Fortunately, my case is not so advanced, but it’s intriguing, right? I don’t know about you, but for me the puzzle formed an attractive picture, hence the desire to master the technique of performing a vacuum. But no matter how much the headlines attract us, first we will learn about the benefits and harms of this exercise, what its essence is, and only then will we make a decision whether to do a vacuum or not.

Abdominal vacuum - benefits and harms

How to tighten your abs, reduce your waist - not only overweight people are interested in this question; even with a slender body, there is often a bulging belly. And not always classic abdominal exercises (lifting the body, legs, twisting, etc.) help to create an ideal stomach. The reason is that these exercises mostly target the rectus and oblique (external and internal) abdominal muscles. The rectus muscles form the relief, the so-called cubes, the oblique muscles form the sides, in other words, they sculpt the figure.

But to get ideal results, you need exercises for the transverse muscle, which is responsible for keeping your stomach flat and not protruding.

The function of the transverse muscle is to reduce the volume of the abdominal cavity and support the internal organs. If this muscle is weakened (sedentary lifestyle, lack of physical activity), then the volume of the abdominal cavity increases and, accordingly, the stomach grows.

The vacuum exercise is designed to strengthen the transverse abdominal muscle and its essence is not in active physical exercises, but in the fact that by tensing the muscles and proper breathing you seem to create a vacuum in the stomach. In bodybuilding, athletes often include this exercise in their training thanks to Arnold Schwarzenegger, who himself actively used it and widely promoted it among bodybuilders.

But this exercise came to bodybuilding and the masses from yoga and it is called “uddiyana bandha”. And for yogis, as we know, the main goal is not the cult of a beautiful body, but the health and harmonious development of not only the body, but also the spirit. What else, besides a beautiful figure, will this exercise give us, since it came to us from yogis?

Another exercise that strengthens the transverse muscle is this, there is an article on the blog about this exercise, click on the link.

Benefits of exercise

With proper and regular implementation of the vacuum technique, the internal healing of the body and all its systems occurs. Judge for yourself:

  • visceral fat burns;
  • the abdominal muscles are strengthened, which has a positive effect on displacement and prolapse of internal organs;
  • abdominal volume decreases;
  • blood supply to the abdominal organs improves, a kind of massage of the internal organs occurs;
  • Digestion improves, the rectum is cleansed, toxins are eliminated;
  • the back muscles are strengthened, back pain goes away;
  • endocrine glands are healed and rejuvenated;
  • overall well-being and quality of sleep improves;
  • a feeling of cheerfulness and lightness appears throughout the body, it’s not for nothing that “uddiyana” in translation means “soaring, flying high.”

Impressive, isn't it? But is everything so rosy, there are probably some downsides.


  • at the time of exacerbation of stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • during menstrual periods in women;
  • should not be given to pregnant women;
  • cannot be done immediately after childbirth and operations, several months must pass;
  • Contraindicated for arterial hypertension, tachycardia and increased intracranial pressure.
  • You can, but be careful:
  • in the presence of cardiovascular diseases;
  • in the presence of lung pathology;
  • in the presence of a hernia in the abdominal cavity;
  • with weak abdominals and a large abdomen;
  • in case of disease of any internal organ adjacent to the diaphragmatic septum.

An important point is that when performing this exercise you should not experience any discomfort and certainly no abdominal pain.

We conclude that if you can’t do it, then you can’t do it, and if you don’t do it with caution, then you must not only be careful when performing a vacuum, monitor your feelings and well-being, but it is better, if you have chronic diseases, to get advice from your doctor.

I think there is enough information to understand whether you can do this exercise or not, if so, then move on.

Abdominal vacuum - how to do it correctly

As experts and those who have already mastered this exercise say, it is, in principle, not difficult. The main thing for beginners is to understand how to do it correctly, so that the vacuum does not cause any harm and the expected effect is:

  • it is important to understand at the muscular level how to properly draw in the stomach;
  • It is very important to master breathing techniques.

Therefore, for beginners, if there is no person who will prompt and control you, you can learn with the help of videos and they will definitely continue.

They do a vacuum in the abdomen in different poses:

  • lying down;
  • On knees;
  • sitting;
  • standing.

I will dwell in more detail on performing it in the “lying down” position; it is from this position, as experts say, that they recommend starting to master the vacuum technique. In this position it is easier to control and feel your muscles, and as we remember, this is very important when mastering this exercise.

Vacuum in a prone position for beginners

The advantages of performing it in a lying position are that it is easier for beginners to draw in their stomach, and it is in this position that the abdominal organs receive a good massage effect. Another plus is that you can train immediately after waking up without getting out of bed.

  1. Lay out a mat, lie on your back, place your arms along your body, relax, there should be no tension in your body.
  2. Bend your legs at the knees.
  3. To begin, do a couple of approaches - take a deep breath and exhale, set yourself up for this exercise.
  4. We begin to make a vacuum - take a deep breath through your nose, then exhale sharply through your mouth, trying to remove all the air from your lungs and at the same time draw in your stomach as much as possible, as if you want to reach your spine with your navel.
  5. Hold this position while holding your breath, your stomach should be motionless, this is what helps strengthen the transverse muscle. Hold your breath without fanaticism, it’s definitely not necessary until you lose consciousness. At first, 5 - 10 seconds, gradually can be increased to 30 or more, if holding your breath for a long time does not cause discomfort.
  6. Relax your stomach and inhale through your nose.

When you master this exercise, try to complicate it a little and do a stomach vacuum while lying down, but with straight legs, then you can move on to other options.

Vacuum in a pose on all fours

The next most difficult pose after the “lying down” technique is the pose on all fours and it is very useful for the female body.

  1. When you get down on all fours, it is important to take the correct position, make sure that your shoulders are above your arms, your buttocks are above your knees, your neck and head are parallel to the floor.
  2. I won’t talk about breathing, it’s the same as in a lying position.

Vacuum while sitting

This version of the vacuum promotes additional training of the rectus abdominis muscle; another plus, it can be done at work while sitting in the office.

There are two options offered here:

The technique is the same - inhale, exhale while tightening your stomach, while you can round your back a little, hold your breath, release your stomach, exhale.

Vacuum while standing

Bodybuilding professionals do a vacuum in a standing position; it is believed that it is in this position that we draw in the stomach in the way that is most necessary.

There are also two options here:

How to do it correctly and how much

Carefully study this section so that you take into account all the advice of experts and the abdominal vacuum will only be for your benefit.

  • In order to get the effect that we expect from a vacuum, it is advised that before starting the exercise, you should work separately on breathing and retracting the abdomen. Learn to draw in your stomach to the maximum, imagine that you just need to fit into tight jeans and you are trying to button them while lying on the floor. The more you pull your stomach in, the better the transverse muscle will contract. To create a vacuum in the stomach, you need to exhale all the air from your lungs, and you need to learn this if you want to perform this exercise correctly and profitably.
  • It is recommended to do this technique on an empty stomach. In the morning on an empty stomach is the ideal time. Before doing this, go to the toilet and maybe drink some water. Although there is an opinion that you don’t need water either, since you won’t be able to pull in your stomach well. Maybe so, try it and you will have your own opinion on this issue.
  • For faster results, it is recommended to do this exercise twice a day. Nutritionists recommend evening meals 3 to 4 hours before bedtime. This means you can do this exercise a second time before bed.
  • How much to do is the main question. The advice is different, some say from 5 to 15 repetitions, but after reading a bunch of information, I came to the conclusion that it is not the number of repetitions that is important, but the time of holding the breath, the longer the better, but, as I already said, without fanaticism. There should be no discomfort or unpleasant sensations. Therefore, the recommendation for beginners is to start with 3 repetitions, gradually increasing the hold time. Ideally, 5 repetitions in one session with a one-minute breath hold. And in what position you will do this is up to you.
  • Another important point, and this is not news, is the regularity of execution, and not from time to time. As experts say, to evaluate the result you need a month of constant training, provided that you do the vacuum correctly. But everything is quite individual, because we are all different, both external data and metabolism, so someone may see the result earlier, and someone later. Read reviews on the Internet, they say that this is actually an effective and useful exercise, the main thing is not to lose heart, show persistence and patience if you want to improve your figure and improve your body.
  • If you decide to do a stomach vacuum for weight loss, you must understand that this is not a magic pill and exercise alone will not solve the problem. Add other exercises to it, review your diet, drink more water, only an integrated approach to the issue of losing weight will give results.

Video instructions on how to properly do a stomach vacuum

I offer you a video in two versions - in female and male versions, watch carefully to understand the correct vacuum technique.

This is where I will probably end my article; I hope my information and instructions in the video gave you a complete understanding of the technique of performing a vacuum. If you are interested in this exercise, then measure your waist, start doing it, and after a month we will compare the results. Or maybe you are already an expert in this matter, then share your experience with us in the comments.

There’s also a useful video to help you, click on the link and grab it while it’s freely available.

Beauty, youth and health to you!
Elena Kasatova. See you by the fireplace.

What results can be achieved by performing the “abdominal vacuum” exercise? You will find how to do it correctly (technique), photos and videos in our article.

A narrow waist and flat stomach are a mandatory attribute of an athletic figure. But not a single training program “flat stomach in 15 minutes a day” will help here, no matter what the advertising promises. The main condition for burning belly fat is proper nutrition (). You must expend more calories than you take in from food. At the same time, abdominal exercises pump up the abdominal muscles well, but heavy exercises (squats, for example) burn them much more effectively.

But there is one exercise that, even during the “classic era of bodybuilding,” athletes used to reduce their waistline and create a flat stomach. This is a “stomach vacuum” exercise and is borrowed from yoga. It was also used by Arnold Schwarzenegger, who, despite his enormous muscle mass at that time, had a very narrow waist. It was because of his narrow waist that he had that same, desired by many, V-shaped back. And according to reviews, the vacuum exercise can help reduce your waist by 1-3 cm.

To understand how to properly do a abdominal vacuum, let’s first study the anatomy of the abdominal muscles.

Anatomy of the abdominal muscles

With the help of classic abdominal exercises (crunches, leg raises, etc.), you mainly work the rectus abdominis muscle (often conventionally divided into “upper” and “lower” abs). The “abs vacuum” exercise will allow you to work the transverse abdominal muscle. If you have a strong transverse muscle, it will be easier to “hold your stomach” – i.e. visually your waist will seem narrower, you won’t “pop out your belly.” The transverse abdominis muscle is located under the rectus abdominis (“upper” and “lower” abs) and obliques, and serves as a natural “belt” that visually narrows your waist. Another bonus of training the transverse muscle is that research has shown that it helps prevent and reduce lower back pain.

Abdominal vacuum: video

Vacuum exercise for the abdomen - video

How to do the abdominal vacuum exercise correctly

The best time to do the abdominal vacuum exercise is in the morning on an empty stomach. Do not eat or drink before performing the vacuum.

The main feature of the vacuum exercise technique is proper breathing. First you need to take a deep breath and then exhale through your mouth, emptying your lungs of air. You press the front wall of the abdomen against the spine as much as possible, at this time the internal organs seem to be pushed upward, under the ribs.

Variants of performing the “vacuum for the abdomen” exercise:

  1. lying down (with legs bent or straight)
  2. on the floor on all fours

As a rule, it is easiest to start with a abdominal vacuum while lying down, sitting or on all fours. The most difficult option is standing.

How to do the “abdominal vacuum” exercise correctly (technique)

  • take the starting position;
  • take a deep breath through your nose;
  • exhale sharply through your mouth (you need to empty your lungs as much as possible) and hold your breath;
  • At the same time as you exhale, strongly draw in your stomach, as if you want to press your navel to your lower back;
  • hold in this position for 15 seconds (if at first you cannot help but breathe for so long, take a small breath, but do not relax your abdominal muscles);
  • exhale slowly and gradually relax your muscles (do not exhale sharply);
  • take a couple of breaths and exhale and repeat the abdominal vacuum exercise again.

Video of the exercise Vacuum for the abdomen from

How many times to vacuum the abdomen?

Hold your breath longer each time, starting with 15 seconds and working your way up to 60 seconds. This is one repetition. You need 3-5 such repetitions. Do the exercise at least 5 times a week.

Of course, the results from performing the “abdominal vacuum” exercise can only be obtained if you do it regularly. Make yourself a habit - wake up, do a vacuum, and then have breakfast and other things to do.

Start with the easiest option - a vacuum lying on your back with your legs bent. When you can do a vacuum with this technique for 60 seconds, move on to the version on all fours. Then sitting on a chair (without leaning on the back). And the most difficult option is standing.

When you have mastered the most difficult option, begin to strain the transverse muscle throughout the day (a “lighter” version of the vacuum, without holding your breath or strongly retracting your abdomen). If you have a sedentary job, this is especially useful. Don't slouch and hold your stomach. Over time, you will begin to do this automatically. But without fanaticism, you don’t need to constantly press your navel to your stomach as much as possible. This can disrupt the functioning of internal organs, even to the point of their prolapse (visceroptosis).

Vacuum exercise: results

1 narrow waist and flat stomach (without pumped abdominal muscles)

2 will tighten the lower abdomen

3 good posture

4 burning visceral fat (this is the “internal” fat that is dangerous to health, which accumulates around the internal organs)

5 it becomes easier to “hold” your stomach

6 prevention and reduction of lower back pain

All the results you get from the abdominal vacuum exercise will be due to the fact that you will strengthen the transverse muscle.


  • pregnancy
  • stomach ulcer
  • recovery after surgery (1-2 months)

It goes without saying that if you have a stomach ache after the vacuum, then you need to stop doing it and consult a doctor.

Remember that the vacuum exercise, no matter how much you do it, will not give you a flat stomach without proper nutrition. Abdominal exercises alone do not help if you want a narrow waist, but at the same time you have a high percentage of body fat. Exercises strengthen your abdominal muscles, but do not burn fat. Fat burns in a calorie deficit—when you expend more energy than you consume through food. Therefore, stop pumping your abs every day, hoping to achieve the desired abs. Start instead. And the “abs vacuum” exercise will help get rid of a “falling out” belly, but will not burn fat.

Burpee, or burpee, is an exercise that leaves no one indifferent. He is either adored with all his heart, or hated just as passionately. But even those who hate burpees often still include them in their training program. And it’s not surprising: when performing this unique exercise, such an amount of subcutaneous fat is burned that it is very difficult to find another equally effective analogue. That is why burpees are widely used in crossfit and bodybuilding - athletes practice it during drying, so that they can release maximum energy in a minimum time and burn subcutaneous fat as quickly as possible.

In this article, we will analyze burpees by composition - we will find out what kind of beast this is, when it appeared and how it is effective, we will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the exercise, and we will also study how to do burpees correctly so that the training brings maximum benefit.

A few words about burpees

Translated from English, burpees literally mean “push-ups” or “squatting emphasis.” That is, nothing supernatural - the exercise is called exactly as it is performed. The full definition of the term “burpee” in dictionaries is “a physical exercise that consists of a squat and deadlift and ends in a standing position.” By the way, it is correct to say “burpee”, although the variant “burpee” is also quite widespread.

The creator of the burpee was a certain Royal Burpee, a physiologist. In 1940, he developed an exercise that included four movements. A little later, they began to use it as a test task when enlisting in the army, and only later, when CrossFit appeared, it was actively included in various training programs.

The peculiarity of burpees is that in one cycle of its implementation the athlete works out the maximum number of muscles. Almost all the major muscles of the body are involved: chest, shoulders, arms (triceps), legs, buttocks, thighs, abs. But, of course, it is the legs that bear the biggest load. Also during training, the knees, ankles, shoulder blades, elbows, spine, and feet actively work. In short, no one will be able to rest - burpee gives an active load to the whole body, and this cannot but affect the result.

Burpees for beginners: benefits and harms

Like any other cardio exercise, burpee is not for everyone. And in addition to the obvious advantages, it also has disadvantages. We’ll tell you about them right away so that you can decide in advance whether such training is suitable for you or not.

But first, about the advantages:

  • Burpees are the perfect exercise for beginners: simple, effective and very functional.
  • During training, almost all the muscles of the body work: hamstrings, triceps, chest muscles, shoulders, buttocks, legs. In addition, burpees are very good for strengthening your core muscles.
  • Burpee exercises for women are just what the doctor ordered: they burn calories well during the workout. This means that the kilograms and centimeters that are hated by all representatives of the fair sex are gone.
  • Metabolism accelerates.
  • Speed, flexibility and coordination develop noticeably - after a month or two of training you will feel it for yourself.
  • The heart and blood vessels are strengthened.
  • You don't need any additional sports equipment or a trainer to control you. All you need to do is learn how to do the burpee exercise correctly and start doing it. It works for absolutely everyone.

Now let's talk about a few disadvantages of burpees:

  • The exercise puts significant stress on almost all the joints of your body. Mainly on the knees. Therefore, if they are weak, it is better to choose something else. Plus, if you mindlessly “plop down” on your hands while lying down, you can do it carelessly and hurt yourself. The ideal option is to perform burpees on a rubberized surface.
  • Many people don’t like the technique itself, how to do burpees. Beginners say that it is difficult at first. But if you force yourself every day, it will become much easier over time.

How to do burpees: description of the exercise

We offer several options to choose from - from a lightweight exercise that even a beginner can handle, to more complex workouts using a horizontal bar. But we will start, of course, with the classics.

So, how to do burpees in classic option:

  1. You need to place your feet shoulder-width apart and then squat down. The palms touch the floor in front of the feet.
  2. Next, you need to fix your arms in this position and sharply throw your legs back. Your position should become the same as during a push-up.
  3. The next step is to do push-ups. Then you need to pull your legs to your chest again, straighten your body and jump up. This will return you to your starting position,
  4. How many times to do burpees? Ideally – 5 sets of 20 repetitions each.

Now - lightweight exercise for those who are not immediately up to the classics. This option differs from the standard one in that you do not need to do push-ups from the floor:

  1. You need to stand straight, arms along your body.
  2. The next step is to sit down and touch the floor with your palms.
  3. Next, you need to jump sharply up, while holding your arms above your head.
  4. Repeat 20 times in one approach. You need to do five approaches in total.

The easiest burpee option - for those who have health problems. Not only push-ups are excluded, but also jumping:

  1. Stand straight, then squat down, touching your palms to the floor.
  2. Straighten up and take your starting position.
  3. Repeat 100 times – 5 sets of 20 times.

It’s clear with lightweight options for beginners, but what should those who already find the classic burpee too easy do? Make the exercise more difficult possible in the following ways:

  • Exercise on the horizontal bar. Perform the same as usual, only add a pull-up on the bar to the jump up.
  • Alternate with running. This complex is very popular among those who do CrossFit. After 20 repetitions of burpees, you need to run in place at a moderate pace for two minutes.
  • Wave push-ups. Don't lower your whole body at once - try lowering your torso first, then your hips. This will increase the effectiveness of push-ups.