How to equip a home gym: the necessary equipment. How to replace fitness equipment at home Equipment for exercising at home

We continue to analyze fitness equipment for the home, which will help you find beautiful and toned body. You can read the first part of the article by following the link.

Fitness equipment for home: pros and cons

5. Tubular expander

Recently, the expander has become increasingly popular, because its benefits for body development are beyond doubt. With a tubular expander you will diversify your home workouts and use O more muscles. For some fitness programs (eg Body Revolution with Jillian Michaels), it is a necessary piece of exercise equipment.

The expander is designed for training the upper body. He helps remove sagging arms, tighten your abs, strengthen your back and chest muscles. Exercises with a stretching expander have a beneficial effect on the spine and help improve posture.

An expander will add something new to your fitness routine at home.


  • An expander will diversify your home workouts and complicate your usual exercises.
  • It is light and compact and does not take up much space.
  • The expander strengthens the spine and improves posture.


  • It’s not the most essential piece of fitness equipment for your home; you’ll probably use it quite rarely.
  • Expanders are not always easy to find in sports stores.

6. Barbell with weights

There is no need for you to buy any strength training equipment, if you have a barbell with weights. She can replace All sports equipment and get you in great shape. If you have a barbell, there is even no need to purchase dumbbells - they can be replaced with removable weights.

Barbells can almost equally replace all strength training equipment.

Some fitness programs preach training exclusively with barbells. For example, the world famous Body Pump workout from the Les Mills group of trainers. This fat burning program will help you lose weight and improve your taller body. If you have a barbell with breakout plates in your home arsenal, you can do it at home.


  • A barbell with collapsible weights is an almost equivalent replacement for all strength training equipment and dumbbells.
  • The barbell, contrary to many prejudices, helps not only strengthen muscles, but also lose weight
  • Now loved by many Body program Pump can also be done at home.


  • A barbell with collapsible plates is enough expensive equipment.
  • This is not compact equipment and takes up a considerable amount of space in the apartment.

7. Fitball

Fitball has become universally known not so long ago, but its benefits are appreciated by many. It is an elastic ball on which you can perform various exercises. The peculiarity of the fitball is that it is a safe load for the body. During classes, almost completely no tension on the lower limbs, so the fitball is recommended even for people with minor leg injuries.

Fitball is a great gadget for calm and safe fitness.

In addition, fitball is popular among the elderly, pregnant women and those who have recently given birth. Those. among those who are limited in physical activity. This is absolutely reasonable, because Fitball exercises are simple and safe. The magic ball helps work on your stretching and coordination, and also helps improve your posture.


  • Exercising with a fitball improves your coordination and flexibility.
  • When deflated, it is very compact and takes up almost no space.
  • Fitball exercises safe for feet and joints, therefore, during periods of injury, this sports gadget is literally indispensable.
  • Fitball training is great for pregnant women and older people.


  • At first, this type of home fitness equipment may not seem entirely convenient for training.
  • Exercising on a fitball is a gentle exercise, so you can’t expect any special visual effect on the body from it.

8. Weights for arms and legs

Weights for arms and legs will help you increase the effectiveness of your workouts and pump up problem areas. Of course, to bring yourself into good shape You can exercise with your own body weight. But With weights you will make your body more beautiful and slimmer much faster.

Weights will help you focus on the part of the body that you consider problematic.

Some fitness instructors recommend using them for better effect during training. For example, in a special program Jillian Michaels for legs “Bull Killer”, leg weights will be very useful. In addition, you can train with them by increasing the intensity of your training. There are now a wide variety of weights available, for example, belts or vests with additional weight.


  • Weights help place emphasis on the problem area of ​​your body.
  • They can be used in aerobic training or sports games, thereby increasing calorie consumption from exercise.


  • Instead of weights, it is better to purchase dumbbells or a barbell, which are more versatile in fitness.
  • Weights are quite expensive, and during training you will get used to your current weight. This means you will need to purchase new ones.
  • Not every fitness program will benefit from weights.

9. Jump rope

Many of us have been familiar with jumping rope since childhood. For children, jumping rope is a way to have fun, and for adults it is a great option for losing weight. With a jump rope you can very quickly gain slender legs and graceful posture. Besides, this is a real way to get rid of cellulite on thighs.

A jump rope is an excellent substitute for cardio exercise.

However, regular jumping puts a serious strain on knee joints, so it’s still not worth abusing exercises with a skipping rope. We also recommend that you only jump in sneakers, they will protect your knees.


  • Jumping rope means guaranteed weight loss.
  • These activities will help you develop endurance and strengthen your cardiovascular system.
  • The jump rope is very compact and does not take up much space.

Fitness classes at home can be no less effective than training in the gym, even if you do not have special sports equipment or professional exercise equipment. All you have to do is get creative and take a fresh look at what you have at hand. So that you know where to start, we’ll tell you what items can replace special equipment and help give training at home a completely serious sports mood.

But, first of all, we draw your attention to the issue of safety. You need to approach the choice of training equipment from items available at home no less seriously than choosing a professional one. sports equipment. Choose for training only those items whose strength you are 100% sure of, and check them immediately before the training itself. The equipment must be suitable for your weight and not slip out of your hands, and various analogues of platforms and gymnastic belts must be able to withstand the weight of your body. Spend some time doing preliminary tests and be careful while performing the exercises to eliminate any chance of injury.

If all the precautions do not scare you and you are ready to follow them, then it’s time to move on to choosing sports equipment. Several options are possible here.

Adding weight

Exercises with additional weight promote development muscle mass, and also, getting rid of excess weight. “Aggravating” equipment includes dumbbells, body bars, weights for arms and legs, and barbells. But for most exercises, only simple dumbbells are enough. Or their substitutes. At home, ordinary dumbbells will be an excellent analogue. plastic bottles. You can fill them with water or cereals, and by changing the amount of filler, you can adjust the weight. “The weight is selected depending on the number of repetitions. If you perform an exercise 15-20 times, then the weight of the weight should allow you to do exactly this number of repetitions. If you are doing strength training, then the weight should be much higher, but then the number of repetitions will be less,” saysMarina Starostina, trainer of the personal training studio of the Planet Fitness club network. At the same time, people with significant excess weight do not need to burden themselves with additional load, but should exercise using their own weight. Only after working on stretching, stabilizing the joints and the entire musculoskeletal system can you move on to more complex exercises.

Get in shape with a workout program for perfect buttocks from Ekaterina Krasavina. More details .

With dumbbell substitutes, you can perform various bends, lunges, and arm raises. And to make it convenient to hold such homemade equipment and not be distracted while doing exercises, carefully choose a bottle - the most optimal would be a vessel with an hourglass shape.

For squats, Marina Starostina advises using a backpack filled with heavy objects. The weight will be distributed evenly, and you won’t have to hold anything extra in your hands.

Overcoming resistance

There are a number of exercises that can be performed additional scales not required. The load on the muscles here is ensured by maintaining balance in an unstable position and overcoming the resistance of the equipment itself. For example, athletes often use a gymnastic roller to work out. By rolling it forward, it is possible to achieve a position in which the core muscles are maximally tense, which means they are better developed. A similar technique can be used at home, using instead of a roller a rolling pin with rotating handles or towels that will easily slide across the floor. Towels can also be used to replace slides - special sports tracks on which you can imitate the sliding movements of a speed skater or roller skater, while working the leg muscles. Marina Starostina advises placing your palms and feet on towels and performing various planks and lunges: sliding surface will make the position even more unstable and force more muscles to work.

Instead of a sports expander, you can use a regular one elastic bandage. By stretching it and overcoming resistance, you will be able to work out the chest muscles well and shoulder girdle, back and even legs. “For overweight people, expanders are especially suitable for working out all joints, especially the shoulder and hip,” notes Marina Starostina.

We use additional surfaces

Additional surfaces can perform different functions - for beginners they can serve as a position stabilizer, for those who have been practicing for a long time - they can provide additional load. For example, an ordinary door will provide the necessary support for anyone who feels unsteady when doing squats and lunges.To do this, just hold on tightly to the door handle and “move” the door with you while doing the exercise. At the same time, the doorway will be an excellent place for push-ups. To do this, you need to place your hands on the sides of the doorway and move away to such a distance that your body forms a straight, inclined line. Marina Starostina also recommends using books for push-ups. By stacking several books, you can perform reverse push-ups, which serve for .

Stable chairs and small benches will replace the step platform; they can also be used to perform push-ups, lunges and squats, folds and leg raises. But Marina Starostina does not recommend using soft surfaces - a sofa and armchairs - for this. She notes that only a hard, stable surface will allow you to perform exercises with support at the highest quality.

In order to play sports, you first need desire. Then, even without everything you need at hand, you will find a way to train regularly, effectively and with pleasure.

About the importance physical activity Thousands of lines have already been written for health and normal weight, and it’s unlikely that any of us will talk about the opposite. However, if you look reality in the eye, then in practice it turns out that in gyms There are plenty of empty places, and it’s not difficult to get into group training.

In that case, where do other people train, or do they not train at all? And at this stage an interesting thing becomes clear: most people ignore training not because of enormous laziness or lack of motivation for sports, but because of a simple lack of free time or a discrepancy between their work schedule and the training schedule at the nearest fitness center.

What way out can be found in this situation? That's right: the ideal solution to the problem is to start training at home.

And in order for the classes to be effective and efficient, it is worth purchasing some sports equipment for home training.

We have compiled a list of the most popular and productive fitness tools for the home:

1. Dumbbells

Dumbbells are perhaps the most versatile and most common fitness equipment for home workouts.

Dumbbells are not expensive. You can choose dumbbells of any color and required weight, and there are also dumbbells with dialing weights - they are universal, since their weight can be changed.


– Using dumbbells you can pump up all the muscles of the body;

– You can choose dumbbells that are convenient in shape for you;

– Dumbbells are used both for strength training, and for increasing aerobic exercise;

– Dumbbells are very convenient to store; they take up almost no space.


– Incorrect weight of dumbbells can lead to muscle strain;

– Dumbbells will have to be changed from time to time, as the muscles will develop and the weight will need to be increased.

2. Barbell with collapsible weights

A barbell with collapsible weights will be a great help for men in home workouts.
You can buy a barbell with a small holder, then storing it when disassembled will be much easier and more compact.


– The barbell pumps up all types of muscles and is a universal sports equipment;

– The weight of the bar can be adjusted by the number of plates;

– The barbell can replace dumbbells and some home exercise equipment.


– The barbell is more expensive than dumbbells;

– Disproportionate weight can lead to muscle strain.

3. Gymnastic mat

Fitness and yoga lovers cannot do without a gymnastic mat at home. It is more convenient and pleasant to work on it than on the floor or carpet. It is impossible to damage the skin on the mat during intense workout, which cannot be said about an ordinary carpet or rug.

The mat softens landings during abdominal pumping and other similar exercises for moving the body or head.


– The mat softens the impact of the feet on the floor when jumping, reduces the load on the joints;

– It is more comfortable to train on a mat than on the floor;

– The rug is inexpensive;

– The rug can be easily stored at home when rolled up.


– The quality of some rugs leaves much to be desired;

– With frequent exercise, thin gymnastic mats wear out quickly.

4. Step platform

If your goal is to lose weight as quickly as possible, then the step platform will help you achieve desired goal. The step platform provides excellent opportunities for interval aerobic training and cardio workouts. With its help, you can do step aerobics without leaving home.


– The step platform can be used not only for its intended purpose, but also for push-ups, abdominal swings (as a holder for legs at height) and other exercises;

– The step platform takes up little space;

– The cost of a step platform is affordable for most athletes.


– The step platform weighs quite a lot and is difficult to carry;

– The step platform can be replaced by a low metal stool (children’s stool).

5. Fitball

IN last years fitball has gained great popularity. It is inexpensive, sold in almost all sports stores, and you can choose a ball of the required diameter and any design.

There are children's fitballs that are useful in family training. For the convenience of training, you can choose a fitball with handles that will help you better maintain your balance on the ball and not fall off it.


– When deflated, the fitball takes up very little space;

– Fitball will be indispensable in calm and safe fitness, as it allows even people in the process of rehabilitation after sports injuries;

– Fitball is safe for training people with problem joints lower limbs, since it creates almost no load on this part of the body (provided that you exercise while sitting on a fitball);

– Fitball training is recommended for older people and pregnant women;

– Fitball trains flexibility, coordination of movements and helps to acquire beautiful posture.


– When inflated, the fitball takes up a lot of space (especially with large diameters), it is difficult to fix it in one state;

– If the body weight is not distributed correctly, it is easy to fall off the fitball during training;

– Moderate exercise on a fitball will help build muscles and develop flexibility, but will have almost no effect on fat burning.

6. Hula hoop

The hoop has been a universal home workout tool for decades.
Previously, it was believed that by regularly spinning a hoop you could lose weight and get wasp waist However, practice has shown that this is not the case.

In stores you can find a huge variety of hoops: plastic, metal or rubber, with or without weights, with special balls and plates for additional massage of the body and problem areas, of any color and diameter.


– The hoop helps to pump up the oblique abdominal muscles, strengthen the back and abdominal muscles;

– The hoop is easy to store, for example, under a bed or behind a closet;

– The hoop is inexpensive.


– If the hoop is very heavy, it can leave bruises on the body;

– Choosing the wrong hoop diameter will make training more difficult and will be inconvenient to use;

– The hoop does not help remove fat from the waist;

– You still need to learn how to twist the hoop.

7. Tubular expander

This is an indispensable equipment for pumping the muscles of the upper body.

It helps remove sagging arms, tightens the abs, strengthens the chest and back muscles (girls will especially like the effect of pumping up the chest muscles).

You can also use an expander to improve your posture and help strengthen your spine.


– The expander helps to complicate the usual exercises for pumping muscles;

– It takes up very little space and weighs very little;


– Not everyone likes training with an expander.

8. Weights for legs and arms

If you have been training for quite some time and want to give your muscles additional stress so that the effectiveness of your training increases again, then weights for your legs and arms will come to your aid. They are easy to find for sale at any sports store, or you can make them yourself.


– Weights help increase the difficulty of strength and aerobic training;

– They are inexpensive and easy to store;

– You can choose weights with the desired weight or universal ones, where weight can be added;

– Weights help professional athletes prepare for competitions, since when they are removed, all exercises are much easier;

– Weights help to better work out the problem area.

– Weights are not always appropriate for training;

– The fabric holding the weights can tear with frequent training, and the fastenings of the weights also easily break;

– The fabric on the weights absorbs sweat and they need to be cleaned from time to time;

– If not attached correctly, weights may leave marks on the body.

9. Jump rope

A jump rope is great to use for cardio training. It takes up little space and weighs very little.

With the help of a jump rope, you can pump up your legs and abs, get beautiful posture, improve coordination of leg movements and synchronization of legs and arms.


– It’s cheap, sold everywhere, there are options for handle design and functionality;

– It’s easy to adjust the jump rope to your height (if it’s not short to begin with);

– Jumping rope helps burn fat and strengthens the cardiovascular system.


– Jumping rope puts serious stress on the knee joints;

– Jumping rope creates a lot of noise, which is unacceptable in apartment buildings;

– Exercises with a skipping rope require a lot of free space;

– If you swing the rope incorrectly, you can seriously hit yourself or others.

10. Ab roller

An ab roller will help complicate training to pump up your abs and will help
burning fat in the area abdominals, will strengthen the back muscles.


– Takes up little space;

– Can be used for gentle training of legs and knees during rehabilitation after injuries.


– Not sold everywhere;

– With strong pressure it can leave marks on linoleum and laminate.

11. Swedish wall

If you have space in your apartment, then do not forget about such an invention as wall bars. With its help you can organize as much as possible universal training. And if you have children at home, then the wall bars will definitely come in handy.


– Allows you to pump different muscle groups;

– Compatible with some home exercise equipment (press bench, parallel bars, horizontal bar, rope ladder, etc.);

– Allows the whole family to train, including children.


– Requires space and space for attachment and training;

– It’s not cheap;

– It is advisable to purchase a small mat for children so that they do not get injured if they fall from a height.

12. Punching bag

Even if you don't professional boxer, a punching bag can help you with your home workouts.

It perfectly pumps up the muscles of the arms, back and oblique abdominal muscles (during turns during impact and twisting).


– Helps relieve stress after a hard day at work;

– Easy to store when not in use.


– Requires enough space for training;

– May tear during intense and regular training.

13. Bench for crunches

With the help of such a device it is easy to pump up at home beautiful abs and pump up your obliques
the abdominal muscles, which are the hardest to pump.


– Facilitates abdominal training;

– By increasing the angle of the bench, you can increase the range of motion and the load on different muscles abs and backs.


– It’s not cheap;

– Takes up a lot of space;

– There is no universality of training.

14. Push-up supports

If you dream of beautiful chest and pumped triceps, then think about buying push-up supports. They will allow you to increase the load during push-ups and speed up the effect of such training.


– The handles of the supports give the new kind loads for your muscles, which helps them develop;

– On average, such supports can withstand loads of up to 120 kg, which allows them to be used by both women and men;

– Push-up supports will help in building muscle mass in the arms;

– They weigh little, take up little space;

– Do not slip during use and do not scratch the floor.


– Except for the fact that they are not suitable for push-ups, there is no versatility;

- They are not sold everywhere.

15. Leg split stretching machine

If you dream of doing the splits, but have the time and opportunity to go to personal
If you don’t have a workout at the fitness center, then a leg splits stretching machine will be very appropriate.

This relatively new device will allow you to systematically stretch your legs for transverse and longitudinal splits.


– Takes up little space, weighs little, can be folded;

– Allows you to stretch the twine gradually without unnecessary loads;

– Adjustable depending on muscle stretch and your capabilities;

– There are special handles that are comfortable to hold on to while stretching.


– Not universal in use;

– Not sold everywhere;

– Almost useless when the split muscles are well stretched and the goal is achieved.

Now your home workouts will definitely not be boring and ineffective. Choose fitness tools according to your taste and preference. Good luck with your home workouts!

Did you find this article helpful? Then like us and write in the comments what sports equipment do you use at home?

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First, development personal program training at home may seem like a difficult task. It's actually quite easy if you start by setting good goals and work towards achieving them little by little.

For equipment we set two conditions:

1. The equipment is inexpensive or free.

2. The space required to perform the exercises is minimal.

You can study at home and without any equipment, but basic tools will increase the number of exercises you can do, as well as their effectiveness. Ideally you should have the following:

Pair of dumbbells

To perform the home exercises, you will use a bed, a doorway, and a chair.

Adjustable dumbbells are available at any sporting goods store. A ten-kilogram kit costs about $20. Ideally you should have two sets. Then, as you get stronger, you can purchase additional weights as needed.

The point of using dumbbells is to increase the difficulty of the exercises so that you continually make progress. If you always perform exercises with the same weight (for example, only with own weight), even if you increase the number of reps and sets, you will quickly reach a plateau. Weight training is all about the principle of overload. Using dumbbells is the best way to achieve this overload.

Instead of dumbbells, you can use bottles filled with water (the amount of water depends on the load you need). Large bottles with handles (similar to milk jugs) will be easier to use.

This is a collapsible horizontal bar that is attached above a doorway or between two walls in a corridor. After use, it can be removed and stored elsewhere so that it does not take up space. This horizontal bar is used when training the back, but we don’t need it.

There are short horizontal bars (about a meter) or longer ones (more than a meter). If you have free room for training, choose longer horizontal bars. They will help add more variety to the exercises you can do at home.

Rubber bands or tubing are available at any sporting goods store. Some hardware stores also sell them.

The advantage of rubber bands is that they provide significant resistance and load, but are lightweight. The tapes are easy to transport and store at home. Ideally, you should have rubber bands of several diameters or thicknesses so that you can easily change the resistance.

Resistance provided rubber bands, is very different from the resistance created by the body or the weight of the projectile. The more you pull the band, the greater the resistance. However, if you lift a 10kg dumbbell, it will always weigh 10kg, regardless of whether you are at the beginning, middle or end of the movement.

However, it would be unwise to choose only one type of load and not use the other at all. Both dumbbells and bands have their advantages and disadvantages in terms of load and resistance. One is not better than the other. The best way- combine them as much as possible. Combining them allows you to enjoy all the benefits while eliminating the disadvantages of both. This synergy provides a unique load on the muscles that surpasses all others.

About sports fit figure everyone dreams today. A balanced diet is not always enough for this - weight loss (i.e. as such), of course, occurs, but the muscles remain sluggish and the figure does not look as attractive as we would like. There is only one way out - sport!

To go to Gym, exercise on treadmills, multifunctional exercise machines for all muscle groups... Ideal! But, unfortunately, this pleasure is not cheap. And besides, between family, work, study (underline as appropriate), it is not always possible to find time to work out in the gym. What to do then? Exercise at home!

- a great option for all people with busy schedule: An hour-long workout 3-4 times a week is enough to get the desired figure, and it doesn’t take as much time and money as going to the gym.

But doing training on your own, without auxiliary items, you are unlikely to achieve results very soon. That's why ideal solution will purchase basic sports equipment, with the help of which you will be able to exercise yourself no worse than in the gym.

  1. Dumbbells. This is the basis of any sports set. However, you should not think that they are needed only for strength exercises in your arms. Dumbbells are a universal exercise machine with which you can perform a variety of approaches to the buttocks, legs, and abs, making the exercises more difficult and effective. Ideally, purchase detachable dumbbells so that as you increase your experience and endurance, you can also increase the weight of the dumbbells. Try using dumbbells during exercises according to the system - not at the initial stage, but as you progress in your exercises.
  2. Weights. A wonderful thing that will become a good assistant in both strength and cardio training. After all, running is much more interesting if you have an extra 5 kg on your legs, isn’t it? Yes, and swinging your arms in Zumba will acquire its own zest if you use weights.
  3. Jump rope. Yes, yes, that same children's toy. It costs a penny, you can even take it from your children or younger siblings. But how much benefit there is from it! In addition to fun, energetic and even nostalgic cardio, it can be used to do stretching, warm-up and cool-down.
  4. Fitball. A miracle ball that will make your training very diverse. Using this equipment, you can do a huge number of exercises for different muscle groups: legs, buttocks, abs... Moreover, all the approaches will be unusual and you can “surprise” your muscles quite cool. And for a sore back, this is a real gift - stretching on this ball will help a lot.
  5. Expander. Your back and arms will thank you for purchasing such a mini-exercise machine. It is suitable for both those who want to pump up the muscles of these groups, and those who simply want to stretch their back. The expander is especially recommended for people leading a sedentary lifestyle.
  6. Sandbag. This equipment is a bag with comfortable handles and several compartments where sand is poured. Due to the sand, the weight of the equipment can reach up to 20 kg. A wonderful alternative to barbells, and also more multifunctional. It is perfect for strength exercises for all muscle groups. It is especially convenient to do cross-fit exercises with such a bag.

By the way, read about it - some options will probably surprise you.

Improve yourself, try, go towards your goal. And remember: “Desire is a thousand possibilities, reluctance is a thousand reasons.”

Mini Tips for Losing Weight

    Reduce your portions by a third - that's what will help you lose weight! Short and to the point :)

    Add more or stop? When this question arises, it’s definitely time to stop eating. This is the body giving you a signal that you will be full soon, otherwise you would not doubt it.

    If you tend to overeat in the evenings, then take a warm shower before dinner. 5-7 minutes, and you already have a completely different mood and attitude towards food. Try it - it works.

    No matter how delicious the food is, you will eat it many more times. This is not the last meal of your life! Remind yourself of this when you feel like you can’t stop and are frantically swallowing piece after piece.

    Our environment influences us - that's a fact! Avoid conversations like “I lost weight and couldn’t”, “but we’ll still remain fat”, “ good man there must be a lot." Well, even if there are “a lot” of them, what do you have to do with it?

    Remember a simple word: graceful. This is exactly what your portion of unhealthy foods should be. And then you too will become graceful - it’s only a matter of time.

    To reduce the likelihood of overeating, follow the “10 calm spoons” rule. It says: “Eat the first ten spoonfuls very slowly, as slowly as you can.”
