How to control speed while running. Keeping your finger on the pulse: interval running. How does health affect a person’s average jogging speed?

Most of these rules came from an idea in the mind of some runner. After some time, he recounted it to several running friends (probably during a long cross-country run).

The words spread - and before they reached you and me, scientists studied them and trainers checked them.

So the idea turned into a theory, and the theory into generally accepted wisdom. Along with each rule, we list exceptions. After all, as we were taught at school, every rule has them.

1. Rule of preparation

The most effective training simulates the competition you are preparing for.

This is the basic rule of training for any activity. If you want to run 10 kilometers at a pace of 5 minutes/km, then you need to do several workouts at that pace.

Exception: It is impractical to completely simulate the competition (especially long distances), as this will require a longer recovery. Therefore, when preparing for a specific start, run a slightly shorter distance or do short segments with recovery pauses ( interval training) at the desired pace.

2. 10% rule

Increase your weekly training mileage by no more than 10 percent.

Jo Henderson, the first editor of Runner's World, and Joan Ullet, M.D., pioneered the ten percent recommendation: "I've noticed that runners who increase their training load very quickly, they are exposed to injury,” says Dr. Ullet.

Exception: if after long break in training, your mileage does not exceed 10 km per week, you can increase it by more than 10% until you reach your usual training load.

3. 2-hour rule

There should be about two hours between eating and training.

"For most people, two hours is enough time for food to leave the stomach, especially if it's rich in carbohydrates," says dietitian Cindy Dallow.

Time after eating is necessary to digest what you eat. Otherwise, the risk of abdominal cramps, bloating and even vomiting increases.

Exception: After a light, high-carbohydrate meal, you can run within 90 minutes, while after a heavy meal, rich in protein and fat, you will need to wait up to three hours.

4. 10 minute rule

Start each run with ten minutes of walking or slow jogging. Do the same for the cool down.

6. Rule of habitual food

Do not eat or drink anything new before, during, or hard training.

The gastrointestinal tract gets used to a certain composition of nutrients. Usually you can change this composition without problems, but in conditions of pre-race jitters you risk digestive problems.

Exception: If you can barely stand, eating unfamiliar food is probably better than not eating anything at all.

7. Recovery rule

For every two kilometers completed in a competition, allow yourself one day of rest before returning to hard training or competition.

This means no speed work or competition for six days after ten kilometers or twenty-six days after a marathon.

The author of this rule is Jack Foster, world record holder among veterans marathon running: “My method is to take approximately one day off from running for every two kilometers I run in a race.”

Exception: If you haven't been running as hard as you can, you can reduce the number of rest days.

8. Headwind and tailwind rule

A headwind always slows you down more than a tailwind speeds you up.

So keep in mind that on windy days you will run slower.

“I don't pay attention to my watch on really windy days because headwinds cost me 10 to 15 seconds every kilometer, and I can only make up a fraction of that if I turn around,” says Mont Wells, a long-distance runner in the windiest city in America, Amarillo, Texas.

The point is to control your effort, not your pace. Start against the wind, and halfway through the distance turn back so that the wind blows at your back.

Exception: When running with obstacles and a tailwind at your back, you will fly faster than usual.

9. Rule of dialogue

You should be able to speak in complete sentences while running.

A recent study found that runners whose heart rate and breathing rates were within their target aerobic zone were able to recite the Pledge of Allegiance freely. Those who couldn't ran faster than their optimal pace.

Exception: it is impossible to talk calmly during speed work or competitions (and for some people it is difficult to speak in full sentences even at rest - approx. NB).

10. 35 kilometer rule

Gradually increasing your mileage, run 35 km at least once before the marathon.

Long running simulates a marathon, which requires long periods of time on your feet. Knowing that you can run 35 kilometers will help you manage 42.

Exception: some coaches suggest that for experienced marathon runners, running 25 or 28 km as the most long workout, others advise running up to 38 km.

11. Carb Loading Rule

Emphasize carbohydrates in your diet a few days before your long-distance race.

14. Rule of running up and down

Running uphill slows you down more than running downhill speeds you up.

Therefore, keep in mind that running speed on hills is slower than on flat ground. When running down a mountain, you do not get back the energy spent running up.

Exception: When you're running on a trail that alternates uphill and downhill, your average pace will be higher than on a flat course.

15. Sleep rule

For every two kilometers you travel in a week, sleep an extra minute each night.

If you run 60 kilometers a week, sleep half an hour more every night.

“Lack of sleep negatively affects training. The average person needs 7.5 to 8 hours of sleep, so increase it if you exercise,” recommends David Claman, director of the Sleep Disorders Research Center at the University of California-San Francisco.

Exception: some high-energy people may not need the extra sleep.

16. Refueling rule

Consume a carbohydrate-protein combination meal and drink within 30-60 minutes after an event, speed work, or long run.

"You need carbohydrate replenishment to replenish depleted muscle glycogen," says Nancy Clark, RD, author of The Marathon Runner's Eating Guide. “The ideal carb-to-protein ratio is 4 to 1. Here are some examples: 150-300 calories of low-fat chocolate milk, restorative sports drink, yogurt, or bagel and peanut butter.”

Exception: immediate refueling is not so important if you are not going for heavy running training within the next 24 hours.

17. The rule is not only about running

Runners who only run are prone to injury.

"Adjacent or power training will make you a stronger, healthier runner,” explains coach Chris Swartout. “Non-impact sports such as cycling or swimming will help shape accessory muscles, used when running, and at the same time give the opportunity to rest the main running muscles.”

Exception: The surefire way to run better is to run. Therefore, if your time is limited, devote the lion's share of it to running.

Look ours, which will not take you much time to complete.

18. Rule of uniform tempo

The best way to set a personal best is to maintain a steady pace from start to finish.

Most 10,000-meter and marathon world records set over the past decade have featured a steady pace maintained by the runners.

“If you run too fast early in a race, you will almost always pay for it later,” warns John Sinclair, the American 12K record holder.

Exception: this does not apply to hilly routes or windy days, where the goal is to control even effort.

More about this tactic: to run with a good result

19. New sneakers rule

Change your sneakers after every 600-800 kilometers.

“But even before they get that worn out,” says Warren Green, editor of Runner’s World, “buy a new pair and alternate them with the old one for a while. Don't wait until your only pair turns into junk."

Also keep in mind that the shoes will be worn out after spring.

Exception: The rate at which running shoes wear out can vary depending on the type of running shoes, your weight, how your foot strikes, and the surface you run on.

20. Light/heavy rule

After a hard training day Allow yourself one “easy day.”

"Light" means short, slow running or no training at all. A “hard day” is a long run, tempo run, or speed work.

"Give your body the rest it needs to make your next hard workout more effective," advises two-time Olympian Todd Williams.

Exception: After the most grueling speed work or long runs, especially if you're 40 or older, wait two or even three days before your next challenging workout.

21. 10 degree rule

Dress for running as if it were 10 degrees warmer outside than the thermometer actually shows.

In other words, dress according to how you'll feel in the middle of your run, not during the early miles when your body is still warming up.

"For cold days, it's a lightweight, warm, and breathable top and tights," says Emily Walser, apparel writer for Sporting Goods Business Magazine.

On warm days, wear light, functional clothing that evaporates sweat well.

Exception: at temperatures above +20 degrees, wear minimal, light clothing in light colors.

Below is a guide to help you dress appropriately for your running workout. Please note that on very windy days you may need to dress warmer.

Detailed guides to choosing clothes for a run:

22. Tempo rule for speed work

Most effective pace for maximum oxygen consumption - 20 sec/km faster than your 5km pace.

The best way to increase aerobic performance and speed over long distances is to do VO2-max interval training. The pioneer of such training is Jack Daniels, Ph.D. and trainer.

“By challenging the aerobic system,” he says, “this pace optimizes the volume of blood pumped and the amount of oxygen your muscles can use.”

Exception: For fast runners this pace is: 10 seconds faster per kilometer from the 5k pace, and for slow ones - 30 seconds.

23. Tempo run rule

Anaerobic threshold or speed for tempo run It should be something you can maintain while running as hard as you can for an hour.

This pace should be approximately 15 seconds slower per kilometer than your 10K pace, or 30 seconds slower per kilometer than your 5K pace.

The main benefit of this tempo is that it is fast enough for hard long workouts, but slow enough not to overload the muscles. The ideal duration for a tempo run is 20-25 minutes.

Exception: for fast runners, this pace will be less than -15 seconds for 10K pace (i.e. -5-10 seconds). For slow ones - a little more than -30 seconds from the pace (i.e. -35-40 seconds) per 10 km.

24. Rule of pace for long distances

During long workouts, keep your pace at least two minutes slower per kilometer than your 5K pace.

“It's true that you can't run very slowly during long training sessions,” says Jeff Galloway, a correspondent for Runner's World. But very fast, tempo running can increase recovery time and increase the risk of injury.”

Exception: on hot days you need to run even slower.

25. Finish time rule

The longer the race, the slower your pace.

Exception: The terrain, the weather or your well-being on the day of the competition is more important than this rule.

Translation and adaptation: Anna Gorodenskaya.

  • and turn running into a habit
  • And that's why

Running is one of the most accessible and at the same time effective types Cardio training. It helps to lose weight, strengthens the cardiovascular system, and improves immunity. Running at any time is beneficial, but experts still agree that the best option are morning jogging, which trigger all processes in the body and help to get a boost of energy for the whole day. But it is important for beginners to know how to start running in the morning correctly, so as not to get a completely opposite effect.

There are many reasons to start running in the morning. Running is an aerobic exercise that involves a large number of muscles and body systems. It is accompanied by increased breathing and increased heart rate. In view of this Jogging promotes the following:

  • accelerate metabolic processes;
  • improve lung ventilation;
  • normalize blood pressure;
  • use capillaries that the body has not used before;
  • develop endurance;
  • stimulate brain function;
  • increase resistance to stress;
  • actively burn calories.

Morning jogging is useful for those who have a hard time waking up - they set the body in the right mood, charge you with energy and vigor for the day ahead, and help develop determination, endurance, and strength of character. Thus, running has a complex effect on the body, so its benefits cannot be overestimated.

Morning jogging also helps cope with increased appetite.

How to start running in the morning: basic rules

“We agreed to start running at 8 am” - you can often hear from someone. Indeed, agreeing to go jogging with someone is a good decision. You can motivate each other, and it will be more fun. But this is optional. You can run alone, depending on who is more comfortable. The main thing is your motivation. You can't give up halfway.

The first thing you need to know is morning jogging for beginners should not be done immediately after waking up. The body needs to prepare for it a little. The reason is that the moment you wake up, the blood viscosity level is higher than at any other time. Therefore, exercise can harm the cardiovascular system. The best option is to wake up, drink a glass of clean water and eat a light breakfast, wait a little, and only then go for a run.

Another point is warming up. You need to start every morning run with it. You can warm up both outdoors and at home. With the first option, start your warm-up with walking. First, walk 100-200 meters at a normal pace. Then gradually increase your walking pace. The second two hundred meters should be faster than the first. Then you can start executing general physical exercises, such as swings, bends, turns, squats. Do your usual exercises at home. The optimal warm-up duration is 15-20 minutes. You don’t need more either, because you may get too tired and have no energy left to run.

The warm-up phase cannot be ignored. It helps improve the flexibility of ligaments and joints, prepares muscles for stress, and reduces the risk of injury. It also promotes the redistribution of blood flow, due to which the muscles receive more nutrients and oxygen, and the fat burning process is more active.

About breathing

If you are interested in running in the morning for beginners, then check out the key points regarding nutrition. Running is cyclic, that is, continuous loads Therefore, the breathing process must be controlled. Distraction from breathing provokes insufficient ventilation of the lungs, which will negatively affect your condition: shortness of breath will occur, running will become difficult, and possible oxygen starvation of the brain.

To prevent such problems observe breathing technique. When running at an average or slow pace, try to breathe so that for every 3-4 steps you inhale and exhale. You need to inhale through your nose, and not top part chest, and the diaphragm either bottom belly. You can exhale through your mouth. Calm and measured breathing will reduce the load on the cardiovascular system and increase the effectiveness of cardio training.

Choose the right place for your morning run. It is not advisable to run near the highway, where there are a lot of cars and very polluted air. Try to create a route where the air is as clean as possible. A park, woodland, field would be great.

Morning jogging for beginners: equipment

For jogging, choose comfortable, lightweight shoes with perforated holes. Pay special attention to the thickness of the sole, which should be at least a centimeter. Inspect the laces before purchasing. They should tie well, hold the leg tightly and not slip.

The best clothes to wear for running are determined by the weather. In hot weather, it is better to run in the lightest possible clothing made from natural materials. If it is less than 17 degrees outside, wear a tracksuit. When it's cool, wear a warm suit, a light jacket and a hat that covers your ears. When running in the cold, it is better to use a windproof, waterproof suit with a thin layer of insulation. Also wear warm gloves, a hat that protects your head and ears from the wind, and high, insulated sneakers. Women, regardless of the weather, should always wear a special bra that provides proper breast support.

How much and how often to run

The effectiveness of aerobic exercise will largely be determined by the frequency and duration of exercise. The optimal schedule option is to run 3-5 times a week. For those who are just planning how to start running in the morning from scratch, you can limit yourself to three workouts. Less frequent exercise may not be effective, and excessive exercise tends to provoke loss of strength.

As for the duration of the lesson, for weight loss it is recommended that it last 30-40 minutes. The fact is that first the body burns carbohydrate reserves, and only then proceeds to the breakdown of fats. But for beginners it will be quite difficult to cope with such a run. Start with 15 minutes and gradually increase the level of stress.

The morning jogging schedule table for beginners, shown in the photo, will help you navigate and choose the optimal program for yourself.

About running technique

It seems that such a process is difficult, running in the morning to lose weight for beginners - just take it and run. But this is not so - the technique must be correct, otherwise the effectiveness of the loads is significantly reduced, but the risk of getting a knee or spine injury increases. If you feel pain and discomfort during training, this is an indication that you are running incorrectly. It is important to train your body to take the correct position. For proper jogging, consider the following:

  • Your posture should be straight, keeping your head straight in front of you.
  • Shoulders are relaxed and slightly lowered.
  • The elbows must be bent at a right angle, the arms must be constantly working.
  • Do not clench your hands.
  • As you run, bend your knee to provide shock absorption.
  • Land with your foot on the ground below you.
  • Landing midfoot, roll onto your toes and push off the ground.

At first it may be difficult for you to control all these nuances, but over time the body will get used to it and will automatically take the correct position.

How to start a run

Where to start jogging in the morning? The main mistake common to most novice runners is high speed at the start. Start your run with walking, and then gradually increase your walking speed and start running smoothly. A fast pace is fraught with loss of breath, which can cause you to leave the race ahead of time, and accordingly, your results will also suffer from this.

When jogging, be sure to control your pulse. Its optimal performance is 120-150 beats per minute. After finishing your run, watch how quickly your heart rate returns. If it takes more than five minutes, reduce the intensity of the exercise.

By the way, experts often interval running is recommended for beginners to lose weight. Spend the first ten minutes brisk walking, the next 15 - I run at an average pace, then go to maximum speed. When you feel that you are starting to get tired and your breathing is difficult, gradually return to an average pace. During a run, it is advisable to do 2-3 approaches with acceleration.


Before you plan to jog in the morning for weight loss for beginners, make sure that you have no contraindications. And these include the following:

  • diseases of cardio-vascular system: heart defects, tachycardia, angina pectoris, chronic heart failure, stroke or heart attack;
  • diseases of the spine ( intervertebral hernia, osteochondrosis, certain forms of scoliosis);
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • lung problems (asthma, bronchitis);
  • arthritis and arthrosis;
  • flat feet;
  • glaucoma.

But some of the contraindications are relative, so it is recommended to consult a specialist. He will determine whether you can run and under what conditions, and if the answer is negative, he will advise what you can do instead of jogging.

In general, jogging in the morning is a great way to both lose weight and improve your health. Remember regularity and perseverance - these are the main keys to the effectiveness of your training. Correct technique running in combination with them will give you wonderful results.

Video motivation for running in the morning

Running technique or how to run?

About legs part 1

Let's consider running technique - the work of joints, arms, legs, spine.

Running is a controlled fall.

Those. we fall forward and simply place our feet under us one at a time. But how should they be substituted correctly?
During recreational jogging, the leg does not rise high - it is as if the foot glides above the surface - almost touches it. The foot touches the surface of the treadmill or asphalt with the heel - Point number 1 in the figure, then the foot begins to roll along the outer edge to the toe and there the rolling passes - past the little finger to the big toe.

The foot lifts off the surface at the tip thumb legs – point number 2 in the figure.
The trajectory of rolling the foot along the support looks roughly like in the pictures below:

Better this way: or at least like this:

Moreover, when running - as well as when walking - the foot does not relax at the moment of rolling over the surface - note - rolling - i.e. the foot is like a wheel - rolling along the surface from the heel to the big toe.
Therefore, the foot should not be relaxed at the time of rolling - it’s like a sector of the rim of a wheel. Therefore, the foot must maintain rigidity in order for the body weight to roll over it.

Jogging in almost complete darkness over rough terrain (when you generally know the route - but you cannot see and remember all the holes and bumps on the road - since the distance is about 5 km) then you understand how the foot should move - even if the running speed is about 10- 11 km per hour is no longer a recreational run, of course, but a sports one,

but the understanding of how to run correctly appears precisely on rough terrain and, especially, in poor external conditions - darkness, rain, fog.

The foot moves like this - the heel, when carrying the foot, moves as close as possible to the surface - the theoretical surface - i.e. when running in almost complete darkness, you don’t know how the oncoming surface changes - but you lead your foot - with your heel close to the theoretically flat surface - but always with your toe up - like a ski jumper’s ski.

Here it must be added that with such a movement of the foot, the knee of the leg is also bent - and the darker the surrounding and the more rugged the terrain, the more the knee is bent. Running is done on bent legs.

By carrying the foot over the running surface in such a way as in the figure above, we protect ourselves from injury if we accidentally encounter a bump or hole. Of course, here I am not considering mounds the size of a meter - nothing can compensate for such, but small vibrations of the surface - i.e. a hillock up to 10-15 cm and a hole up to half a meter.

If there is a bump, then the leg or simply rubs the foot against it - what will we feel and just continue running, or if the toe unexpectedly rests on an obstacle, we will stumble, of course - but because of bent knee we won’t fall – or we won’t fall as hard as we could with a standard leg kick.

If the hillock does not grow so sharply, then we will begin to touch the slope of the hillock with our heel and thereby feel that there is a hillock ahead and react.

If there is a hole, then the fall of the leg into the hole due to bent knees will not be so critical.
A little lower, when describing the work of the knees and hips, it will become clear why we are not so afraid of pits with this method of running over rough terrain.
When running during the day on smooth asphalt, we will not bend our knees so much and our feet will not lift up so much - which will make running more comfortable and easier - and therefore faster.
If you run classically, then an unexpected fall into a hole in the dark can cause a broken leg or, at a minimum, a dislocation.

I can confirm this - since we ran for several years - 90-100 runs per season and about half of them took place in the dark, and neither rain nor snow was a reason to postpone the run, because our cardiovascular system does not care what the weather is like outside - All that matters to her is the load parameters, and the weather is only a subjective factor that influences our emotional perception. If it weren’t for this technique, I would definitely have broken or dislocated something, but during the entire time of running in the dark, none of us had a single injury.
Legs - above the feet, the knees do not work much - the hips work more than the knees. The knees move only slightly - flexion and extension, but the main task of raising the leg and adjusting the level is performed by the hips due to the work of the back muscles. Those. in principle, we run using the muscles of the back - they are strong and close to the heart - as a result, the path of blood supply and the path of removal of metabolic products is not at all as far away - as if we start pumping the muscles of the legs.

The leg muscles also work - but not in the same load mode as they would have worked without the back muscles being involved in the running process.
The calf muscles work - as they control the action of the foot and its propulsion. Although at the first stage the foot should not push at all - it simply holds the shape of a wheel - for rolling along it. And only when you start running well and easily will your foot begin to push - this will happen by itself - it will simply become stronger and begin to push you without any noticeable effort.
So - the legs are only rearranged - like crutches - substituting themselves under the body - falling forward - in the direction of running. The legs begin to work more - when you run over rough terrain or on loose and unstable ground - that's when the legs and knees come into play - the whole leg begins to act as a large shock absorber.

But for recreational running on a flat and hard surface, we don’t need this yet. But we will come to this - it will manifest itself as your body recovers and strengthens.
In the crossed out pictures below, I presented how we don’t need to run - after all, we run for health, not for speed, and I gave my brief explanations for each picture.

In the photo above - I think that the knee of the leg - located behind - the pushing one is too straightened; for us in recreational running this is not only unnecessary - but also harmful.

And also - as you can see in the photo - the leg in front will touch the surface with the toe, and not the heel, which is wrong when running slowly. Yes, when you run a hundred meters, there is a completely different running method - similar and arising from this, but, nevertheless, different.

In the photo above, there are the same disadvantages for our recreational running - an overly straightened supporting (back) leg and moving the leg forward - with the toe down, which will lead to placing the foot on the toe or the entire foot, which is justified in speed running - but completely unjustified in recreational running or long distance running.

In this photo, the feet are not visible on the green grass - but the straightness of the pushing leg and the excessive bending of the front leg are clearly visible. The appearance of this running technique appeared due to the fact that when running we stopped using our hips.

And they stopped using their hips due to the fact that they began to run little over rough terrain and in the dark, and without this - on a flat surface, the hips became not so important and they began to be used less and less - until finally the technique of running without using the muscles of the back and hips became generally accepted and instructors began to show this to their students - and the running technique was completely transferred to the legs, although most of the load should be borne by the back.

In this photo you can see white sneakers - they seem to be located almost as they should, but this position of the legs with fully straightened knees does not exactly suit us.

Here a couple of girls are running almost as we need - but you should pay attention to the excessive straightness of the knee of the back - pushing leg. But overall it’s good.

In this photo (above) along the seashore, apparently the speed is very high - since the landing will occur on the toe of the foot - which is strictly contraindicated for us for recreational running and the push is too high - i.e. there is an element of jumping out.
As for landing on the toe, there is a rule: the higher the speed, the closer the landing occurs to the toe.
During slow running (which we are now considering), the foot touches the surface at the heel and then rolls to the toe.
At medium speed, the foot touches the surface with the entire foot and then rolls to the toe.
On high speed the foot touches the surface with the toe and this same touch is the push - i.e. the push is already happening as if towards the support.

The photo above shows a good technical speed running along the seashore at high speed - but we don’t need that yet.
Let's look at the recommendations for running that I found on the Internet, and they, I must say, amazed me, because before that I had not read books on running instructions at all, but studied running strictly in the process of running - at distances, from my own experience.
Even before serving in the army, I started running at school - then I took part in athletics competitions from school - but, to be honest, I didn’t feel any desire for sports running then - since it required colossal health and monstrous speed. In general, sport requires all the internal reserves - which is not very necessary for ordinary life, here the beneficial effect of character strengthening is more, and even then it is not always positive.
I ran and skied a lot. In the army, I really appreciated my commitment to applied running training - since applied running was what was needed there - forced marches and even morning jogging as part of a unit are a shining example applied running – i.e. not sports, but running applied to some task.

Because we didn’t run fast – we just ran a lot and formed formations.
And this is where the purpose of running is most clearly reflected - one of the methods of moving over a distance. For running in the army sports running it was needed only when passing the VSK (military sports complex) standards, but beyond that it was not needed and was even harmful.
And if you don’t pass the VSK, then you don’t need it at all to perform the operational tasks of the unit. But you need to be able to run like that - at least in order to be able to run 50 meters during shelling to cover very quickly - after all, this is a necessary thing.
And with the help of our healthy running classes, after a certain amount of training time (the period depends on the current state of health and your perseverance and attentiveness), you will be able to technically run very fast and technically fast run will flow harmoniously from our health running.

This shows high-speed running (that’s why the landing is shown on the toe) - this is what modern, sports benefits– and we don’t yet need such a technique for recreational running, although in general the technique is good and you can even see how the shoulder rotates.

And here it seems that the speed is shown to be low - but the landing is also shown on the toe - why is this necessary?? Unclear. Looking at the drawing, there is a feeling that the runner seems to be jumping over something - over some kind of ditch, but the worst thing is that this ditch is not there, but there is a jump.
Modern instructions mainly adopt the technique of pushing while running, rather than rolling along the feet. The pushing technique can be seen in almost all running manuals.

Here again the pair is clearly visible: push - landing.
Push from a fully straightened supporting leg and land on the entire foot of the front leg.
And we need to roll like a wheel. Don't jump like a monkey.

I found a picture and although it is not entirely clear whether this is walking or running, in any case, both in walking and running, there should not be such a position of the knees as shown in the picture.
The knee of the supporting (back) leg is completely straightened and its foot is completely on the surface - although it is clear that the projection of the center of gravity of the body onto this surface has already gone beyond the area of ​​support of the foot of the supporting leg. For comparison, I’ll post a photo next to it that shows how to bend your knees in this position.

Here - the photo above shows, for comparison, the position of the knees when moving both when walking and running. The left picture shows how they teach it, and the two right pictures show how I do it and recommend it. One of the rules is that the knee of the back leg does not straighten completely, but rolls along the foot - if the knee is straightened, then a straight knee will not roll along the supporting foot. Here is a video showing how to try rolling on the foot on the supporting leg:

You need to learn to roll in your footsteps.

To be continued….

Without a doubt, all cardio exercises are beneficial for your health and figure. But of all, it is the most accessible type of daily fitness: it is very necessary for our body and allows us to keep ourselves in shape, always maintain a figure and good health. Many people strive to run, in one form or another, but most people run incorrectly, injuring and destroying joints and muscles, disrupting the functioning of the cardiac system. Hence the health problems and persistent reluctance to continue regular training.

As we said, unfortunately, for this reason people give up running, and their health worsens, and then they say: “running is harmful,” “running is not a sport for everyone,” etc. But running can be a very useful and even necessary type of physical activity - regular, proper running develops and trains almost all muscles, improves the functioning of all organs and systems (endocrine, cardiovascular, etc.), protects against stress and depression, allows a person to become exceptionally hardy.

Those who do not run, but “pump up their muscles” on exercise machines, often “break down” even on short distances. And a quick climb up the stairs without an elevator to 6-7 floors can become an extreme burden for them.

Let's talk about how to run correctly? What does technique mean and how should you breathe correctly when running?

Running technique

The technique of correct running may differ in the way the supporting leg contacts the ground: some run “from the heel”, others - “from the toe” or with the wide part of the foot planted. The first method is most often chosen, and for slow running it is quite suitable.

But professionals know that this technique is not suitable for running at a normal and fast pace: the load on the joints is high, they cannot stand it and literally “break”, especially since amateurs often run on unnaturally hard surfaces - for example, on asphalt.

It practically frees the joints from the load of the so-called. toe run. This is how athletes run: the foot is smoothly lowered onto the toe, then onto the wide part, and then, for a split second, onto the heel; Ideally, your heel should just touch the ground. For beginners, this is usually difficult - the muscles get tired quickly, but it is better to learn the correct running technique right away than to relearn it. It is recommended to start training at a slow pace and not put your foot on your heel; If you can't run with your toes, lean on the wide part of your foot.

Secrets of success

In order to run correctly, you need to look forward, at the horizon, keep your chin straight, straighten your neck, tighten your abs a little, straighten your shoulders and lower them, bring your shoulder blades together and don’t slouch: rib cage should also be straightened out.

When running, you should not turn your body to the sides and rotate your hips: this creates interference and takes a lot of energy.

Do not tilt your body too much forward or backward, do not bend in the pelvic area - do not overstrain your spine. Experienced trainers It is recommended to determine the appropriate position using simple way. Take a running position, relax your back, and slowly bend over: the correct body position will be at the moment when you have to instinctively “throw your leg” to avoid falling. A slight forward lean is usually enough to speed up your run.

When running, press your elbows to your body, bending them at an angle of 90°; palms with slightly clenched fingers facing each other. When running correctly, your arms should “walk” back and forth a little - this will help you maintain the rhythm.

There is no need to put your foot forward and shuffle your foot: land softly on the wide part of your foot so that it is always under the center of gravity of the body - its point is located in the lower abdomen.

When your feet touch the ground, your knees should be slightly bent; When lifting the leg, the heel is pulled towards the buttock.

Don't bring your knees together - direct them in line with your feet.

The correct running step is not too long, but not too short: 3 steps per second is considered the norm.

When your leg lowers, try to relax it as much as possible.

How to breathe correctly

One of the key aspects of proper running is breathing. So how should you breathe?

There are no clear instructions - everyone is different, but there are rules that are best followed. Yes, master it diaphragmatic breathing Worth it for anyone who wants to run. You can check how much you can do this: lie on your back, on a flat surface, and put two books on yourself - on your chest and stomach. If the amplitude of movements of the first book is greater, you have chest breathing, and you need to learn to breathe with your diaphragm: when you inhale, your stomach should expand, and when you exhale, it should retract.

It is recommended to control the breathing rhythm during proper running by counting steps, and here the approach is also different. Inhalation and exhalation can be alternated every 4 steps if the run is easy. When the load increases, you can inhale in 2 steps, and exhale in 3-4 steps: the main thing is not to lose the rhythm. If you can’t count and control, your running speed should be reduced: until you learn to breathe, there will be little benefit from running. When running long distances, breathing should be slower and more even, with deep breaths and long exhalations.

Should you breathe only through your nose? For many years it has been argued that this is the only true way. Really: nasal breathing protects us from dust, germs, toxins and other “components” of city air. And in cold weather you can also get a cold, inflammation of the larynx and respiratory tract. However, in practice, everything is not so simple, and professionals know this.

When running, the body needs much more oxygen than during normal or even fast walking, but not everyone is able to receive it through the nose as much as necessary: ​​the structural features of the nasal passages vary. Many suffer from a lack of oxygen when running, and as a result they either stop training or create health problems for themselves and again quit running.

Therefore, mixed breathing - through the mouth and nose at the same time - can help, but the throat must be protected by pressing the tongue against the teeth and palate.

When running on rough terrain, inhale through your nose and exhale through your nose and mouth simultaneously. In winter, also try to breathe through your nose. And always monitor your pulse: if you start to get out of breath, slow down.

What are the best running shoes?

Of course, successful running is impossible without the right running shoes.

However, with the choice of sneakers for proper running, not everything is clear either. Sneakers with shock absorbers, heel and toe, are called correct, but many athletes are sure that this is a marketing ploy.

It is often explained that the heel shock absorber "softens vertical impact loads." And when the weight is transferred to the toe, the shock absorber should reduce the load on the foot: in fact, running “heel to toe” in such sneakers becomes the only option.

Experienced runners choose sneakers with a flat sole, or a slightly thicker sole towards the heel, and better protection consider the correct technique.

It is often argued that shock absorbers are needed for running on asphalt: asphalt surfaces are the reason for the appearance of such sports shoes. But we do sports to improve our health, and not to break our joints: it’s better not to run on asphalt at all.

Your feet should feel comfortable and confident in running shoes. The sneakers should not press or pinch in any place, but the foot does not dangle in them, and if the lacing is tight, the heel cannot be pulled out.

The big toe should not rest on the toe - otherwise it will be injured; the edges of the insoles should not be felt when running; the insoles are not firmly attached. The sole is durable, but elastic, easily bendable.

Design and color don't matter: running shoes should be comfortable and safe.

But the most important thing is to remember that the “correctness” of running is different for each person. Find optimal technique This is possible only through regular training, applying the advice of professionals in practice.

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Running from a point of view physical activity is a method of movement with the presence of a “flight phase,” that is, it uses the same muscle groups as when walking, but there is no double support. The athlete needs this for short-term muscle relaxation and allows him to conserve strength.

It's all about frequency

Speed ​​does not depend on step length, so it needs to be made as optimal as possible so that the runner gets at least a minimum amount of rest time. If you need to increase your running speed, then you need to spend as little time as possible pushing off the surface and make movements with the same force. As a result, it turns out that it is not the length of steps that is decisive, but only their frequency.

If you want to know running, first of all you need to understand the technique itself, which is as follows.

One of the key points is the position of the torso, which must be constantly monitored, because in order to develop speed it must certainly be tilted forward. Remember that too much inclination, on the contrary, can reduce it due to the fact that the extension of the swing leg slows down. In this case, everything will depend on the individual physical data of the athlete: the characteristics of his physique, as well as the level of preparation of the body for loads of this kind.

How to develop running speed? You can find many discussions on this topic, as well as training schemes and various techniques.

Thus, everyone interested is encouraged to develop a special type of endurance - speed. This can be achieved using various exercises, for example, Its essence lies in alternating a fast pace and a slower one, when the phases of active and passive physical activity replace each other. To date, coaches have developed many methods, but their essence is always the same: a continuous and constant change in the intensity of running throughout the entire distance covered by the athlete.

Such exercises force his body to adapt to special conditions, learn to cope with oxygen deficiency and train in finding reserve energy sources.

The leg muscles are in continuous development, and as a result, gradual increase width and frequency of running steps. In addition, the positioning of the leg itself comes in correct position. In general, all these factors lead to a gradual increase in speed.

Exercises using tempo running also have the same effect. The implication is that the runner must complete a long distance, chosen according to his individual fitness level, as quickly as possible.

In fact, absolutely every athlete involved in training thinks about how to increase running speed. athletics. Separately, I would like to note that it is of particular importance strength training, that is, the ability to do maximum effort in a minimum period of time.

How to improve your running speed?

Not the last place in this matter is occupied by such quality as jumping ability. That’s why, in addition to the above, it’s worth spending time jumping and starting to develop and train in this direction.

The goal of each race for an athlete is certainly to improve the result at a maximum, and at a minimum to maintain the same level without a decrease in performance. In order for the achieved successes to be consolidated and begin to grow, it is necessary to learn the following rule.

On the one hand, repetitions are important in any exercise, on the other hand, it is necessary to find time to rest from training. Every person who tries to understand how to increase their running speed and at the same time constantly trains using various techniques can develop a movement pattern. in the end it will work against him and put up a kind of barrier, which will later be very difficult to overcome.


Now you know how to increase your running speed, you can start training. Just remember that this is an area with limitless opportunities for improvement only if there is an adequate approach to the regime of alternating physical activity and rest.
