What's the best way to take protein? How to take protein: for muscle growth and weight loss. Supplemental Protein for Muscle Growth

Many people believe that taking protein is necessary only when building muscle mass. However, recent research conducted in this area shows that this is far from the case. Protein takes an active part in the construction of not only muscles, but also all organs of our body. Its deficiency causes the accumulation of fat mass, the body does not receive the required amount of building material, hair becomes brittle and skin flabby. Therefore, today many girls prefer to lose weight with the help of protein. Read below about how to take it correctly, what types of protein are known, and how they differ.

Benefits of Protein

Today protein is available in several variations: powder, shakes, bars. If you want to lose a few kilograms and not feel hungry, then this product is a must-have for you. However, just lying on the bed and drinking a protein shake will not give you beautiful shape.

So, protein not only helps to form muscles, but also defeats hunger without harming your figure, accelerates metabolic processes and is involved in the process of destroying fat. After all, to digest protein, the body requires much more energy than what is contained in it, so the body begins to break down fats, while receiving the missing calories, which leads to a decrease in volume.

Eating protein while losing weight will relieve you of sagging skin and split ends. Protein also affects the breakdown of carbohydrates by controlling the glycemic index.

Protein harm

Some people are quite wary of sports nutrition and protein in particular. Questioning the benefits of its use. Attributing some negative qualities to protein: a negative effect on potency, kidneys, and liver. However, studies have shown that pure protein does not have any destructive effect on the body. On the contrary, it restores the functioning of organs, sponsoring the body with building material.

The exception is people who have individual protein intolerance, but this is a fairly small group, and if you are not part of it, you can take protein at any age. The main thing is to pay attention to the rules for using the product. After all, depending on your goals, your protein intake schedule will differ.

Protein for weight loss

It should be used very carefully. They can replace one or more meals. After all, after drinking 200 ml of the drink, you will not feel hungry for 3-4 hours. When losing extra pounds, you should never drink protein during meals. This may have the opposite effect. If you have had a snack, wait 45-55 minutes before taking protein.

Are there any other reasons to consume protein while losing weight? Of course have.

If you are on a diet, you naturally reduce the amount of food you consume, which can lead to a lack of protein, and the body begins to borrow it from the muscles, which leads to their sagging, nails begin to peel, hair splits and breaks, and the skeletal system becomes thinner.

The low caloric content of proteins and high energy costs for its processing lead to a significant reduction in fat mass. After all, the body will borrow a lack of calories from existing fat reserves.

The best time to consume proteins for the purpose of losing weight is 1.5-2 hours before the start of a workout, preferably if it is active aerobic exercise.

If you linger somewhere during the day, then without harm to your appearance and health, you can snack on a protein bar, washing it down with enough water.

Today there is a wide range of this product on sale. You can choose a dessert to suit every taste. A little lower we will talk about the types of protein, therefore, when choosing a bar or any other protein product, pay attention to the type of protein used. The cost of the dessert depends on this.

Types of protein

Today, several types of protein are produced, each of them differs in its properties and degree of purification:

  • The most affordable is plant-based soy protein. It is often used to produce inexpensive candy bars that are consumed as snacks.
  • Casein protein is made from fermented milk; it saturates the body for a longer time than the previous one.
  • By purifying animal protein you get whey concentrate, it is quite popular among people who want to lose extra pounds forever because of its low cost. However, the percentage of digestible product in it is no more than 62-63%.
  • Highly purified protein is obtained during production whey isolate. Thanks to high-tech processes, the amount of digestible protein reaches more than 96%, while the amount of lactose in it is minimal.
  • The purest and most digestible protein is whey hydrolysate. This the new kind protein, which is maximally absorbed and saturates the body. The fairly high cost is its only negative factor.

How to take protein

Before answering the question, you should determine the reason for consuming protein. If your goal is to drink protein after training, especially strength training. But if you want to lose weight, then you can replace any meal with the prepared cocktail or drink a glass 1.5-2 hours before the start of your workout. Try to do more, it is this direction in combination with protein that will help you get rid of extra pounds in short time.

Don't be afraid that replacing dinner with a protein shake, for example, will leave you hungry. The protein contained in the drink will sufficiently saturate your body without ruining your figure.

In addition, the cocktail has a low calorie content, despite its wonderful creamy taste with numerous shades.

The general principle of losing weight with protein is as follows. The body simply needs carbohydrates to produce energy, and it is to them that it first turns for support. By replacing breakfast or dinner with a protein shake, you not only reduce the calorie content of your meals, but also dramatically reduce the amount of carbohydrates in your diet. With a lack of the latter, the body, not receiving enough energy, begins to take it from fat reserves. Consequently, the fat layer becomes thinner and disappears. However, this is only possible if you include cardio training in your schedule. Otherwise, the body has no reason to release extra calories.

Most importantly, do not forget one important principle. At one time, your body can absorb about 40 g of protein. Therefore, you should not consume large portions at a time. It's better to break them up into several steps. Drink the last portion of the cocktail no later than 2.5 hours before bedtime.

Where is protein found?

You can saturate your body with protein not only by consuming special cocktails and bars. A lot of protein is found in everyday foods. Animal protein is found in meat, fish, poultry, and eggs. In addition to the animal component, you can supplement your diet with vegetable proteins, such as peas, soybeans, asparagus, lentils, and beans.

How to make a protein shake

You can prepare a drink not only using expensive special powders. At home, you can make a protein drink using a blender, whisking all the ingredients in it quite vigorously. Here are a few such recipes:

  • 360 ml of low-fat milk, 125 g of natural yoghurt, some fresh strawberries and a spoonful of flaxseed;
  • 260 ml milk, 1 spoon honey, banana, a little ground oatmeal and natural yogurt;
  • 300 ml of milk, banana, 150 g of cottage cheese, 2 spoons of oatmeal, a spoon of honey;
  • 200 ml milk, banana, a pinch of cinnamon and honey;
  • 200 ml milk, banana, 1 egg white, 60 g cottage cheese, a little fruit syrup.

And one more little tip. If the banana is frozen before use, the smoothie will be thicker. Give preference to natural products. If you buy powder in a store, pay attention to the ingredients included in it.

A single serving of the drink should not exceed 260-310 g. This is quite enough to suppress your appetite for more than 3 hours.

When it comes to getting the nutrients you need, protein is at the top of the list as it does... Protein is a source of energy, can help repair damaged tissue, is essential for growth, and plays a role in preventing infection and disease (,).

Protein is found in large quantities in foods such as meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, grains, seeds and legumes. It is also available as food additives, commonly known as protein powder or protein powder.

Here are some of the best known protein powders you can buy.

  • Whey Protein: Dairy-based protein. It contains all the essential amino acids and is quickly absorbed by the body ().
  • Casein protein: Dairy-based protein. It contains all the essential amino acids and is slowly absorbed, which is why people often take it before bed ().
  • Soy protein: Vegetable protein containing all essential amino acids. It's also been linked to some impressive health benefits, such as reducing the risk of prostate and breast cancer, lowering total cholesterol levels, and maintaining bone density ().
  • : vegetable protein. It has low levels nonessential amino acids, such as cysteine ​​and methionine ().
  • Rice protein: low-level vegetable protein essential amino acid entitled ().
  • Hemp protein: a vegetable protein derived from hemp seeds that has high level content of both basic and fats. Hemp protein is low in the essential amino acid lysine ().

Protein powders are useful supplements, which helps increase your protein intake if you're always on the go. They are convenient, portable and versatile.

To take protein powders, simply mix the powder with water or another liquid of your choice. Many popular brands of such supplements also sell ready-to-use supplements. protein shakes.


Protein is an essential nutrient that performs many functions in the body. It is found in foods and is also available as a dietary supplement called protein powder.

When should you take protein?

People often wonder when is the best time to take protein. It depends on your health and fitness goals. You may want to consume it at certain times of the day, depending on whether you want to lose weight, gain muscle, or prevent muscular dystrophy.

When is the best time to take protein for weight loss?

Protein is one of the most important nutrients for fat loss. A high protein diet can help boost your metabolism and reduce your appetite ().

Protein helps reduce appetite by decreasing levels of the hormone ghrelin while increasing levels of appetite-suppressing hormones such as glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), peptide YY (PYY), and cholecystokinin (CCK) (,).

This means that consuming protein-rich foods between meals may result in fewer calories being consumed later in the day (,).

One study found that people who ate a high-protein snack with yogurt in the afternoon ate 100 fewer calories at lunch, compared to those who snacked on cookies or chocolate. Yogurt, cookies and chocolate provide the same amount of calories ().

To lose weight most effectively, try to eat plenty of protein-rich foods or drink protein shakes throughout the day (between meals).

Find out about the best types You can find proteins for weight loss on this page -.


Consuming protein-rich snacks or drinking protein shakes between meals is ideal for weight loss. This can help curb hunger, which can lead to eating fewer calories later in the day.

When to take protein for muscle growth

Protein is important for building muscle. Since muscle protein is destroyed during strength training, you need to consume more of it in order not only not to lose, but also to gain weight (,).

When should you take protein to build muscle? The best time to consume protein for optimal muscle growth is a controversial topic.

Bodybuilding and fitness experts often recommend taking protein supplements 15 to 60 minutes after a workout. This time frame is known as the "anabolic window" and is said to perfect time to maximize the use of nutrients such as protein ().

However, recent research has shown that this window is much larger than previously thought.

According to International Society sports nutrition , consuming protein any time up to two hours after exercise is ideal for building muscle mass ().

For the average person, resistance exercise and eating enough protein are more important than timing your protein intake ().

However, people who exercise in a fasted state, such as before breakfast, may benefit from taking protein shortly after exercise ().


To build muscle mass, you need to use protein within two hours after training. People who exercise in a fasted state, such as before breakfast, should ideally take protein immediately after exercise.

Preventing muscle loss

Maintaining muscle mass at a certain level is especially important as you get older.

Research shows that people lose approximately 3% of their muscle mass every year after age 30. Unfortunately, loss of muscle mass is associated with a higher risk of fractures and a shorter life expectancy (,).

Scientists recommend spreading your protein intake evenly throughout the day to prevent muscle loss as you age. This means eating approximately 25-30 grams of protein at each meal ().

Most people eat three times more protein at dinner than at breakfast. Increasing your protein intake at breakfast is an ideal way to distribute the protein evenly ().


To prevent muscle loss, try to eat 25-30 grams of protein at each meal. By taking a protein supplement during a meal that doesn't have enough protein, such as breakfast, you can spread your protein intake evenly throughout the day.

Performance during training and effective recovery

Athletes often wonder when they should take protein to improve performance and recovery.

For endurance training, consuming protein-carbohydrate mixtures during and after exercise can improve performance and recovery, and reduce soreness ().

For example, a study of 11 cyclists found that protein-carbohydrate cocktail during training improves recovery and reduces muscle pain compared to placebo ().

During strength training, protein can help improve both performance and recovery, whether consumed with or without carbohydrates (,).

For most people, consuming enough protein is more important than when to eat it. However, athletes involved in strength sports(bodybuilding, powerlifting, arm wrestling, etc.) can benefit from taking protein either immediately before or after training ().


Endurance athletes may experience improved performance and faster recovery after consuming a protein-carbohydrate mixture during and after exercise. Athletes who train with weights may benefit from taking protein immediately before or after exercise.

Should you take protein before bed?

Older adults and people who want to build muscle mass, increase strength, improve exercise performance and recovery may benefit from taking protein before bed ().

In a review of research, scientists concluded that taking protein before bed is an effective strategy for building muscle mass and helping muscles adapt to physical activity ().

This is because protein consumed before bed is effectively digested and absorbed, increasing protein availability to muscles and improving muscle recovery throughout the night.

In another study of 16 healthy older men, half of the participants took casein protein, and the other half took a placebo. A study found that taking casein protein before bed promoted muscle growth even in less active older adults ().

If you want to take protein before bed, you may want to consider taking casein protein. Casein is slow to digest, meaning it can provide the body with a steady supply of protein overnight ().

You can also benefit from casein protein obtained from food instead of supplements. Dairy products, such as Greek yogurt, contain a lot of casein.


Taking protein before bed can be an effective strategy to help build muscle, increase strength, and improve physical performance and recovery. Older adults who want to maintain muscle mass may also benefit from taking protein before bed.

How much protein should you consume every day?

There is a common myth that consuming too much protein is bad for your health.

Some believe that consuming too much protein can damage the kidneys and liver, and cause osteoporosis, a disease in which a person develops bone loss (hollow, porous bones) ().

However, claims about these problems are largely overblown and unsupported by evidence.

In fact, much more research shows that you can safely consume a lot of protein without the risk of harmful side effects (,,).

For example, detailed review More than 74 studies have led scientists to the conclusion that healthy adults do not need to worry about how much protein they get from food ().

Most adults can benefit from consuming 1.4-2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight ().

People who want to prevent muscle loss can stick to the lower end of this figure, while those who want to lose weight or build muscle can consume 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight.


The myth that protein is bad for you is largely overblown. Plenty of evidence suggests that healthy adults can eat a large number of protein without experiencing any harmful side effects.


  • Protein is an incredibly versatile nutrient.
  • Adequate protein intake can help you lose weight, build and maintain muscle, and improve physical performance and recovery.
  • Moreover, eating protein or taking protein at the right time can help you achieve your goals.
  • For example, consuming protein between meals can help curb hunger and reduce calorie intake later in the day.

By following some of the strategies above, you will be able to better utilize protein in your daily life, which will help you achieve and maintain your health and fitness goals.

Fans of bodybuilding and fitness are probably familiar with a variety of sports drugs and sports nutrition that contribute to the formation beautiful body. One of the most popular is protein, since an athlete needs protein. Let us examine in detail all the popular questions about it.

Protein is the most important supplement for athletes looking to build muscle mass. This product is valuable because it contains a lot of protein - 95%, which our body successfully uses to build muscles.

Protein is a source of amino acids that the body constantly needs. If there is a protein deficiency, the body takes it from the muscles. Therefore, training to build muscle may be useless.

Most often, protein is taken in the form of cocktails, which are easy to prepare yourself. As a rule, in addition to protein, the cocktail contains milk or water and various additives for taste (finely chopped fruits or vegetables).

Before you consume protein, you need to know that Proteins are divided according to the types of raw materials from which they are made:

  • egg;
  • dairy;
  • soy;
  • whey;
  • casein

According to the level of purification, proteins are divided into:

  • concentrate;
  • isolate;
  • hydrolyzate.

According to the rate of absorption, proteins can be fast or slow.

Research has proven that the rate of protein absorption affects the rate of muscle growth - the faster protein is absorbed, the faster muscle growth.

Fast proteins (whey)

The fastest and most popular proteins are whey. BCAA amino acids (Branched-chain amino acids) make up ¼ of whey proteins. Fast proteins are recommended to be used immediately after training.

There are these types of fast protein:

  • concentrate is a classic option with a low degree of purification. 20% of its composition is lactose. 90% of this protein is absorbed in 3-4 hours.
  • isolate is a purified form containing 90-97% protein. Completely absorbed by the body in 3 hours.
  • hydrolyzate is a version of fast protein, semi-digested by enzymes, which is more effective to take when training to build mass, since it differs in the most high speed assimilation. Significantly increases insulin production.

About what it is Whey Protein, pros and cons of this type of sports nutrition.

Slow proteins (casein)

The slow type of proteins has a rather low absorption rate. This type usually includes casein - a classic protein that is absorbed by the body in 6-8 hours. Slow proteins include:

  • soy protein;
  • vegetable proteins;
  • other proteins that impede enzymatic hydrolysis.

The slow type of protein has a lower value, an imperfect amino acid composition and has little thermogenic and anabolic effect when building muscle mass, so such proteins are recommended to be taken as an adjuvant.

The main source of casein is cottage cheese.

Complex proteins

The use of complex proteins has certain advantages, because they are a combination of fast and slow proteins.

First of all, the complex composition allows you to obtain proteins with different amino acid characteristics and provide maximum nutrition to muscle mass. At the same time, slow proteins have a long-lasting anti-catabolic effect and prolong the effect triggered by fast proteins.

How to take fast proteins correctly

Usually the manufacturer indicates in the instructions how to drink protein correctly. However, the indicated dosages are not entirely digestible, and sometimes testing is required. Naturally, beginners need to start with a minimum dose, gradually increasing the volume.

When to take

Fast proteins should be taken in the morning (20 minutes before breakfast), when the body has used up its own supply of protein, and immediately after training, as a fat-burning agent. After taking whey protein, the body receives the dose of protein and amino acids necessary for bodybuilding and fitness.

They accept cocktails fast proteins and between workouts - 1.5 hours before the next lesson. On average, proper protein intake should be 5-6 times a day. At the same time, up to 50% of proteins should be supplied to the body from natural products.

Daily intake of fast proteins

Generally accepted dosages of protein shakes must be adjusted according to individual factors (goals). The generally accepted single dose of protein is 30 g. This is the portion that the body can absorb within two hours.

It is impossible to answer the question of how much protein you should drink unequivocally: the dosage depends on the gender of the person, the subcutaneous fat layer and the purposes for which the protein is taken. If we take average dosages, then the daily dose of protein can be taken in the following quantities:

  • to increase weight – 250-350 g for men, 180-300 g for women;
  • for weight loss – 130-160 g for men, 100-140 g for women;
  • for the formation of body relief - 180-250 g for men, 140-200 g for women.

The optimal nitrogen balance is achieved at a dosage of 1.7-2 g per kilogram of human weight. If this dosage is exceeded, the load on the digestive system increases.

How to properly prepare quick protein

Making your own protein shake from ready-made powder is not difficult, so the question of how to properly prepare protein does not require a complex decision or any special skills.

A serving of protein (25-30 g) is mixed with 300-350 ml of water, milk or juice.

You should not blindly follow the instructions and advice given by friends and on the Internet. Only experts can tell you how to properly consume protein.

When and how to drink casein proteins

When and how to take casein protein, you can read on the packaging. However, there are general rules which must be followed by everyone.

Time to Eat Slow Proteins

Since casein is aimed at providing amino acids and its absorption time is longer, best time to take it - at night. During sleep, slow-release proteins supply amino acids to recovering muscles. Also, when you know it will be a long time before your next meal, you can drink slow protein.

Casein is ideal for beginners.

When consuming proteins, you must drink enough fluid.

Slow Protein Dosage

To fully provide the body with amino acids when building muscle mass, 30 g (one serving) of slow protein before meals is sufficient.

If slow proteins are taken for weight loss, 15 g is enough.

Eating slow protein can replace 1-2 meals.

How to breed protein

When purchasing ready-made mixtures, many do not know how to dilute protein. After all, if diluted incorrectly, the cocktail will not only taste disgusting, but can also cause digestive problems.

In fact, protein mixtures are diluted extremely simply - using a mixer or shaker, which can be bought at any sports store.

If the package does not contain a measuring spoon, you can take a regular tablespoon and measure the doses “without a slide”.

A diluted cocktail cannot be stored - it instantly deteriorates and loses its properties.

Rules for using complex proteins

Best time of day

If your goal is to build muscle mass, then it is better to take a complete protein before bed to provide your muscles with amino acids throughout the night.

To replenish the amino acid pool, you can consume complex proteins before training - 2 hours before. You can take complex proteins during long breaks between meals.

In the case when the complex composition is used for weight loss, you need to take this protein in the same way as for gaining weight, only the dosage is halved.

How much to take

The dosage of complex proteins is practically no different from the dosage of fast proteins. A single dose is:

  • 30 g – for muscle building;
  • 15 g – for weight loss.

What to breed with

Proteins can be diluted with plain water, still mineral water, juice or milk. Experienced athletes recommend diluting the protein with juice or milk before consuming it. In this combination, the body will receive the required amount of carbohydrates and calories. The only condition when choosing milk is that it should not be too fatty.

If the body does not accept milk, it can be replaced with kefir.

Protein-containing foods: getting protein from food

Of course, not only protein shakes, but also regular foods can serve as a source of protein. Before you wonder how to drink protein to gain weight, pay attention to foods such as:

  • chicken breast;
  • eggs;
  • fish;
  • beef.

All of them, of course, are not so quickly absorbed by the body, but no less useful.

The only source essential amino acids is a natural protein obtained from food.

Harm and overdose

When you decide to drink protein, be sure to read not only the rules for taking it, but also side effects and security measures. So, an overdose can cause the following undesirable consequences:

  • fatigue;
  • loss of appetite;
  • headache;
  • increased frequency of bowel movements.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding are times when you don’t need to drink protein. You should also not take protein supplements if you have kidney disease.

When consumed medicines, when combining them with proteins, a doctor’s consultation is necessary.

The negative effect of protein on the kidneys and liver has not been scientifically proven.

About an overdose of sports nutrition, is it possible?

Most novice athletes, bodybuilders and those simply wanting to lose weight take proteins, relying only on their own desires and recommendations from friends who confidently tell them how to consume protein. This approach can lead to various side effects and even health problems. Therefore, when consuming proteins, you need to be careful and, if possible, consult a doctor.

Many novice athletes do not know how to drink protein to gain muscle mass. The choice and correct use of sports nutrition is perplexing, and the varied advice of experienced “jocks” sometimes only gets in the way. Therefore, today we will talk not only about how to properly consume protein, but also where to buy high-quality sports nutrition without harming your wallet.

Whey protein isolate is the most common sports protein. It is a natural by-product produced during cheese production. During the manufacturing process, excess fats and lactose are removed from the dietary supplement. Selected species isolate also does not contain cholesterol and carbohydrates.

Whey concentrate is typically a dry, powdery substance that can be used to prepare a variety of foods, from meat to candy and beverages. Due to its unique properties, whey protein concentrate is widely used as a dietary supplement - it supplies the body with protein in an easily digestible form.

Whey Protein Composition

Whey isolate is one of the most popular protein products that does not contain carbohydrates, fat, cholesterol and lactose. One serving of protein will provide your body with the amino acids it needs to improve your workout results and build muscle mass. This type of protein contains high levels of the amino acids leucine and cysteine.

The great advantage of isolate is that it supplies the body with pure protein and amino acids, without fats and lactose. This makes it an ideal dietary supplement for those who watch their diet and strive to acquire a slim figure.

Regular and proper consumption of protein contributes to:

  • muscle growth,
  • fat loss,
  • stimulates the body's immune functions,
  • reducing the risk of breast cancer in women,
  • normalization of blood glucose levels,
  • prevention of bone and muscle loss during aging,
  • increasing the effectiveness of training,
  • improving general health.

How to properly drink protein during training

Want to know how to properly consume protein? The two most important intakes of whey protein are:

  • 30-50 minutes before training
  • within 30-40 minutes after training.

These rules are dictated by the composition of the protein, since it contains easily accessible components.

Rapid absorption of amino acids into muscle tissue before, during and immediately after strength training promotes maximum muscle gain. All other food sources of protein such as chicken breast, eggs, fish and beef are not digested quickly enough to be useful during training hours.

Why drink sports drink before exercising?

Before training, consume 10-20 grams of protein. This technique is carried out to increase muscle strength, increasing endurance, reducing muscle destruction during heavy loads.

Keep track of the time interval between taking protein and starting your workout. The body needs at least 30 minutes to absorb all the nutrients. When you begin to break down muscle with strength training, protein components will already be available as building material for repairing muscle fibers.

Should you consume protein during exercise?

Should you drink protein to gain muscle mass during a workout? This is an interesting question, the study of which led to the conclusion - consume protein during power loads not worth it.

When you eat something, extra blood flows to the stomach to digest and absorb the food. This can be a challenge to getting a quality workout. If the blood supply to the stomach increases, it decreases in other parts of the body. The muscles are less well supplied with oxygen, which disrupts metabolic processes.

This remark is true for those who practice power training. When doing cardio, you may need an extra boost of energy to continue high intensity workout. But even here, the benefits of taking protein are not great.

How to Take Whey Protein After Sports

Just after a workout, it’s right to drink protein to gain muscle mass. A drink containing 20-40-60 grams of whey protein is taken to restore muscles and stimulate protein synthesis in tissues. Quantity protein powder determined based on gender, individual needs and physical indicators(weight gain and loss; height and weight).

Post-workout time is critical. You have no more than 40 minutes to get the most benefit from your extra protein intake.

Supplemental Protein for Muscle Growth

You can also drink extra protein to gain muscle mass. Take a drink containing 20-40 grams of whey as a snack between meals to stimulate muscle growth and support fat loss.

Protein before bed

Do you think that eating before bed is wrong? As a rule, this is true. Eating carbohydrates at night is not recommended; you should consume them in sufficient quantities during the day, but not before bed - this can lead to weight gain. But this rule does not apply to additional protein intake.

While you sleep, your muscles are still recovering, which is why consuming protein at night is a good idea. This will help maintain the required protein levels for muscle growth overnight.

As a rule, bodybuilders and experienced athletes consume casein at night. It digests slower than whey protein. Since the average sleep duration is 7-8 hours, this is a justified replacement.

How to choose and buy whey protein

There are several types of whey protein on the market that can be purchased online and in numerous sports nutrition stores. The most common type of this dietary supplement is a powder that is intended for preparing water or milk based drinks. You can also find isolate in the form of a ready-to-drink drink.

Powdered isolate, like the drink, can have different flavors - chocolate, vanilla, apple, lemon, etc. Recommendations for the use of dietary supplements may differ, so be sure to read the instructions for use before use.

Protein on iHerb

When I was puzzled by the search for high-quality protein, I looked through all the sports nutrition stores and was horrified - how expensive it is!!! A few days later, while studying the assortment of my favorite online store, IHerb, I discovered that you can buy whey protein there, and the prices were much nicer than I had already seen. So let's get started with the review:

Bluebonnet Nutrition Whey Isolate for Every Taste:

  • Natural Original Flavor, 2.2 lb (992 g)
  • Natural French Vanilla Flavor, 2 lbs (924 g)
  • Natural Berry Flavor, 2 lb (924 g)
  • Natural Chocolate Flavor, 2 lb (924 g)
  • Strawberry Flavored, 2 lb (924 g)

How to use Bluebonnet Nutrition Whey Protein: Dilute one scoop (31-33 g) of powder in 250 ml of any cold liquid. Whey protein dissolves easily and without sediment and does not require intensive whipping.

Now Foods Protein Concentrate:

  • Natural Vanilla Flavor, 1.8 lbs (816 g)
  • Dutch Chocolate, 1.8 lb (816 g)
  • Dutch Chocolate, 5 lb (2268 g)

How to properly consume protein from Now Foods: dissolve 2 scoops (62-64 g) in 350-450 ml of liquid.

The next type of protein from Muscletech, Nitro-Tech, is positioned as an excellent supplement for building lean muscle mass. This line has a large selection of flavors, as well as different can weights.

    To gain muscle mass most effectively, you need to take the right amount of protein. Key role in rapid increase muscles plays a role in calculating the body's need for protein.

    How much protein do you need for optimal muscle growth?

    Several clinical studies have been conducted to calculate the required amount of protein for the most efficient growth muscle fibers.

    Protein bar

    A group of scientists from Canada's McMaster University conducted the Exercise Metabolism study, which involved a focus group of young people. Participants performed strength training, after which they consumed liquid egg whites, while the dose of protein in the drink varied and was 0, 5, 10, 20, 40 g.

    During the experiment, scientists assessed the increase in muscle mass in each of the participants. It turned out that the most optimal magnification muscle loss occurred in young people who consumed 20 g. The study is posted on the website at the link, publication number -10.1080/02640414.2011.619204.

    In 2016, a group of British scientists from The University of Stirling published the results of a study on the required amount of protein to gain muscle mass. The focus group included 48 young people without chronic and acute diseases, with an average body weight of 80 kg. During the study, participants ate a protein-rich breakfast of 0.5 g/kg body weight. Three hours later, the volunteers performed strength exercises on their legs and buttocks. 10 minutes after training, participants consumed 0, 10, 20, and 40 g of protein.

    Experts compared the activity of reactions using labeled urea and phenylalanine atoms. The results of the study coincided with the experiment of Canadian scientists.

    Greatest efficiency muscle growth achieved at a dosage of 20 g of protein:

    • when using a supplement containing 10 g of protein, muscle growth was about 49%;
    • a dosage of 20 g increased synthesis muscle protein by 56%;
    • When using a highly concentrated supplement - 40 g, the rate of phenylalanine metabolism and urea concentration increased, and the increase in muscle growth was practically no different from that in the focus group receiving 20 g of protein.

    The study is listed on the website at the link ISRCTN92528122.

    How to take protein for muscle growth

    Using protein in the morning allows you to compensate for the lack of protein that occurs at night under the influence of adrenal hormones, as well as due to lack of food intake. The use of the supplement is especially important if the athlete does not use slow casein before bed. The most effective use of whey.

    Eating protein before physical activity is generally recommended for athletes during intense preparation for competition, when the body requires an increased supply of protein. You can also drink the cocktail if your last meal was more than three hours ago. The use of the supplement in this case compensates for the protein deficiency and increases the effectiveness of the upcoming workout.

    Best fit whey protein. The top best proteins include Amino Protein, JYMProJYM and other brands. The additives come in a variety of flavors, from chocolate chip cookies to raspberries.

    Taking protein after your workout is most important for acceleration. Immediately after execution intense exercise a cascade of biochemical reactions is launched - the synthesis and breakdown of proteins. In order for muscle protein production to exceed its breakdown, it is necessary to use sports supplements.

    To replenish protein reserves, it is recommended to use whey or isolate. After physical exercise within 25-30 minutes, protein appears in the body. This phenomenon is characterized by a change in the usual course - simultaneously incoming protein and carbohydrates are spent only on the formation of proteins, therefore, fat is not deposited in the subcutaneous tissue. For this reason, nutritionists recommend using it after a workout instead of protein. The supplement includes not only protein, but also carbohydrates. This composition builds muscle more effectively. The benefits come from simultaneous use of a sports supplement with branched amino acids, as well as carnitine, which reduces the feeling of fatigue and shortens the recovery period.

    Taking sports supplements between meals provides the body with protein throughout the day. This is especially true during the drying period or when the diet is disrupted. You can take whey protein, concentrate, isolate.

    It is recommended to drink before bedtime. This type of sports supplement is slowly absorbed, which prevents the breakdown of protein in the muscles and a decrease in their mass. At night, the adrenal glands produce a certain amount of catecholamines, which promote the breakdown of protein. It is recommended to consume casein an hour before bedtime.

    The intake of protein after its intake occurs within 5-8 hours, depending on the characteristics of the powder and the individual characteristics of the body. Effective use of casein after heavy physical activity, since the supply of protein within a few hours accelerates the process of regeneration of damaged muscle cells.

    The main approach to nutrition for gaining muscle mass is comprehensive. Maximum effectiveness is observed with regular and long-term (a month or more) use of sports supplements. In this case, a multicomponent sports nutrition diet is preferable, which includes proteins or gainers, BCAA, carnitine and other nutrients. Compliance with the required dosages and consumption regimen helps to achieve the desired relief.

    However, the common belief that sports nutrition can replace regular food is wrong. Switching to a mono-diet can cause irreparable harm to the body. Do not forget about possible contraindications to taking sports supplements. Thus, people with lactose intolerance need to use a soy supplement. If an allergic reaction or other side effects occur while consuming protein, you should stop taking it and consult a doctor.

    How much protein should you take per day?

    The need for protein depends on the number of workouts, their intensity, as well as gender, age, weight and other individual characteristics of the body.

    On average, a person who is not involved in sports needs about 1 g of protein per 1 kg of weight. Athletes who train regularly need 2-3 g of protein per 1 kg. Beginners are recommended to start with a standard amount of protein - 1 g/kg and gradually increase it.

    If natural food meets the necessary requirements, it is not necessary to include sports supplements in the diet. Otherwise, muscles will grow faster if you use dietary supplements or adjust the menu.

    For example, an athlete weighs 78 kg, which means the daily requirement for protein is 220 g. With nutrition, only 150 g of protein enters the body, which is significantly less than the norm.

    To understand how much protein supplement to include in the diet, protein deficiency is calculated. To do this, subtract 150 g from 220 g, the deficiency is 70 g. One serving of protein contains about 25 g of protein, which means that dietary supplements are taken three times a day.

    Table of average daily protein intake per 1 kg of weight (grams)

    The table below shows the daily protein requirement based on gender and age.

    How to take protein for weight loss for girls

    Protein is taken not only to increase muscle mass, but also to lose weight, which is most important for girls. To reset excess weight, it is necessary to use sports supplements correctly. hydrolyzate, and. The difference lies in the degree of fat removal. For weight loss, it is recommended to use isolate or hydrolyzate. They contain the least amount of fat.

    The recipe for preparing the supplement is simple - add milk to the powder. Nutritionists' advice is to use a low-fat product.

    Casein protein is used to prevent breakdown muscle protein at night time. In addition, a slow supply of amino acids during 7 hours of rest can restore muscle fibers who have been subjected to microtrauma. The supplement is a dry powder, which is thoroughly mixed in milk or water using a shaker and drunk 30-60 minutes before bedtime.

    During the break between workouts, whey is used to maintain normal protein concentrations in the body.


    The duration of taking sports nutrition for weight loss depends on the initial body weight, nutritional habits and metabolic rate. As a rule, protein is taken in a course of several months.

    To achieve maximum effect, you cannot limit yourself to just taking protein - it is recommended to adjust your diet and start training.

    For beginners, a morning or evening jog is suitable, which, as your general level increases, physical training can be replaced strength exercises. If the body is not prepared, you should not swing too intensely - this can harm the body.
