Physical education lesson in the senior group “Let's start training! Long-term planning "winter sports" senior group Lesson notes in the table winter sports

Program content: clarify children's knowledge about winter sports. To promote the development of the ability to distinguish the simplest relationships between a sport and its attributes. Ensure that the vocabulary on the topic is enriched and clarified. Promote the development of logical thinking, attention, memory. To form ideas about the importance and health benefits of sports.
Materials and equipment: pictures depicting winter sports; “snowball”, cards for completing individual tasks “Find a Pair”, 4 gymnastic sticks.

1. Organizational moment.

The teacher offers to look at the pictures on the board and asks:

Guys, have you guessed what we will talk about today? (Children's answers)

-What is sport? (Children's answers)

What are people who play sports called? (Children's answers).

What do you need to do to become an athlete? (Children's answers).

Why do you think people play sports? (Children's answers)

You said it right. Sport makes a person strong, resilient, and improves health.
2. Main part.
-Tell me what winter sports you know? (Children's answers)
-All winter sports can be divided into two groups: sports played on snow and sports played on ice.

The exercise “Lay out the sports” is carried out: an image of ice and snowflakes is drawn schematically on the board. Invite the children to divide all the pictures into two groups: those on ice and those on snow.

Well done, you did a great job. And now aboutguess the riddles:

I ride it until evening,
But my lazy horse only carries me down the mountain
I walk up the hill myself,
And I lead my horse by a rope. (Sled)

Wooden two horses
They carry me down the mountain.
I hold two sticks in my hands,
But I don’t beat horses, I feel sorry for them.
And to speed up the run
I touch the snow with sticks. (Skis)

I have two silver horses
They carry me along the water,
And the water is hard
Like stone. (Skates)

Physical exercise “Winter fun”.
What do we like to do in winter? (shrug)
Playing snowballs, running on skis, (imitation of playing snowballs and skiing)
Skating on ice (imitation of ice skating)
Race down the mountain on a sled. (stretching arms forward and squatting)

Now let's play the game "Finish the sentence" ( snowball game).

Plays hockey... hockey player.
- Sledding...sleighman.
- Skiing...skier.
- Skiing from the mountains... alpine skier.
- A snowboarder is going down the mountain on a snowboard.
- Runs on skis and shoots from a rifle... biathlete.
- He is engaged in figure skating... figure skater.

Fine! And you completed this task!

Exercise “Find a pair”

And now I offer you the game “Find a Pair”. You have pictures on your table: they depict athletes and sports equipment. Look carefully at the pictures and connect the athlete and the equipment he needs with lines.

Objectives: enrich and systematize children’s knowledge about winter sports, develop logical thinking; develop the speech of preschoolers; create the need for a healthy lifestyle.

Preliminary work: introducing children to certain sports (skiing, skating) in physical education classes; familiarization with the seasons in everyday life.

Materials and equipment: projector, laptop, slideshow about winter sports.

Teacher: Guess the riddle:

Snow on the fields, ice on the waters,

The blizzard is walking. When does this happen? (Winter)

It's getting cold.

The water turned into ice.

Long-eared gray bunny

Turned into a white bunny.

The bear stopped roaring:

A bear hibernated in the forest.

Who's to say, who knows

When does this happen? (Winter)

Teacher: That's right, in winter. What do you think are the names of the sports that are played in winter?

Children's answers. The general answer “Winter” is considered correct.

Teacher: Now another question: what do you need to do winter sports, and I’ll tell you:

On the trees, on the paths,

On children's boots.

It lies on everyone in winter

Well of course it is... (Snow)

Teacher: Yes, for winter sports you need snow, and what equipment is needed for walking in the snow:

Two snub-nosed girlfriends

They didn't leave each other behind.

Both are running through the snow,

Both songs are sung

Both ribbons in the snow

They leave it running. (Skis)

Teacher: What is the name of an athlete who skis:

Who rushes quickly through the snow,

Aren't you afraid of failure? (Skier)

Teacher: Well done guys! Now guess another riddle:

Runners on a walk

Same length

They run through the meadow to the birch tree,

Stripes are drawn through the forest. (Ski track)

Teacher: Apart from cross-country skiing, there are also other sports on skis:

They walked for a long time at a skating pace

The three of us, one after another,

It was very difficult for them

Climb the climb.

Suddenly with a sharp movement

Grab your rifles and shoot!

They hit targets accurately, -

One, two, four, five.

And they rushed downhill.

What is this? ... (Biathlon)

Teacher: Yes, that’s right, biathlon. So let's repeat what biathletes do.

Children's answers: they run on skis, shoot from a rifle.

Teacher: Well done. What other ski sports do you know:

I can’t feel my legs with joy,

I'm flying down a snowy hill!

Sports have become dearer and closer to me.

Who helped me with this? ... (Skis)

Children's answers: ski jumping, mountain descent, etc.

Teacher: yes, there are sports such as ski jumping, alpine skiing, freestyle - this is when an athlete performs acrobatic exercises while descending a track with small springboards. There is another sport on snow, but not on skis:

He looks like one board,

But I’m proud of the name,

It's called... (Snowboard)

Now we have remembered winter sports that take place in the snow, and what else is there in winter for other winter sports:

With frost, blizzard and snow

The magical winter will come.

And all the rivers and lakes

Will cover the slippery thick... (Ice)

Teacher: Yes, for winter sports you need not only snow, but also ice.

What else is needed for ice training:

I have two horses, two horses.

They carry me along the water.

And the water is hard

Like stone! (Skates)

Teacher: For ice lessons you need skates. What sports do you know about skating?

Children's answers: ...

Teacher: Now let's look at these sports.

I'm rushing forward like a bullet,

The ice just creaks

Let the lights flicker.

Who's carrying me? ... (Skates)

Teacher: This sport is called Speed ​​Skating, athletes run across a large stadium in races. If athletes race in a small area, then this sport is called shorttrack.

Let's go dance on the ice,

We'll start some music.

What sport are we talking about in this riddle?

Children's answers...

Teacher: That's right, figure skating. There is singles, where only boys or girls, men or women skate, and there are doubles, where athletes skate in pairs.

On the ice platform there is a cry,

A student is rushing to the gate.

Everyone shouts: “Puck! Stick! Hit!”

Fun game... (Hockey)

Teacher: We are well aware of the game of ice hockey, and there is also the game of bandy or Russian hockey.

Teacher: But there is a sport on ice, but without skates:

I’ll throw a stone across the ice into the “house”,

And I will sweep his path with a brush. (Curling)

Teacher: Guys, there are also winter sports that started in the snow, and are now held on special ice tracks:

We are with ram's horns

We rush down the hill ourselves,

And how to climb a mountain,

We begin to resist. (Sled)

Teacher: These are sports that require sleds, luge and skeleton. Bobsleigh is one of these sports. And it is called that because a special bob-shaped sled is used, i.e. similar to beans.

Teacher: So you and I remembered winter sports, let's try to name them again.

Children's answers:...


To be strong and healthy,

You must love sports.

Keep busy, don't be lazy,

And make friends with sports.

Tatiana Getmanskaya
Summary of GCD in the senior group “Winter Sports”

Abstract of OOD in the senior group: « Winter sports» .

Integration of educational regions: social - communicative, speech, cognitive, physical development.

Target: expand children’s knowledge about the surrounding reality by introducing children to winter sports, make children want to engage sports.


Educational: clarify children’s knowledge about winter sports. To promote the development of the ability to distinguish the simplest relationships between species sport and its attributes. Arouse interest in physical education and sports. Teach your child to distinguish kinds of sports solving riddles about sports.

Developmental: promote the development of logical thinking, memory and attention.

Educational: to form in children the need for physical activity; give ideas about the importance and benefits of exercise sports for health.

Preliminary work: Looking at albums and illustrations about sports, conversations about winter sports, about the benefits of exercise and physical education; reading fiction literature: story by N. N. Nosov "Our skating rink"; poems: E. Allenova « Winter fun» ; Agniya Barto "Charger"; L.M. Kvitko: "On the rink", "Sledging", "Runners", "Skiers".

Materials and equipment: laptop, board, projector, presentation « Winter sports» , split cards: « Sport equipment» ,cards winter sports athletes.

OOD progress:

Educator: - Guys, we hear familiar words every day "physical training", « sport» . What do you think is the difference between these two concepts? Children's answers. (Everyone can do physical education every day. A sports The strongest, strongest and healthiest people do it.)

Educator:what you need to do to become athlete? (exercise, train every day, win competitions)

What are people called who do sports? (athletes) .

Educator: guys, there are summer ones sports and winter.

Winter sports are such sports, activities which are possible, as a rule, only in the cold season. And today we will talk to you about winter sports. All winter sports can be divided into two groups: kinds of sports held in the snow (slide 2)

And kinds of sports on ice (slide 3)

They can also be divided into three groups. And in order to find out which ones, guess the riddles.

1. Guys, I have

Two silver horses.

I ride both at once

What kind of horses do I have? (Skates) (slide 4)

2. We stood all summer,

Winter was expected.

The time has come -

We rushed down the mountain. (Sled) (slide 5)

3. Two new, maple

The soles are two meters long.

I put two feet in them -

And run through the big snow! (Skis) (slide 6)

Educator: such events are held on sleds sports like: sled sport, skeleton, bobsled. (slide 7, 8, 9)

By ski: cross-country skiing, biathlon, ski jumping, alpine skiing sport, freestyle, snowboarding. (slide 10 – 14)

On skates: speed skating sport, figure skating, hockey, curling. (slide 15-18)

Educator: Guys, what types? sports would you like to study? Children's answers. Let's practice.

Phys. just a minute: « Winter fun» : (we make movements according to the text)

What do we like to do in winter?

Play snowballs, run skiing,

Skating on ice,

Race down the mountain on a sled.

Educator: Well done! Now let's play with the snow.

A game: “Add sentence”

Ice skating...skater.


Riding a bobsled...a bobsledder.


Skiing from the mountains... alpine skier.

A snowboarder goes down the mountain on a snowboard.

He runs on skis and shoots from a rifle... a biathlete.

He is engaged in figure skating... figure skater.

Educator: and now I suggest you play a game "Find a Pair". Look carefully, they are on your table Pictures: they depict athletes and necessary equipment athlete, only the inventory was all mixed up. You must determine where, whose inventory. (Children connect Pictures: skier - skis, hockey - stick, figure skater - skates, biathlete - rifle, skis, etc.).

Educator: Well done, everyone coped with the task, and now among our experts winter sports, let's hold a competition. Held a game: "The Fourth Wheel" (slide 19-22)

Figure skating, cross-country skiing, cycling sport, Sledging.

Freestyle, short track, biathlon, ski jumping.

Alpine skiing, hockey, curling, speed skating sport.

Sleds, skis, skates, shovel.

Educator: Well done! You know well winter sports and I hope you will do them.

Reflection: guys, tell me what kind sports you liked the most. What kind sports would you like to study? (children's answers). Well done if you walk and exercise sports: At home in sports school, then you will be the healthiest; and perhaps one of you will become an Olympic champion!

Publications on the topic:

Summary of the quiz game in the senior group “Olympic winter sports” Quiz progress: 1. Organizational moment Children enter the hall to the accompaniment of solemn music. Line up in 2 lines. Host: Hello, guys.

Summary of educational activities for children of senior preschool age on speech development “Winter fun. Winter sports" Summary of direct educational activities with children of senior preschool age on speech development Topic: “Winter fun. Winter.

Summary of educational activities in the senior group for familiarization with the social world “Winter sports” Integration of educational areas: cognitive, speech, social and communicative. Goal: - Enriching children's knowledge about sports through.

Summary of OOD with children of the senior group “Winter Olympic Sports” Goal: to introduce the Olympic champions of the Winter Olympics in Sochi, to expand ideas about the surrounding reality through familiarization.

Summary of a lesson on speech development using a presentation in the preparatory group “Winter Sports” Purpose: To clarify and activate.

Summary of GCD in the senior group

Topic: “Winter sports”

Target: Expanding children's ideas about the surrounding reality through introducing children to winter sports.

Tasks: To improve children's knowledge about winter sports. To promote the development of the ability to distinguish the simplest relationships between a sport and its attributes. Ensure that the vocabulary on the topic is enriched and clarified. Promote the development of logical thinking, attention, memory. To form ideas about the importance and health benefits of playing sports. Promote the formation of respectful attitudes towards each other. Arouse interest in physical education and sports.

Preliminary work:Looking at albums and illustrations about sports, conversations about winter sports, the benefits of exercise and physical education; reading fiction; viewing a presentation about winter sports.

Materials and equipment:Multimedia projector, didactic material “Winter sports”, pictures: sleds, skis, skates; “snowball”, cards for completing individual tasks “Find a pair”, a box in which skis are hidden.

Integration of educational areas:cognitive, social – communicative, speech, physical development.

GCD move:

Educator: Children, let's talk about sports and sports today.What is sport? (children's answers) Sport is physical exercise, regular training, and sports competitions. What are people who play sports called? (athletes). What do you need to do to become an athlete? (you need to do exercises every morning, do physical exercise, and toughen up). Why do you think people play sports? What do you think sport gives a person? (children's answers).You said it right. Sport makes a person strong, resilient, and improves health. If you regularly engage in sports and exercise, you will get sick less.

Soon, guys, the Winter Olympic Games will take place in our country. They will take place in Sochi and begin on February 7, 2014. Today we will talk to you about winter Olympic sports.

What winter sports do you know? (children's answers) Well done, you know a lot of sports.

All winter sports can be divided into two groups: sports played on snow and sports played on ice. You can also divide them into three groups. And which ones we will now find out. Guess the riddles:

1. I ride it until evening,

But my lazy horse only carries me down the mountain

I walk up the hill myself,

And I lead my horse by a rope. (sled)

2.Two wooden horses

They carry me down the mountain.
I hold two sticks in my hands,
But I don’t beat horses, I feel sorry for them.
And to speed up the run
I touch the snow with sticks.(skis)

3. I have two silver horses,

They carry me along the water,

And the water is hard

Like stone. (skates)

Exercise “Break down the sports”:Three pictures are attached to the board: sleds, skis and skates, under them children place pictures in which these sports attributes are needed for a given sport. (You can put several pictures of summer sports along with winter sports).

To summarize: the following sports are performed on sleds: sledding, skeleton, bobsleigh. On skis: cross-country skiing, biathlon, ski jumping, alpine skiing, freestyle, snowboarding.

Skating: speed skating, figure skating, hockey, short track, curling.

Educator: Guys, what sports would you like to play? Let's practice.

Physical exercise “Winter fun”:(movements through the text)

What do we like to do in winter?

Play snowballs, run skiing,

Skating on ice,

Race down the mountain on a sled.

Exercise “Complete the sentence”(snowball game)

Ice skating...skater.


Riding a bobsled...a bobsledder.


Skiing from the mountains... alpine skier.

A snowboarder goes down the mountain on a snowboard.

He runs on skis and shoots from a rifle... a biathlete.

He is engaged in figure skating... figure skater.

Exercise “Find a pair”

Educator: And now I offer you the game “Find a Pair”. Look carefully, there are pictures on your table: they depict athletes and the necessary equipment for the athlete, only the equipment is all mixed up. You must determine where, whose inventory is and connect the corresponding pictures with a pencil.(Children connect the image of the athlete and the equipment with a line, saying out loud: skier - skis, hockey - stick, figure skater - skates, etc.)

Educator: Guys, this box contains sports equipment, guess which one. (If children find it difficult to guess the riddle).That's right, these are skis.

Relay "Skiers":You need to run around the pins on “skis”, go back and pass the baton.

Educator: Now let's hold a competition among winter sports experts.

Game "Fourth wheel"(electronic game)

Figure skating, cross-country skiing, cycling, sledding.

Freestyle, short track, biathlon, ski jumping.

Alpine skiing, hockey, curling, speed skating.

Sleds, skis, skates, shovel.

Educator: Well done! You know winter sports well and I hope you will practice them. Maybe one of you will become an Olympic champion. Do you know what you need to do to become an athlete?

If you walk more and play sports, you will be healthy. And if you want to become an athlete, then you need to constantly engage in physical education: both in kindergarten and at home, in a regular and sports school, when you enter there, and then you will definitely be able to become athletes or be as strong, dexterous, fast and, of course well, healthy.

Summary of GCD in the senior group

Topic: “Winter sports”

Target: Expanding children's ideas about the surrounding reality through introducing children to winter sports.

Tasks: To improve children's knowledge about winter sports. To promote the development of the ability to distinguish the simplest relationships between a sport and its attributes. Ensure that the vocabulary on the topic is enriched and clarified. Promote the development of logical thinking, attention, memory. To form ideas about the importance and health benefits of playing sports. Promote the formation of respectful attitudes towards each other. Arouse interest in physical education and sports.

Preliminary work:Looking at albums and illustrations about sports, conversations about winter sports, the benefits of exercise and physical education; reading fiction; viewing a presentation about winter sports.

Materials and equipment:Multimedia projector, didactic material “Winter sports”, pictures: sleds, skis, skates; “snowball”, cards for completing individual tasks “Find a pair”, a box in which skis are hidden.

Integration of educational areas:cognitive, social - communicative, speech, physical development.

GCD move:

Educator: Children, let's talk about sports and sports today.What is sport? (children's answers) Sport is physical exercise, regular training, and sports competitions. What are people who play sports called? (athletes). What do you need to do to become an athlete? (you need to do exercises every morning, do physical exercise, and toughen up). Why do you think people play sports? What do you think sport gives a person? (children's answers).You said it right. Sport makes a person strong, resilient, and improves health. If you regularly engage in sports and exercise, you will get sick less.

Today we will talk to you about winter Olympic sports.

What winter sports do you know? (children's answers) Well done, you know a lot of sports.

All winter sports can be divided into two groups: sports played on snow and sports played on ice. You can also divide them into three groups. And which ones we will now find out. Guess the riddles:

1. I ride it until evening,

But my lazy horse only carries me down the mountain

I walk up the hill myself,

And I lead my horse by a rope. (sled)

2.Two wooden horses

They carry me down the mountain.
I hold two sticks in my hands,
But I don’t beat horses, I feel sorry for them.
And to speed up the run
I touch the snow with sticks.(skis)

3. I have two silver horses,

They carry me along the water,

And the water is hard

Like stone. (skates)

Exercise “Break down the sports”:Three pictures are attached to the board: sleds, skis and skates, under them children place pictures in which these sports attributes are needed for a given sport. (You can put several pictures of summer sports along with winter sports).

To summarize: the following sports are performed on sleds: sledding, skeleton, bobsleigh. On skis: cross-country skiing, biathlon, ski jumping, alpine skiing, freestyle, snowboarding.

Skating: speed skating, figure skating, hockey, short track, curling.

Educator: Guys, what sports would you like to play? Let's practice.

Physical exercise “Winter fun”:(movements through the text)

What do we like to do in winter?

Play snowballs, run skiing,

Skating on ice,

Race down the mountain on a sled.

Exercise “Complete the sentence”(snowball game)

Ice skating...skater.


Riding a bobsled...a bobsledder.


Skiing from the mountains... alpine skier.

A snowboarder goes down the mountain on a snowboard.

He runs on skis and shoots from a rifle... a biathlete.

He is engaged in figure skating... figure skater.

Exercise “Find a pair”

Educator: And now I offer you the game “Find a Pair”. Look carefully, there are pictures on your table: they depict athletes and the necessary equipment for the athlete, only the equipment is all mixed up. You must determine where, whose inventory is and connect the corresponding pictures with a pencil.(Children connect the image of the athlete and the equipment with a line, saying out loud: skier - skis, hockey - stick, figure skater - skates, etc.)

Educator: Guys, this box contains sports equipment, guess which one. (If children find it difficult to guess the riddle).That's right, these are skis.

Relay "Skiers":You need to run around the pins on “skis”, go back and pass the baton.

Educator: Now let's hold a competition among winter sports experts.

Game "Fourth wheel"(electronic game)

Figure skating, cross-country skiing, cycling, sledding.

Freestyle, short track, biathlon, ski jumping.

Alpine skiing, hockey, curling, speed skating.

Sleds, skis, skates, shovel.

Educator: Well done! You know winter sports well and I hope you will practice them. Maybe one of you will become an Olympic champion. Do you know what you need to do to become an athlete?

If you walk more and play sports, you will be healthy. And if you want to become an athlete, then you need to constantly engage in physical education: both in kindergarten and at home, in a regular and sports school, when you enter there, and then you will definitely be able to become athletes or be as strong, dexterous, fast and, of course well, healthy.
