Physical education for urinary incontinence in women. What exercises are needed for urinary incontinence in women and men? Gymnastics for urinary incontinence in women

) is often a typical “women's problem”. Of particular importance in these cases is the pelvic floor muscles, which are responsible for many processes in the body. When the muscles of the pelvic floor are weakened, the obturator muscles of the bladder and urethra are affected, which can lead to involuntary urination. Special exercises and proper breathing can improve control over urination.

Exercises while lying down

Exercise 1. Lie on your back and straighten your arms vertically, then your legs. Reach for the ceiling! Stay in this position for about 1 minute. Breathe with the active participation of the abdominal muscles. This exercise promotes blood accumulation in the pelvis and improves blood supply to the muscles of the pelvic floor.

Exercise 2. While lying on your back, bend your legs slightly at the knees and spread them apart, placing your feet side by side. Exhaling slowly, bring your knees together, while straining your pelvic muscles as much as possible. Inhaling, slowly spread your legs and relax your muscles.

Exercise 3. When lying on your back, your legs are bent and connected at the knees. As you exhale, slowly straighten one leg at a 45-degree angle to the floor, simultaneously tensing your pelvic muscles and sciatic muscles. As you inhale, slowly lower your leg and relax. Repeat the exercise with the other leg.

Exercise 4. Lying on your back, one leg is straightened, the other is bent at the knee. When exhaling, these muscles tense again, and other muscles also tense at the same time, creating the impression that you want to pull the vagina and straightened leg into the stomach. The abdominal press is relaxed. Repeat the exercise with the other leg, changing position.

Exercise 5. Straighten your legs while lying on your back. When you exhale slowly, the pelvic muscles tense. At the same time, bend your right leg with your toe towards your left shoulder. When you inhale, the muscles relax and the leg returns to its place. The exercise is repeated, and the left leg is bent towards the right shoulder while simultaneously tensing the pelvic muscles.

Exercise 6. Relax! Sit in a relaxed knee-elbow position, rest your head on your hands. Breathe calmly. Active exhalation with aspiration stimulates the diaphragm and pelvic floor.

Exercise 7. Position yourself in a knee-elbow position so that the angle between your hips and torso is 90 degrees. This pose should be taken daily for several minutes, periodically drawing in the pelvic floor muscles as you exhale.

Exercise 8. Make a "bridge". While remaining on your knees (legs at the ankle joints are extended), you need to support yourself on your palms or fists. Slowly raise your knees from the floor and exhale forcefully, then just as slowly lower yourself to your knees. At the same time, tension in the abdominal muscles helps strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. This exercise is performed 4-5 times, but at a calm pace you can do it more often.

Exercise 9. Lie on your stomach with your chin on the back of your hands. While exhaling, press the edge of the pubic bone onto the mat, while simultaneously tensing the pelvic muscles.

Exercise 10. Lie on your stomach, supporting yourself on your forearms and toes. While exhaling, raise your pelvis and tense your pelvic floor muscles.

IT IS KNOWN that it is easier to tense the pelvic muscles during exhalation. Imagine a flower that opens when you inhale and closes when you exhale. Try to tense your pelvic floor muscles as you exhale. Tighten your pelvic floor muscles and cough as you do so.

To strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor, you can use any convenient opportunity outside the home. Wherever you sit, you should, unnoticed by others, monitor correct posture. It is necessary to move the pelvis closer to the rear edge of the seat, the legs should be relaxed.

You can train discreetly and in a standing position. Place your feet at shoulder level, relax your knees, and then transfer your weight from one leg to the other and back. Care should be taken to protect your back when lifting heavy objects. When bending over, keep your back straight and lift the load as you exhale.

In order to strengthen the muscles around the urethra, sometimes it is enough to perform Kegel exercises. To understand how to do them, sit on the toilet and start urinating. Then (contracting the pubococcygeus muscles) stop the flow of urine. To begin with, these simple exercises need to be done in two series daily (each consisting of 10 exercises), and then it is advisable to increase to 10 series per day.

Of course, there are many ways to strengthen your pelvic floor and bladder muscles, but success depends on persistence and patience. And for this there is no need to have special equipment. Therapeutic gymnastics classes should be carried out at least three times a week (every other day), and preferably daily, preferably in the afternoon (after 16 hours), but no less than 2 - 3 hours before going to bed. It is advisable to do each exercise 10 - 12 times.

Exercises while sitting

Exercise 11. Are you sitting correctly? Sit on a stool with your legs slightly apart. Make sure that your torso is straight and makes a right angle with your thigh. Hands lie relaxed on your knees. It is necessary to continue to monitor the correct position of the body.

Exercise 12. Sitting on a stool, bend slightly, arms lie next to the body, legs together. The weight of the weight is located at the back of the pelvis. When exhaling, the pelvic muscles are tensed as much as possible for 10 - 15 seconds. Inhale slowly and the muscles relax. The exercise is repeated with a straight back.

Exercise 13. Sitting straight on a stool, cross your straightened legs. As you exhale, simultaneously squeeze your legs as much as possible and tense your pelvic muscles. After 10 - 15 seconds. relax as you inhale.

Exercise 14. Sit on a rolled pillow in cowgirl position. Bend your back slightly, with the weight of your torso falling on the back of your pelvis. As you exhale, the pelvic muscles are drawn in for 10 - 15 seconds. Inhale slowly and completely relax. The same exercise is repeated with a straight back, transferring the center of gravity to the front of the pelvis.

Exercise 15. Sit on rice! First of all, prepare a 15x15 cm bag and fill it with 180 g of rice. Sit on it relaxed. Breathing is calm. As you exhale, imagine that you are sucking grains of rice with your pelvic muscles. The effect of the exercise is enhanced if you slowly raise your arms as you exhale, and slowly lower them to your knees as you inhale. This exercise helps to better control the process of urination by strengthening the obturator urethral muscle. It should be repeated 4-5 times.

Exercise 16. Sit up straight, legs slightly apart, hands on your knees. Grabbing your right knee with your hands, pull it towards your body and remain in this position for several seconds. Then quickly release the knee by raising your arms above your head (winner pose). Repeat the exercise, changing the knee. This exercise helps strengthen the muscles of the abdomen and pelvic floor. Repeat the exercise 5 times, changing knees.

Exercise 17. This exercise is performed with a partner.

Lying on your back, bend your knees. The partner, in turn, stands on his knees in front of your legs and tries to push your knees apart with his hands. It is necessary, while straining the pelvic muscles, to simultaneously try to keep the knees in their original position. Then your partner tries to push your knees inward against the resistance.

When performing exercises, you should always consider the following two conditions:

1. The stomach should be soft and relaxed. At the same time, only the pelvic muscles should be tensed: the anus, vagina, urethra and ischial muscles.

Try, for example, interrupting it while urinating. For this purpose, the pelvic floor muscles are used.

2. Be sure to monitor proper breathing. If breathing is tense and irregular, the effect of exercise is reduced.

After completing a set of exercises, you need to walk around and relax.

The problem of bedwetting, or enuresis, is unfortunately familiar to many parents. It will take a lot of effort to deal with it. The main thing is to firmly remember that you should never scold children: urinary incontinence is usually a disease, not a bad habit.

We can talk about enuresis if a child after 3.5 years wets the bed at night. First of all, parents should consult a urologist to rule out pathology of the urinary tract: various diseases of the kidneys, bladder, and immaturity of the sphincter that holds urine.

Consultations with an endocrinologist and surgeon may also be necessary. If these doctors do not identify any pathologies, then most likely we are talking about neurotic or neurosis-like enuresis and the child should be treated by a neurologist or neuropsychiatrist.

You can recommend exercises that train the muscles of the bladder: when the child sits on the potty, he should concentrate, calm down, relax and slowly (second by second) count to 10. Then partially empty the bladder and hold urination, again counting to 10, and then complete the “process " The main goal of this exercise is to bring the pause to a minute, this will help the child learn to control his bladder.

There are also a number of exercises that strengthen the bladder sphincter and pelvic floor muscles. The exercises are available to a child of any age, the main thing is that he is already able to understand and follow the instructions of adults. Doing the exercises together with the child has a good effect: this will convince him that his parents are also concerned about his problem and are ready to help him cope with it.

Exercise therapy for enuresis

IP - lying on your back. Alternately raise straight legs (8-10 times). Circular rotations with each leg (8 times). Cross one leg behind the other (“scissors”, 6–8 times). “Pistol” - one leg is bent at the knee, brought to the chest, the other is raised above the floor (alternate, 8–10 times). Place your legs, bent at the knees, alternately to the right and left of the body, without lifting your shoulders from the floor (8-10 times). Sit down from a lying position (10 times). “Bicycle” (20–30 times).

IP - lying on your stomach. Alternately raise straight legs (10–12 times). Pull your knees to your elbows (8-10 times). Bend your knees (10–12 times).

IP - kneeling. Knees together, heels apart - sit between your legs (6-8 times). Knees apart, heels together - sit on your heels (6-8 times). Feet together - sit on the side of your feet (6-8 times).

IP - standing on all fours. Without lifting your hands, sit on your heels (6–8 times). Pull your knee towards the opposite hand (8-10 times). Stretch one leg back, sit on the other, without lifting your hands from the floor (8-10 times). Raise your straight leg up, do not bend your arms (8–10 times).

IP - sitting position. Pull your knees to your chest (8-10 times). Spread your legs to the sides (8-10 times). Lift your pelvis off the floor and bend over (6–8 times). “Bicycle” (20–30 times).

To make a child's sleep more superficial and, accordingly, help him wake up at the right moment, you can use a trick. In the evening before going to bed, parents warn the child that when he goes to the toilet at night, a gift will be waiting for him there. There really is some nice little thing in the toilet - a small coin, a small toy, a sticker.

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Enuresis Prepare the following mixture: Lingonberry leaves - 50 g St. John's wort - 40 g Agrimony - 30 g Brew 1 teaspoon of the mixture in 1 glass of boiling water. Drink a quarter glass at lunch. Heart fluttering. The following collection will help you: Hawthorn flowers and fruits – 50 g Motherwort grass – 10 g Herb

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Enuresis The problem of bedwetting, or enuresis, is unfortunately familiar to many parents. It will take a lot of effort to deal with it. The main thing is to firmly remember that you should never scold children: urinary incontinence is usually a disease, not a harmful one.

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Enuresis? Mix in parts by volume dry crushed oak bark - 1 part, thorn bark - 1 part, bark of young shoots of wild pear - 1 part. Then 1 tbsp. l. crushed collection, pour 300 ml of boiling ginger water, close, boil in a water bath for 20 minutes over low heat, leave for 4

Urinary incontinence It occurs quite often in adults.

There are two types of urinary incontinence:

  1. Tension incontinence, when urine is released during coughing, sneezing, laughing and lifting heavy objects.
  2. Incontinence sudden urge to urinate when a person does not have time to reach the toilet.

The main causes of urinary incontinence:

  1. Weakness of the pelvic floor muscles (for example, in women after childbirth);
  2. Bladder infections;
  3. Prostate adenoma in men;
  4. Flabbiness of the walls of the bladder as a result of overstretching them with a large amount of urine for a long time, when a person endures the urge to urinate for too long and often;
  5. Nervous diseases (Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis and others).

Remember! You cannot tolerate the urge to urinate for long!

It is necessary to determine the cause of your problem and eliminate it. So visit your doctor first.

If you are assigned physical therapy for urinary incontinence, then let's start the exercises.

The main point when performing exercises is to concentrate on the pelvic floor muscles. Therapeutic exercises for urinary incontinence performed slowly, efficiently, with maximum range of motion.

Our goal is to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, as well as the posture, abdominal and thigh muscles.

A set of exercises for urinary incontinence.

Raise the “lower” leg up, focusing on the pelvic floor.

Perform this exercise until the muscles involved are tired, first on the right side, then on the left. Concentrate on the “patience” muscle.

10. "Let's lean back." Kneeling, hands in the “lock” at the back of the head, body straightened.

1- Slowly lean back enough so as not to fall, keep your back straight, concentrate on the pelvic floor muscles, tensing the “patience” muscles and pulling the bladder up.

2- Slowly return to the starting position. 4 – 6 times.

Initial position.

Once! Inhale.

Two! Exhalation.

Three! Squeeze your pelvic floor muscles. Inhale.

Four! Exhalation.

11. Standing, stick in hands behind shoulder blades, feet shoulder-width apart.

1- Raise the stick up, move the right leg in front over the left, contract your patience muscles(inhale).

2- Return to original. position (exhalation).

3- Same with the left leg (inhale).

4- Return to original. position (exhalation). 6 times.

12. "Squats". Standing, legs slightly apart, gymnastic stick in hands behind back.

1- Sit down (exhale).

2- Squeeze the pelvic floor muscles, mentally pulling the bladder up, straighten (inhale).

10 – 12 squats.

13. Repeatedly tense the muscles of the perineum from 2 to 15 seconds and relax them. The quality of execution is of great importance.

Perform this exercise as often as possible during the day at work, in transport, at home and in other places when you can devote some time to yourself.

Learn to feel an approaching cough or sneeze, prepare your “patience” muscles for this load in advance. If the cough is prolonged and hysterical, then it must be treated. If you smoke, you need to quit smoking. Don't despair, fight for your health. Physical therapy for urinary incontinence– your indispensable assistant.

Nina Petrova.

Details Updated: 05/08/2019 19:31 Published: 11/10/2013 19:58

Anastasia Listopadova

Kegel technique to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles

Kegel exercises- the most famous method of training a woman’s intimate muscles. Other techniques, as a rule, are based on the classic exercises of Dr. Kegel.

Kegel exercises are exercises for strengthening, toning pelvic floor muscles. In ordinary life, these muscles are practically not used, so over time or after childbirth, these muscles lose elasticity and become weak.

How to do Kegel exercises

In modern foreign medical practice, the following scheme for performing Kegel exercises is followed.

How to identify the pelvic floor muscles

First, you need to correctly learn to determine where the pelvic floor muscles are.

Lie on your back and place a finger in your vagina, against the side wall. Squeeze your muscles as if you want to stop urinating. If you feel tension with your finger, it means you have found the pelvic floor muscles, which will be involved in the exercises.

Another way correctly identify the pelvic floor muscles. Sit on the toilet and while urinating, use your muscles to interrupt the flow of urine. Remember the sensations, this is what a classic Kegel exercise will look like.

Warning: Do not constantly practice exercises (with interruption of the urine stream) while urinating, this should not be done frequently.

Preliminary preparation

Before starting Kegel exercises, you should empty your bladder.

In what position to perform Kegel exercises

It is most convenient for beginners to perform in the following positions:

Lying on your back, legs slightly apart and bent at the knees, heels on the floor. Place one hand on your lower abdomen, the other under your buttocks.

In this position, it is easier to feel how the necessary muscles contract.

Urinary incontinence is a common problem and getting rid of it is not always easy. Kegel exercises will be an excellent help in eliminating enuresis. If you perform the complex regularly, you can achieve good results. However, to do this you need to familiarize yourself with all the advantages and disadvantages of exercise.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Kegel complex for urinary incontinence in women

Urinary incontinence is the involuntary leakage of urine that cannot be controlled. This pathology often occurs in the fair sex during the postpartum period, as well as during menopause. This is associated with weakening of the bladder muscles, which support the organ in the correct position. In order to get rid of this problem, you can perform Kegel exercises. The complex is based on actions aimed at toning the muscles that support the bladder.

Benefits of exercise:

  • no side effects;
  • safety;
  • quick results with regular training;
  • the ability to perform exercises at any time;
  • additional strengthening of the vaginal muscles.

The disadvantage of this complex is its inability to eliminate progressive enuresis, as well as urinary incontinence caused by inflammatory processes and tumors. Exercises will also be useless if there is significant prolapse of the uterus (requiring organ plastic surgery), which provokes the leakage of urine in large quantities. It will also not be possible to eliminate psychological enuresis using the Kegel complex.

The bladder is supported by muscles; when they weaken, urinary incontinence occurs

There is no age limit for Kegel exercises. The complex can be performed sitting, lying or standing. The main thing is to take a comfortable position.

Indications and contraindications

The indication for performing the complex is minor leakage of urine, as well as enuresis, which is caused by difficult childbirth and weakening of the bladder muscles as a result of age-related changes. Exercises are also recommended for those women whose incontinence is caused by slight prolapse of the uterus.

Contraindications to performing the complex:

  • the presence of malignant tumors of the bladder;
  • acute cystitis and pyelonephritis;
  • inflammation of the urethra;
  • postoperative period.

To get the maximum benefit from your workouts, you can combine Kegel exercises with other routines aimed at strengthening your pelvic floor muscles.

Preparation for execution

The complex does not require any serious preparation, however, to achieve the best result, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Before performing exercises, you must empty your bladder.
  2. You should start the complex 1 hour after eating.
  3. It is not recommended to drink water, tea or coffee before training.
  4. Wear loose clothing that does not restrict the bladder area.

You should not perform the complex if you are feeling unwell. If your temperature or blood pressure rises, you should postpone classes.

Basic exercises

There are 3 exercises in total. They should be performed, if possible, 2 times a day. You should start small. There is no need to immediately do a large number of approaches and repetitions. To begin with, it is enough to perform each exercise 10 times. Then gradually increase the pace, adding 5 per week. The maximum number is 30 repetitions for each exercise.

You need to take a comfortable position, the main thing is to relax. The first action is alternately squeezing and relaxing the pelvic floor muscles. The buttocks are relaxed. This may tighten the muscles of the vagina, but not the abdominal muscles. This action is similar to artificially restraining the act of urination. First, the muscles tense for 10 seconds, then gradually relax.

Kegel exercises should be performed in the most comfortable body position

The second exercise is identical to the first. You need to alternately squeeze and relax your muscles, but only at a fast pace. At first it will be difficult, but if you perform the complex daily, you can achieve excellent results. The third exercise is based on light straining, in which the muscles of the bladder and vagina contract. Then the reverse action. The muscles must be sharply retracted.

The effect of training can be detected after 3-6 weeks of regular implementation of the complex.

Features of implementation for different age groups

Women of reproductive age can perform Kegel exercises, aimed at tightening the muscles of the pelvic floor and vagina, during the act of urination. This way you can record the result. If you manage to completely restrain the act and urine stops coming out, then this indicates that the muscles are well trained.

The author of these lines performs the complex in combination with the Plank exercise, which strengthens the muscles of the entire body. To do this, you need to take a horizontal position, resting on your toes and palms. You need to hold out in this position for as long as you can. In this case, the pelvis should not sag. If your arms are very heavy or hurt, you can bend them at the elbows.

The plank strengthens muscles throughout the body and can complement the Kegel routine.

Representatives of the fair sex over 50 years of age are recommended to supplement the complex with other exercises. The first is aimed at strengthening the muscles of the bladder and abdominal wall. To do this, you need to lie on your back and, bending your knees, imitate riding a bicycle. The second action is performed from the same position. Only this time you need to try to strain and relax the muscles of the vagina and buttocks at the same time. Perform each action 30 times. This makes it easier to tense your pelvic floor muscles. For older people, performing one set of 10 repetitions is optimal. If unpleasant sensations arise, you can take a break.

The younger the woman, the faster the effect will be. Elderly people need to be patient and perform the complex for at least 2-3 months, depending on the intensity of incontinence.

Exercises for urinary incontinence - video

The Kegel complex is available to everyone and will help get rid of enuresis. Additional exercises will enhance the effect of gymnastics. Simple preparation rules will help you achieve good results during your training. Compliance with all the recommendations that are necessary during the implementation of the complex will help eliminate urinary incontinence.
