Daria Domracheva personal life. Biathlete Dasha Domracheva: biography, sporting achievements, personal life. Start of a sports career

Domracheva Daria Vladimirovna (b. 1986) – biathlete from the Republic of Belarus. She has twice won gold medals at the World Championships, has five Small and one Large World Cup crystal globes in biathlon, three-time champion Winter Olympics-2014, Honored Master of Sports of Belarus, Hero of Belarus. In the second decade of the 21st century, she is one of the strongest biathletes in the world. It has a nickname - “Belarusian Rocket”.


Daria was born on August 3, 1986 in the capital of the then Belarusian SSR, the city of Minsk. Dasha's mom and dad were architects by education and main profession. When the girl was 4 years old, the family was forced to move from Belarus to the north of Russia, to Siberia. A new city, Nyagan, was built on the very border of the Tyumen region and the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. Dasha’s mother was appointed chief architect of the town under construction, and the family stayed there for 15 years, although they originally planned for 5.

If not for this move from Belarus to Siberia, most likely the world would never have known the great athlete DomrachevaDaria. The four-year-old girl was an overly active child, she was restless, and energy simply burst out of Dasha. Living in Siberia and not skiing was unforgivable. Dasha’s older brother Nikita’s parents have already enrolled him in the section. And she first tried dancing, then basketball, fell headfirst from the horizontal bar and in 1992, at the age of six, began skiing after her brother. Nikita did not take up skiing for a long time; like his parents, he preferred architecture. And Dasha liked this sport.

Over time, he took the main place in her life, and she attended sports school more often than educational ones, and constant training camps and competitions began. At school, Dasha did not particularly like the exact sciences - algebra, geometry, physics. But there were also favorite subjects - history and geography. Different cities, countries, continents, their past and present. I wanted to know and see everything. Nevertheless, despite the constant travel, Domracheva graduated from school with “good” and “excellent” marks.


In sports, there were no other grades other than “excellent”. Here she was at her best, she conquered any peak. The very first mentor, Albert Musin, who put the girl on skis, immediately distinguished her from hundreds of others. The second person thanks to whom the world recognized the athlete Daria Domracheva, coach Viktor Postnikov, suggested that in 1999 she try to combine skiing with shooting - to take up biathlon. After finishing his sports career, he participated in the opening of a biathlon school in Nyagan, in which Domracheva became one of the first students.

During one of her visits to her hometown of Minsk on family matters, Daria had a conversation with the coach of the women's biathlon team, she was invited to participate in competitions for the Belarusian team. Dasha loved Belarus, it was her dream to compete for her native country, she gave a positive answer and left Nyagan. Russia did not want to let go of the promising athlete. By that time, Domracheva had victories at Russian junior championships and prizes in European competitions. It took six months to obtain the right to compete for Belarus. The birth certificate in the city of Minsk, Belarusian SSR, played a decisive role.

Year Sports achivments
2005 At the junior world championship, the first was the individual race. The scope on Dasha's rifle falls off, and during the third shooting she misses five times. It ranks 40th. But after this, the sprint and pursuit bring her two victories.
2006 In the pursuit race at the junior world championship, Dasha receives bronze medal. She made her debut in the World Cup (the 1st stage took place in Sweden), Domracheva took 16th position in the sprint.
2007 Two silver medals at the junior world championships - in the pursuit and sprint.
2008 This season was marked by stability, Dasha firmly established herself in the top 10 biathletes based on the results of all races. During the World Cup in Oberhof, a funny incident happened. Daria was the leader of the competition when she came to the second firing position. Inspired by the fight and leadership, she shot while standing when she should have done it lying down. She was not counted as a hit, and Domracheva left the race. However, at the 5th stage of the World Cup, Dasha takes third place in the personal race and for the first time in her life stands on a podium at this level.
2009 Dasha clearly had no luck in Oberhof. She was again in the lead in the mass start race and was the first to reach the third shooting range with a large gap over her rivals. But the first three bullets flew at someone else's target. Dasha caught herself, started shooting at her own, missed and the assigned 4 penalty laps knocked her out of the fight for the leadership.
2010 Domracheva made her debut at the Vancouver Olympics, where she won bronze in the 15-kilometer race. The Khante-Mansiysk stage of the World Cup brings Daria silver in the mass start race, and together with her team she wins a bronze medal in the relay competition. The overall standings of the World Cup (it is always held at the end of the season) allowed biathlete Domracheva to take sixth place.
2011 The heyday of the athlete Domracheva Daria. Finally, a balance between shooting and speed has been found and established. Different stages of the World Cup brought several victories.
2012 The first time Dasha won the world championship, it happened in the 10-kilometer pursuit race.
2013 Another gold medal at the world championship, now in a mass start race. The World Cup stages brought 3 victories, 9 ascents to the podium and second position in the final ranking at the end of the season.
2014 Daria gets the first Maly in her life for the mass start Crystal globe. The season ends with third position in the world according to the results of the overall standings.
2015 In the overall standings at the final Khanty-Mansiysk stage of the World Cup, first place is rightfully given to biathlete Domracheva. Dasha is the owner of the Big Crystal Globe.

Daria Domracheva misses the 2015/2016 sports season due to illness.

Despite such successes and good sporting results, not a single bookmaker placed special bets on Domracheva before the Winter Olympics in Sochi. But what happened in this southern Russian city requires a separate chapter in the biography of biathlete Daria Domracheva. She was unstoppable there, ran quickly and powerfully, and shot accurately. In the world history of biathlon, the new star.

Golden 2014

The year 2014 was beginning, and very soon, perhaps, the start of the life of biathlete Daria Domracheva was coming. It became truly golden for Dasha.

The leader of the Belarusian women's biathlon team, Dasha Domracheva, becomes the first three-time Olympic champion in Belarus.

On February 9, 2014, the sprint brought Dasha fourth place, she lost to Kuzmina A., Vilukhina O. and Semerenko V.

The first gold medal was received in the 10-kilometer pursuit on February 11, 2014. After the second firing position, Daria began to lead, after the third, the gap from her rivals increased even more. On the approach to the fourth firing line, the time gap with the rivals was about 40 seconds. In the last 20th shot, Dasha allowed herself to miss. This did not stop her from maintaining her leadership position and picking up the flag of her native country at the finish line.

Dasha was congratulated on Olympic gold by the President of the Republic of Belarus A.G. Lukashenko. Athletes gathered at his house Belarusian team, fans, soon the hero of the occasion herself arrived. The President's son gave Dasha flowers, then they picked her up, rocked her and threw her up. There was a tea party until late, where everyone wished Daria another victory, because the 2014 Olympics were only in full swing, there were still many starts ahead.

The second gold was not long in coming and came to Dasha on February 14, 2014 in the 15-kilometer individual race. In it, she missed once in the second firing position, but at a distance she reached crazy speed.

In the mass start race on February 17, 2014, Dasha gets third gold medal Sochi Olympics and becomes the first three-time Olympic champion in the world to win both the games and individual races.

On the day when Dasha won the Olympics for the third time, President Lukashenko awarded her the title of Hero of Belarus. This is the first woman in the country to receive such an award.

When, before the opening of the Winter Olympics in Sochi, Belarusian President Lukashenko invited Domracheva to carry the country’s flag, she refused. But I decided for myself:

“I won’t carry the Belarusian flag at the opening; I’d rather finish with it in my hands at sports races.”

Our Dasha. What is she like outside of sports?

After stunning victories at the 2014 Winter Olympics, the Russians nicknamed Daria Domracheva “Queen of Sochi,” and Belarusian fans and biathlon fans call her so tenderly and touchingly: “Our Dasha.” What is she like outside? sports life?

Dasha loves Russia very much, considers it her native country, but for her there is only one Motherland - Belarus, that’s how patriotic she is.

Daria loves to travel and have fun, she can dance until the morning, her hobbies are snowboarding and surfing, photography and interior design.

She has a diploma of higher education, graduated from BSEU, and graduated from the Department of Tourism Management

Daria Domracheva was born in 1986 in Minsk into a family of architects. After 4 years, she and her parents left for Siberia, to the city of Nyagan, which was under construction, the main architect of which was Daria’s mother. Daria was involved in dancing and basketball, and in 1992, following her older brother, she began training cross-country skiing. Spending almost all of her time in training, camps and competitions, Daria studied at school with “good” and “excellent” marks. She spent her summer holidays in Minsk.

In 1999 she started training in biathlon. She graduated from high school, where she studied in the economics and law class, and entered the 2nd year of Tyumen University, faculty of sports management.

Biathlon career

One day, for family reasons, Daria came to Minsk, where she received an offer from the head coach of the women's team to play for Belarus. Daria, who dreamed of playing for her native country, agreed and left Nyagan, starting to train with the Belarusian national team. Then, for about 6 months, I had to seek the right to compete for Belarus, and not Russia; the decisive factor was the Belarusian birth certificate. At that time, Domracheva was already a multiple champion of Russia among juniors and a prize-winner of European level competitions.

The first major international start I competed for the Belarusian national team at the 2005 World Junior Championships, where I finished 40th in the first race (individual). The diopter fell off at one of the ranges, resulting in five out of five possible misses in the third shooting. Domracheva won the next two races - sprint and pursuit. A year later, from a similar championship, Daria took away only bronze for the pursuit race.

She made her debut in the World Cup on December 1, 2006 (season 2006/07) at the 1st stage in the Swedish Östersund in the sprint race, showing the 16th result (becoming 2nd and 5th Belarusian athletes). At the 2007 Junior World Championships, she managed to finish second twice: in the sprint and pursuit.

In the 2008/09 season, she began to regularly place in the top ten at the end of the race. At the stage in Oberhof, in the mass start race, a funny thing happened to Daria. Leading the race and arriving at the 2nd firing line first, instead of shooting prone, she shot standing (video). The hits were not counted, and she had to leave the race. Despite this incident, already at the 5th stage of the World Cup she was on the podium for the first time in an individual race - Daria took 3rd place. After this success, two more podiums followed.

A year later, also in the mass start in Oberhof, Domracheva was the leader of the race before the third shooting with a fairly large advantage. But three shots were fired at someone else's target. Realizing the mistake in time, Daria continued shooting at her target, but the 4 penalties she received did not allow her to fight for victory in the race.

Best of the day

Self made man
Music of words

Olympic champion Daria Domracheva is well known to all sports fans. The athlete deservedly bears the title of biathlon star; she has brought more than one award to the national teams of Russia and Belarus.

Large trading corporations have repeatedly offered the girl to become the “face” of their advertising campaigns, but the star chose to focus on biathlon, studies, and also on developing her own business - she produces a clothing line. The achievements of Daria Domracheva are difficult to overestimate, because during her sports career the girl achieved impressive results:

  • Despite the biathlete’s young age, her biography is impressive with the number of awards, and not only sports ones. At the age of 17, the girl decided that her nationality obliges her to play for the Belarusian national team, and gave all her strength to achieve top results. For numerous victories, President Lukashenko personally awarded the athlete the highest state award country and awarded the title of Master of Sports.
  • During Sochi Olympics the athlete became a three-time champion, winning the 10 km race, then the 15 km race and the individual race. Gold was not easy: Daria was literally haunted by unfortunate incidents, she made a mistake at the last shooting range, and only the will to win helped her finish second.
  • The girl became a world champion twice, received six World Cups and five World Cup crystal globes. Dasha has gold, silver, and bronze awards to her credit, and journalists began to call her a “rocket” for her shooting accuracy and speed.

Childhood and youth

Daria Domracheva prefers not to talk about herself, and at the same time, her biography and personal life are of great interest to fans of the athlete. Daria Vladimirovna Domracheva was born in Belarus; her parents, architects by training, had nothing to do with sports.

As soon as the daughter grew up a little, the family moved to Russia and settled in the Siberian town of Nyagan, which was being actively developed at that time. The mother of the future athlete was soon appointed chief architect of the city, so instead of a couple of years, the Domrachevs lived in the North for almost 15.

Daria Domracheva was a very active girl - she practiced not only basketball, but also ballroom dancing. However, skiing became the girl’s real hobby: at first she attended sports school together with my brother, and then I started studying alone.

Dasha paid much less attention to her studies at the gymnasium than to training and competitions, but after receiving her certificate, she successfully entered Tyumen State University. At the beginning of 2003, the family returned to their homeland, Belarus, and sports biography Daria Domracheva's career has gone uphill.

Sports achivments

According to Daria Domracheva herself, she owes the start of her career to Russia and the coaches who helped her achieve her first sports results. As a Belarusian biathlete, Daria Domracheva became known already when she had several victories at junior and European competitions and prizes from several world championships.

Russian coaches spent a long time trying to persuade the girl to stay, but Dasha decided to play for the national team. Now the athlete does not regret at all the decision taken, today she is considered one of the most promising biathletes in the world.

In 2006, Domracheva competed at the World Cup, but only won 16th place. This result did not disappoint the girl at all, and she decided to enter the top ten at all costs.

However, the competition in Oberhof did not allow her to demonstrate her successes: Dasha was in the lead in the race, but she made a mistake and fired standing at the shooting range, but according to the requirements of the competition she had to lie down - because of this she was removed from the race. This misunderstanding only spurred the girl on in her quest for victory, and the honorable 3rd place forced her to pull herself together and fight for victory.

Domracheva opened the 2011-2012 season with two crystal globes, and her rival for the cup was Magdalena Neuner herself, a famous German athlete, multiple titled champion. The Olympics in Sochi became a real triumph for Daria: the biathlete won three gold medals. The latest news that the girl reported on her official page on the social network indicates that Dasha decided to briefly interrupt her sports career in order to focus on her child and family.

Personal life

The personal life of Daria Domracheva has always been under close public attention, but the girl tried to avoid any scandals as much as possible.

Journalists learned and reported that Daria Domracheva and Ole Einar Bjoerndalen were dating back in 2011, but the couple stubbornly denied this fact. Domracheva and Bjoerndalen carefully hid the details of their personal lives, because at that time the athlete was married, and the fragile relationship could simply collapse due to too close attention from others.

However, a year later Ole divorced, and in 2015 he proposed to Daria. The wedding was quite modest, attended only by close relatives and no press! Soon, Daria Domracheva and her husband published photographs from the wedding ceremony, which resolved all doubts about their romance.

A few months later, the happy family admitted that a baby would soon be born. The biathlete became a mother on October 1, 2016, and Daria Domracheva’s husband missed preparatory training for the first time because of this. The husband told the press that Daria had taken a break and would return to her sports career in the second half of 2017. Now all the attention of the young couple is devoted to the baby named Ksyusha: the family arranges joint walks, the spouses devote the maximum amount of time to raising and developing their daughter, communicating with her.

Now the athlete has resumed training and has already regained her magnificent figure. physical fitness. The biathlete runs her own page on Instagram, tells fans about her plans, and also posts many photographs showing Daria Domracheva’s house, family walks, and quiet celebrations.

During pregnancy and caring for her daughter, the athlete did not waste time: Daria was engaged in self-education and paid a lot of attention to developing her own line of sportswear. 2017 was a triumphant year for Domracheva: the biathlete not only returned to competition, but also won the sprint race in Hochfilzen. Author: Natalya Ivanova

Daria Vladimirovna Domracheva. Born on August 3, 1986 in Minsk. Belarusian biathlete, three-time Olympic champion in 2014.

Winner of the large Crystal Globe of the Biathlon World Cup (2014/15), two-time world champion (2012 and 2013), winner of several small Crystal Globes of the Biathlon World Cup, Honored Master of Sports of the Republic of Belarus.

The most titled Belarusian athlete in the history of winter sports Olympic Games, as well as the world's first three-time Olympic champion, who won all her victories in individual races.

On the day of winning her third gold medal at the 2014 Games, Daria was awarded the title “Hero of Belarus”; she became the first woman in the history of the country to be awarded highest award.

One of the strongest biathletes in the world at the beginning of the second decade of the 21st century.

Daria Domracheva - interview

Daria Domracheva was born in 1986 in Minsk into a family of architects.

Has an older brother Nikita, he is an architect.

After 4 years, she and her parents left for Siberia, to the city of Nyagan, which was under construction. Daria was involved in dancing and basketball, and in 1992, following her older brother, she began skiing. Spending almost all of her time in training, camps and competitions, Daria studied at school with “good” and “excellent” marks. She spent her summer holidays in Minsk.

In 1999 she started training in biathlon. She graduated from high school, where she studied in the economics and law class, and entered the 2nd year of the University of Tyumen, faculty of sports management. In 2003, she moved with her family back to Minsk. There was no department of sports management at BSEU, so Domracheva moved to the department of tourism management.

At the beginning of her career, Daria played for Russia, but in 2004 she received an offer from the head coach of the women's national team to play for Belarus. She agreed and began training as part of the Belarusian national team, but it took about 6 months to achieve the right to compete for her. At that time, Domracheva was already a multiple champion of Russia among juniors, a prize-winner of European level competitions, and became 15th in the individual race at the 2004 World Girls Championships. At the same time, Daria always stated that since childhood she wanted to compete for Belarus, since she has Belarusian roots.

The first major international start for the Belarusian national team was the 2005 World Junior Championships, where she finished 40th in the first race (individual). At one of the ranges, the diopter fell off, as a result of which there were five out of five possible misses in the third shooting.

Domracheva won the next two races - sprint and pursuit. A year later, from a similar championship, Daria took away only bronze for the pursuit race.

She made her debut in the World Cup on December 1, 2006 (2006/07 season) at the 1st stage in the Swedish Östersund in the sprint race, showing 16th result (becoming the second of five Belarusian athletes). At the 2007 Junior World Championships, she managed to finish second twice: in the sprint and pursuit.

In the 2008/09 season, she began to regularly place in the top ten at the end of the race. At the stage in Oberhof, in the mass start race, a funny thing happened to Daria. Leading the race and arriving at the second firing line first, instead of shooting prone, she shot standing, and, moreover, did not achieve a single hit. She had to quit the race. Despite this incident, already at the 5th stage of the World Cup she was on the podium for the first time in an individual race - Daria took 3rd place.

After this success, two more podiums followed. At the 2009 World Championships, she set a record for the number of places won in the women's pursuit race - 48 positions.

A year later, also in the mass start in Oberhof, Domracheva was the leader of the race before the third shooting with a fairly large advantage. But three shots were fired at someone else's target. Realizing the mistake, Daria continued shooting at her target, but the 4 penalties she received did not allow her to fight for victory in the race.

At the Kontiolahti stage of the 2009-2010 World Cup, Domracheva won the sprint and then the pursuit. On the wave of this success, at the next stage (Holmenkollen), Daria took 2nd place in the individual races, losing only to the German Simone Hauswald.

In the 2010/11 season, she won two medals at the World Championships in Khanty-Mansiysk- “silver” in the mass start and “bronze” in the relay. In the overall standings of the 2010-2011 World Cup, Daria Domracheva took 6th place.

The 2011/12 season was the best in Daria's career. In the World Cup, for the first time, she competed on an equal footing with the recognized world leader women's biathlon German Magdalena Neuner. The German biathlete declared the 2011-2012 season the final one in her career and strived for victories in all disciplines, but the intrigue in the fight for the Big Crystal Globe remained until the end of the season. Neuner's speed advantage was offset by Domracheva's equal speed. Daria has also become much more stable in shooting. Eighteen times Daria Domracheva stood on the podium in various races of the season.

For the first time in her career, she became a world champion, winning gold in the pursuit race at the World Championships in Ruhpolding. At the end of the season, Domracheva took second place in the overall World Cup standings, 28 points behind Neuner, won two small crystal globes - in pursuit and mass start, was second in the sprint standings and third in individual races.

On the eve of the 2012/13 cup season, Domracheva was considered the favorite and the main contender for winning the Big Crystal Globe. However, the biathlete’s results turned out to be ambiguous. Great starts were combined with outright failures. The main reason for Daria's failures was her unstable shooting, although she still remained one of the best in the speed component. At the World Championships in Nove Mesto, Czech Republic, Daria won the second gold in her career - this time the victory came in the mass start. In total, in the 2012/13 season, Domracheva won three World Cup races and stood on the podium nine times. In the overall standings, the athlete repeated last year’s result, finishing the season second.

Became an Olympic champion for the first time on February 11, 2014, competing in the 10 km pursuit race at the 2014 Olympic Games in Sochi. Taking 9th place and inferior to the winner of this program Anastasia Kuzmina 31.8 s, silver medalist Olga Vilukhina 11.9 s, bronze medalist Vita Semerenko 10.1 s according to the results of the sprint on February 9, 2014, Domracheva took the lead in the race after the second shooting, Moreover, after each firing line it only strengthened its leadership. And only at the last, 4th firing line, leading by more than 40 seconds, Daria allowed herself to miss the last 20th shot, which did not at all prevent her from entering the last lap as the absolute leader and proudly picking up the flag of her country at the finish line.

At the same Olympics, on February 14, 2014, she won her second gold medal in the 15 km individual race, making 1 mistake at the second shooting range and showing excellent speed over the distance.

On February 17, 2014, she became the first biathlete in history to win three gold medals. olympic medals in individual races (all at the same Olympic Games). The record award came from a mass start race, in which Daria made only one mistake. On the same day, the President of the Republic awarded Domracheva the title “Hero of Belarus”.

In the 2013/14 season, the athlete missed one stage before the Olympics. In addition, this year, for the first time, rules came into force according to which the results of races within the Olympic Games were not taken into account in the World Cup standings. Despite this, the result of the season was third place and the Small Crystal Globe in the elite form of the biathlon program - mass start races.

In the 2014/15 season on final stage World Cup in Khanty-Mansiysk, for the first time in her career she won the overall standings, ahead of her main rival Kaisa Mäkäräinen, winning the Big Crystal Globe of the season.

In the history of Belarusian sports, Daria Domracheva is one of the athletes who received greatest number gold medals at one Olympics - along with V.V. Shcherbo (6 medals, 1992 Olympics), O.V. Korbut (3 medals, 1972) and V.V. Parfenovich (3 medals, 1980). She is the first Belarusian athlete to be awarded three gold medals at one Winter Olympics, and also the first to receive three gold medals at one Olympics from Olympic team Republic of Belarus (O. Korbut and V. Parfenovich performed as part of the USSR teams, and V. Shcherbo - as part of the United Team).

In July 2015, it became known that Daria had mononucleosis. About this on your Instagram page. It was subsequently announced that she would miss the next season due to mononucleosis.

Daria Domracheva's height: 168 centimeters.

Personal life of Daria Domracheva:

Daria Domracheva is not married. Have no children.

For several years she dated director Maxim Subbotin. He directed several TV series - "Champion", "Kings of the Game". He also made a documentary about the biathlete herself (released in 2010).

In April 2016 it became known that. The eight-time Olympic champion himself announced this.

Daria Domracheva and Ole Einar Bjoerndalen

Citizens, let's rejoice together for Daria Domracheva. The “everything in the world” record holder made a difficult decision that must be respected and announced her retirement. Her husband Ole Einar Bjoerndalen waved professional sports a little earlier - April 3. Now the couple can not be too torn between countries, calmly raise their daughter Ksenia and enjoy life outside of training camps and official starts. Below - Nyagan, prints on T-shirts, a secret romance, the title of Hero of Belarus and a little other nostalgia for the festive occasion.

Didn't become an architect

Domracheva was born into a family of architects. It happened in Minsk. 1986 In 1990, Daria's mother became the chief architect of Nyagan - this is in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. The parents, of course, discussed work in the evenings, so the girl quickly got tired of it. In the end, I liked sports more than architecture. True, Daria still did not ruin the succession with her decision. Older brother Nikita eventually became an architect. They say that he designed Domracheva’s house on the banks of the Zaslavsky Reservoir.

Became a businesswoman

Well, this is in addition to the biathlete, record holder, Hero of Belarus and mother. In general, Domracheva has two higher educations. And they are not athletic. In 2002, Daria graduated from school and became a student at Tyumen State University with a degree in Sports Management. True, in 2004 the athlete returned to Minsk and transferred to BSEU to study Economics and Tourism Management. In 2009, Daria defended her diploma on the topic “Advertising in Tourism” and again entered the Narkhoz. Now on to “Commercial Law”. The Belarusian received her second diploma along with her first World Cup in 2015.

Domracheva’s business began in December 2016. The idea for an online store was born when Daria was pregnant with her daughter Ksenia. There are no super volumes, but the business pays for itself. The store sells the biathlete’s “merch” to Belarus and Russia. True, most orders come from Europe. Daria’s partners note that she nurtures ideas for prints, and designers bring them to the final form. At the same time, Domracheva controls production at the level of seams, darts, and buttons. And in general he is aware of everything.

At the farewell press conference, Domracheva and Bjoerndalen wore clothes from Daria's store.

Preferred Belarus to Russia

One day, a man came to Domracheva’s mother to coordinate some construction. He said that he was the director of the ski resort. The woman asked if she could enroll her 10-year-old son in the section. The director didn't mind. Daria followed her brother's example. She was 6 then. However, at the age of 12 she gave preference to biathlon for its great entertainment value.

In 1998, Daria moved to school Olympic reserve. In 2001, it was included in the KhMAO biathlon team. In 2003, Domracheva went to the Youth Olympic Festival in Slovenia, where she took silver as part of the Russian team. True, later an offer came from the Belarusians. Domracheva recalls that the decision was difficult, but she gave preference to her historical homeland, although she continues to have better feelings for the Russian Federation. The return finally happened in 2004. In 2005 she made her debut for the junior team. In 2006 it became part of the national one.

“I always knew that I would return home and play for my native country. Even when I watched some competitions on TV, I rooted for the Belarusians.” And one more quote: “My heart still belongs to Belarus, and it is for this country that I plan to continue to compete. I’m such a patriot.”

Weird when I was young

It’s not a fact that I wanted it, but it happened that way. Now Domracheva talks about her anecdotes with a smile. But the Belarusian woman probably felt so-so then.

Three stories. First performance for Belarus at the World Junior Championships. The diopter fell off the gun. I shot by touch. Five misses out of five possible and 40th place. Biathlon World Cup, season 2008/2009. She was in the lead and came to shoot, but instead of doing it while lying down, she started shooting while standing. She was given five penalties - she was free.

A year has passed. World Cup again. I started hitting other people's targets. I realized that something was wrong only after the third shot. As a result - four penalty loops.

“It was a real shock. But you can’t dwell on failures, you need to learn from mistakes and move on,- Domracheva said later. - Best workout character is when you compete first of all with yourself, correcting previous mistakes. It’s like the famous phrase: “If you defeat yourself, you will defeat others.”.

Managed to get ready

In 2009, Domracheva took her debut podium at the World Cup in Ruhpolding. In 2010, the Belarusian went to her first Olympics. Then the games were held in Vancouver, Canada. Domracheva was 23 years old. She eventually finished third in the 15 km individual race.

Then processes began that now seem to be the default option. Belposhta issued stamps dedicated to the Olympians, including Domracheva. At the end of 2010, Daria became the Athlete of the Year in Belarus, and also received the title of Honored Master of Sports.

Made history in five days

Domracheva was offered to carry the Belarusian flag at the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympic Games, which Russia hosted in 2014. True, she refused. There were rumors that it was due to superstition, but the athlete denied all this.

In Sochi, Domracheva's suit went well. In five days, Daria became famous, winning three starts in a row. 10 km pursuit race. Started ninth, missed only once, overtook Tura Berger from Norway. Individual race at 15 km. She ended up on the podium with her friend Nadezhda Skardino, who won bronze. After the mass start, the whole country went nuts. At four stages, Domracheva missed only once, beat Czech Gabriela Soukalova and arrived at the finish line with the Belarusian flag.

The request “Domracheva, why not Russia” entered the top in popularity.

At the closing ceremony, Daria still agreed to be our standard bearer.

Became a Hero of Belarus

"Dear Dasha! This is a huge success! You're just great! All of Belarus is delighted with your new victory. Having won the title of three-time Olympic champion, you accomplished a feat. Modern history does not know such cases. In our Fatherland, exploits are especially honored. We sincerely congratulate you on being awarded the highest award of the Motherland - the title “Hero of Belarus”. Happiness, health and good luck!”- said the congratulatory telegram from the president.

Domracheva became the first woman in the history of the country to be awarded this title. There are 11 owners in total. Daria is the youngest of them. She received her title at the age of 27. It was February 25th. Domracheva said that her new status sounds simply incredible.

She hid her affair with Bjoerndalen

There have been whispers about this for several years. October 4, 2012 illustrious Norwegian biathlete divorced his wife, colleague Natalie Santer. She's Italian. It is believed that even then the Norwegian sympathized with the Belarusian woman. But there is no confirmation of this “considered”. And the athletes, 12 years apart, met at the Games in Vancouver.

Then there were rumors and secrets. At one point, Domracheva stated: “The only official information about my personal life will be the message about my marriage”. There were no reports for a long time, but in 2015 the couple was burned by the French top biathlete Martin Fourcade: "I'm in good relations with Domracheva, but, of course, not as close as Bjoerndalen.”

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