Chicory for weight loss. Recipes based on chicory for weight loss

A drink made from it has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties and helps improve immunity. In folk medicine, the medicinal properties of the root are used to treat various diseases of the heart, blood vessels, and digestive organs.

Chicory is very useful for people who suffer from diabetes. You can drink it at any age. In addition, it has practically no contraindications.
In addition, the plant contains inulin, which promotes the breakdown of fats. Therefore, drinks from its root are wonderful aids in losing weight. In addition, it has diuretic properties, helping to remove excess fluid from the body.

Inulin, in combination with intibin and pectin, improves the functioning of:

  • stomach;
  • intestines;
  • lower blood pressure;
  • reduce nervous excitement.

You can buy chicory in the form:

  • extract;
  • instant drink;
  • dry root.

Root extract is least suitable for weight loss. It contains various additives. These are ground acorns, rye grains and flavorings. To prepare the extract, the root is fried and a decoction is made. In this case, inulin, a substance that helps you lose weight, is lost. When purchasing chicory coffee, be sure to pay attention to the composition of the drink.

A product with 100% chicory root content will be ideal for weight loss. To make it, the root is dried, then fried and ground. He is the perfect assistant for those who want to have a beautiful and slender figure. It should be taken two to three times a day before meals (half an hour before meals).

The cooking method is simple. 2 tsp. Pour a glass of boiling water over the powder and let it brew for a while. Drink warm or chilled. Its bitter taste dulls the feeling of hunger. The ability to calm the nervous system will help you survive any diet. Sometimes dinner is completely replaced with a healthy drink.

Preparing the root at home

After removing the plant from the ground, it is thoroughly washed and dried. The root is then cut into small pieces and fried in a frying pan until dark brown. When it cools down, grind it into powder. A coffee grinder is quite suitable for this.

It should be remembered that the plant should not be collected on the roadsides. It absorbs all harmful substances and becomes no longer a medicine, but a poison.

What you need to lose weight

To lose weight with the help of chicory drink, you should follow a diet. At the same time, be sure to reduce your consumption of sweets and animal fats. The main ones should be lean proteins:

  • fish;
  • bird;
  • various seafood;
  • eggs;
  • dairy products.

Of course, you shouldn’t forget about vegetable fats, a variety of cereals, fruits and vegetables. They will help diversify your diet with complex carbohydrates. You need to eat four to six times a day, in small portions. The diet must be varied so that the body receives all the necessary substances that will ensure its normal functioning.

Drink Recipes

  1. Instant chicory: 2 tsp. Powder is poured into a glass of boiling water. Let it brew for five, ten minutes. There is no need to add sugar.
  2. Decoction of dried roots: 2 tbsp. l. chopped root in dry form, pour 500 ml of water. Boil over low heat for 20-25 minutes. Then cool the broth and strain. Drink 100-150 grams three times a day before meals. If desired, you can add a little sugar.
  3. Dry root infusion: Brew 40 grams of dry roots in one liter of water. Leave the finished broth for three hours. Drink 100 ml half an hour before eating.
  4. Coffee with chicory and ginger: in 0.5 l. add five teaspoons of dry root to the water. Simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. Strain the finished broth and mix with ginger syrup. Heat 3 teaspoons of sugar in a Turk over low heat. When caramel forms, add two tablespoons of water and a pinch of ginger. Bring the mixture to a boil. Drink aromatic coffee in the morning and evening before meals.
  5. Drink made from apple juice and chicory. To prepare this drink use:
    • chicory in the form of soluble powder;
    • natural apple juice;
    • 1 tbsp. spoon of honey. Pour boiling water over the powder, add juice and honey. Take 1 part juice for 3 parts coffee.
  6. Salad chicory. There is a cultivated variety of chicory. Its leaves make very tasty soups and salads. Rich in macro and microelements, vitamins A, C, B. It has low calorie content, which explains its popularity among people who are losing weight and watching their weight. It has no contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance. In addition to salad, the dry root of an ordinary plant is added to first courses.

Contraindications for use

You should not get carried away with consuming the plant. This especially applies to people with varicose veins. Sometimes there is an individual intolerance to this drink. It is also worth remembering that frequent consumption of chicory causes the accumulation of vitamin C in the body.

The instant drink should not be taken during colds and coughs; it can provoke coughing attacks.

Cannot be used by people suffering from:

  • urolithiasis,
  • kidney pathologies,
  • liver disease,
  • it is contraindicated in patients with arthritis and gout.

Chicory is famous for its breadth and versatility of healing properties. Since the times of Rus', it has been intensively grown and used in almost every home, because a drink prepared from the plant helped overcome fatigue and gave a tangible feeling of vigor. Over time, they began to talk about it more and more; today, doctors and nutritionists boldly and confidently recommend including chicory in your diet, which will have a positive effect on health, general well-being, and will also help in the fight against excess weight.

What is chicory

Externally, it is a perennial, flowering plant, with a thick root system, each part of which contains milky sap; straight, tall stems are covered with hairs and alternate leaves. Flowers can be white, pink, blue, both individual and basket inflorescences. The fruit of chicory is its seeds, up to 25 thousand seeds can be collected from one bush, flowering occurs in the summer, and the fruits ripen in late August and until mid-October.

Nowadays, chicory is an excellent alternative to coffee beans. It is drunk by people for whom coffee is contraindicated for certain reasons, or by those who cannot afford to purchase high-quality coffee and do not want to drink powdered or instant coffee substitutes. After all, the price of the product is tens of times cheaper, and the coffee taste and properties of the drink are preserved.

Chicory for weight loss: benefits and harms

Obesity is the most common and widespread problem of our century; our eating habits, passive lifestyle, low-quality food and many other factors contribute to excess weight gain. Women spend a third of their lives searching for diets that suit them, moving from one option to another, periodically breakdowns occur, and the extra pounds quickly return to their places, which leads to grief and affects personal self-esteem.

In addition, any diet has a number of caveats and restrictions, so rarely does anyone manage to find a one hundred percent suitable option.

Another thing is chicory, which is a natural, harmless product, in the form of a processed powder, which does not contain preservatives, various additives and chemicals; the absence of contraindications is confirmed by the fact that it can be consumed by children and women during pregnancy and lactation.


  1. Soluble chicory removes excess, unnecessary fluid from the body, which is often the cause of excess weight, has a diuretic effect, but does not remove substances necessary for the body to function. Getting carried away with the drink is certainly not recommended to avoid dehydration.
  2. Inulin, which is contained in chicory, helps overcome cravings for sweets and also reduces appetite.
  3. The drink is a real savior for people who, due to work or other reasons, are unable to eat properly during the day, and they resort to fast food, baked goods, dry snacks, which leads to constipation, intestinal dysfunction and dysbiosis , resulting in excess weight. Regular consumption of soluble chicory can improve the general condition of the intestinal flora and speed up metabolism, so that excess calories will not accumulate in our body and settle as extra centimeters on our body.
  4. Due to the fiber content in the plant, the feeling of fullness comes faster and for a longer time. It is recommended to drink a cup of drink immediately after finishing a meal, which will certainly relieve hunger and prevent overeating.


  1. It can lead to an overdose of vitamin C in the body, since chicory is very rich in these components; if you are allergic to this vitamin, taking the drink is not recommended.
  2. Some chronic diseases, such as asthma and pneumonia, may worsen.
  3. Varicose veins and other vascular diseases, hemorrhoids may become acute when taking the substance, so caution should be exercised.

Is it possible to lose weight with chicory?

For the first time, people started talking about the fact that chicory reduces weight back in the Soviet Union, when the composition of the plant was more carefully studied. Weight is lost due to three main components:

  • Inulin – promotes the absorption and processing of fast carbohydrates (bananas, bread, rice, alcohol, carbonated water, cookies, potatoes, chocolate...), does not allow the glucose contained in food to immediately enter and be absorbed into the blood;
  • Intibin – removes toxins and harmful substances, waste, accelerates metabolism;
  • Pectin– a powerful fat burner that improves the functioning of the digestive system.

That is why, with complete justification, we can say that chicory helps to overcome the hated kilograms, even without diets and intense physical activity up to 3 - 4 kg per month. But when visiting a fitness center, gym, as well as adjusting your diet, the weight loss process will happen much faster and the scale will show up to minus 10 kg per month.

What are the benefits of soluble chicory for the body?

Drinking the drink will only be beneficial, its advantage is that it can be used by people of completely different ages, and for each organism it will have its own beneficial and healing effect.

How often can you drink instant chicory?

Of course, chicory is a medicinal plant, and can lead to an overdose, as a result of which allergic reactions, an excess of vitamins and other troubles can develop, so it is very important to know how much and how to take it.

There are opinions that you can drink up to four cups of the drink a day, but it is still considered optimal to take it twice - in the morning and in the afternoon. It is not recommended to take it in the evening or at night, due to the fact that it produces a diuretic effect.

In the absence of serious health problems, chicory can be consumed daily; milk, sugar, cream, and honey can be used to enhance the taste. But most doctors recommend taking a break for 5–7 days at least once every three months.

Chicory for weight loss: how to take

The magical and effective properties of the drink are already known to us and proven by scientific facts, now let’s talk about how it should be taken in order to achieve such an expected and desired result.

Chicory + ginger

A small piece of root about 2 - 2.5 centimeters must be poured with a liter of boiling water, after cooling, add 10 milliliters of liquid honey and half a medium-sized lemon, cut into slices. Close the container tightly and leave overnight or for 8-10 hours, then add a dessert spoon of chicory powder into the liquid, shake well and drink 150 milliliters throughout the day 30 minutes before meals.

Chicory + milk

In 30 grams of soluble powder, half a glass of water and milk, add honey to taste, but you can do without it. Drink warm during or after meals, twice a day.

Green tea + chicory

Dissolve 1 tablespoon of powder in a cup of boiling water and pour in freshly prepared brew of large-leaf green tea. Let it brew for 10 minutes, and the drink is ready for use.

Coffee + chicory

It helps a lot to get rid of the feeling of hunger, which allows you to resort to main meals and snacks less often. Mix coffee with chicory powder 1:1 and pour boiling water, take no more than two servings a day before meals, but in the morning after breakfast, taking it on an empty stomach is not recommended by gastroenterologists.

Remember the main thing is that chicory will not help achieve a long-term effect in losing weight, but rather a short-term one, and as soon as you allow excesses of unhealthy food, the extra centimeters and kilograms can return to their place. Therefore, do not forget to devote at least 15 minutes a day to exercise and physical activity of any nature, walk moderate distances, be sure to have breakfast, drink enough water and quickly move towards your goal. Your body is entirely in your hands.

The healing power of this plant has been known for a long time. Chicory is used more and more often today for weight loss and health improvement - a drink made from its root tastes like coffee, and is superior to it in its beneficial properties.

Briefly about the benefits of chicory

Chicory is used for weight loss due to the presence of substances that promote fat burning. The chemical composition of chicory contains inulin, intibin and pectin. Inulin affects carbohydrate metabolism - this substance controls the release of insulin, which prevents the feeling of hunger. Under the influence of gastric juice, inulin is transformed into fructose, an alternative to glucose (being a source of energy, fructose does not provoke the appearance of excess weight).

Pectin is one of the types of dietary fiber - this substance affects the digestive processes. It is believed that pectin substances help the body quickly get rid of adipocytes (cells that primarily make up adipose tissue).

Intibin is a substance that helps accelerate metabolic processes and prevents the deposition of fat in reserve. Intibin also has a beneficial effect on intestinal motility and prevents constipation.

Chicory contains polyunsaturated fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins (A, groups B, E, C, K). The root of the plant is rich in beneficial minerals. Due to the high concentration of potassium, the plant helps remove excess fluid from the body, and calcium affects fat metabolism. Chicory effectively cleanses the body (including excess cholesterol) and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. The calorie content of 100 g of chicory root is 72 kcal.

How to lose weight with chicory?

In order to smoothly lose weight, nutritionists recommend drinking a healthy drink made from chicory root 2-3 times a day (you can purchase ready-made powder or use dry root). It is better to drink the drink 30 minutes before meals - this will reduce your appetite. Sometimes you can replace dinner with a healthy drink. It is advisable to limit calorie intake to 1400-1500 kcal. Sweets and fats of animal origin are subject to strict control. The main place in the diet should be lean proteins (meat, fish, poultry, seafood, dairy products, eggs). They need to be supplemented with complex carbohydrates (cereals, vegetables, fruits) and vegetable fats. The diet should be varied; you should eat 4-6 times a day in small portions.

Recipes for making a drink from chicory

A drink from chicory root can be prepared using different recipes. We present them to your attention.

Chicory root decoction

Brew crushed dry chicory root at the rate of 2 tbsp. raw materials per 500 ml of water. Brew the drink for 20-25 minutes, let cool and strain.

Chicory root infusion

Brew 40 g of dry root in 1 liter of boiling water, cover and let it brew (it will take 3 hours). Take 100 ml of the strained infusion before meals.

Instant chicory drink

Soluble chicory powder is obtained industrially from the root of the plant. Brewing proportion – 2 tsp. for 1 tbsp. boiling water You can drink the drink within 5-10 minutes.

Chicory and ginger drink

5 tsp Brew dry crushed chicory root in 500 ml of water and cook for 20 minutes. Mix the strained drink with ginger syrup. To prepare it, put 3 tsp in the cezve (turk). brown sugar, heat over low heat until caramel is obtained, add 2 tbsp. water, add a pinch of ground ginger, bring to a boil.

Drink made from chicory and natural coffee

Natural coffee tones the body, helps control appetite, and speeds up metabolism. By combining coffee and chicory, you get a healthy, invigorating drink. Place 1 tsp in the cezve. coffee and 0.5-1 tsp. ground chicory, add 1 tbsp. water, put on the fire, wait until bubbles appear and remove from the stove. Add 0.25 tbsp to the drink. skim milk, stir, put on fire and remove from heat after lush foam appears.

Chicory and apple juice drink

Brew instant chicory powder, cool, add apple juice and add a little honey. Mixing proportion: 3 parts chicory drink – 1 part juice.


Chicory should not be used:
In case of individual sensitivity of the body to this product (an allergic reaction is possible)
For serious pathologies of the liver and kidneys
For urolithiasis
For gout and arthritis

Chicory is a herb from the Asteraceae family. There are two cultivated species of chicory, among them the common chicory is more common in the world. Recently, instant chicory has become increasingly popular in our country, although it is still not as widespread as traditional drinks. Meanwhile, in terms of preparation method and appearance, it is not much different from simple instant coffee. The use of soluble chicory helps normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract in people for whom tea and natural coffee are contraindicated for medical reasons. Chicory, unlike coffee, has antimicrobial, soothing, and anti-inflammatory properties; This drink has no contraindications and can be consumed by pregnant and lactating women. In addition, nutritionists advise using it for weight loss.

Soluble chicory improves the functioning of the nervous system, reduces tachycardia, sweating, and restores intestinal microflora. Due to its high potassium content, chicory as a drink removes “bad” cholesterol from the body, as well as heavy metal salts and radioactive substances. Iron, which is also contained in this drink, is a wonderful remedy for the prevention of anemia. And thanks to its choleretic properties, chicory accelerates the disappearance of gallstones.

Soluble chicory is a natural product. It does not cause any side effects, does not contain preservatives or chemical additives, has a pleasant aroma and taste and may well become a favorite drink not only for those who want to lose extra pounds, but also for the whole family. It is enough to drink two or three cups of this drink a day to normalize metabolism, and this plays a significant role in the process of losing weight.

How does chicory promote weight loss? Typically, weight loss ends due to 2 reasons:

  • an unusual diet with rather tasteless dietary foods and drinks;
  • persistent feeling of hunger.

The use of chicory for weight loss is associated with the most important components that make up its composition:

  • inulin;
  • intibin.

When these substances enter our body, combined with the slightly bitter taste of chicory itself, they cause the following reactions:

  1. Inulin increases the body's sensitivity to insulin. As a result, sugar and glucose that are in the blood are processed much faster. This is very important because sugar is one of the foods whose excessive consumption can affect your weight and lead to obesity.
  2. Intibin improves the functioning of the stomach and intestines and helps break down fats. As a result, food is absorbed much faster, and fats are not stored in the body.
  3. The bitter taste of chicory reduces the sense of taste, thereby reducing appetite.

How to properly cook chicory in order to lose weight with it? We offer a very simple recipe: take 1 teaspoon of chopped chicory roots for 0.5 liters of water. Brew in the same way as coffee, for 8-12 minutes. Strain the finished broth and drink 0.5 cups 3 times a day, 20-30 minutes before meals. Soluble chicory can be purchased at the pharmacy.

A cup of such a coffee substitute signals to the body after a meal that the meal is over and helps keep you full for as long as possible.

But it cannot be said that soluble chicory plays a major role in weight loss. Of course, its beneficial properties slightly improve and stimulate the process of losing weight, but only in the part related to improving intestinal activity. Unfortunately, drinking a cup of chicory will cause your weight to rapidly decrease, but chicory cannot. In order for this to happen, while losing weight, in addition to chicory, you need to significantly reduce the calorie content of your daily diet. The body can then use the fats it has accumulated to fuel daily activities.

Only then will it be possible to talk about the contribution of soluble chicory to weight loss. When consumed instead of the usual tea and coffee, metabolism improves. But here, too, it is important to understand that if you add at least one spoonful of sugar to instant chicory, it will increase the calorie content of your daily diet.

That is why in the process of losing weight it is advisable to use chicory without sugar. Then all the beneficial properties will be absorbed without harm to your body.

So, thanks to its healing properties, chicory is not only a safe, but also a very healthy coffee substitute. Drinking it instead of tea and coffee will be your first step towards a healthier diet and a slimmer figure. Good luck to you!

Based on reviews, the benefits of instant chicory for weight loss include losing 4 kg per month without strict diets. It is important to maintain proper nutrition. The drink gives strength, invigorates, improves immunity. The product can be prepared independently, with the addition of milk, honey, ginger and other healthy additives. Chicory with lemon is recognized as the best remedy for colds.

What is chicory

In the old days, a coffee substitute was a plant with blue and purple flowers from the Asteraceae family. Today, chicory is used as a dietary supplement, consuming all parts of the plant. If you want to lose weight, take only the root, and the leaves can increase appetite. Chicory is an alternative to coffee, has a positive effect on the body and helps you lose weight. Caffeine inhibits the absorption of B vitamins and contributes to the development of neuroses.

Benefits for the body

The irreplaceable benefit of chicory for the body lies in the similarity of properties with tea and coffee, which plays a special role for people for whom these drinks are contraindicated. To avoid the negative effects on the stomach when drinking coffee, soluble ground chicory root is added to it, which can also be used to treat constipation and intestinal disorders. The plant acts as a diuretic and laxative, which is effective for gallstones. Main advantages for the human body:

  1. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, it is effective for skin diseases, acne, cuts and sunburn.
  2. Reduces the risk of developing bowel cancer.
  3. The leaves are used as a flavoring for salads, and the root extract is used in the preparation of artificial sweeteners.
  4. Helps with problems with joints (arthritis and rheumatism), heart diseases.
  5. The product is useful for people with nervous disorders.
  6. The plant is effective for thrush (against yeast infections), algomenorrhea (painful periods).
  7. For women during menopause and adolescents, the plant is useful for better absorption of microelements (magnesium and calcium).
  8. Reduces sweating, tachycardia, restores intestinal microflora.
  9. Relieves the body of cholesterol, radioactive substances and heavy metal salts.
  10. Iron in the plant serves as a preventive measure against anemia.

How to take chicory for weight loss

Nutritionists say that you should drink the drink instead of your usual coffee. For 2 months, you should drink up to 3 cups of the drink per day, preferably half an hour before meals, so that the body has time to absorb all the beneficial substances. The soluble product can be stirred in warm milk (low fat) or boiled water. When drinking a drink, it is important to count calories. Their total quantity should not exceed 1500 calla per 24 hours.


Don't have time to cook on your own? You can buy instant chicory for weight loss in the online store. Commercial soluble chicory powder is a natural product that cleanses the blood and liver and regulates blood glucose levels. The advantage of the drink is the absence of side effects (the product contains no chemical additives or preservatives), pleasant taste and aroma. Thanks to the large number of beneficial properties, you can use it not only for weight loss, but drink it with the whole family. To normalize metabolism, drinking 2 cups per day is suitable.


Contraindications to the use of the plant are cholelithiasis, kidney disease, anemia, ulcers, low blood pressure, because. The root is rich in calcium oxalates. The secret of the root is hidden in its beneficial effect on digestive processes and intestinal microflora. Fructo-oligosaccharides help stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria. Cleansing the liver and blood and improving metabolism helps to part with unnecessary kilograms.

By taking a drink from the crushed root, you maximally accelerate the breakdown of fat deposits and reduce insulin in the blood. Chicory will prevent you from overeating: it activates the feeling of fullness. A decoction of the root can be combined with infusions of blueberries, sea buckthorn and rose hips. Body weight loss is influenced by 3 components that are found in the plant root: intibin, pectin, inulin. The effects of these elements on the weight loss process are described in detail below:

  1. Intibin prevents the body from converting the energy received from food into fat deposits. The substance increases the metabolic process, removes accumulated waste and toxins, and has a beneficial effect on intestinal function.
  2. Plant fibers called pectin, which affect the digestion process, are natural fat burners in dietetics. The body gets rid of adipocytes at an accelerated pace.
  3. Inulin is called the prevention of diabetes. This component does not allow the glucose contained in fast carbohydrates to provoke an increase in insulin levels and slows down the entry of carbohydrates into the blood. When interacting with gastric juice, inulin becomes fructose - a source of energy that does not cause extra pounds.

How to cook chicory for weight loss

How do you get rid of extra pounds? The main point is the ability of this herbal remedy to remove excess fluid from the body and eliminate fat deposits. Effective recipe:

  1. Take 1 tsp. chopped roots and add water (2 tbsp.).
  2. Place on the fire and brew (like a coffee drink). Cooking time ranges from 8 to 12 minutes.
  3. Let the broth cool and strain through cheesecloth.
  4. Drink half a glass half an hour before meals, preferably 3 times a day.

With milk

People with weakened bodies are recommended to take chicory with milk. The drink cleanses the body, gives a feeling of fullness, and contains catalysts necessary for the metabolic process. Minus - the drink can cause allergies in a pregnant woman. Clinical studies have not been conducted during fetal development, so you should consult your doctor before drinking the drink. For those who want to lose weight, the drink is a kind of magic wand: it has an excellent taste, and its calorie content is very low (19 kcal per 100 g).

With honey

The main benefit of drinking a drink like chicory with honey is the prevention of hypertension - high blood pressure. The plant itself can increase cough during colds, but in combination with honey, it is indicated for inflammatory diseases, in cases where it is necessary to increase immunity and replenish the body with energy. To enhance the healing effect, the drink should be drunk on an empty stomach in the morning. To do this, add 1 tsp to 1 cup of brewed chicory. honey Make sure the drink is warm, not hot.

With lemon

This fruit from the citrus family is a natural antibacterial that destroys up to 12 different types of bacteria. It contains organic acids, sugars, potassium, copper, citrine and a rich vitamin complex (especially vitamin C). When combined with chicory, it is an effective remedy for treating influenza and other colds. The drink is prepared as follows:

  1. The crushed plant mixture is brewed for about 8 minutes over heat.
  2. The lemon is thoroughly washed under running water, then cut into slices without getting rid of the peel.
  3. You will need 1 slice of lemon, the rest can be stored in a glass jar in the refrigerator.
  4. A piece of lemon is placed immediately into the prepared drink.


Judging by reviews on the Internet, many people love drinking chicory with cinnamon in the morning. Of course, this drink has an invigorating effect much better than harmful coffee! It is able to normalize blood pressure during hypotension and is approved for people with diabetes. The healing drink was first prepared in Russia. Adding cinnamon adds a special taste and enhances the effects. To properly prepare the drink you will need the following ingredients:

  • honey or sugar - to taste;
  • water – 150 ml;
  • cinnamon – 1 stick;
  • ground chicory root – 1 tsp.

The drink should be drunk warm. Step-by-step instructions on how to make a cinnamon drink:

  1. Place a cinnamon stick in a 150-200 ml glass.
  2. Strain the chopped root through a strainer.
  3. Boil water in a metal or ceramic container and add the root.
  4. Reduce heat to low and brew until the drink begins to foam and boil away.
  5. Strain the hot chicory through a strainer again and pour into a glass with a cinnamon stick.