30 minutes of exercise. How many kg can you lose in a month? Is it possible to pump every day: minimum recovery time

In the study, researchers from the Faculty of Health and Medicine at the University of Copenhagen followed 60 healthy, overweight Danes for 13 weeks.

The subjects were divided into two groups of 30 people, one of which trained daily for an hour, and the other for 30 minutes a day, while all participants in the experiment used a heart rate monitor and a calorie counter. As a result, scientists discovered that even 30 minutes of daily exercise is enough to lose weight.

Mads Rosenkilde, from the Department of Life Sciences, says: “On average, men who exercised for 30 minutes a day lost 3.6 kilograms in three months, while those who exercised for a full hour lost that much.” period only 2.7 kilograms. Meanwhile, the decrease in body weight in both groups was about four kilograms.”

“Participants who exercised for 30 minutes a day burned calories faster than expected, given their training program. In fact, we can observe that training for a full hour instead of 30 minutes does not produce any additional weight loss or additional fat burning. Men who exercised more lost too little considering the energy they burned while running, biking or rowing. Thus, thirty minutes of concentrated physical activity give the same positive effects as a whole hour,” continues Rosenkild.

According to the scientists, the results obtained can be explained by the fact that the half-hour workouts were given to the study participants with ease, and therefore they had the desire and energy for further physical activity after the daily training sessions. What's more, those who exercised 60 minutes a day were likely to consume more food, so their weight loss was slightly less than expected.

Rosenkild notes:

“Participants in our study trained every day for three months. All training sessions were designed to induce light sweating, but subjects were also expected to increase their training intensity three times per week.

Meanwhile, it would be interesting to study training as a form of transport. Everyone knows that they are incredibly beneficial for physical and mental health. However, the problem is that training takes a certain amount of time. If we could teach people to exercise on their way to work, for example, that would be great.”

Twelve exercises of 30 seconds each, with short rest breaks (no more than 10 seconds - literally to catch your breath and take the next position) take a total of about 7 minutes. During such a workout at your maximum intensity, your muscles receive an impact comparable to running for many hours.

The 7 Minute Fat Burning Workout

10 minutes

This workout is also high intensity, so it won't take much time. Perform as many cycles as you can in 10 minutes, if possible without a rest break. If these exercises are too simple for you, take additional dumbbells.

Greatist Workout of the Day: Monday, April 6th

14 minutes

For plank lovers - a set of 12 exercises. Perform each exercise for about 30 seconds with rest breaks of no more than 10 seconds. For best effect After the complex, do some relaxing stretching exercises, as your torso will be very tense.

Plankathon HIIT: Workout Infographic

20 minutes

A set of moderate intensity exercises combining cardio and strength training. Perform each exercise quickly and vigorously for 1 minute. After a full cycle of 10 exercises, rest for 1 minute and repeat the cycle again.

Training allows you to increase your heart rate and create positive stress for your muscles. Thanks to such exercises, reaction speed also increases. However, jumping puts quite a serious load on the musculoskeletal system, so you should be careful when performing the complex if you have problems with the spine.

20-Minute Cardio Workout

30 minutes

The longest complex will take half an hour. However, it will appeal more to those who like classes in at a relaxed pace. Do 12–15 repetitions of each exercise. If necessary, rest 20–30 seconds between exercises. Then repeat the entire cycle two more times.

If you exercise for 30 minutes every day, can you lose weight? and got the best answer

Answer from Oops Nikki[newbie]
Nailya, it’s better to exercise for 60 minutes several times a week than for 30 minutes a day. because fat begins to be burned after 20 minutes of training! And eat sweets. flour better in the morning, and after 12 everything is low-calorie. It's better to eat 4 hours before bedtime! This should help!!
Source: Life experience

Answer from Volodya Yakhontov[guru]
You can become dystrophic if you pick it.))

Answer from Angel[newbie]
It’s possible to lose weight and get in shape, but you also need to watch your diet

Answer from Marusya Vorontsova[newbie]
after dieting, the weight comes back. you need to eat right, sports alone without proper nutrition won’t help either. eat often, but in small portions + sports 30 minutes a day is enough. or if you can, don't eat after 6. the best way. and no diets are needed)

Answer from Blanci[guru]
Without nutritional correction, nothing will work out (well, at least don’t eat after 6 pm for starters). And fat begins to melt only at the 40th minute of training - so 30 minutes is not enough... you need at least 45

Answer from Olga Bostan[newbie]
every day - you’ll get bored, I’ve tested it myself

Answer from Alexander Vishnevsky[guru]
An individually selected diet plus intense walking (indoors does not count) at least 10,000 steps a day really helps

Answer from User deleted[guru]
it’s possible if these exercises are bodyflex, even for 15 minutes a day, and it won’t make you sweat so much

Answer from Olga Polozhentseva[master]
the main thing is to constantly exercise and eat less, eat more raw foods))) eat right and you will succeed

Answer from Nastya[guru]
It takes an hour and every other day, or even two. The training must be complete. And if you exercise often, the muscles get used to it and then to work effectively, the load will only have to be increased.

Answer from Red-HaiReD WoNdeR =))[newbie]
watch your diet, do fitness more often, but add more strength exercises to it - without them, the fat will not go away

Answer from Yatyana[guru]
You know, I don’t wet more than one dress =(
But if you don’t eat after 6, your stomach starts to hurt terribly, cutting pains ((
Solution: I eat the same way (that is, not much), I just do banal physical exercises from time to time. exercises from the region fitness, to pump up my abs, legs, arms, etc. I walk more. I just found video clips with 10-minute workouts. for each problem area)))
The result is visible, small, but there))

Answer from Sparkle[guru]
30 minutes a day is just a waste of time. 60 (or better yet 80-90) minutes every other day is much more effective! Your muscles warm up only for 20-30 minutes. And then you - once - and you finished everything. Although it's time to start doing exercises for those parts of the body where you need to lose weight. For the first half hour, load yourself with whatever you want: abs, leg swings, recumbent bike. And then do exercises for problem parts of the body very, very intensely. Then it will be effective

Answer from (n_n)Vanilla Milk(n_n)[active]
what kind of classes? do you go somewhere or use a disc at home?)) if this is a video lesson, then tell me where you downloaded it)) or what it’s called))

Answer from Yodda Gustova[newbie]
For me, the real discovery was normal, healthy, gradual, without constantly counting calories and the need to give up favorite foods, as is often the case. And in combination with bodyflex it simply works wonders

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: If you do fitness for 30 minutes every day, can you lose weight?

Almost everyone who is just starting to conduct their first training in gyms, and experienced athletes often have a question: “Is it possible to train every day?” It is important to understand that quality is more important than quantity. In addition to such basic components as sleep and proper nutrition, competent alternation of rest and exercise is an integral part. Full recovery period muscular system is about 10 days.

To train correctly, you need to think through the program. As a rule, it involves sleep and the very amount of time for rest and training. World-class athletes train every day, morning and evening, with only one rest day per week. However, their preparatory program includes massage, supplements and pharmacological support. All this is most often in short supply for the average person. Therefore, the professional program will not be suitable.

In addition to the number of days per week, an important factor is the hours spent in the gym. General rule For leading systems, alternation of cardio and strength exercises remains. The essence of the second type follows from the name, but with the first many questions arise. Cardio exercises are activities that build endurance, such as running or swimming. These are important components of any training that cannot be neglected.

There are various supplements with which the body can restore strength much faster, but daily use of such substances can have a bad effect on health.

The time for normal, but incomplete muscle rest is usually within 3 days. This figure varies greatly depending on experience. Beginners may need a whole week. Also, a lot depends on the muscles themselves. So, large ones require a long recovery, small ones, accordingly, rest faster.

For example, the legs, which occupy about 50% of the total muscle mass of the body, should not be frequently loaded. Hands correspond to 25%, so they need 2 times less time to recover. The biceps, triceps and shoulders should be trained more often than others, but they are often used when working on the larger ones. Therefore, it is important to take into account the indirect participation of one or another muscle group.

Number of workouts

How many visits should there be? gym per week for beginners and amateurs? Those who have recently decided to get a pumped up body should focus on the scheme “1 day of training / 2 days of rest”. But provided that the loads correspond to the level, and after training you will feel tired. If such a frequency of classes no longer causes any particular difficulties, then you should move on to the amateur stage, the number of classes will increase up to 3-4 times.

For those who want to lose weight, the number of workouts can vary greatly. The point is that when resetting excess weight Cardio exercises are a priority, and they can be performed daily without harm to health. But you should not exercise through force, since exercising with overweight much more difficult, in addition, there is a possibility of a sharp deterioration in the condition. Therefore, before starting intensive weight loss You should consult your doctor.

If you use strength exercises, then the weight may, on the contrary, increase, as it will increase muscle mass, which will not contribute to the destruction of fat. Therefore, you should switch to such exercises only after losing a few kilograms thanks to cardio exercises.

A simple set of exercises for losing weight at home, designed for daily 20-minute sessions. Effective reduction weight and working out problem areas with effective physical activity.

Not every representative of the fair sex can boast of a chiseled figure, which nature has generously awarded her with. Most women and girls have to work hard on their bodies to achieve curvy figures. And not all of them, unfortunately, can afford to regularly go to a fitness club for training due to various circumstances. But in order to effectively lose weight, tighten muscles and consolidate the results for a long time, you can train at home. We offer you a simple set of exercises for losing weight at home, which will definitely help you get rid of fat deposits in problem areas and improve your overall well-being.

Exercises for weight loss and strengthening muscles

To achieve good result behind a short time, you need a comprehensive approach to losing weight. You need not only to exercise physically, but also to reconsider your diet. Eliminate fast food, products made from premium wheat flour, sugar-containing foods, sweet carbonated drinks, fatty, fried and salty foods. Try to eat more protein and drink at least 2 liters of pure water or green tea per day.

Try to change your lifestyle: instead of watching your favorite TV series, go to the pool or jog in the park, ride a bike or exercise bike, jump rope. And, of course, try to allocate 20-30 minutes daily for these physical exercise for weight loss.

Exercises for a flat stomach and thin waist

Many women face the problem of fat deposits on the stomach and sides. These weight loss exercises - effective and simple - will help you get rid of them.

Complex for losing weight in the thighs and buttocks

We will talk further about what exercises you need to do to lose weight in your thighs and buttocks. Perform this complex regularly, and after 3-4 weeks you will be able to evaluate the first results.

Follow the suggested complex daily, follow a light diet, move more, and within a month the scales will show 5-9 kilograms less.
