All about the French dumbbell bench press. French bench press: technique and features of performing with barbells and dumbbells. French bench press with dumbbells - execution technique

Big hands- the goal of any man. But to make them really big, you need to try. Usually beginners pay a lot of attention to the biceps and much more less triceps. This is the wrong approach, because the triceps take on more than 60% of the arm's volume. In addition, even a very pumped up biceps will not stand out if it is not “supported” by the triceps. So let's develop harmoniously and work out all the muscles! Today we will talk about the most common and effective

general characteristics

An exercise like the French with dumbbells allows you to effectively work out all three heads of the triceps. The movement involves only one joint (elbow) and a minimum number of auxiliary muscles, so the exercise is classified as isolating. It is useful and effective for athletes of any level, but especially for beginners. If you are a beginner and want to feel the work of the arm extensor, then choose the French bench press with dumbbells.

The base for the triceps is represented by exercises such as dips and barbell presses. narrow grip lying down. These exercises work several joints at once and a large number of various muscle fibers.

When to Perform the French Bench Press with Dumbbells

Since the exercise is isolating, it must be performed either at the beginning of the lesson or at the end. It all depends on your training method. For example, if you practice according to the method pre-fatigue then do this exercise needed before the basic ones. And if your workout follows the usual plan, then it is better to leave the French bench press with dumbbells for the end of the session, when all the base is done.

Differences from the analogue with a barbell

Unlike a similar press with dumbbells, it is not so traumatic. Dumbbells allow you to increase the range of motion of your arms and make the exercise safer for your elbow joints. Additionally, to some extent, muscles are involved in the work shoulder girdle and breasts. But the main burden falls on long head arm extensor Another advantage of the dumbbell press is that there is no bar, which means nothing will fall on your head.

But it won’t be without its downsides either. As with any exercise, dumbbells are harder to lift than a barbell of the same weight. The fact is that when working with dumbbells you need to constantly monitor coordination and correct amplitude of the arms. If you relax even a little, they will definitely be pulled to the side, and this can be extremely dangerous for the joints. In this case, the athlete’s main task when performing the exercise is to keep his elbows in one position, parallel to each other. This is difficult to do, especially when the muscles are already tired and the chest and shoulder are trying to get involved. But if you can perform the movements as controlled as possible, you will not only protect your joints, but also work out your triceps perfectly.

1. So, first, prepare two dumbbells and place them near the bench. Sitting on the edge of a bench, take dumbbells and place them on your knees. Now you will be able to lie down comfortably. Lie down on horizontal bench and lift the dumbbells up. Hands should be shoulder-width apart and at right angles to the body. The palms look at each other. Remember this position, as it is the starting position.

2. With an inhalation, smoothly lower the dumbbells to your head until they are Bottom part will not be approximately level with the ears. When lowering, your elbows and shoulders should be motionless. Only the elbow joints and forearm work.

3. Pausing literally for a split second at the bottom, as you exhale, gently lift the dumbbells to initial position. You should extend your arms to the end so that the triceps contract as much as possible.

4. All that remains is to do the exercise 8-12 times. To ensure that the arm extensor is well tired at the end of the approach, you need to correctly select the weight of the dumbbells. Don't be lazy to spend a couple of approaches on this.


1. A little more about weight. Don't try to take too heavy shells. With the right technique, less weight will be enough. And too much weight can lead to unpleasant consequences- sprains and tendons and injuries.

2. If you have problems with the elbow joint, it is better to replace the French bench press with dumbbells with another exercise where the load on the elbows is not so great. It could be basic exercise, for example, bench press with a narrow grip.

3. If you find it difficult to follow both hands, you can perform the movement alternately. Another option that will help you cope with your arms trying to move to the side is to use one dumbbell. In this case, the dumbbell should be heavier than for one hand. You should take it in the same way as shown in the photo.

4. If you want your triceps to contract even more efficiently, that’s no question. Simply rotate your hands outward at the top point so that your palms face forward. Then return your hands to their original position and continue moving.

5. The main priority is close control of the elbows and shoulders. Only the elbow joint works!

6. It is important to monitor the range of motion and ensure that the muscle contracts well at the top and stretches at the bottom.

7. To slightly increase the range of motion and help the triceps stretch well in the lower position, you can slightly tilt your arms towards your head.

8. To protect yourself from dumbbells falling, you can use straps. This measure will also help relieve the muscles of the forearm, which are responsible for and after a good workout constantly remind you of themselves, distracting you from the target muscles.

Home workout

If you're working out at home and don't have a bench, don't worry. This exercise can also be performed on the floor. Moreover, the French bench press on the floor with dumbbells is no less effective than on a bench.

In addition to the French press, you can do a regular triceps press. It differs only in the position of the forearm - turned perpendicular to the body. This exercise is done for each arm separately and allows you to achieve good amplitude even on the floor.


Today we figured out how to work out using the French press. Do not neglect the triceps, because in our body all muscles are important, and even the most beautiful biceps You won't look good without triceps! French press Lying down with dumbbells is just as relevant for girls as it is for men. It is no different in terms of technique. But girls usually don’t do it to pump up their triceps. And just to tighten up your arms.

And finally, it’s worth reminding once again that safety comes first, and health is much more important than beauty!

Ours to you with a brush, ladies and gentlemen! Today is Wednesday, on the calendar 1 July, and we will cover the technical side of the pumping process, namely, we will talk about the French standing press. After reading, you will learn everything about the muscle atlas, the advantages and technique of performing the overseas exercise, we will also get acquainted with some practical calculations, learn how and what is best to do to achieve better results.

So, make yourself comfortable, let's begin.

Standing French press. What, why and why?

To be honest, I don’t know what kind of weirdo came up with the idea of ​​calling the exercise the French press. Why exactly, why not Russian or, at worst, Bab-el-Mandeb? :). In my opinion, the latter sounds much more fun, but let’s leave the etymology of the word and get to the essence. We are all accustomed to working in the gym with standard exercises in their classic version, and when it comes to rearranging them or introducing any innovations, we are hostile to this. And really, there’s no point in changing anything if everything suits me and, most importantly, everything works. Such a conservative approach to bodybuilding is not good, and in order to constantly develop and progress, you need to introduce new tricks and make some changes to the training. Changing the angle of inclination and position are some of these options for variety. We'll talk about the latter later.


For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Muscle atlas

French press – isolated exercise, mainly affecting triceps muscle shoulder The standing/sitting position, in contrast to the lying position, allows you to use a greater range of motion and stretch more strongly, stimulating the growth of the triceps.

The muscle ensemble of the exercise includes:

  • targeted - all three (lateral, medial, long) triceps heads;
  • synergists - no;
  • stabilizers – anterior deltoid, pectoralis major (clavicular head), wrist flexors.

The complete muscle atlas in the picture version looks like this:


By performing the standing French press, you will receive the following benefits:

  • general development of triceps strength and mass;
  • complete isolation of the triceps and impact on all three heads at once (especially the biggest long one);
  • larger ROM (range of motion) in comparison with the classic version, better stimulation of the triceps;
  • improved results in pressing movements (bench press, from the chest);
  • more toned arms (putting “jelly” under them);
  • greater stability of the shoulder and elbow joints;
  • greater detail of the triceps brachii muscle;
  • elimination of imbalance/asymmetry in the development of triceps muscles.

Execution technique

Despite the fact that the exercise is isolation, it belongs to the class of complex ones, so it makes sense to consider step by step the technique of its implementation.

Step #0.

Take the barbell (straight or EZ bar) with a close grip and lift it above your head until your arms are completely straight. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and point your elbows slightly inward. This is your starting position.

Step #1.

As you inhale, begin to bend your elbows, keeping them close to your head. Lower the bar in an arc behind you until your elbows are perpendicular to the floor and your forearms touch your biceps. Using your triceps, return the bar to the starting position and exhale. Repeat the specified number of times.

In the picture version it looks like this:

In motion like this:


There are tons of variations of the French press exercise, in particular, you can use these:

  • with an EZ bar sitting on a bench;
  • sitting on a bench with a dumbbell behind your head;
  • with a barbell sitting on a bench at an upward angle;
  • sitting from the lower block of the simulator.

Secrets and subtleties

To get the most out of the exercise, follow these guidelines:

  • lower the barbell down slowly and under control as much as possible;
  • at the lowest point, hold for 1-2 accounts;
  • do not spread your elbows too far to the sides;
  • do not cheat by helping yourself with your body, remember - only your forearms move;
  • do not use heavy weights;
  • don’t nod off, look ahead;
  • recommended number of approaches 3-4 , reps 8-10 .

Actually, that's all in theory, now some comparative calculations.

Arm extensions with a dumbbell behind the head VS with a barbell.What's better?

I think you are wondering which version of the French press is more promising in terms of triceps development. The kinematics of movement of both projectiles are similar, and therefore there is no need to say that one exercise is better than the other. As for the weight of the weight and the comfort of taking it, the option with a dumbbell behind the head (due to a slightly shorter lever) allows you to use a larger load and, as a result, load the triceps more strongly. In addition, dumbbells provide less stress on the joints. Holding a barbell above your head is not always convenient (heavy weight pulls back) and she “breaks” her wrists.

Therefore, all other things being equal, arm extensions with a dumbbell behind the head are the more preferable option.

Standing French head press VS Bench French press. What's better?

The long head of the triceps is the main contributor to the mass of the triceps brachii muscle and therefore it is important to know how best to load it.

Triceps exercises that place your arms above your head fully stretch the long head because... the latter is not attached to the humerus, but is attached to the scapula. Stretching a muscle allows it to contract with greater strength, therefore, in the version with a head press, the triceps work harder. Research shows that the French bench press also stretches the long head, but significantly less than the first option, shifting the emphasis to the lateral part. Thus, in general, extensions of the arms behind the head (and in particular the standing/seated French press) will give your arms more volume than lying options.

The most effective strategy for training triceps is the following. First executed 1-2 exercises with emphasis on the long head, then 1 exercise on medial and lateral.


Today we were introduced to the standing French press exercise. Now there is one more tool in your hand arsenal, there is only one thing left - to take the last one into service. Therefore, we finish reading the lines and go into the hall to test the theory in practice. That's it, you can blow :)…

PS. What exercises for triceps do you use?

P.P.S. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it as your status social network- plus 100 points for karma, guaranteed :).

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

Hello friends! It seems to me that I can tell you about training endlessly. Just yesterday I wondered why, in fact, the French press is called that way? I spent half an hour digging on the Internet, but I couldn’t find a single adequate version.

The Americans simply call it the “triceps press” and make no reference to the French. The most intelligible and similar to the truth is the likely borrowing of this exercise from French soldiers. Although in fairness it should be called a “skull killer” or a “broken forehead”, because if you do not hold a barbell in your hands, especially a well-loaded one, then this is exactly the result that awaits you.

But jokes aside, I want to tell you today about a good alternative to this exercise - the French press with dumbbells. In this case, the dumbbells move slightly away from our forehead and the likelihood of hitting our dome with them is minimized. But more about everything.

Let's look at how the triceps work

Let's first of all talk about what the French press is for? This exercise is considered the gold standard for working the triceps. more exercise you will find it at the link.

Many ignorant jocks, wanting to get huge hands, they perform all sorts of biceps complexes in the gym, just a ton of exercises can be found at the link. But the biceps muscle is quite small and is generally visible in a very specific position. On a relaxed hand it looks quite modest even on the most powerful bodybuilders.

But today's hero, the triceps, is what actually shapes the size of our arms. If you develop this particular muscle properly, then you will have to sew custom-made shirts and T-shirts.

What can your triceps brachii muscle do? It extends and adducts the elbow and also helps extend the shoulder.

WITH outside The lateral head runs through the arms, the long one goes through the inner one, and the medial one is located between them. If you turn the limb over and look at this muscle, you will see that it looks like a horseshoe. All these three heads are attached in different places, but they are connected at the elbow into the ulnar ligament.

Thanks to this anatomical feature During training, three heads will be involved in work at once. True, the emphasis may shift slightly differently depending on the angle and the version of the exercise.

By the way, our outer head likes to strain least of all. But the long one begins to work fully only when the elbows are moved to the side. The main part of the load almost always takes on the middle medial head.

The shape of this muscle, by the way, is individual for everyone and is genetically determined.

Considering the laziness of the lateral and long heads, under light loads they most often rest and start working only during serious training. This tells us that the triceps require severe training. So leave the two-kilogram children's dumbbells lying on the counter.

In general, the French press with dumbbells is considered an isolation exercise. What it is? This suggests that this type classes are aimed at working only one muscle, where they try to exclude other non-target groups from participation as much as possible.

On the one hand, this seems very good. On the other hand, in this case, the elbow joint is in an unnatural position during the exercise, that is, it practically bends. This reduces the number of working fibers and negatively affects the result.

Therefore, it is best to choose more natural, and therefore multi-joint exercises. And the priority in this case will be the French press with dumbbells while sitting, since in this position your shoulder joint will also be involved in the work. The triceps will feel more comfortable and its fibers will work with much greater efficiency.

Features of performing the French bench press

How to pump triceps with dumbbells in the classic variety (after all, this is the position that is considered standard)? Before you start, you need to prepare your workspace.

Even though you are lying on a bench, still watch the position of your back. It shouldn't bend. During exercise, pull in your stomach. Shoulders spread to the sides, chest turned out. All our efforts come from exhalation.

By the way, sometimes the back of the bench is lowered so low that the head is below the level of the legs. This will help you somewhat diversify your load and shift your emphasis. We do 3-4 approaches for a large number of repetitions: from 10 to 20.

I forgot to clarify that when performing the classic, we shift the main emphasis to the long head of the triceps, which, as we found out above, is very lazy and never wants to work. But when you start working with dumbbells, the load falls more evenly on all three heads of the triceps brachii muscle. Let's move on.

How to do a French press while standing or sitting?

In principle, nothing prevents us from getting up from the bench and doing the same thing while standing or sitting. By and large, the difference here is small: the spine will be in a vertical position, and the arms will be raised up. Only when you're sitting on horizontal bench with emphasis on your back, you can isolate the latter and somewhat eliminate cheating with its help.

We stand up straight, the back remains level, the lower back is slightly arched, and the knees can be slightly bent. Raise both arms up and bring your elbows forward. This is the starting position. After this, we begin to do the French press with dumbbells while standing.

The mechanism of movement is the same as in the previous case: we bend and straighten our arms at the elbow joints. Do not forget that the elbows do not move apart so as not to involve deltas in the process.

You can use one of the options and take only one dumbbell in both hands (choose one that is heavy enough). This method will allow you to better control your balance and spread your elbows less out to the sides.

The same can be done in isolation with one dumbbell for each limb, that is, you purposefully work first one arm and then the other. This will allow you to vary the position of the limb as much as possible and move it at different angles in order to catch the very position where the triceps will be used best.

That's all for today, friends! Now your three-ruble note will be able to get a full load. Tritsushka shook, now it’s the turn of the press.

Be optimistic and learn to see the benefit in everything! Turn your face to your problems and difficulties! Remember that this is what builds character. The most important thing in your training is discipline and self-control.

We'll see you very soon! Come see me for a light, it will be informative and interesting!

French bench press with dumbbells lying down aimed at working the target muscle – the triceps. This is an isolating exercise, because only the elbow joints and a minimal number of auxiliary muscle groups are involved in the movement.

Let me remind you that for the triceps, the basic exercises that involve more than one joint and a huge number of muscles are: “close-grip bench press” and “parallel push-ups.”

The exercise that we are now going to look at is of an isolating type, so it would be very reasonable that it should be performed either at the beginning of the workout or at the end. It all depends on what method you train with. For example, if you use , then this exercise can be performed at the beginning of your workout before the basic exercise. If you are training according to the usual plan, it will be good if you use the French press with dumbbells after performing the basic exercises. This exercise differs from its counterpart “” in that training with dumbbells is not so traumatic. The use of dumbbells increases the range of movement of the arms, and also makes the exercise more comfortable and less dangerous for the elbow joints.

Additionally, the muscles of the chest and shoulder girdle are involved in the work. The exercise itself is strength and is aimed at working the long head of the triceps. In this version, we will use dumbbells as equipment. This exercise is suitable for both beginners and more experienced athletes.

Another advantage of the French press with dumbbells is that you don’t have to worry about the bar falling on your head. But, as with any other exercise, the movement is more difficult to perform with dumbbells than with a barbell. The trick to this exercise is to keep your elbows motionless and parallel to each other. In this case, you will be able to effectively load the triceps brachii muscle.


French bench press with dumbbells - the correct technique for performing the exercise

1. Place two dumbbells in front of a bench, sit on the edge of the bench, take the dumbbells and place them on your lap. When you lie down, it will be more convenient for you to throw back the dumbbells and take the starting position. Lie on a horizontal bench and tilt the dumbbells back, holding them straight in front of you. Keep your arms fully extended, parallel in front of you, and your palms facing each other. This will be your starting position.

2. As you inhale, smoothly bending your arms, lower the dumbbells to your head so that at the bottom they are approximately at the same level as your ears. Lock your elbows and shoulders as you move down. Only the elbow joints and the arm from the elbows to the wrist work.

3. At the bottom point, pause for a split second, exhale, and smoothly lift the dumbbells to the starting position. Extend your arms to the end to contract the triceps muscles as much as possible.

4. Complete the intended number of repetitions and finish the exercise.


1. Always choose your working weight wisely. Don't take dumbbells that are too heavy. Heavy weight can lead you to injury and sprain of tendons and ligaments.

2. If you have problems with elbow joints, you should replace the exercise with something safer, where there is not a lot of stress on your elbows. If there is a problem, you need to replace the French dumbbell press with a basic exercise -.

3. You can perform this exercise by lowering each dumbbell in turn.

4. If you want to achieve maximum contraction of your triceps, you should rotate your hand outward at the top point, that is, so that your palms are facing forward and the dumbbells are facing each other.

5. You should always watch your elbows and shoulders. The body should be in a fixed position, and only the elbow joints were included in the work.

6. The arms, from the shoulder to the elbows, can be tilted slightly, closer to the head, thereby increasing the range of motion and allowing the triceps to stretch well at the lowest point.

7. You need to lower the dumbbells as low as possible so that the triceps stretch as much as possible, and at the top point, straighten your arms as much as possible, allowing the triceps to contract to the maximum.

8. Not long ago, scientists found that grip strength is directly proportional to the level of load on the target muscles. This is why I recommend using .

9. To protect yourself, you can use this method to avoid the dumbbells slipping out of the athlete’s hands, and also to increase your grip strength.


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Genus. 1984 Trained since 1999 Trained since 2007. CMS in powerlifting. Champion of Russia and South Russia according to AWPC. Champion of the Krasnodar region according to IPF. 1st category weightlifting. 2-time winner of the Krasnodar Territory championship in t/a. Author of more than 700 articles on fitness and amateur athletics. Author and co-author of 5 books.

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Date of: 2012-05-29 Views: 1 732 221 Grade: 5.0

Why medals are given to articles:

Core muscles -
Additional- elbow and
Difficulty of execution- light

French press with dumbbells - video

Weight and reps for beginners

For men: 10 - 15 repetitions of 8 - 12 kg. 2 - 3 approaches.
For women: 10 - 15 repetitions of 3 - 5 kg. 2 - 3 approaches.

Load by muscle group

The load is indicated on a 10-point scale ( total load summed up)

Restrictions for injuries/illness/pain

The degree of risk is indicated on a 10-point scale

Description of the exercise

Unlike the similar French press with one arm, it is more convenient. It's easier to watch your elbows. If you are a beginner, it is better to start with this exercise. At the top point, straighten your elbows to the end.

Main features

1. You can do it not only with dumbbells, but also with a barbell disc. For beginners, it will probably even be more convenient with a disk. 2. It is advisable to lower and straighten your arms to the end. This will increase the range of motion and efficiency of the exercise. 3. Elbows should be fixed in a stationary position. They should not diverge to the sides and walk forward and backward. The more the elbows dangle, the more they connect extra muscles, and the load on the triceps is reduced. 4. Lower the dumbbell down smoothly so as not to hit your neck. And it’s quite dangerous for your elbows. 5. Take such a weight that you can do at least 8 – 10 repetitions. This exercise is not basic, so there is no need to chase weights here. 6. Alternatively, you can do this exercise while sitting on a bench with the back tilted at 60 - 70 degrees. This will stretch your triceps more.