Learning to jump on a snowboard. Jumping on the natural terrain of the track. Basic rules of ski jumping

Snowboarding is one of the most popular extreme sports. Besides basic exercises, a snowboarder must learn to fall and get up correctly. Only after mastering the basic elements can an athlete begin to master jumps and trick spins.

When learning this art, it is better to turn to a trainer who will not only give the theory, but also clearly demonstrate how to correctly perform spinning tricks while jumping on a snowboard.

There is an opportunity to learn this technique yourself, but to do this you need to have experience riding a board. If a snowboarder has just started on it, you should not perform elaborate figure positions, rotations and perform them on a steep slope - this can be fraught with serious injuries. To begin with, choose a gentle slope for yourself and start studying or repeating the basic elements.


These exercises will help you learn trick skating and avoid injury.


It is the easiest trick in snowboarding. The athlete needs to grab the board with either hand while performing the jump. It can be sharpened from a small hillock, a mound - this will be enough for a start. There are also several varieties of grab. The most accessible is to grab the edge of the board between the fastenings with your far hand.


  1. Take your time to grab the snowboard, feel the maximum height, then do the trick.
  2. Don't stretch your hand too far to grab the edge; press your legs harder.

A beginner snowboarder can take this element while training on a trampoline:

  • practice jumping as high as possible and landing without losing balance, first without a board;
  • now jumping with a board, but without a grab yet, you need to feel it in flight so that it becomes your continuation;
  • after “merging” with the snowboard, start mastering this trick;
  • when the execution becomes automated, complicate the trick by doing an extension (partial straightening of the far leg);

Pay attention to the physical preparation of the whole body.


An original trick in which the body, at a height, turns in one direction, and the snowboard and bottom part body - in the opposite direction. Before you can perform this position correctly on the snow, you should perfect it on the trampoline.

Features of execution:

  1. Jump - flight - twisting - straightening - landing. This element should be worked out according to this scheme.
  2. To twist your body, wait until the highest point of the flight.
  3. As soon as you hit the edge of the board, immediately spin out for a comfortable landing.
  4. When performing this element on the snow, before jumping from a springboard, spread your arms wide to the sides and bend your knees slightly for greater stability and a spectacular jump.
When the technique of performing shifty has been brought to automaticity, you can begin lessons on spinning tricks.

Tricks for rotations

Rotation tricks, like other exercises, are divided into easy and complex. One of the easiest elements for a beginning athlete is a 180-degree rotation.

180 degrees

Its development must begin with a turn on a gentle slope, and only then transfer the training to the springboard.

Features of execution:

  1. Learn to turn around on a flat surface and continue moving the tail of the snowboard forward.
  2. Before entering the kicker, master this element on natural hillocks.
  3. Try to jump high, pushing off with the entire sole of the board. Press your legs closer to your body and turn your shoulders 180 degrees.

You can start learning this position at home, on a trampoline, on a gentle slope.

360 degree rotation

To master the 360-degree rotation trick, you should carefully practice jumping and turning on the trampoline with this amplitude.

Features of execution:

  1. When taking off, do a twist.
  2. To spin 360 degrees, you need to gather all your strength and suddenly, while making a powerful jump, turn around your axis.
  3. When turning, do not forget to turn your head in the direction your body is moving, otherwise the trick will not work.
  4. Increase the amplitude of the jump with your hands, otherwise you will not be able to achieve 360 ​​degrees.
  5. Lower yourself with bent legs to soften your landing from a height.

If all points are completed, the trick spin will be successful.

Basic rules of ski jumping

To perform successfully, you need to remember the simple rules of ski jumping, which will help you curb the extreme art of snowboarding.

Rules for successful jumps:

  1. Correct, practiced, performed automatically.
  2. When accelerating, you need to climb the ramp slightly on your heels.
  3. When climbing the diving board, lower yourself onto your toes.
  4. All subsequent jumps are done from the toes.
  5. When starting to take off, direct top part body slightly forward.
  6. When landing, try to plant both feet at the same time, resting them lightly on your toes.

When entering the kicker, never step on your back foot; this can cause the snowboard to fly forward and cause further injury.

How to Avoid Injury

To learn how to jump from a springboard on a snowboard and not injure yourself, you need to understand the basic criteria before preparing for sports activities:

  1. Before each race, actively knead all joints, starting from the head and ending with the feet. It is recommended to include in the warm-up session the following exercises: intense warming up cervical region, shoulders, shoulder blades, arms, lower back. Particular attention must be paid knee joints snowboarder and ankles, since when jumping from a height they are subject to the greatest load. The entire warm-up lasts about 20 minutes. The better your muscles are warmed up, the less likely you are to be injured in a sudden fall.
  2. A proper fall will eliminate possible limb fractures. When falling forward, squat down closer to the surface, pressing your hands to chest. If the fall occurs backwards, then you need to do the same thing, pressing your chin to your chest to avoid hitting your head.
  3. Constant jumping on a trampoline stimulates the vestibular system, helping to quickly navigate in flight.
  4. Full equipment will protect the athlete from serious injury in the event of a fall.

A novice athlete should remember: in order to control a snowboard and perform the desired trick elements cleanly, you need a powerful physical training, endurance and a great desire to learn extreme sports.

Let us note right away that quickly learning to jump well is impossible and everything that is in theory or pictured in your head will not be instantly accomplished. Prepare yourself mentally that you will fall more than once. If you still want to, then go to the nearest snow park and look for a small jump. There is no need to tempt fate and heroically go for the biggest, Russian “maybe” - it won’t work. Before jumping from a springboard, make sure that it is correct, namely:
- the springboard is installed on an inclined plane;
- the surface is flat and smooth;
- the exit from the jump must be straight.
If these three points are met, then we can move on to step number two and will directly delve into how to jump on a snowboard correctly.

We pick up a little speed and approach the springboard. We don’t jump, on the contrary, before taking off we stop. You should feel the snow. After you have trained yourself to roll up to the springboard well, that is, quickly and accurately, and at the same time you do not fall, then you can start jumping. Bend your legs and average speed come down. When it's time to jump, don't push off with straight legs, your legs should always be bent, otherwise you'll lose your balance. By the way, your shoulders will perfectly help you maintain balance; be sure to keep them parallel to the plane of the snowboard. While flying, press your legs to your chest and land softly on bent legs. A very common mistake is when fear appears during a flight and the snowboarder begins to “search” for the ground with his feet in the air and straightens his legs - this is wrong.

If point two is successfully completed and your snowboard jumps do not end in falls, and the board does not turn perpendicular to the springboard, and your landing can be called neat, then read on. Now we increase the speed and try to stabilize the landing as much as possible. But the trick is that it depends on your departure. Therefore, your next task will be to learn on average and high speeds maximize the amplitude of the jump, but at the same time you need to have high stability of takeoff and landing. Remember: the more carefully you take off, the more carefully you land.

If you want to learn how to do tricks, you need to learn one simple truth. First we take off, then we reach the maximum amplitude and perform a trick, for example a tail grab (grab the tail of the board with your hand), then we land. The problem is that some beginners start performing the trick during the takeoff, and not at the maximum point, which results in falls.

Jumping on a snowboard It’s not an easy task for a beginner, read this post to understand how to properly jump on a snowboard. We advise you to learn how to choose the right area for training and the trajectory of movement along it, consisting of sections rectilinear motion, which will allow you to control turning locations and speed. Only your assistant can clearly tell you about this. He will also always show, through the example of those who skate, how not to learn to skate.
The first question in the training process that should be asked to the instructor is how to turn and brake correctly. Now let's look at how to correctly perform the first

First jump

Let's say you've already mastered the basics of snowboarding and are quite confident and good at cutting through the mountain slopes. But just having snowboard races and cutting arcs is boring! And you already want to not just slide down, but jump! Of course, not upside down, but to feel confident on the trampolines.

It is best to jump for the first time on a slope with a small or medium slope. First, choose a small landmark for yourself, and when you roll up to it, you will make your first jump on a snowboard. A stuck stick, snow on snow - anything can be a reference point.

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Then begin to slide smoothly, slowly down the slope, no need to race on snowboards, arms extended in front of you, legs fastened. And as soon as you find yourself in front of a landmark, immediately give yourself the command: “Jump!” “. Sit down a little, and simultaneously push off energetically from the slope with both legs (not to the side, and not forward, but straight up!). As soon as the body goes up and begins to straighten, begin to pull your knees towards your chest. At the moment of the jump, keep the snowboard parallel to the slope, do not lean it on the nose or tail.

To soften the blow when you fall, bend your legs slightly and keep your arms extended in front of you. Try to avoid landing on the edge of the board, because this almost always results in a hard fall that can cause injury. Land on the entire base of the board at once - you will then be able to maintain your balance and maintain maximum stability. Maybe you'll hear the slap of your snowboard hitting the slope. Repeat this simple snowboard jump several times. And then, during one descent, try to make a series of jumps on a snowboard.

Once you have learned how to confidently perform a simple jump on a plane, you can move on to longer and longer jumps. The safest place for training is a sharp bend in the route.

Again, set a guideline for yourself so that the distance from the guideline to the bend of the board is approximately the length of your snowboard.

First, just ride your snowboard several times to get a feel for the route, choose the speed that suits you best, and evaluate the steepness of the slope. When you are ready, begin driving to the jump site.

Repeat the same steps you did for a simple jump: drive up to the landmark first. squat down a little, push off, pull your knees to your chest, straighten your legs and absorb the landing half-bent legs. From the moment you take off from the slope and throughout the flight, try to keep the snowboard parallel to the slope line. Imagine a ball rolling down the mountainside, mentally plan the trajectory of its movement. and stick to it.

Jumping on a snowboard can cause injury if you're not alert!

In the air, the body should be collected, do not collapse or turn the body. Don't wave your arms! You may lose your balance and go off the correct flight path. While you're in the air. use your eyes to find the landing place: it is very important point, the human body intuitively follows the direction of gaze. If you cannot see the landing point, then the possibility of a successful landing is reduced.

Keep the future landing site in sight and prepare for contact with the ground. Absorb the blow with bent legs, keep your arms extended in front of you. To avoid sticking your face into the snow or falling onto your back, place your center of gravity strictly between the anchors.

If you succeed several times in a row, try jumping on a snowboard at a higher speed. Even if something doesn’t work out, stop and take a breath, try to understand the reason that is preventing you from performing the correct jump on a snowboard.

During the flight, pull your knees towards your chest - this is very important. With this action, you group and gather into a compact position, from which it is convenient and easy to land.

Having mastered the elements of jumping on the spot, you can go out onto a small gentle slope and try to perform an “ollie” on the descent. When approaching a jump, you must strictly follow all the recommendations regarding shoulder position and maintaining a stable position given in the previous part.

First you need to master a slight jump in motion. Don’t try to immediately impress others with powerful high jumps; this will not lead to anything good. You need to master jumping gradually. Buy stevia retail and wholesale from an official representative - we will deliver anywhere in Russia

Before repulsion, you must go into sliding on the entire plane, and then everything is as in the first part - repulsion, flight, landing. We examined the moment of repulsion in detail in the first part, and now it is time to dwell in more detail on the landing.

At the moment of landing, the board must be directed strictly in the direction of movement, and the slope must touch the slope with both feet simultaneously on the entire plane, while the center of gravity of the body must be above the center of the board.

If your center of gravity is shifted to the side, the board will move to the side when you land and you will lose your balance. If at the moment of landing the nose of the board is lowered, then you will either crash your nose into the snow, or due to its elasticity the board will spring back and fly out from under your feet.

If you land on your tail, the board will move forward from under your feet, and you will catch the slope with your fifth point.

Ski jumping

Once jumping on a natural slope ceases to be a problem for you, you can begin to master the springboard. First you need to choose a suitable springboard for training.

It must be flat, and the landing site must be on a slope so that you land on a tangent path and do not crash into a flat area.

The landing site should not be heavily rolled. Before jumping, be sure to check the take-off and landing area for stones and other foreign objects. After the landing zone, you should have enough free space to exit.

Start learning to jump from a springboard without taking off. Just practice a stable position in all phases of the jump and a clear landing.

The jump itself will be achieved due to speed, just do not “smooth out” the springboard due to shock absorption with your legs. At the moment of takeoff, simply maintain a rigid, stable position.

Having mastered small stable jumps, you can gradually add height and length of flight due to repulsion, while you need to remember that the higher the speed, the earlier you need to start repulsing in front of the edge of the springboard, and push off faster.

Well, that's it. I wish you success!

14.07.2019 17:47

Snowboarding is a winter sport. Snowboarders on the board stand sideways towards the path of movement. The competitive programs included in snowboarding are divided into freestyle (scored) and slalom (timed). Below is a complete list of tricks performed in the freestyle discipline:

Air to Fakie

An air to fake is any trick performed in a pipe in which the snowboarder rides onto the kicker in his stance. Landing is carried out in a switch. This trick is without rotation.

Alley up is a pipe trick. When performing this trick, the rider makes a 180-degree turn, spinning toward the top of the pipe. Rotation is counterclockwise on the left wall, and clockwise on the right wall of the pipe.

Andrecht is a handplant back hand and simultaneous grab of the front.

Backside is part of the tricks. The backside of a snowboard is the part of the board where the snowboarder's heels are located.

A backside air is any trick performed from the backside wall of a pipe.

Backside Rotation

Rotation to the right for those in front left leg or spin to the left for those with the right foot in front.

Backside Turn

A turn performed on the leading edge.

Same as Elguerial.

A spin in which the snowboarder, when landing, cannot see the object during the jump and has to look over his shoulder.

This term can be added to many tricks and expresses its stylishness.

Additional points for touching the snowboard on some object.

Caballerial (Cab)

The same as swith frontside - a jump not from your stance to the frontside any number of half-turns (180, 540, 900)

Canadian Bacon

A grab in which the rear hand must grab the rear edge between the bindings, while first passing behind the rear leg. The front leg should straighten.

Chicken Salad Air

A trick in which the back hand must pass between the legs and grab the rear edge between the snowboard bindings. The front leg should straighten.

A trick in which the back hand must grab the front edge of the board in front of the front foot. The back leg should straighten.

Crippler (Inverted 180)

A combination trick in which the rider rotates 90 degrees to perform a flip and then rotates another 90 degrees to finish the trick in his stance. This trick is done in a pipe.

Crossbone Method Air

Elongated hind leg when performing a Method Air trick.

Crooked Cop Air

Same as Mosquito Air, only performed during freeride.

The rider lands on the rail after a long flight.

As the name suggests, a double grab is performing two grabs (different ones, of course) while performing one jump.

A type of stand when the snowboard bindings are turned in different directions.

Eggplant, when the rider does a flip instead of a 180 to enter the pipe.

A 180 invert trick on the arm, in which the front hand is on the wall and a backside rotation occurs. This trick is performed in a pipe.


Invert with a switch approach to the wall, then a plant with the back hand and finally a backside 360 ​​rotation.

Fakie (Switchstance, Switch)

Riding out of position.

This term is used to refer to a very cool trick performed. For high-amplitude tricks, “huge” and “large” are also often used.

The general name for a series of tricks that are performed on a flat slope, without additional boxes or rails.

Fresh Fish Air

Backside variant of Stale Fish.

Frontside Air

The second name is "Frontside Indy". This is a grab for the leading edge between the fastenings with the back hand. The front leg must be extended if only a grab is performed.

Frontside Rotation

Rotation is counterclockwise for regulars or clockwise for goofies.

Frontside Turn

Turn on the back edge in your stance.

Frontside Wall

Pipe element, when you are at the top of the pipe and look down.

General name for 360 rotation jumps combined with a grab.

Skating on a board with your right foot forward.

A grab is holding the edge of a board with one or two hands.

Sliding along a rail or box with a snowboard located parallel to the figure.

Handplant (Backside)

Plant with two hands (or one front) followed by a backside turn 180 degrees.

Handplant (Frontside)

Plant with two hands (or one front) followed by a frontside turn of 180 degrees.

Handplant (Layback)

Back hand plant with a frontside 180 degree turn.

This is the general name for two-handed plantings.

This is the name given to a snowboarder who often lands on anything other than his feet when jumping.

A grab performed with the back hand of the front of the board behind the back binding.

A trick performed with a backside spin and a backhand grab of the front edge of the snowboard between the bindings.

A trick in which the rider balances on one or two hands while the snowboard is held above his head.

Inverted Aerial

Any trick in which the snowboarder is upside down during the jump.

Inverted 720 (720 McTwist)

Inverted aerial with 720 degree rotation and switch landing.

Rotation 540 degrees in the vertical plane and then plant or lip.

Grab the front edge of the snowboard with your front hand in front of your front foot. The back leg should be extended and the board raised to head level.

Jib ( Rail Slide)

Skating on railings, boxes and other obstacles.

A term for any diving board.

An additional trick performed before landing. For example, a 180 turn after a grab.

A type of grab. It is performed with the front hand of the back edge of the snowboard, while the body should bend over the nose of the board.

Any trick performed on the edge of a pipe wall.

Mashed Potatoes

Alley oop air on the backside wall of the pipe. The front hand holds the front edge of the board in front of the front foot. The back hand holds the back edge of the board in front of the front foot from behind the back, without reaching between the legs.

Front hand plant with a 540 degree backside rotation.

McTwist (Inverted 540)

The trick is performed in a pipe. This is an Inverted aerial with a 540 degree backside rotation and flip.

Melonchollie Air

Rake with your front hand, extended behind your front leg, behind the back edge of the board between the bindings with your front leg extended.

Grab the back edge of the board with your front hand. In this case, both legs should be extended and the board should be at head level.

Plant with 360 degree rotation and switch landing.

540 degree rotation with front flip.

A type of grab. Performed with the front hand extended behind the front leg, the rear edge of the board between the fastenings. The front leg should be extended.

Mute Air

A type of grab. Performed with the front hand of the leading edge of the board between the bindings or in front of the lead foot.

Same as Ollie, but the push is performed from the nose of the board.

Nose Bonk (Nose Tap)

Touching an object with the nose of the board.

Grab with both hands touching the nose of the board.

Any trick where the front leg is extended to move the nose of the board away from the snowboarder's body. Usually performed with a grab.

Sliding on the nose of the board.

Grab the back edge with your back hand in front of your front foot. The hand should be extended in front of the rider.

A jump on a flat surface without the use of a springboard by lifting the front leg and sharply pulling the back leg.

A grab in which the hold occurs near the front of the board. The nose of the board is directed downward, and the board is pulled forward.

The order of execution in the pipe: approach the pipe wall in a switch, then plant on the back hand and front flip. Rolling out all tricks is done in your own stance.

Taking off in a pipe with a run out of position, without rotation.

Turn 180 on the ground.

Indicates a trick where a started rotation is stopped and continued in a different direction.

Roast Beef Air

Grab with the back hand, stretched between the legs of the back edge of the board between the bindings, with the back leg extended.

Rock and Roll

Riding the pipe wall with the board touching the edge, balancing and returning to the pipe without spinning.

Grab with the front hand behind the side of the leading edge with outstretched leg and perpendicular position of the snowboard to the ground.

Rolling down the windows

A snowboarder who lost his balance during a jump and flails his arms.

The name of any landing in which the front leg is extended for greater effect in flight.

Grab the back of the board with the front hand extended diagonally in front of the body with the front leg extended.

Rotation of the body in the opposite direction from the rotation of the board with a return to its normal position.

A term used to describe a particularly crazy and crazy stunt.

Frontside air, in which the front hand of the board is grabbed between the bindings or in front of the lead foot (mute). The back leg should be extended and the board should be parallel to the ground.

Smith Grind

Slide on the nose of the board, pointing perpendicular to the surface with the front foot extended.

Spaghetti Air

A grab behind the back edge of the board in front of the front foot, performed with the front hand extended between the legs. The back leg should be extended.

Stalefish Air

Grab your back hand behind your back leg to the back edge of the board with your back leg extended.

Stalamasky Air

Grabbing the back edge of the board between the bindings, done with the front hand extended between the legs. In this case, the front leg should be extended.

Long grab or plant.

Any trick performed while grabbing. Both legs should be extended.

Swiss Cheese Air

A grab of the back edge of the board in front of the front foot, done with the back hand reaching between the legs with the back leg extended.

Tail Bonk (Tail Tap)

Hit the tail of the board on any object.

Grab the tail of the board with your back hand.

A trick in which the snowboarder turns the tail of the board to the side. In this case, the back leg should be extended.

Tail Slide

Slide on the back of the board.

Riding on the back of the board with the nose up.

A grab of the front edge of the board between the bindings, done with the front hand extended behind the front foot. The front knee should be as close to the board as possible.


Traverse is riding perpendicular to the direction of the slope.

A slide in which the board is parallel to the sliding surface.

180, 360, 540, 720, 900, 1080,…

Rotation through the corresponding number of degrees 180, 360, 540, 720, 900, 1080, made from any rack.
