The son of Nikas Safronov suffers from fatal obesity. The son of nikas safronov is tired of bullying because of being overweight why pianist luka safronov became fat

A fatal accident involving Zatravkin occurred on Friday, but it became known only on Saturday from the well-known lawyer Sergei a. The accident happened at about 20.30 on Bolshaya Akademicheskaya Street in the north of Moscow. The elite crossover BMW X6 hit a 78-year-old pensioner (according to other sources, the woman was 72 years old) who was crossing the road. The collision was made about two meters from the pedestrian crossing. The woman died at the scene from her injuries.

According to Zhorin, right before the accident, she got out of a passing car, after which she tried to diagonally cross the roadway.

The speed of a foreign car, according to preliminary data, was about 60 km / h. Immediately after the incident, the musician waited for the arrival of doctors and the police - after a medical examination, it turned out that he was sober.

On Saturday, some media reported about the arrest of the musician, but in the evening this information was officially denied by the Metropolitan Police. “After the accident, an investigation is currently underway, during which all the circumstances of the incident will be studied. Based on the results of the check, a procedural decision will be made in accordance with the current legislation, ”the press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow reported.

It is expected that on March 14, Zatravkin and one of the eyewitnesses of the accident should appear for questioning by the investigator to testify. The musician himself is extremely acutely experiencing what happened, having managed to give a number of comments in the media.

“Now investigative actions are underway ... I spent Friday evening at home with my mother, who is now very ill,” told musician . “Then he left on business. At about 20.30 I go to the green along Bolshaya Akademicheskaya. Suddenly I see an elderly woman on the left, who has gone beyond the pedestrian crossing and is walking on a red one! I sharply try to dodge, but the car has already hooked her with the left side ... I run out, try to help, but, alas, the woman is no longer breathing. Then they took me under escort to "purify" to check whether I drank while driving. We've done all the necessary tests."

Zatravkin blames himself for what happened.

“Yes, she jumped out on the red. There are many witnesses that she ran a red light and left the pedestrian zone. But how can she be to blame? The pedestrian is always right. I offer my sincere condolences to the family of the deceased,” he said.

According to lawyer Zhorin, the young man called him after the accident to consult. The lawyer, known for high-profile cases with the participation of stars, gave him the phone number of a lawyer who specializes in such cases. Zhorin also said that Zatravkin did not try to contact his father to help "hush up this story."

The father of the musician has also commented on the situation. “I swear to you, I know nothing. I just found out that Luca had an accident. That is, he hit a man. And all - declared Safronov. “A certain woman was going through a red light and he was going through a green one… To say I'm sorry about that? I regret it like any normal father, citizen, person. Is it a pity that the woman is gone? I am very sorry, you can’t take (life) even by accident, even if she is aged, even if she is 98 years old (in fact, the woman was in her eighties. - Gazeta.Ru). This is her right."

“But you know, unforeseen circumstances. One person was struck by lightning seven times. Accident.

I don't defend or blame him. I don't know, and neither do you. It's just connected with my name - with Nikas Safronov. A certain person, nephew, or son, daughter, my father, my grandmother, is somehow tied to me. Naturally, I must somehow respond to this incident, ”said the artist.

Luka Zatravkin is 25 years old, he is one of three illegitimate children of the artist Nikas Safronov. From childhood he studied music, achieving significant success as a pianist and winning many prizes at international competitions. For many years of touring, he has more than a thousand concert performances around the world. After a harsh ultimatum from his father, who threatened to break off contact with him, Zatravkin from February 2008 to April 2009 was able to lose 76 kg.

Recently, the son of the artist Nikas Safronov, 25-year-old Luka Zatravkin, has been plagued by failures. On March 11, on one of the Moscow streets, a young man knocked down an elderly woman to death. The artist's heir fully admitted his guilt and declared that he was ready to answer before God and the court for his deed.

While the investigation is underway, Zatravkin admitted that he had serious health problems - Safronov's son weighs more than 200 kilograms! According to doctors, if he does not lose weight soon, he may die. Luka spoke about his illness on the program "Live" of the TV channel "Russia".

The young man said that all the problems come from childhood - he lacked the attention of his father, who was always strict with him. Nikas himself appeared in the studio of the show. The artist said that he knew about the problems of his son, but did not think that they were so serious.


“The son is an independent person, of course, but I'm worried. It's physiology, and I've made arrangements with a hypnotist who might be able to influence him. He has a predisposition from his mother, and it is very difficult for him to cope with this now. When Luca was 16 years old, he was dependent on me and I supported them. But I set a condition: “Come on, lose weight, otherwise I will end the relationship with you.” He began to lose weight and lost weight. But at the same time he became closed. Stopped answering calls. Some stressful moment appeared, and he began to communicate little with people, ”said Safronov.

Safronov regrets that he did not pay due attention to the heir, but now he is ready to do everything so that Luka gets better. “I think that from today we will start practicing together,” Nikas said.

Not so long ago, journalists interviewed 28-year-old Luka Zatravkin, the son of the famous artist Nikas Safronov. The guy told the media about his long struggle with overweight. The artist's son said that he had been overweight since the age of 11. At some times, his weight reached 100 kilograms. He always tried to get rid of excess body weight, but it is given to him with great difficulty.

Luca told reporters in an interview that already at the age of 11, his weight reached the 110-kilogram mark. At the age of 17, the guy weighed more than 150 kilograms. Doctors unanimously insisted that in order to lose weight, he needed to undergo a series of operations. Luke set himself up for a hard fight. He was on a strict diet and went in for sports. His diet was minimal: a day he had to absorb no more than 400 calories and not stop eating. physical exercise. A year later, his weight reached 76 kilograms. Then he decided that he won, but the effect was short-lived. He began to recover rapidly again.

Two years ago, the guy began to weigh more than 200 kilograms. The doctors sounded the alarm. Luka, so that the weight goes away as quickly as possible treadmill worth 250 thousand rubles, designed specifically for overweight people.
Luka notices that every year it becomes more and more difficult for him to live with a lot of weight. It is not easy for him to move around, fly on airplanes. He constantly works out on a treadmill to speed up the process of losing weight. He can run to the point of exhaustion to achieve a result.

Luca is a professional pianist. The guy admits that the weight interferes even with his work. Because of the extra kilos, other pianists, even those who do not play the instrument very well, have a more presentable appearance. Luka is well aware that the modern world and modern society pays a lot of attention to appearance. Year after year everything becomes more people, ready to talk for hours about his excess weight, completely ignoring the merits, awards and talent.

Luka admits that his dad, 62-year-old artist Nikas Safronov, is very worried about his son's health problems.

People are not shy in expressions, and sometimes they ask him directly how he can look like that? Many people consider the presence excess weight indecent and ugly. Luca leads a healthy lifestyle, and is very worried because his father, the favorite of many women, is constantly faced with shame for his son.

Problems in the artist's relationship with his son intensified when, in March 2016, Luka was involved in a serious traffic accident that resulted in the death of a woman. On that day, Luka killed his grandmother in Moscow in his BMW. She went to a pedestrian crossing at a prohibitory traffic light. A case was initiated against Zatravkin under the article “Violation of the Rules traffic which negligently caused the death of a person. Zatravkin is still worried about this terrible event.
His inner sense of remorse and grief is indescribable, he says.

He also feels guilty before his mother, Safronov's former common-law wife Inna Zatravkina. He feels himself involved in her illness. This is not the first time a woman has been battling cancer. That evening, when the accident happened, he was driving from his mother ... The first course cost them 2 thousand dollars. A month later, her joints and bones began to ache. We thought it was due to fatigue. The course was repeated nine months later. The condition became even worse - Luka's mother could not move. In the hospital, they diagnosed osteochondrosis, prescribed treatment ... In 2014, Inna began to fade before her eyes. She was prescribed chemotherapy, but because of it, calcium was washed out of the body, and the bones became weak, and in December the woman broke her spine. Now her life is constant hellish pain, sleepless nights, droppers, a mountain of expensive medicines and four injections a week worth 100 euros. And it all started because of the herb that provokes cell mutation. Luca found out that many celebrities who drank this rubbish developed cancer.

Nikas Safronov is a Russian artist whose work has been repeatedly awarded international and state awards, including the title of Honored Artist Russian Federation».

His portraits from the "River of Time" series adorn the collections of world celebrities and the world's first politicians. At the same time, the painter spends large sums on charity and helping young talented colleagues.

Childhood and youth

Nikas Stepanovich Safronov (real name Nikolai) was born on April 8, 1956 in the city of Ulyanovsk. He was brought up in a poor large family - the artist has four older brothers and a younger sister. Father Stepan Grigorievich Safronov was a military man who had retired by the time Nikolai was born. The Safronov family consists of hereditary priests whose genealogy can be traced back to 1668. The family of Nikolai on the side of his mother Anna Fedorovna Safronova comes from the Lithuanian city of Panevezys and has Finnish-Lithuanian roots. Hence the Lithuanian origin of the pseudonym chosen by the artist.

Nikas' creative biography began in his school years: the young man copied illustrations from school textbooks and made attempts to develop his own style, where, in a manner close to romanticism, he embodied his own dreams of adventure and travel.

After graduating from 8 classes of high school, the young man leaves his native Ulyanovsk for Odessa and enters the nautical school. After the 1st year of study, Safronov leaves the maritime business and moves to Rostov-on-Don, where he submits documents to the art school named after M. B. Grekov. In his youth, he tries himself as a prop artist in the Rostov Theater for Young Spectators and at one time works as a janitor, loader and watchman. In 1975, Nikas went into the army without graduating from college.

After the army, the guy moved to Panevezys, his mother's hometown, where he continued his career as a theater graphic designer. In 1978 he moved to Vilnius, where he entered the Art Academy at the Faculty of Design.

Nikas Safronov in his youth (right)

After 5 years of study, an ambitious designer sets off to conquer the capital and enters the Moscow Academic Art Institute. In addition, Safronov's collection of diplomas was replenished by the capital's University of Technology and Management, where he studied at the Faculty of Psychology.

Safronov began exhibiting his own works in 1972. After the exhibition in 1978, the artist was talked about as a talented surrealist. But the first serious exhibition of his works took place in 1980 in Vilnius. Later, after moving to Moscow, Nikas worked as the art director of the luxury real estate magazine Penthouse, combining this activity with the work of a designer in the magazines Aura-Z, Diplomat and World of Stars.


Despite the fact that Nikas was already known in a narrow circle of artists, world fame came to him in the early 90s of the last century. At that time, Safronov began to work on a series of paintings with portraits of public figures and politicians. Among his clients are the presidents and high-ranking officials of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Turkmenistan; celebrities, including, and many others.

A number of these portraits are part of a series of works called "The River of Time". Its distinguishing feature is a paraphrase of the great paintings of the past and simple stylizations, made in the spirit of the Flemish school of the Renaissance, where famous people of our time are represented by the heroes of the plots of ancient canvases.

Safronov's exhibitions were held in major cities CIS. In 2007, an exposition of his paintings was located on the territory of the Kremlin in the administration building of the President of the Russian Federation. Only wealthy people order portraits or landscapes of Nikas, since the cost of paintings varies between $ 6-10 thousand.

The artist himself defines his style as "Dream Vision". In this term, the master puts a generalization of the creative method, where classical painting is combined with the use of imagination and intuition.

The artist constantly travels, improves his technique, studies painting and willingly shares the secrets of craftsmanship. Among the great masters of the past, Nikas Safronov especially singles out and. Also in the memoirs, the artist associates himself with the outstanding Italian director.

Every year, Safronov gives part of his income to charity. In particular, several Orthodox churches were built with his money, including the Church of St. Anna, built in Ulyanovsk and named after the artist's mother.

In November 2016, Nikas shared the news that he painted a portrait. True, in a hurry he confused the White House with the Capitol.

According to the master, he was in a hurry to complete the work, having heard information from the Russian Foreign Minister that Trump's victory in the elections was very likely. The artist promised to present the finished portrait to the new president of America as a gift.

Scandals and TV programs

The lifestyle and creative manner of the artist make him a controversial figure in the world of contemporary art. Despite the abundance of state awards and a huge number of solo exhibitions, Safronov is seriously criticized by colleagues and professional art critics.

The first high-profile scandal with his participation occurred in 2002, when it turned out that the portraits of his brush were "slightly" edited prints on canvas. Subsequently, it turned out that many of Nikas's paintings have duplicates made in a similar way and sold to private collections.

Commenting on the current situation, the artist blames producer Alexander Gaisin for the production of these paintings, who allegedly made and sold fakes without permission. Gaisin himself denies his guilt, stating that he printed the paintings on Safronov's orders.

In 2004, excerpts from the book of Safronov's memoirs were read in the program "Processed Cheese", where they were called the main aesthetic shock of the year.

In 2008, on the program "Gordon Quixote" Nikas also received serious criticism. Information was verified that the Hermitage acquired the artist's works for his own collection, as Safronov said earlier in an interview. Representatives of the Hermitage officially denied this statement of the painter.

In the winter of 2012, Nikas again found himself at the epicenter of a high-profile scandal, which was "savored" by almost all the media. Outrageous girl from Rostov-on-Don Mary Voskanyan accused the famous portrait painter of rape. According to her words, the artist volunteered to paint her portrait. But when the girl came to his room, the painter attacked her.

When the scandal broke out, Safronov immediately filed a lawsuit in court, demanding that his honor and dignity be protected. The slanderer had to pay him 10 million rubles. The Savelovsky court of the capital sided with the portrait painter, but reduced the amount of compensation to 300 thousand rubles.

Personal life

Both professional and personal life of Nikas is eventful. The artist gives rich food to journalists of yellow publications. His women are regularly covered in tabloids. It seems that the portrait painter himself does not mind being remembered more often. He is extremely open, does not make secrets from the personal and is not afraid to shock the public.

In an interview, Safronov said that he ran away from his first wife during his honeymoon. At that time, in the early 80s, a young artist arrived to conquer the capital and lived in a communal apartment. He met a girl from a wealthy Yugoslav family - Dragana. She studied at the Sorbonne, and came to Moscow with tourists as a translator: Dragana was fluent in Russian. Nikas claims that the girl was not his type, but he was overcome by the spirit of conquest.

A year later, Safronov met a new love - Angela, a Scot by nationality. And everything would be fine if it were not for the fleeting affair of a loving artist with an American. The girl turned out to be insidious: she found a way to tell Angela that she was expecting a baby from her lover. This ended the romance with the Scot.

The second time Safronov married the Italian Francesca. The couple lived together for 13 years. But, according to the portrait painter, for most of this time they existed separately, each on his own. However, in this marriage, the son of Stefano was born. When the boy was 4 months old, his father left for Russia, as his visa was running out. He never returned to Italy.

For a long time, the couple did not officially divorce, but, according to Safronov, when his wife found out that he was a wealthy man, she decided to file for divorce. At that time, the woman was already living in England, where she introduced herself as a single mother and received assistance from the state. Francesca also planned to divorce in England, where the court always takes the side of her mother. Safronov's lawyers found out about this, and the wife had to compromise, because in those years she received help from both Britain and her husband. At the same time, the woman did not pay taxes on the considerable amounts that Nikas transferred to her. Therefore, the couple was divorced in the same Moscow registry office where they signed.

Many years ex-wife did not allow her son Stefano to see his father. But when the guy grew up, he met with his parent in London, where he came with an exhibition. Since then, Safronov has been in contact with his son.

In addition to Stefano, Nikas has four illegitimate children. Dmitry was born in 1985 and lives in Lithuania. Luka Zatravkin is a talented pianist. He was born in 1990 and lives in the capital. The artist's youngest child, Landin's son Soroko, was born in 1999 and lives with his mother in Australia. The fourth son Alexander Filimonenko is also a Muscovite.

In 2016, Safronov's son Luka Zatravkin knocked down a woman at a pedestrian crossing. 78-year-old Stanislava Myshlentsova died. As it turned out, she crossed the road at a red light. The Russian media wrote about this accident. Luka was very upset by the tragedy and even arranged a charity concert-repentance, from which he transferred the funds from the regional organization of the disabled, where the deceased woman worked.

Not so long ago, the actress admitted to reporters that she had an affair with Nikas Safronov. But everyone in this pair turned out to be such a bright personality that about life together there was no question. The portrait, which depicts a naked Tatyana Vasilyeva, remained for posterity. True, the actress herself claims that she did not pose for the artist, so her figure is “fictional” in the picture.

Now Safronov lives in a civil marriage with a girl named Maria and so far has no plans to change anything.

Nikas Safronov now

Nikas continues to reveal the secrets of his personal life. So, in the spring of 2018, Safronov spoke about relationships with that happened back in his youth. The passionate romance was terminated by the singer herself - she did not want to sacrifice creativity for the sake of a man.

In the year of his 62nd birthday, the artist decided to find all possible illegitimate children in order to distribute a billionth fortune among them. Nikas is preparing a will, where he will write all the heirs. It is assumed that Safronov's children will subsequently receive real estate, antique furniture and rare collections. For the sake of getting to know illegitimate children, the painter turned to the program of the NTV channel "DNK", where all the alleged heirs were tested to determine the relationship.

By the way, now the artist lives in luxurious apartments in the very center of the capital. From the windows of Nikas' house you can see the Kremlin and Red Square. Before that, he changed several addresses in Moscow: he managed to live on Malaya Gruzinskaya Street, Pushkinskaya Square and Tverskaya. But in the 90s he finally settled in Bryusov Lane, in a house that was recognized as an architectural monument.

It took 12 years to restore it, add the 2nd and 3rd floors. On the first of them there are living rooms, and above - rooms stylized as a Gothic palace with antique interior items, high-tech apartments and a terrace.

Nikas Safronov is open to everything new. Recently, the artist has been participating in unexpected collaborations, which he reports from the pages "Instagram". Prints based on his work appear on wardrobe items from the collections of designer Svetlana Lyalina, images of Safronov's paintings decorate gift boxes of products from the Babaevsky chocolate factory.

The painter signed a contract with the Imperial Porcelain Factory to create a joint project, and the release of the ANTE KOVAC bag collection by fashion designer Anna Seregina is on the way.

The artist also continues to make exclusive gifts to celebrities. He presented author's portraits,. Photos with the owners of paintings Safronov places in a personal microblog.


  • "Daytime beauty against the backdrop of Paris or Catherine Deneuve in the image"
  • "The image of a contemporary"
  • "Ship of Time or Memories of England"
  • "Portrait of V.V. Putin in the costume of the times of Francis I"
  • "Self-portrait dressed as Captain Blood"
  • "Impulsive memory of being in Paris"
  • "Portrait of Artemy Troitsky"
  • "Portrait of Sophia Loren"

The artist's heir weighs more than 200 kilograms. Luka Safronov revealed the truth that his problems come from childhood.

Nikas Safronov promised that he would support his son in an effort to restore health.

Luka Safronov
The 25-year-old son of Nikas Safronov is in critical condition. The bow weighs over two hundred kilograms. Doctors are sounding the alarm - if a young man does not take care of his health, he may die.
Friends of the star family, experts and doctors gathered in the studio of the Live Broadcast program. Luca made it clear that the roots of his problem go back to early childhood. As an example, the young man remembered one of the dialogues with the famous father.
“My father did not give me a painting in the bedroom. I always dreamed of a picture with a naked lady, and he said: “If you lose weight, I’ll give it.” I once lost weight, as they say, for the sake of laughter. And he was not going to give anything, it turns out. And I decided to get fat again, so that the second time for sure ... ”- Luka laughed it off.

Young man needs help to get well
However, in the studio, his words were not funny to anyone. The audience did not even immediately believe that the famous artist raised the child in this way. However, Nikas Safronov, who appeared, justified himself for his words.
“The son is an independent person, of course, but I'm worried. It's physiology, and I've made arrangements with a hypnotist who might be able to influence him. He has a predisposition from his mother, and it is very difficult for him to cope with this now. When Luca was 16 years old, he was dependent on me and I supported them. But I set a condition: "Come on, lose weight, otherwise I will end the relationship with you." He began to lose weight and lost weight. But at the same time he became closed. Stopped answering calls. Some stressful moment appeared, and he began to communicate little with people, ”Safronov said frankly.
Nikas admitted that he regrets that he did not pay attention to his son. “Of course, I would go to the pool with him, swim, I myself am a sports person. I only supported when it was necessary to give money for concerts, for a competition, roads, hotels. But I didn’t have such a state with him - to breathe over a sick child, ”the artist said.

Nikas Safronov said that he set a condition for his son to lose weight
One of the participants in the discussion that unfolded after the words of Safronov, Irina Agibalova, spoke harshly about what she heard. The ex-participant of "House-2" herself lost 40 kilograms of excess weight a few years ago.
“I am not embarrassed by this form of education. I think that Nikas is trying to make a man out of a boy. And I see in front of me a cowardly, weak person who is trying to depend on his father. If you constantly think about whether dad will help or not, then you will not succeed. Dad is doing the right thing. He throws you into the water so that you learn to swim,” Agibalova said.

Irina Agibalova supported the harsh method of education of Nikas Safronov
Meanwhile, Nikas admitted that he did not turn away from his son. The artist understands that his heir is a deeply vulnerable person who has recently experienced a lot of stressful situations.

In addition, it turned out that Safronov was generally unaware of the real state of his son's health. Luka did not tell his father that his weight was critical. Doctors diagnosed a form of obesity incompatible with life in a young man. Hospitalization was recommended to him. The well-known artist admitted that he was dejected by what was happening, and promised that after the program he would begin to deal more seriously with his son's problems.
“I think that from today we will start practicing together,” the artist assured the audience.

At the end of the program, father and son embraced
