The most relevant exercises for chronic constipation. Exercises for the intestines for constipation (gymnastics rules). A simple complex of physical therapy

Many people have experienced constipation. A feeling of heaviness, general malaise, decreased performance, bad mood - this is an incomplete list of the negative manifestations of this trouble. A balanced diet, drinking plenty of fluids, and exercises for constipation will help get rid of it.

Constipation occurs when the intestines do not function properly. Feces that have accumulated in the body poison it with toxins. The state of health worsens, migraines appear, pain of various types in the abdomen appears, and the quality of night sleep deteriorates.

It is important to quickly get rid of the disease, as the disease can become chronic. Then medical intervention and serious drug treatment will be required.

Constipation can be treated at home. Exercises for the intestines for constipation will help here.

Treatment with exercises

Exercise for constipation stimulates the intestines by contracting the abdominal walls. Thanks to them, there is a beneficial effect on the body:

  • digested food passes through the intestines faster and easier;
  • exercises tone the large intestine, so it contracts better;
  • blood circulation improves;
  • the abdominal muscles become stronger;
  • the feeling of heaviness is eliminated.

Advantages of this type of treatment:

  1. Gymnastics for constipation does not harm a person.
    Laxatives work faster than exercise. But their effect on the body is ambiguous: addiction occurs, and the natural contraction of the intestines weakens.
    Training, which is carried out constantly, solves the problem of constipation and stimulates metabolic processes.
  2. Physical exercises for constipation can be done by people of different age groups.
    The range of complexes of therapeutic exercises is very wide. For constipation in older people, light strength training will be effective.
  3. Gymnastics for the intestines for constipation is simple and does not require preparation. Desire is enough.

Execution Rules

  • Strength training for constipation is an effective way to treat constipation. But the effect will be noticeable only with constant training.
  • It is better to do exercises in the morning. It is advisable to drink a glass of still water half an hour before. If your stomach is healthy, you can add lemon juice or honey.
    There are no contraindications for performing exercises at other times of the day. The only recommendation is that training should be done 2 hours after eating.
  • When developing a set of workouts against constipation, you need to remember that exercise should not cause discomfort. You should not start training with strength exercises or overload the body with high loads.

It is better for people with chronic diseases to consult with a physical therapy instructor.

A prerequisite for the effectiveness of the classes is regularity of implementation. They will benefit the intestines and the entire body as a whole. It is advisable to combine training with physical activity in the fresh air.

This will help activate the intestinal muscles. The exercises are simple, most of them are performed lying down. You need to perform the movements without haste, without losing your breath.

Avoid training if the following symptoms are present:

  • worsened ulcer;
  • elevated body temperature;
  • severe pain in the abdominal area;
  • loose stools or diarrhea;
  • exacerbation of any chronic diseases.

If you experience any discomfort during training, you should stop exercising and consult a doctor.

Training effectiveness

It is impossible to say for sure which exercises have a better effect on intestinal motility. Any physical activity will have a positive effect.

Exercises for constipation in adults can be performed in special gyms or at home, lying in bed. It all depends on the person’s preferences and capabilities.

Examples of the most common exercises

  • movements simulating cycling;
  • pulling the legs bent at the knees towards the stomach;
  • various inclinations;
  • rotation of the body;
  • rocking the press;
  • squats,
  • jumping rope.

It must be remembered that physical activity complexes will have their effect after some time. You shouldn’t wait for results the next day, stop training, or start taking laxatives.

Training is carried out several times a day. The load must be distributed evenly.

Physical activity during the day can be divided as follows:

  • In the morning, it is advisable to perform a few simple exercises that will prepare the muscles and joints for further stress.
  • You should have breakfast with food that contains a lot of fiber.
  • It's better to go to work on foot. If this is not possible, reduce the time spent in a car or bus to a minimum.
  • During the working day, it is important to use the breaks that appear to do physical exercise, especially if the work is sedentary.
  • Running is an important part of health-improving physical education. It is able to improve the functioning of the intestines and all internal organs, stimulating blood circulation.

If you have the opportunity to use an exercise bike during your lunch break, this will have the best effect on the general condition of your intestines. At the same time, your mood will definitely improve and your performance will increase.

It's worth walking back home. Any walking stimulates the body, improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
People who, for health reasons, cannot use exercise equipment or strength training can easily stimulate their intestinal function by taking long walks in the fresh air. The main thing is that they are regular and long-lasting.

In the evening, you can replace training with any type of physical activity that brings pleasure. You can do dancing, aerobics, yoga.

You can choose any daily routine. The main thing is that exercise becomes an important part of life.


It is advisable to combine strength training and massage elements. It will help improve the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract.
The movements are simple; no special skills are required to perform them. It is better to do self-massage in the morning.
It consists of the following elements:

  • stroke the stomach in a clockwise circular motion;
  • stretch your feet. You can use a massager;
  • massage your fingers;
  • using a damp cloth, stroke the stomach from bottom to top.


Once you get rid of constipation, you need to maintain good bowel function.

  • eat fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • limit the amount of smoked, fatty, fried foods;
  • eat in fractional portions;
  • increase your consumption of fermented milk products and fiber;
  • keep a daily routine;
  • Avoid stressful situations.

Anyone who is faced with the problem of constipation will appreciate the feeling of lightness and comfort that will appear after regular massage and physical activity.

This article will talk about how to get rid of constipation: prevention of constipation And exercises for constipation atonic and spastic characters.

The problem of constipation is common due to violation of the principles of a healthy lifestyle. The main causes of constipation are malnutrition, physical inactivity and psycho-emotional stress, as well as diseases of the digestive system (including dysbiosis), nervous and endocrine systems.


Constipation is a delay in bowel movement for more than two days, as well as difficulty during bowel movements. Normally, bowel movements should be at the same time of day every day, preferably in the morning.

A. S. Pushkin wrote a wise quatrain:

"Who every morning

has a chair without being forced,

that's why food suits the gut,

and all other pleasures."

The fecal mass is normally plastic, a whole sausage, does not leave marks on the walls of the toilet after flushing with water, and does not have a fetid odor.

If stool retention is sudden, alternating constipation and diarrhea, blood and mucus in the stool, abdominal pain, then this is a reason to urgently consult a doctor.

We will talk about constipation in practically healthy people caused by poor nutrition, lack of physical activity and stress overexertion, which results in functional intestinal disorders.

You need to understand the huge role the intestines play for human health: metabolism, timely cleansing of toxins, mood and general well-being depend on its work.

Atonic and spastic constipation occur.

For atonic constipation There is no bowel movement for more than three days, the stool becomes compacted and acquires a large volume, which makes it difficult to empty. With atonic constipation, feces are uneven (at first dense, then plastic, then “mush”). There is a risk of hemorrhoids, rectal fissures and dolechosigma (this is distension and atony of the sigmoid colon).

For spastic constipation the stool takes on the appearance of “sheep feces”; the difficulty in moving food mass is caused by a functional spasm of the large intestine, which indicates disorders of the autonomic nervous system. Perhaps there is VSD (vegetative-vascular dystonia) and neurosis.

People experience abdominal discomfort, flatulence, and loss of appetite. This negatively affects performance, general well-being, and mood. Increased fatigue, irritability, depression appear, and there may be a feeling of chilliness (“freezing”), which indicates intoxication of the body.

Any constipation causes intoxication of the body and contributes to the occurrence of dysbiosis, which negatively affects human health. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to the prevention of constipation.

Prevention of constipation.

Preventing constipation is based on correction of nutrition, daily routine (including bowel movements), physical activity and stress prevention. And also in the treatment of other diseases of the body, due to which constipation occurs as a symptom.

1). Do not suppress the urge to defecate. The most important recommendation for the prevention of constipation is not to suppress the urge to go to the toilet, but to find an opportunity to have a timely bowel movement as quickly as possible.

2).If you haven't had a bowel movement for several days, which may be due to the intake of refined foods devoid of fiber, as well as physical inactivity, for example, during long trips, then to prevent rectal fissures, do an enema with milk and melted butter at night.

For 100 ml of warm milk, 1 teaspoon of butter. Heat the milk until the butter melts. Cool to about 40 degrees C. (This liquid can be made in a glass jar, close the lid and shake so that the butter “dissolves” as much as possible in the milk). Fill a rubber bulb with a volume of 100 ml and do the enema while lying in bed on your left side, bending your knees. After this, you can immediately sleep without getting out of bed until the morning. In the morning there will be a nice normal plastic shaped stool. If you retain bowel movements for a long time, physical education will not be pleasant. Therefore, it is better to empty your bowels and then proceed exercises for constipation.

3). Do not overuse high enemas. High enemas will not save you from constipation, but, on the contrary, can aggravate this problem due to disruption of the acid-base balance of the large intestine and the occurrence of dysbacteriosis due to the washing out of microflora with large amounts of water. With frequent use of high enemas, the intestines become lazy and stop functioning normally, waiting for the next enema with a large amount of water to do its job.

4).Don't get carried away with taking senna-based medications, since senna causes inflammation of the intestinal mucosa; In addition, such laxatives become quickly addictive. It will be much better if your doctor prescribes the laxatives you need.

5). Dietary recommendations.

A). Eat in a good mood, slowly.

b). Chew each portion of food in your mouth thoroughly. You should not stuff your mouth full, as this will interfere with the proper grinding of food in the mouth and processing with saliva.

V). Food should not be too salty, sweet, fatty or spicy, as this will cause thirst, and it is not advisable to wash down food so as not to dilute the digestive juices produced by the body in the required concentration.

G). Do not overeat, as overeating depletes the body's capabilities: there is not enough enzymes involved in the digestion of food, stagnation of food masses, fermentation and rotting occur, which are one of the causes of dysbiosis and intoxication of the body. When you overeat, thirst also arises.

In the morning, drink a glass of water immediately after waking up.

d). Normally, you don’t want to drink after eating. If you feel thirsty immediately after eating, it means you ate too salty, sweet, spicy or fatty food, or did not chew it well, or ate more than you should. If there is a problem with constipation, then you should not drink after meals, so as not to dilute the digestive juices, reducing their concentration. You should drink no earlier than an hour after eating. First, refrain from drinking liquids after meals for 15 minutes. Gradually increase this time to two hours. If you thoroughly chewed every lump of food, then do not be afraid that your stomach will be spoiled due to dry food. Thus, it turns out that you can drink between meals: drink as much as your body asks (as much as you want).

e). Do not eat food that is too cold or too hot, because when you eat hot food, the enzymes die, and when you eat cold food, they “fall asleep.” Both will cause difficulty in normal digestion.

Shortly before bed, drink a glass of fresh kefir.

and). Include vegetable salads made from raw or boiled, grated vegetables and fruits in your diet. There is no need to consume them in large quantities, as out of habit it will cause dyspepsia: flatulence, increased intestinal motility, abdominal discomfort, anxiety: 100 grams of vegetable salad in the morning and afternoon is enough.

For spastic constipation, it is better to take salads from boiled vegetables with the addition of a small amount of unrefined oil (just do not overcook the vegetables: it is better when they are slightly undercooked). Raw vegetables increase intestinal motility more than boiled ones; this can cause an additional reflex spasm of the intestinal muscles.

h). Include dried fruits in your diet, which will not only help your intestines function well, but will also give your body the minerals it needs for health. Pour a glass of washed dried fruits into a half-liter jar: dried apricots, prunes, raisins, figs and others. Pour boiling water over it. Wrap in a “fur coat” for 2 – 3 hours. Eat steamed dried fruits without adding sugar; you can add a spoonful of honey.

"Pumpkin." Take one tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach 15 minutes before breakfast for 7 to 10 days to teach the body to have bowel movements every morning.

And). Buy "Tykveol" at the pharmacy and take one tablespoon of oily liquid once a day in the morning on an empty stomach 15 minutes before meals for 7 - 10 days. To avoid feeling nauseous, you can sip mineral or plain water at room temperature. This recommendation is given so that you train your body to empty your bowels every day in the morning. After you achieve this result, you can stop taking Tykveol.

To). Some people find it helpful to take a glass of fresh kefir at night shortly before bed.

The tips of vegetables contain wind and cold energies necessary to activate the intestines when they are atony.

l). Helps activate the intestines during atony energy of certain areas of vegetables. Cucumber or carrots are better suited for this. You need to eat what is usually cut off and thrown away: the root tip and the tip from the side of the stalk. They must be chewed thoroughly (about 10 minutes). These pieces contain wind and cold energies necessary for normal bowel movements. To enhance the effect, mentally imagine how well the muscles of the large intestine have begun to contract, and its contents are moving smoothly and slowly to the exit without hindrance. (It’s easy to remember this recommendation when preparing food from vegetables).

6). Prevention of stress. Strong and prolonged stressful stimuli negatively affect the nervous system. With constipation, a disorder of the autonomic nervous system is important.

healthy lifestyle,
good mood.

1). Treat neurosis, vegetatively – vascular dystonia, if any.

2). If there was a psycho-emotional load (stress), then you can take 5 glycine tablets or 20-60 drops of Corvalol, tincture of valerian or motherwort under the tongue. And ensure normal, full sleep at night.

3). Work on yourself spiritually to prevent negative feelings and emotions (especially anger) from appearing.

4). Be a positive, peace-loving person.

5). Limit negative information.

6). Eliminate the bustle of life, which “exhausts” a person and excludes the opportunity to listen to one’s tense and tired body.

7). Healthy lifestyle:

  1. do not have bad habits;
  2. observe the daily routine, work and rest, especially sleep.
  3. Be sure to use your vacation every year.
  4. physical training!
  5. nutritious nutrition with a limit on fatty and sweet foods to prevent excess weight; It is very important to eat only in a good mood.

The goal of physical therapy in the treatment of constipation is to normalize intestinal motor function and eliminate congestion in the intestines.

Exercises for atonic constipation performed at a normal average pace with a fairly large number of repetitions, springy, targeted movements are used to help move the contents of the intestines, strength exercises with weights and resistance, exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles and general strengthening exercises. The starting points are different. Squats, jumping, running are useful.

Exercises for spastic constipation aimed at relieving intestinal spasms. Therefore, the exercises are performed at an average and slow pace. Abdominal exercises are limited. Therapeutic gymnastics for spastic constipation as for neuroses. A set of exercises is ideal for spinal osteochondrosis. Alternate exercises for different muscle groups and relaxing ones (1: 1).

Exercises for spastic constipation - in the article. When performing this set of exercises, the emphasis is on relaxation exercises.

Swimming in the pool has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestines: a natural massage of the abdomen occurs, intestinal motility is normalized and the process of defecation is improved. Swimming is useful for both atonic and spastic constipation. You should swim no earlier than 2 hours after eating, and eat no earlier than 1 hour after swimming.

Exercises for atonic constipation.

1). Lying on your stomach, arms folded in front of you, legs straight.

1 – Raise your left arm, right leg, stretch your spine, inhale.

2 – Return to the starting position, exhale.

3 - Raise your right arm, left leg, stretch your spine, inhale.

4 – Return to the starting position, exhale. 10 times.

Once! Inhale.

Two! Exhalation.

Three! Inhale.

Four! Exhalation.

2). Lying on your stomach, arms folded in front of you, legs straight.

1 – Bend your right leg at the knee, moving your leg to the side, inhale.

2 - Return to the starting position, exhale.

3 – Bend your left leg at the knee, moving your leg to the side, inhale.

Once! Inhale.

Two! Exhalation.

Three! Inhale.

Four! Exhalation.

3). "Breaststroke" Lying on your stomach, arms folded in front of you, legs tightly closed and straightened.

1 – Stretch your arms forward, lower your head down, exhale.

2 – Move your arms to the sides, raise your head, inhale.

3 – Hands along the body, continuing to inhale.

4 – The hands move to the shoulder joints, exhale. 10 times.

Once! Extend your arms forward. Exhalation.

Two! Inhale.

Three! Continue inhalation. (Legs together).

Four! Beginning of exhalation.

4). Relaxation. Lying on your stomach, your head rests on your hands folded in front of you. Rock your hips left and right to relax your back muscles.

Rocking the pelvis to the sides is relaxation.

5). "Airplane." Isotonic exercise to strengthen posture. Move your arms to the sides, tightly closed straightened legs back, raise your limbs, stretching the spine, hold the position for 1 minute, breathing spontaneously. 1 time.

Hold "Airplane" for 1 minute.

6). Repeat exercise No. 4. Relax your back muscles.

7). Lying on your stomach, arms resting near the shoulder joints, legs together.

1 – Push up, straighten your arms, and move to the knee-wrist position, inhale.

2 – Sit on your heels, stretching your arms forward, exhale.

3 – Return to the knee-wrist position, inhale.

4 - Return to the starting position, exhale. 10 times.

Once! Inhale.

Two! Exhalation.

Three! Inhale.

Four! Initial position. Exhalation.

8). Starting position: rest on straightened arms and feet, body and legs are straightened, raised above the floor and on the same line.

1 – Turn your head to the left and look at your feet.
2 - Return to starting position.
3 – Turn your head to the right and look at your feet.
4 - Return to starting position.
4 times.

9). Knee-wrist position.

1 – Straighten and lift your right leg up, inhale.

2 – Bend your right leg and bring it to your stomach, exhale. 15 – 20 times.

Do the same with your left foot.

10). Kneeling, hands clasped at the back of the head, elbows to the sides.

1 – Sit on the floor to the right, exhale.

3 – Sit on the floor to the left, exhale.

eleven). Kneeling, hands on the back of the head.

1 – Touch your right foot with your left hand, exhale.

2 - Return to starting position, inhale.

3 – Touch your left foot with your right hand, exhale.

4 - Return to starting position, inhale. 10 times.

12). Sitting on the floor, hands on your belt, legs wide apart.

1 – With your right hand, reach your left foot, exhale.

2 - Return to starting position, inhale.

3 – With your left hand, reach your right foot, exhale.

4 - Return to starting position, inhale. 10 times.

13). Sitting on the floor, legs straight, arms bent at the elbows. Walk on your buttocks forward, then backward until slightly tired.

14). Lying on your back, arms clasped under your head, legs straight.

1 – Connect right elbow and right knee, exhale.

2 - Return to the starting position, inhale. 10 - 15 times.

Then do the same with your left limbs 10 – 15 times.

15). "Book". Lying on your back, legs together, arms at your sides.

1 – Turn the body to the left, place the right hand on the left, do not move the legs, exhale.

2 - Return to starting position, inhale.

3 – Turn the body to the right, place your left hand on your right (palm on palm), exhale. The rotation of the body can be done as much as possible. The legs don't move.

4 - Return to starting position, inhale. 10 times.

Once! Exhalation.

Two! Inhale.

Three! Exhalation.

Four! Inhale.

16). Lying on your back, arms clasped under your head, legs straight.

1 – Connect the right elbow and left knee, exhale.

2 - Return to starting position, inhale.

3 – Connect the left elbow and right knee, exhale.

4 - Return to starting position, inhale.

To the point of slight fatigue of the abdominal muscles.

Connect the right elbow and left knee (exhale).

Constipation in most cases occurs as a result of poor nutrition and decreased activity of intestinal motility. The movement of a bolus of food through the intestines becomes difficult not only if the diet is incorrectly selected, but also if a person moves little.

Physical exercises for the intestines, performed regularly, will allow you to achieve a reduction in the effect of physical inactivity on the intestines. Under their influence the following changes occur:

  • blood circulation in the pelvic organs improves;
  • strengthens the abdominal muscles;
  • metabolic processes improve.

Gymnastics will allow you to eliminate constipation, thereby avoiding taking laxatives. Specially selected physical exercises should be combined with increased general physical activity throughout the day.

If you are prone to constipation, the following are useful:

  • walking long distances;
  • jogging;
  • swimming;
  • cycling and skiing;
  • tennis.

When choosing the type of physical activity, take into account age, place of residence, habits, general well-being, and family traditions.

Remember: Exercise will not help you if constipation is a manifestation of certain diseases. In case of chronic stool retention, especially if it occurs while taking measures to prevent poor bowel function, you need to undergo an examination.

Rules for performing exercises

Therapeutic exercises will relieve you of constipation and will be of great benefit if performed regularly. You can do the selected set of exercises several times a day, always in the morning before breakfast, this will help activate the digestion process. Follow a few rules when carrying out.

  1. Perform the exercises either on an empty stomach or at least an hour and a half after eating.
  2. Do not choose those physical exercises that are performed with great effort. It is recommended to do exercises to the best of your normal physical capabilities.
  3. Before starting a gymnastics routine, it is advisable to drink a glass of water, this will further enhance intestinal motility.
  4. Be sure to choose a diet that will promote better absorption of food and the rapid passage of the food bolus through the digestive tract.

For constipation, regular exercises, breathing exercises, self-massage of the abdomen, and aerobic exercises are useful. They can be performed separately from each other, or in combination.

4 simple exercises

A recommended set of simple exercises to help relieve constipation. Perform all these types of activities while lying on a horizontal surface, so they can be done in the morning after sleep and repeated periodically throughout the day.

Exercise 1

  1. Lying on your back, keep your legs together, then also lift your legs up together.
  2. The distance from the bed or floor should be at least 25 centimeters.
  3. Hold your legs in this position for up to 15 seconds.
  4. Repeat the exercise 3-6 times.

Exercise 2

  1. Lying on your stomach, spread your legs slightly and lift them one by one, holding them in the air for up to 10 seconds.
  2. Repeat the strokes up to 7 times.

Exercise 3

  1. Lying on your back, lift your legs up, then lift your arms up.
  2. As you exhale, lift your back off the horizontal surface and sit down, lowering your legs.
  3. Place your arms parallel to your lower limbs.

Exercise 4 - Bicycle

The “bicycle” exercise helps with constipation: Alternately pull your bent legs towards your stomach.

10 challenging and effective exercises

There are more complex exercises that can optimally enhance intestinal motility, several of which are given below.

Exercise 1

  1. While standing, take a deep breath and at the same time push your stomach forward.
  2. As you exhale, pull your stomach in.
  3. After a pause of 5-7 seconds, repeat the described exercise.
  4. After three repetitions, push as if during a bowel movement, then relax and breathe calmly.
  5. Repeat the lesson 5-7 times.

Exercise 2

  1. From a standing position, raise your knees bent as high as possible.
  2. Pull the bent limb as close to the stomach as possible.
  3. Perform the exercise up to 10 times on each side.

Exercise 3

  1. While standing, pull the bent leg towards your stomach and secure it with your hands.
  2. Place one hand on the ankle, the other support the leg by the knee.
  3. Stay in this position for as long as possible.

Exercise 4

  1. Lie on a horizontal surface, pull your bent legs towards the abdominal wall and at the same time spread your knees away from each other.
  2. Then little by little bring your legs together again and lower them.
  3. Repeat the exercise 10 to 15 times.

Exercise 5

  1. With your stomach down, bend your legs and try to reach your back with your feet.
  2. Do the exercise up to 7 times.

Exercise 6

From the position on your stomach, lean on your arms as extended as possible and reach down as far as possible.

Exercise 7

  1. Lie on your side, support your head with your palm, raise your leg so that it is at a right angle to your torso.
  2. Do 10 to 15 swings with one lower limb, then repeat with the other.

Exercise 8

  1. Sit on the floor, stretch your legs forward, tilt your torso forward, and touch your toes with your palms.
  2. Perform this exercise slowly and without making sudden movements, repeating it up to 7 times.

Exercise 9

  1. Squats for constipation are effective for restoring bowel function at any age.
  2. Young people can do 10-20 deep squats in one set.
  3. Elderly people should slowly squat so that the pelvic area drops to the level of the knees.

Exercise 10

  1. Increased peristalsis is well reflected in body tilts to the sides, turns around an axis, and rotational movements of the torso left and right.
  2. Do these exercises 10-15 times in one session.

For constipation, physical therapy can always be supplemented by running in place, moving on all fours, and yoga.

The functioning of the digestive system and the overall tone of the body will significantly improve after just a week of regular exercise.

Gymnastics for hemorrhoids

Gymnastics for hemorrhoids, one of the manifestations of which is constipation, is performed according to the same principles.

Just keep in mind that in the acute stage of the disease, some exercises can increase discomfort, so it is necessary to perform the lightest sets of exercises until the condition of the hemorrhoids normalizes.

Gymnastics for hemorrhoids can be aimed at strengthening the muscles of the perineum and rectum. It is useful to perform the Kegel complex and exercises according to the Norbekov method.

For constipation, choose those physical exercises that will not cause significant discomfort. If you have chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system and pelvic organs, then it is advisable to consult a doctor who will tell you which methods of exercise therapy will be beneficial and which may be harmful.

The simplest exercises for the intestines, which help with constipation, can be performed immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed. Its implementation will ensure the activation of the gastrointestinal tract. Tips from Elena Malysheva.

Breathing exercises

Sometimes, when treating constipation in an adult, breathing exercises become an alternative to regular exercises.

In the last stages of pregnancy, for bedridden patients, with broken limbs and in other situations, it is impossible to perform most of the usual exercises.

Having mastered several methods of controlling your own breathing, you can normalize intestinal function without the help of laxatives.

Diaphragmatic breathing is easier to master from a lying position on a horizontal surface. The easiest ways to relieve constipation using breathing.

  1. Place your palm in the middle of your abdomen and exhale so that the abdominal wall moves as far as possible towards the spine.
  2. Then inhale so that the incoming air is absorbed by your stomach. When performed correctly, the stomach will rise as high as possible. Use your palm to help control the movement of the abdominal wall.
  3. As soon as your palm goes down, take a deep breath, and when you lift it, exhale.
  4. First master breathing using the diaphragm while lying down, then you need to learn how to do it while sitting and standing.

Experts advise performing breathing exercises both during physical exercise and separately. The combination of diaphragmatic breathing and bowel exercises will allow you to eliminate the most persistent constipation.


The term self-massage refers to performing exercises that normalize the contractile function of the large intestine.

All elements of self-massage are performed lying down; it is useful to do them in the morning after waking up.

Massage starts the digestive system and relieves the discomfort that often occurs with constipation.

  1. Start performing self-massage with light stroking movements. Stroke your stomach with your palms clockwise for 3-5 minutes.
  2. At the next stage, carefully massage the most painful areas.
  3. The greatest attention should be paid to the left area, starting from the middle of the abdomen and moving down. It is in this place that the intestine with the greatest accumulation of feces is located.

If you have persistent constipation, then after a self-massage session it is better to drink a glass of salted water, it activates motor function.

This method of eliminating constipation leads to a positive result within half an hour.

Increasing physical activity during constipation is an important step in improving the functioning of the large intestine.

Sometimes, in order to achieve a normal, regular bowel movement, it is enough to eliminate physical inactivity and follow the principles of proper nutrition.

The well-known fact of the positive impact of sport on the human body is no secret.

Regular, dosed physical exercise of moderate intensity helps to tone the muscles of the body, normalize a person’s well-being and strengthen the body’s defenses.

Intestinal problems in elderly or young people, which are accompanied by the development of constipation, can also be successfully eliminated with the help of a properly selected set of exercises.

The main positive effects on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract in older people that regular exercise has are:

  • Stimulation of peristaltic movements. Considering that in most cases, problems with defecation are functional in nature due to a decrease in the tone of the organ wall, activation of motor skills through physical activity can quickly eliminate the problem.
  • Improved metabolism. Constant training leads to stabilization of the processes of absorption of nutrients and their transport into the bloodstream. Against this background, the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract is stabilized.
  • Increased body tone and acceleration of all metabolic processes. Physical activity has a complex effect on the entire human body. They are useful both for the intestines and for the heart, brain and other organs and systems.

Dosed physical exercise is recommended for almost all people. For pensioners, they are especially relevant in the fight against constipation, correction of blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

Of course, you need to understand that a pensioner does not need to attend a gym or any specialized classes to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It is enough to perform a set of simple exercises every day that will help activate intestinal motility.

Morning exercises

Not all older people have the opportunity to play sports in the traditional sense of the word. Age-related changes in joints, muscles, and the whole body can become an obstacle to such activity.

There are a number of simple exercises that can help relieve constipation in older people. These exercises will help quickly and efficiently improve the functioning of the intestines and the entire gastrointestinal tract.

Doctors recommend doing morning exercises. It should be done before breakfast. It is advisable to drink a glass of cool water 30 minutes before the start of your workout. It will contribute to additional stimulation of peristaltic movements.

A few simple exercises should be included in your morning exercise routine:

  • tilting the body in different directions;
  • lunges;
  • pelvic turns;
  • squats.

Each elderly person regulates the intensity of exercise for himself. You cannot force a person to exhaust himself with exercises if he has joint pain or is undergoing rehabilitation after undergoing surgery.

However, you shouldn’t ignore morning workouts either. They gently activate intestinal peristaltic movements and help relieve constipation.


One of the simple and effective methods of eliminating constipation is self-massage of the abdomen. It can be performed in almost any situation and does not require particularly deep knowledge of anatomy or physiology.

The mechanism of its mild laxative effect is very simple - physical stimulation and kneading of the anterior abdominal wall is transmitted to the intestines, which reflexively begin to contract faster.

In some cases, you can even partially independently move stagnant feces along the gastrointestinal tract.

It is only important to remember the methodology for performing self-massage. It is carried out with one hand using stroking and kneading movements. The process of manual influence should always be carried out clockwise, according to the movement of the food bolus through the gastrointestinal tract.

You need to start from the right iliac region. Then move in a circular motion from the right half of the abdomen, through its center and to the left. The end point is the left iliac region.

It is important that your hand is warm during the massage. You can first use a heating pad to enhance microcirculation in the area of ​​treatment and increase the effectiveness of the procedure.

The massage can also be performed by another person. Sometimes special oils are used to carry it out. However, given the purpose of the procedure, the use of auxiliary aids is not mandatory.


If we evaluate the effectiveness of many exercises that are suitable for older people suffering from constipation, then ordinary walking remains one of the most relevant and effective. It is enough to walk 3-5 km at a normal walking pace per day.

Staying in the fresh air, combined with such simple physical activity, has a complex effect on the human body. Elimination of constipation in older people in this case occurs due to:

  • Activation of gastrointestinal motility. The anterior abdominal wall constantly contracts during movement and has a similar effect on the large and small intestines.
  • Strengthening lung ventilation. They expand more than usual, which puts additional pressure on the diaphragm. It, in turn, also contracts and gently massages the intestinal loops from above, providing stimulation of their own motility.
  • Strengthening microcirculation. Regular walking, like any other physical activity, ensures a flow of fresh blood to almost all organs and systems, enhancing their functional activity. This is also true for the intestines.

In addition to its positive effect on gastrointestinal motility, walking is especially important for older people due to its ability to stabilize blood pressure, reduce sugar levels and “bad” cholesterol in the blood.

Since very often people over the age of 60 have certain problems with metabolism, the natural opportunity to improve their health through regular walking is a simple and affordable method of normalizing well-being.

Complexes of physical exercises

When it comes to selecting a set of exercises to eliminate the problem of constipation, it is important to consider what type of constipation has developed in a particular person. There are two main types of corresponding pathology:

  1. Atonic constipation. Caused primarily by insufficient force of contraction of the muscular wall of the intestine with a decrease in the activity of peristaltic movements. Stool moves too slowly or does not move towards the anus at all.
  2. Spasmodic constipation. Caused by spasm of the intestinal muscles. This may cause partial narrowing of the lumen of the organ or the impossibility of its normal functioning.

Exercises for atonic constipation

In the first case, exercises should be aimed at stimulating the organ’s own motor skills. They are mainly dynamic in nature. Elderly people cannot perform too heavy loads, so effective exercises to eliminate atonic constipation are:

  • "Bike". While lying on your back, you need to “turn” imaginary pedals of the corresponding vehicle. Due to the activation of the abdominal muscles, a reflex increase in intestinal motility occurs.
  • In a lying position, you need to try to pull both legs in turn or simultaneously to your chest and, clasping them with your hands, hold them for a few seconds, and then release.
  • In a lying position, try to throw your straightened legs behind your head. This exercise is quite difficult for many older people, so you can limit yourself to simply raising your straight legs to waist level.
  • In the knee-elbow position, you need to rhythmically draw in and protrude your stomach. It is very important in this case to breathe deeply for additional massaging of the intestines with the diaphragm.
  • "Cat". In the knee-elbow position, you need to alternately bend your lower back as much as possible, throwing your head back, and then make your back round.
  • In a standing position, rotate your torso and bend to the sides.

The elderly person must determine the number of times each exercise should be performed for himself. Most often, 10-20 repetitions are performed, however, a lot depends on your general well-being.

Exercises for spastic constipation

Spastic constipation is relatively less common in older people. It is eliminated with the help of relaxing and slow exercises that help reduce muscle spasm.

Various stretches, slow bends, and yoga can be effective in this regard. To select a set of exercises to eliminate spastic constipation, it is better to first consult with your doctor.


Swimming and water aerobics are the most effective methods for relieving any type of constipation in older people. Water procedures are a universal physical activity that allows you to strengthen the entire body and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The main positive effects that this type of activity has on the human body remain:

  • Mild stimulation of intestinal motility. Water itself acts as a kind of massager. In combination with the involvement of all muscle groups, it is possible to quickly solve the corresponding problem.
  • Toning the whole body. During swimming, almost all muscles work. Against this background, energy consumption increases. To provide the body with nutrients, food processing processes are activated in the intestines, accelerating its evacuation.
  • Lung development. They swell more strongly and gently massage the diaphragm and intestines.

In addition, swimming is an excellent anti-stress factor, which will normalize not only somatic, but also psychological health of a person. That is why it is recommended to almost all people, regardless of age.

To eliminate constipation, it is enough for an elderly person to visit the pool at least 1-2 times a week.

Combination of exercise and diet

Exercise is a great way to solve the problem of constipation. However, it is not a panacea and cannot guarantee a 100% positive result.

It is effective only in a comprehensive fight against constipation with the parallel use of other methods to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

A prerequisite for strengthening intestinal motility against the background of regular physical activity is maintaining a proper diet. There are several simple recommendations that will increase the effectiveness of your training.

These include:

  • Eat often, but in small portions. This will reduce the functional load on the intestines, which will speed up the process of evacuation of feces.
  • Drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day. This item should be performed with caution in elderly people with kidney or heart disease. It is better to consult your doctor first.
  • Introduce fiber-rich foods into your diet (fresh vegetables, fruits, bran).
  • Eliminate fatty, fried, smoked and other hard-to-digest foods from the menu.

If you do not forget about these nutritional rules along with regular dosed physical activity, you will be able to eliminate constipation and prevent its reoccurrence very quickly.


Despite all the effectiveness and safety of training to normalize intestinal function, you need to understand that there are situations in which it is worth limiting physical activity. These include:

  • uncontrolled arterial hypertension;
  • severe forms of ischemic heart disease;
  • recent myocardial infarction or stroke;
  • suffered severe injuries;
  • general serious condition of the patient.

In any case, you should consult your doctor about the advisability of physical activity.

One of the unpleasant human conditions is constipation, which is manifested by stool retention, heaviness and pain in the abdomen, increased gas formation, and decreased appetite. Studying the problem of constipation, many experts have come to the conclusion that the main and fairly common cause of this disease is a decrease in physical activity, stress, and poor nutrition. They also determined that the main method of treating this disease is physical exercise for constipation, which eliminates the problem and reduces the risk of its recurrence.

Exercise can help relieve constipation on your own

The benefits of exercise therapy

The main trigger for constipation is lack of physical activity. Movement therapy is considered absolutely safe, and it helps solve many problems:

  • strengthen the health of the body;
  • restore bowel function;
  • reduce the risk of developing stress;
  • improve mood;
  • strengthen the nervous system.

Attention! When constipated, many resort to taking laxatives, but they often have a negative effect on the body, impair intestinal function, and reduce intestinal motility.

The advantage of gymnastics for constipation is regular intestinal massage, as a result of which:

  • the evacuation function improves, which speeds up the movement of food to the exit;
  • peristalsis improves, which reduces the risk of retaining food residues in the intestines.

The benefits of movement therapy are:

  • safety – exercises do not have a negative effect on the body
  • accessibility – patients of any age category can choose exercises of varying complexity
  • lack of preparation - the technique of performing the exercises is quite simple and does not require any specific skills.

The benefits of movement. Physical activity helps improve intestinal function and increase its contractile activity. Any type of exercise is suitable for classes: gymnastics, aerobics, running, long walks, exercise bike, types of outdoor games.

Regularity. Exercises should be performed daily until positive dynamics appear, after which you should go to classes no more than 3 times a week. You can distribute the exercises throughout the day, but it is recommended to perform them no earlier than an hour after eating.

Time and duration of training– the optimal time of day for exercise is the morning, since at this time you can wake up the body and charge it with energy for the whole day, and the duration of the workout should not exceed 20 minutes. In addition, this will improve your appetite and improve your mood.

Variety of exercises. The complex should be selected taking into account the impact on different muscle groups, and you need to start with simple exercises, gradually moving on to more complex ones

Number of repetitions. Each exercise should be repeated as many times as possible: to eliminate constipation, 15-20 repetitions are enough; to correct the figure, the number may be different.

Regular warm-ups During work, it is necessary to periodically warm up. 10 minutes at the beginning of each hour is enough to prevent the body from freezing in a certain position. For warming up, exercises for the legs, back, abdomen, squats and bends are suitable.

Physical activity helps improve intestinal function and increase its contractile activity.

Stretch marks. From prolonged sitting and immobility, the body, including ligaments and muscles, becomes numb, which leads to various microtraumas and disorders. In this regard, it is necessary to include stretching exercises in a daily set of exercises for constipation in adults, which should be performed smoothly and gradually.

Jogging. Running is considered the most effective and versatile exercise. While jogging, all muscle groups are included in the work, internal organs are massaged, which stimulates their activity. You can run on a treadmill in the gym, as well as outdoors on rough terrain.

Exercise bike. Stimulates intestinal massage, which improves its functioning and, therefore, eliminates constipation.

Dancing. Some people with bowel problems find daily exercise boring. An excellent option for therapeutic therapy is rhythmic dancing, which is performed with a partner under the guidance of a trainer. They are similar to aerobic exercises and have similar effects.

Walking in the air. They are an ideal option to combat constipation. They are suitable for older people, pregnant women, and those for whom physical activity is contraindicated.

Effective exercises for constipation

Today, there are various options for physical exercises for constipation, which are easy to perform and highly effective.

Important! If necessary, you can consult with a physical therapy specialist, or you can use popular Internet resources, where various complexes are presented in a huge assortment.

Currently, the following exercises are considered the most popular for treating diarrhea.


This exercise must be performed lying on your back, sitting comfortably on the mat. Raise your straight legs to a height of 20-25 cm from the floor, and perform movements imitating scissors, alternately spreading and crossing them.

Exercise “Scissors” helps restore bowel function and relieve constipation


A fairly common and well-known exercise that helps eliminate constipation. To perform this, you need to lie on your back on the mat, stretch your arms along your body, and bend your legs at the knees. Having lifted them off the floor, you should make rotational movements, imitating riding a bicycle. The rate of rotation should be gradually reduced, thereby increasing the load on the abdominal muscles.

"Crossing the Knees"

The starting position for performing this exercise is lying on your back. Extend your arms along your body, bend your legs at the knees. It is necessary to smoothly bring and spread your knees without lifting your feet from the floor. To be effective, perform the exercise at least 15-20 times.

"Air belly massage"

The exercise is performed in a standing position. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and lower your arms along your body. After taking a deep breath, you need to alternately draw in and stretch out your stomach, performing repetitions at least 8-10 times. This exercise helps massage the internal organs, increasing intestinal motility.

"Exercise against constipation"

Lying on your back, bend your legs at the knees, pulling them as close as possible to your chest with your hands. Return to the starting position - legs and arms extended along the body. At the next stage, pull one leg and the other to your chest alternately, holding them with your hands.

Exercise helps eliminate flatulence and pain

By regularly performing intestinal exercises for constipation, you can get rid of the problem yourself at home. Much greater results can be achieved in combination with proper nutrition and daily walks in the fresh air.
