You can lose weight in your arms with push-ups. Light weight push-ups. Classic push-ups

Using push-ups in your daily set of exercises for losing weight and fighting cellulite, you will kill three birds with one stone: improve your figure, improve your health and become more physically resilient.

Just 10 minutes of simple exercise - and every day you will be surprised to recognize your own figure in the mirror, fit and seductive. How to find out how many calories are burned during push-ups and how do they help get rid of cellulite? Let's find out in this article.


Calorie losses from push-ups are considered the same as when doing high-intensity gymnastics. The result is influenced by the person’s weight and how quickly and easily he does push-ups. It is clear that a trained athlete will do more push-ups in a minute than someone who is just starting to work on endurance. On average, up to 700 calories are lost per hour of activity. Doing push-ups for 10 minutes - you can lose about 120 calories, 5 minutes of push-ups - minus 60 calories.

Interestingly, among girls, push-ups against cellulite and excess weight not particularly popular. Allegedly, this is the prerogative of guys who dream of oblique fathoms in their shoulders and stone muscles on their chest and arms. In fact, this opinion is wrong. Even if you do a hundred push-ups every day, the chance of getting pumped up muscles is close to zero. For relief a la Schwarzenegger, completely different loads are needed.

As a result of push-ups muscle does not grow, but only becomes denser. You will notice that your chest has risen and become more expressive, the muscles of your arms, back and abdomen have tightened, and it has become noticeably easier to breathe while jumping rope, squats and other aerobic exercise. Your metabolism will speed up, and in this way push-ups are similar to running. The skin in problem areas also tightened and became smoother, and the visibility of cellulite decreased.

But, like every barrel of honey, a simple and accessible way to become beautiful has its own spoonful of bitterness. Push-ups are contraindicated if you have poor health. If you have heart or vascular disease, spinal injuries or other illnesses, be sure to discuss your intentions with your doctor first.

How and how many push-ups should you do?

There are many ways to do push-ups: on your palms, on your fists, on your fingers, with your arms wide apart, with your arms together, and so on. To get your figure in order and maintain muscle tone, it is enough to use two types of exercises: standard and with increased load. Naturally, the second way will bring greater and faster results.

Light push-ups

Get down on your knees, bring your legs together. Cross your calves, placing one leg on top of the other. Place your hands shoulder-width apart with your palms on the floor. Bend your elbows and lower your body down. Pause at the floor surface and return to the starting position. The exercise is popular among girls who cannot do a standard push-up. Perfect for beginners and those who have lost their shape due to injury or excess weight, for example. Light push-ups can also be an excellent warm-up.

Lie face down on the floor. Place your hands shoulder-width apart, palms on the floor, fingers pointing forward. The toes of the feet are pressed to the surface of the floor. Bend your elbows and lower your body until the gap between your chest and the floor is minimal. Stay in this position for a few moments, then rise up. Repeat the exercise up to 15 times.

Push-ups with increased load

Lie face down on the floor. Place your hands shoulder-width apart, palms on the floor, fingers forward. Place your feet on a fitball or small bench. In this position, do 10-15 push-ups. Another way: after doing a push-up, as in the standard position, raise one arm and stretch it upward, turning your body to the side. The combination of push-ups with twists will take care of a beautiful waist.

How to train correctly


To ensure that the exercise brings maximum anti-cellulite effect and pleasure, listen to the advice of fitness instructors:

  • Start with a warm-up, warming up your muscles for 5-10 minutes.
  • Remove all jewelry from your hands and wrists. Rings and bracelets will get in the way and can even damage your skin.
  • Breathe correctly: when lowering, inhale through your nose, while rising, exhale through your mouth. Try not to hold your breath.
  • During push-ups, your back should remain straight. The body is elongated in one line. The buttocks do not move upward.
  • It is easier to do push-ups with your legs spread wide apart. If you are a beginner, place your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, moving them from activity to activity. Keeping your legs together increases the load on the muscles of your shoulders and arms.
  • You need to increase the number of repetitions gradually, without jumping from 5 times to 15 at once. Approaches are very important! Systematicity gives best result. Depending on the degree of your training, independently calculate the number of approaches and lifts. Are you sure you can do 40 push-ups in one sitting? Great, but let's avoid heroism. By doing 2 sets of 20 times, you will achieve greater results and get rid of cellulite faster.
  • As with any physical activity, regularity is important with push-ups. If you relax and cancel the workout, the effect will begin to decrease.
  • Exercise at any convenient time, excluding an hour and a half before bedtime. It’s even better to stretch on the floor every time you have a free 5 minutes.

Push-ups won't achieve much weight loss, but they will improve your chest shape, strengthen your muscles, and develop beautiful posture, improve your well-being, restore skin elasticity and reduce the visibility of cellulite on the arms and stomach - easily. Add push-ups to your list of exercises, eat regularly and properly, and you will always look charming!

Push-ups are classified as simple and effective exercises, with which you can keep your body in shape. Some people follow special programs and track results, while others simply do several approaches every day. Both claim that they get excellent physical activity. So is it really worth thinking about? Let's figure out whether it's possible to do push-ups every day, and what will come of it.

The feasibility of daily training

It is important to understand that doing exercises every day is definitely beneficial. But go to the gym every day and do heavy strength exercises- rather harmful.

If you approach physical activity as a prevention of blood stagnation, heart disease and physical inactivity, then it makes sense to give it to yourself daily. But if we are talking about strength progress, gaining muscle mass - in this regard, our body is not as fast as we would like.

Recovery muscle fibers after active training, it occurs within 48 hours or more (you can judge this yourself by the soreness and lack of strength after training).

So, we conclude:

  1. Doing push-ups every day does not lead to the development of strength and muscle mass gain. The body simply does not have time to recover a day after the previous load. And, let's be honest, the load is not so great if you can easily repeat the workout the next day.
  2. But as exercise, to maintain muscle tone and prevent various diseases, push-ups every day will come in handy.

And, since there is no advisability of push-ups for increasing strength and mass on a daily basis, let’s talk about the “morning exercise” mode.

Push-ups as exercise

Morning exercise often includes push-ups and squats (for the lower body). This the simplest set exercises that can lift arterial pressure and tone up a large number of muscles.

Therefore, these exercises are used as daily physical activity. Squats target the quadriceps, hamstrings, and gluteal muscles. And push-ups strain the core muscles, triceps, shoulders, and chest. The same thing initial position for push-ups corresponds to the “plank” exercise, which is designed to train just the core muscles.

In general, the benefits of an exercise such as push-ups are as follows:

  1. If you do push-ups every day or every other day, your arms and chest are much stronger and more resilient than the average person.
  2. If you do at least 20 push-ups, there is a chance that you will be able to push away an opponent or a heavy object that has fallen on you in an unexpected situation.
  3. Push-ups are necessary to train breathing and increase blood circulation. And the latter is required for good health and the prevention of many diseases.
  4. Any workout is a reminder to muscles and joints of their functions. They even say about cars that it is “harmful” for them to stand in the garage for a long time.

How many times to do push-ups in the morning

It is advisable to limit yourself a little in push-ups so as not to overwork your muscles. If you decide to exercise daily, you don’t need to overwork yourself.

To determine the number, do as many push-ups as you can in the morning. Take 60-80% of this number, round up and do push-ups this number of times as exercise. This way you will know how many push-ups you need to do per day.

You can make it even simpler - use round numbers. For example, do 10 or 20 push-ups in the morning. After charging, you should have some reserve of energy left, because there is still a whole day ahead.

If you are well prepared and practically do not feel tired after several dozen push-ups, raise your legs to a slight elevation or use weights. At the same time, carefully monitor the condition of your joints, because the load on them will increase.

What happens if you do push-ups until you drop?

If you suddenly decide to do push-ups every day to the maximum, and your maximum is not 5-10 times, but much more, look at what this can lead to:
  • There is a risk of overwork and losing more weight than normal due to muscle wasting.
  • You will constantly feel tired hands, which is not very pleasant. The muscles will not have time to recover.
  • Your elbows may start to hurt. The joint resource is also not infinite.

Further, there may be 2 outcomes: either you will acquire a chronic joint disease, or your body will adapt to the load, and your endurance will noticeably increase. It all depends on the characteristics of your body. But it’s still better to check carefully.

Of course, this all applies to those who are able to do many push-ups in a row. If your limit is 2-3 repetitions, do as many as you can.

Push-ups when passing the GTO standards

If you are interested in passing the GTO standards, push-ups are performed there in a certain way.

The recommendations are as follows: you need to do push-ups so that your knees and pelvis do not touch the floor, but your chest, on the contrary, touches it. In certain conditions, a so-called contact platform with a height of 5 cm is used. It is touched with the chest instead of the floor. The norm is when the angle between the elbows and the body is no more than 45 degrees. That is, you won’t be able to do push-ups primarily using your chest—you’ll have to pump up your triceps as well.

It will be interesting to know how many times you need to do push-ups according to these standards? It all depends on how old the subject is, what gender he is and what sign he is applying for. So, for example, boys aged 6-8 years old must do 17 push-ups for a gold sign, and girls - 11. For 9-10 years old this is 16 and 12 times, respectively, for 11-12 this is 20 and 14 times, and so on.

Push-up patterns

To strengthen your arms and chest, you can do several push-ups.

Scheme 1

Every morning you do 10-30 push-ups in the same position. Namely, as recommended by the GTO standards - that is, the body is straight, like a string, and the elbows are not spaced further than 45 degrees relative to the body.

For maximum effect hold in the lower position for half a second.

This circuit will help you target your triceps and chest muscles evenly.

Scheme 2

Every morning you do 20-40 push-ups in 4 variations:
  1. Elbows pressed to the body - 5-10 times. Here the main load goes to the triceps.
  2. Elbows to the sides, palms inward - the same amount. Breasts work.
  3. 5-10 times in the position indicated in diagram 1. Uniform load.
  4. 5-10 times on fists. Fists are needed to increase the range of motion. This will engage the pectoral muscles more.
Scheme number 2 will strengthen your triceps and chest from all sides. This is the most preferable option if you want to give a complex load to the body while charging. If you just need to do push-ups, Scheme 1 would be preferable.

Now you can see for yourself that thanks to push-ups you will be healthy and ready for work and defense at any time.

They will not provide a serious increase in mass or enormous strength, but are perfect for people who do not have time for the gym to keep their body in shape.

A modern young man, busy with feeding his family and his own career, often calls the tummy that appears so inopportunely a “bump of nerves.” They will help you get rid of it special exercises for losing belly fat for men. Moderate physical activity promotes weight loss and has a beneficial effect on health.

Reasons for the appearance of an impressive belly

If you believe the great Russian artists, several centuries ago men were true sons of the soil, real heroes, capable of plowing the land and giving a worthy rebuff to the enemy. Today, with the increase in the rhythm of life, most representatives of the stronger sex lead an incorrect lifestyle. "Crazy" mode involves fast food, which does not include a full meal, but “fast food” products.

In addition to this factor, the main reasons for an increase in waist size include insufficient physical activity and alcohol abuse.

Get back slim

In order to remove extra centimeters from the waist and make the bulging belly fit and beautiful, modern nutritionists and doctors recommend:

  1. Cleanse the body of toxins.
  2. Perform special exercises.
  3. Eat right.

Cleansing the body

In order to normalize weight and remove a sagging belly, a man must regularly cleanse himself of toxins accumulated in the intestines. They are leftover food that decomposes in the stomach and poses a serious problem for the body. It is against the background of the accumulation of harmful substances that the stomach, even despite the correct lifestyle, can increase in size.

You can solve the problem with an enema. You need to do it as follows:

  • dilute one teaspoon of salt (preferably sea salt) in two liters of water;
  • give an enema every two days for fourteen days.

Proper nutrition

To become slim and lean again, it is extremely important to review your diet and eliminate sweet, starchy and fatty foods.

You should avoid fast food, nuts, pistachios, crackers and beer. Harmful snacks should be replaced with full breakfasts, lunches and dinners. You should not go hungry or overeat, and if you really want to eat, you can calm your rebellious stomach with low-fat yogurt, cheese or seafood salad.


Benefit physical exercise is:

When starting to perform a set of exercises to remove the “beer belly”, it is important to remember that you do not need to get rid of all the fat, which plays the role of a “shield” for vital organs.

According to modern doctors, in order to quickly and painlessly get rid of excess weight, you need to do sports in the morning.

It is impossible to remove a bulging belly with just one exercise. Therefore, training should be comprehensive.

Upper press swing

The hated “bump of nerves” can only be removed if the press pumps correctly. To do this you need:

  1. Lie on your back with your hands behind your head and your knees bent.
  2. Without lifting your heels from the floor, raise and lower your body several times.
  3. Complete five to ten approaches.
  4. Without changing your position, raise your body, pulling your right elbow towards your left knee.
  5. Do a similar exercise with your left elbow and right knee.

Swinging the lower press

Exercises can help remove a bulging tummy. lower press. You don't need to start them right away. After exercises upper press You need to rest for a few minutes and restore your breathing.

The exercises are performed as follows:

  1. Lie on your back, straighten your lower limbs.
  2. Raise your straight legs thirty centimeters from the floor surface several times.
  3. Complete two or three approaches.

Once the body gets used to the training, lower limbs dumbbells can be attached. This helps strengthen the abdominal muscles and the appearance of specific “cubes”.

Push ups

Push-ups should be done like this:

  1. Lie on your right side, cross your lower limbs.
  2. Place your right elbow firmly on the floor.
  3. Start left hand Per head.
  4. Bend your body forward several times, pointing your elbow to the side.
  5. Perform the exercise on the left side.
  6. Straighten your legs and arms.
  7. Raising all four limbs at the same time, stretch your forehead to your knees.


A set of exercises aimed at removing the “beer belly” can be performed both on the floor and on a special mat. It is important to remember not only about performing the exercises well, but also about being systematic. If you combine training with proper nutrition, then you can lose from 3 to 5 kilos per month.

Weight loss will occur faster only if you perform intense physical exercise. Experts say that cardio exercises will be effective - the process of burning fat occurs not only during exercise, but also within 24 hours after it. Most often, push-ups are used for this purpose - they can be performed both in the gym and at home.

Read in this article

The benefits and harms of push-ups

This exercise is included in basic training for both amateurs and professionals. It is also considered mandatory school curriculum physical training. And even doctors recommend doing it, because it works:

  • achieve body relief;
  • actively reduce weight;
  • prevent the degeneration of muscle mass into fat;
  • speed up metabolic processes;
  • improve the functionality of the respiratory system;
  • increase the body's endurance.

Representatives of the fair half of humanity are sure that push-ups are a truly masculine form physical activity. It is believed that they contribute to the formation of an overly muscular figure according to the male principle, but this is not entirely true - for this you will need to train for a long time and use weights (dumbbells).

If push-ups are performed correctly and regularly, they cannot harm the body. But there are a number of factors that are contraindications to such training:

  • inflammatory processes in small and large joints;
  • persistently elevated blood pressure or a tendency to sudden hypertension;
  • pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

And one more nuance: if a person has too much overweight, then it will be extremely difficult for him to perform the exercise. But this does not mean at all that it becomes harmful - you just need to consult a nutritionist and start training with a lighter version.

Types and technique of execution

Before including an exercise in a complex of exercises for weight loss, you need to learn how to perform it correctly. And to do this, it is enough to follow the following rules:

  • starting position - legs together or at a distance of 10 - 15 cm from each other, hands stand shoulder-width apart;
  • the body should look like a straight string;
  • the elbows are as close to the body as possible - this reduces the load on the wrist and elbow joints;
  • The hands are placed in such a way that the fingers “look” forward.

There are several types of push-ups, all of them are aimed at losing weight, almost all muscle groups are worked out.

From the floor

This is the main type, a classic one, which is included in every workout, regardless of what goals the athlete is pursuing. Correct technique performing push-ups from the floor:

  • The starting position is assumed, the legs need to be placed at some distance from each other. If the body weight is not too large and there is some training, then the legs can be placed together.
  • Slowly bend your elbows and inhale; your chest should touch the floor. If you have difficulties with this, then you can start with “half push-ups”, that is, without touching the floor.
  • On a deep exhalation, straighten your elbow joints and return to the starting position. If you already have some training, then you need to stay in the lowest possible position for 3–5 seconds.

If you need to increase the load, then the classic push-up is performed with clapping - at the moment of lifting the body up, you need to jerk your hands above the floor and clap your palms.

This exercise can only be performed if the body weight is not too excessive; for very overweight people, it is fraught with sprains and even fractures in the hands.

For the belly

  • If you perform an internal kick during push-ups, you will be able to quickly get rid of fat deposits on your stomach and turn their muscle mass into “cubes” - they even look very attractive on girls. What do we have to do:
  • after performing one classic push-up from the floor and rising to the starting position, you need to pull up your right leg and touch it with your left elbow with your knee;
  • return to the starting position and perform a classic push-up;

repeat pulling up your leg, but this time with your left one, and touch your right elbow with your knee. There is also a lighter version of this training - the starting position is not on straight legs, but with emphasis on slightly bent knees

(feet raised up). It is suitable for those who have just started the process of losing weight and do not have training.

Program for men Experts believe that if a man performs 100 push-ups a week, then short term

  • Classes are held three times a week - Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Every day you need to perform 4 approaches with a break of no more than 10 minutes, during each you need to perform your maximum. With each approach, the number of push-ups can decrease, but you need to achieve sustainable results.
  • On Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday you need to set an alarm clock for 5 times with a break of 2 hours. As soon as the bell rings, you need to “fall and do push-ups” as many times as possible. To enhance the effect, you can perform 2 approaches with a break of 10 minutes for each signal.

Push-ups are often performed incorrectly, which leads not only to a lack of results, but also to injury to the musculoskeletal system. The most common mistakes are:

  • The pace of doing push-ups is too fast. This does not enhance the effect and does not speed up the weight loss process, but it increases the “harmful” load and makes it impossible daily workouts– the body will be too tired.
  • The angle of flexion of the elbow joint is too small or it is “carried out” to the sides. The optimal position is when lowering the body down into elbow joint a right angle is formed. It is in this case that the back muscles will not be subject to excessive stress, which will only cause harm.
  • When lifting the body to its original position, it swings. This is dangerous due to injury to the spine, so it is better to switch to an easier training option.

Push-ups are the most effective cardio workout that speeds up the process of losing weight and creating a beautiful, fit figure. During the exercises, all muscle groups work, the skin is strengthened and tightened. But this is only possible if the load is received correctly.

Useful video

Watch this video about mistakes when doing push-ups:

Buzzfeed editor-in-chief Sam Stryker was inspired by a video in which several of his colleagues underwent a fitness challenge and did hundreds of push-ups a day for a month.

Sam was in good shape physical fitness: He is a competitive swimmer and trains in the pool 4-6 times a week. However, with age, staying in shape requires more workload and greater financial investments: the cost of a subscription to Gym, personal trainer or fitness courses.

Unlike the gym, push-ups are free and don't require much time. Sam decided to see if they could be a worthy replacement for the gym and increase strength and muscle mass.

Correct technique

Before starting his fitness challenge, Sam Stryker consulted with certified trainer Astrid Swan and received some tips:

  1. The main mistake of beginners is relaxed back and torso muscles. When you do push-ups, your core muscles should be as tight as they are during a hold.
  2. Start with 10 sets of 10 repetitions - that's enough.
  3. If you feel like you can do more, increase the number of repetitions per set to 15-20, and if you feel sore muscles, you can reduce them to five.
  4. If 100 push-ups seems unrealistic to you, you can start with 20. In addition, you can do push-ups from your knees if you can’t do full push-ups yet.
  5. Concentrate on the exercise and how you feel. Stop immediately if you feel pain.
  6. Proper technique is of utmost importance. If your exercises only vaguely resemble push-ups, don’t waste your time: they could result in injury.
  7. The timing of the push-ups also matters. If you're a morning person and feel good in the morning, try to do most of your push-ups before lunch, while you're still energized.

What's stopping you from finishing the test?

Somewhere in the middle of the fitness challenge, Sam began doing fewer and fewer push-ups in the morning, saving them for later. Sometimes after dinner he realized that he had not done more than half of his push-ups. Overall, his motivation began to wane and it took a lot of effort to motivate himself to continue.

What may prevent you from completing the test:

  1. Muscle pain. If your body is not accustomed to such stress, then not for the first few days, but for much longer.
  2. At the end of the day, when you're tired and your willpower has depleted, it will be much more difficult to force yourself to do push-ups.
  3. The feeling that you are coping with the test and becoming stronger and better will not come immediately. This may take more than two weeks.

What helps you hold on

Despite the difficulties, Sam did not miss a single day or a single push-up. In the process, he came up with a few tricks for himself that helped him survive:

  1. Small quests with rewards. Reward yourself for each approach: do 10 push-ups - you can eat a chocolate bar, another 10 - watch a TV series.
  2. Reminders on your phone. Set reminders for every hour: “Do tens,” “Let’s do push-ups,” “Do good push-ups,” and so on. This way you won't forget about your fitness challenge and won't leave the whole hundred for the evening.
  3. Push-ups anywhere. During the day, you can do push-ups in the gym, at home, or at work. At first it may be a little strange to do push-ups in front of your colleagues, but then everyone will get used to it and you won’t care.
  4. Posts on social networks. Sam posted photos and videos of his ordeal on social media and received many messages from friends and strangers. His example inspired many people to challenge themselves and try doing push-ups for a month. Try publicizing your ordeal on social media: every positive comment will motivate you to continue.

What will you get from the test?

Sam only noticed results from the fitness challenge towards the end of the third week. His muscles continued to ache, but he began to feel stronger and more muscular. In addition, his swimming performance has improved.

Here are a few benefits you'll get by taking the test:

  1. Will increase muscle mass. The chest, shoulders, abs and back are pumped the most.
  2. Performance in sports will improve, especially if your hands are actively involved in it. For example, in swimming, strength training.
  3. Self-esteem will rise. If you pass the 30-day challenge, you will probably be proud of yourself.

Nowadays everyone is used to quick results and want to feel the benefits instantly, but this test takes time.

Don't stop and you'll definitely feel like a superhero at the end.
