Pollock fish: fishing, features, benefits and harm. Saida: what kind of fish and how to cook it

A very valuable sea fish with the interesting name pollock. She is appreciated due to her many qualities. But the primacy still belongs to cod because people are less familiar with pollock.

Description and features of pollock

This predator has amazing strength and speed. Its body becomes pointed at the head and tail. The head is painted in dark colors, which is one of the special features. Part of her back is olive tones, they gradually turn yellow from the sides.

Its underside is whitish or gray with silver. The entire torso of the predator has an elongated shape, with three smooth processes in the area of ​​the back of a red color and two anal ones. Adults have a feature common to all cod fish - a protruding jaw that extends forward more than the upper mandible.

Besides pollock fish in the photo can be recognized by a curved light stripe noticeably highlighted along the back line on the sides. The average adult fish can grow from 80 to 90 cm. On average, such a fish weighs 15-22 kg.

The meat of this predator has characteristic taste qualities that are widely popular in the culinary world and among lovers of seafood dishes. Many have heard a saying that says that if a person has never tried pollock, then he does not know the taste of fish.

She really has a unique, unique marine flavor. It is precisely because of this that she is unlike other inhabitants of the sea. One of the most little-known and at the same time popular is pollock fish. Benefits and harms it depends purely on the human factor. It just contains a huge amount of vitamins and useful micro- and macroelements.

It is especially rich in vitamin B12, selenium and healthy protein. Liver and fat also contain a sufficient amount of nutrients. She greatly helps expectant and nursing mothers, as well as their little children.

The photo shows pollock fish

Thanks to the phosphorus contained in pollock, the functioning of the musculoskeletal system is significantly improved, and iodine has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland. Pollock caviar it is a natural delicacy and a storehouse of vitamins.

As for its negative aspects, pollock can cause allergic reactions in many people, just like all other cod fish. Therefore, nutritionists strongly recommend that people with individual intolerance to seafood products consume pollock with caution.

It is also contraindicated for children suffering from allergies. Calorie content of pollock amazing. 100 g of this product contains 90 kcal. This should be taken into account by people who love seafood and struggle with excess weight.

The predator prefers to swim in schools. The most active migration occurs at the beginning of spring. At this time, flocks of pollock take a friendly direction to the north. And in the autumn, on the contrary, they try to stay closer to the southern spaces.

Currently, this fish is caught all year round. Schools of pollock are most often seen in the northern regions. Just recently it did not have such a large-scale commercial significance.

But time passed, and people realized that pollock has the most delicious meat. Thus, fishing for pollock was increased many times. Pollock fish price slightly lower than the price of its relative cod, but, as all gourmets say, it is in no way inferior to it in its taste.

Pollock lifestyle and habitat

Pollock fish lives in water bodies of the North Atlantic. The spaces from Greenland to New York itself are inhabited by this predator. There is a lot of it on the northern shores of Iceland and Norway.

Long and strong migrations are characteristic of pollock. They move in their flocks from north to south, depending on the time of year. In frequent cases, the fish is found near the Murmansk coast.

The waters of the North Sea, Atlantic and Baltic are favorite places for fish of this species. Like all other cod fish, pollock lives at a depth of about 245 m. It prefers a bathymetric water thickness of 36 to 110 m. There are cases that it is located at the very bottom.

Despite the fact that it loves significant depths, it is almost impossible to find it in the open seas. Its habitat is the coastal zone, an area of ​​safe relief and sea rocky bottom. Migrations pollock There are spawning and real ones.

Pollock fish nutrition

All the behavior of this fish indicates its predatory nature. She is showing unprecedented activity. Places, where is pollock fish found? rich in small fish. This is her main food.

Its main diet includes cod fry, herring, capelin, krill, and crustaceans. During the hunt, flocks of pollock surround their prey and, with incredible noise that can be heard over long distances, drive it into a corner, so to speak.

Saida is most comfortable on the rocky seabed. But during a hunt, she can easily rise to the water surface, and even fling herself above it. Small pollock is very picky in food. She loves crustaceans, eggs of other fish and fry. After growing up, she loves everything, even shrimp.

Reproduction and lifespan of pollock

Spawning for this predator begins in the first month of winter and ends in mid-summer. It requires a temperature of up to 10 degrees, not hard soil and a depth of about 200 meters. One individual female pollock is able to lay from 5 to 8 million eggs.

The end of March, the beginning of April is the right time for females to migrate to spawn. After deposition, the eggs drift freely along with the sea current. On average, after 14 days, small larvae emerge from it, 3 mm in size. Since they move freely with the current, they can be observed far from their spawning sites.

As already mentioned, growing fry eat fish eggs, plankton and crustaceans. Their location is the coastal zone of the seas. With the approaching winter cold, pollock fish goes to the depths and remains there until the onset of spring warmth. Pollock lives about 20-25 years. There were cases when this one lived up to 30 years.

Pollock is a valuable marine commercial fish. Less known than pollock cod is a representative of this family.

The fish is highly valued for its taste, but it occupies a place in the fishery after cod, this is explained by the fact that pollock is little known to consumers.

Pollock is supplied to the market in fresh or frozen form.

Lifestyle. Nutrition

In terms of its behavior, pollock is a predatory species that behaves in a school. This fish of the cod family prefers the coastal strip of the sea with a sea rocky bottom.

The fish is very active and is in constant seasonal migrations: in the spring, schools of pollock move northward, and in the fall they head south.

The diet of pollock consists of small fish, cod fry, herring, capelin, krill, and crustaceans. Pollock hunts in a flock, surrounding the prey, accompanying the hunt with a noise so powerful that it can be heard on the surface of the sea.

The pollock prefers to stick to the rocky bottom, but during the hunt it can rise to the upper layers of the water and even jump to the surface of the sea.


Strong, fast and has a body pointed towards the head and tail. The height of the body is a fifth of its length, which reaches one meter or more. As a typical representative of the cod family, it has a slightly protruding jaw.

The scales are small, dark olive in color in the upper part of the body, lighter on the sides and very light with a yellowish tint in the abdominal area. From above, the front of the head, muzzle and lips of the fish are black in color.

The fins on the abdomen are reddish at the base, almost white at the tip. The scales of fish removed from water darken very quickly in the air, becoming covered with spots. Pollock length 60 - 100cm, weight 3 - 12kg.


The spawning season for pollock is spring. This type of fish spawns at a depth of about 100 meters, choosing a soft soil bottom. The pelagic type of eggs develops in the water column, being in constant free drift of sea currents.

From about eight million eggs laid, larvae about 3 millimeters in size appear after two weeks. The larvae, carried away by the sea current, end up far from the spawning site.

Growing fry feed on fish eggs, plankton and crustaceans. They stay close to the shore, and during the winter cold they go to the depths, where they remain until spring days.

Eating fish is mandatory and necessary for health. The benefits of pollock include large amounts of Omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins and minerals.

Pollock is a cod fish species. This is a valuable commercial fish. Lean dietary meat is valued by gourmets around the world.

Harm to pollock

By catching schools of this fish, delicious canned food is prepared from it. The dense, grayish pollock meat is cut into thin long slices, salted, spices, spices, and dye are added and rolled into jars.

People who suffer from stomach ulcers, gastritis, liver failure, or have problems with the pancreas are contraindicated for consumption of canned fish. Pollock is harmful in large quantities in canned form.

The lifespan of pollock reaches thirty years. This is a predator that feeds on crabs, small fish, and the eggs of other fish. An adult reaches a weight of 15-17 kilograms.

Pollock is also harmful to people with severe food allergies or seafood intolerance. Fish contains a lot of iodine, so those who suffer from thyroid diseases should be careful when eating dishes made from this fish.

People with disorders of hematopoietic processes, vascular disease, or nervous system should be careful when consuming pollock, because this fish contains a large amount of cobalt. Pollock is harmful to people who are susceptible to blood clots.

Salad benefits

Fish contains vitamins, minerals that are rarely found in other products, and polyunsaturated fats. 100 grams of pollock contain 19.2 grams of pure protein, only 1 gram of fat and a complete absence of carbohydrates. This dietary fish is indicated in the fight against excess weight. Pollock is useful for athletes because, thanks to its unique composition, it is an indispensable product, a source of proteins and proteins.

Pregnant and lactating women, children, and the elderly need a product such as pollock. This fish is recommended for consumption by young married couples who want to become parents.

Pollock is very nutritious. 100 grams of this fish contains 88 kilocalories, which is approximately 6% of the daily intake. Dishes made from this fish are suitable for those who monitor their health and maintain optimal body weight.

Pollock, like any other sea fish, contains Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Typically, the diet of an urban person is dominated by Omega-6 fatty acids, which enter the body from foods such as mayonnaise, sour cream, eggs, fatty fried meat, fast food, and deep-fried potatoes. All these foods are rich in cholesterol, a high content of which in the body is extremely harmful and undesirable.

According to the Ministry of Health, the ratio of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids should be 3 conventional units to 7, respectively, or at least maintain a 50/50 balance. As it turns out, most people maintain an imbalance in favor of Omega-6 in ratios of 10 Omega-3 units to 50 or even 70 or more Omega-6 units.

This ratio is fraught with danger, since Omega-6 fatty acids are destroyers and provoke inflammatory processes throughout the body. Omega-3, on the contrary, strengthens joints and cells of the whole body, promotes rapid healing of wounds and restoration of damaged tissues. The predominance of Omega-6 leads to blood clots, blockage of blood vessels, and rapid aging of the skin. Omega-3 is a powerful antioxidant that prevents the damaging effects of free radicals.

Pollock is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which is why its benefits to the body are so significant and significant. Sea fish is necessary in the diet of every person. This is especially important for young children. After all, Omega-3 stimulates brain activity, allowing brain cells to grow and develop. Eating 100 grams of pollock at least two to three times a week will significantly reduce the risk of cancer for adults. And it will allow children to study successfully while coping with school workloads.

Content of useful elements in fish

Pollock is a unique fish. It is much cheaper than other types of cod fish, but has no less benefits for human health. Its meat contains a complex of vitamins and minerals per 100 grams of product and the corresponding daily dose of consumption:

1. Potassium – 14%;

2. Calcium – 1.5%;

3. Magnesium – 6.3%;

4. Sodium – 5.4%;

5. Manganese – 2.5%;

6. Iron – 5%;

7. Iodine – 100%;

8. Cobalt – 200%;

9. Phosphorus – 17.4%;

10. Chrome – 110%;

11. Zinc – 7.1%;

12. Copper – 12%;

13. Molybdenum – 5.7%;

Health benefits of eating pollock

Calcium, magnesium, phosphorus- three brothers who must enter the body all together so that the much-needed calcium is absorbed by the body and used for the construction of bone tissue, and does not go towards the appearance of calcifications. In side, these three components are found together in very favorable proportions.

Sodium takes part in the balance of electrolytes. It is important to maintain the water-salt balance in the correct proportion in the human body. To avoid swelling and dehydration. It is these processes that are controlled by sodium, which is contained in pollock.

Iron must be consumed daily. The body is not able to reproduce this element on its own, so it needs to be replenished every day. This element maintains the level of hemoglobin in the blood, which is necessary for good health and oxidative processes in the body. When it is deficient, anemia develops, a person becomes dizzy, faints, and even loses consciousness. Pollock contains this very important and useful element.

For residents of central Russia, iodine deficiency has become a real problem. Iodine is involved in human growth, affects mental abilities, hormonal levels and thyroid health. This element is important especially in adolescence, so pollock should be consumed daily by the younger generation. 100 grams of this fish contains a daily dose of iodine.

Cobalt A person needs it in very small quantities, but it is extremely important for the process of hematopoiesis. It is thanks to it that red blood cells are produced in the bone marrow, iron is absorbed in moderation, and the composition of the blood remains constant. Cobalt is involved in protein synthesis and normalizes the activity of the endocrine system. It also takes part in the construction of DNA; metabolic processes occur under its control. A lack of cobalt causes a weakening of the immune system, increases the risk of allergic reactions, and memory impairment. Such an important element, which is not found in all products, is generously contained in a daily dose of 50 grams of pollock.

Copper is important especially for people suffering from diabetes, because it is this metal that controls the production of insulin in the body. Together with iron, copper controls the level of hemoglobin in the blood. Copper is an antioxidant that affects the production of melanin and collagen, which is important for maintaining youthful skin and healthy hair.

Zinc– a particularly important element for men, especially adolescent males. This microelement takes an active part in the production of testosterone. During puberty, it is very important for boys to maintain a sufficient amount of zinc in their bodies so that the process of turning a boy into a man occurs gradually and without a lack of hormones. Therefore, teenagers should definitely include pollock in their diet.

Molybdenum takes an active part in the oxidative processes of the human body. It is he who helps convert the resulting proteins, fats and carbohydrates, oxygen and water into energy. Also important for the excretory system.

Pollock contains a whole complex of microelements, metals, and vitamins that are useful and necessary for the human body. Some substances are contained in such quantities that this makes the fish a unique product.

Pollock fish belongs to the cod family, swimming in schools. A clear white stripe is visible on its sides, running parallel to its back, which is the main difference from other waterfowl brethren. There is also one small nuance by which you can determine the type of fish - this is a small protrusion forward.

Period of active migration

The period of active migration of this species begins in the spring, when the fish head north in a friendly school. And in the fall, they choose southern water spaces. In summer they can be seen not far from the Murmansk coast. When young, pollock fish eats exclusively like an aristocrat; its menu includes caviar and crayfish. But as he gets older, he announces a hunt for small fish. Its life span is 30 years.

Pleasant taste

Pollock fish has a characteristic flavor that is very popular in the culinary world among cooking experts. They have a saying: “If you haven’t tried pollock at least once, you don’t know the taste of real fish.” It is characterized by a unique, and at the same time more pronounced marine flavor, which distinguishes it from other species.


Its habitat is: part of the Atlantic and sometimes pollock swims in coastal areas, and when it enters the open sea, it prefers a depth reaching 250 meters.

Beneficial features

Pollock fish, the beneficial properties of which are very familiar to gourmets, is valued for its unusually tasty and tender meat, very nutritious and even healing. Being a real storehouse of proteins and vitamins B12, sodium, potassium and selenium, this product is used as a preventative against liver diseases. Doctors also recommend adding this type of fish to the diet to treat the musculoskeletal system and the thyroid gland due to its high content of phosphorus and iodine.

Fried pollock with potatoes

The owner of grayish meat with a spicy delicate taste is pollock fish. Recipes for preparing her fillet are in great demand both in restaurants and at home. Housewives who managed to buy this truly delicious sea creature scrupulously approach the preparation of the fish dish, anticipating its elusive aroma, as well as the exquisite combination of juiciness and fragility of the future delicacy.

Peel 6 potatoes, rinse and cut them into thin slices. Peel two onions and hold under cold water to prevent your eyes from watering. Cut them up. Heat a frying pan, pour in vegetable oil and place the prepared ingredients there. After lightly frying, pour in a glass of vegetable broth, a glass of cream, season with spices, and simmer the entire contents for about 30 minutes, remembering to stir occasionally.

Rinse under running water and dry with a napkin, then rub with salt and ground pepper. After 15 minutes, roll the fish in flour. Fry the fish flesh in a frying pan on both sides until golden brown, turning it occasionally.

Place the stewed potatoes on a plate, place a piece of pollock on the side and garnish with a sprig of dill on top. Bon appetit!

The most valuable commercial fish with a pleasant and unique taste is valued by gourmets for its balanced composition and nutritional value. We suggest preparing delicious pollock fish dishes according to the suggested recipes.

This is the cheapest type of cod fish with tender dietary meat without fat. Predatory fish are easy to distinguish on the store counter. Their peculiarity is their pointed head, which is dark in color. The back is olive-colored, gradually turning yellowish on the sides. The abdomen has a whitish color. Fish are caught all year round, a significant part of the catch is brought from the northern regions.

The meat is unusual in color - grayish, but pleasant and unusual in taste. Frozen fillets, canned food and various culinary products are on sale.

Benefits and harms of pollock for the body

Despite its lower cost compared to cod, pollock has no fewer useful qualities:

  • Vitamin B12 helps improve immunity and speed up metabolism;
  • vitamins (A, B, E, D, K) help rejuvenate and strengthen the body, improve vision;
  • thanks to calcium and phosphorus, fish meat has great benefits for bone tissue;
  • zinc helps heal wounds and has a positive effect on hormonal levels;
  • helps develop intellectual abilities;
  • Fish liver renews cells and strengthens the immune system.

Canned fish should not be consumed by people with the following diseases:

  • gastritis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • liver failure;
  • if there are problems with the pancreas.

It is harmful to consume large amounts of meat in canned form. This does not apply to fresh products.

Said should not be consumed:

  • with severe food allergies;
  • with seafood intolerance.

The following people should be wary of pollock dishes:

  • having problems with the thyroid gland;
  • with disruption of hematopoietic processes;
  • for vascular diseases;
  • for problems with the nervous system;
  • if there is a predisposition to the formation of blood clots.

Delicious fish soup

To make the stew tasty and not cause discomfort when catching the seeds, use fillet for cooking.


  • pollock – 750 g fillet;
  • laurel;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • fish broth – 1650 ml;
  • pepper;
  • salt;
  • celery – 0.4 tubers;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • olive oil – 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • tomato – 3 pcs.;
  • dry white wine – 550 ml;
  • garlic – 5 cloves.


  1. Cut the fillet. The width of the piece should be three centimeters. Sprinkle with pepper and salt. Grind.
  2. Chop the carrots and celery tuber. You should get small cubes. Chop the onion.
  3. Place onion in a saucepan. Add oil and fry. Add carrots. Three minutes later, celery. Fry.
  4. Place the diced tomatoes into the fryer. Simmer for seven minutes.
  5. Crush the bay leaf with garlic cloves and place in a saucepan.
  6. Pour in broth. Boil and simmer for seven minutes. Add fish pieces. Boil for a quarter of an hour.
  7. Pour wine. Add salt and simmer for five minutes.

Bake in foil in the oven

If you bought this type of fish for the first time and don’t know how to cook pollock, we suggest preparing the dish in the oven. The meat turns out soft and tender. During heat treatment it does not lose its nutritional qualities.


  • pollock – 1 carcass;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt;
  • onions – 2 pcs.;
  • pepper;
  • lemon juice – 1 teaspoon;
  • paprika – 1 teaspoon.


  1. Clean and rinse the carcass. Take a paper towel and dry. Pour over the juice.
  2. Sprinkle paprika into the salt. Add pepper. Mix. Rub the resulting mixture onto the carcass.
  3. Grease the foil with oil. Place on a baking sheet. You will need the onion in half rings.
  4. Place the carcass on foil. Place around the onion ring. Wrap it up.
  5. Place in a hot oven (190 degrees). Leave for half an hour.

How to deliciously stew with vegetables

From the recipe you will learn how to properly cook fish so that it retains its nutritional properties and delights you with its amazing taste.


  • pollock – 750 g fillet;
  • black pepper;
  • fresh basil;
  • canned tomatoes – 2 cans;
  • salt – 2 teaspoons;
  • olive oil;
  • bell pepper – 0.5 pcs.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • zucchini – 0.5 pcs.;
  • carrot – 1 pc.


  1. Cut the fillet. Sprinkle with salt.
  2. Chop the vegetables. It will be tastier if you get cubes. Place in a frying pan with heated oil. Fry for three minutes.
  3. Place tomatoes in a saucepan. Wait until the mass becomes thick. Salt and sprinkle with pepper. Place fish and fry. Cover with a lid.
  4. Boil for eight minutes. Sprinkle with basil.

Steamed in a slow cooker

It turns out to be a dietary and very healthy dish.


  • fish seasoning – 1 teaspoon;
  • black pepper – 0.5 teaspoon;
  • salt;
  • lemon – 0.5 pcs.;
  • fish – 2 carcasses of pollock.


  1. Cut the prepared fish carcasses into portions.
  2. Add pepper and salt to the seasoning. Mix. Grate the pollock. Pour over lemon juice. Grind. Set aside for half an hour.
  3. Pour water into the bowl. Install the grate and lay out the workpieces.
  4. Enable mode. For the proposed dish you will need to “steam it”. Timer - half an hour. If you poured cold water into the bowl, then add another quarter of an hour to warm up the liquid.

Fish fried in a frying pan

Another simple method of cooking fish that is suitable for daily use.

  • salt;
  • flour;
  • ground black pepper;
  • olive oil;
  • pollock (fillet) – 3 pcs.


  1. Cut the fillet into portions.
  2. Add salt and pepper to the flour. Mix. Dip each piece into the dry mixture.
  3. Heat oil in a frying pan and place the pieces. Fry on each side for five minutes. The main thing is not to overcook the fillet, otherwise it will become dry.
  4. Bring to readiness in the oven.