Five “magic” exercises for the spine, recommended by Paul Bragg. Five “magic” exercises for the spine recommended by Paul Bragg Plank is a static exercise

The priceless gift of health. Healthy spine– healthy body Paul Chappius Bragg

Five “magic” exercises for the spine recommended by Paul Bragg

It’s not for nothing that these exercises have a reputation for being “magical.” They are simple to perform and effective, but, despite the apparent similarity, they are very different in the nature of their action.

Their appearance as a complex was preceded by long years observations and data analysis. Only being completely confident in their effectiveness did Bragg propose them as a set of exercises for the spine.

Important! You can perform these exercises all at once (one after the other), or with a short rest break after each. The main thing is to carry them out, all five of them. Only then will they really turn from simple to “golden”. The secret of their magical power lies in an integrated approach.

The intensity and regularity of exercise should be determined purely individually, based on your state of health and well-being.

At first, the exercises should not be repeated more than two or three times. After a day or two, you can increase the number of repetitions to five or six, and later, if desired, to ten. Moreover, by performing these exercises, you will almost immediately - after a couple of days - feel significant relief.

At the very beginning of classes, the entire program should be performed daily. Once you feel a significant improvement in your condition, exercise can be reduced to two to three times a week. This amount will be enough to maintain flexibility and relaxation of the spinal column. In this regard, Paul Bragg said: “Some of my patients already after a week of such exercises felt favorable changes in the spine and throughout the body. And after two to three weeks this improvement stabilized. But it's not that simple. Please note that destructive changes have occurred in the spine for years and cannot be eliminated with one-time measures. Required daily workout spine - this is the only way to stimulate the growth of cartilage, stretch spinal column and restore its elasticity.”

Bragg's first "magic" exercise

You will probably be curious to know that this exercise has beneficial effects on more than just the spine. Its healing effects are also aimed at the nerve endings of the head and eye muscles, stomach and intestines.

Performing this exercise helps prevent headaches, eye strain, indigestion and poor digestion of food, and helps to relax the spine. If you do it correctly, you will immediately experience relief.

Algorithm of your actions

1. Lie on your stomach face down.

2. Leaning on your hands and feet, take the “lying support” position.

3. Now lift your pelvis.

4. Arch your back (with your body weight resting only on your palms and toes, your pelvis is raised above your head, your head is down, your legs are shoulder-width apart, your knees and elbows are straight).

5. Fix yourself and your feelings in this position.

6. Lower your pelvis almost to the floor (remember that your arms and legs should be straightened), this will add special tension to the spine.

7. Raise your head and sharply (within reason) throw it back.

Repeat the exercise several times.

How to do the exercise

This exercise should be performed slowly. At the same time, try to lower your pelvis as low as possible, and then, arching your back upward, lift it as high as possible. And so several times: lower - raise, lower - raise...

Start the exercise with a small amplitude, gradually increasing it - for example, start the movement not from the maximum upward position of the pelvis, but from a lying position, gradually increasing the amplitude that rocks the body. You should start the exercise based on your physical health.


For those who have problems with the lumbar spine;

For those who have problems with the cervical spine;

With high blood pressure.

The exercise should be performed with caution by people who are overweight. The reason is that the so-called hyperextension of the spine can negatively affect well-being, and overweight can cause damage to the wrist joints, which bear the main load when maintaining body weight.

Bragg's second "magic" exercise

Exercise stimulates the functioning of the nerve endings of the liver and kidneys. As a result of regular exercise, these organs begin to function well. Twisting the spine along the axis helps stretch and knead the ligamentous apparatus.

Algorithm of your actions

1. Lie on your stomach face down.

2. Stretch your arms and legs straight.

3. Lift your pelvis and arch your back (with your body weight only on your palms and toes).

4. Turn your pelvis as far as possible to the left, while lowering your left side as low as possible.

5. Record your sensations in this position.

6. Turn your pelvis as far as possible to the right, while lowering your right side as low as possible.

7. Record your sensations in this position.

8. Repeat the exercise several times.

How to do the exercise

Perform this movement slowly, without bending your arms or legs. Focus on getting a good stretch through your spine.

At first, the exercise may seem extremely tedious to you and may not work out. This is fine. Continue to do it, but under no circumstances overexert yourself. After some time, movements will become much easier for you, since not only your muscles, but also your nervous system will become stronger. However, keep in mind: this exercise will always remain quite difficult and demanding.

Bragg's third "magic" exercise

This exercise completely relaxes the spine, affects every nerve center and improves the condition of the pelvic area. Strengthens the muscles that support the spine in an elongated state. Stimulates the growth and strengthening of intervertebral cartilage.

Algorithm of your actions

1. Sit on the floor.

2. Stretch your legs freely forward, slightly bending your knees.

3. Without bending your elbows, place your arms slightly behind your body and lean on them.

4. Raising your pelvis (with your body weight resting only on your legs and arms), lift your body until your spine is horizontal.

5. Smoothly lower yourself to the starting position.

6. Repeat the exercise several times.

How to do the exercise

The exercise should be performed at a fairly fast pace, but not sharply, to avoid injuries to the sacral and coccygeal spine.

Bragg's fourth "magic" exercise

This exercise is extremely beneficial for the entire spine as a whole, as it helps to stretch it, which leads to a balanced state of all body systems. As an independent item, exercise therapy is also useful for stomach problems.

Algorithm of your actions

1. Lie on your back.

2. Legs and arms are freely extended to the sides.

3. Bend your knees and pull them towards your chest.

4. Bent knees wrap your arms around it.

5. Without letting go of your hands, try to push your knees and hips away from your chest, while simultaneously stretching your neck and raising your head, trying to touch your chin to your knees.

6. Hold your body in this position for five seconds.

7. Repeat the exercise several times.

How to do the exercise

If you have problems with the lumbar spine, using caution, you can try to perform a lighter version of this exercise.

First, gently pull your knees towards your chest, wrapping your arms around them. Stay in this position for a few seconds to several minutes - this will help stretch the spine. And only after that, having gotten used to it, you can try - carefully! - start performing the exercise in full.


If you have problems with the lumbar region;

If there is a hernia.

In this case, there is a danger of pinching the nerve and it is better to avoid it.

Bragg's fifth "magic" exercise

One of the most important exercises, lengthening the spine. As a separate item, exercise therapy stimulates the functioning of the large intestine.

Algorithm of your actions

1. Lie on your stomach face down.

2. Arch your back (your head will be lowered).

3. Raise your pelvis high (with your body weight only on your legs and arms, make sure that the distance between your palms and feet is not too large).

4. In this position, walk around the perimeter of the room (for ease of performing the exercise, it is permissible to bend your legs slightly at the knees).

When you perform this exercise, your head is in a position lower than your body and blood is constantly flowing to it, which is not beneficial if you have high blood pressure.


Perhaps these exercises may seem ridiculous and too tiring to some, but the fact remains: by performing the entire complex daily, within a week you will feel significant relief. After this, you can reduce the frequency of classes to twice a week.

So, the spine will be healthy if you follow the following recommendations:

Do not overload your back;

Avoid prolonged static loads;

Make it a rule to take a break every hour and a half if you work at a computer;

Lift weights, if necessary, not with a jerk, but smoothly, maximizing the strength of your legs, not your back;

Control your weight;

Do not overuse salt;

Regularly cleanse the body of toxins;

Maintain a healthy diet;

Maintain good posture;

Remember the need physical activity and constantly do exercises to stretch the spine.

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Spring is not only a time to change your wardrobe. This is still a period of active preparation of the body for the summer season.

In the fight for perfect body everyone pursues their own goals: someone wants to improve their health, while others want to meet the beach season slim and fit so that they can wear a new bikini or favorite shorts without hesitation.

That's almost 5 magic exercises, if performed correctly, your body will soon be transformed.

Just 10 minutes every day, and in a month you won’t recognize him.

Exercises for an ideal figure

1. Plank

The plank is a static exercise.

This means that you don't need to move during the exercise, just keep your body in the correct position. The plank is considered a basic exercise.

To perform it correctly, follow the example shown in the picture above.

Support yourself on your elbows, forearms and the front of your feet. It is very important to keep your back completely straight. Try not to lower your waist so that your hip line is parallel to the floor.

If you don't have any difficulty doing the plank, it's strange to say the least. You should feel tension in almost every part of the body: the muscles of the back, abdomen, front of the thighs and muscles of the arms.

2. Push-ups (push up exercise)

Push-ups are another exercise that literally works every major muscle.

Thanks to this exercise you strengthen your body.

Perform it on a flat floor.

Fix your body position: n and with outstretched straight arms, hold the body for several seconds, while also supporting straight line of legs, back and buttocks.

Slowly lower your body, bending your elbows. Then, straightening your arms, also slowly return to the starting position. The most important thing is to always keep your back, buttocks and legs straight.

You should feel how muscles tense abdominals, arm muscles, as well as the anterior thigh muscles.

A set of exercises for a beautiful figure

3. Squats

Squats will help strengthen your thigh muscles, calf muscles, and also correct your posture. In addition, this exercise will improve the overall tone of the body and promote fat burning.

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart or slightly wider. Extend your arms in front of you and then proceed directly to squats, keeping your head straight.

Try to perform the exercise with your back as straight as possible. Lower your pelvis until your thighs are parallel to the floor (as far as possible).

4. Hunting dog stance

Take the initial position as for doing a plank.

Pull your stomach in and simultaneously extend one leg and the opposite arm, while maintaining perfect balance.

Hold this position for at least a minute. Then slowly lower your arm and leg and repeat this exercise with the other leg and arm.

So-called hunting dog stance develops gluteal muscles, abdominal muscles, as well as muscles in the lumbar region.

5. Lying hip raise exercises

Raising your hips from a lying position is perfect exercise for body.

Thanks to him, you can develop your gluteal muscles, hamstrings, and strengthen your abdominal, back, and thigh muscles.

Lie on your back, bend your knees. The foot should be completely on the floor, arms extended to the sides at an angle of 45 degrees relative to the body.

Pull your buttocks in and lift your hips as high as possible. Fix your body in this position for a few seconds. Then slowly lower your pelvis and repeat the exercise again.

This program includes 5 basic exercises, consists of two workouts. Perform the exercises for 4 weeks in the following sequence, paying attention to the time for each type of exercise:

Workout 1:

1 minute plank

1 minute - push-ups

2 minutes - squats

1 minute – hunting dog stance

1 minute - raising hips from a lying position

1 minute plank

1 minute - push-ups

2 minutes – squats

*The break between exercises should be 10 seconds.

Workout 2:

3 minutes - plank

3 minutes - hunting dog stance

3 minutes - hip raise from a lying position

1 minute - push-ups

*The break between exercises should be 15 seconds.

Perform a set of these exercises 6 times a week in the following sequence:

*Make the seventh day a day off.

Week 1:

Day 1: workout 1

Day 2: workout 2

Day 3: workout 1

Day 4: workout 2

Day 5: workout 1

Day 6: workout 2

Day 7: day off

Week 2:

Day 1: workout 2

Day 2: workout 1

Day 3: workout 2

Day 4: workout 1

Day 5: workout 2

Day 6: workout 1

Day 7: day off

Once you've completed Week 2, go back to rotating Week 1 exercises.

The results will not take long to arrive. After just 4 weeks you won’t recognize your body.

*It is worth adding that the effectiveness of these exercises will increase significantly when performed in combination with proper diet nutrition.

To do even simple exercises with benefit, you need to do them correctly.

1. Exercise "A hundred"

The Hundred is one of the popular exercises for the abdominal muscles in the Pilates system. The abdominal muscles are very resilient, so they “love” a large number of repetitions.

As the name of the exercise suggests, you need to do 100 “punches.” This, by the way, is also useful for burning fat in the abdominal area. And if your abs are already strong and one hundred seems not enough, you can repeat this time, but with your legs stretched up at an angle of 45 degrees.

2. "High Chair"

These are almost squats, but with less load on knee joints who suffer greatly from regular squats. Typically, the “chair” is performed against a wall, pressing your back tightly and bending your knees 90 degrees, as if you were sitting on an invisible chair.

The exercise can be complicated - performed with dumbbells or alternately raising your legs, holding them in weight. You need to sit on the “chair” while you have the strength, on average 1-2 minutes, and it’s better to do 3-5 approaches.

3."Push ups"

During push-ups, the abdominal muscles should be tightened, the buttocks should be tense, and the arms should be positioned clearly under the shoulder joint. Do about 3-5 sets of 10-15 times, and you can do this anywhere - even in the kitchen while breakfast is being prepared.

4. "Bouncer"

This exercise seems very simple, but it works simply magically, strengthening the heart muscle and blood vessels. It also burns about 200 kilocalories in just 15 minutes! Starting position - legs together, arms along the body. Then, at the same time, raise your arms above your head and jump, spreading your legs slightly wider than your shoulders. Quickly return to the starting position.

“Prygunchik” is included in some foreign military training courses because it perfectly improves endurance. If you do at least 20 jumps, your vitality will greatly increase.

5. "Plank"

There are a lot of variations of the plank: on the arms and one leg, with a wide stance of the legs, a side plank on the forearm, on outstretched arm, with lifting opposite arms and legs.

First, try standing for 30 seconds. Over and over again, gradually, adding 15 seconds every day, you can learn to stand in the plank for two, three, or even 10 minutes.

So, five simple exercises that, if done correctly, work real miracles: hundred, chair, push-ups, jumping jacks and planks. If you doubt that you can handle it yourself, work with specialists so as not to cause harm.

All full episodes of the “Miracle of Technology” program are located.

1. Hundred

The Hundred is one of the popular exercises for the abdominal muscles in the Pilates system. It's good for warming up your muscles before something serious. You need to lie on your back, bend your legs, shoulder blades do not touch the mat, chin pointing up. The lower back must be pressed to the floor, tensing the abs and drawing in the stomach. After this, start swinging with your palms down, as if punching the air.

The abdominal muscles are very durable, so they love high repetitions. As the name of the exercise suggests, you need to do 100 arm swings. This, by the way, is also useful for burning fat in the abdominal area. And if your abs are already strong and one hundred seems not enough, you can repeat this time, but with your legs stretched up at an angle of 45 degrees.

2. High chair

These are almost squats, but with less load on the knee joints, which suffer greatly from regular squats. Typically, the chair is performed against a wall, pressing your back tightly and bending your knees 90 degrees, as if you were sitting on an invisible chair. But you can do it without support, this will better work your buttocks and back muscles. Important note: you cannot round your back here. From the tailbone to the crown, the body should be straight, the pelvis should be pulled back deeply. As with regular squats, keep your knees above your toes and your hands near your head or extended forward. You need to “sit on a chair” while you have the strength, on average 12 minutes, and do better than 35 approaches.

3. Push-ups

An exercise familiar from school can do a lot. After all, push-ups can be not only classic, but also from the knees off the floor and standing from the wall, from a table, from a chair, and from a chair upside down, from a bench, with a jump, with a narrow or very wide position of the arms.

During push-ups, the abdominal muscles should be tightened, the buttocks should be tense, and the arms should be positioned clearly under the shoulder joint. Choose the method you like best and do about 35 sets of 1015 reps.

4. Jumper

The classic cardio exercise seems very simple, but it works simply magically, strengthening the heart muscle and blood vessels. It also burns about 200 kilocalories in 15 minutes. Starting position: legs together, arms along the body. Then, at the same time, raise your arms above your head and jump, spreading your legs slightly wider than your shoulders.

This exercise is included in some foreign military training courses because it improves endurance. If you do at least 20 jumps, your vitality will greatly increase.

5. Plank

There are a lot of varieties of the plank: on the hands and one leg, with a wide stance of the legs, a side plank on the forearm, on an outstretched arm, with lifting opposite arms and legs.

First, try standing for 30 seconds. Time after time, gradually, adding 15 seconds every day, you can learn to stand in the plank for two, three, or even 10 minutes.

The most progressive coaches unanimously insist that motivation in sports is the biggest hoax recent years. Setting yourself up to finally break out of the vicious circle of bad habits and go in for sports turned out to be quite a small feat. As it turned out, discipline is much more important than motivation. It is she who, day after day, week after week, lifts us from the sofa or office chair and pushes us into the arms of exercise machines, barbells and dumbbells. And no fine tuning of mood will interfere with iron discipline.

In this case, it becomes simply impossible to skip a workout, especially without good reason. And even more so, a disciplined athlete does not need a subscription to an expensive gym, where everyone does nothing but push their ego. For a quality workout, you only need your body and these five exercises, which, with the right approach, can perform a real miracle.

T-bar push-ups

Difficulty level: 3/5.
Develops: chest muscles, shoulders, triceps, abs.
Equipment: willpower.

This is far from the easiest exercise for a beginner. First of all, because for him correct execution you will need not only basic physical training, but also good body coordination. So, take a lying position, as for classic push-ups. Hands shoulder width apart. Push up and, returning to the starting position, turn your torso to the left, while simultaneously raising your left arm. Hold this position for two seconds, then repeat the same for your right hand.

Squats with weights

Difficulty level: 2/5.
Develops: pelvic and lower back muscles, hips, shoulders.
Equipment: dumbbells and legs.

Almost standard squats, where your body is forced to push not only own weight. Even athletes can perform such squats entry level, the main thing is not to overdo it with dumbbells. Start: feet shoulder-width apart, dumbbells at initial position. Lower yourself until your knees are bent at a 90-degree angle. Returning to a standing position, simultaneously lift the dumbbells until your arms are fully extended. Don't bend your lower back and keep your heels off the floor.

Reps: three sets, ten reps each.

Standing dumbbell lateral raises

Difficulty level: 4/5.
Developed by: rear delts, rotator cuff and trapezius muscles.
Equipment: dumbbells and concentration.

Concentration is especially important in this exercise. There is no need to be distracted by TV shows or other thoughts: stay focused on the muscle you are working. Start from a low stance, with your back arched at the waist so that your body remains parallel to the floor. The back is absolutely straight. Hands with dumbbells are bent at the elbows at 45 degrees. Move them apart, shoulders at the peak of amplitude - on the same line, elbows pointing up.

Russian crunches

Difficulty level: 4/5.
Develops: oblique abdominal muscles.
Equipment: pride for the nation and determination.

It is quite difficult to work the oblique abdominal muscles, especially for a beginner. However, it’s hard to study, but on the beach it’s great. Sit on the floor, don't be afraid. Feet are off the floor. Arms are straightened in front of you, palms together. Tighten your abs (they should remain in this position throughout the entire approach). Start turning left and right, take your time. Every movement is smooth, confident, without fuss.

Difficulty level: 2/5.
Develops: muscles of the shoulders, back, buttocks, thighs, abdominals.
Equipment: stability, floor.

One of the most underrated exercises - apparently because from the outside it looks too simple. In fact, it is quite difficult to complete the bar correctly both in terms of technique and timing. There are many varieties of the plank, from elementary ones, when you take the emphasis while lying on four points, to serious ones - when lifting the opposite arm and leg you leave the body on only two points. The main thing to remember is that throughout the entire exercise the body should maintain as level a position as possible. Don't try to shift your weight from foot to foot, and even more so, don't arch your back. Be patient. It will count.

Reps: three sets, two minutes each.
