The benefits and importance of the aliphatic amino acid valine for the human body. Essential amino acids. Valine Benefits of valine

Valin refers to one of the few amino acids that our body does not reproduce. This substance should enter the body only from the outside, along with food. This substance will be discussed in the article.

Its scientific name is 2-amino-3-methylbutanoic acid, or aliphatic α-amino acid, one of 20 proteinogenic amino acids, is part of almost all known ones.

Chemical formula: C5H11NO2

Did you know? The human body contains 5 million proteins: all of them are formed by only 22 types of amino acids.

This is one of the essential amino acids. It promotes the absorption and assimilation of other amino acids, participates in the synthesis of proteins, in particular, determines their structure. It is also a basis for synthesis.

But still, its main role is to support the health and tone of a person’s muscles and his immune system. The liver, if necessary, converts this amino acid into glucose and sends it to the muscles.

It is important for human mental health and liver health; it takes part in the removal of toxic substances from the body.
As a preventive measure, it is used against brain damage and to treat liver diseases (hepatitis, cirrhosis).

Main functions and benefits

Valine is a truly essential amino acid: without it, the human body has a very hard time.

In the first years of life, a child becomes vulnerable to disease, especially when the mother's antibodies no longer protect him. This is where proper valine intake becomes extremely important. After all, it is he who forms and supports the baby’s immune system.

A growing body requires this amino acid to build and strengthen muscles.

Its role also increases during active mental stress, which children experience during school. Also used to support mental health.

For adults

But valine is needed not only for the development of children. Adults should also monitor their intake of this substance. After all, it has the following properties:

  • increasing endurance and resistance to extreme situations;
  • helps with muscle growth and development;
  • does not allow the level of serotonin (the hormone of joy) to decrease;
  • removes excess nitrogen from the body;
  • helps with liver and kidney diseases. Used in the treatment of addictions (alcohol, drugs);
  • increases the feeling of fullness and is used during diets and in the treatment of obesity.
  • strengthens the immune system.

We can only get it with food. Therefore, it is important to determine where it is found in sufficient quantities.

Dairy products - cheeses - are literally saturated with this amino acid. Even small amounts of these foods can provide you with your daily requirement of valine.
There is a lot of it in eggs, meat, and fish. It is especially worth paying attention to quail eggs - the digestibility of this substance in them is very high.

Among plant products, legumes (beans, peas), sunflower seeds, pine nuts and hazelnuts are rich in it.

Daily requirement and norm

A healthy person needs 2-4 grams of this amino acid per day. But this is the general average value. More accurately, your norm can be calculated based on 10 mg of valine per 1 kg of human weight.

Important! In case of liver and kidney dysfunction, only a doctor selects the rate of valine consumption. It is extremely dangerous to engage in such an appointment on your own.

About excess and deficiency

As you can see, this substance is useful and necessary. Its deficiency is quite dangerous. But it is also undesirable to allow excess.


In case of an overdose, problems with the nervous system begin, chills, numbness and tingling in the limbs, and hallucinations appear. Disturbances occur in the digestive system, blood flow becomes complicated, and liver and kidney dysfunctions appear.

With a deficiency, degenerative changes begin in the body:

  • immunity is weakened;
  • memory deteriorates, sleep is disturbed;
  • the level of serotonin decreases, as a result, mental disorders and despondency appear;
  • dermatitis and other skin rashes.

A decrease in valine content makes it more difficult to absorb other amino acids.

Did you know? The name of the amino acid “valine” comes from the valerian plant.

Most often, deficiency occurs during diets, especially protein diets. In this case, you should carefully select the composition of foods for your diet.

Interaction with other substances

This amino acid reacts actively to proteins, polyunsaturated fatty acids, and interacts well with “long” carbohydrates (cereals, vegetables, wholemeal bread, crispbread, muesli). It also combines well with its “colleagues” - amino acids of the protein group.

One of the functions of valine is to help grow and strengthen muscles and reduce cortisol levels.
Therefore, it is included in the diet of bodybuilders and other athletes as part of protein shakes.

So, valine is an important component of our body. It helps in strengthening muscles, relieves stress, and is useful for athletes and workaholics. It is found in many products, and getting the required amount is not difficult.

Valin(2-amino-3-methylbutanoic acid L-Valine) is an essential aliphatic amino acid that has a stimulating effect. This is one of the 20 proteinogenic amino acids. It is present in the body as part of proteins and in free form. It got its name in honor of the valerian plant.

For the first time, during a study in 1901, the German chemist G. E. Fischer isolated the aminoisovaleric acid valine from casein.

Valine is a starting substance in the biosynthesis of Vitamin B5 and penicillin. Valine refers to branched amino acids, and this means that it can be used by the muscles as a powerful source of energy.

The human body is not capable of producing this amino acid itself, so it must be supplied to it through food and special dietary supplements (dietary supplements). In addition, you need to know how much the body’s daily need for valine is.

The body's daily need for valine

The body's daily need for valine for an ordinary person is 3-4 grams. Depending on age, lifestyle, and health status, this need for valine can range from 1.8 to 5 and in some cases up to 7 g per day. The best effect is achieved when using valine together with and. At the same time, it is combined with all amino acids of the protein group.

But we should not forget that in a deficiency or excess of this essential amino acid, unpleasant consequences, causing damage to health.

Consequences of a lack of valine in the body

With a lack of valine in the body, the immune system is weakened, memory deteriorates, sleep is disturbed, and this also affects the decrease in serotonin levels, which provokes mental disorders and despondency. With frequent tension in the muscles of the body, bodybuilding, a lack of valine leads to the destruction of part of the contractile proteins. Deficiency of this essential amino acid causes frequent skin inflammatory diseases, including dermatitis. Even a slight decrease in the amount of valine needed by the body affects the absorption of other amino acids. Children are more vulnerable to a lack of this amino acid, especially those who adhere to a diet in the final stages of food allergies. Their body requires proper nutrition, as little stress and manifestations of depression as possible. This also applies to people on high protein diets. The fact is that valine is involved in the removal of protein metabolic products and in the transport of nitrogen obtained with proteins from the liver to other tissues.

An excess of this proteinogenic amino acid can also have adverse consequences.

Consequences of excess valine in the body

With an excess of valine in the body, fluctuations or deterioration in the passage of nerve impulses occur, this can manifest itself as chills throughout the body, numbness and tingling in the extremities, even hallucinations. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract, blood thickening, and interference with the liver and kidneys may occur. Every person should focus their attention on this point so that you can be completely healthy people and receive only the benefits of taking valine, without negative effects on the body.

Beneficial properties of valine

Valine, like other amino acids, is very important for the life of the body. As mentioned earlier, valine is a powerful source of energy for muscles, it is involved in their development and recovery, which is why it is so often used in bodybuilding. It supports normal nitrogen metabolism in the body. Also, this amino acid promotes the proper functioning of the immune system, tissue regeneration after illnesses, injuries, and has a positive effect on the central nervous system and autonomic nervous system.

Valine prevents the level of serotonin from decreasing, one of the main neurotransmitters that improves mood and adds shine to the eyes. Responsible for many hormonal processes, increases the production of growth hormone, thyroid gland and adrenal glands. Reduces the sensitivity of the living body to pain, improves adaptation to heat and cold. And in the fight against obesity, this amino acid helps suppress cravings.

Valine is considered an important element in the treatment of bad habits such as alcoholism and smoking. Thanks to him, these weaknesses gradually disappear from a person’s life.

Despite its beneficial properties, valine in the form of dietary supplements also has its contraindications and harms.

Contraindications and harm of valine

Valine supplementation should be done under medical supervision. Independent actions in this direction can end in a sad outcome. It is contraindicated for people with severe liver, kidney and heart failure, children under adulthood, pregnant women, as well as during lactation, hepatitis, diabetes, amino acid metabolism disorders, individual intolerance.

Valine may cause harm due to symptoms such as nausea (vomiting), rapid heartbeat, hallucinations, and chills.

In order not to expose our body to danger, to be more beautiful, calmer and more resistant to stressful situations, you should know which foods contain valine.

Foods rich in valine

We can obtain valine from food products of plant and animal origin. For food products containing greatest number valine, include chicken eggs and fillets, cheeses, cow's milk, beef, salmon, squid. Valine is also found in unmilled rice, corn flour, walnuts, pistachios, peas, red beans, pumpkin seeds and seaweed.

You also need to know how the food preparation process affects the content of amino acids, including valine.

Effect of food preparation process on valine content

The content of valine changes during food preparation, as is the case with other amino acids. Thus, there is more of this amino acid in boiled or stewed meat, chicken and fish than in raw, canned or fried meat. As for chicken eggs, there is more amino acid valine in fried form than in boiled and raw eggs.

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There is an opinion that the content of amino acids in foods is necessary for athletes to achieve their best. sports results. One of the amino acids that has recently been increasingly mentioned as essential is l-leucine, valine and isoleucine.

In order to verify the usefulness of this amino acid, you should understand the mechanism of its action on the body. Since there may be an opinion that manufacturers are interested sports nutrition in spreading the myth about the usefulness of a particular product to ensure a constant and stable income. Or the entry into the market and popularity of leucine is associated with its usefulness and effectiveness. And is this substance actually found in products?

One of the amino acids that has recently been increasingly mentioned as essential is l leucine.

What is l leucine (l isoleucine)

Leucine is the most important amino acid, which is directly involved in the creation of new structures in the protein molecule, which serves to increase energy received and improves metabolism.

This amino acid belongs to the group of those with branched structural chains inside the molecules. In addition to it, this group includes valine (l valine) and isoleucine.

The complex structure of the side chains is used for the cells to synthesize the energy that athletes primarily need to fully engage in sports. That is why the presence of these amino acids is required in the diet in full.

Features of amino acids: effect on the body

This amino acid is very necessary for athletes, especially those involved in powerlifting or bodybuilding, since this amino acid, which is found in foods, according to recent research, has a very effective effect, which is aimed at increasing protein synthesis. And protein, as you know, serves as one of the main building materials muscle fibers.

Amino acid L-Leucine

In addition, leucine and valine (l valine) are able to resist the process of destruction of protein molecules, which has a positive effect on growth muscle mass. It turns out that taking medications with leucine or leucine itself in its pure form after strength training leads to less protein breakdown, which has a positive effect on nitrogen balance and promotes reparative processes in the body.

This amino acid (isoleucine) found in foods can be a source of energy for the body due to its ability to inhibit glucose metabolism and prevent muscle metabolism. Leucine, like valine (l valine), also promotes the process of glucogenesis, exhibiting an anti-catabolic effect. To summarize, it can be noted that the combined intake of the entire group of amino acids having branched structural chains can have a positive effect on sports training.

This amino acid is involved in stimulating the production of insulin, which is the most important hormone in foods for strength athletes. It is insulin that is responsible for the “delivery” of amino acids and glucose to the body’s cells, which is directly related to the process of protein synthesis and the growth of the number of muscle tissue cells.

In addition, increased levels of insulin in the blood plasma reduce the release of catecholamines and cortisol, which have catabolic properties.

Source Naturals, L-Valine

Increased cortisol levels are bad for muscle tissue because cortisol is directly responsible for breaking down nutrients to release energy.

How and when to take leucine, isoleucine

First of all, valine and isoleucine are of interest in bodybuilding due to their properties to synthesize protein, which leads to an anabolic effect and muscle growth. But it is not recommended to use this amino acid as a mono-supplement, since excess leucine causes a reverse reaction, leading to a sharp decrease in muscle fibers, which has a detrimental effect on bodybuilding.

The most optimal option for administration is a combination of leucine and its closely related “comrades” - isoleucine and valine. Even better would be to combine the supplement in products enriched with the listed amino acids with proteins, food proteins, or simple oatmeal, which serves as a source of “long” carbohydrates and fiber. For complete absorption of leucine, the body requires a sufficient amount of B vitamins, without which the necessary protein metabolism in liver cells does not occur, and the metabolism of leucine, like valine and isoleucine, becomes incomplete.

The most optimal option for administration is a combination of leucine and its closely related “comrades” - isoleucine and valine.

Where to buy leucine, isoleucine and valine

You can buy leucine, isoleucine and valine on the American website, where there are always promotions, and using our link you are guaranteed to receive an additional 5% discount. It also works. Therefore, if you have already decided which amino acid is best for you, then it can be found on.

Amino acid content in products

These foods contain leucine

  • Soya beans
  • Beef
  • Peanut
  • Salami
  • Fish (salmon)
  • Wheat germ
  • Chicken
  • Almond

Leucine is found in peanuts


  • Fish (tuna, smelt)
  • Meat (pork, beef)
  • Milk
  • Seeds
  • Nuts
  • Legumes
  • Pistachios
  • Dried parsley

Chicken eggs contain Valine


  • Milk
  • Hard cheese
  • Cottage cheese
  • Brynza
  • Bird
  • Legumes


Taking leucine, isoleucine (l isoleucine) during physical activity can have a positive effect in terms of performance, improves metabolism, which, however, will not affect the athlete’s strength or increase maximum strength with one repetition of the exercise.

For these purposes, taking isoleucine, like other amino acids, is not recommended, since increasing muscle mass will not lead to an increase in strength and the athlete may simply not calculate his strength during the next approach.

But this does not mean that you do not need to take leucine, since it ensures a constant concentration of the amino acid in the blood cells during the process. power loads. In addition, leucine and valine help the athlete during “cutting” before competitions, improving metabolism, reducing the catabolic process, but at the same time maintaining muscle mass.

The important properties of the amino acid valine are revealed, how to take it correctly and in what products it is contained.

Amino acid Valine third closing element important sports supplement, before that the first 2 elements and were considered.

I don’t want to repeat myself, but it should be recalled that valine is a type of essential amino acid; it is not produced by the body, but comes with food. It includes a high protein content, in addition, valine is the basis for the formation of the B5 group of vitamins, which helps with physical fatigue and during periods of stress.

Properties of valine

1. SUPPORTS SEROTONIN AND IMPROVES PROTEIN ABSORPTION– when there is a minimum of valine in the body, proteins begin to break down, this immediately affects the size of the muscles, which is the most negative thing for sports; other newly received proteins, due to its deficiency, begin to be absorbed worse.

Also, this amino acid is often used in medicine to eliminate depression, as it increases serotonin in the body, which is known to be the hormone of joy.

2. KEEPS NORMAL NITROGEN BALANCE– for fitness and bodybuilding, the primary task is to create beautiful figure through gaining muscle mass, in order to gain it, it is necessary to increase the nitrogen balance, valine, including the entire BCAA complex, contributes to this.

3. TAKES PART IN THE CREATION OF ENERGY- valine helps strengthen muscle contractions, due to which muscle coordination increases, this all happens through the use of amino acids to release energy into the body, just like isoleucine and leucine do.

4. ACCELERATES RECOVERY– a deficiency of this amino acid slows down the body, which in turn reduces the rate of absorption of nutrients by muscle tissue, all of which affects both the speed of getting rid of subcutaneous fat and increasing muscle volume.

5. REDUCES THE EFFECT OF CORTISOL– valine is important for reducing catabolic processes, which are enemy No. 1 for muscles; it tries to actively destroy them, believing that this is an extra element of the body. Without even visiting gym, you can increase performance and reduce fatigue by taking this sports supplement.

What foods contain valine?

It can be found in the following foods:

Salmon fillets

Chicken fillet



Chicken eggs


How to take valine

For ordinary people who find physical activity a burden, doses range from 2-4g. daily, for those actively involved in sports, its dosage should be increased from 4 to 12 g. better effect achieved by taking the entire BCAA complex.

It is necessary to take the dose by dividing it into 2 equal parts 30 minutes before the start of the training and after the end of the training. If faster recovery is needed, additional amino acid intake will help.

The essential amino acid valine: the history of the discovery of the substance

The world owes the discovery of the amino acid valine to German scientists. They became interested in this substance in the middle of the last century, having discovered it in the tissues of the pancreas. It was then obtained through the process of protein hydrolysis, and at the beginning of the 20th century, Emil Fischer extracted it from the milk protein casein, derived its chemical formula and gave it a name in Latin, valine.

It is assumed that the amino acid was named after the valerian plant, which contains a lot of this substance.

A detailed study of the amino acid showed that the body cannot function without it. He has to get the substance from the outside with products. Valine was classified as essential and, since the middle of the last century, they learned how to synthesize it on an industrial scale.

General information about valine

Scientists characterize l valine as a substance without which tissue regeneration in the body is impossible. The molecule of this amino acid has a highly branched chemical structure. It is related to valine with isoleucine and leucine, two more amino acids with a similarly branched chain. This structure determines their special value for humans - they are involved in the synthesis of protein molecules.

What is the amino acid valine:

  • a compound that may be of animal or synthetic origin;
  • crystalline colorless powder, easily soluble in water;
  • component of a protein that gives it hydrophobic properties.

The importance of valine for the body

The branching of the molecular chain of valine allows, on the one hand, to hold together the constituent elements of the protein molecule (nitrogen, oxygen, carbon, iron, phosphorus), and on the other hand, to repel water, forming a dense protein structure.

What is valine and why do we need it:

  • an amino acid that the liver transforms into a source of energy for the body - glucose;
  • an indispensable element for the construction of muscle tissue;
  • a substance for the synthesis of cells responsible for immunity.

The functions of valine in the body are very wide:

  • affects the functioning of the nervous system;
  • responsible for muscle coordination;
  • essential for skin health;
  • participates in the synthesis of hormones;
  • helps the absorption of other amino acids.

The substance can suppress increased appetite, has a calming effect on nervous overexcitation, and helps get out of depression.

The body's daily need for valine

Valine requirements for each organism vary depending on body weight and lifestyle. On average, the daily norm for an adult is from 2 to 4 g. Another system for calculating the norm suggests taking into account the need for a daily intake of 10 mg of amino acid per kilogram of body weight.

During heavy physical exertion, nervous overstrain, active sports training The need for valine increases as the amino acid is consumed faster than usual. In this case, you should discuss with your doctor the need additional intake substances in the form pharmaceutical drugs or dietary supplements.

Excess and deficiency of valine

The lack of an amino acid in the body can be explained by its insufficient supply or impaired absorption. Valine deficiency leads to disruption of protein synthesis. This condition can be suspected by the specific smell of urine: it smells like maple syrup. Other manifestations of substance deficiency include:

  • neuroses, depression, sleep disturbances, memory impairment;
  • muscle weakness;
  • deterioration of immunity;
  • cracks in the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose;
  • intestinal disorders.

Excess valine usually develops against the background of its uncontrolled intake in the form of dietary supplements, since it is impossible to obtain an overdose of the substance from products. The condition is manifested by a feeling of “goosebumps” on the skin and numbness of the limbs. In severe cases, hallucinations occur, nausea and vomiting occur.

Products - sources of valine

Parmesan cheese is considered the champion in valine content (2.5 mg/kg of product). Cottage cheese and natural yogurt are a little behind it.

  • pumpkin seeds;
  • quail eggs;
  • walnuts;
  • bee products (pollen, royal jelly).

According to nutritionists, to get daily norm Valina requires eating 5 chicken eggs, about 200 g of any meat and drinking 2 liters of milk.

What foods contain the amino acid valine?

Pharmacological properties of the drug valine

The pharmacological form of L valine is a white powder, which is diluted in water before use. The dilution proportions and dosage regimen are agreed upon with the doctor.

When prescribing a drug, take into account its ability to regenerate damaged tissues, strengthen nervous system, strengthen immunity.

Pharmacological properties:

  • has a stimulating effect;
  • strengthens and restores muscle tissue;
  • increases the body's resistance to infections;
  • increases endurance during nervous and physical stress;
  • affects metabolism and helps lose weight;
  • enhances the synthesis of growth hormone;
  • Helps fight depression and alcohol addiction.

Indications for use

Valine is indicated after surgical interventions on the brain and gastrointestinal tract. It is prescribed for traumatic brain injuries, liver diseases with impaired functioning.

Indications for taking valine:

  • depression, insomnia;
  • frequent headaches, memory impairment;
  • obesity;
  • some types of anemia;
  • elevated physical exercise;
  • impaired liver and kidney function.


The use of valine is prohibited for children and adolescents, pregnant and lactating women, unless life-threatening conditions are involved. Valine is contraindicated for diabetics. It should not be taken for heart failure, exacerbations of liver and kidney diseases.

Valine amino acid is prohibited for diseases associated with impaired absorption of amino acids and individual intolerance to this substance.

Amino acid valine in sports: BCAA and bodybuilding

Valine with leucine and isoleucine form an amino acid complex known as BCAA. Their combination is based on the branched structure of molecules and similar properties. Together, these amino acids ensure the stability of the structure of the protein molecule. They activate various enzymes that are necessary to supply oxygen to the heart and skeletal muscles.

The nutritional complex of amino acids is highly appreciated by bodybuilding athletes. According to them, it helps restore muscles after training and build them. BCAAs are also used by marathon athletes. The complex increases endurance and accelerates recovery after exercise.

Valine, instructions for use

Valine in combination with other amino acids must be taken according to the instructions for the drug, which indicate the dosage. They may vary depending on the manufacturer. As a rule, for 2 parts leucine there is one part valine and one part isoleucine. The dosage is calculated based on leucine - 33 g per kg of body weight. For a person weighing about 80 kg, approximately 5 g of the drug should be consumed.

Admission procedure:

  • during training - 20 minutes before meals or immediately after training;
  • if the workout lasts more than an hour, take additional doses between exercises;
  • during rest - half the usual dose in the morning, immediately after waking up.

The drug is washed down with fruit juice, because fructose improves its absorption.

Harm and side effects

A negative reaction to drugs with valine occurs in people with individual intolerance to the amino acid itself or other components of the complex. In this case, harm can occur with varying degrees of intensity - from allergies to kidney failure.

Side effects From taking it there is nausea and vomiting, headaches, chills, and tachycardia.


Overdoses of drugs containing valine are extremely dangerous because they have a strong effect on the functioning of the liver and kidneys. Too much interest in amino acid complexes is fraught with the development of kidney failure, impaired heart function, and a sharp decline. blood pressure up to a state of shock.

An overdose can be assumed if hallucinations appear, breaths become unusually deep at normal frequency, swelling occurs, body weight decreases sharply or, conversely, increases.

Interaction with other substances

When taking valine preparations, you must remember that it impairs the absorption of tryptophan and tyrosine. If the doctor recommended all three substances, then you should first take valine, and an hour later - tyrosine and tryptophan. If there is not enough valine in the body, then the absorption of other incoming amino acids worsens.

Fructose from juices stimulates the production of pancreatic enzymes that help absorb valine. Taking amino acids goes well with eating “slow” carbohydrates – cereals, baked goods made from wholemeal flour.

Preparations containing

In pharmaceutical preparations, valine is most often used in combination with other amino acids.

Where valine is found is described in the table below.

For more information about the properties of the BCAA complex, see the video below.
