Losing weight on a rowing machine. Rowing machine benefits and harms. Rowing machine - reviews from those who have lost weight

Zozhnik publishes a translation of the mensfitness.com guide to the rowing machine (with ready-made workouts), made by our friends from bodyboss.ru.

Have you noticed that the rowing machine, also known as an ergometer, very often gathers dust in the corner of the gym, unused? Remember how Frank and Claire Underwood used such machines for training in the TV series House of Cards. You've probably even tried training on such a simulator. But most likely you used it incorrectly.

Full body workout

Training on a rowing machine is incredibly effective for the entire body, it allows the athlete to develop aerobic endurance And muscle strength. At the same time, lack of proper technique and training among gym goers can lead to injuries when using the rowing machine incorrectly.

So we turned to the top rowing experts in the United States at the University of California, Berkeley - head coach Mike Teti and assistant coach Scott Frandsen - and asked them to tell us everything there is to know about the rowing machine. Both specialists are medalists Olympic Games(Aunts are like athletes and coaches) and have a great idea of ​​what needs to be done in gym and on the water to achieve the shape of a gold medalist.

Mike Teti, rowing expert

To make the most of your time on the rowing machine, you should:

– Incorporate ergometer exercises into your standard fitness program.

– avoid the most common mistakes and constantly pay attention to the technical component of your movements during training, even if you feel tired.

– spend some time getting to know the rowing machine and its settings.

Rowing machine: technique

Olympic rowers and experienced collegiate rowers perform strokes with effortless strokes that appear as if even a child could do it. However, this opinion is far from reality, since rowing movements have many nuances and it can take you years to master. correct technique on the water.

Fortunately, for those who work out at the gym, the rowing machine is not a fancy machine, and you can master it with basic technical knowledge and a little practice.


“Catch” is the beginning of the stroke. “This is the point of full compression where the athlete begins to gain momentum for the stroke,” Teti says. If you were on a real rowing boat, you could see how at this point in the stroke the oar enters the water and "captures" the resistance of the weight of the water.


The “dive” is the main part of the stroke, during which the legs move first, followed by the back and, at the very end of the movement, the arms join in to complete the stroke.

Among the most common errors it is worth noting doing rows with your arms first, as well as spreading the shoulders until the legs are completely lowered.

“I always compare this movement to a barbell clean and emphasize the importance of maintaining the correct body angle (posture, straight back!) while lowering your legs and accelerating the movement of your body and arms,” notes Frandsen.


This is the final part of the stroke. After completing the entire sequence, you should “assume a sitting position with your legs straight and the handle of the erg pressed horizontally to your lower chest,” as Teti states.


It's time to relax! From the final position of the stroke, you must first spread your arms to the sides, then return your legs to a bent position (shoulders should be located in front of your hips) and finally spread your knees, taking the initial “grab” position.

“This movement must be performed simultaneously to avoid excessive rigidity of the body, however the handle should extend beyond your knees before you begin to bend your legs, so the handle doesn’t have to rise with the legs,” notes Teti.

It is also useful to keep in mind that the handle should remain horizontal throughout the stroke and recovery, and not swing from side to side.

Body position

“I always try to emphasize the need for sudden changes in position as a result of moving the hips, not the back. This is a critical condition to eliminate the risk of injury. It will also put you in a better position for the next stroke,” says Frandsen.

Even if you start to get tired or fatigued, do not allow yourself to slouch or fall into the grip as you move, and be aware of how your chest rises as you grip.

Here's what it looks like in motion:

Again, note that the legs move first (arms straight), then the back engages (maintain posture, arms still straight) and in the final phase of the movement the arms bend to complete the stroke.

Rowing machine - device

Load settings

A very common mistake is the tendency to set the maximum load, but Frandsen completely disagrees with this: “In the 18 years that I have been rowing, I have never set the load level above 3-4 out of 10. Anything above this level imposes excessive stress on the body at the start of the stroke and can lead to injury.”

He recommends keeping the load low and practicing grip position and speed to learn how to handle the resistance of the water, rather than relying on the machine as the only source of load.

Time interval

“Split” determines how long it will take you to cover a distance of 500 meters. For example, if you set the “split” to 1 minute 45 seconds, then you need to row with enough effort to cover 500 meters in that time.

“This is a great way to make sure your training (and technique) is delivering results while reducing your time to complete the course,” Frandsen replies. You can use workout programs by selecting the "Select Workout" option and then clicking the " New workout", after which all you have to do is enter data on working intervals based on time and distance, as well as the duration of rest between approaches.


Menu of one of the most popular rowing machines.

The most modern models rowing machines manufactured by Concept 2 have a screen with various options that allow you to determine the data and numbers that you will see during your workout.

Using the menu, you can control the calories you burn and the energy you generate, but "most rowers use the screen to control the time it takes them to complete a 500-meter course or a simple time period," notes Teti.

The number that stands for SPM– number of strokes per minute. Generally, the length of time and stroke rate are inversely proportional, meaning that as the stroke rate increases, the length of time will decrease.

Rowing machine workouts

During training, not only is maintaining proper technique critical, but also the need to ensure that “you are warmed up enough to perform the workout, especially regarding strength training" says Frandsen.

Below we provide ready-made workouts– choose one of them for yourself if you are a beginner.

Strength training 20 strokes

Approaches: 2
Reps: 8
Speed: 20-24 strokes per minute

Perform 20 strokes with maximum speed, maintaining perfect technique, then perform 10 strokes in a relaxed manner, with minimal intensity. Congratulations, you've completed one rep.

You need to do 8 such repetitions - this will be 1 approach.

The speed when performing fast strokes should be 20-24 strokes per minute. The goal is to achieve a minimum period of time for each repetition of 20 strokes.

Use strokes with minimal intensity between repetitions to achieve correct position body and restoration of range of motion.

Take a short break, no more than 6 minutes, between sets.

Rowing – 1 minute work, 1 minute rest

Approaches: 3
Repetitions: 5

Speed: 18, 20, 22, 24, 26 (+2 for each rep, each set).

Perform strokes for 1 minute with maximum intensity and strength, then rest for 1 minute with light strokes.

1 minute of work + 1 minute of rest = 1 repetition.

Complete 5 repetitions, after which you can take a break for a few minutes before moving on to the next set.

Likewise, the goal of this exercise is to achieve a minimum amount of time to complete the strokes. The stroke speeds are 18, 20, 22, 24 and 26 for the first set; 20, 22, 24, 26 and 28 for the second approach; 22, 24, 26, 28 and 30 for the third set.

Rowing 1000 meters

Approaches: 4
Rest: 7 minutes between sets

There is no prescribed stroke speed for this exercise (just go the distance), but it is important to ensure that you maintain the full stroke length. You should not shorten the amplitude of movement when rowing, as this will negatively affect body position and technique.

The goal is to maintain the lowest possible time average while maintaining sprint speed, which is difficult to maintain at long distance, for all 4 segments. According to Frandes, you can make progress by "using every second of rest to ensure that every part of the race is completed to the best of your ability."

Rowing for 8 minutes

Approaches: 3
Rest: 6 minutes between each set
Speed: first 4 minutes - 24 strokes per minute, next 2 minutes - 26 strokes per minute, last 2 minutes - 28 strokes per minute.

These segments take place at moderate intensity, followed by long rest intervals. As with the 1000m, you should make the most of your rest periods to ensure you get the most out of the sections.

Each working segment is divided into 3 parts, which means that the duration of the time segment for a distance of 500 meters must be reduced.

Rowing for 10 minutes

Approaches: 3
Rest: 3 minutes between each set
Speed: first 3 minutes – 20 strokes per minute, next 4 minutes – 22 strokes per minute, remaining 3 minutes – 24 strokes per minute.

We are now starting to reduce the intensity and increase the volume of work, which will help improve overall endurance and stamina. Execute this exercise at a more or less constant pace, then rest for 3 minutes. The intensity of the work for this exercise is lower, so you can focus on technique and maintaining proper body position, as well as increasing the length of your stroke.

Rowing 3000 meters

Approaches: 3
Rest: 4 minutes between each set
Speed: 1000 meters - 20 strokes per minute, 1000 meters - 22 strokes per minute, 1000 meters - 24 strokes per minute

Perform this exercise at a constant pace. Stick to the prescribed stroke rate and continue to work on improving your stroke length and body position.

Rowing for 20 minutes

Approaches: 2
Rest: 5 minutes between sets
Speed: first 5 minutes - 20 strokes per minute, next 10 minutes - 22 strokes per minute, last 5 minutes - 24 strokes per minute.

This is a standard rowing exercise designed to increase the amount of work done at a constant pace. The focus needs to be on maintaining a consistent time for the 500m (not too long and not too short), as well as technique and stroke length.

Rowing for 15 minutes

Approaches: 3
Rest: 3 minutes between sets
Speed: first 5 minutes - 20 strokes per minute, next 5 minutes - 22 strokes per minute, last 5 minutes - 24 strokes per minute

Continue to increase volume with low stroke rates and short rest intervals.

Rowing machine- This is one of those exercise machines that can be installed at home. It does not take up much space and is affordable. The rowing machine not only brings benefits to the body, but with its help you can lose weight.

When exercising on a rowing machine, the back muscles are mainly worked. Nowadays there are quite a lot of slender girls and women. But with posture the situation worsens every year. Lack of movement and a sedentary lifestyle leads to curvature of the spine in different directions, stoop, osteochondrosis. The general condition of a person depends on the health of the spine. Curvatures often lead to decreased brain activity, metabolic disorders, poor digestion and many other unpleasant diseases. A beautiful posture– this is the key to a good figure. Even excess weight may not be so noticeable if a woman has a beautiful straight back. In this case, the chest looks higher and more voluminous, the stomach is drawn in, and the shoulders proudly unfold. Even the gait itself changes.

What kind of rowing machine is this?

So what is a rowing machine? This is a device that allows you to simulate rowing a boat. Using it, you repeat exactly the same movements that you would make when rowing with oars. In some models you can find fun details that bring you as close as possible to real rowing conditions. The handles are made in the form of oars, and there is a built-in fan in the front that imitates a fresh breeze.

Now rowing machines are produced in two types - mechanical and magnetic. The first ones are quite simple and cheap. But magnetic ones are many times more expensive, but they also have more functions. They allow you to easily change the load, operate smoothly and silently.

What muscles work during exercise?

It's no secret that rowers have very beautiful and courageous figures. Broad shoulders, a strong back attracts the attention of many representatives of the fair sex. Of course, we don't need such an effect. Yet rowing machines are equally beneficial for men and women.

When working on a rowing machine, the muscles of the back, shoulder complex, abs and even hips are worked. Thus, almost the whole body works. Thanks to such loads, fat is burned smoothly and evenly. And they are replaced by beautiful ones strong muscles. Regular training increases endurance, helps stimulate the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, and speeds up metabolism, which is also necessary for burning fat.

Since training on a rowing machine regulates the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, they are classified as cardio exercises. Therefore they can be combined with strength exercises to enhance your fat burning and muscle building performance. If it is enough for you to strengthen your body and give it an attractive appearance, you can limit yourself to a rowing machine.

There is an opinion that the rowing machine increases the muscles in the arms. In fact, when used correctly, the load is evenly distributed between the muscles of the back, abs and shoulder girdle. Therefore, you don’t have to be afraid of the effect “ big hands" The only limitation is problems with the spine. However, with a slight curvature such loads will not interfere at all. On the contrary, a rowing machine will be beneficial in this case, strengthening the back muscles and straightening the spine. But it’s better to start training under the supervision of an experienced person who will tell you how to properly exercise on a rowing machine, how to position yourself, select the load and perform the movements.


Rowing machines have many advantages. This is the optimal combination of price, quality and ergonomics. They take up little space, but their effectiveness is higher than that of conventional exercises. Even a child can understand how the simulator works. Modern magnetic models have a built-in computer control system that allows you to change any settings very quickly and easily. You can develop and set an optimal training program for yourself. But the most important advantage is its indispensability when losing weight. In one short workout you can burn about 800 kcal. It is even recommended for obese people.

How to use a rowing machine correctly

How to properly exercise on a rowing machine? There are some rules. You need to start with a light warm-up. Do simple exercises that will stretch your joints and warm up your muscles. After this, it will be easier for you to start rowing, and the risk of getting a sprain will disappear.

It is very important not to slouch while doing exercises. The back should be perfectly straight. You need to lean back as far as possible. The angle between the back and the floor should be approximately 45 degrees. This will distribute the load evenly.

You should not make sudden movements. Each deviation and return to the starting position should be performed smoothly and not very quickly. What is important here is not so much the number of approaches and speed, but endurance training. You should feel every muscle.

As you row, try to transfer the tension from your back to your buttocks and thighs. But you shouldn’t strain your knees too much.

The optimal training time is 50 minutes. During this time you should do 3 sets of exercises. Each lasts 10 minutes, the rest time between them is also 10 minutes.

Unprepared people should start with short training. You can set the time for the approaches yourself. You can gradually increase this time, and with it the load. Classes should be regular, daily. It is enough to miss one day, followed by another and another. And all the work will be done in vain.

What are the health benefits

What can you say about the health benefits of a rowing machine? After just a month of training, you will notice the first results. Any regular exercise improve well-being and mood. You will feel that your body has become stronger and more flexible. Your skin color will improve. If inflammation occurs, it will decrease or disappear altogether, and more collagen, responsible for youthful skin, will begin to be produced.

In a few months, your body will acquire an attractive shape. The back will become straight, movements will become graceful. Some diseases associated with a passive lifestyle may even go away. You will be less worried about migraines and pressure changes, and you will have more energy for movement and new things. Well, she's slim fit figure lifts the mood of any woman and attracts admiring glances of the opposite sex.

What other benefits are there from a rowing machine? By exercising regularly on a rowing machine, you can be sure that your respiratory and circulatory systems will be in order. You can prevent the development of many diseases yourself and maintain youth by spending just one hour a day on training.

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Pros and cons of training on a simulator

Rowing machines are not as popular as treadmills or bicycles, although they are no less useful. And in terms of fat burning, rowing helps you get rid of extra calories much faster.


The following positive points are highlighted:

  • during work, almost all major human muscle groups are involved (legs, buttocks, pectoral, back, abs, arms, shoulders);
  • high calorie consumption (about 8 kcal per minute);
  • acceleration of metabolism.


We can talk about the following negative aspects of using the simulator:

  • intensive work will not allow you to engage in extraneous activities, watch TV and be distracted, since the movement technique is quite complex;
  • also provides power load on muscles, so not everyone can effectively burn calories on such a simulator.

What muscles work?

The following groups are involved in the work:

  • body: back muscles - rectus abdominis, rhomboids, latissimus, as well as arm muscles (including biceps), chest muscles, shoulder girdle, less - abdominal Press;
  • Bottom part body (to a lesser extent): quadriceps, buttocks.

Grip options

The execution is varied by alternating grips:

In addition, by changing the position of the hands, it is possible to redirect the load to different muscle groups.

Execution technique

So that classes bring maximum benefit, you have to learn the technique of movements. Strengthening your back and improving your silhouette occurs in 3–4 months. The stroke consists of two phases:

  • craving;
  • return.


The lower limbs are straightened, the body is tilted back. The back and legs are mainly loaded. Arms are straightened, shoulders relaxed. At the end of the movement, the arms are bent and the shoulders are extended. The body is slightly tilted, the legs are straightened. The handle is pulled towards the abdominal muscles.


Move forward, starting from the hip. The projectile seat moves towards the flywheel mechanism, and the trajectory upper limbs does not intersect with the trajectory of the lower ones.

Every time before training, do a warm-up to increase blood circulation and prepare the body for further stress.

The normal duration of training on a rowing machine is: 50 minutes. During this time, the athlete manages to complete three sets of exercises.

Classes begin with 20 minutes, gradually extending them. The load regulator (if provided by the model) is set to the lowest level. The main goal when mastering the installation is to tone the body.

Intense and long-term training is contraindicated during this period. A sign that you can increase the load is the absence of muscle discomfort.

Most common mistakes that result in diseases of the musculoskeletal system:

  • when performing movements, the load falls on the knees, which leads to the development of joint disease;
  • keep your back bent;
  • make sudden movements or suddenly stop the exercise.

Stop training if your health worsens in any way - weakness, dizziness, nausea appear. Despite the benefits of the rowing simulator, people with certain heart and vascular diseases and cerebrovascular disorders are not allowed to participate in training.

Postponed training until recovery in case of acute bacterial and viral respiratory tract infections, high body temperature, or general malaise. Before starting training, consultation with a doctor is necessary if you have chronic illnesses or are over 35 years old.

Exercises and training program

The basic complex includes short And long stroke. The exercises are performed in 3 sets, each with 10–20 repetitions.

Short stroke

Starting position (hereinafter referred to as I.P.): sitting, lower limbs bent in knee joint, feet are secured with straps. Arms extended forward, grip straight. Slowly push off with your feet, move backwards, and at the end point pull you towards chest hands. Smoothly return to I.P.

Long stroke

IP: as with a short stroke, but the feet are fastened with straps so that the heels are slightly torn off the stop. The back is slightly rounded, the head is pulled forward, the arms are straightened, straight grip on the handles.

Push off with the front of the foot, moving backward, straightening the torso. At the same time, bend your elbows and pull the handle towards your collarbones. Smoothly return to I.P.

The more you straighten your torso when performing the first phase of the exercise, the more your back and abdominal muscles are loaded.

Accented triceps training

IP: sit on the seat with your back forward, your legs are placed on the sides of the bench, resting on the floor, bent at the knees. Hands bent in elbow joints and pulled back behind the head, hold on to the handle. The arms are gradually straightened perpendicularly upward, giving a load to the triceps, then at the same pace they are returned to the starting position.

Targeted development of deltoid muscles

I.P.: standing in front of the simulator, legs spaced shoulder-width apart, back not rounded. The handle is held with palms down. Raise your arms until they form a parallel with the floor surface and lower them.

Training scheme

Take a 5-10 minute break between approaches. This time is intended for active rest, which involves stretching and light exercises to prevent the muscles from cooling down.

  • Exercises on a rowing simulator not only develop the muscular skeleton, but also bring other benefits - they strengthen and develop contractility muscle fibers, normalize the functioning of the circulatory system, improve metabolism and tissue nutrition, and stimulate the immune system.
  • In 60 minutes of rowing you can burn from 480 to 800 kcal. Even people suffering from significant obesity are allowed to participate in such training.
  • Other authors

Typically, those who do not have time or money to go to the gym buy exercise equipment for home. Fortunately, sports stores are replete with them, and there is plenty to choose from. Those who are purchasing equipment with the goal of losing weight should pay attention to the rowing machine. It is very suitable for combating extra pounds, since the intensity of the load on it is very high. The exercise machine allows you to actively burn calories.

Regular physical exercise on the body only help it stay in good shape. But with the help of a type of simulator such as a rowing machine, this is much easier to do. It has a great advantage over other options, as it allows you to work most muscle groups. The main load is received by the muscles of the back, shoulder girdle, arms, and abs.

The rowing machine also has a positive effect on health. Exercises with this device help develop endurance and have a positive effect on the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. In addition, the device helps to correct posture.

But in addition to pumping muscles and improving the health of the body, it effectively fights overweight. The rowing machine is considered one of the most effective in this regard. If you exercise on it for an hour, you can burn as much as 900 calories. This is more than with regular running and Nordic walking.

Disadvantages of the device

Although the rowing machine is very effective method losing weight, it also has its disadvantages. Firstly, it has contraindications. It is not recommended to exercise on the simulator for people who have problems with the spine, heart or respiratory system. It can be traumatic for them.

Also, exercising on a rowing machine is unlikely to appeal to those who like a variety of activities. Only those who are ready to endure monotonous loads can sit on such a device for a whole hour.

Since the simulator is mainly aimed at working out the muscles of the upper body, with prolonged use it can upset the proportions of the body. But this is easy to avoid. You just need to include in your training program exercises that help pump up the muscles of the legs and buttocks.

Another disadvantage of the rowing device is the need to master the correct exercise technique. This is not an exercise bike or treadmill, which do not require practicing movements. To achieve a truly significant result on a rowing machine, you must first spend some time mastering the technique.

What to look for when choosing to study at home

There are several types of rowing machine. Mechanical, magnetic and electromagnetic are distinguished. Each of them has certain features and differs in price.

It is believed that for those who have just started playing sports and want to buy such a home exercise machine for weight loss, a mechanical one is best suited. Plus, it's the least expensive option, so anyone can afford it. In terms of its dimensions, it is not very large, it will easily fit in an apartment. But its functions are limited, for example, it shows only part of the data on the display. It is also quite noisy and does not have smooth movements.

Another option is a magnetic rowing machine. It is similar in many ways to the mechanical variety, but one of its main differences is a different way of regulating the load. In addition, it is smoother and easily helps to work all muscle groups.

Of course, the most ideal option is an electromagnetic rowing machine. When exercising on it, you feel absolutely no jerks, it works silently and lasts a very long time. Such a simulator is unlikely to be suitable for beginners with a low level of physical training. After all, its main goal is to create conditions as close as possible to those that exist during real rowing.

Electromagnetic rowing machine

To choose the right exercise machine that will help you lose weight, it is important to pay attention to some parameters. The ideal set of features is:

  • in order not to worry about the fact that the charge may suddenly run out in the middle of a workout, it is better to choose the option with a built-in generator;
  • there should be the possibility of stepwise regulation of the load level;
  • it is important that a device is present that measures heart rate;
  • the display of the simulator should display the most basic data that needs to be monitored during exercise: heart rate, distance traveled, number of calories burned, time, rowing movements;
  • for the convenience of performing exercises, it is important that the seat and handles are adjustable;
  • A useful bonus to the simulator will be a fat analyzer, which will allow you to monitor the progress of your workouts in real time.

Not available on any rowing machine full list all parameters. But if the presence of any of them is not fundamentally important, you can buy an option that will work without them.

About the Waterrower Classic 300 S4 rowing machine, watch this video:

How to train at home for beginners

Before you start exercising on the rowing machine itself for weight loss, you need to prepare your body for the upcoming loads. To do this, you need to do a warm-up, which includes doing the following exercises:

  • training in proper breathing;
  • tilting and rotating the head in different directions;
  • alternate swings of arms;
  • rotation of the hands, elbows, shoulders forward and backward;
  • tilts in different directions;
  • rotation of the body in a circle;
  • 30 squats;
  • lunges on the right and left leg 15 times;
  • rotation of the feet and legs at the knees.

After a thorough warm-up, you can proceed to the rowing machine itself. Classes there are nothing complicated or unusual. You just need to adjust the seat and handles correctly and start training.

Expert opinion

Yulia Mikhailova

Nutrition expert

Experts recommend starting weight loss exercises at a slow pace. If you start exercising too intensely on a rowing machine without a sufficient level of physical fitness, you can cause musculoskeletal injuries. Also, if a sharp feeling of weakness or dizziness appears, you need to interrupt the lesson.

Since this simulator involves cardio exercise, it is necessary to monitor your heart rate. The pulse should be more than 120 beats per minute. Beginners in sports are recommended to exercise no more than 20 minutes. And for those who have a sufficient level of physical fitness, the training should be extended to an hour.

It is also important to note that the session does not have to be continuous. The best option is to split the workout into several approaches of 10 minutes. As for the regularity of exercises, you should use the device at least three times a week.

You can lose weight using a rowing machine only if you follow the technique of doing the exercise. It's not difficult to learn how to do it correctly. First of all, you need to take a comfortable position, grab and bend your knees. Next, they should be straightened, and the shoulders should be brought into a relaxed state, and the body should be tilted back. Then return to the starting position.

The movements should be performed smoothly, without jerking. It is also important to ensure that the oars are at stomach level. The workout ends with stretching.

Exercises to increase the load

For those who find a regular session on a rowing machine not enough, you can add a little variety to it. Complex special exercises will increase the load, as well as pump up all muscle groups. To enhance the effect you need to do the following:

  • It is necessary to fix the movable seat of the exercise machine in the extreme position, place your toes on it, and rest your hands on the floor. Knees bent. Start straightening your legs, moving the seat as far away from you as possible. This exercise resembles a plank and helps develop the muscles of the abs, back, buttocks, and thighs.
  • Stand at the edge of the machine, bend over, and rest your hands on the seat. Roll it away from you, keeping your back straight and your knees straight. In terms of load, the exercise is similar to regular push-ups.
  • The next task is performed from the same position, but now you need to put one leg on the seat. Start moving it away from you, gradually straightening it. The other leg, which is the supporting leg, bends at the knee.
  • Now you need to turn your back to the machine. Place one leg on the seat and begin to move it back away from you. The second bends at the knee.
  • You need to lie on your back at the edge of the machine. Place your feet on the seat. Lift your pelvis off the floor about 45 degrees. Start moving the seat away with your feet without lowering your body.

The proposed complex may become an option self-training, or can complement and diversify the main activity. The exercises included in it will strengthen the leg muscles, which usually receive less stress when working with the apparatus.

To lose weight while working out at home, you can purchase a rowing machine. With regular exercise, it will allow you to quickly get rid of excess weight, will keep the muscles of the whole body in good shape. The main thing is not to skip workouts and maintain a proper diet.

Useful video

Watch this video about the main mistakes when exercising on a rowing machine:

The rowing machine is sports simulator simulating rowing. Unlike most other cardio machines, rowing machines work the muscles of the back, shoulders, biceps, abs, and a variety of other core and upper body muscles, not just the legs (like a treadmill, elliptical, or exercise bike). ). It is due to this fact that the rowing machine is one of the most used exercise machines in the world.

From an anatomical point of view, the mechanics of rowing machine training (and rowing in general) resemble exercise deadlift- one of the key multi-joint ones. Since this exercise is responsible for developing the back muscles (including strengthening the spine) and creating powerful arms, regular training on the rowing machine can easily create a truly athletic figure.

Pros of a rowing machine

  • Involving the upper half of the body in the work (usually cardio equipment mainly loads the legs).
  • Development of strength characteristics of the back muscles.
  • Improving performance of cardio-vascular system.
  • Positive impact on.

What muscles work when rowing?

Regular training on a rowing machine not only actively involves almost all the muscles of the body, but also improves the tone of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems of the body. In fact, no other exercise machine is capable of showing comparable results - especially in the segment of inexpensive home exercise equipment.

First of all, the rowing machine develops the upper half of the body - the shoulder girdle, pectoral muscles, muscles of the back and arms. However, the muscles of the anterior and back surface hips and gluteal muscles, and part of the load falls on the abs and core muscles (especially when correct technique ).

Rowing machine for home

All modern rowing machines are divided into four types - hydraulic, magnetic, air and water. The price of the simplest mechanical rowing machine with hydraulics is approximately 10-15 thousand rubles, a high-quality hydraulic one - about 25-30 thousand rubles, a magnetic one - from 60-80 thousand rubles. A water rowing machine is even more expensive.

Despite the fact that magnetic and water trainers imitate the direct rowing technique much more accurately (in essence, they allow you to move more smoothly), they are significantly larger in size than hydraulic ones. That is why compact hydraulic exercise machines, which are often foldable, are more suitable for home use, which will greatly facilitate the storage process. In turn, water-powered rowing machines are used primarily in elite fitness centers.

Rowing technique on a rowing machine

1. Capture. The starting point of movement on a rowing machine is similar to a squat. The back is straight, the legs are tense and clenched, the arms are extended, the fingers hold the handle tightly. The body is slightly tilted, the chest is open and looking forward, the abs are tense, latissimus muscles backs are relaxed.
2. Push. The movement begins with pushing off with the strength of the leg muscles and activating the shoulder girdle. Next, the biceps is activated, pulling the handle of the exercise machine towards the stomach. The back muscles open, pushing the chest forward. At the same time, the muscles of the thighs and buttocks straighten the leg at the knee.
3. Traction. The abdominal muscles are involved in the work, stabilizing the body position; buttocks and thigh muscles are tense. The arms, using the force of the biceps, pull the handle even closer to the belt - at the same time, the chest is pushed even further forward to increase the amplitude of movement.
4. Recovery. The handle, held by the force of the triceps, moves forward. Next, bending slightly, the body moves forward (the abdominal muscles are tense and the back is straight). Only after this do the legs bend at the knees. The movement ends in the starting grip position.

Rowing technique: animation

When training on a rowing machine, it is extremely important to bring the rowing technique to automaticity, and the easiest way to learn how to do this is to count the phases of the movement. Once- legs push off, arms relaxed. Two(handle on the knee line) - the arms begin to pull, the body leans back. Three- the back opens, the hands pull the handle even closer to the belt.

It is also recommended to return to the starting position with phase counting. Once- arms go forward, supporting the weight with the triceps, the back is slightly tilted back. Two- the body leans forward, the abs are tense. Three- the movement is transferred to the legs, the knees bend. And, as FitSeven mentioned above, don’t forget to breathe deeply - inhale as you pull in, exhale as you push out.

Rowing machine training program

Creating a program for training on a rowing machine is not that difficult, but it is best to combine this machine with other activities. Start with 10 minutes of rowing with a regular grip (palms facing down). In your next workout, alternate 5-7 minutes of a regular grip and 5-7 minutes of a reverse grip (palms facing up). Take a short break while changing grip.

Also experiment with rowing speed and resistance level settings on the rowing machine. Don't forget that every 15 minutes of training, it is recommended to take a break of 30-60 seconds to stretch your back and legs - do a set of push-ups or squats with body weight. Ideally, alternate between a rowing machine and an elliptical or. It is in this variation that rowing is most often used in crossfit and other functional training.

Rowing machine: main technical mistakes

A typical mistake in the technique of using a rowing machine is involving completely the wrong muscles that should be working. Instead of pulling with their arms, many people hunch over and begin to pull with the strength of their back muscles. However, this is completely wrong - your back should be open and your chest slightly forward when training on a rowing machine.

The second common mistake is poor engagement of the abdominal and core muscles, as well as shallow breathing during rowing. Remember that throughout your workout, you should also try to inhale and exhale as much air as possible from your lungs - and never hold your breath.


The rowing machine is one of the best home cardio equipment that allows you not only to burn calories and improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system (with proper and deep breathing), but also to develop an athletic figure with powerful back and pumped up arms. However, correct rowing technique is a key point in training.
