Organization of sports sections at school. Mass sports work at school Organization of mass sports work at school

In one of the articles we have already mentioned the Methodological Recommendations for the Organization of Sports Training in the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Recommendations), communicated by the Letter of the Ministry of Sports of Russia dated May 12, 2014 N VM-04-10/2554. Continuing the conversation, we will talk about ensuring the activities of an institution engaged in sports training. What does it take for athletes to be first on the podium?

When working with a document, it is always important to determine its place in the regulatory framework, since its application (mandatory or advisory), as well as the use of other clarifying acts, often depends on this.

If we turn to the Law on Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation<1>, then the phrase “sports training” is practically not mentioned in it. It only says what the sports training program is. This is a step-by-step plan for training individuals in a sport (sports disciplines), defining the main directions and conditions of sports training at each stage, developed and implemented by the organization providing sports training, in accordance with the requirements of federal standards for such training. Today, these standards have been approved for almost all sports. They have almost everything related to sports training, while little attention is paid to the organization of this event. In part, this is a common issue for all sports, therefore, in order not to clutter the standards of sports training, the industry department rationally decided to include this in a separate document - the Recommendations discussed in the article.

The question arises: are they mandatory or optional for sports institutions to use? On the one hand, the status of the letter suggests that the Recommendations are not a mandatory act, especially since they were adopted not for the purpose of implementing any specific norm of the Law on Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation, but in order to ensure the unity of the basic requirements for the organization of sports preparation. That is, this is not a by-law with direct effect. On the other hand, for lack of anything better, the “non-bindingness” of the Recommendations acquires the character of a voluntary-compulsory document (as, for example, this happens with letters from the financial regulator - the Bank of Russia, the explanations of which are accepted by credit institutions as practically mandatory). The above is also confirmed by the fact that the Recommendations are intended for a wide range of users: from authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments to managers and specialists of organizations providing sports training. In particular, the Recommendations are proposed as a basis for the development of regulatory legal acts of public legal entities (the Russian Federation, a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a municipal entity) and local regulatory acts of organizations providing sports training. Thus, there is every reason to at least study this document, and whether to apply it or not is up to the person who is responsible for sports training in the institution of physical culture and sports, as well as in other sports organizations.

Select what you need

The Ministry of Sports Recommendations are a fairly voluminous document, and an accountant at a sports institution has neither the energy nor the time to study it. Therefore, it is necessary to highlight from it what may be of particular interest to a financial worker. Below in the diagram we present the main sections of the Recommendations described in the contents.

Of the designated sections, the section devoted to the formation of a system of remuneration for employees of organizations providing sports training is primarily relevant to the accountant. Another “accounting” section is ensuring the activities of those who provide such training. This is not only logistical support, but also its other types, which also require the diversion of resources, including financial ones, for which the accountant is responsible. All other sections are more related to organizational and technical issues, so we will not consider them.

What are the types of sports training provision?

Institutions providing sports training participate in organizing work on the development of physical culture and sports among various groups of the population, create conditions for the protection and promotion of the health of athletes and other persons participating in sports competitions and training events, and provide athletes and coaches with the necessary conditions for training.

Personnel decides everything

This employer motto is relevant for many institutions and organizations. Staffing begins with drawing up and developing a staffing schedule. The introduction of additions to it, as well as the approval of the hiring of specific employees (including deputy directors, chief accountant) by the founder of the institution is not provided for by law. These issues fall within the competence of the head (director) of the institution providing sports training. At the same time, it is recommended to determine the maximum staffing level of the coaching staff on the basis of a consolidated staffing plan for the organization providing sports training, approved by the founder and formed on the basis of staffing plans for each sport separately. And in order to standardize approaches to determining staffing levels and forming unified approaches to the organizational structure of institutions providing sports training, officials in the Recommendations proposed a special step-by-step methodology.

An important role when working with personnel is played by advanced training and professional training (retraining) of workers. Such events are planned by physical education and sports institutions independently. At the same time, advanced training for teaching staff should be carried out at least once every three years, for other specialists - at least once every four years, and for heads (their deputies) of sports institutions - at least once every five years. It is better to develop a local act (regulations on advanced training, professional training and retraining of personnel), which stipulates the number of employees sent for training at the expense of the budget, categories of employees who can study on their own initiative and at their own expense.

It is worth saying a few words about such an event as certification. It is carried out to establish the employee’s suitability for the position held, as well as to assign qualification categories. The Ministry of Sports recommends establishing the following qualification categories for coaches and instructor-methodologists who are not teaching staff, traditionally established in the sports training system: second, first, highest. Certification of teaching staff is carried out in accordance with legislation in the field of education. The Ministry of Sports even presented a Recommended Model for developing regulations on employee certification (see Appendix 2 to the Recommendations).

Certification of employees is designed to help improve the level of professional skills and competence, qualifications, improve the quality and efficiency of work of managers, coaching staff and other employees, and optimal placement of personnel. At the same time, persons who do not have special training or work experience, but have sufficient practical experience and perform their job duties efficiently and in full, on the recommendation of the certification commission, are appointed to the appropriate positions in the same way as persons with special training and experience work. This should also be taken into account when conducting certification of employees of a sports institution.

Finances decide no less

Financial support for the activities of organizations providing sports training is made from subsidies allocated for the implementation of state (municipal) tasks for the provision of state (municipal) services, and includes costs for the implementation of sports training programs. At the same time, officials admit that sports institutions, as non-profit organizations, can engage in entrepreneurial and other income-generating activities, including providing paid services (in excess of the task established by the founder).

Cash received as a result of commercial activities may flow to a sports institution as a result of:

— provision of paid services;

— voluntary donations from individuals and (or) legal entities;

— targeted financing in the form of grants.

At the same time, the implementation of entrepreneurial and other income-generating activities is possible only insofar as it serves the achievement of the goals for which the organization providing sports training was created. Simply put, the institution has the right to spend additional revenues on holding sporting events, that is, like subsidies, on fulfilling the founder’s assignment, namely:

— on the functioning and development of the organization;

— to carry out the training process, including sending people to sports competitions and training camps;

— for the purchase of sports equipment, inventory and sports equipment;

— for the purchase of household items;

— for material incentives for persons engaged in sports training (various types of allowances and additional payments for persons engaged in the training process).

The exception is targeted funds received in the form of grants, which sports institutions use according to the conditions determined by the grantor.

When funds for the organization of sports training come from two sources, the question arises in what percentage the funding should be distributed. You can, of course, do this after the fact, but it is difficult to determine revenue from business and other income-generating activities in advance. Therefore, officials of the Ministry of Sports propose for each stage of sports training the recommended ratio of support from the state (municipal) assignment and other funds received by the sports institution (Table 1, Section 2.3 of the Recommendations). It is interesting that the stages of higher sportsmanship are financed mainly from budgetary sources, while for the stages of initial sports training money should be sought from extra-budgetary sources. This distribution of funds can be explained by the fact that guaranteed budget funding should be provided for elite sports, while other sources are considered as additional funding.

You can’t do without science either

Scientific and methodological support of sports training is an important part of the activities of physical culture and sports institutions. Sports training programs alone are not enough here. Officials of the Ministry of Sports are calling on regional authorities to create sports reserve training centers or physical education and sports centers. In addition to their main (sports) activities, they can introduce new technologies into the training process, improve methodological activities in the field of physical culture and sports, as well as test pilot and experimental sports training programs.

In order to organize examinations of athletes and observations of the training process, as well as the selection of athletically gifted children, boys and girls, other consulting and analytical centers can be created. They will examine talents through testing. Introductory testing will involve an analysis of the initial indicators and natural data of the future athlete. The next, evaluative, testing affects the process of training activity (in the pre-competition and recovery periods of preparation). What remains is the main testing, which is carried out directly during the competitive period (at this stage by simulating the situation at control starts, runs, sparring, that is, when athletes work in the zone of competitive intensity).

It remains to add that the analysis of the results of testing and the work of the named centers (physical culture and sports and consulting and analytical) will help the coaching staff in assessing the effectiveness of the training process, in timely making adjustments to sports training programs and, in conjunction with indicators of competitive activity, in assessing the prospects of athletes.

What about logistics?

General conditions for the material and technical base and infrastructure of organizations providing sports training are established by federal standards of sports training for each sport. At the same time, according to the industry Law, a sports institution should take care of equipment, sports equipment, equipment (uniforms and shoes) for sports training. Also, as logistical support, administrative and utility rooms, a medical center and methodological rooms, and sports facilities are needed to the extent necessary for the quality of the training process.

On a note. Standards for the logistics of a sports institution are in the federal standards of sports training and in industry regulations<2>.

If the organization providing sports training does not have its own sports facilities, its founder is recommended to provide appropriate financing for the costs of renting (using) the necessary sports facilities. Taking into account the specifics of the work and in order to effectively provide sports training, institutions providing sports training may have specialized vehicles. It is recommended to reflect the cost standards for the maintenance and operation of vehicles in the order on the accounting policy of the institution, taking into account the specifics of its activities.

In a healthy body healthy mind

Medical support for sports training is provided by full-time medical workers and (or) employees of medical and physical education dispensaries (departments). The procedure for providing medical care during physical education and sports events is approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated August 9, 2010 N 613n. Organizations providing sports training can equip medical centers, sports medicine, physical therapy, physiotherapy, massage, and treatment rooms.

A mandatory condition for the admission of any person to sports training is passing a medical examination (Clause 1, Article 34.5 of the Law on Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation). But this is not enough; a sports institution cannot do without conducting an in-depth medical examination of athletes at least twice a year. And before participating in sports competitions, after an illness or injury, additional medical examinations will be needed. Medical and pedagogical observations in the process of sports training are also important in order to determine the individual response of athletes to training and competitive loads.

Another important element in ensuring the health of athletes is monitoring their nutrition and their use of restorative means, and following the recommendations of medical professionals. It is no secret that the results of athletes largely depend on proper nutrition (reimbursement of energy costs). When concluding agreements (contracts) for the supply of food products to canteens, it is advisable for customers to establish in the contracts the intended purpose of the supplied products - for the organization of sports nutrition and to mention the inadmissibility of using raw materials prohibited for use in sports nutrition in the manufacture of products.

Athletes are provided with food from funds allocated for the implementation of state (municipal) assignments, or funds received under a contract for the provision of sports training services. To organize meals (reimbursement of energy costs), it is recommended to calculate the average daily cost of food for one athlete according to the Recommended Methodology (Appendix 6 to the Recommendations). In order to ensure the correct preparation of diets and control over the preparation of dishes, a sports institution must include in the staffing table the position of a nutritionist (dietetic nurse).

It is prohibited to allow the diet of athletes to depend on the results of their performances at competitions and (or) other subjective indicators. At the same time, for athletes undergoing specialized sports training, the diet should be established depending on the calculated energy consumption and training load cycles, taking into account medical indications. For athletes with large physical dimensions, during the period of intensive sports training, for medical reasons, the diet should be increased within one and a half times the norm.

Summarize. The organization of sports training is a complex and multifaceted process in which all employees of physical culture and sports institutions participate. The financial officer needs to pay attention to what is associated with the financing and expenditure of funds, in particular to ensure the organization of sports training. Therefore, the accountant’s task is to provide funds for all types of support, planning the expenditure of money from the budget and extra-budgetary sources.


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Mass sport is a part of sport aimed at physical education and physical development of citizens through organized and (or) independent classes, as well as participation in physical education events and mass sports events. .

Extracurricular sports and physical education and health activities are one of the most important components of physical education at school.

Conducting physical education and sports events is the most important component of the process of physical education of students. The goals of these events are to promote physical culture and sports, to introduce students to systematic physical education. ex. and types of sports, summing up the results of physical education and sports work, active recreation.

School competitions are the most effective measure for increasing students’ physical fitness. The importance of sports competitions is especially great for the formation of moral and volitional qualities and character traits. Sports events are used to test the quality of educational, training and educational work. They also allow for a pedagogical influence on the audience.

Sport is an activity that serves the interests of society, implementing educational, preparatory, and communicative functions, but is not a person’s permanent specialty. This is most clearly expressed in children's sports, since the sports activities of students are extracurricular, provided for by state plans and programs as an academic discipline at school and are carried out through extracurricular and extracurricular forms of work, that is, on a purely voluntary basis.

Sports competitions are a vivid emotional spectacle. The pleasure of sports spectacles arises as a result of the participation of the spectator in them, who is attracted by the high level of development of motor qualities, the courageous, decisive actions of the participants, and their high achievements.

Almost all types of human activity are represented in sports: cognitive, value-oriented, communication, etc. Therefore, in the process of physical education, it is possible to actively shape the consciousness and behavior of people in the right direction. During sporting events, mental education of participants is carried out.

In the process of training, moral development also occurs in those involved in sports. It is aimed at developing in a person social and value qualities that determine his attitude towards other people, towards society, towards himself and together represent what is commonly called moral education. Games and sports competitions contain rich opportunities for the formation of norms of collective behavior. By mastering various team functions, students learn not only to organize their behavior, but also to actively influence the actions of their comrades, and perceive the tasks of the team as their own. Under the guidance of a teacher, such important moral qualities as responsibility to the team, a sense of duty, pride in the team’s success, etc. are strengthened.

The main objectives of any competition are:

Promoting health promotion, hardening and diversified development of students.

Raising them in the spirit of patriotism, collectivism and friendship, developing high moral and volitional qualities, increasing discipline and organization.

Wide development of individual sports at school and improvement of sports and technical results of students.

Summing up the results of educational and training work, identifying children’s interests in certain sports, attracting students to systematic physical education and sports, promoting and popularizing sports.

Chapter 1

Organization of sports activities at school.

Correctly organized physical education and health work at school is the basis for a healthy lifestyle and strengthening the health of students. In the context of a comprehensive school, great importance is attached to the motor mode of schoolchildren. The health and performance of students largely depends on its proper organization.

The rational organization of the motor regime meets the requirements of the time, to provide students with daily physical exercise.

A rational motor regimen should include all types of physical education and recreational work. Alternating them with educational activities ensures a high level of physical activity, to a certain extent reduces student fatigue and increases the efficiency of educational work.

Physical education means have different effects on mental tension and mental properties of the individual, in particular on aggressiveness and anxiety.

I.P. Pavlov also noted that people’s behavioral activity is social in nature. Of course, social conditions influence the emotions, behavior, character, and psyche of people, especially young people. And in the field of sports this is especially acute.

V.I. Malinak emphasizes in his research that further increasing the effectiveness of comprehensive physical education of schoolchildren is largely associated with improving methods of teaching children various forms of motor activity. However, the lack of consensus on many issues of the choice and effectiveness of various teaching methods and techniques used indicates that this issue has not been sufficiently studied.

The tree also needs evaporation and frequent refreshment with the help of winds, rains, and cold weather, otherwise it easily weakens and withers. In the same way, the human body requires strong movements in general, d activity and serious exercise. (Komensky Ya.).

The long-standing socio-economic instability in our country is clearly affecting schoolchildren. Students in difficult, critical situations show aggressiveness, anxiety, conflict, and commit offenses. All this is a result of the influence on personality formation.

The physical education of a child is the basis for the rest; without the correct use of hygiene in the development of a child, without properly organized physical education and sports, we will never get a healthy generation. (A.V. Lunacharsky).

In this pedagogical situation, physical education and health work solves not only health-improving, educational, educational, but also preventive and corrective tasks. Such work can stop the processes of negative impact on schoolchildren, improve to some extent the mental state of each student and the microclimate in a group of schoolchildren.

Every person needs to get involved in physical exercise. Without this, no talk about a healthy lifestyle is unthinkable. (N. Amosov). .

It is obvious that physical exercises performed systematically and purposefully have a positive effect on the psychophysiological development of schoolchildren.

Many people are already accustomed to the expression “health-saving technologies,” although they understand it in their own way. Some introduce the “Health Lessons” training program, others organize class competitions, others use a universal program recommended by the Ministry of Education, others limit themselves to herbal tea and vitamin salads, etc.

Of course, any such method should be welcomed, but it is important to remember the main thing: health is more than just the absence of disease. And work to preserve and strengthen it must be carried out purposefully using pedagogical methods

Types of competitions

The Russian system of physical education has developed a harmonious system of sports competitions. All major sporting competitions can be divided into three groups:

1.Complex competitions with qualifications in many sports.

2. Annual competitions for the championship of the Russian Federation in all sports.

3. Competitions on a Russian scale, dedicated to significant dates, as well as for prizes established by various organizations.

Depending on the goals, competitions are divided into sports:

1) championships in which the champion is determined (the best team, participant in the competition);

2) qualifying competitions in order to identify the strongest athletes or complete a national team;

3) control competitions during educational and training sessions (the purpose of these competitions is pedagogical control over the state of fitness and sports achievements of students);

4) mass competitions (Presidential Games, Presidential competitions);

5) demonstration competitions for the popularity of various sports.

According to the form of organization, the following types of competitions are distinguished:

a) closed competitions in a class, school, sports club, in which only students of this team participate;

b) open competitions in which teams and individual athletes from other schools can participate, fully competing for prizes, medals, etc.;

c) friendly (match) meetings - competitions by prior agreement between teams of classes and schools;

d) correspondence competitions between classes, schools in the district, city, region, etc.

According to the terms of the competition, competitions can be individual or team.

Structure of mass sports events. Competitions can be internal - (school championships in various sports, Health Days, tournaments, sports days), external - (city, zonal, regional, etc.).

1.2.Planning of sports competitions.

Since sports competitions are an integral part of the educational and training process, their nature and timing are planned in advance. The main documents for planning and holding competitions are the calendar plan and regulations on competitions.

The plan for the school’s mass sports work is drawn up by all interested parties before the start of the new school year, taking into account the age groups of students and school traditions. When drawing up a plan, it is necessary to weigh all the possibilities: the availability and condition of the sports base, sports equipment and the weather conditions of the region.

The draft plan should be posted on the bulletin board for schoolchildren to familiarize themselves with it. At the very first council of class physicists, the plan is discussed, supplemented, or something is changed and approved. Then it will be implemented during the academic year.

In each school, the plan for mass sports events can be completely different, taking into account the condition and availability of sports facilities, sports equipment and the qualifications of physical education teachers.

In our school - “Gymnasium named after. N.V. Pushkov" in Troitsk, sports events are held according to the following plan (see Appendix No. 1)

Chapter 2

The working hypothesis is that a differentiated approach to the comprehensive, systematic implementation of physical education, recreational and sports events at school and the individual characteristics of physical development and physical fitness of schoolchildren attending clubs and sports sections will ensure sufficient physical activity of children and will fully contribute to their normal physical development, strengthening their health, developing mental abilities, will have a positive impact on their studies in general, their constitution, introduction to a healthy lifestyle, and their future life.

The purpose of the study is to scientifically substantiate the means and methods of complex physical education, health and sports events held at school, taking into account the individual levels of physical development and physical fitness of students.

In accordance with the purpose and hypothesis put forward, the following research objectives were set:

1. Determine the level and dynamics of physical fitness of schoolchildren.

2. Develop age guidelines for the physical development and physical fitness of schoolchildren.

3. Check the effectiveness of the proposed means and methods, complex physical education, health and sports events that affect the physical development and physical preparedness of students.

Sport is one of the main forms of organizing schoolchildren for systematic physical exercise. An integral element of sports activities is the educational and training process, which is carried out in accordance with the programs of sports sections.

The main objectives of sports sections in secondary and vocational schools are:

  • · comprehensive physical development, health promotion and hardening of students’ bodies;
  • · development of individual physical abilities to a high level in order to achieve sports success in accordance with age and gender;
  • · formation of moral and volitional qualities in the process of classes, instilling skills of cultural behavior;
  • · improving organizational skills in sports, mass and recreational work with students of different ages.

All students assigned to the main medical group, aged 7 to 17 years, are accepted into the sports sections of general physical training.

Students are divided into study groups depending on age: first year of study - preparatory group (7-8 years); second year of study - junior children's group (9--10 years old); third year of study - senior children's group (11-12 years); fourth year of study - teenage group (13-14 years old); fifth year of study - youth group (15-17 years old). It is advisable to complete groups from students of the same class. Classes in sports sections by type of sport are organized in accordance with the programs. In accordance with the programs for sports, educational documentation is also developed - a curriculum, a graphic plan (schedule for the distribution of educational material), a work plan, notes and a calendar of section competitions. We present one of such documents (Table 1).

Sports competitions organized by the school's physical education council are not limited to individual sports.

The practice of physical education has accumulated vast experience in holding sports competitions at school under the names “Sportlandia is calling you!”, “Fun Starts”, “Starts of Hope”, “Small Olympic Games”, etc.

To carry them out you need:

  • · developing a scenario, attracting everyone who wants to participate in competitions;
  • · creating a solemn and festive atmosphere;
  • · compliance with the traditional ritual of opening and closing competitions;
  • · accurate execution of the script and objective judging;
  • · awarding the winners of competitions and the school’s physical education assets;
  • · The duration of the competition should not exceed two hours.

Table 1. Approximate calendar of competitions in the athletics section for the 2005-2006 academic year for a group of students aged 13-14 years

Students of middle and high school age participate in sports competitions, hiking trips, and in the All-Union Eaglet Game.

To promote physical education and sports, sports glory evenings are organized in secondary schools, to which leading athletes are invited. They demonstrate their athletic qualities and talk about the successes of Soviet athletes.

As a result of such physical education, recreation and sports activities, students of secondary schools achieve an optimal level of physical fitness.

The educational and training process is educational and training sessions conducted in order to educate and improve the sportsmanship of an athlete and prepare him for performance in competitions.

Organization of the educational and training process:

The sports section organizes work with students throughout the calendar year. The beginning and end of the academic year depends on the specifics of the sport, the calendar of sports competitions, the periodization of sports training and is established by the administration of the sports school for each sport individually;

Educational and training sessions in the sports departments of sports sections are carried out in accordance with the annual curriculum, designed for 46 weeks of educational and training sessions, directly in the conditions of sports sections and an additional 6 weeks - in the conditions of a health camp with a sports profile and (or) on an individual basis plans of students for the period of their active recreation;

The main forms of the educational and training process are: group educational and theoretical classes, work according to individual plans, medical and rehabilitation measures, testing and medical control, participation in competitions, match meetings, educational and training camps, instructor and referee practice.

It is recommended to establish the obligation to work according to individual plans at the stages of sports improvement and highest sports mastery;

The schedule of classes (trainings) is drawn up by the administration of sports sections on the recommendation of the trainer-teacher in order to establish a more favorable regime for training, rest of students, training them in educational institutions, taking into account the age characteristics of children and established sanitary and hygienic standards.

For all sports, to conduct classes in educational and training groups, groups of sports improvement and higher sportsmanship, in addition to the main trainer-teacher, it is recommended, if necessary, to attract additional trainers-teachers and other specialists within the number of hours of the educational program.

To ensure year-round educational and training process, sports training and active recreation for students, health and sports camps are organized during the holidays.

When conducting training camps outside the framework of a health camp, the involvement of workers in the event can be carried out as in the case of tourist trips;

The duration of one lesson in groups of sports and recreational orientation and initial training should not exceed two academic hours, in educational and training groups - three academic hours with less than four training sessions per week; in groups where the load is 20 hours or more per week - four academic hours, and with two classes a day - three academic hours.

Physical education of students is carried out in classes and outside of school hours in sports sections. The general management of the section is entrusted to the teachers of physical education at the academy, teachers of the SSGA. To conduct classes, they can attract public instructors from among the best athletes, physical education activists from sponsoring and sports organizations.

Before creating a section, a physical education teacher must arouse students' interest in classes. A wide variety of means are useful here: sports wall prints, photo stands, radio newspapers, direct propaganda of the teacher or students.

At the beginning of the school year, you can hold an exhibition game of the leading teams of the university or invite the best teams of the city or region. Organizational meetings in groups are preceded by a general meeting of all those involved in the sports section. The time and place of the general meeting of the section must be announced in advance. Only successful university students are allowed to take classes in the section. The section bureau is elected at the general meeting. The section bureau should recommend the most disciplined, high-achieving students who have organizational skills and enjoy authority among their comrades.

At a meeting of the section bureau, a chairman and secretary are elected, and responsibilities are distributed among the members of the bureau. Members of the section bureau are entrusted with the following responsibilities: monitoring the progress of section members, their participation in public work, caring for equipment and preparing it for classes, organizing and conducting competitions for the physical education team, preparing documents for the assignment of sports categories, agitation and propaganda, recruiting national teams for participation in regional, city and other competitions.

University study groups in sections may include students of various courses. Planning of the educational and training process in sports sections is divided into year-round and multi-year. In the process of work, depending on its conditions and the timing of the competition, it is necessary to make appropriate adjustments to the plans. When drawing up subsequent plans, an organic connection with the previous one must be maintained. All subsequent plans should include relatively more difficult material than the material of the previous plan. It should be remembered that the difficulty of the educational material increases gradually and consists in increasing requirements for the workload of students and the complexity of the program material.

The success of the section largely depends on the nature of the work in the classroom and on the personal interest of all those involved.

Sectional classes are primarily sports-oriented. There are more demands on functional and motor training here than in school lessons and training sessions. The sectional lesson lasts 1.5-2 hours and consists of three parts: preparatory, main and final.

The preparatory part, which lasts 15-20 minutes, provides for the organization of students and the functional preparation of their body for the upcoming main activity. The exercises used at the beginning of the lesson should be selected in accordance with the characteristics of the upcoming main activity.

The purpose of the main part is to teach those involved in the techniques and tactics of gaming techniques, to develop their physical qualities. The duration of the main part (70-90 minutes) depends on the intensity of the exercises, the age and gender of the participants, and the amount of time allotted for the lesson as a whole.

In the final part (5-10 minutes), the students’ body is brought into a relatively calm state, and the results of the lesson are summed up. students are given homework.

The number of sectional classes per week is planned depending on the preparedness of the students, the period of the training process, and the complexity of the material being studied. There should be at least three times a week. At the same time, the breaks should be such that the results of subsequent training are superimposed on the previous ones and thereby consolidate the functional changes occurring in the body as a result of previous training.

The SSGA has 12 sports sections in such sports as:


Table tennis;


Mini football;







The schedule of classes for all sports is indicated in Appendix B.

The number of people involved in the sports sections of the SSGA is approximately 160 people, of which approximately 30 people are at a highly professional level. The Academy also trains about 15 Russian masters of sports in table tennis, aerobics, boxing, and cross-country skiing.

SSGA students have won various awards at regional, federal and all-Russian competitions, for example. The SSGA sports club has awards: bronze medalists of the All-Russian Universiade 2008, winners of the Universiade of the Siberian Federal District 2008, 2010 and 2012, in table tennis, students also participate in the Russian club championship in table tennis, champions of the Novosibirsk Universiade in bullet shooting, boxing team at the city universiade.

SSGA teachers play a significant role in the sports life of the Academy and also showed good results in the last sports competition of the teaching staff among higher educational institutions of the city of Novosibirsk in 9 sports. Teachers of our Academy successfully performed in the following competitions:

Mini-football - 3rd place;

Table tennis - 1st place;

Badminton - 3rd place;

Bullet shooting - 4th place.

Below, Figure 5 shows a stand with the main awards of the Academy.

Figure 5 - Awards for students and teachers of the academy

The SSGA also hosts mass sports events in various sports.

Of great importance in the physical education of youth, and in particular students, is the organization and conduct of sports competitions, as one of the most effective types of organizing mass recreational, physical education and sports work. Student sports competitions are an organic continuation and the most important component of the educational process in physical education, as well as a form of credit.

It should be noted that competitions held in accordance with scientific requirements should be one of the ways to involve the masses in physical education and identify achievements in it, both individual and especially the achievements of physical education teams.

Sports competitions are a whole system of physical education activities, during the preparation and conduct of which extremely favorable conditions are created for educational work with students in order to develop their sense of teamwork, discipline, honesty, responsibility, self-control, the will to win and other important moral values. strong-willed and moral human traits.

Sports competitions are an important form of educational and sports work, a continuation of the educational and training process.

During the competition, the general physical and special sports-technical preparedness of students is improved, their technique and tactics are improved.

At the same time, competitions are the most effective means of checking the quality of educational and training work of individual sports organizations and the pedagogical skills of teachers, trainers and public instructors. This is a kind of public report on work in a particular sport.

According to the nature of the test and the determination of results, all sports competitions are divided into personal, individual-team and team.

According to the form of the competition, they can be: open, closed, full-time and correspondence, one-day and multi-day, official (training), classification.

In the system of physical education of university students, sports competitions occupy a large place.

Practice has determined several ways to conduct sports competitions, determined by their rules and regulations. Competitions were held at the SSGA according to the regulations specified in Appendix A.

The following methods of holding competitions are used in the SSGA: direct, round-robin, elimination and mixed.

Competitions promote the exchange of best practices between trainers, teachers and students themselves, the dissemination of new high technology and the most advanced training methods. They are a means of agitation and promotion of sports among students.

The pedagogical significance of sports competitions lies in the fact that they teach athletes to use the motor skills and abilities acquired in the process of educational and training sessions in a complex and constantly changing environment of sports struggle and maximum effort.

The main objectives of any competition are:

Promoting the education of athletes;

Demonstration of socially valuable personality traits (courage, boldness, respect for partners and opponents);

Improving motor abilities.

When carrying out the correct pedagogical organization of competitions at a university, it is necessary to provide for the distribution of participants by gender and physical development.

Planning in the conduct of sports competitions is an indispensable condition for successful mass sports work at the university. Unscheduled (sudden) competitions should be avoided in every possible way. A poorly organized and conducted competition not only loses any positive educational value, but, on the contrary, often leads to negative results, can discourage participants from playing sports and even harm their health.

Participation in competitions allows you to mobilize the physical and functional capabilities of an athlete to a greater extent than any training program. Only during competitions can an athlete reach the level of extreme functional manifestations and perform such work that during training sessions turns out to be unbearable.

Competitions vary in purpose, scale and degree of physical intensity. In connection with the tasks of preparation and the state of fitness of the athlete, the primary focus of the competition can be different: victory, record, control, training, tactical, accustoming to the conditions of the competition.

Participation in competitions for any purpose has a multifaceted impact on the physical and mental qualities of the athlete, provides knowledge and experience.

Competitions are also usually divided into training, lead-up and main. It is impossible to achieve high, stable results if you rarely compete. It is at competitions that the potential capabilities of an athlete and his skill are revealed, shortcomings in technique are revealed, and strong-willed qualities are cultivated. That is why a distinctive feature of modern training methods is a significant increase in the number of competitions per year, which naturally lengthens the competitive period.

When determining the number of competitions per year for an athlete, responsible competitions and less responsible ones are provided (there should be more of them), as well as participation in competitions in other sports, based on the training objectives.

For the main competitions, the athlete strives to achieve the highest sports form, approaching this through a series of less important competitions. Getting into sports shape largely depends on the number and nature of these competitions. With the approach of the main competitions, the intensity of sports meetings must certainly increase, but it is imperative to alternate more intense competitions with less difficult ones.

Success in competitions is ensured by many years of training, which also includes preparation for competitions. It is carried out constantly during the year-long training. Along with this, special, including psychological, preparation is required. The greatest importance is accustoming to the conditions of competition - training in conditions that simulate competitive ones. It is also necessary to prepare athletes for possible deviations from simulated conditions, unexpected situations and unforeseen difficulties.

Based on the above, competitive training is both a means and a method of accelerated physical, technical, tactical and psychological training of athletes.

Sports and mass work at school.

With all the importance of the lesson as the basis of the process of physical education at school, the dominant role in introducing students to daily physical exercise, of course, belongs to extracurricular physical education, recreational and mass sports work. The future belongs to it, because even an individually differentiated approach will not give such a positive result that is achieved by properly planned sports and mass work. The main goal is the introduction of physical education and sports into the daily life and everyday life of schoolchildren.

A system of actions aimed at developing personal resources, the formation of positive stress-resistant forms of behavior, and attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle in schoolchildren is understood.

Under sports mass workrefers to the involvement of schoolchildren in organized sports employment and participation in mass sports events at various levels.

The main thing is that physical education and health activities, as a rule, should cover all students in each school.

Objectives of organizing physical education and recreation

  • comprehensive careon the safety of life and health, physical and mental development of children and adolescents;
  • propaganda and approvalhealthy lifestyle among children and adolescents, their parents, school teachers;
  • organization meaningful, educational and entertainingleisure for children and adolescents;
  • creation of conditionsfor the socialization of a teenager’s personality at an early stage of his development;
  • monitoringhealth of children and adolescents and assessment of the effectiveness of ongoing activities.

Types of physical education and recreation organization

and sports activities at school:
-monitoring the state of physical development of the modern generation of children, which is alarming and requires active action by all structures of legislative and executive power;

Propaganda of a healthy lifestyle through classroom, extracurricular, leisure, educational activities, organization of physical education, recreation and sports activities at school;

Participation in the development and implementation of preventive and educational programs, the Health program, and school development;

Expanding leisure opportunities for students through the preservation and development of a network of school-based sports and recreational sections, extracurricular and extracurricular activities;

Education of future parents and psychological and pedagogical education of adults in the field of family leisure through participation in sports events;

Formation of a positive parental opinion on the issues of raising children through sports;

- formation of habits of sports leisure and attention to one’s health as a family value;

Creation of a school press center and publication of the newspaper “Everything is healthy for healthy people” to promote sports leisure.

The main role in organizing physical education and health activities during the school and extracurricular hours, for organizing extracurricular and mass sports work rightfully belongs to the school physical education council. Who has been working at our school for many years. The Physical Culture Council (CPC) is created by school order. Members of (SFS) are students in grades 1–11. According to its structure, the team is headed by a council of 7–10 people, the work of which is led by the chairman. The most active students of the school, who prove themselves to be skillful organizers, are elected to the council.

The following commissions are created under the council (FC): for mass physical culture, for holding sporting events, for preparing physical education assets, for propaganda and agitation, economics, and for awards. Thus, the commission for physical education and mass work helps school management, class teachers and physical education teachers in organizing physical education and health activities during the school day.

Sports Events Commission- together with physical education teachers, organizes intra-school competitions, helps organize the work of sports sections, participates in recruiting national teams to participate in city and republican competitions, registers school records, and keeps records of students who have met sports classification standards.

Commission for the preparation of physical culture assets- helps the physical education teacher prepare public referees for sports, instructors, physical trainers for organizing and conducting physical education, health and sports events at school.

Does a lot of workpropaganda commission. She organizes her work through wall printing, a video series with photographs, sports events, demonstration performances by athletes, creates a corner of the school’s sports glory, places photos of the best athletes, and organizes shows and competitions for the best sports class.

Economic commission- promotes and actively helps the school management in improving the educational and sports facilities, ensures the safety of sports equipment and equipment.

Award committee- encourages not only the best athletes, but also the school’s sports activists. Based on the results of the sports year, the best athletes are awarded badges and certificates.

Extracurricular sports activities at school cannot become complete if they are not accompanied by a system for organizing sports sections.

Sport sections- are created for students who want to regularly engage in one or another sport. When creating a sports section, first of all, the conditions are taken into account to ensure their successful operation - the availability of a sports base, the specialization of those who can conduct classes. In each sports section, students are divided into age groups: junior, middle, senior. Classes in sections are held 2-3 times a week. Before enrolling in the section, students must undergo a medical examination at the school doctor or clinic at their place of residence.

Along with sports sections, the school createsgeneral physical training (GPP) groups.Their task is to increase the general physical fitness of students by using various means of physical education and sports in their classes, which form the basis of the physical education curriculum. Students who are somewhat behind in their physical development or need additional classes as they are not sufficiently prepared to fulfill the requirements of the curriculum are involved in classes in such groups.

Extracurricular sports and mass work at school cannot become full-fledged if it is not accompaniedsystem of school sports competitions– Spartakiad . Students love them; Spartakiads stimulate students to systematically, regularly engage in sports. Spartakiads are an effective form of promoting physical culture and sports among students.

Internally, school competitions (Spartakiads) are held in various sports throughout the school year, depending on climatic conditions and the completion of the educational material of the physical education program. Internally, school competitions (Spartakiads) are not only an integral part of extracurricular sports activities, but also enrich students with a high interest in the need for systematic physical education and sports outside of school hours. The main thing is that properly organized competitions within the framework of the Spartakiad promote the health of students, their physical development and physical fitness.

Organizers of school competitions must remember that participation in sports competitions of any student must be preceded by sports training. Only in this case will competitions be useful for the student.

Conclusion: The raised issues of organizing extracurricular physical education, recreational and sports activities at school indicate the versatility of the forms and methods of this work.

Of course, this work requires a lot of work from the school’s teaching staff, especially physical education teachers.

Therefore, the main direction in holding any physical education, sports and other events should be the lively, interested participation, first of all, of the schoolchildren themselves. This work on organizing physical education and health activities should not be spontaneous and uncontrolled. It should be systematically directed by the administration, physical education teachers, the entire teaching staff of the school should be involved in this work, however, this work should become more fruitful if it is closely connected and supported by out-of-school forms of physical education of the students themselves.
