Knockout combinations in boxing. Technique of punches in boxing. Combinations of punches in boxing. Most commonly used punch combinations

Hello, dear readers of the site. What boxing combinations do you know? Which ones are considered basic? Which ones do only some boxers own? And what is their training?

There are plenty of combinations of punches in boxing. They are usually shown schematically depending on which beats are included. For example:
1 is a jab
2 – cross to the right
3 – left hook
4 – right hook
5 – left uppercut
6 – right uppercut
K – body.
G - head
SD - average distance
BD - close range
DD – long distance

Combinations in boxing for beginners are limited in number. Beginners are just mastering single attacks and developing physically. As they develop, the coach can gradually introduce honing of simple one or two series into the classes. Then the difficulty of the classes increases and increases.

Basic boxing combinations include:

1) 1 – 2. (see designations). This is a classic two. This is where learning combinations in boxing begins. All attacks are carried out quickly. The first contact to the body takes the opponent by surprise. The second one hits him in the head.

The first is implemented quickly, no special force is applied. The legs bend slightly at the knees. The jab follows along with the forward step. The target is the solar plexus area.

Before the second boarding, you need to tilt your head slightly beyond the line of your leading leg. This is protection from an oncoming attack.

Actions on SD bring the greatest effectiveness here.

2) 1 – 1 – 2. This is a good method to deceive the enemy, since he expects a 1-2 pattern. The second jab opens up space for a smashing right cross. Instead of the classic two, constant jabs may follow. Waiting for the enemy to make a mistake. And he is destroyed by the indicated cross. Implemented at close range.

3) 1 – 2 – 3. The best performance is noted on the SD. The first two assaults are carried out as quickly as possible. Then lean on the outside of your front leg. This way you can comfortably make an uppercut with your working hand. It is carried out briefly, quickly and powerfully.

The body rotates into a position where your cross develops from above and behind. The attack goes as if through the desired target.

The optimal moment here is caught when the enemy’s position is in deep defense.

4) 1-2-3-2. The opponent's defense is flung open with a jab. Then he is destroyed by subsequent attacks to the head.

5) 1-2-5-2. Similar to the previous combination. Only the third assault is different. This leaves the opponent confused by a sudden low left uppercut. This will raise his head for the final boarding.

6) 1-6-3-2. When working in twos, it is difficult to surprise your opponent. He adapts and puts up good defense. A quality uppercut is needed here. It will amaze him and make him raise his head. And then your 3 and 2 follow. With a blow of 6 you can hit K or G. The main thing is to be unpredictable for the enemy.

7) 2-3-2. Works in limited space and time. Attack enemy 2 first, continue with 3, and finish with a slash of 2.

Top boxing combinations

Combination bases were discussed above. Among boxing combinations of punches, it is customary to highlight a list of the best. Each specialist can vary this list in his own way. As a rule, the 1-2 and 1-2-3 schemes are included here. The list of the best combinations in boxing includes options that work at different distances and using both hands.

So, the TOP combinations are:

1) 1 – 3 (goal – D, back hand works). The best performance is observed on SD. When your opponent puts up a high defense but only protects the front of his face, you need to act. Here 1 is preparation. 3—target hit. It's fast and precise. Goes to the enemy's ear.

2) 1-5-6. Maybe 1 – 6 – 5. The last assault is performed with the working hand, that is, the 1-6-5 scheme is convenient for a left-handed person.

Optimal effect on diabetes.

If your opponent is on high guard, you will aim your jab. The opponent will take a break. And use two uppercuts to carry out boarding attacks. Then you can treat your opponent to a cross.

3) 2 – 4. Efficiency – on SD. You must be distanced from your opponent so that you can execute your cross and hook. Strike 2 is fast. A clear hit on the target is not necessary. The leading leg steps forward. The enemy's defenses are weakening. You do 3.

4) 4 (K) – 4 (G) – 6. The best efficiency is on the database. Hooks are implemented very powerfully. The liver is affected first. The counterpart lowers his hand and weakens the defense of his head. This is where the next hook goes. The uppercut puts the finishing touches on it.

5) 4 (G) – 4 (K). Best performance on the DB, the first assault distracts the opponent. He opens the case. The second assault puts pressure on the liver area. After the initial attack, the enemy can expect a series of strikes to the head. And the likelihood of damage to his liver is high.

6) 5 (G and K) – 4 (G). The optimal action is DB. The best moment is when your opponent is very close to you. The second option is that his head is low, near your chest. You should not straighten up in this situation. The uppercut is not performed with the main hand. The opponent raises his head, gets 4. Attacks are implemented short, lightning fast and with high accuracy.

Here we mainly describe schemes for right-handed people. Combinations in left-handed boxing are similar, only the leading hands and designations change. For example: 3 (K) – 3 (G), 3 (G) – 3 (K), 6 (G and K) – 3 (G).

  1. Do not attack the same area with one move.
  2. All attacks are clearly thought out and meaningful. No idle actions.
  3. Don't get stuck on one scheme.
  4. Each scheme has its own optimal distance.

It is necessary to train combination operations with a trainer. Classes can take place on different equipment. Basically, these are pears, bags and paws.

It is necessary to perfect combinations in boxing on a punching bag. The weight of the pear and its position are important. For example, projectiles up to 30 kg are suspended at head level. Assaults to the head are being practiced. And this activity is usually assigned to beginners.

Working on combinations on a bag in boxing involves developing various combination variations. The bag weighs 70 – 100 kg. Dynamics and power, performance technique are worked out. Particular attention is paid to the final assault.

In this work, the coach tries not to put too much strain on the muscles of his players. The lesson is based on a combination of weak and powerful attacks. At a certain interval, the mentor sets the pace, as in a real battle. In this case, the projectile does not swing. The posts and angles change. Protection methods are also being developed.

Working on combinations on the feet is extremely useful. Here situations are worked out in dynamics and at various distances. Example: the trainer holds his paw and moves forward and backward at different speeds. It is important for the student to maintain the correct distance and work based on the pattern being practiced. First, reconnaissance actions are organized along the left paw. And the key accents are made on the right paw. Here the fighter learns to maintain balance and competently alternate techniques.

Often during training, the techniques of famous boxers are studied. For example, Mike Tyson's combinations. Their specifics are as follows: there are no reconnaissance strikes or feints, all assaults are aimed at knockout. Few defensive actions.

It is extremely difficult to work them out. Required: powerful endurance, constant control over the dynamics of your body, constant contact with an opponent or equipment (in training).

Both hands are involved in the work. The key task is to implement devastating combinations as quickly as possible.

Kickboxing combinations

This discipline has analogies with boxing. But here combinations of punches and kicks are carried out. The following is a list of the most effective combinations in kickboxing.

The following notations and abbreviations are used here:

LR – left hand.
PR – right hand.
LN – left leg.
PN – right leg.
G – head.
T - torso

1). Goal – G. Direct strike from the left hand. Then immediately from the PN there is a direct attack along the T.

2) The goal is the same. The blow is the same, but with PR. Immediately attacked by T with PN with a circular strike.

3) Start as in point 1. The fighter turns 360°. Final – as in paragraph 1 or paragraph 2.

4) A feint direct boarding of the LR is performed. The goal is T. After it, the LN immediately comes into play. The goal is D. The execution variations are as follows:

  • inverse of a circular vector,
  • only along a circular vector,
  • only on a direct downward line.

5) Start here - LN round kick. The T is stormed. After which both hands work, executing a direct blow. G. is affected. In the final stage, LN acts. Implementation versions:

  • circular along G,
  • straight descending in G,
  • straight to T.

6) LN participates in development. There is a side boarding in T. After it, both hands are used. They carry out direct attacks. The goal is G. At the climax, the PN works, hitting T. The method of execution is circular.


Combination actions in boxing and kickboxing, and other similar disciplines allow a fighter to be unpredictable in battle. Thanks to them, his chances of winning increase. But they need to be trained hard. And some schemes are extremely complex. Only a few implement them perfectly.

This is a good list of basic punch combinations for any beginner just learning boxing.

These boxing combinations must be perfected to the point where you can throw them moving forward, backward, sideways and with your eyes closed. They will help you in a variety of situations and can be chained together to form even longer and more complex boxing combinations.

Basic Boxing Combinations

1-2 (Jab-Right cross)

Yes, the basic two jab cross is naturally the first combination you learn. These are the first two punches you throw together and you probably did this long before you started boxing...maybe you threw it at your little brother or your annoying neighbor. A quick jab catches your opponent off guard, and a right cross takes his head off. Essentially, you can win fights just by mastering the deuce perfectly.

1-1-2 (Jab-Jab-Cross)

This is a way to outwit your opponent. 1-1-2 works because your opponent can expect 1-2. If so, then the second jab has a good chance of surprising your opponent, opening the door for your powerful right hand. The 1-1-2 also works well if you feel your opponent is waiting for your right cross to counter. Instead of throwing the usual two, you throw endless jabs, testing the waters (or your opponent's defense) until he makes a mistake and then you throw your right cross at him.

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1-2-3 (Jab-Cross-Left Hook)

This is where boxing starts to get interesting. Shifting your weight when you throw a right hand naturally sets up the left hook. The left hook comes after your right cross and can hurt your opponent quite a bit. You can aim it high at the chin or at the body. Either way, the left hook is just as dangerous whether you land a right cross or not.

1-2-3-2 (Jab-Cross-Hook-Cross)

It's nothing more than you punching LEFT-RIGHT-LEFT-RIGHT. The jab opens up your opponent's defense. You throw 3 powerful punches after him: a right hand, a left hook, and finish with a right hand. When all 3 hits land perfectly on target, you can pat yourself on the back.

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1-2-5-2 (Jab-Cross-Left Uppercut-Cross)

This combination is the same as the last one, except you throw a left uppercut instead of a left hook. The left uppercut will surprise your opponent as it comes out from underneath. If your opponent likes to hide behind a high guard with his head down, or if he likes to loom over you, a left uppercut will throw his head up so you can take it down with your finishing right hand.

1-6-3-2 (Jab-Right Uppercut-Left Hook-Right)

Starting with a two each time can make you a little predictable. Your opponent will probably adapt and try to avoid your right hand. Or he might just be expecting your straight forehand and just raise his guard. Either way, throwing a right uppercut will do a lot of damage and lift his head so you can follow up with a left hook - and finish with a right hand. You can aim the right uppercut to the body or the head, it's up to you. Make sure you don't become predictable when you do this because your head is vulnerable to jabs and DEADLY counter left hooks when you throw a right uppercut.

2-3-2 (Right cross-Left hook-Right cross)

Sometimes you don't have the space to prepare a combination. If your opponent is too aggressive and takes your space, then you don't have time to start with the jab. Hit him with a right hand, followed by a left hook and another hard right hand. If he's already wide open, why waste time on the jab? Just start with hard shots right away. The 2-3-2 combination is very good for short distances. Put your feet down and hurt him.

Want More Punch Combinations?

You don't need to learn more combinations. You can simply change the way you throw certain punches to create endless options for hitting your opponent.

Punch Left Easier

Many beginners try to put force into every blow. Don't do this, reserve your strength and body weight for a hard right hand. When you throw a jab, throw it lightly and accurately. You can also throw lighter left hooks so you don't get thrown off balance if you miss.

Throw away False Strikes

This is a great topic. Instead of throwing a deuce, throw a fake jab to get your opponent to raise his hand and then throw a right cross since his guard is now in a different place. Do the same with other combinations, making the first strike false or maybe the second strike. You can throw a jab, then feint a right hand (to force your opponent to put his guard in front), and throw a hard left hook that goes around his guard.

Double Up the Left Hands

Same theory as 1-1-2, but here you can double left hooks or left uppercuts. You don't always have to hit LEFT-RIGHT-LEFT-RIGHT. It's too predictable and easy to block. Punch LEFT-RIGHT-LEFT-LEFT-RIGHT. This will change his defense when he blocks with the wrong side and you hit him with the other hand.

Throw Faster Strikes

Once again, don't charge power into every strike. Punch them more easily so you can throw them out faster, increasing your chances of hitting. You can save your strength for later when your opponent is overwhelmed, tired and giving up out of laziness. You can also mix up fast punches with hard punches. Fast strikes throw your opponent off rhythm, while hard strikes deliver real power.

Work the Body

You don't have to constantly aim for the head. This is too predictable and may not work against fast boxers who move well. The body is a larger target and will force your opponent to block high and low. Work up and down and force your opponent to double down on his defense and increase your chances of hitting something. Another thing you should know is that a well-placed body shot can send your opponent into a painful knockout.

It's not about what punches you throw,
it's about how you throw those punches.

Professionals use the same combinations over and over again. They don't go into the ring trying to throw more punches or throw harder punches. They simply change the aim, angle and timing of their combinations to defeat their opponents.

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Boxing strikes and techniques, the training of which is not as simple as it might seem at first glance, are few in number. But this makes it possible to achieve high efficiency in their use in a duel. Anyone can learn to box, regardless of their level of physical fitness. However, it is absolutely not necessary to become a professional athlete to know how to hit correctly. Boxing is not only an excellent workout for all muscle groups, striking, learning defense techniques, but also creating a qualitatively new level of psychological preparedness.

Basic boxing technique

Learning to box begins with learning the correct stance. The body is relaxed, while the boxer must be as concentrated as possible. A beginner should be comfortable defending and attacking easily with both hands. For balance, the toe of the front foot and the heel of the back foot should be in line with the center. It is necessary to distribute the weight evenly between your legs, bending your knees slightly. The chin is lowered on one side and pressed to the shoulder, the hand covers the jaw, and the elbow covers the side. Be sure to remember to breathe. Do not hold, but do not breathe rapidly.

The basis of boxing technique is rationality and consistency. Each subsequent action follows from the previous one. In this case, the boxer must perform attacking elements as quickly as possible, spending a minimum amount of energy.

The technique itself implies the balance of the boxer’s actions. Hitting is the means to achieve victory, but coordination of movements makes it possible to carry out an effective attack. The training is aimed at ensuring that the boxer can move in a fighting stance for a long time. He develops skills that allow him to carry out attacks while in intermediate positions.

Basic punches in boxing

For a beginner, it is not enough to simply deliver offensive elements. You need to know how to place a blow so that with the slightest effort it gives a crushing result and is safe for the boxer himself. There are only three main blows in boxing - straight, low, side. They are applied with both left and right hands:

  1. Left straight - jab. The longest punch in boxing, in which the boxer remains as protected as possible and creates space for himself to attack further. A good series of attacking actions always begins with a jab.
  2. Right straight - cross. A properly placed working hand is a formidable weapon. Inflicted less often than a jab. But it is so powerful that it is used to knock out an opponent with one blow.
  3. Left side hook. A serious power move, dangerous when executed at close range. The boxing hook is often thrown across the body to hit the opponent's liver.
  4. Low blow - uppercut. If you place it correctly, it comes out stronger and faster than straight. Well suited at the moment when the opponent is approaching.

All blows can be carried out both to the head and to the body. The classic left-handed stance is suitable for right-handed people. People with a left working hand take a right-handed stance.

Each blow is useful for a specific situation. For maximum effectiveness, it is necessary to use combinations of blows. Deal several blows at once, without waiting for the enemy to start attacking. When throwing direct blows, you must try to force the enemy to open up in order to deliver a quick decisive blow.

The most vulnerable and unprotected places suitable for strikes:

  • blows to the jaw;
  • side blows to the body, to the liver;
  • piercing the chest in the solar plexus area;
  • dangerous blows to the heart area.

Setting up the shot

Correctly placing a punch in boxing is a primary task for any coach. What may be more important is the development of defensive skills in order to avoid possible injuries and damage during sparring and training. The striking technique has been developed for decades. There are several basic techniques for how to strike correctly, which are suitable for all techniques performed.

Any workout should begin with a warm-up. Work all muscle groups. Often boxing training is done from the top down. Starting from the hands and ending with the feet. Before practicing strikes, your hands must be wrapped in bandages to secure the joints.

When practicing strikes, the hand itself should be relaxed, while the fist should be compressed as much as possible at the moment of contact with the opponent’s body. For direct and side blows, the fist must be tucked so that at the moment of the attack the palm is turned down. For each blow, a step is taken and the body is tucked to give inertia. A direct punch in boxing is carried out constantly. It helps to keep the required distance and irritate the opponent. You need to hit a side kick in boxing when the opponent lowers his hand or, conversely, raises it, opening the body. Low blows are carried out in counterattacks when approaching.

Correct punching technique in boxing increases attack power and speed. Practicing punches for a long time allows the body to train muscle memory. This has a positive effect on the boxer’s performance in sparring or a real fight. A trained body subconsciously reacts to the opponent’s actions. Boxing training must take place under the guidance of an experienced trainer using protective equipment. When performing techniques, the body itself will tell you how to place a punch in boxing.

Exercises to develop speed

The speed of your punch in boxing can be critical to winning.

Sharp, biting blows can both demoralize the enemy and knock him out if successfully hit in weakly protected areas.

Every boxer needs to know how to increase his punching speed. Let's look at a few fundamental exercises:

  1. Work with weights - stand in a rack and throw your arms with additional weight. Regular dumbbells or small weights will do. Conduct shadow boxing or several approaches with practicing combinations of strikes.
  2. To work with an expander, tie one end to the mount, the other to your hand, and shadowbox or fight with a partner. An elastic expander or elastic band will add additional load when practicing strikes.
  3. Exercises for general physical activity. Push-ups, pull-ups, and parallel bars are suitable. A trained body is generally more suitable for boxing.

Contraindications to boxing

Boxing is far from the easiest sport, which means it has a number of contraindications for practice. Boxing is prohibited for people with the following diseases:

  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • respiratory problems;
  • blood diseases;
  • disorders of the genitourinary system;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Boxing equipment

What should you take with you to your first lesson? There are just a few things every boxer should have to minimize the risk of injury during training and competition.

Bandages are the first and most commonly used equipment. Serve to protect the boxer's hands. They get wound up even outside of sparring. The trainer will teach you the correct technique for wrapping your fingers in your first lesson.

Mouth guard. A must if you are going to do sparring. Even in a mock battle during training, there is a possibility of getting your teeth chipped or even losing, or even biting off your tongue.

It is advisable for beginners to have a helmet. Perhaps not in the first lesson, but it will definitely come in handy in the future. Boxing is a fairly tough sport in which serious injuries can occur. It is better to play it safe and avoid such consequences.

We, at the club, practice the following approach - first, each beginner practices his technique, throws a punch, learns all the basics of boxing, and only then, when ready, can he start sparring. No one forces you to participate in them; everything happens only at the personal request of the club members. All necessary equipment (except for bandages) is provided on site. We provide the entire training process - from start to finish.

Good luck in your boxing and sports activities, friends!

Within the walls of the “YourRevolution1905” club, we are ready to professionally help you learn to box or improve your level as a boxer. Whole sets of exercises developed by certified specialists, nutritional recommendations, “smart” weighing, classes conducted by a Master of Sports in boxing and much more, all this will help you achieve your goal as effectively as possible. For the most effective and quick results, you can train individually (one-on-one with a trainer) or in mini-groups of up to ten people. Come to our classes and we will help you become the best version of yourself!


If these combinations are too easy for you, mix them up with low kicks in between.

The links are very short but effective, connect them and attack.

You can also build your combinations on a counterattack, which will be more productive, since during the attack the enemy opens up in any case. Move your attacking hand to the side and throw your practiced double and low kick into the open space.

But if you don’t understand anything at all about boxing, then I advise you to spend some time learning the basics on which you will already build your technique. There you are auxiliary course for this.

By clicking on the link, you will find a successfully transferred training method from the gym to home conditions. It contains step-by-step video instructions on the principles of delivering traumatic punches and the technique of practicing them, as well as a large number of varieties of movements, protection, and their application in practice, which will allow you to learn the material as quickly as possible.

But if you are an experienced fighter, then we can immediately move on to more complex combinations and their developments. Knowing the basic punches in boxing, you can move on to more complex combinations and combine them with legs.

For experienced fighters

Here is a small list of connections that you can develop.

You lower your opponent's attention to his feet with a left low kick, then insert a quick two into the body and add an uppercut. Trying to protect the body and head, the opponent will already forget about his legs and this is the most opportune moment to throw a powerful blow with his right foot.

By pulling a couple of these ligaments, you can seriously knock off the femoral muscle and cause distracting pain. By carrying out three identical combinations, you thereby accustom the enemy to it. When you start for the fourth time in the same way with a low kick with the front leg and a two, your opponent will be ready for the fact that now you will again punch his already broken leg. And this is the most opportune moment to change the ligament, instead of the accustomed powerful blow from the right leg to the thigh, finish the ligament with a powerful direct blow to the solar plexus. Your opponent will not be ready for this, since his leg was previously broken off, and he is keeping all his attention on it and making sure that it is not hit again. Having pierced the solar plexus with a powerful straight leg kick, it’s time to finish off the open head with your hands, for example with two hooks, and then beautifully end the fight with a knee to the chin.

If you have good flexibility, add higher kicks, but on the street you should not kick above the ribs. Kicks to the ribs go well at the moment of a counterattack; at the moment of throwing a punch, your opponent is open and least of all thinks about his ribs, you should take a closer look at his attacks, and just seize the moment in order to throw a powerful kick in the oncoming attack. Having received a strong blow to the ribs, a person’s reaction is triggered, and he presses his hands to them, quite a good moment to strike with an elbow to the jaw! And then you can finish him in the solar plexus with your knee.

Link for left-handed people

I also have a good combination for lefties.

In general, a left-hander has a great advantage in battle. Firstly, most people have already developed all the combinations of counterattack and defense for a right-handed person, and they will be very unfamiliar with confronting you if you are left-handed. The second advantage is that the liver is on your left side, and a left-handed person is more comfortable working with it than anyone else.

Your signature blow can be either a left or an uppercut, and in the striking technique of the legs, an internal low kick will suit you, so the opponent’s left leg will always be in front of you. Therefore, ligaments will be built on them.

Having punched the inner thigh well, do not move your legs far away, immediately punch the center of the body with a direct blow, thereby bringing the enemy’s hands closer to the solar plexus. While he brings his hands to the center to close the solar plexus, begin to hit a furious series of three powerful blows to the liver until the opponent collapses or shrinks into such a position that it is convenient for you to finish him in the head from the side with your right knee.

Work on paws and pear

I think you have convinced yourself that by working in series you will take out your opponents more effectively and spectacularly. All this sounds beautiful, but in reality, without much practice, your connection will be torn off on the first blow and hit with a counterattack. Therefore, pay more time and attention to working on the paws and the pear. Your connection should be like a hurricane, unstoppable, fast and powerful, like a shot from a sniper rifle!

Use your paws to develop accuracy and direct hits. Work both in place and while moving, in order for your combinations to go through you must be able to do them in any position, in any stance and at high speed. Choose literally five or six ligaments and work them thoroughly. In order to add more power to them, hit them more on the bag . You only need a few perfectly worked combinations to win, of course, if they are applied and combined correctly.

Work in series, increase the number of strikes, but do not forget about defense, and then you will dominate the battle.

I hope the information was useful and accessible. Write your favorite combinations of blows in the comments, and subscribe to my blog to keep up to date with all my new articles. With this I say goodbye to you, like and be sure to click tell your friends. Good luck to all.

Today, a sport such as boxing is very popular among people. Many teenagers or even adults enroll in sports clubs to master this martial art. Many people think that boxing is simple and easy to learn. However, this is not the case. A beginner first needs to master the basic movements, and then identify the most effective combinations of punches in boxing, while simultaneously studying defense techniques.

Types of blows

In boxing, there are a small number of different types of strikes, the technique of which has been brought to perfection by professional athletes. All blows can be connected in completely different series. It is not at all necessary to be able to perform complex combinations of punches in boxing to win in the ring. The main thing for a fighter is to be able to apply basic elements in the ring efficiently and in a timely manner. A well-executed direct or side blow is much more effective than a long series performed with errors. Some star boxers who have a large number of belts use only a couple of punches in a fight. But they are so refined that the opponent, knowing his partner well, cannot resist them.

To make it easier for an athlete to study combinations of punches in boxing, they distinguish between right and left to the head and right and left to the body.

Combinations of blows

Any combination of long-range strikes starts with a direct one, and after that there are a large number of variations. In boxing, one of the most commonly used combinations is the “two”. The classic “deuce” in boxing is a series of “left and then right straight punch.”

The first movement is made with the front hand. It all depends on the boxer's stance. which is slightly in front, as a rule, is applied without putting force into it. Boxers usually determine the opponent's behavior with the first blow. It often happens that the first front blow acts as a feint. Carried out after the second, it is applied unexpectedly for the opponent with the use of maximum force.

But besides the classic “two,” there are other variations. For example, the first blow may be aimed at the head, and the next, main one, at the body. They do it the other way around - first straight to the body, then to the head. This version of the “two” is performed at close range.

Combinations of punches in boxing must be done at the right moment. In this case, it is first necessary to carry out a feint or other actions so that the attack is unexpected.

Rule for performing a series of strikes

Even the simplest combinations of punches in boxing must be performed technically. The athlete’s strikes must be carried out with minimal pauses. That is, the second strike of the deuce follows immediately after the first. Its effectiveness depends on the speed of execution of the second. In addition, the opponent can take advantage of the pause and deliver a crushing blow at a vulnerable moment for you. Therefore, an athlete must always remember about protection. You shouldn’t forget about it when performing a combination of punches in boxing. For beginning fighters, it is important to bring the technique of performing strikes to automaticity.

When delivering a scouting strike with the front hand, the shoulder should be relaxed. The elbow of the second hand should protect the liver, and the fist should protect the chin. When delivering the second blow, there should be a slight turn in the shoulders. Thus, the blow is stronger than when carrying out a single right. During the second strike, the left hand returns and protects the face. When hitting a deuce, footwork is important. After carrying out this classic combination, the athlete can continue the attack or make a rebound.

"Postman's Punch"

There are similar combinations in boxing and other martial arts. Combinations of punches in boxing must first and foremost be effective. For example, you can often find the “postman’s punch” combination in this type of martial arts. It consists of two strikes with the left hand and then with the right. Thanks to a quick left jab, a boxer closes the distance in a fight. This combination is very effective. That is why it is used so often in boxing. must be accompanied by footwork. During the jab, the athlete moves towards the opponent to effectively carry out the main blow with the right hand. Strikes with the left hand should be carried out as quickly as possible.


There are various combinations of punches in a sport like boxing. Combinations of strikes, which should take most of the time to learn, can be carried out in threes. "Postman's Kick" is also commonly referred to as this bundle. A “three” is the name given to two full jabs that are separated by a right hand. The first jab is short, used to shorten the distance. The last one is final.

However, it often happens that the third direct blow is not practical due to the shortening of the distance. In this case, the last straight line is replaced by a side kick. There are completely different variations of the "troika".

Strikes in Muay Thai

Muay Thai is a relatively new martial art. Anyone who has ever seen these fights will say with full confidence that this type of martial arts is the most traumatic martial art. Fighters in the ring use many different combinations. The fact is that in Thai boxing the arsenal of strikes is much wider than in classical boxing. In the Thai version, strikes with knees, shins, hands and elbows are allowed. The latter is considered the most dangerous.

Combinations in Thai boxing

Combinations of punches in Muay Thai are very diverse. Among the main connections that a beginner can perform, the following options can be distinguished. To successfully execute combinations, it is necessary for the opponent to go on the defensive. When he performs fills, it is not advisable to carry out a series. Ideally, the opponent should go into defense after the left jab.

During a left straight blow there should be a close approach to the opponent. Immediately after the first lunge it follows to the head. With a successful hit from the elbow, the fight in Muay Thai ends early, since it is the hardest blow. If the fighter is still on his feet, he comes close and hits the liver with his knee.

A combination that is very common in Muay Thai: the fighter first kicks to the body and then kicks to the head. This combination is very effective. It is also used as protection against enemy attacks. During training, athletes practice this technique hundreds of times in order to perform it automatically during a fight.

Punching technique in Muay Thai for beginners

Muay Thai requires good training from the fighter. Performing kicks requires good stretching and long practice. This is why amateurs rarely use their legs in a fight. But it is precisely after a kick to the head that fights in this sport often end prematurely. The fighter must also know well how to defend against such attacks. Otherwise, one missed blow can end the fight and cause serious injury. Muay Thai is a sport in which mistakes during a fight have more than once led to serious consequences. To carry out an elbow strike, you first need to get close to your opponent. This blow is usually performed after various connections have been made. To perform it effectively, the enemy must go into defense, otherwise it is better not to use it.

Impact force development

A novice athlete must remember that the force of a blow depends on the work of many muscles. The impact should involve the legs, abs, core muscles, shoulders, forearm and hands. To develop the necessary muscles, during training athletes throw a weighted ball, do low squat jumps, jumping push-ups, throw a barbell in front of them, exercise with dumbbells or weights. There are many exercises that will increase your punching power. The main thing is not to forget about the correct technique for performing it.

A wide variety of combinations of blows can be found in the form of boxing. The best combinations of strikes are the subject of constant training and research by specialists. The most effective can be simple connections with a timely attack and an accurate hit. To do this, you need to hone every movement well in training.
