Microcellulose for weight loss - how to take the product correctly, price and reviews. Microcrystalline cellulose MCC "Ankir-B": instructions for use

Used as a moisture stabilizer, emulsifier, filler in the food industry (food additive E460); in agriculture, in the production of cosmetics.

In food products it does not affect their organoleptic characteristics, so it is added to sausages, semi-finished meat products, sauces, creams, pates, cream soups, confectionery, ice cream, baked goods, and low-calorie dairy products. Microcrystalline cellulose helps reduce the calorie content of foods, is a source of dietary fiber that is beneficial for the gastrointestinal tract, and can increase the shelf life of goods. For the same purposes, it is added to feed for agricultural and domestic animals and birds.

Included in shampoos, creams and other cosmetic products - as a filler and gelling agent.

Microcrystalline cellulose in medicine

MCC is very actively used in medicine and pharmaceuticals as excipients of liquid, bulk and tableted medicines, suspensions, ointments, creams, toothpastes; in dentistry - for the production of adhesive materials.

The use of microcrystalline cellulose makes the tablets stronger, smoother, more stable, and more uniform. They dissolve better and are absorbed faster by the body. At the same time, the use of MCC allows the release of the drug gradually, at a controlled rate, for a long time. Microcrystalline cellulose itself is not digested or absorbed in the body.

Microcrystalline cellulose is used as an independent substance in the prevention of cancer, in the treatment of diseases and conditions such as:
- diabetes;
- hypertension, coronary heart disease;
- bile and urolithiasis;
- dysbacteriosis;
- atherosclerosis;
- obesity;
- disturbances of the gastrointestinal tract;
- poisoning, intoxication as a result of microbial infection.

Recently, various dietary supplements based on MCC have become very popular. They are used as sources of dietary fiber and sorbents. Dietary supplements based on microcrystalline cellulose can speed up metabolism; reduce the absorption of fats, cholesterol, carbohydrates; cause a quick feeling of fullness, reduce appetite, thus promoting weight loss.

MCC preparations adsorb toxins, waste, free radicals, radionuclides and heavy metals; mechanically “clean” the small intestine; stimulate motility and improve intestinal microflora; increase immunity.

It should be remembered that MCC must be used carefully, without exceeding the indicated dosages. The fact is that the substance absorbs and removes from the body not only toxins, but also useful elements - vitamins, calcium, iron, magnesium. In addition, there are contraindications for MCC, for example, pregnancy, gastric ulcer and some others. Therefore, before prescribing “treatment” with microcrystalline cellulose preparations, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Other Applications

As an additive to prevent clumping and caking of bulk products materials and reagents.
- As a filler in the manufacture of plastics, porcelain, ceramic refractories, rubber, bitumen coatings, porous materials.
- Stabilizer and emulsifier in the production of water-based paints and emulsions.
- For the production of filter materials; synthetic leather; biological plant protection products; welding electrodes; sorbents; thickeners.
- Receiving paper and nonwoven materials.
- In analytical chemistry - in chromatography methods.
- In the chemical industry - as a raw material for the production of materials and substances for further processing of cellulose: nanocrystalline cellulose, nanocomposites, esters, copolymers.

In an attempt to lose weight, people often push themselves to the point of exhaustion in the gym and while sitting. Some try to solve this problem with the help of untested pills, and their health suffers as a result. However, there is a special nutritional supplement that cleanses the body of waste and toxins and helps to lose excess weight.

What is MCC?

MCC is microcrystalline cellulose, a dietary supplement. It is formed during cotton production. The composition of MCC is similar to the fibers found in fruits and vegetables. It is sold in tablets or powder form.

The action of MCC is that when it enters the stomach, it attracts water and swells due to it. Thus, a few tablets will fill your stomach and reduce your appetite.

Since cellulose is not processed in the body, the MCC tablet collects all undigested pieces of food in the stomach and removes them from the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, cellulose removes excess cholesterol and sugar. Thus, microcrystalline cellulose helps cleanse the body, and as a result, tidy up the figure.

How MCC works when it enters the body

First, cellulose enters the stomach and swells greatly. If you felt hungry, now you will feel full, as if you had eaten. Since dietary fiber is not digested, it immediately passes into the intestines. There, the drug collects all the “dirt” and food waste from the mucous membrane, and absorbs toxins, heavy metal salts, waste, etc.

Due to this property, microcrystalline cellulose is often used for poisoning to cleanse the stomach of the resulting poisons.


With poor digestion, poor diet, or constipation, large amounts of undigested food can accumulate in the body. Because of this, digestion becomes difficult, the body is poisoned, metabolism worsens, the skin deteriorates and problems with excess weight begin.

What problems does the MCC solve:

  • reduces weight;
  • removes toxins;
  • normalizes blood sugar levels;
  • serves as a prevention of cancer, cardiovascular and gastroenterological diseases, as well as urolithiasis;
  • increases endurance;
  • regulates the functioning of the digestive organs;
  • provides the body with the necessary coarse fibers found in fruits and vegetables.

To get rid of excess weight, you need to work in a complex way: in addition to consuming cellulose, you should also start playing sports.

To whom is it assigned?

The main function of this drug is to combat obesity. However, in addition to this, microcrystalline cellulose also performs other tasks; it is prescribed to people with the following diseases:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • gastroenterological diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • poisoning;
  • prevention of the formation of kidney stones;
  • prevention of cancer.

For any of these diseases, do not self-medicate. First of all, visit your doctor and consult with him about taking MCC. Only a doctor can correctly diagnose and tell you specifically about your body: can you take microcrystalline cellulose, as there may be contraindications. Each person has a unique body, so if cellulose helped one person lose weight, it won’t necessarily work for you; it can also be harmful.

Contraindications and harm

MCC in tablets or powder can only be consumed by absolutely healthy people, without problems with the gastrointestinal tract. It is important to consider that in addition to waste and toxins, cellulose also removes useful substances and vitamins from the body. Therefore, during the period that you take MCC, the body will be practically without them. Despite the fact that this dietary supplement is considered harmless, consulting a doctor will not be superfluous.

It is forbidden to take microcrystalline cellulose:

  • pregnant women;
  • mothers who are breastfeeding;
  • people after taking antibiotics;
  • teenagers;
  • for anorexia and bulimia;
  • for acute gastrointestinal diseases.

You should not replace MCC with meals; it is advisable to use it only as a dietary supplement. After all, if you take cellulose instead of food, you will feel full, but your body will not receive nutrients, as a result of which you will feel lethargic and tired.

How to take MCC

Before taking the drug, be sure to read the instructions.

The tablets should be taken half an hour before meals, washed down with plenty of water, approximately 300-400 ml. MCC will swell in your stomach and you will eat less food. You should take 2-3 tablets at a time.

In addition to tablets, microcrystalline cellulose comes in powder form. If you purchased the powder, you need to pour it directly into your food before use. In addition, you can add the crushed additive to minced meatballs or other semi-finished products. This product should be prepared and consumed as soon as possible.

When taking MCC, be sure to drink at least 1.5 liters of water a day, and if you suffer from constipation, then at least two. Otherwise, the drug will work the other way around, and you will only worsen the condition of the gastrointestinal tract. Nutritionists also advise eating soups as often as possible while taking the drug.

It is best to carry out such treatment in the spring or summer, because during this period a person consumes more fluid than in the cold seasons. The body cleansing course should last no less than 10 and no more than 30 days.

If you feel heaviness in your stomach when taking the drug or have a problem such as constipation, then you are taking MCC incorrectly. To solve these problems, increase the amount of water you drink per day and eat more fruits and vegetables.

Weight loss results with MCC

By taking MCC and combining the drug with proper nutrition and exercise, girls can quickly and easily get rid of extra pounds. Among the reviews you can even find weight loss of 5-8 kg in just a month. The girls surveyed confirm that cellulose works great and also cleanses the skin. However, you must remember to drink plenty of water.

Let's watch a video with a real review from a girl who used MCC. Detailed information about taking dietary supplements, feelings during weight loss, and results:

Analogs and prices

The active ingredient of MCC is. Therefore, you can find analogues for this particular substance. There are such variants of this drug: fiber “Anti-diabetes”, fiber “Vitamin Glade”, “Multi formula of dietary fiber”.

The price in Russia varies from 100 to 200 rubles, depending on the company and place of manufacture.

Microcrystalline cellulose may help you lose weight, but it is important to understand that it is not a panacea. First of all, you need to eat healthy foods and engage in any physical activity. Do not get carried away with MCC, as the drug is addictive in some cases. And remember, when you take it, you also lose vitamins from your body.

For many people, the fight against excess weight becomes meaningless and merciless. Exhausting workouts only reward you with fatigue without any satisfaction, and harsh diets give you nothing but hunger. And at the same time, the extra pounds exist safely on the waist and hips and are not going to go away. Maybe in this case it’s time to turn your attention to special products that will help the body cope better with digestion and thereby force it to spend calories more actively? One of these helpers is microcrystalline cellulose for weight loss (abbreviated MCC) - a controversial drug, but for some it is very effective.

What is MCC

Microcrystalline cellulose is a medicine that comes in tablet form and is sold in pharmacies. The composition of each tablet is 100% dietary fiber. The medicine is prescribed by a doctor for the following medical indications:

  • poor patency of blood vessels;
  • high blood cholesterol levels;
  • excess sugar levels;
  • disorders in the digestive system;
  • overweight in the obesity stage;
  • poisoning;
  • as a prevention of malignant tumors.

But MCC, like many drugs, also has side effects that play a positive role in losing weight for ordinary people, whose weight is not critical, but not ideal either. They were adopted in the war against kilograms.

New Year's video recipe:

How MCC works for weight loss

In order for our intestines to work well, and nothing unnecessary and harmful to accumulate in the body, we need to regularly take fiber. You can get it from vegetables and fruits. So the advice of nutritionists to consume as many of these foods as possible is not at all groundless. True, in order to replenish the daily requirement of fiber, vegetables and fruits, you need to eat more than one kilogram. It is a rare person who is capable of such a feat. But everyone can take dietary fiber concentrate in the form of MCC tablets. And don’t let the word “cellulose” in the name of the drug scare you. Cellulose is an organic substance and is of plant origin. Its main component is cotton. So the naturalness of the medicine should give you confidence in its usefulness.

As for getting rid of extra pounds, MCC does not burn fat directly. And you are mistaken if you think that you will become lighter and slimmer just by eating a few pills. Microcrystalline cellulose works differently:

  • being a product that is not digested in the stomach, MCC will come out of it in its original form, but at the same time it will pick up toxins, waste and other garbage you don’t need along the way;
  • It’s not for nothing that MCC is called an intestinal janitor, because it promotes smooth functioning of the intestines, so you will not experience any bloating or heaviness in the abdomen - on the contrary, with taking the drug, long-awaited lightness will come to you;
  • good intestinal function is a consequence of proper digestion, for which you can also thank the MCC;
  • Taking microcrystalline cellulose obliges a person to drink as much water as possible, this means that, while putting things in order in your body, you will, figuratively speaking, not just brush away dust, but do serious wet cleaning. In addition, no matter how strange it may sound, more water means less swelling, because the water cycle in the body will relieve you of excess fluid, and therefore a couple of “floating” kilograms;
  • MCC does not dissolve in water, but swells well in it, this will give you a long-term feeling of fullness and protect you from unnecessary snacks and, accordingly, unnecessary calories;
  • despite the decrease in appetite, and with it the volume of food eaten, your body will still need energy to live, because you are not going to lie on the couch all day, so it will begin to get it from the inside, including from fat deposits;
  • MCC will allow you to eat less, so over time your stomach will have to adapt to the new living conditions by shrinking in size.

Thus, microcrystalline cellulose will help you cope with extra pounds without feeling hungry and give you a feeling of lightness without heavy physical activity. Note that this is an ideal scenario. In life, unfortunately, the process of losing weight with MCC may not go so smoothly.

How to take MCC correctly

When you know what needs to be done, but don’t understand how, then you shouldn’t expect success. The same is true with special weight loss medications. You can, of course, buy them in huge quantities and drink them without stopping, but it’s unlikely that with this approach you can count on results. At best, you won’t notice any changes in your body, at worst, you will undermine your health. Therefore, if you decide to fight excess weight with the help of MCC, then you need to strictly adhere to the drug dosage schedule and follow the recommendations:

  • You can drink MCC on its own, just like tablets, or add the substance as an ingredient to dishes during cooking.
  • To feel the results, the course of taking the drug must last at least three weeks. You can repeat it after a four-week break. In general, there is no time limit for appointments.
  • A prerequisite is to drink water. And not when you want, but regularly, literally on schedule, at least 2 liters a day.
  • The best time to take MCC is before meals, about 20–30 minutes. The frequency is limited to three doses - before breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  • The dosage of the drug should be gradually increased - from 4 tablets on the first day to 15-30 on the last day of the course. The final dose depends on the severity of the excess weight problem. For example, for obesity, it is recommended to increase the daily volume of medication to 1,250 grams (this is 50 tablets - the maximum dose for an adult). In the end, just read the instructions that come with the package.
  • Those who want to lose weight as quickly as possible can add MCC tablets to their menu as the only dish for dinner or limit themselves to them during snacks.

If the idea of ​​taking the drug in its pure form is unacceptable to you, then try yourself as a skilled cook using MCC as a prescription supplement. To do this, you need to take several tablets, crush them, soften them in water and add the resulting pulp to the dough, or minced meat, or sauce. The main thing is to stick to the norm of 50 tablets per day - no more!

What's good about MCC

Losing weight with microcrystalline cellulose is quite simple. You are not required to perform dietary and sports feats, torment yourself with hunger strikes and physical exercise. Drink and lose weight - this is the motto of MCC fans, behind which lies a simple secret: the fewer calories you eat, the less fat you will gain. Although, of course, during a diet it is better not to pay attention to fatty, starchy and sweet foods. Why do you need them if you are determined to take the path of being slim? It is better to develop new eating habits during the diet, rather than after it. In addition, by avoiding excesses in food and relying on MCC, you will help your body become not only slimmer, but also healthier. Thanks to this drug:

  • metabolism improves;
  • excess cholesterol is cleared;
  • toxins and other debris that interfere with the body’s normal functioning are removed;
  • blood circulation is normalized;
  • sugar levels decrease;
  • the intestines work well;
  • immunity is strengthened;
  • Feelings of heaviness and bloating disappear;
  • The gastrointestinal mucosa is regenerated.

It is not for nothing that MCC is used as a replacement for activated carbon, because their operating principle is similar.

In addition, microcrystalline cellulose is a cheap and accessible drug. On average, you can lose weight by 4 kg in one month.

What's wrong with MCC

Despite its naturalness and organic origin, MCC is not suitable for every person. You do not need to try this drug if you:

  • you suffer from constipation, and flatulence is your constant companion;
  • suffer from anorexia or bulimia;
  • are expecting a baby or breastfeeding;
  • you are deficient in vitamins;
  • are a regular patient of a gastroenterologist;
  • are taking any other medications on a regular basis,

and also in case:

  • suddenly it turns out that you have individual intolerance to MCC;
  • you are under 18 years of age or over 60 years of age.

You should not seek help from the MCC, even if you feel healthy, if your doctor is categorically against this method of weight loss. Agree that specialists still know better what is actually good.

If you break these rules, there will be side effects that will not only spoil your mood and undermine your health, but will also negate all your efforts to lose weight:

  • you may be overcome by vitamin deficiency with all its symptoms - headache, split ends and falling out hair, brittle nails, dental problems, weakness and bad mood;
  • you will suffer from constipation and other intestinal and stomach problems.

Of course, there are few side effects, but they are quite unpleasant. Although you can try to avoid them. In the first case, during the MCC course, take additional vitamin complexes, in the second, help yourself with laxatives. But this should never be done without consulting a doctor.

What they say about microcrystalline cellulose

Those who wanted to lose weight with the help of MCC have rather contradictory reviews about the drug. On the one hand, many note a positive effect in the form of losing 3–5 kilograms per month. On the other hand, those losing weight complain of constipation and other intestinal problems. There are also users who do not recommend taking microcrystalline cellulose in principle: they say that instead of the promised lightness in the stomach, only heaviness and other discomfort was felt, and the weight did not change at all. There are also those losing weight who, during the course of taking MCC, constantly complained of fatigue and decreased vitality.

As for doctors, they are not inclined to consider microcrystalline cellulose a universal drug for weight loss. Moreover, according to many medical experts, it can cause harm to those people for whom it is not necessary for health reasons. Doctors are sure: you cannot experiment with your health, because the consequences of experiments involving drugs can be unpredictable. In the end, nothing better than proper and healthy nutrition coupled with physical activity to combat excess weight has yet to be invented.

In 1 tablet microcrystalline cellulose (dietary fiber) 500 mg.

Release form

Tablets No. 100.

pharmachologic effect

Replenishment of dietary fiber deficiency.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


Dietary supplement to food - source dietary fiber . The main advantages of this product, in comparison with other MCCs, are increased sorption properties and hygroscopicity.

The quality of MCC Evalar meets international standards, since the dietary fiber in this preparation is ultrafinely purified. Normalizes the functions of the gastrointestinal tract and metabolic processes, reduces the feeling of hunger, accelerates the transit of food in the gastrointestinal tract. Provides elimination cholesterol , toxic substances, radionuclides and products of exchange.


Due to hygroscopicity, dietary fiber swells in the intestines and absorbs toxic compounds and metabolic products, which are then excreted from the body.

Indications for use

  • prevention;
  • prevention neoplasms ;
  • elevated blood sugar levels;
  • microbial intoxication, heavy metal poisoning;


Individual intolerance.

Side effects

Feelings of discomfort in the stomach and intestines. It is recommended to gradually increase the dose of MCC over the course of a week.

Instructions for use (Method and dosage)

Microcrystalline cellulose MCC Ankir-B Evalar for normalization of gastrointestinal function And improve metabolism taken orally 3-5 tablets before meals 3 times a day. During a course of treatment, you must consume at least 1.5 - 2 liters of liquid during the day (including liquid meals and drinks).

With the aim of health improvement the course is 25-30 days. After 10-14 days the course can be repeated.

With the aim of weight loss the dose should be increased - 10 tablets. 3 times on a low-calorie diet. It is allowed to replace dinner with tablets. Duration of use is 2–3 months without interruption. At the same time, weight is steadily reduced, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism improves.

The daily dose should be increased gradually. For example, at first take only 5 tablets for 5 days, and then gradually increase the required daily dose to 15 or 20-30 tablets. It depends on the goal being pursued. If discomfort in the intestines occurs, you need to reduce the daily dose and take the drug after meals.

At take up to 10-20 tablets per day, against the background of basic diets. There is an improvement in lipid metabolism and blood supply myocardium , lowering cholesterol levels, increasing endurance to physical activity.

When gastroenterological diseases It is also recommended to take 10-20 tablets.

There is a decrease in gas formation, stool normalization, pain in the epigastric region and a feeling of fullness in the abdomen disappear.

MCC can be used as an additive to dishes. MCC tablets softened in water are added to semi-finished products (egg whites, dough, minced meat and fish), and to ready-made porridge. When preparing the sauce, add 3 tablets per 500 g. The daily dose for an adult is no more than 50 tablets in all dishes.


No cases of overdose have been reported.


Not studied.

Terms of sale

Over the counter.

Storage conditions

At a temperature not higher than 250 C.

Best before date


The active ingredient fiber contains: wheat bran, rye bran, oat bran, " Fiber anti diabetes », « Fiber vitamin glade », « Cleansing fiber ».


Fiber or digestive fiber is an essential component of food. Lack of dietary fiber causes metabolic disorders (atherosclerosis, obesity, diabetes), cardiovascular and gastrointestinal diseases. Dietary fiber is enterosorbent , which helps rid the body of toxic substances and metabolic products. They are necessary to improve metabolism and function of the gastrointestinal tract (eliminates gas formation and constipation), to improve the intestinal microflora.

By swelling in the gastrointestinal tract, they reduce the feeling of hunger and therefore the amount of food eaten decreases. This property allows you to use dietary fiber for weight loss.

Microcrystalline cellulose - this is dietary fiber or fiber obtained from plant materials, therefore all these properties are inherent in the Evalar MCC, which has only positive reviews from doctors.

Taking 10-15 tablets replenishes the physiological need for fiber by 15-25%. Clinical trials have confirmed the effectiveness of MCC Evalar as a means that helps prevent many diseases, general health of the body, and weight loss. It is used for IHD , atherosclerosis , for prevention oncological diseases . The important thing is that MCC can be taken while breastfeeding .

Many people use MCC Evalar for weight loss. The reviews are both positive (the product helped to lose weight) and negative.

“You can actually lose weight. The effect is amazing -15 in 3 months"
“This product helped me - I lost 5 kg in a month, so with this product you can lose weight for any holiday”

"A good appetite suppressant"

“...I drank three packs of MCC, but didn’t notice any results”

“I had the opposite effect - I wanted to eat even more, my appetite was brutal, and I still had pain in my stomach. I suffered for two weeks and quit. I am disappointed"

“There is no effect. Creates artificial satiety for a short time, stretches the stomach. You need to drink a large dose of 6-10 tablets at a time and 2 liters of water per day.”

As you can see, the remedy manifested itself differently in different people, which depended on individual sensitivity. Even if you don’t lose weight, there is no harm from it, and the benefits in terms of health improvement are obvious.

Price, where to buy

Today, many pharmacies offer MCC Evalar. You can buy 500 mg tablets No. 100 at a price of 79 rubles. up to 125 rub. The dietary supplement can be purchased from official representatives of the Evalar company and in herbal pharmacies.

Find out what MCC is, how the weight loss process occurs, the advantages of using microcrystalline cellulose, as well as contraindications and instructions for use.

  • Further, since the body needs a constant source of energy, it begins to process fat deposits.
  • Thanks to microcrystalline cellulose, the process of weight loss occurs by burning fat, and at the same time you feel full and happy from reducing the size of your waist.
  • A very important point is that you do not need to limit yourself to your favorite foods or sweets. You will be able to continue to eat this, but because of the feeling of fullness, in much smaller portions. Meanwhile, the MCC will do the work. Also, microcrystalline cellulose is eliminated from the body naturally without harm.

    Advantages of using MCC for weight loss:

    • Natural easy bowel cleansing.
    • Normalization of cholesterol in the body (read,).
    • Strengthening the immune system.
    • Increased performance, improved mood.
    • Normalization of the digestive system and metabolic processes.
    • Sorbing properties and hygroscopicity (disintegration from water, from which swelling first occurs).
    • Reducing the risk of getting cancer.
    • Removing harmful substances, toxins, radionuclides and waste from the body.

    MCC not only helps you lose weight, but also has preventive properties against kidney stone formation, is an alternative to activated charcoal in case of indigestion, and generally helps alleviate your condition with gastroenterological diseases and atherosclerosis.

    MCC: instructions for use

    Initially, take 1–2 tablets three times a day with meals. (for best results, it is recommended to take MCC half an hour before meals). After four days, take 4-5 tablets 3 times a day, after another week - 7 tablets, continuing to increase the amount. 50 pieces (500 mg each) is the maximum dosage per day, but it’s better not to experiment. On average, take 25–30 tablets per day (that is, 8–10 tablets 3 times a day), and at the end of the course, reduce the dose back to one or two.

    For better absorption, the tablets should be ground into a powder by mixing with water. You should drink the paste with a glass of water. Also, MCC for weight loss in this form can be added to salads, dough, minced meat and raw eggs, since cellulose does not have a pronounced taste.
    The course of taking tablets is one month, but with advanced obesity, three are possible, but be sure to consult a doctor. After completing the course, the duration of the break is at least 1 month.

    It is worth remembering the main rule of losing weight with the help of MCC. You need to drink at least 2.5 liters of water. Otherwise, you may feel hungry, and the result will be different accordingly.

    If you follow the above instructions correctly, you can lose weight by 4 kg in just 1 month.

    Contraindications to the use of MCC

    It is imperative to follow the instructions for use to avoid side effects. But not everyone is suitable for using microcrystalline cellulose as a way to lose weight. The following contraindications for use are observed:

    • Constipation;
    • You should not take MCC together with other medications;
    • Bloating (flatulence);
    • Bulimia or anorexia;
    • Lactation and pregnancy;
    • Vitamin deficiency, since some vitamins may leave the body with MCC;
    • Disturbance of intestinal microflora;
    • Elderly and adolescence.
    If you experience side effects such as constipation and heaviness, you should drink 2 glasses of water and take a laxative. Although such cases have been recorded very few.

    Real reviews about MCC

    Marta, 25 years old

    At first I thought for a long time whether it was worth buying MCC, because everyone knows that any diet pills are harmful to health. But then, after reading the instructions, I finally decided to do it. I would like to immediately note that sometimes I experience constipation, as sad as it may be, but I have already lost a couple of kilograms. So, basically, I'm happy.

    Karina, 39 years old

    I do not advise anyone to buy these tablets. Maybe they are on a natural basis, but I haven’t felt such heaviness for a long time (equivalent to eating a bowl of salad with mayonnaise), so I became less active and generally lazy. It turns out that you don’t seem to eat much, but you don’t feel lighter. In general, I decided to lose weight with the help of proper nutrition and moderate exercise, which is what I wish for everyone.

    Maria, 31 years old

    My friend literally dragged me to the pharmacy to buy this miraculous remedy because she was tired of my constant whining about being fat. I was against it, but then I decided, because I had never been able to lose weight through willpower. And in 2 months I lost 7 kilograms. I am delighted and plan to continue taking MCC. But I advise you to consult a doctor before use.
