Methodological recommendations for physical culture. Exercises to develop general

Based on experience working with students with health problems, recommendations are given on the organization, content and methods of conducting classes in a special medical group.

To provide practical and methodological assistance to physical education teachers, a sample curriculum, sets of general developmental exercises and morning exercises, and sets of exercises for specific diseases are offered.

For the purpose of control and self-control of those engaged in physical culture, a methodology for assessing physical development and functional state is given.


  1. Work program in the discipline "Physical Education" for a special medical group
  2. General developmental exercises - means of promoting health, restoring and increasing performance
  3. Methodology for determining the individual level of physical development and functional state of the body.
  4. Application
  5. Bibliography


There are many problems in the modern Russian education system. But the problem of the moral and physical health of the younger generation, the formation of a healthy lifestyle, without exaggeration, can be called problem number one.

It is no coincidence that at this historical stage this problem is being solved at the state level. The government and the Duma pass laws on the development of physical culture and sports, on raising a healthy generation.

The health of children and adolescents is of particular concern. According to the Russian Ministry of Health, only 14% of children are practically healthy, 50% have functional deviations. 35-40% are chronic diseases. And during the period of study at school and in educational institutions, the health status of adolescents and young people deteriorates sharply.

Among students, 30% have various health conditions, temporary or permanent illnesses. It is no secret that the number of these students is steadily increasing from year to year. And I am sure that these young people need physical exercise even more than their healthy peers. Since basically they all have weak physical development, often get sick, and are addicted to bad habits.

In this regard, it is very important to increase the efficiency in the activities of special medical groups (SMG). Classes in these groups help improve health, involve physically weak students in active physical education, and promote a healthy lifestyle.

Practice shows that the organization of SMG work in educational institutions is still seriously behind the requirements of the time. Many teachers, not sufficiently possessing the necessary level of knowledge about the organization and methodology of the JMG activities, show passivity and inertia in this important work, mistakenly reading it as just an additional burden.

Meanwhile, the primary role in solving complex methodological problems belongs to the physical education teacher. The process of physical education for weakened students is very complex. Only with a deep understanding of all the components of this process can one effectively and correctly use all available opportunities for successful work with this contingent of students. Now it is especially necessary to update the forms and methods of this work, to decisively overcome inertia, stagnation and conservatism.

The proposed manual is devoted to a description of the main organizational, pedagogical and methodological aspects of the work of a physical education teacher with students who have health problems. The specific work experience of the author is reflected, who believes that this manual will be useful for teachers of educational institutions working with students of a special medical department.

Key words: health, general developmental exercises, physical development, education of physical qualities, functional state, gymnastics for students with poor health.

Organization and content of physical education classes in a special medical group

SMG includes persons with health conditions of a temporary or permanent nature, requiring limitation of physical activity. The recruitment of the SMG is carried out by a doctor of the educational institution with the obligatory participation of the head of physical education and is approved by the director.

Students assigned to the SMG study according to a separate schedule for at least 2-4 hours per week. To conduct classes with these students, study groups of 12-18 people are created.

Goals and objectives of the classes:

Strengthening health, improving physical development, hardening the body;

Expanding the range of functional capabilities of the body's main physiological systems;

Increased mental and physical performance;

Increasing the body's defenses and resistance;

Mastering basic motor skills and abilities;

Cultivating interest in regular physical exercise and moral and volitional qualities;

Promotion of healthy lifestyles.

Physical education of SMG students has its own specifics. Along with general educational tasks in the course of classes, issues of healing and strengthening the body of students occupy a significant place.

The leading principle in working with SMG students is a differentiated approach, dosing the load, taking into account individual characteristics.

Before each lesson, students' heart rate (HR) is determined. If the heart rate is higher than 84 beats/min, then these students study according to their well-being with a reduced load.

For students with abnormalities in the cardiovascular system, exercises that involve holding your breath and straining, a sharp acceleration of the pace, or static tension are contraindicated.

Students with respiratory diseases (chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, etc.) are contraindicated in exercises that cause holding their breath or straining.

In case of kidney diseases (nephritis, pyelonephritis, nephrosis), physical activity is significantly reduced, jumping is excluded, and hypothermia of the body is not allowed.

With disorders of the nervous system, exercises that cause nervous strain are limited, and play time is limited.

For diseases of the visual organs, jumping, somersaults, straining exercises, and handstands and headstands are excluded.

In case of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gall bladder, and liver, the load on the abdominal muscles is reduced and jumping is limited.

The structure of a lesson in the SMG is, in principle, no different from a regular physical education lesson, but has a number of fundamental features.

The introductory part includes general developmental exercises, which should be carried out at a slow and medium pace, always alternating with breathing exercises. The load should be increased gradually based on the flexible and rational use of tools and exercises that ensure the preparation of all organs and systems to perform the main part. The introductory part should include such elements as construction and explanation of the objectives of the lesson. counting the pulse, walking at a different pace and direction, slow running, a set of breathing exercises, exercises with various objects (balls, gymnastic sticks, jump ropes), exercises on a gymnastic bench or against a gymnastic wall.

In the main part, students master basic motor skills, receive a certain physical activity and emotional stress. The tasks of general development of the muscular system, formation of correct posture, improvement of coordination of movements, development of basic physical qualities and mastery of motor skills are solved. The means are general developmental and special exercises; the range of these means should be wide and varied.

In this case, the selection and alternation of exercises, load dosage, and organization of sanitary and hygienic conditions are of great importance. Flexibility and strength exercises can occupy a different place depending on the type of lesson and its objectives.

Speed ​​and coordination exercises should be given at the beginning of the main part. And exercises that give a large overall load (games, etc.) and cause emotional stress are more appropriate to use at the end of the main part. To relieve fatigue, and this is very important, it is recommended to use relaxation exercises between performing various exercises.

In the final part, it is necessary to create conditions in order to restore strength, relieve fatigue and take stock. In this part, it is recommended to use simple, uncomplicated exercises for individual parts of the body, various types of walking, calm dance steps, relaxation and breathing exercises, to develop correct posture, and always rest while sitting.

The lesson should be emotional and aesthetically designed. It should give those involved joy, vigor and aesthetic pleasure. They should feel healthy and forget about their illnesses. As practice shows, it is advisable to include outdoor games, elements of dance and aerobics, use music, a variety of sports equipment and exercise equipment.

Two years ago I conducted an open lesson with students of special medical groups for physical education teachers of our republic. The lesson was approved and received a positive rating. From personal experience, I can suggest the following structure and content of the lesson. Usually the lesson begins with students lined up at the gymnastics wall and checking their pulse. Next, exercises are carried out to develop correct posture: walking with a bag on the head with different positions of the hands, general developmental exercises in pairs or with various objects (gymnastic sticks, small balls, jump ropes, etc.)

The main part of the lesson is the development of strength endurance, students perform exercises for the muscles of the back and abdomen, coordination of movements is improved, and the skills of correct posture are consolidated. A variety of exercises for the muscles of the trunk, upper and lower extremities are performed in different starting positions: standing, sitting, including hanging on a gymnastic wall. Special corrective exercises are also included. At the end of the main part of the lesson, various outdoor games, relay races, and elements of sports games are held.

In the final part, physical activity gradually decreases. Flexibility, relaxation and breathing exercises are given, and the pulse is checked.

The motor mode is recommended to be carried out at a pulse rate of 120-130 beats/min. at the beginning of the school year and gradually increase to 140-150 beats/min. (in the main part of the lesson). motor mode at a pulse rate of 130-150 beats/min. the most optimal for the cardiorespiratory system under conditions of aerobic energy supply and gives a good training effect.

An indispensable condition when conducting classes with this group of students is pedagogical control.

The teacher must monitor the intensity of the loads given and prevent the appearance of signs of fatigue (sweating, redness of the skin, etc.). The loads used should cause a feeling of accepted fatigue. The criterion for the correct dosing of the load is the change in pulse.

Monitoring the level of physical fitness and functional state of students’ bodies is carried out using special tests at the beginning and end of each academic year

The teaching style of the teacher is of no small importance. He is required to have a sensitive, attentive, friendly attitude towards those engaged in high professional skills, and the ability to instill interest in regular physical education. Any disruption, rudeness or simply tactlessness of the teacher has a negative impact and creates neuropsychological and physical overload.

To increase the volume of physical activity, improve physical fitness and strengthen the health of students in the form of independent work, the following approximate sets of physical exercises are proposed:

Approximate complex of morning exercises (Appendix No. 1)

An approximate complex of general developmental and health-improving gymnastics (Appendix No. 2)

Health-improving physical exercise complexes for various diseases (Appendix No. 3)

Work program for the discipline "Physical Education"

for a special medical group

The issue of creating a physical education program for this category of students is still in its infancy, but often in many educational institutions the number of students in special medical groups reaches 30%.

In programs for the discipline "Physical Education", a maximum of half a page is allocated to the content and organization of classes in the SMG. There are no uniform requirements and criteria for monitoring and recording educational activities. engaged.

Based on many years of educational experience, I developed a work program in the discipline “Physical Education” for a special medical group. The program is not mandatory and can be supplemented with constructive additions and changes.

The academic discipline "Physical Education" for SMG students includes theoretical, practical and test educational materials as a mandatory minimum.

According to theoretical training, students must know the means, forms, methods, principles of physical culture, and learn self-control when doing physical exercises. Gain knowledge and skills on a healthy lifestyle, physical therapy, and the specifics of physical exercise for various diseases.

Practical classes aimed at the general strengthening of the body, the development of all basic motor qualities, the elimination of functional deviations, deficiencies in physique and physical development, and the elimination of residual effects after illnesses.

Test material determines an objective, differentiated assessment of the results of students' educational activities.

Class attendance was chosen as the main criterion for the final assessment. In addition to this, grades are given for theoretical knowledge and for correct completion of assignments. At the beginning and end of each year, students are tested to determine their individual level of physical development. Students should be able to exercise self-control during physical exercise, create complexes of morning exercises, and apply in practice the methods of therapeutic physical culture for their illness.

Twice a year, students must complete control exercises, which are not specified by a numerical value. Increasing results in certain types of exercise can serve as a criterion for assessing academic performance. Depending on the nature of the disease, some students perform control exercises of their choice.

Sample control exercises for assessing physical qualities

1. Strength and speed-strength qualities

Bending and straightening the arms while lying on the floor (boys)

Bending and straightening the arms in support on a bench (girls)

Raising the body from a supine position, hands behind the head, legs secured (girls)

Standing long jump

2. Speed ​​- without 30 meters, 60 meters

3. Endurance - 10-minute run

4. Agility - throwing a tennis ball at a target, throwing a basketball into a basket.

5. Flexibility - standing on a gymnastic bench, bending forward (distance in centimeters of the support plane).

General developmental exercises are a means of promoting health, restoring and increasing performance.

General development exercises (GDE) are the main means in the training of a special medical group. Outdoor sports equipment, as a rule, is used for the comprehensive development of physical fitness of those involved. Depending on the setting of goals and objectives, outdoor training classes can be aimed at preparing the students’ bodies for the upcoming work, improving the health of various functional systems, correcting physique deficiencies and forming correct posture. Thus, outdoor switchgear can be used in all parts of the lesson. They can be performed without objects, in pairs, with objects (gymnastic sticks, medicine balls, dumbbells, jump ropes, on a gymnastic wall and bench on exercise machines).

Being a fundamental factor in the formation of posture, ORU strengthens the muscles of the entire body and contributes to the correct position of the spinal column. At the same time, having a beneficial effect on the formation of the musculoskeletal system, ORUs serve as an excellent means of developing the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, while strengthening the diaphragm, intercostal muscles and abdominal muscles.

Exercises with objects develop coordination abilities well and develop all physical qualities. Having a wide range of variety and difficulty, exercises with objects are accessible and attractive to all practitioners.

Depending on the pedagogical focus, all outdoor exercise equipment are divided into exercises for the development of strength, flexibility, speed, endurance, coordination and accuracy of movements, the ability to tense and relax individual muscle groups, and the formation of correct posture.

In recent years, such non-traditional types of exercises as rhythmic and athletic gymnastics, shaping, step aerobics, breathing exercises, hatha yoga, wushu, etc. have gained recognition in the methodology of outdoor exercise. The widespread use of elements of these types of gymnastics contributes to the variety of classes and arouses great interest among those involved, which in turn has a positive effect on class attendance.

For use in the classroom, we bring to your attention several different outdoor switchgear complexes.

Methodology for determining the individual level of physical development and functional state

To increase the effectiveness of health-improving classes and creative use of the principle of a differentiated approach, dosing the load, taking into account the individual characteristics of the students, the teacher must have specific data on the level of physical development and functional state of the body of each student.

For this purpose, everyone involved in the SMG undergoes examination at the beginning and by the end of the year.

Individual assessment of physical development is based on anthropometric measurements:

1. Height (standing, sitting, cm)

2. Body weight (kg)

3. Chest circumference (cm)

4. Vital capacity of the lungs (VC), measured with a spirometer in meters (a good indicator for girls is 3 liters, boys - 4-4.5 liters).

5. Cell muscle strength, measured with a dynamometer in kg (a good indicator for girls is 30 kg, boys - 45 kg)

6. Deadlift (girls - 95 kg, boys - 155 kg). Using these measurements to assess physical development, the method of anthropometric indices is used

1. Weight index = body weight (g) / standing height (cm) =

A good estimate is within:

Girls - 360-405 g/cm

Boys - 380-415 g/cm

2. Life index = vital capacity (ml)/weight (kg) =

Good estimate: girls - 55-60 ml/g

boys - 65-70 ml/g

3. Strength index=(lash strength (kg)/body weight (kg))*100=

Good score: girls - 48-50%

boys - 65-80%

4. Proportionality coefficient = (X 1 - X 2 / X 2) * 100

x 1 - standing height (cm)

x 2 - sitting height) cm)

Normal CP = 87-92%

Chest development, standing height (cm)

The norm for girls and boys is 50-55%

The functional state of the body or fitness is determined by morphological and functional changes, reflecting the state of individual body systems (cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous). To correctly assess the degree of fitness, it is necessary to use one or another method not only at rest, but also during physical activity.

The easiest way to determine the effect of exercise on the cardiovascular system is to count your pulse and measure your blood pressure.

Normal resting heart rate is 60-78 beats/min. Maximum blood pressure - 100-100 mm

minimum - 60-80 mm

The less often the heart beats and the lower the blood pressure level and the faster these indicators return to normal after determining physical activity, the higher the degree of fitness of the body. The body's fitness is determined using functional tests.

Functional tests for the cardiovascular system

1. Functional test with 20 squats. After 3 minutes of rest, the pulse is calculated up to 10 seconds, recalculated by 1 minute. Then perform 20 deep squats in 40 seconds, raising your arms forward, spreading your knees to the sides, keeping your torso upright. Immediately after squats, the pulse is calculated for 10 seconds. In terms of 1 min.

Assessment: if the difference in heart rate after exercise and at rest is 20 or less - good

21-30 - satisfactory

31 and more - not satisfactory

2. Orthostatic test

The student rests lying on the wall for 5 minutes, then the pulse is counted in a lying position, after which the student gets up and after 1 minute counts the pulse again in a standing position. The difference between the pulse in a standing and lying position indicates the degree of fitness; the smaller the difference, the better the fitness of the body.

Rating: heart rate difference from 0-6 - good

7-10 - satisfactory

11-15 - not satisfactory

After 5 min. rest, the pulse is counted (P 1). Then do 30 deep squats. Immediately after squats, the pulse is counted (P 2). After 1 min. rest, bullets are counted again with (P 3). Then all three heart rate indicators are entered into the formula and an arithmetic calculation is made.

Rating: 5 or less - good

6-10 - satisfactory

11-15 - not satisfactory

For speed and accuracy, the pulse is calculated in 10 minutes or 15 seconds and the result is multiplied by 6 or 4, i.e. translated in 1 minute.

Functional tests of the respiratory system

1. Stange test (breath holding while inhaling). After 5 minutes of rest while sitting, take 2-3 deep breaths in and out, and then take a deep breath and hold your breath. The time from the moment the breath is held until it stops is noted. The average is 65 seconds. The longer the delay time, the greater the training.

2. The Genche test (holding the breath while exhaling) is performed in the same way as the Stange test, only the breath is held after exiting. Here the average is 30 seconds.

Functional tests on the nervous system

The test consists of a four-stage study of static coordination, which is characterized by gradually increasing difficulty in performing

Task 1. Move your toes and heels together, extend your arms forward, spread your fingers. Stand for 30 seconds. without swinging.

Task 2. Place your feet on the same line (the heel of one leg touches the toe of the other), arms extended forward. Stand for 30 seconds.

Task 3. Standing on your left leg, place the heel of your right foot on the kneecap of your left leg, arms extended forward.

Task 4. Same as 3, but lower your arms along your body. 30 seconds.

The assessment is made using a 5-point system. Since task 1-2 is done according to task 3-4. Whoever holds for less than 5 seconds - 1 point; 5-10 seconds - 2; 11-15 sec - 3; 16-20 sec. - 4; 21-30 - 5 points.



Based on experience working with students with health problems, recommendations are given on the organization, content and methods of conducting classes in a special medical group.

To provide practical and methodological assistance to physical education teachers, a sample curriculum, sets of general developmental exercises and morning exercises, and sets of exercises for specific diseases are offered.

For the purpose of control and self-control of those engaged in physical culture, a methodology for assessing physical development and functional state is given.



    Organization and content of physical education classes in a special medical group

    Work program in the discipline "Physical Education" for a special medical group

    General developmental exercises - means of promoting health, restoring and increasing performance

    Methodology for determining the individual level of physical development and functional state of the body.




There are many problems in the modern Russian education system. But the problem of the moral and physical health of the younger generation, the formation of a healthy lifestyle, without exaggeration, can be called problem number one.

It is no coincidence that at this historical stage this problem is being solved at the state level. The government and the Duma pass laws on the development of physical culture and sports, on raising a healthy generation.

The health of children and adolescents is of particular concern. According to the Russian Ministry of Health, only 14% of children are practically healthy, 50% have functional deviations. 35-40% are chronic diseases. And during the period of study at school and in educational institutions, the health status of adolescents and young people deteriorates sharply.

Among students, 30% have various health conditions, temporary or permanent illnesses. It is no secret that the number of these students is steadily increasing from year to year. And I am sure that these young people need physical exercise even more than their healthy peers. Since basically they all have weak physical development, often get sick, and are addicted to bad habits.

In this regard, it is very important to increase the efficiency in the activities of special medical groups (SMG). Classes in these groups help improve health, involve physically weak students in active physical education, and promote a healthy lifestyle.

Practice shows that the organization of SMG work in educational institutions is still seriously behind the requirements of the time. Many teachers, not sufficiently possessing the necessary level of knowledge about the organization and methodology of the JMG activities, show passivity and inertia in this important work, mistakenly reading it as just an additional burden.

Meanwhile, the primary role in solving complex methodological problems belongs to the physical education teacher. The process of physical education for weakened students is very complex. Only with a deep understanding of all the components of this process can one effectively and correctly use all available opportunities for successful work with this contingent of students. Now it is especially necessary to update the forms and methods of this work, to decisively overcome inertia, stagnation and conservatism.

The proposed manual is devoted to a description of the main organizational, pedagogical and methodological aspects of the work of a physical education teacher with students who have health problems. The specific work experience of the author is reflected, who believes that this manual will be useful for teachers of educational institutions working with students of a special medical department.

Key words: health, general developmental exercises, physical development, education of physical qualities, functional state, gymnastics for students with poor health.


SMG includes persons with health conditions of a temporary or permanent nature, requiring limitation of physical activity. The recruitment of the SMG is carried out by a doctor of the educational institution with the obligatory participation of the head of physical education and is approved by the director.

Students assigned to the SMG study according to a separate schedule for at least 2-4 hours per week. To conduct classes with these students, study groups of 12-18 people are created.

Goals and objectives of the classes:

Strengthening health, improving physical development, hardening the body;

Expanding the range of functional capabilities of the body's main physiological systems;

Increased mental and physical performance;

Increasing the body's defenses and resistance;

Mastering basic motor skills and abilities;

Cultivating interest in regular physical exercise and moral and volitional qualities;

Promotion of healthy lifestyles.

Physical education of SMG students has its own specifics. Along with general educational tasks in the course of classes, issues of healing and strengthening the body of students occupy a significant place.

The leading principle in working with SMG students is a differentiated approach, dosing the load, taking into account individual characteristics.

Before each lesson, students' heart rate (HR) is determined. If the heart rate is higher than 84 beats/min, then these students study according to their well-being with a reduced load.

For students with abnormalities in the cardiovascular system, exercises that involve holding your breath and straining, a sharp acceleration of the pace, or static tension are contraindicated.

Students with respiratory diseases (chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, etc.) are contraindicated in exercises that cause holding their breath or straining.

In case of kidney diseases (nephritis, pyelonephritis, nephrosis), physical activity is significantly reduced, jumping is excluded, and hypothermia of the body is not allowed.

With disorders of the nervous system, exercises that cause nervous strain are limited, and play time is limited.

For diseases of the visual organs, jumping, somersaults, straining exercises, and handstands and headstands are excluded.

In case of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gall bladder, and liver, the load on the abdominal muscles is reduced and jumping is limited.

The structure of a lesson in the SMG is, in principle, no different from a regular physical education lesson, but has a number of fundamental features.

The introductory part includes general developmental exercises, which should be carried out at a slow and medium pace, always alternating with breathing exercises. The load should be increased gradually based on the flexible and rational use of tools and exercises that ensure the preparation of all organs and systems to perform the main part. The introductory part should include such elements as construction and explanation of the objectives of the lesson. counting the pulse, walking at a different pace and direction, slow running, a set of breathing exercises, exercises with various objects (balls, gymnastic sticks, jump ropes), exercises on a gymnastic bench or against a gymnastic wall.

In the main part, students master basic motor skills, receive a certain physical activity and emotional stress. The tasks of general development of the muscular system, formation of correct posture, improvement of coordination of movements, development of basic physical qualities and mastery of motor skills are solved. The means are general developmental and special exercises; the range of these means should be wide and varied.

In this case, the selection and alternation of exercises, load dosage, and organization of sanitary and hygienic conditions are of great importance. Flexibility and strength exercises can occupy a different place depending on the type of lesson and its objectives.

Speed ​​and coordination exercises should be given at the beginning of the main part. And exercises that give a large overall load (games, etc.) and cause emotional stress are more appropriate to use at the end of the main part. To relieve fatigue, and this is very important, it is recommended to use relaxation exercises between performing various exercises.

In the final part, it is necessary to create conditions in order to restore strength, relieve fatigue and take stock. In this part, it is recommended to use simple, uncomplicated exercises for individual parts of the body, various types of walking, calm dance steps, relaxation and breathing exercises, to develop correct posture, and always rest while sitting.

The lesson should be emotional and aesthetically designed. It should give those involved joy, vigor and aesthetic pleasure. They should feel healthy and forget about their illnesses. As practice shows, it is advisable to include outdoor games, elements of dance and aerobics, use music, a variety of sports equipment and exercise equipment.

Two years ago I conducted an open lesson with students of special medical groups for physical education teachers of our republic. The lesson was approved and received a positive rating. From personal experience, I can suggest the following structure and content of the lesson. Usually the lesson begins with students lined up at the gymnastics wall and checking their pulse. Next, exercises are carried out to develop correct posture: walking with a bag on the head with different positions of the hands, general developmental exercises in pairs or with various objects (gymnastic sticks, small balls, jump ropes, etc.)

The main part of the lesson is the development of strength endurance, students perform exercises for the muscles of the back and abdomen, coordination of movements is improved, and the skills of correct posture are consolidated. A variety of exercises for the muscles of the trunk, upper and lower extremities are performed in different starting positions: standing, sitting, including hanging on a gymnastic wall. Special corrective exercises are also included. At the end of the main part of the lesson, various outdoor games, relay races, and elements of sports games are held.

In the final part, physical activity gradually decreases. Flexibility, relaxation and breathing exercises are given, and the pulse is checked.

The motor mode is recommended to be carried out at a pulse rate of 120-130 beats/min. at the beginning of the school year and gradually increase to 140-150 beats/min. (in the main part of the lesson). motor mode at a pulse rate of 130-150 beats/min. the most optimal for the cardiorespiratory system under conditions of aerobic energy supply and gives a good training effect.

An indispensable condition when conducting classes with this group of students is pedagogical control.

The teacher must monitor the intensity of the loads given and prevent the appearance of signs of fatigue (sweating, redness of the skin, etc.). The loads used should cause a feeling of accepted fatigue. The criterion for the correct dosing of the load is the change in pulse.

Monitoring the level of physical fitness and functional state of students’ bodies is carried out using special tests at the beginning and end of each academic year

The teaching style of the teacher is of no small importance. He is required to have a sensitive, attentive, friendly attitude towards those engaged in high professional skills, and the ability to instill interest in regular physical education. Any disruption, rudeness or simply tactlessness of the teacher has a negative impact and creates neuropsychological and physical overload.

To increase the volume of physical activity, improve physical fitness and strengthen the health of students in the form of independent work, the following approximate sets of physical exercises are proposed:

Approximate complex of morning exercises (Appendix No. 1)

An approximate complex of general developmental and health-improving gymnastics (Appendix No. 2)

Health-improving physical exercise complexes for various diseases (Appendix No. 3)


1. Strength and speed-strength qualities

Bending and straightening the arms while lying on the floor (boys)

Bending and straightening the arms in support on a bench (girls)

Raising the body from a supine position, hands behind the head, legs secured (girls)

Standing long jump

2. Speed ​​- without 30 meters, 60 meters

3. Endurance - 10-minute run

4. Agility - throwing a tennis ball at a target, throwing a basketball into a basket.

5. Flexibility - standing on a gymnastic bench, bending forward (distance in centimeters of the support plane).

General developmental exercises are a means of promoting health, restoring and increasing performance.

General development exercises (GDE) are the main means in the training of a special medical group. Outdoor sports equipment, as a rule, is used for the comprehensive development of physical fitness of those involved. Depending on the setting of goals and objectives, outdoor training classes can be aimed at preparing the students’ bodies for the upcoming work, improving the health of various functional systems, correcting physique deficiencies and forming correct posture. Thus, outdoor switchgear can be used in all parts of the lesson. They can be performed without objects, in pairs, with objects (gymnastic sticks, medicine balls, dumbbells, jump ropes, on a gymnastic wall and bench on exercise machines).

Being a fundamental factor in the formation of posture, ORU strengthens the muscles of the entire body and contributes to the correct position of the spinal column. At the same time, having a beneficial effect on the formation of the musculoskeletal system, ORUs serve as an excellent means of developing the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, while strengthening the diaphragm, intercostal muscles and abdominal muscles.

Exercises with objects develop coordination abilities well and develop all physical qualities. Having a wide range of variety and difficulty, exercises with objects are accessible and attractive to all practitioners.

Depending on the pedagogical focus, all outdoor exercise equipment are divided into exercises for the development of strength, flexibility, speed, endurance, coordination and accuracy of movements, the ability to tense and relax individual muscle groups, and the formation of correct posture.

In recent years, such non-traditional types of exercises as rhythmic and athletic gymnastics, shaping, step aerobics, breathing exercises, hatha yoga, wushu, etc. have gained recognition in the methodology of outdoor exercise. The widespread use of elements of these types of gymnastics contributes to the variety of classes and arouses great interest among those involved, which in turn has a positive effect on class attendance.

For use in the classroom, we bring to your attention several different outdoor switchgear complexes.

Methodology for determining the individual level of physical development and functional state

To increase the effectiveness of health-improving classes and creative use of the principle of a differentiated approach, dosing the load, taking into account the individual characteristics of the students, the teacher must have specific data on the level of physical development and functional state of the body of each student.

For this purpose, everyone involved in the SMG undergoes examination at the beginning and by the end of the year.

Individual assessment of physical development is based on anthropometric measurements:

1. Height (standing, sitting, cm)

2. Body weight (kg)

3. Chest circumference (cm)

4. Vital capacity of the lungs (VC), measured with a spirometer in meters (a good indicator for girls is 3 liters, boys - 4-4.5 liters).

5. Cell muscle strength, measured with a dynamometer in kg (a good indicator for girls is 30 kg, boys - 45 kg)

6. Deadlift (girls - 95 kg, boys - 155 kg). Using these measurements to assess physical development, the method of anthropometric indices is used

1. Weight index = body weight (g) / standing height (cm) =

A good estimate is within:

Girls - 360-405 g/cm

Boys - 380-415 g/cm

2. Life index = vital capacity (ml)/weight (kg) =

Good estimate: girls - 55-60 ml/g

boys - 65-70 ml/g

3. Strength index=(lash strength (kg)/body weight (kg))*100=

Good score: girls - 48-50%

boys - 65-80%

4. Proportionality factor = (X 1 -X 2 /X 2 )*100

X 1 - standing height (cm)

X 2 - sitting height) cm)

Normal CP = 87-92%

chest development standing height (cm)

The norm for girls and boys is 50-55%

The functional state of the body or fitness is determined by morphological and functional changes, reflecting the state of individual body systems (cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous). To correctly assess the degree of fitness, it is necessary to use one or another method not only at rest, but also during physical activity.

The easiest way to determine the effect of exercise on the cardiovascular system is to count your pulse and measure your blood pressure.

Normal resting heart rate is 60-78 beats/min. Maximum blood pressure - 100-100 mm

minimum - 60-80 mm

The less often the heart beats and the lower the blood pressure level and the faster these indicators return to normal after determining physical activity, the higher the degree of fitness of the body. The body's fitness is determined using functional tests.

Melnichuk Yu.V.,

Head of the Department of Physical Culture and Mass Sports Work, Donetsk IOPS

One of the primary problems of progressive humanity is the formation of a harmonious personality with a high level of development of spiritual, intellectual and physical abilities. This problem is of particular relevance in the context of modern trends in society. Of the many important tasks, the health of students and young people comes first in importance. The health factor of the younger generation is largely limited by the content and quality of organization of the process of physical education at school, focused on the new goals that modern civil society sets for it.

In accordance with State educational standards, the branch “Physical culture and health” is represented by the subjects: “Physical culture”, “Pre-conscription and health training”, “Fundamentals of life safety”.

Item“Physical culture” solves the problem of formationhealth, which includes physical, spiritual and social well-being.

The purpose of the subject “Physical Education” in a general education organization is to improve health, promote harmonious physical, moral and social development, successful learning, develop self-regulation skills through physical education, as well as develop an attitude towards preserving and strengthening health, healthy and safe skills.imagelife.

To achieve the goal in the teaching processare being implementedthe following tasks:


    prevention of diseases and stress conditions by means of physical culture;

    formation of the body’s ability to adapt to the environment;

    promoting the health of students, developing correct posture, preventing flat feet, myopia and other diseases;

    increased mentalperformance;

    mastering the skills of developing a healthy lifestyle.


    mastering the physical education knowledge necessary for organized and independent classes;

    mastering the spiritual values ​​of Olympism and the Olympic movement (Olympic education);

    teaching vital motor skills;

    formation of a culture of movements, enrichment of motor experience with physical exercises with a general developmental and health-improving orientation, technical actions and techniques of basic sports.


    formation of patriotic self-awareness;

    nurturing positive character traits, such as disciplined behavior, friendly attitude towards comrades, collectivism, mutual assistance, honesty, responsiveness, courage, perseverance in achieving goals;

    developing a caring attitude towards one’s own health and the health of others as a value;

    implementation of the principle of a harmonious combination of moral, physical and intellectual qualities of an individual;

    formation of motivational guidelines for physical and spiritual self-improvement;

    prevention of antisocial behavior by means of physical culture.


    development of conditioning and coordination qualities;

    development of creative abilities;

    development of worldview;

    developmentthinking abilities, through the integration processes of education.


    training in skills and abilities of cooperation with peers in the process of physical education and sports activities;

    mastering the knowledge, skills and abilities necessaryto ensure safety during independent games and physical education activities.

All taskssubjectare equivalent.

In the new school year 2015/2016, in accordance with the new Republican state educational standards, standard curricula, the subject “Physical Education” belongs to the invariant part and 3 hours per week are allocated for its study in grades 1-11, in specialized sports classes - 5 hours per week. A physical education lesson should not exceed 45 minutes. With a modular education system, a physical education lesson is scheduled for 45 minutes with lessons in labor training, foreign language, music, fine arts, etc.

In accordance with standard curricula, the hours provided for studying the subject “Physical Education” are not taken into account when determining the maximum permissible teaching load for a student, but are necessarily funded.

According to the Law of the Donetsk People's Republic “On Physical Culture and Sports”, Article 76,Pedagogical activities in the field of physical culture and sports have the right to be carried out by persons with specialized secondary or higher education in the field of physical culture and sports,as well as those admitted to such activities in the manner established by the Republican executive body in the field of physical culture and sports of the Donetsk People’s Republic.”

To solve the problem of the lack of gyms in educational institutions, we recommend organizing adapted premises for physical education (gymnastics, aerobics, gym, etc.)

You can also optimize the educational process in the subject by organizing classes in such a way that there are classes of the same parallel in the gym. This will make it possible to prevent injuries in the classroom, as well as use the competitive method to achieve positive results in the study of the subject.

A modern physical education lesson includes individual and differentiated approaches to determining the load and selecting means, forms and methods of teaching. Students of the special medical group require special attention. The main goal for students of a special medical group, through physical education, is to increase the vital activity of organs and systems, to achieve an individually sustainable improvement in well-being. To do this, students must perform available exercises according to their nosologies and correctional and developmental complexes.

The distribution of students into basic, preparatory and special groups for participation in physical education, recreation and sports events is carried out by a doctor, taking into account their state of health (or based on certificates of their health). The recruitment of special medical groups before the new academic year should be carried outuntil June 1 taking into account age, indicators of physical fitness, functional state and the degree of the pathological process according to a medical examination conducted in April-May of the current year. Lists of children indicating the diagnosis of the medical group are transferred to the school director and physical education teachers. Directoruntil September 10 this year must issue an order for the school to create a special medical group.Students who have not passed a medical examination are not allowed to participate in physical activity in the academic subject “Physical Education”. Classes with a special medical group in general education institutions are conducted by a physical education teacher, or in the exercise therapy room of a local clinic. To do this, a diary of class attendance is kept, which is controlled by the physical education teacher, class teacher and parents. Lists of students who are assigned to different medical groups are approved by ordereducational organization. The medical group for physical education of each student is entered in the “Health List” of the class magazine. The second copy of the “Health Certificate” indicating the nature of the disease must be given to the physical education teacher.

To implement new educational standards, the creative team has prepared a new program in the subject “Physical Education” for grades 1-11.

The Physical Education program includes the following sections:

    “Fundamentals of knowledge about physical culture” (information component);

    “Methods of motor activity (types of sports, monitoring of physical development) basic and variable part”(activity component) .

Knowledge about physical culture is studied directly during practical classes, during exercises, tactical and technical actions, or separately for no more than 2 hours in each topic. At the end of each quarter, before the quarter grade, a separate theoretical grade must be given.preparationsection “Fundamentals of knowledge about physical culture” and theoretical material of the topics covered.

Assessment of knowledge in grades 5-11 is recorded in the journal in a separate column “OZ”. Knowledge control can be carried out orally or in writing.

Knowledge of the field of “Physical Education and Health” enables students to safely engage in physical education and sports, as well as lead a healthy lifestyle. Theoretical and methodological knowledge is in demand in student Olympiads in physical education and various competitions.

When studying the section “Fundamentals of knowledge about physical culture,” we recommend using notebooks in lessons. The notebooks can reflect the student’s health diary, which he keeps independently. To develop students’ knowledge, modern pedagogical technologies such as:computer( informational)educational technologies,technologyproject-based learning, training technologies. We draw your attention to the need to use textbooks on physical education, whichpresentedin the list of recommended literature; electronic versions are available on Internet resources.

Activity component includes topics from the basic and variable parts.

The basic part in all classes includes the topic “Monitoring of physical development” (MPD) and topics on the study of basic sports.

The variable part consists of variable sports disciplines and takes into account local conditions, interests and desires of children, and the material and technical base of the educational institution. The variable part is selected by the physical education teacher, taking into account the above.

The topic “Monitoring physical development” makes it possible to track the functional state and level of physical health of students and includes 6 functional tests (indices): “Ruffier test”, “Stange test”, “Quetelet index”, “Robinson index”, “Shapovalova index” ", "Romberg test", which characterize the levels of functional capabilities of body systems. Functional tests are carried out in September, April-May, to identify the state of the body, as well as determine the dynamics of the development of functional systems. All functional tests should be carried out from a quiet position before performing physical exercises. It is optimal to organize diagnostic tests for the first three lessons, dividing the children into pairs. Dedicate the first lesson to familiarizing yourself with the requirements for the subject “Physical Education” and conduct 2 tests: “Stange Test” and “Romberg Test”. In the second lesson, carry out 2 tests: “Ruffier’s test” to calculate the “Quetelet Index” The third lesson is devoted to the tests “Robinson Index”, “Shapovalova Index”. To attract parents to the formation of knowledge on preserving the health of schoolchildren, the “Quetelet Index” and “Robinson Index” can be given for homework. After conducting functional tests (indices), you should, if possible, involve a school doctor or school nurse. In April-May, diagnostic tests are organized in the same way as in September.

The topic “Monitoring of physical development” also involves studying the level of physical development, motor abilities and health status; for this purpose, 4 diagnostic exercises are used in grades 1-4, in grades 5-11 6 diagnostic exercises are used to assess the physical fitness of students. The initial level of diagnostic exercises is taken during the study of basic sports: gymnastics - exercise for flexibility, strength; sports games - exercises for agility, speed and strength qualities; Athletics - an exercise for speed and endurance; tourism is an exercise for strength, speed and strength qualities, but no later than November. In the month of May, all 6 diagnostic exercises are taken in a comprehensive manner.

Students assigned to the preparatory and special medical groups for health reasons perform test exercises in the last quarter that are not prohibited according to their diseases to determine the level of physical fitness. It should be noted that 1st grade students are not diagnosed in the 1st quarter.

When determining the level of physical fitness, the teacher must use a results table without taking into account the dynamics of development.

Diagnostic exercises, in addition to levels, have a point rating scale, which allows the teacher to evaluate a student in April-May, except for grades 1-4, taking into accountgrowth ratehisphysical fitness indicators. The topic “Monitoring physical development” is not assessed in the month of September. The assessment for the topic is given in the month of May in accordance with the assessment criteria for physical education.

The basic part of the new program, in contrast to the previous program, which included variability in the study of modules (sports), makes it possible to make the process of physical education continuous, facilitate the transition from one age group to another, and ensure social adaptation (transition from one school to another, change teacher, study in educational organizations of secondary and higher vocational education, etc.). This approach will ensure the necessary level of personal development of students, strengthening their health, mastering knowledge and self-improvement skills.

Basic topics are required to study. The basic part includes topics:

1-4 grades - “Outdoor games”, “Gymnastics with elements of acrobatics”, “Athletics”, “Basic concepts and elements of sports games”, “Swimming” (in the absence of conditions for conducting swimming lessons, hours are redistributed in equal numbers to other basic Topics);

5-9 grades - “Gymnastics”, “Athletics”, “Tourism”, “Sports Games” (two types of 4 types to choose from by the teacher: football, handball, basketball, volleyball, taking into account the material and technical base and interests of students) ;

10-11th grade“Gymnastics”, “Athletics”, “Tourism”, “Sports games” (two types of 4 types to choose from by the teacher: football, handball, basketball, volleyball, taking into account the material and technical base and interests of students), “Organization of active leisure "

When selecting to study sports games, you need to take into account that in order to develop skills and abilities, you need to conduct classes in the selected basic sports for at least 3 years.

Studying a variable topic,Whenyearstudyingdoes not matchclass of study(for example, in9 classis being studiedsubjectmartial arts,firstyearstudying), teachermuston one's ownadjustcontentvariableTopicsAndcontrol standards, taking into account the physical fitness and psychological and age characteristics of students.

Physical education specialists can develop their own variable topics for this program. Programs for variable topics must undergo an examination, receive the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science, and be made public for public use. Thus, the number of variable topics should increase over time.

A physical education lesson in primary school is aimed at maintaining the formation of motivation for physical education and sports activities and the development of physical qualities. The main activity in primary school physical education lessons is games.

Gamingactivity as a means of learning and improving motor skillspreparednessprimary schoolchildren is the most productive direction of the educational process in modern methods of physical education. This circumstance is due to the fact that the features of the development and functioning of the basic systems of the body of young children, to the greatest extent, adapt specifically togameactivities.

In grades 1-4, it is necessary to include students’ play activities in each physical education lesson. AtuseIn the lessons of outdoor games and game tasks, the following tasks are solved:

    development of coordination skills (accurate reproduction of spatial, temporal and powercharacteristics of movements, maintaining balance, quick and timely response to changing situations, coordination of simultaneous and sequential movements of various parts of the body, reproduction of the tempo and rhythm of movements) and conditioning (speed, strength, speed-strength, general endurance, flexibility) abilities.

    consolidationand improvement of motor skills, skills and learned methods of activity;

Games should be selected taking into account the topic being studied to reinforce the learned elements.

Due to the increased emotional activity of children during games, it is necessary to strictly regulate the load during games by:

    conducting games with short breaks, which enable students to regain their strength and reduce their heart rate to optimal values ​​(110 - 120 beats/min);

    increasing or decreasing the number of repetitions of the game or individual episodes;

    increasing or decreasing the time forgame;

    lengthening or shortening distances, the size of the area for play;

    increasing or decreasing the number of players in a team, etc.;

    increasing the number of obstacles, decreasing or increasing the weight and number of objects being transferred.

Physical activity during the game needs to be monitoredByvisual signs: facial skin color, breathing rate, coordination of movements, sweating, facial expressions, well-being.

To prevent injuries to students during physical education lessons, it is advisable to conduct 1st grade classes in the gym in September-October. During this time, the middle and high school operates outside, so the gym is free. Conducting classes in the gym with 1st grade students will provide an opportunity to better know the children’s character and physical abilities, relieve psychological tension in schoolchildren by reducing surrounding stimuli, and it will be easier for the teacher to control the activities of first graders in a limited space. Students in grades 1-4 are assessed verbally.

Control and verbal assessment in primary school ageapplyin such a way as to stimulate the student's desire toyour personal physical improvement and self-determination, improved results, increased activity, joyty from physical exercise.

In the period from 01.09 to 01.10 of the academic year, in order to adapt students to the loads in physical education lessons, control educational standards are not accepted, the basic topic “Monitoring of physical development and physical fitness” is implemented through 6 functional tests (indices), and the classes are recreational and health-improving character with moderate loads.

Due to the fact that training sessions are mandatory for every student to attend, students classified for health reasons in the SMG and exercise therapy group, as well as temporarily exempted from training sessions in the subject “Physical Education”, are required to attend it and can be involved teacher to types of educational activities that are not contraindicated for them.

Anatomyphysiologicaland psychological characteristics of boys and girls require a different approach to the organization of classes, selection of means and methods of teaching motor skillsactionsand education of physical qualities, to.

In accordance with the curriculum, classes in “Physical Education” for boys and girls in grades 10-11 are carried out separately, classes are divided into two groups in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science.

Special attention is also required for gifted students who participate in sports sections, clubs, and participate in sports competitions and the physical education and sports life of the school. For these students, it is necessary to select special forms of methods, means and exercises that will provide an opportunity to improve their physical development and their sports results. It would be advisable to maintain contacts with the coaches of these students in order to jointly lead the student to the desired sports result. Students should receive sufficient load in physical education lessons, but there should not be overload (overtraining) taking into account their sports activities. Sports-gifted students need to be invited to participate in the student Olympiad in physical education and trained starting from grades 9-10.

According to the curriculum in a general education institution, it is possible to organize a sports profile, a sports-legal profile, and a defense-sports profile. To do this, you need to conduct a survey and, having organized specialized training, conclude an agreement with specialized higher education institutions on cooperation. To make a conscious choice of a profile in a general education institution, in grades 8-9, pre-profile training is carried out for the purpose of profile orientation of students.

The forms of implementation of pre-professional training by educational institutions are: the study of individual subjects on a differentiated basis; introduction of career guidance courses, elective courses, extracurricular and club work in the relevant area.

Sports-oriented profiles provide the prospect of enrolling in universities where physical training is an important component. The acquired knowledge enables schoolchildren to use it in everyday life.

In the 2015-2016 academic year, assessment is carried out in accordance with methodological recommendations for assessing the educational achievements of students in the subject “Physical Education”.

Assessment of academic performance should consist mainly ofqualitycriteriaassessment of the student’s level of achievement, which include: quality of mastery of program material,including theoretical and methodological knowledge, methods of motor, physical education and sports activities, as well as quantitative indicators achieved in motor actions.

In order to correctly and accurately assess the level of physical fitness of students, the teacher should take into account two indicators. Firstinitial level of preparedness in accordance with the physical education program. Secondchanges in physical fitness indicators over a certain period of time. To do this, the initial level can be determined by conducting a control standard at the beginning of the topic, which is planned at the end of the topic when creating the same conditions. When assessing positive changes in the indicators of certain qualities, the teacher must take into account the features of the development of individual motor abilities, the dynamics of their changes in children of a certain age, and the initial level. For this we use the formulacalculating the growth rate of physical qualities,author A.G. Trushkina. If the increase is 10-15%, 1 point is added to the student’s result score, and if the increase is more than 15%, 2 points are added to the student’s result score.

One of the areas of physical education and health work is extracurricular and extracurricular work; extracurricular physical education, health and sports work affects the entire teaching staff. When preparing a physical education and health or physical education and sports event, the school director (since he must directly manage physical education in a general education organization) makes an order that distributes the responsibilities of the teaching staff, public organizations (by consent), parents, and students in organizing and conducting Events. Extracurricular work includes: physical education, health and sports events (physical education holidays, tournaments, sports evenings, competitions, health day, Olympic week), preparing teams for participation in competitions, working with the school’s physical education activists, club, sectional work, which involves additional payment for hours for conducting clubs. Extracurricular activities complement the compulsory educational component, taking into account the individual motives of interests and needs, natural abilities and health status of students.Students cannot be allowed to participate in sports clubs or sections without a doctor’s certificate indicating permission to participate in a sports club or section.

To implement extracurricular activities, it is advisable for general education institutions to cooperate with children's youth sports schools, providing them with a base for conducting classes, in turn having the opportunity to use their equipment for conducting physical education lessons, inviting representatives of the children's youth sports school to parent meetings, when conducting mass sports During events, it is advisable to hold demonstration performances of sports sections that are cultivated on the basis of a children's youth sports school in order to give children an idea of ​​the types of sports.

According to the new Republican stateeducationalstandards, new program requirements dictate a new approach to planning the educational process in physical education. Physical education teacher according to the explanatory note of the physical education programcultureGrades 5-11 must first of all decide on the distribution of hours for the variable part, taking into account: the availability of material and technical base, regional sports traditions, and the desire of the students. The second step of the physical education teacher is preparation planning. The peculiarities of planning an annual plan are that the plan separately defines the topics of the basic and variable parts of the program, along with the number of hours in the variable part of the program, it is noted which topic is taken or which topic of the basic part the hours are redistributed, and when choosing a variable topic, the year is prescribedstudying, because the teacher can choose different topics each year. If necessary, within the framework of one variable topic, you can master the educational material provided for two years of study.

In case of mastering two years of a variable topic within one academic year and incase, when the year of study of a variable topic does not correspond to the grade of study (for example, in the 10th grade the martial arts module is studied, the first year of study), the teacher must adjust the content of the variable topic and assessment standards.

For example:

Table 1

Schedule of physical education classes for 5th grade students for the 2015/2016 school year. year


Type of program material


I quarter

№№ lessons


II quarter

№№ lessons


III quarter

№№ lessons


IY quarter

№№ lessons


Basic part

During the lesson or no more than 2 hours in the topic






Sports games Football


Sports games Volleyball*




Physical development monitoring



Variable component




Sports games volleyball*


102+3 (reserve hours)

*hours redistributed to the base part

Example of a graphic schedule:


head teacher



Deputy Director

on educational work


Calendar schedule for distribution of educational material
for the third and fourth quarter of the 2015-2016 academic year for __
5 ___ class


Theme and content of the program


Numbers, dates of lessons



































Basic knowledge of physical culture









Special physical training










Teach the elements of volleyball:

Oh, And









educational game,

Outdoor game, relay races




















O-introduce; And-study; Z-fasten; R-repeat; K-control.

At the time of the lesson, the teacher must have a plan of notes or a block of notes. The teacher makes this document for individual use and can take notes in it to improve the lesson next time. Medical and pedagogical control over heart rate must be reflected in the outline or in the outline block. A block note, unlike a note plan, unites lessons on one topic and has a common goal and objectives.

Block lesson notes No. 11-18 for boys 10 class

Subject: Volleyball

Target: ____________________________________________________________







Location: gym

Inventory: stopwatch, whistle, volleyballs, volleyball net, teaching materials.

Progress of lessons

Part of the lesson

Contents of the material

Number, date, lesson, load dosage











Preparatory part

10-12 min.

Formation, greeting









Checking heart rate in 15 seconds.


Main part 28-32 min.

SMG works using cards

3 min.

8 rub.

5 m

Checking heart rate for 30 seconds.

For students whose heart rate has not recovered after recovery exercises after 3 minutes. recheck heart rate

1 min.

Example outline plan:

Lesson plan No. _____ for students of ____ grade. date of_______

Subject: _________

Target: __________________________________________________________________







Location: ___________________________________

Inventory: ___________________________________________________________

During the classes

Part of the lesson

Contents of the material


Organizational and methodological instructions

Preparatory part

10-12 min.

Formation, greeting

1 min.

Pay attention to students' readiness for the lesson. Ask how the student is feeling

Checking heart rate in 15 seconds.


Students with elevated heart rates are given individual tasks to restore their physical condition.

Main part 28-32 min.

3 min.

SMG works using cards

8 rub.

5 m

Final part 3-5 min.

Checking heart rate for 30 seconds.

1 min.

Students whose heart rate has not recovered after recovery exercises after 3 minutes. recheck heart rate

The load dosage is determined: s.-seconds, min.- minutes, r.- number of times, m.- meters.

Methodological support is an important component of the education system; it has a holistic system of actions and activities aimed at improving the qualifications and professional skills of each teacher, developing the creative potential of teaching staff of educational organizations, and achieving positive results in the educational process. It should be based on modern achievements of psychological and pedagogical science, taking into account the experience of teachers and a specific analysis of the results of the educational process.

Plans for methodological work with teaching staff and their implementation, as well as the entire system of methodological measures in the system of postgraduate pedagogical education, should be maximally aimed at the formation of the professional, pedagogical and socio-psychological culture of teachers, the expansion and deepening of knowledge, the development of new pedagogical ideas, introduction of learning technologies in modern conditions.

In order to improve the work of supporting the teaching of the subject “physical education,” we recommend that methodological services:

    familiarize teachers with the new regulatory framework;

    help teachers familiarize themselves with and analyze methodological recommendations on the subject “Physical Education”;

    pay attention to forms of extracurricular activities;

    provide assistance to teachers in preparing for professional competitions;

    organize creative groups to solve physical education problems;

    introduce advanced pedagogical experience in teaching physical education in general education organizations;

    to direct the activities of physical education teachers to creative searches in the “Health and Physical Education” industry.

When implementing educational standards, we recommend that heads of educational institutions pay attention to:

    creation in general education organizations of conditions conducive to the formation, strengthening and preservation of the physical and mental health of students through physical culture and sports;

    ensuring medical and pedagogical control over the organization of physical education in general education organizations in accordance with sanitary standards;

    ensuring the effectiveness of organizing students’ motor activity, taking into account their age, psychophysiological, and individual characteristics,physical development and school operating hours;

    organization of sectional and club work in the area of ​​physical education and health in an educational institution, by persons who have special education.

    organizing additional classes for students assigned to a special medical group in medical institutions;

    organization of specialized classes in the “Health and Physical Culture” industry;

    organization of 1st grade classes in September October in the gym;

    a system of conducting explanatory work among parents about the need to monitor the real state of health of children;

    carrying outworking with the teaching staff to prevent bad habits and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

We recommend that teachers of the subject “Physical Education”, when implementing educational standards, pay attention to:

    universal educational activities for maintaining a healthy lifestyle;

    physical education of students of a special medical group;

    formation of motivation for a healthy lifestyle and physical exercise;

    dosing of physical activity;

    ensuring a differentiated and individual approach to students when organizing the educational process, taking into account age, psychophysiological, individual characteristics, characteristics of physical development and gender;

    assessment of students' knowledge in physical education lessons

    formation in students of rules of insurance and self-insurance, control of the physical condition of the body;

    repetition of life safety in each physical education lesson when performing various physical exercises;

    conducting briefings during the organization of physical culture events, competitions, etc.;

    organizing work with physical education assets

    special preparation before each test exercise (at least two lessons);

    carrying out a warm-up before passing the standard, and afterrehabilitation exercises;

    holding the school stage of the student Olympiad in physical education.

The structure of a physical education lesson.

IN structure Physical education classes are divided into 3 parts, in which physical activity should increase and decrease gradually:

introductory and preparatory- warm-up (there should be an increase in heart rate as the load increases);

main, during which a set of programmed tasks is solved (this is where the physical activity of the lesson peaks and where it begins to decline);

final, the purpose of which is to restore the pulse and breathing (during this time the pulse should be restored to the original).

The lesson is considered effective if the motor density is 60-80%. If it is lower, then the lesson was not training. If it is higher, then the child is overloaded.

This approach is dictated by the need for optimal doses of physical activity, i.e. those that provide a training effect without harming the child’s health.

Forms Physical education classes are varied. Mainforms of work with children in class are:

1) frontal; 2) individual; 3) group; 4) in pairs.

The teacher chooses the forms of conducting classes, depending on the age of the children, the assigned tasks, the location, and the conditions.

Thus, in the younger group, classes of a complex, plot-based, and game nature are mainly used. In the senior group, the general system of classes should include classes of an educational and training, thematic, control and accounting nature.

Forms of physical education classes



Structure of a physical education lesson





Educational and training

Different types of walking; drill exercises, spatial orientation exercises, warm-up running

Physical development exercises, basic movements, outdoor games

Calming walking (sedentary play), breathing exercises



Any physical exercises familiar to children, organically combined with the plot of the lesson


Medium mobility game (warm-up)

2-3 games with different types of movements (the last one is high mobility)

Sedentary game



With one type of physical exercise: cycling, skiing, swimming, etc.



With elements of speech development, mathematics, design, etc. according to the type of classes No. 1-3, but with the inclusion of an additional task from other sections of the program, which is solved through movements


Control and accounting

Conducted at the end of the quarter or year to obtain information about children’s mastery of basic movements and physical qualities

In the first junior group, classes are conducted in subgroups (10-12 people), and starting from the second junior group - with all children at the same time. However, if necessary, the teacher can conduct classes in subgroups, setting the same or different weekly number for each of them. The duration of classes is dictated by the age of the children, their health, physical fitness and is approximately 15-20 minutes in younger groups, 20-25 in middle groups, 25-35 in older groups.

The fundamentals of the methodology of physical education classes are based on their specificity, which lies in the fact that each lesson represents:

- a certain “health dose” in the form of movement, physical activity, affecting the health of children, their proper physical development and preparedness, always taking into account individual characteristics;

Motor activity, where movement should always be perceived by the body as “muscular joy” and used by the teacher as a means of diversified development; communication with peers and teacher as social comfort; learning motor skills as an opportunity for self-expression. Fulfillment of these requirements ensures, to a certain extent, a democratic style of relations between the teacher and children.

A physical education lesson should solve 3 problems: health, educational And educational.

Lesson duration amounts to –

in junior groups 15 minutes, in middle groups 20 minutes, in senior groups 25 minutes.

Indicators of the effectiveness of physical education classes:

Lesson objectives

Performance criteria


Formation of motor skills, physical education knowledge

Children's mastery of motor skills at the level of assigned tasks


Development of body systems and functions; health promotion

Optimal physical activity and physical activity; presence of hardening moments.


Mental, moral, aesthetic and labor education. Developing interest in physical education classes.

The presence of special situations that activate thinking and the choice of behavior; aesthetic environment. Positive emotional tone of children.

Before class, you need to lighten the children’s clothes; see if their shoes are comfortable.

For each part of the lesson, specific motor tasks are selected: in the introductory part - preparatory, warm-up; mainly teaching and training; in the final stage – restorative.

The health-improving orientation of the lesson is characterized by:

Good environmental and hygienic conditions (cleanliness of the room, air, comfortable clothes, shoes, etc.);

The presence of hardening elements (lowering the air temperature to +18-12 C, ventilating the room);

Positive emotional state of every child.

To master the program content of children’s classes, it is necessary to think through and provide a logical chain of techniques.

1. Determine the “dose” of program material in accordance with the principles of education, age and individual capabilities of children, i.e. program a specific learning outcome.

2. Transform the teacher’s task into a task for the child, setting it in an interesting, clear, specific, age-appropriate manner.

3. Select teaching methods (visual, verbal, practical, creative tasks) depending on the stage of learning a particular movement, as well as the most optimal aids, place, type and form of classes.

4. Create conditions for repeating the movement multiple times.

5. Assess children’s motor skills (in younger groups - general praise, in older groups - general, differentiated and individual).

To ensure optimal physical activity, you should:

1. Program its volume and distribution taking into account the age of the children, their health, and physical fitness.

It is important to take into account the individual capabilities of each child. Both excessive and insufficient loads are unacceptable: one causes overwork, the other does not give a training effect. Both reduce the effectiveness of the lesson as a whole.

2. Select specific physical exercises for each part of the lesson: preparatory and warm-up exercises - in the introductory exercise; teaching and training - in the main; soothing - and final. Exercises are selected based on anatomical characteristics, intensity, complexity, etc.

3. Ensure an increase in the area, number of repetitions of exercises, their intensity, amplitude, introduction of additional benefits, complication of rules and tasks.

Physical activity during a lesson is an important indicator of its effectiveness. It plays a dual role: it ensures that children’s needs for movement are met and creates conditions for mastering a specific movement.

Motor activity can be assessed in volume (using a pedometer) and over time (motor density).

The volume of physical activity in a lesson is 900-1500 steps in junior groups, 1400 - 2500 in middle and senior groups. Motor density indoors is 60-80%, outdoors - 80-85%.

The main groups of techniques for increasing children’s motor activity in the classroom:

1. Clarity and brevity of the teacher’s speech.

2. Using the most rational way to organize children (flow, frontal, group).

3. Repeated movements.

4. Effective use of physical education equipment.

You can activate mental activity by naming exercises and pronouncing actions; using spatial terminology and special exercises for orientation in space, involving children in assessment and self-esteem; children’s independent choice of how to perform actions; use of comparisons, analysis, questions; creating search situations, etc.

Moral and labor education is carried out through the use of situations that arise involuntarily during the lesson, as well as the creation of special situations for the manifestation of certain methods of behavior (where the child could show courage, resourcefulness, help a friend, show restraint, honesty).

The methods of aesthetic education include: appearance, clothing of children and the teacher; aesthetics of the premises, equipment; use of music.

1. Structure and content of the lesson:

1) introductory part: formations and changes, different types of walking and running, physical exercises for attention;

2) main part: general developmental exercises; training and improvement of basic and sports movements; outdoor games;

3) final part: walking at a calm pace with breathing exercises or calm play, the purpose of which is to bring the child’s body into a relatively calm state; Instead of a game, simple exercises were carried out - lying on the floor, performed at a slow pace.

The duration of each part is respectively 1-2,

10-13, 2-3 minutes, which in total is 15 minutes for younger preschoolers; 3-4, 13-18, 2-3 minutes for children of middle and senior preschool age, which is 20-25 minutes of lessons.

Organization of children in class. To create conditions for convenient and repeated repetition of movements, the teacher uses different ways to organize children depending on the objectives of the lesson, the size of the room, the availability of equipment, etc.

Physical education of a child in the family.

The duty of parents is to strengthen the health of the child at the moment and ensure the favorable development of the child’s body in the future. Normal development and health are ensured by the creation of optimal conditions, that is, the organization of the correct regime.

In the physical education of preschool children, physical exercises are used (walking, running, balance exercises, throwing, climbing, outdoor games), sports exercises, hygiene factors (daily routine, nutrition, sleep, etc.), natural forces of nature (sun , air, water).

Physical exercise.

Tasks and explanations must be clear and precise, they must be given in a cheerful voice and immediately show all the movements.

Exercises should be interesting, they should use well-remembered figurative comparisons, for example, “Bird”, “cat”, “locomotive”. The main principle that parents should adhere to when engaging in physical exercises with their children is to portray everything as a game. A cheerful tone, a joke, laughter, and the active participation of an adult always captivate a child.

The number of repetitions for preschoolers usually ranges from 2 - 3 to 10. After the most difficult exercises, short rest breaks should be given

The average values ​​of children's physical activity indicators for a full day are 17,000 movements; intensity 55 - 65 movements per minute.

Physical exercises are only beneficial when they are done systematically. Parents are required to find time every day for physical exercise with their children and carefully monitor their health, paying attention to the appearance, mood and well-being of the child.

Preschooler's daily routine.

By teaching children to a certain regime, to fulfill hygienic requirements, we create in them skills that are useful for the body and thereby preserve their health. A strict daily routine, established in accordance with the age characteristics of children, is one of the essential conditions for the normal physical development of a child. The main requirement for the regime is accuracy in time and correct alternation, replacing one type of activity with another. There must be a set time when the child goes to bed, gets up, walks, eats, and performs simple, feasible duties. This time must be strictly observed. Dream . Only during sleep does the child receive complete rest. Sleep should be long enough: children 3-4 years old sleep 14 hours a day, 5-6 years old - 13 hours, 7-8 years old - 12 hours. Of this time, it is necessary, especially for younger children, to allocate an hour and a half for daytime sleep. Children should go to bed no later than 8-9 hours. Nutrition. Children receive food 4-5 times a day. The first food is given half an hour later, in any case no later than an hour after the child wakes up, and the last one is given an hour and a half before bedtime. Between meals, intervals of 3-4 hours should be established, they must be strictly observed. The most nutritious food is given at lunch, less nutritious - for dinner. Walks. No matter how precisely the time for sleeping and eating is observed, the regime cannot be considered correct if it does not include time for a walk. The more time children spend outdoors, the healthier they are!

Computer: "Pros" and "Cons".

Modern children communicate a lot with television, video and computers. If the previous generation was a generation of books, then modern ones receive information through a series of videos. + Advantages of a computer: a computer can help children develop such important thinking operations as generalization and classification;

  • In the process of studying on a computer, children's memory and attention improve;
  • When playing computer games, children develop the sign function of consciousness earlier, which underlies abstract thinking (thinking without relying on external objects);
  • Computer games are of great importance not only for the development of children’s intelligence, but also for the development of their motor skills, for the formation of coordination of visual and motor functions;
Children 3-4 years old should not sit at the computer for more than 20 minutes, and by 6-7 years old this daily play time can be increased to half an hour. - Disadvantages of the computer: Excessive use of a computer can lead to deterioration of a child’s vision, as well as negatively affect his mental health. This is especially dangerous for shy children. And most importantly, you cannot rely only on the computer. A child is a small person; he can only form and develop by communicating with people and living in the real world.

Walking is important.

Children should spend as much time outdoors as possible to stay healthy and strong. In summer, children can be outside for more than 6 hours a day, and in autumn and winter, children should be outside for at least 4 hours. The best time for a walk with children is between breakfast and lunch (2-2.5 hours) and after naps, before dinner (1-2 hours). In severe frosts, the duration of walks is somewhat reduced. The reason for canceling a walk for a healthy child may be exceptional circumstances: heavy rain, severe frost with strong winds. Based on the experience of kindergartens, it has been established that preschool children accustomed to daily walks can walk even at a temperature of 20-25 below zero, if there is no strong wind and if they are dressed appropriately for the weather. Children should go for a walk on cold winter days in a warm coat, a hat with headphones, felt boots, and warm mittens. From time to time it is useful to take long walks with children, gradually increasing the distance - for younger ones up to 15-20 minutes of walking, for older ones - up to 30 minutes, with short stops of 1-2 minutes along the way. Having arrived at the place, children should rest or play quietly before returning back.

Rule 1. try to get your baby to move more, run, jump. Rule 2. include foods that are healthy for the eyes in your diet: cottage cheese, kefir, boiled sea fish, seafood, beef, carrots, cabbage, blueberries, lingonberries, cranberries. Parsley, dill. Rule 3. Watch his posture - with a “crooked” back, the blood supply to the brain is disrupted, which provokes vision problems. Remember: the distance between the book and your eyes should be at least 25-30 cm. Rule 4. Do not allow your child to sit in front of the TV for a long time, and if he does sit, then only strictly opposite, no closer than three meters. Rule 5. Do not read while lying down and use as little artificial light as possible. Rule 6. Do not forget that watching TV in a dark room is not advisable. Rule 7. A preschooler can play on the computer no more than half an hour a day, after 7 years - 1 hour or 2 sets of 40 minutes. Rule 8. It’s better to forget about games on your cell phone! Rule 9. Do eye exercises together every day - turn this procedure into an exciting game.

A set of exercises for the eyes.

We offer a special set of exercises for the eyes, which, if performed regularly, can be a good training and preventive measure for preserving vision. It is better to do the exercises in a playful way, with any of the child’s toys, moving them left and right, up and down. The exercises are performed while sitting, the head is motionless, the posture is comfortable, with maximum amplitude of the eyes.

  1. Blind Man's Bluff. Close your eyes, strongly straining your eye muscles, on a count of 1-4, then open your eyes, relaxing your eye muscles, looking into the distance, on a count of 1-6. Repeat 5 times.
  2. Close - far. Look at the bridge of your nose and hold your gaze for the count of 1-4. You can’t let your eyes get tired! Then open your eyes, look into the distance at the score 1-6. Repeat 5 times.
  3. Left right. Without turning your head, look to the right and fix your gaze on the count of 1-4, then look straight into the distance at the count of 1-6. The exercises are carried out in a similar way, but with the gaze fixed to the left, up, down.
  4. Diagonals. Shift your gaze quickly diagonally: up to the right - down to the left, then straight into the distance on a count of 1-6; then left up, right - down and look into the distance at the count of 1-6. repeat 4 times.
Watch your eyes. The world is so beautiful, especially if we see it...

Hardening is the first step on the path to health.

Hardening children is necessary in order to increase their resistance to the effects of low and high air temperatures and thereby prevent frequent illnesses. When hardening children, you should adhere to the following basic principles:

  • carry out hardening procedures systematically;
  • increase the exposure time to the hardening factor gradually;
  • take into account the child’s mood and carry out procedures in the form of a game;
  • start hardening at any age;
  • never perform procedures if the baby is cold;
  • avoid strong irritants: prolonged exposure to cold water or very low air temperatures, as well as overheating in the sun;
  • choose the right clothes and shoes: they must correspond to the ambient temperature and be made of natural fabrics and materials;
  • toughen up with the whole family;
  • combine hardening procedures with physical exercise and massage;
  • Never smoke in the room where the child is!

Hardening methods.

The main hardening factors are natural and accessible “Sun. Air and Water." You can start hardening children from the first month of life and after examining the baby by a pediatrician. "Cold basin." Pour cold water into a basin no higher than +12C and pour over the feet of the child standing in the bath. Ask your child to stomp his feet while the water drains. The hole for water drainage must be open. Dry your feet with a towel. On the first day, the duration of the walk is 1 minute, add 1 minute every day, bringing it up to 5 minutes. It is better to carry out hardening for 1 minute when the child is in a good mood than 5 minutes when the child is in a mood. "Cold towel." If the child does not like cold dousing with water, place a towel soaked in cold water (temperature 12C) in the bathtub. Ask your child to stomp his feet (do not stand) on it for 2 minutes. (morning and night). "Cold and hot shower". The child takes a bath in the evening. Let him warm up in warm water. And then tell him: “Let’s make a cold rain or run through puddles.” You open the cold water, and the child exposes his heels and palms to the water. If a child is afraid of exposure to a cold shower, then you can first put a basin with cold water and say: “Well, let’s run through the puddles!” And so from a warm bath into a cold basin (or in the rain), and then back into the bath. And so on at least 3 times. After the procedure, wrap the child in a warm sheet, not wiping, but blotting the water, then dress him for sleep and put him in bed.

Walking barefoot is an element of hardening the body.

Another way of hardening is walking barefoot. Walking barefoot not only hardens, but also stimulates the nerve endings on the foot and has a positive effect on the functioning of internal organs. According to some experts, the soles of the feet are a kind of switchboard with 72 thousand nerve endings, through which you can connect to any organ - the brain, lungs and upper respiratory tract, liver, kidneys, endocrine glands and other organs. How and when is the best time to go barefoot?

  • Of course, in the cold winter, you shouldn’t teach your child to do this, but in the spring and summer, the baby can easily run barefoot on the floor of the house, or even better, on the green grass.
  • The child should regularly walk barefoot; the real hardening effect occurs only after long-term systematic training.
  • Use special rubber mats with spike corrugation. Every morning, start your exercises by walking barefoot on such a mat.
  • It is useful to massage your feet with a rolling pin or a round stick, rolling them with your soles for several minutes a day.
When walking barefoot, the intense activity of almost all muscles increases, blood circulation throughout the body is stimulated, and mental activity improves!

Khvostova Olga Ivanovna.


Interacting with your child on a walk can be a very important and productive component of his development. But for many parents, walks are simply “walking” the child, when he is given the opportunity to breathe fresh air, move around, and meet with peers.

Usually a flock of children is accompanied by a company of adults, who during the walk manage to discuss a lot of topics and only keep an eye on their child. It is rare when mothers and fathers offer their children certain games during a walk. They usually give them almost complete freedom.

Of course, a child can come up with simple, but not always safe, games: splashing through puddles, climbing trees, jumping, pulling leaves from trees. The expanses of parks and squares, their green lawns and flower meadows evoke special delight, and the child is ready to run and run wherever his eyes look.

He longs for movement, and he needs to be given the opportunity to realize this desire. The best thing that can be recommended is outdoor games: they satisfy his passion for movement. During the game, children receive the necessary muscle load and positive impressions, while avoiding emotional and motor overload and being in the field of view of adults.

For a fun walk, a large ball is simply irreplaceable: it can be used in various outdoor games. The little ones can be given the task of rolling the ball to a tree, a bench or to their mother, jumping as the ball jumps; will learn to throw the ball to each other, throw the ball over an obstacle or throw it up. Teach your child to swing and throw the ball into the distance. Throw at the target should be used for older children, as it requires more complex coordination. The goal can be horizontal or vertical; use available means (a circle drawn with chalk on the asphalt or building).

Don't be shy about setting an example for your child.

Show different ways of throwing the ball: from the chest, from behind the head, from below.

Make a game of stepping and jumping over obstacles: a curb, a stream, a puddle, a branch, a line drawn on the sand or asphalt.

Organize fun games for your child and his friends in the park or in the yard.

Trees are suitable as “inventory”; you can hide behind them.

A bench on which you can roll a ball to each other, crawl, crawl under the bench, climb over it.

Stumps that you can climb on, jump off, and run around.

Get involved in the game yourself, have fun and enjoy it. During joint activities, the child develops interaction and communication skills. The use of play exercises and outdoor games is an effective means of developing interest in physical activity, which is one of the main things in strengthening and preserving the health of children and introducing them to a healthy lifestyle.

Prepared by a physical education instructor

MBU d/s No. 139 “Cloud” Daniulova M.V.

9 rules of hardening.

Consultation for parents.

One of the forms of physical education is hardening. It is an essential, most effective and accessible means of training and improving the body’s defense mechanisms, affecting the activity of all systems without exception.

Hardening involves the use of a set of various procedures to improve health, increase the body's resistance to cold and prevent colds. There are often cases when they use one procedure, for example, wiping the body with cold water, and hope to harden themselves in this way. Alas! In this case there can be no effect at all. And that's why. Hardening is formed only with sufficient duration and intensity of cold influences.

An important condition for achieving a high degree of hardening is systematic physical exercise.

Speaking about the effect of hardening on the body, it is necessary to mention specific and nonspecific effects.

Specific effect manifests itself in increased resistance to heat or cold, depending on what temperature factor was used for hardening.

Non-specific effect is formed simultaneously with the specific one and is expressed in increased resistance to some other external influences.

For example: simultaneously with the increase in the body’s resistance to cold, the tolerance to lack of oxygen necessarily increases, and the processes of inhibition and excitation are balanced.

Let's get acquainted with the basic rules of hardening.

First rule - the understanding of the need to toughen up has become a conviction. Only then can you cultivate the same habit of performing hardening procedures as the habit of washing your face, brushing your teeth, etc. A conscious attitude forms the necessary psychological attitude, which leads to success.

Second rule - strict adherence to a healthy lifestyle, an integral part of which is hardening.

Third rule - systematic hardening, and not from case to case. Even a two-week break significantly reduces the previously achieved state of hardening. Hardening should not be stopped even in case of mild illness; you can only reduce its dose.

Fourth rule - The duration and intensity of hardening procedures should be increased gradually. Each new procedure should initially cause vegetative changes: increased heart rate, increased frequency and depth of breathing. The absence of these shifts indicates an insufficient increase in the impact of the hardening procedure. On the contrary, the manifestation of trembling, goose bumps, and pale skin is an indicator of an excessive increase in the strength of the stimulus. In the first case, there will be no desired effect, in the second, a state of discomfort arises, which can lead to illness.

Fifth rule - taking into account the individual characteristics of the organism. Children have different sensitivity to temperatures. The same factor can cause a slight runny nose in one person, and a serious illness in another. These differences depend on the structure of the body, state of health, and type of nervous system. Thus, in children with a balanced character, resistance to cold is developed faster than in impulsive ones.

Sixth rule - the need to create a good mood during hardening procedures. With positive emotions, as a rule, negative effects do not occur. All procedures should be performed “to the point of pleasure” and stopped when signs of an unpleasant perception of the procedure appear. Depending on the child’s mood, the hardening procedure can be increased or shortened in duration, and the water temperature can be decreased or increased. Taking into account the emotional state of the child and his well-being will ensure constant interest in hardening procedures and make them desirable.

Seventh rule - obligatory physical activity. The effectiveness of hardening will increase many times if you systematically engage in physical exercises that correspond to the capabilities of the body.

Eighth rule - for hardening purposes, it is necessary to use the entire complex of natural factors - water, air and sun.

Ninth Rule - taking into account the climatic conditions of a particular region where a person lives permanently. The climate of a particular region forms a specific type of thermoregulation in a person and determines his sensitivity to cold.

Hardening can be local and general . At local During hardening, cold affects a certain area of ​​the body (foot baths, wiping the body). General hardening is considered when a cold stimulus acts on the entire surface of the body (bath, shower, swimming).

A good way to harden, shape and strengthen the arch of the foot in the summer is to walk barefoot on sand, grass, and earth.

Children should be taught this on hot sunny days, gradually increasing the time they walk barefoot from 2-4 to 10-15 minutes. Stronger legs can walk barefoot at +20*C.

Constant forms of hardening - a pulsating microclimate and optimal clothing - should be complemented by sun and air baths, various water procedures, etc.

Prepared by a physical education instructor

MBU d/s No. 139 Daniulova M.V.

How to properly organize physical exercises at home?

Memo “Ten Tips for Parents”

  1. Support your child’s interest in physical education, and never show your disdain for physical development. Remember: the family largely determines the child’s behavior and attitudes, including his attitude towards physical education. The example of adults is extremely important. How you feel about physical education is how your child will feel about it.
  2. High self-esteem is one of the powerful incentives for a child to do any work. Whether it's homework or morning exercises. Do your best to maintain high self-esteem in your child - encourage any of his achievements, and in return you will receive even more effort.
  3. Observe the child’s behavior and condition during physical exercise. Sometimes parents do not understand why the child is capricious and does not comply with their demands. The reason may be fatigue, hidden desire, etc. try to understand the reason for negative reactions. A deep knowledge of your child’s characteristics, his trust, and his sense of his importance and the significance of his own personality will help you with this.
  4. Under no circumstances insist on continuing classes if for some reason the child does not want it. Find out the reason for the refusal, eliminate it and only then continue classes. If this is not done, then there will be a persistent aversion to any physical exercise.
  5. It is important to determine your child's priorities when it comes to exercise. Almost all children like outdoor games, but there are exceptions.
  6. Do not scold your child for temporary failures.
  7. Don't change your exercise routine too often. If the child likes them, let him perform them for as long as possible - in this case he will not “grab the tops”, but will firmly master this or that skill or movement.
  8. It is important to maintain a culture of physical exercise. In no case should there be laxity, negligence, or careless execution. Physical education is serious business!
  9. Do not overload your child: what is available to an adult is not always useful to a baby.
  10. In the process of raising a child, you must be accompanied by three immutable laws: understanding, love, patience.

AND physical education instructor - Olga Ivanovna Khvostova

Memo for parents

Memo for parents

How to make sitting easier? What does proper landing mean?

When seated correctly, the hips are at right angles to the spine and shins, and the entire surface of the soles touch the floor. It’s bad if your feet don’t reach the floor or the seat is so low that your shins are higher than your hip joints.

Your back should be parallel to the back of the chair. If she leans forward, stooping may develop; if you lean too much on the back of the chair, this will contribute to the formation of a round back.

Hands and forearms should lie freely on the table. With this position, the shoulder blades are well fixed and the child can breathe freely and deeply.

A very high table causes the elbows to rise and a compensatory curvature of the spine; with a low table, the child slouches and bends the torso forward.

So incorrect sitting at the table is a factor not only of incorrect posture, but also of increased morbidity (acute respiratory infections, intestinal atony, etc.)

What does it mean for a preschooler to stand?

Standing, especially in a certain position, is very tiring for a child, as the back muscles quickly relax, unable to withstand the static load. Therefore, the baby begins to shift from foot to foot and tries to lean against something.

Remember! By punishing a child by standing in the corner, you are physically punishing him.

How to avoid missing posture problems? Prevention is always easier than cure!

At first, the disturbances are temporary. If a child, despite correct preventive measures, prefers incorrect postures, you need to consult an orthopedist or physical therapy doctor and strictly follow his recommendations. A constant reminder of how to walk correctly will not give a child anything: at this age, you need to repeat exercises from 33 to 68 times so that he understands and accurately reproduces this movement. This is where gymnastics comes to the rescue - special exercises that help develop proper walking and a sense of balance, coordination of movements, shape the foot and strengthen the muscular corset of the back.

To develop proper walking and balance Teach your child to walk with his feet parallel. This can be done on paths, benches, steps, hewn logs, winding paths drawn with chalk. The sidewalk edge is a great tool for this.

To prevent flat feet You can use any prickly surface - even the rubber mats on which we wipe our feet, as well as any exercise equipment that is currently on sale.

To form correct posture teach your child to crawl under something (chair, table, bench)

Physical education instructor - Olga Ivanovna Khvostova

Child's health is our common task

Consultation for parents.

The health of the child is our common goal.

Prevention of postural disorders.

Preschool age is the period of formation of posture. At this age, the formation of the bone structure has not yet been completed, the skeleton consists largely of cartilaginous tissue, the bones are not strong enough, they have few mineral salts, the extensor muscles are not developed enough, so the posture in children is unstable and is easily disturbed under the influence of incorrect body position.

What can cause poor posture? There are many such reasons, let’s name just a few.

  1. The furniture is not appropriate for the child's age. Especially when he spends a long time in a forced position. Therefore, you need to remember the need to match chairs and tables to the child’s height, both in kindergarten and at home, and also not to prevent the child from spending more time in a free position (for example, lying on the carpet), as is customary in many foreign preschool institutions and schools.
  2. Constantly holding the child by the same hand while walking.
  3. The habit of standing with support on the same leg. When walking correctly, body weight is evenly distributed on both legs. We can speak of an even distribution of body weight when the feet are parallel when walking. That is why, in order to develop correct walking, the child must be placed in a situation where his legs are parallel to each other, for example, he must be trained to walk along a narrow path, a board, or a log. If the child has completed the appropriate exercise and his coordination is fine, then he is able to walk along a stick or rope.
  4. Incorrect posture when sitting (leaning forward, throwing your arms behind the back of the chair, placing your leg under you).
  5. Incorrect posture during sleep (sleeping with legs tucked to stomach, curled up). You need to sleep on a hard bed, leaning on it with bony protrusions; At the same time, the muscles should not be in constant tension, so you need a soft mattress and pillow. It is better if the pillow is located between the cheek and shoulder; it can be quite soft, but small. The best position for sleeping is on your back, with your arms spread to the side.
  6. Poor posture more often develops in sedentary children, weakened with poorly developed muscles, so gymnastic exercises are necessary for those muscles that ensure good posture.

Incorrect posture is not only not aesthetically pleasing, but it adversely affects the position of internal organs. A slouched back makes it difficult to maintain a normal position of the chest, and weak abdominal muscles also do not contribute to deepening breathing. The consequence is less oxygen supply to the tissues.

It is very important to monitor a preschooler’s posture and develop the ability to sit and stand correctly. Sitting is not rest, but an act of static tension. Children, unlike adults, perform significant muscle work when sitting.

The extensor muscles (especially if they have not been strengthened before) are still weak, so children quickly get tired from sitting and try to quickly change their position or stand up to move around. We adults often do not understand this and scold children for restlessness.

Physical education instructor Olga Ianovna Khvostova
