Maria Petrova and her pages on social networks. Maria Petrova and her pages on social networks Participation in various shows

Russian figure skater who competed in pairs skating with Alexei Tikhonov. Together they are world champions (2000), two-time European champions (1999, 2000), Russian champions (2006). Honored Master of Sports of Russia.

Maria Petrova. Biography and sports career

Maria Igorevna Petrova appeared in Leningrad on November 29, 1977. She started figure skating at the age of seven, which is considered quite a late age for a huge sport. But in just a couple of months, the stubborn girl not only began to confidently stand on the ice, but also learned all the single jumps. Then the coach brought Masha to the figure skating section.

Maria's first partner was Anton Sikharulidze. Together they entered the national team as number two and performed well at the world championships. But the couple didn't work out.

In 1996, Alexei Tikhonov was invited to perform with Maria. At that time, after the difficulties with finding a partner ended, he went into specialists and performed in shows All Stars. But after riding for a month with Masha, he ran away, afraid to leave his home in Moscow and his pleasant job on the show. Petrova was given another partner - Teimuraz Pulina. The couple performed not too well and eventually broke up.

Tikhonov showed up in the summer of 1998: he called, apologized and proposed to Masha to perform together. From tandem appeared on June 15, 1998. Four months later, Petrova and Tikhonov won their first gold at the Grand Prix in Germany.

The first years of working together became the most successful for this duo. In 1998 and 1999 they became European champions, and in 1999 - the world championship. The skaters were never able to repeat these successes during their sports career. They were consistently among the top three in Europe and the top five in the world, but they never climbed to the top step of the podium.

In 2007, at the World Championships, Alexey Tikhonov was injured, after which his partner Maria Petrova announced the end of her sports career, announcing that she was not going to skate with another partner.

Maria Petrova. Life after the end of a huge sport

Having finished with the huge sport Maria Petrova began participating in various television shows on Channel One: Stars on Ice - paired with musician Igor Butman), Ice Age - with showman Mikhail Galustyan and boxer Kostya Tszyu. In 2013, the figure skater went to the Ice Age site with trainer Askold Zapashny.

Maria is a participant in various ice productions for children and adults, in which she appears on the skating rink as an ice ballet actress. Among them: Krokha and Carlson on Ice, Miracles on New Year's Eve, Odnoklassniki, Carmen, Bolero and other catchy shows.

On October 1, 2016, at the end of a two-year break, the Ice Age show returned to Channel One, the launch of which, as figure skater Tatyana Navka agreed in one of her interviews, had to be postponed due to the ice project Carmen(directed by Ilya Averbukh with the participation of Alexey Yagudin. Roman Kostomarov. Maxim Marinin and others). Now singer Alexey Serov has become Petrova’s ward. vocalist of the group Diskoteka Avaria .

Maria Petrova. Personal life

Maria Petrova and Alexey Tikhonov are partners not only in figure skating, stage, but also in life. In February 2010 they had a daughter Pauline .

Maria Petrova about her relationship with her husband: Everything is not uncommon, we argue from time to time. But I think that a man should be a priority. A lady must listen to a man's words. I try, but it doesn't always work. Sometimes I boil. But we're dealing with it. We constantly discuss all the troubles. In order to understand each other, it is necessary to communicate. It is unrealistic to live in a family where everyone thinks only about themselves. We have grandmothers who help us. We listen to their words. In order to save the family, it is necessary to respect the conclusions of others.

Maria Petrova is a Russian figure skater who competed in pairs skating. Maria became world champion and was twice European champion. Maria completed her sports career with the title of Honored Master of Sports of Russia. Later she performed in various television shows, such as “Stars on Ice” and “Ice Age”.

The future skating rink star was born in St. Petersburg and first appeared on the ice rink at the age of seven, which is considered a very late age for a professional athlete. However, the girl quickly managed to make up for lost time, quickly learned to confidently skate and mastered single jumps. Seeing the determination and talent of the child, her coach just a couple of months later transferred her ward to the figure skating group, giving the country a talented figure skater.

It was difficult for Maria to combine training, frequent competitions and regular secondary school. And if in the lower grades Petrova was enrolled in a specialized sports class, where teachers turned a blind eye to absences and unlearned lessons, then later she went to a regular school. And it should be noted that the capable girl managed to study well. Now, after many years, Maria Igorevna remembers her classmates and teachers with warmth.

Figure skating

At the age of 15, Maria Petrova won her first major award - a silver medal at the World Junior Championships. This achievement was achieved by the girl in a pair dance with. Moreover, the guys win the next two championships with a noticeable advantage over their rivals.

But later Masha’s relationship with Anton did not work out, and she skated with Teimuraz Pulin for two years, with whom she was able to repeat her debut achievement, and also took silver at the Winter Universiade in South Korea, but overall this couple looked weaker.

And then Petrova appeared on the horizon. The couple was formed on June 15, 1998, and four months later the skaters won their first gold at the Grand Prix stage in Germany. The first years of working together turned out to be the most successful in the careers of both athletes. Seven gold medals, five silver and many awards of lower rank. Later, Maria Petrova and her partner were consistently among the top three European and top five world strongest skaters, but they no longer conquered the highest step of the podium.

After the 2007 Open World Championship, at which Alexei Tikhonov received an offensive injury, Maria Petrova announced that she was also ending her sports career, as she no longer intended to compete with another partner.

From the same year, rumors began to appear either about Maria Petrova’s illness or that the figure skater, as a wife, was caring for the sick Alexei Tikhonov. But the athletes did not confirm this information. Maria and Alexey began to regularly appear in ice shows and productions, showing that the end of their professional career in sports did not end the life of figure skaters.

TV show

After finishing her career as an athlete, Maria Petrova was invited to participate in the popular entertainment television shows “Stars on Ice”, “Ice Age”, “Professional Cup” and “Ice and Fire”. Over the years, she taught and choreographed dances for such show business stars as musician, comedian, boxer, trainer, TV presenter Maxim Sharafutdinov, actor and many others.

Maria also takes part in staging colorful fairy-tale ice performances for children and adults, in which she herself goes to the skating rink as an ice ballet actress. “Baby on Ice”, “Miracles on New Year’s Eve”, “Odnoklassniki”, “Carmen”, “Bolero” and other interesting productions enjoyed great success among the audience.

Maria Petrova managed to start a cinematic biography. Maria played the role of a figure skater in the series

Personal life

Maria Petrova and Alexey Tikhonov not only became inseparable partners on the icy surface of the skating rink. They quickly realized that they felt much more for each other. A couple of years after they met, the young people began dating, and after finishing their careers they began to live in a civil marriage. In 2010, Maria gave birth to a daughter, Polina, which made her husband happy.

Family happiness and harmony in a pair of skaters haunt ill-wishers and gossipers. Rumors regularly appear in the press about a divorce between Petrova and Tikhonov, but the spouses deny such speculation. Maria and Alexey live in perfect harmony, raise a child together and even work together.

Today the girl has already started skating. In an interview, the skaters told reporters that they would be happy if their daughter “rolled over” her parents. As Maria Petrova admits, the grown daughter has already begun to ask her parents for a brother or sister. The skater herself also doesn’t mind if there are more children in the family, but there is no serious talk about adding to the family yet. Skaters are constantly busy in television projects and ice shows.

Maria Petrova shares her daughter’s successes on the ice and her own new performances in “ Instagram", where 30 thousand people subscribe to the figure skater’s account.

The figure skater, in addition to sports and creative activities, is interested in collecting figurines and is interested in flowers, although she prefers ordinary field plants rather than complex garden plants.

Maria Petrova now

On July 1, 2017, the premiere of a new ice project took place in Sochi - the production of “and” based on the famous play. In the new show, Maria Petrova and her husband became part of the soloists. The show was directed by. The director creatively rethought the classic play, giving the plot a new interpretation and calling into question the tragic ending. In an interview, Ilya Averbukh stated that the production is ready to compete even with the performances of Cirque du Soleil.

Maria and Alexey did not get the main tragic roles, but the married couple of skaters still got to play lovers. Maria Petrova in the production plays the role of Laura, a visionary girl, the first love of Father Lorenzo, played by Alexey.

Skater performances took place every day until October 1, 2017. The Moscow premiere of the play took place on October 28 of the same year at Luzhniki. The performances continued until November 6. Then the performance troupe went on tour to St. Petersburg.


  • 1994 – winner of the World Junior Championships
  • 1995 – winner of the World Junior Championships
  • 1997 - silver medalist at the World Junior Championships
  • 1997 – silver medalist at the Winter Universiade in South Korea
  • 1999 – winner of the European Championship
  • 2000 – winner of the European Championship
  • 2000 – World Championship winner
  • 2006 – winner of the Russian Championship

Maria Petrova. Biography

Maria Igorevna Petrova- titled Russian figure skater, honored MS. She was born on November 29, 1977 in the Northern capital. She performed in pairs with such partners as A. Sikharulidze, T. Pulin and A. Tikhonov.

At the age of 7 she went on the ice for the first time. Over the winter period, the talented girl managed to master all the important elements of figure skating. Experienced mentors noticed the young talent and invited him to continue training in the section. At the age of 13, the skater is put into a duet with A. Sikharulidze. With him, the athlete won all the youth competitions that were possible. And at the age of 15, Maria took eighth place at the adult world championship.

However, after the 1996 European Championship, the titled duo fell apart. In the future, Maria Petrova performs together with T. Pulin, but she fails to achieve significant results with her new partner.

The meeting with A. Tikhonov becomes decisive for Masha’s future fate. He becomes her partner. From that moment on, absolutely everything began to work out. The duo wins the 2006 national championship, two European Championships in 1999-2000, and the 2000 World Cup. The skaters took part in the Olympics twice, but were left without awards.

After the 2007 World Cup, the couple of Maria Petrova announced their retirement due to Tikhonov’s injury. Subsequently, the figure skater took part in ice television projects more than once and enjoyed great sympathy from the audience.

In 2010, the athlete, together with her former partner, created a figure skating sports school. The guys work for their own pleasure, sharing the secrets of successful skating with other people.

The athlete loves simple wildflowers and also collects hippo figures. Currently Petrova and Tikhonov- common-law spouses, their daughter Polina is growing up.

Photo by Maria Petrova

Video. Maria Petrova

Video: Alexey Tikhonov and Maria Petrova. European Championship France (2006).

Video: Maria Petrova - Alexey Tikhonov in the show on Channel One.

Video: Maria Petrova and Alexey Tikhonov in Ilya Averbukh’s ice show “Love Stories”

Maria Petrova is a famous Russian figure skater who managed to reach great heights in figure skating. Her sports career ended long ago, but she never ceases to delight her fans with her participation in television shows.


Masha was born in 1977 in St. Petersburg and, like most St. Petersburg children, was interested in figure skating. But she got on the ice at the age of 9, which by the standards of this sport is quite late. However, the girl showed herself well and in terms of technique was on par with children who were learning to walk on ice.

The girl’s coach appreciated the hard work and determination of the young figure skater and transferred her to the figure skating group.

It was difficult for little Masha to combine training, frequent competitions and studies at a regular school, so her parents made a very wise decision and first enrolled the girl in a special class for athletes. But then she had to study at a regular school, and she managed to combine it well.

Sports career

At the age of 15, Maria got into professional sports and received her first major award, namely silver at the World Junior Championships in pair skating. Her ice partner at that time was Anton Sikharulidze. But the relationship with this partner quickly went wrong, and she continued to perform with Teimuraz Pulin, with whom they also won a silver medal in South Korea. Maria, as a figure skater, lacked an experienced partner.

But in 1998, everything changed dramatically, and Alexey Tikhonov began performing together with her. Within a couple of months they won their first gold in Germany. During the first year of skating together, they managed to win 7 gold and 5 silver medals, as well as many bronze awards.

Unfortunately, in 2007, Alexey received an injury, which caused the end of his sports career. Maria stood in solidarity with her partner and also announced her retirement.

TV shows

After training and performing at championships, the figure skater began to take an active part in entertainment shows, where she taught dancing on the ice arena to singers, musicians, comedians, TV presenters, actors and even boxers. This is the legendary show “Ice Age”, “Ice and Fire” and “Stars on Ice”.

Maria also went to the skating rink for ice performances more than once, which are especially popular among children and adults.

Personal life

Fate connected Maria Petrova and Alexei Tikhonov not only on the ice. They developed more than just a partnership and, after finishing their sports careers, began to live together. And in 2010, the skaters had a daughter, who was named Polina.

Social media

The former figure skater is an active user of social networks and shows everyone photos from her family life and introduces subscribers to new projects in which she is involved.

Maria Petrova on Instagram - posts photos of her grown-up daughter and pleases her 30 thousand subscribers with pictures from her family vacation. Judging by the comments, Maria is loved very much and her triumph on ice has not yet been forgotten.

We were unable to find the athlete’s personal page on VKontakte, but we found the official group of Maria and her partner Alexey - There are not many subscribers on VKontakte, but there is a lot of interesting information and family photos of the couple.

The same situation from Twitter - And Facebook - From these pages you can learn about the family’s latest work in the musical “Romeo and Juliet.” Now the couple has returned home to Moscow and promises to show their work in the capital.

We also managed to find the figure skaters channel on YouTube - Here you can watch the guys' latest interviews and latest video work.

The couple also has official website -, - where all the interviews, videos from performances and other details of the ideal married couple, who, according to Maria herself, are “married on ice,” are collected.

Figure skating champion Maria Petrova is not only an excellent athlete who brought many medals to Russia. She is a mother who puts all her strength into her daughter and is the main example for her. The girl is growing up to replace her parents and has already begun to take part in figure skating competitions.

All that remains is to wait for the daughter of the figure skating champion to appear on ice.

For almost ten years, one of the most beautiful and touching couples performed in world figure skating. Maria Petrova is a figure skater who did not immediately find her only partner in sports and in life. However, when she teamed up with Alexei Tikhonov, a magical duet emerged that aroused the admiration of the public and the strictest critics and judges.

Late arrival to figure skating

Petrova Maria Igorevna was born in 1977 in St. Petersburg. She made the decision to choose a sports section for herself independently.

Like any other sport that includes acrobatic elements, figure skating requires an early start. At 3-4 years old, mothers and grandmothers bring their children to the skating rink by the hand. However, Maria Petrova is a figure skater who stood out from the crowd. Only at the age of seven did she start figure skating. However, she worked so hard and selflessly in training, mastered jumps and elements, that after a short time she caught up with her peers and was transferred to the sports group.

It was difficult for the little girl to combine studies and training twice a day. Initially, she went to a special sports school, where they turned a blind eye to gaps in academic performance, but then Maria began to study at a regular school. However, the hardworking girl did not lag behind her classmates and was able to complete her studies with dignity.

Petrova Maria is a figure skater whose biography in figure skating was predetermined by her physical characteristics. According to the tradition of Soviet and Russian schools, girls were distributed into disciplines according to their composition. Tall, long-legged girls were put into ice dancing, small, short girls into sports pairs. Accordingly, the fate of Maria, whose height is 152 cm, was decided, and she was assigned to the latter type.

Junior victories

In 1992, at the age of 15, Maria Petrova, a figure skater with great potential, was paired with Anton Sikharulidze. Subsequently, he will become a world champion, a triumphant Olympic Games, but with another partner - Elena Berezhnaya. In the meantime, he skated regularly with Maria Petrova. The guys at that time were the best among their peers. For two years in a row they won the junior world championships with a large lead over their competitors.

It was the Petrova-Sikharulidze pair that was considered in the future to be the country's first pair at all major tournaments. However, the duet between a man and a woman in sports is a very delicate matter. Sports results alone are not enough for a young guy and girl to work well together.

Problems with each other became the reasons for the breakup of the promising duo.

Soon Maria Petrova becomes a couple with Teimuraz Pulin. Together with him, she also achieves good results at junior competitions, but overall their duet looked much weaker.

New duet - new victories

Maria Petrova is a figure skater who was lucky enough to find her main and only sports partner only on the third attempt. Relations with Pulin and Sikharulidze were unsuccessful. However, Alexey Tikhonov became the faithful and reliable partner with whom Maria would spend ten years of her glorious career on the ice.

The couple formed in 1998, and within a few months the first victories appeared at the Grand Prix stages. Tall, stately Alexey Tikhonov and small, perfectly coordinated Maria Petrova made up an ideal duet. The guys performed technical elements of the highest complexity, while constantly honing their choreography.

The Russian couple was one of the strongest in those years, however, in conditions of fierce competition within the national team, they remained for some time in the shadow of the already established Berezhnaya-Sikharulidze duet.

The finest hour of St. Petersburg athletes came in 2000. Then, unexpectedly for many, they won the European Championship, and soon repeated their achievement at the world championship. Subsequently, the guys will constantly find themselves on the podium of the largest tournaments, but they will no longer be able to repeat those victories.

In the context of the decline of Russian figure skating

Petrova-Tikhonov showed consistently high results for almost the entire ten years of their career. This time also marked a period of generational change in Russian figure skating. After the successful 2006 Turin Olympics, many leading figure skaters left the sport after achieving victory at the most important tournament.

However, they had to face the fact that they did not have time to prepare a worthy replacement. A period of complete medal drought began at major tournaments; the level of Russian figure skaters was obscenely low. Only Petrova and Tikhonov continued to maintain the reputation of the national school and pulled younger athletes along with them.

This went on for two years, but then in 2007 Alexey Tikhonov received a serious injury and decided to end his career. Petrova saw no point in looking for another partner and also hung up her skates.

TV star and teacher

While still continuing her active sports career, Maria took part in the filming of ice television shows. On the “Stars on Ice” project, the girl’s partner was the famous saxophonist Igor Butman. Small, touching Petrova subsequently got the appropriate partners.

She continues to participate in the continuation of the project, training Mikhail Galustyan, Kostya Tszyu, Askold Zapashny and other famous personalities.

Couples with the participation of Maria Petrova always delighted the audience, and Petrova was invariably invited to the next filming.

In 2010, Maria and her former sports partner decided that it was time to share their knowledge and skills with others. They opened their own figure skating school, which continues to operate.

As a mother and wife

Maria Petrova is a figure skater whose personal life turned out to be inextricably linked with sports. Just like on the ice, the girl in life was accompanied and supported by a reliable and faithful partner. Alexey Tikhonov is Maria’s life partner to this day. During their life together, they had a daughter, Polina.

Maria Petrova had a long and impressive sports career. Having finished skating herself, she continues to share her wealth of experience as a teacher.
