Healing Fitness. Complex of physical therapy - exercises, benefits for diseases of the spine and joints Types of therapeutic exercises

Healing Fitness(exercise therapy) is a method of treatment consisting in the application of physical exercises and natural factors of nature to a sick person for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. This method is based on the use of the main biological function of the body - movement. A method of strictly dosed exercises accompanied by proper breathing.

The term “physical therapy” primarily refers to the branch of medicine that studies the treatment and prevention of diseases using physical education methods (usually in combination with physiotherapeutic procedures and massage).

However target application of these means - treatment or prevention of diseases. As you know, the goal of physical education is to raise a healthy person, and sports is to achieve results. Therapeutic exercise performs not only a therapeutic, but also an educational function. It fosters a conscious attitude towards the use of physical exercise, instills hygienic skills, and introduces people to hardening the body with natural factors. In this, exercise therapy is closely related to pedagogy and hygiene. Exercise therapy develops strength, endurance, coordination of movements, instills hygiene skills, and hardens the body. Currently, no one doubts that physical therapy is an obligatory and necessary component of all sections of modern practical medicine, especially traumatology, orthopedics and neurology. However, this was not always the case, and physical therapy has had a difficult journey to take its place in modern healthcare.

Means, forms and methods of exercise therapy

Primary therapeutic method L FC is physiotherapy, that is, physical exercises specially selected for treatment. Basics means Exercise therapy - physical exercise, used in accordance with the objectives of treatment, taking into account etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features, functional state of the body, general physical performance.

The form of therapeutic physical education is the organizational form within which the means of therapeutic physical education are used and exercise therapy methods are carried out.

Methods (techniques) of exercise therapy are essentially the tasks of exercise therapy. The name of the exercise therapy technique indicates the disease or pathological condition for which this method is used. For example, “physical therapy for arthrosis of the hip joint in the form of individual morning exercises” or “physical therapy for chronic coronary heart disease in the form of a group exercise class,” or “learning to walk with a cane in the form of an individual physical therapy lesson.”

Exercise therapy means are effective therapeutic factors, such as gymnastic exercises, physical exercises in water, walking, training on simulators...

Table 1. Classification of means, forms and methods of exercise therapy.

Forms of exercise therapy

Exercise therapy products

Exercise therapy techniques

Method of conducting exercise therapy classes

Morning exercises


Dosed walking

Industrial gymnastics

Therapeutic swimming.



Occupational therapy, training in household skills and walking.

Games, sports games.



Physical exercise.

Physical exercises in water.



Exercise classes.


for diseases of the musculoskeletal system (physical therapy for coxarthrosis, in case of violation posture, at osteochondrosis, scoliosis…);

for diseases of the cardiovascular system;

for diseases of the respiratory system;

for diseases of the digestive system;

in case of violation posture;

for injuries;

during operations on the chest;

during pregnancy;

learning to walk with a cane...

Classes with a physical therapy instructor (individual lessons, small group and group)

Self-study - physical training

Typically, a combination of various forms and means of exercise therapy is used to treat a specific disease. For example, for the treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, exercise therapy is prescribed in the form of daily morning exercises, in the form of industrial gymnastics, in the form of dosed walking exercises, and for teaching corrective exercises and monitoring the correctness of their implementation, a form of exercise therapy is used (for example, in a clinic) once a week . In case of functional disorders of the nervous system, exercise therapy is prescribed in the form of short-term tourism (for example, in a sanatorium), and a variety of exercise therapy means are used: walking, swimming, training on exercise machines. Exercise machines can also be an independent form of exercise therapy. For example, exercise on an exercise bike if you are overweight. Forms, means and methods of exercise therapy are presented in table. 1.

The main forms of exercise therapy are: morning hygiene exercises, therapeutic exercises procedure, physical exercises in water ( hydrokinesitherapy), walks, short-distance tourism, health running, various sports and applied exercises, outdoor and sports games. Therapeutic physical culture is also used in the form of industrial gymnastics. Everyone finds the most convenient form for themselves. For example, in the USA, shaping is ingeniously used in large stores (supermarkets) for medicinal purposes, using walking with a cart as a means of exercise therapy (for example, exercise therapy for the treatment of arthrosis of the ankle joint is a technique).

Exercise therapy is used for children in the form of a game, directing children’s motor activity in the right direction. For example, playing ball on the river bank involves walking and running on uneven ground and sand. This is the healing factor - a means of exercise therapy, which is used in the method of exercise therapy for flat feet. In adolescence, it is advisable to involve children in team sports or sports locomotion. For example, therapeutic swimming for scoliosis, elements of athletics for poor posture, or horseback riding for the treatment of cerebral palsy. It is difficult to dose the load and focus on movements that determine the therapeutic effect, excluding unnecessary and harmful ones, but with the participation of a doctor and a specialist in the field physical culture And sports it is quite possible.

Exercise therapy is a system of using a wide variety of physical education means for the purposes of prevention, treatment and rehabilitation. Exercise therapy can help strengthen the musculoskeletal system, that is, muscles, bones, joints and ligaments in order to prevent injuries and diseases, can provide the most effective treatment process if something does happen, and can help restore all of it functions after treatment is completed. Moreover, in prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation, exercise therapy acts both directly and indirectly, while simultaneously having a positive effect on many other systems and functions of the body.

Exercise therapy differs from other types of physical education in the same way as they differ from sports - not in content, but in purpose and measure. Both physical therapy, physical education, and sports use the same means to achieve their goals - physical exercise. The difference is why and how it is done. After all, everything is medicine and everything is poison. And physical exercise, moreover, is not a specific remedy at all. That is, the same type of physical exercise can be used for the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of various diseases. But physical exercise can not only heal, but also cripple.

Therapeutic physical education (PT) is a treatment method that consists of applying physical exercises and natural factors of nature to a sick person for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. This method is based on the use of the main biological function of the body - movement.

The term therapeutic physical culture (or exercise therapy) refers to a variety of concepts. This includes breathing exercises after a major operation, learning to walk after an injury, and developing movements in a joint after removing a plaster cast. This is the name of an office in a clinic, a department at the Institute of Physical Education, and a department at a medical institute. The term “physical therapy” is used in a variety of aspects, denoting a method of treatment, a medical or pedagogical specialty, a section of medicine or physical education, and the structure of healthcare.

Therapeutic massage, which, in essence, is a passive physical exercise, we consider separately due to the specifics of this method of treatment, but in close connection with physical therapy. Physiotherapy exercises are prescribed only by a doctor and are carried out strictly as prescribed by the doctor, usually in healthcare institutions - hospitals, clinics, sanatoriums, dispensaries. This fundamentally distinguishes exercise therapy from health systems and technologies in which a doctor’s opinion is advisory in nature or is not required at all. This does not mean that exercise therapy is only for patients and only for treatment. In practice, physical therapy is not limited only to treatment. Therapeutic physical education is also preventive and restorative physical education, rather than simply therapeutic. The long-standing and widespread use of physical education in the form of exercise therapy in the healthcare system only emphasizes the serious approach to organizing classes and their unconditional health-improving orientation. Physical therapy can be done independently outside the walls of health care institutions. But this must be done very carefully, without forcing loads, without exceeding dosages, strictly according to the prescription program, and without turning physical therapy into sports. Although it is possible and even desirable to move to a higher level of loads according to the general physical training program. Independent classes are carried out as prescribed by a doctor and under the supervision of a doctor. This is understandable; we are talking about a sick person who cannot always adequately assess his capabilities. Therapeutic physical culture differs from other types of physical education in the same way as physical education differs from sports - not in content, but in purpose and measure. Both physical therapy, physical education, and sports use the same means to achieve their goals - physical exercise.

However, the purpose of using these drugs is to treat or prevent diseases. As you know, the goal of physical education is to raise a healthy person, and sports is to achieve results. Therapeutic exercise performs not only a therapeutic, but also an educational function. It fosters a conscious attitude towards the use of physical exercise, instills hygienic skills, and introduces people to hardening the body with natural factors. In this, exercise therapy is closely related to pedagogy and hygiene. Exercise therapy develops strength, endurance, coordination of movements, instills hygiene skills, and hardens the body. Currently, no one doubts that physical therapy is an obligatory and necessary component of all sections of modern practical medicine, especially traumatology, orthopedics and neurology. However, this was not always the case, and physical therapy has had a difficult journey to take its place in modern healthcare.

Exercise therapy not only helps to improve the functioning of the affected organ, but also has a multifaceted physiological effect. Under the influence of exercise therapy, breathing, blood circulation, and metabolism are activated, the functional state of the nervous endocrine system is improved, and the function of the muscular system is increased.

Using the capabilities of exercise therapy and, with its help, restoring both health and physical condition to a “normal” level, you can then engage in other types of physical education and even sports.

The understanding that movements are the most accessible and most effective medicine developed in ancient times. Even in the most ancient times, people knew that in order to deprive a person of energy, it was necessary to deprive him of motor activity.

The history of physical therapy is the history of the use of physical movements and natural factors for the treatment and prevention of diseases - this is the history of civilization, the history of medicine and healthcare, the history of physical culture and sports.

It is necessary to value your health and properly organize your leisure time, using it to improve your health.

Means, forms and methods of exercise therapy

The main therapeutic method of exercise therapy is therapeutic gymnastics, that is, physical exercises specially selected for treatment. The main means of exercise therapy are physical exercises used in accordance with the objectives of treatment, taking into account the etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features, functional state of the body, and general physical performance.

The form of therapeutic physical education is the organizational form within which the means of therapeutic physical education are used and exercise therapy methods are carried out.

Methods (techniques) of exercise therapy, in essence, are the tasks of exercise therapy. The name of the exercise therapy technique indicates the disease or pathological condition for which this method is used. For example, “physical therapy for arthrosis of the hip joint in the form of individual morning exercises” or “physical therapy for chronic coronary heart disease in the form of a group exercise class,” or “learning to walk with a cane in the form of an individual physical therapy lesson.”

Exercise therapy means are effective therapeutic factors, such as gymnastic exercises, physical exercises in water, walking, exercises on exercise machines.

Typically, a combination of various forms and means of exercise therapy is used to treat a specific disease. For example, for the treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, exercise therapy is prescribed in the form of daily morning exercises, in the form of industrial gymnastics, in the form of dosed walking exercises, and for teaching corrective exercises and monitoring the correctness of their implementation, a form of exercise therapy is used (for example, in a clinic) once a week . In case of functional disorders of the nervous system, exercise therapy is prescribed in the form of short-term tourism (for example, in a sanatorium), and a variety of exercise therapy means are used: walking, swimming, training on exercise machines. Exercise machines can also be an independent form of exercise therapy. For example, exercise on an exercise bike if you are overweight. Forms, means and methods of exercise therapy are presented in Table 1 (see.

The main forms of exercise therapy are:

  • morning hygiene exercises;
  • therapeutic exercise procedure;
  • physical exercises in water (hydrokinesotherapy);
  • walks, short-range tourism;
  • health running;
  • outdoor and sports games.

Therapeutic physical culture is also used in the form of industrial gymnastics. Everyone finds the most convenient form for themselves. For example, shaping is used in large stores (supermarkets) for medicinal purposes, using walking with a cart as a means of exercise therapy (for example, exercise therapy for the treatment of arthrosis of the ankle joint is a technique).

Exercise therapy is used for children in the form of a game, directing children’s motor activity in the right direction. For example, playing ball on the river bank involves walking and running on uneven ground and sand. This is the healing factor - a means of exercise therapy, which is used in the method of exercise therapy for flat feet. In adolescence, it is advisable to involve children in team sports or sports locomotion. For example, therapeutic swimming for scoliosis, elements of athletics for poor posture, or horseback riding for the treatment of cerebral palsy. It is difficult to dose the load and focus on movements that determine the therapeutic effect, excluding unnecessary and harmful ones, but with the participation of a doctor and a specialist in the field of physical culture and sports, this is quite possible.

Exercise therapy with children

The characteristics of preschool children are represented by two main components:

  • physiological characteristics of the child’s body;
  • the level of his mental development.

Depending on the physiological characteristics of the child in the conditions of a specific pathology, his physical and adaptive capabilities to perceive physical activity during therapeutic physical education (PT) are determined. Monitoring the child’s condition during classes consists of generally accepted methods of monitoring the function of primarily the cardiovascular system and signs of fatigue. As practice shows, limiting the duration of the exercise therapy procedure and its information content is primarily associated with fatigue of the central nervous system. This manifests itself in a decrease in concentration: an increase in the number of errors when performing an exercise, distraction by extraneous stimuli, ignoring requests, inability to listen to the instructor’s speech, etc. This is especially true for children with attention deficit disorder, the number of which can reach 15-20% of the number of children involved in exercise therapy group. In this regard, the duration of the exercise therapy procedure according to the norms for preschool children is no more than 20 minutes.

Meanwhile, the procedures of most exercise therapy techniques require a lot of time to increase its effectiveness. This is possible if, when constructing classes, the exercise therapy instructor clearly understands the level of mental development of the child and finds contact with the child living in his own worldview.

For a child of this age, there is no abstract cognition, and therefore his way of mastering the world around him is action in the world of real objects and things, but the child does not yet know the methods for carrying out such actions. This contradiction can be resolved only in one type of activity - in the game. Since exercise therapy classes require the pursuit of certain significant goals (number of repetitions, achieving a certain volume of movement, etc.), role-playing games should be combined with games according to the rules.

An integral part of a child’s play activity is a fairy tale. It should be based on images familiar to the child. It is important that the concepts are accessible to the child’s understanding and imagination and are appropriate to his age and development. The world of a fairy tale is close to a child, similar to the world of the child himself. Through a fairy tale, it is easier to interact with a child and control him during a set of exercises. Concentrating attention on actions allows you to better organize your preschooler. The images created during the procedure are easily imprinted on the child, thanks to this the set of exercises itself is better remembered and assimilated. It is necessary to demonstrate the imagination of the exercise therapy instructor and the flexibility of his thinking, since the fairy tale must change from lesson to lesson, unfold in the script, and be replenished with new characters.

This approach allows you to increase the efficiency and duration of the exercises performed. We manage to increase the duration of the procedure to 30-40 minutes without the appearance of signs of central nervous system fatigue in the child. This approach allows you to build classes for children with attention deficit disorder - both hyperactivity and hypoactivity (inert type). To use this system, a physical therapy doctor and instructor must combine the professional skills of a psychologist and teacher. Much depends on the talent and passion of the specialist himself, his attitude towards young patients.

Exercise therapy for scoliosis

One of the leading means of conservative treatment of scoliosis is physical therapy. Physical exercises have a stabilizing effect on the spine, strengthening the muscles of the torso, allowing for a corrective effect on deformity, improving posture, external respiration function, and providing a general strengthening effect. Exercise therapy is indicated at all stages of scoliosis development, but it gives more successful results in initial forms of scoliosis.

Physical exercises that increase the flexibility of the spine and lead to overextension are contraindicated. The complex of exercise therapy tools used in the conservative treatment of scoliosis includes therapeutic exercises; exercises in water; massage; position correction; elements of sports.

Exercise therapy is combined with a regimen of reduced static load on the spine. Exercise therapy is carried out in the form of group classes, individual procedures (mainly indicated for patients with an unfavorable course of the disease), as well as individual tasks performed by patients independently. The method of exercise therapy is also determined by the degree of scoliosis: for scoliosis of degrees I, III, IV, it is aimed at increasing the stability of the spine (stabilization of the pathological process), and while for scoliosis of degree II, it is also aimed at correcting the deformity.

Correction of scoliosis when performing physical exercises is achieved by changing the position of the shoulder, pelvic girdle and torso of the patient. Exercises should be aimed at correcting the curvature of the spine in the frontal plane. Exercises that stretch the spine, for example against a gymnastic wall, are used with great caution for the purpose of correction.

Therapeutic gymnastics exercises should serve to strengthen the main muscle groups that support the spine - the erector spinae muscles, oblique abdominal muscles, quadratus lumborum muscles, iliopsoas muscles, etc. Among the exercises that help develop correct posture, balance exercises, balancing exercises, strengthening visual control, etc.

One of the means of exercise therapy is the use of sports elements: swimming in the “BRASS” style after a preliminary course of training. Elements of volleyball are indicated for children with compensated scoliosis.

Prevention of scoliosis involves maintaining correct posture. When sitting for long periods of time, the following rules must be observed:

  • sit still for no longer than 20 minutes;
  • try to get up as often as possible. The minimum duration of such a “break” is 10 seconds;
  • while sitting, change the position of your legs as often as possible: feet forward, back, place them side by side, then, on the contrary, spread them apart, etc. etc.;
  • try to sit “correctly”: sit on the edge of the chair so that your knees are bent exactly at a right angle, straighten your back perfectly and, if possible, remove some of the load from the spine by placing straight elbows on the armrests;
  • periodically do special compensatory exercises: 1) hang and pull your knees to your chest. Do the exercise as many times as possible 2) take a stand on the floor on your knees and outstretched arms. Try to arch your back up as much as possible, and then bend it down as much as possible.

Morning exercises, health training, active rest - the minimum motor activity necessary for every person and it consists of walking, running, gymnastics and swimming.

In addition to general strengthening and health-improving exercises, there are also many special ones, for example, to strengthen the abdominal muscles, chest, improve posture... These exercises allow you to correct figure flaws to some extent and allow you to better control your body.

You can perform them at any convenient time:

  • together with a complex of morning exercises and during health training;
  • during lunch break;
  • during a Sunday walk outside the city.

Success will depend on the duration and regularity of classes.

Correct posture not only makes us more attractive, but also largely contributes to the normal functioning of all organs and systems of the body, and is the prevention of scoliosis.

And in conclusion: wherever you are, do not forget to control your posture. This will help you avoid scoliosis.

Exercise therapy for flat feet

The general objectives of exercise therapy for flat feet are:

  • strengthen the general condition of the body;
  • increase strength and endurance of the muscles of the lower extremities;
  • increase overall performance and resistance to adverse environmental factors.

Exercise therapy is prescribed for all forms of flat feet. The special objectives of exercise therapy are:

  • correct the deformity and reduce the existing flattening of the arches of the feet;
  • restore and strengthen the skills of correct posture;
  • normalize the motor sphere;
  • strengthen the muscular-ligamentous apparatus of the lower leg and foot;
  • teach the correct position of the feet when walking.

At the beginning of the treatment course, it is recommended to use exercises in normal starting positions (sitting and lying, hanging), eliminating the negative effect of body weight on the arch of the foot. Initial standing positions and, especially, standing with the feet turned out, when the direction of gravity is maximum in relation to the inner arch of the foot, are unfavorable.

During the main period of the treatment course, one should strive to achieve correction of the position of the foot and consolidate this position. For this purpose, special exercises are used. Special exercises include exercises for the tibial muscles and toe flexors with gradually increasing load, resistance, and a constant increase in the load on the feet.

Effective exercises involve grasping small objects with your toes and moving them, rolling sticks with the soles of your feet, clapping your soles, squeezing a rubber bulb with your feet, riding a bicycle whose pedals are in the form of a cone-shaped roller, etc. To consolidate the achieved correction results, exercises are used in special types of walking: on toes, heels, on the outer edge of the foot, etc. To correct flat feet, special aids are used: ribbed boards, beveled surfaces, etc.

The set of exercises includes walking on a log or rope with the inner edges of the feet grasping it, walking on sand or pebbles when walking (natural training of the lower leg muscles occurs and the arch of the feet is actively supported (the so-called “sparing reflex”)).

Walking barefoot on loose soil has the following mechanism of action:

  • supporting influence on the arch of a loose clod of earth;
  • reflex tension of the muscles supinating the foot when walking on uneven soil or mown meadow;
  • forming pressure on the arch of the foot of cylindrical objects.

Reflex tension of the muscles supinating the foot occurs when walking on uneven ground due to a person’s desire to reduce the supporting surface of the foot by transferring the load to its outer edge.

Walking barefoot is the most natural massage of the reflex zones of the legs. It is known that almost all organs and systems of human life are projected onto human feet. As is commonly believed in Eastern medicine, the soles of our feet are “points of contact with life.”

The set of exercises includes walking on a log or rope with the inner edges of your feet clasping it, walking on sand or pebbles.

Posture Exercises

A set of exercises to strengthen the back muscles, relieve pain and tension.

Exercise 1. Combined dynamic exercise.

Performed in 3 stages. So slow. Lie on your stomach, legs straight, arms along your body. 1. upward movement: smoothly raise straight legs up to an angle of 30 degrees. The body is pressed tightly to the floor. 2.movement to the sides: smoothly spread your straight legs wide to the sides, keeping your torso pressed tightly to the floor. 3.movement - reduction: slowly bring your straight legs together, and, continuing the movement, cross them. The left one goes over the right one. Then spread your legs again (step 2) and bring them together. But now – the right leg passes over the left. Without lowering your legs, repeat the movement 4-8 times. Then return to I.P. Important! Make movements very slowly, do not drop your feet on the floor, keep your torso pressed to the floor. Number of approaches: 3.

Exercise 2. Dynamic.

Lying bent leg raises. Lie across a low sofa or bed so that your straight legs hang down, resting your toes on the floor. And the hip joints were right on the edge of the sofa. Arms are extended forward and hold on to the opposite edge of the sofa (bed). Bend your legs at an angle of 90 degrees. And lower it down. Exhale upward movement: slowly raise your legs up so that your hips and torso are at the same level, and your feet point towards the ceiling. Downward movement while inhaling: smoothly, slowly lower your legs down to the starting position, leaving a 90 degree angle at your knees. Mistakes: sudden movements, throwing legs, straightening legs, lifting the body, improper breathing. Number of repetitions: 6-8 Number of approaches: 3.

Exercise 3. Static. Deflection

Starting position - Lie on your back, legs straight, arms extended along the body. Start of movement: Without bending your knees (if possible), leaning on your shoulders and heels, smoothly arch your body upward. The stomach looks at the ceiling. Freeze in this position for 30 seconds. End of movement: Smoothly return to the starting position. Mistakes: sudden movements, improper breathing. Number of approaches: 3.

Exercise 4. Stretching the lumbar spine.

Starting position - lying on your back. Straighten your legs. Exhale upward movement: Smoothly bend your left leg. Pull it to your chest. Wrap your arms around it. Hold in this position for 30 seconds. Downward movement while inhaling: slowly, smoothly extending the leg, return it to its original position, sliding the heel along the floor. Repeat the movement with your right leg. Mistakes: sudden movements, throwing legs. Number of approaches: 3.

Exercise 5. Stretching. Twisting.

Starting position - lying on your back. Extend your arms to the sides. Press your shoulders, shoulder blades, palms tightly to the floor. Bend your legs at the knees. Feet are on the floor. Movement to the side as you exhale: Without lifting your shoulders and arms from the floor, smoothly place your bent legs to the side to the left. Connect your legs, do not separate them from each other. Hold this position for 30 seconds. Upward movement while inhaling: Smoothly, without separating your legs, return to the starting position. Repeat the movement to the right. Mistakes: sudden movements, throwing legs, improper breathing. Number of approaches: 3.

Complex for strengthening back muscles

Lesson plan

Perform the exercises as a main exercise to strengthen your back muscles or as an additional activity during any strength training session. Perform each exercise in 2 sets of 10 repetitions. You will need: Fitball, shock absorber band, dumbbells weighing 2–2.5 kg.

Twisting on a fitball

Stabilizing muscles work. Sitting on an exercise ball, bend your legs at an angle of 90 degrees, with your feet hip-width apart. Take a dumbbell and lift it above your head with your arms fully extended. Perform a crunch by lowering the dumbbell down toward your buttocks. Return to the starting position and rotate in the other direction. To make the exercise more difficult, try doing the same thing with one leg suspended.

Body rotation

Stabilizing muscles, back muscles and shoulder girdle muscles work. Stand up straight, take a dumbbell in both hands, rest your shoulder blades on the fitball, take half a step forward and tense your lower abdomen and buttocks. As you exhale, twist around your axis. When turning, rest your shoulder on the fitball and be sure to keep your feet still. While performing the exercise, squeeze your shoulder blades together and hold the dumbbell against the center of your chest. As you inhale, return to the starting position and again, as you exhale, twist in the other direction.

Seated row

The trapezius and rhomboid muscles of the back and abdominal muscles work. Secure the center of the shock absorber tape at a height of approximately 30 cm from the floor. Grab the handles of the band and sit on the floor with your legs extended. Bend your knees slightly, place your feet hip-width apart, and pull your toes toward you. Raise your arms in front of you at chest level. Palms facing each other. Tightening your abdominal muscles and lowering your shoulder blades, bend your elbows and pull the band toward your chest. Slowly straighten your arms. Return to starting position and repeat.


The muscles of the buttocks and back, stabilizer muscles work. Lie on your back, stretch your arms to the sides, your heels on the fitball. Raise your pelvis so that your body forms a straight line from your shoulders to your feet. Tighten your abs and buttocks and, maintaining your body position, roll the ball to the right, rotating your hips. Hold for a couple of seconds and roll the exercise ball to the left, also rotating your hips. Keep your back. While performing the exercise, do not bend at the lower back. Only a straight back position will provide you with the proper load on the stabilizer muscles.


The muscles of the back and the back of the shoulder girdle work. Take dumbbells in your hands and lie on the exercise ball with your chest. Extend your arms in front of you and place them on the floor, palms down. Tighten your buttocks by lifting your chest off the exercise ball and raising your arms with dumbbells to your shoulders. Elbows bent, looking back. Palms facing down. Return to starting position and repeat.


Stabilizing muscles, abdominal muscles, buttocks, and back work. Lie on the floor on your stomach. Stretch your arms forward, straighten your hands. Pull out your socks. As you inhale, lift your straight legs and arms up, as if trying to stretch all the muscles of the body. As you exhale, return to the starting position and repeat.

Exercises for cervical osteochondrosis

By performing this set of exercises, you relax your muscles. During treatment, this will help relieve spasms, and during prevention, it will remove muscle blocks. You also provide traction to all parts of the spine and strengthen the muscles of the neck, shoulder girdle, chest and upper back. Perform each exercise twice.

{ exercises taken from yoga}

Exercise 1

Stand up straight with your feet together. Put a belt on your hands: make a loop that will hold your arms extended upward at shoulder width. Then bend your right knee and place your right heel on the inside of your left thigh as close to your groin as possible. Turn your right knee to the side. It will be easier to maintain your balance if you straighten your left toes and stand more stable. Stretch your arms, secured with a belt, above your head. Hold the pose for a few seconds. Release the position and repeat the exercise with support on your right leg.

What are the benefits: the pose tones the muscles of the neck and upper back, and also strengthens the leg muscles and develops a sense of balance.

Exercise 2

Stand facing the seat of the chair and lunge back with your left leg. Turn your left foot perpendicularly to the left, and your right foot slightly to the left. Turn your body to the left and extend your arms to the sides. As you exhale, bend to the right, placing your right palm on the chair. Stretch your left arm up. Make sure that the hand on top does not lean forward or backward, pull up your kneecaps and do not bend in the lower back. Hold the pose for 30 seconds, maintaining even breathing. As you inhale, tense your left arm and rise, turn towards the chair, bring your feet together and repeat the exercise in the other direction.

What are the benefits: the pose relieves tension from the neck and back, eliminates stooping, and also strengthens the leg muscles and opens the hip joints.

Exercise 3

Stand up straight, lunge forward with your right leg, turn your left foot slightly to the left. Turn your body to the left and extend your arms to the sides. As you exhale, bend and twist your torso and hips to the right until your left palm rests on the floor or on a stack of books near the outside of your right foot. Then extend your right arm up so that it is in line with your left. Hold the pose for 30 seconds, maintaining even breathing and pulling up your kneecaps. As you inhale, rise up and turn around, bring your feet together and perform the pose in the other direction.

What are the benefits: the pose tones the back muscles, eliminates stooping, relieves spasms in the neck and back, and also strengthens the calf muscles and thigh muscles.

Exercise 4

Stand up straight, place your feet even wider than in the previous exercise. Turn your right foot to the right and bend your right leg at the knee at a right angle. Extend your arms to the sides, lean to the right and place your right palm on the floor or on a stack of books on the inside of your right foot. Extend your left arm to the left. Hold the pose for 30 seconds, maintaining even breathing. As you inhale, rise up, turn around, bring your feet together and perform the pose in the other direction.

What are the benefits: the pose eliminates slouching, relieves neck spasms, and also strengthens the ankles, knees and hips and helps burn fat deposits in the waist area.

Exercise 5

Stand up straight, place your legs as wide as in the previous exercise. Turn your body and feet to the right, your left foot may be directed a little to the left. Bend your right leg at the knee at a right angle. Extend your arms to the sides and, as you exhale, twist your body and left leg so that your left hand is above your right knee. Place your left palm on the floor or on a stack of books on the inside of your right foot. Extend your right arm to the right. Hold the pose for 30 seconds, maintaining even breathing. As you inhale, rise up, turn around, bring your feet together and perform the pose in the other direction.

What is the benefit: the pose stretches the spine well.

Exercise 6

Stand up straight, place your legs as wide as in the previous exercise. Turn your body and feet to the right, your left foot may be directed a little to the left. Bend your right leg at the knee at a right angle. Stretch your arms up with your palms together. Hold the pose for 30 seconds, maintaining even breathing. As you inhale, lower your arms, turn around, bring your feet together and perform the pose in the other direction.

What are the benefits: the pose eliminates slouching and relieves spasms in the shoulders, back, neck, and also strengthens the leg muscles.

Exercise 7

Stand up straight, place your legs as wide as in the previous exercise. Turn your right foot to the side and bend your right knee at a right angle. Stretch your arms out to the sides with such force as if someone is stretching you. Turn your head to the right and look at your palm. As you inhale, rise up, turn around and perform the pose in the other direction.

What are the benefits: the pose relaxes the back muscles, and also strengthens the leg muscles and tones the abdominal organs.

Exercise 8

Stand facing the back of a chair at arm's length. Take a wide lunge back with your left leg, turning your left foot slightly to the left. Bend your right leg at the knee at a right angle, stretch your arms up and clasp your palms. As you exhale, straighten your right leg and slowly lower your palms to the back of the chair. At the same time, lift your left leg and stretch it back. The arms and left leg should be kept in line. Stay in the pose for 30 seconds, keeping your breathing even and keeping your arms and legs tense. Exhale and return to the starting position, turn around and perform the pose in the other direction.

What are the benefits: the pose strengthens the muscles of the upper back, improves posture, and also strengthens the leg muscles and develops a sense of balance.

Exercise 9

Perform this exercise using a stack of books instead of a chair and placing it a little further from your right foot, as shown in the picture. Then, as you exhale, lift your left foot off the floor, extend your left arm up and left leg to the left. Shift your weight from hand to foot. Stay in the pose for 30 seconds, maintaining even breathing. Exhale, lower your left leg to the floor and return to the starting position. Turn around and perform the pose in the other direction.

What are the benefits: the pose tones the muscles of the lower back, and also strengthens the leg muscles and knee joints.

Exercise 10

Stand up straight, stretch your head up. Pulling your shoulders and elbows back, bring your palms together behind your back. Spread your feet approximately 1 meter wide. Turn your body and feet to the right; your left foot may be slightly turned to the left. Exhale and bend toward your right leg, placing your head on your right knee. Stay in the pose for 30 seconds, keeping your breathing even and pulling up your kneecaps. Exhale as you rise up, turn around and perform the pose in the other direction.

What are the benefits: the pose eliminates stooping, develops flexibility of the spine, and also opens the hip joints.

Prevention and treatment of lumbosacral osteochondrosis

Lumbar osteochondrosis is degenerative changes in the intervertebral discs of the lumbar spine. This is generally one of the most common back problems. The cause of lumbar osteochondrosis is a person walking in an upright position, where the greatest load falls on the lower back. Physical inactivity (sedentary lifestyle), unhealthy diet, obesity, and stress also have a detrimental effect on the spine.

The main symptom of the disease is pain. With lumbosacral osteochondrosis, it occurs in the lower back suddenly or gradually increasing, reaching its greatest severity after 2-24 hours. The pain can be aching, shooting, burning and cutting.

During periods of acute pain, exercises related to back extension are contraindicated, as the pressure on the intervertebral discs increases and bends forward more than 20 degrees. Also, under no circumstances should you perform dynamic exercises that help improve mobility in the diseased area of ​​the spine.

Therapeutic exercises for lumbar osteochondrosis are prescribed 2-3 days after the acute pain subsides. It is good to start exercises from a lying position, which do not cause increased pain.

Below is a set of exercises for the treatment and prevention of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine. These exercises are aimed at stretching the spinal column, which promotes decompression of the nerve roots and surrounding vessels, as well as strengthening the muscular corset. Trained muscles unload the spine and reduce the load on the spinal discs.

Exercise 1

Starting position - lying on your stomach. Raise your left straight leg up and, maintaining the height, move it to the right without lifting your shoulders from the floor. Smoothly return to the starting position. Perform the exercise 8-10 times on each leg.

Exercise 2

Starting position - lying on your stomach. Open your elbows to the sides, gather your hands into fists and place them under your chest. Touch your left elbow with your left knee, and touch your right elbow with your right knee. Perform the exercise 8-10 times on each side.

Exercise 3

Starting position - lying on your stomach. Lift your chest off the floor, place your forearms in front of you on the floor, shoulder-width apart. As you inhale, lift your right leg up, as you exhale, move your leg to the left and try to touch the floor with your foot. We direct our gaze back over the left shoulder and try to see the right foot. Then repeat with your left leg, moving it to the right. Do 8-10 repetitions on each leg. We perform the movement calmly and gently, without jerking or swinging.

Exercise 4

Starting position - on all fours (knee-palm). We touch the right elbow with our left knee and the left with our right. Repeat 8-10 times on each leg.

Exercise 5

Starting position - on all fours (knee-palm). Place your knees together, spread your shins symmetrically to the sides, and place your palms firmly on the floor. As you exhale, stretch, sit on your right heel, and while inhaling, return to all fours. Then on the left heel and in the center. Repeat the exercise 6-8 times.

Exercise 6

Starting position - on all fours (knee-palm). Extend your left leg straight back to a level parallel to the floor, pulling your foot towards you. Maintaining the height of your leg, move it to the right, then return it back and close it to the starting position. Repeat the same with the other leg. Do not bend your elbows when performing the exercise. Repeat 8-10 times.

Exercise 7

Starting position - lying on your back. Place your hands on your hips, gently raise your head and point your shoulders forward, pressing your lower back into the floor. Hold the tension for 5 seconds. Repeat 6-8 times.

Exercise 8

Starting position - lying on your back. Place your arms at your sides in line with your shoulders. Lift your right leg up and cross it to the side - touch your left palm with your toe. Do not lift your shoulder blades off the floor. Repeat 8-10 times on each leg.

Exercise 9

Starting position - lying on your back. Clasp your hands together and place them under the back of your head, stretch your elbows to the sides. Bend your knees, place your feet on the floor shoulder-width apart. Alternately tilt your knees to the right and left, without lifting your shoulder blades from the floor. Repeat the exercise 8-10 times.

Therapeutic gymnastics is an integral component of medicine. Movement is the key to health, growth and development of the body. Exercise therapy is prescribed for rehabilitation after various injuries and diseases.

It helps speed up recovery. The exercises are performed by both adults and children. Let's take a closer look at when and who needs it.

Exercise therapy (physical therapy) is a therapeutic and prophylactic method that helps in restoring the body after illnesses and preventing their development. The basis, as the transcript explains, is physical exercise. The load level is calculated individually, taking into account age, health status and characteristics. Physical activity normalizes the functioning of all organs and systems and affects the emotional state.

The advantages of the exercise therapy method are as follows:

  • normalization of metabolism;
  • restoration of water-salt balance;
  • improving skills and consolidating them;
  • reduction or elimination of pain;
  • normalization of blood circulation.

Exercise therapy helps strengthen and heal the body, improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs and prevents congestion. The instructor selects exercises individually, taking into account the patient’s condition. The technique helps strengthen muscles and has a positive effect on motor and absorption functions.

There is exercise therapy for children. What it is? We are talking about the same strengthening and health-improving exercises, but they are selected taking into account the characteristics of the child’s body and the child’s age. They are usually held in the form of games.

IMPORTANT! There are general contraindications to performing exercises. These include the patient’s serious condition, pain during physical activity, risks of bleeding, febrile and acute inflammatory pathologies, and the presence of malignant tumors.

When can exercise therapy help?

Physical therapy is used in the following areas of medicine:
  • traumatology;
  • neurology;
  • cardiology;
  • gynecology;
  • pulmonology, etc.

Exercise therapy methods are actively used for diseases of the digestive organs and liver, in orthopedics, and traumatology. Gymnastics helps eliminate scoliosis, osteochondrosis and other disorders of the musculoskeletal system. In traumatology, it helps in healing wounds and stimulating the functions of affected limbs, eliminating pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, joints, and preventing contractures.

In pediatrics, physical education is used to prevent spinal pathologies that often affect children. Exercise is important in recovery from lung pathologies. They help to activate blood circulation and normalize the rhythm of respiratory movements, increasing the depth of breathing. Exercise therapy is used for diseases of the cardiovascular system. Rehabilitation specialists have also developed programs to help with heart defects, high and low blood pressure, and coronary insufficiency.

Physical therapy doctor

A physical therapy doctor is a specialist with a higher medical education. His task is to help the patient restore his form, disturbed due to pathologies.

A specialist needs to know the basics of physiology and pathophysiology, and be familiar with the methods of therapeutic massage exercise therapy. He also needs some psychological inclinations.

The specialist’s responsibilities include monitoring the conduct of physical education in the place where the patient is being treated. The doctor examines patients, determines the method and form of the load, develops exercises and load regimens on an individual basis, determines possible contraindications, and monitors the effectiveness of the procedures.

The doctor’s responsibilities include monitoring the work of exercise therapy instructors. Sometimes he conducts classes. The specialist records the prescribed therapy in the patient’s chart. He usually works together with a physical therapy instructor who demonstrates how to perform the exercises.

Physical therapy instructor

A physical therapy instructor is a specialist who composes sets of exercises. He conducts individual and collective classes in a special room, clinic office or ward, clearly demonstrates how to perform the exercises, and monitors the patient. More often, he works with patients in the physical therapy room and follows the doctor's instructions noted in the patient's chart. It monitors how well patients tolerate exercise, measures pulse, and records performance.

The effectiveness of classes is determined by the patient’s well-being, pulse, blood pressure and other criteria.

A specialist needs to know the basics of physiology and pathophysiology, and be familiar with exercise techniques for various pathologies. He also needs to know contraindications to activity and the basics of therapeutic massage.

Exercise therapy methods

Exercise therapy has several methods and forms. These include therapeutic and morning exercises, self-study, health path, walking, water therapy, rowing, Nordic walking, exercises on simulators, and games. Also, in addition to exercises, exercise therapy includes massage, hardening procedures, occupational and physical therapy (horseback riding).

Hygienic morning exercises can be indicated for both sick and healthy people. It is carried out in the morning and helps to cheer up, eliminating inhibition processes.

The most popular option for exercise therapy is therapeutic exercises. It serves for treatment and rehabilitation. Various exercises help restore disturbances in the functioning of organs and systems. Classes can be held in individual, small group (3-5 people) and group (8-15 people) mode. The group should only include people with a similar problem.

The classes have a plan and include three stages: preparatory, main and final.

  • The first stage involves preparation for exercises and gradual inclusion in work.
  • The general section includes the exercises themselves. Special ones alternate with general strengthening ones.

The gymnastic method is the most popular in exercise therapy. For children, classes are usually conducted in a playful way. The sports method is used to a limited extent, mainly in sanatorium-resort settings.

Exercises are often complemented by exercise therapy massage. What is this? This is a therapeutic massage that helps relieve pain and helps eliminate muscle tension. This method is especially useful in rehabilitation after injuries. Vibration, pressure and friction are at work. To achieve a therapeutic effect, special devices are used, but it is also possible to perform a massage with your hands.

Exercise therapy: basic rules

The definition of exercise therapy itself states that the main task of this method is treatment and rehabilitation. In order for the main goals to be achieved, a number of rules must be observed. They are as follows:

  • Regularity of exercise is very important.
  • Their duration is determined individually.
  • The level of physical activity increases gradually.
  • Exercises should be combined with proper breathing.
  • Personal hygiene is important.

Each patient requires an individual approach.

The importance of exercise therapy in complex therapy

Physiotherapy exercises are prescribed for the treatment of injuries and pathologies of any origin. Movement helps restore the body as a whole and maintain its health.

The most universal action is tonic. For any pathology, they contribute to the stimulation of the nervous, respiratory, cardiovascular systems, increasing the rate of metabolic and immune reactions. The trophic effect of exercises is aimed at stimulating restoration processes. If the organ cannot actually be regenerated, training helps speed up the formation of scar tissue. They accelerate compensatory hypertrophy. Due to the normalization of blood supply, non-viable parts of tissue are resolved.

Various diseases lead to a slowdown in oxidative processes. Physical education helps speed them up and restore normal functioning of the body.

When a specific function is damaged, a compensatory effect is observed. Exercise helps activate healthy body systems to compensate for those that are affected.

Properly selected and regularly performed exercises help in rapid rehabilitation in case of serious pathologies. They also strengthen the body, increase immunity and improve endurance.

Many people know exercise therapy, what it is and why it is necessary. Agree, we came across this abbreviation in childhood - when we went on vacation to a children's camp or sanatorium, or when our health failed. So what is it? Find out from the article.

Exercise therapy: what is it?

Exercise therapy is physical therapy, which is based on complex exercises for the restoration, maintenance and prevention of physical, mental or somatic injuries and diseases.

For the best effect, it is carried out in combination with massage and physiotherapy. Most often, the following physiotherapeutic procedures are used in exercise therapy:

  • laser therapy (treatment with monochromatic light produced by a laser);
  • cryotherapy (exposure to cold);
  • diadynamic therapy (treatment with electric current with a frequency of 50–100 Hz);
  • electrical stimulation (the effect of electricity on nerves and muscles through a myostimulator and electrodes);
  • electrophoresis.

Exercise therapy (therapeutic physical culture) is based on the main biological feature of a person - movement. Only in movement does a person live, grow and develop, which means that without it, not a single function of the body can function normally.

One of the forms of exercise therapy is therapeutic gymnastics - a set of general strengthening simple physical exercises. The doctor carefully selects exercises, referring to the general condition of the body, as well as the specific disease and its stage. Gymnastics can be done independently (after working out the movements with a specialist), individually with a specialist or in group classes.

An important condition for the effectiveness of exercise therapy is breathing. You need to breathe correctly - inhale deeply through your nose, exhale deeply through your mouth. The frequency and pattern of breathing is determined by the exercise itself, but preliminary instruction from a doctor who practices physical therapy is necessary.

Exercise therapy: what is it prescribed for?

Therapeutic exercise is physical activity. They can be carried out either without any equipment, in the form of exercises, or with the help of small simulators. Exercise therapy can also be carried out in swimming pools (swimming, water aerobics). The health path method is popular - hiking, climbing rocky places, slopes, which are included in the health program of sanatorium treatment.

The load depends on the exercises and on the disease for which exercise therapy was prescribed. Physiotherapy exercises are often carried out to treat the following diseases in the following areas of medicine:

  • cardiology (for the treatment of hypertension and other circulatory-related heart diseases);
  • orthopedics (for the treatment of flat feet, arthritis, osteoarthritis);
  • neurology (osteochondrosis, radiculitis);
  • pulmonology (diseases of the lungs and bronchi);
  • traumatology (to accelerate healing in the postoperative period and to restore various fractures, dislocations and soft tissue injuries during the rehabilitation period);
  • for gastrointestinal diseases;
  • endocrinology (diabetes, obesity);
  • gynecology (for the treatment of hormonal disorders, prevention of inflammatory processes).

Additionally, exercise therapy is prescribed before certain operations of the abdominal cavity and chest, which helps to develop muscles, and after these operations as a preventive action. Exercise therapy is used in obstetrics to change the position of the uterus and the fetus in it, as well as for rehabilitation in the postpartum period.

Physical therapy is often prescribed for children. This helps not only prevent the occurrence of certain diseases, but also generally strengthen the child’s body and provide an outlet for emotional aggression. Exercise therapy for children is used in the following cases:

  • with frequent colds;
  • for obesity;
  • for cerebral palsy and other diseases of the central nervous system and musculoskeletal system;
  • with hyperactivity.

The benefit of exercise therapy is also that the human body undergoes hardening, the patient himself feels better, metabolism accelerates, and blood circulation occurs normally. In the process of physical exercise, a person feels his body better, understands it, and the healing process goes much faster.

Physical education is a very important help for both healthy and chronically ill people. It is needed by everyone who has any pathology, has suffered severe injuries, or is recovering from operations. A properly selected set of exercises significantly speeds up a person’s return to normal life. However, it should only be prescribed by a specialist - a physical therapy doctor (PT).

What is physical therapy

The term exercise therapy hides a special kind of therapy, which includes a specially selected set of gymnastic exercises. As a rule, it is prescribed for:

    injuries and congenital diseases of the musculoskeletal system;

    neurological diseases;

    obesity (weight loss method).

Of course, all exercises are selected individually, taking into account the patient’s diagnosis. Exercise therapy is most often used during postoperative rehabilitation, when the threat to life has passed and the patient needs to be returned to a working state.

What does a physical therapy doctor treat?

A physical therapy doctor has three main tasks:

  • improving patient health;
  • rehabilitation and restoration of body functions;

    improving sporting achievements among amateur and professional athletes.

The last direction is far from the main one. In this case, a physical therapy doctor often works on sports teams along with massage therapists, sports doctors and other medical specialists.

The main contingent of exercise therapy doctors are recovering patients. Of course, he himself does not prescribe any treatment, but selects techniques and a set of exercises based on the diagnoses of other specialists.

Physical therapy classes are divided into sessions and can take place both in special halls of rehabilitation centers and in hospital wards. However, patients are not always kept in clinics for a long time. In severe cases, they are discharged, and a physical therapy doctor comes to the patient’s home at a certain time.

At work, the specialist actively interacts with his other colleagues:



  1. gastroenterologist;

The skills and abilities of a physical therapy doctor are indispensable for patients with the following problems:

    suffered a stroke;

    recovery after surgery;

    congenital pathologies or acquired spinal deformity;

    problems with the respiratory system;

    joint diseases;

    fractures or tears of muscle tissue;

    problems with the musculoskeletal system.

Responsibilities of a physical therapy doctor

The responsibilities of a physical therapy doctor include:

    Carrying out reception and diagnosis of patients to draw up an individual plan of therapeutic measures;

    development of an individual set of exercises with further adjustment;

    carrying out various preventive measures on the benefits of physical education with various segments of the population;

    provision of necessary medical care;

    work with medical documentation.

Requirements for a physical therapy doctor

In order to carry out professional activities as a physical therapy doctor, you must meet certain criteria. The specialist must have:

    higher medical education;

    completed training in the direction of “Therapeutic physical education”;

    no medical contraindications;

    knowledge of modern exercise therapy techniques;

    ability to use non-drug methods of therapy;

    skills to identify various pathologies.

Where do physical therapy doctors work?

Most often, exercise therapy doctors can be found in various sports and rehabilitation centers, multifunctional clinics, and private offices. In some cases, they also work at fitness centers where they conduct health classes, unless, of course, the organization has a license to provide medical services.

In addition, specialists in this field often collaborate with large sports clubs or work on national teams. In some cases, exercise therapy doctors provide private services, including home visits.

Where can I study to become a physical therapy doctor?

Before choosing a place and method of obtaining education in the field of therapeutic physical culture, it is necessary to clearly understand that several specialists can work in this field. Everyone has different education and qualifications:

  • exercise therapy doctor – specialist with higher medical education;
  • the instructor-methodologist has a higher education in the field of sports, as well as additional training in physical therapy;

    instructor is a specialist with secondary medical education who has passed certification in exercise therapy.

A higher education is not required to work as an instructor. But in order to get a medical specialty, you first need to graduate from a medical school with a specialty in General Medicine or Pediatrics. Next, you need to complete your residency in the field of physical therapy.

Personal qualities of the profession of physical therapy doctor

Rehabilitation is always a long and difficult process. A physical therapy doctor has to put seriously ill patients back on their feet, work with the consequences of strokes and severe injuries. Such work requires, first of all, skill and limitless patience. The physical therapy doctor also requires:


    communication skills;

  • stress resistance;

    the ability to charge with optimism and set the patient up for results.

How much do exercise therapy doctors earn in Russia?

A specialist of this profile generally has a fairly high salary level. Of course, the highest salaries are offered by healthcare and sports institutions in large cities.

For example, an experienced physical therapy doctor in Moscow can earn about 100,000 rubles. If we are talking about a specialist from St. Petersburg, then his salary level will vary around 75,000 rubles.

Pros and cons of the profession of physical therapy doctor

The positive aspects of the specialty include the following:

    demand and prospects;

    high level of income;

    opportunity to start private practice.

And it’s worth adding to the minuses:

    long learning process;

    high level of responsibility;

    frequent stressful situations.
