Beautiful legs: a super set of exercises. Leg stretching exercises

Stretching is an essential part of any workout. Experienced athletes understand the importance of stretching and never begin complex exercises without first stretching. Exercises for stretching the legs and back stimulate blood circulation, improve trophism (nutrition) of tissues, make muscles and ligaments elastic and strong. They can be performed in gym with a trainer or at home.


Stretching is useful at any age. There are practically no health restrictions for this sport (with the exception of particularly severe conditions). For some diseases and after injuries, stretching is used as part of a complex of rehabilitation measures. Stretching before exercise is equally important for beginners and professionals alike.

  • relaxes and relieves fatigue after training;
  • improves overall well-being, elevates mood due to the production of endorphin - the hormone of pleasure;
  • improves coordination of movements;
  • increases joint mobility;
  • trains body flexibility;
  • gives ease of movement;
  • sports, dance or swimming training is much easier;
  • the risk of injury during exercise is minimized;
  • maintains fit;
  • It's amazing - it's beautiful.


With the wrong approach to stretching, there is a risk of damage to joints, sprains, rupture of ligaments and muscles.

For example, you cannot immediately start performing splits and other difficult exercises. The tissues are not yet elastic and flexible enough, and you can get injured.

It is advisable that the first lesson for beginners be conducted under the supervision of a trainer. The first place in achieving a positive effect is the correct execution, and not the number of repetitions.

Stretching rules

Starting a workout without preparation is dangerous to your health. In order not to harm your body, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • first thing is to warm up, The best way warm up the whole body - do cardio training (this can be jumping rope, running, exercise bike);
  • during stretching, you cannot make jerks, movements should be slow and even, the muscles are relaxed at this time;
  • It is recommended to stay in one position for at least 30 seconds;
  • the tension force should increase gradually;
  • the transition from simple to complex should be gradual, without sudden “jumps”;
  • There should be no pain during exercise; if pain appears, you need to reduce the load;
  • breathing should be uniform, you cannot hold it, inhale, and while stretching, exhale;
  • stretching complexes are done not only before training, but also at the end of it;
  • Regularity of exercise is the key to successful and safe training.


Stretching can be done in two ways:

. During such exercises, muscles do not contract, but only stretch. Exercises are performed without active movements, in one position, for a long time. This stretching is suitable for beginners and active people.. It involves active movements for maximum stretching (swinging legs, rolling from one type of split to another, etc.). Suitable for experienced athletes with good flexibility, for example in gymnastics.

Dynamic exercises are contraindicated for beginners.


Leg training will tighten your buttocks and make your thighs and legs elastic. For beginners, the easiest and safest activities have been selected that can be conveniently performed at home.


We sit on the floor, bend our left leg at the knee and press our foot under the buttock, straighten our right leg and move it as far as possible to the side. Straighten your back. We lean our whole body towards the right leg, our hands try to grab the heel. We stretch for at least 30 seconds. Repeat with the other leg.


A slightly more complicated version of the previous stretching exercise. We sit on the floor, spread our legs as far apart as possible, toes “look” up, back straight. We bend our whole body towards our right leg, trying to reach the heel, and stretch, holding in the extreme pain-free position for 30 seconds. We don’t bend our back. Then we also bend towards our left leg and forward in front of us.


Another exercise in this complex. In the same position, move your straight legs together. Make sure your back is straight. We bend our chest towards our knees, our hands try to reach our toes or heels. We “hang” in the lowest possible position for 30 seconds, then you can make several gentle swings forward and back.


Let's get up. We place our right leg in front of us, bending the knee, take our left leg back and place it on the toe. The knee of the left leg rests on the floor. You can place your hands on your right knee or rest them on the floor. We gradually lean forward. When sensitivity appears in the muscles of the thighs, freeze for 30 seconds. After the time has passed, as we exhale, we stretch even lower and freeze again. We do the same with the other leg.


In the same position, straighten your right leg. We completely redistribute the weight to the left knee. The back is straight, hands rest on the floor. We tilt our torso down to the maximum possible height and freeze in this position for 30 seconds. We go lower as we exhale. We change legs.


Sitting on the floor. Legs are bent at the knees. We put them down outside hips to the floor (butterfly shape). Feet pressed together. The back is straight. Brushes lie on ankle joint, elbows rest on knees with inside legs The elbows press on the knees, at this time the torso bends down. At the borderline of pain, we stop in this position for 30 seconds. We reach even lower. We repeat the exercise several times. Such bends are effective for stretching the muscles of the thighs and groin ligaments.


Supine position. The right leg is raised up, the left leg is slightly bent. We hold our right leg with our hands in the area of ​​the upper third of the shin. We exhale and try to lower our leg as low as possible. The leg is straightened. At a tolerable point, we stop and hold for 30 seconds. We don’t tense up, the muscles should be relaxed. Repeat with the other leg.


In order to sit on cross twine, we perform next exercise. Let's stand up straight. We spread our legs in sides Each time we get further and further apart until we feel muscle tension inner surface hips Lean forward, keep your back straight. We try to reach the floor with our elbows. Freeze in the peak position for 30 seconds.


Stretching is training methodology, allowing you to make your muscles more elastic and your body more flexible. The literal translation of the word “stretching” is stretching. But the technique received its English name due to the fact that it is practiced separately from fitness and athleticism, with the goal of improving the body’s health and making it more flexible.

Stretching is especially popular among middle-aged and elderly people. If you believe the statistics, people who started doing fitness and stretching after the age of 35 look better by the age of 70 and have a higher level of flexibility than “passive” individuals.

There are several types of stretching– static, ballistic and proprioceptive muscle facilitation (PPMF).

Static stretching- This is a simple stretching of the muscle with holding the torso for some time in an extended position.

With ballistic stretching the muscle is stretched through short jerking movements.

PPMO– this is a complicated version of ballistic stretching; in this case, the partner helps to achieve greater stretching - through soft short pressure on the working part of the body.

A set of leg stretching exercises

The stretching program provides three types of exercises to stretch the leg muscles:

  • exercises for stretching the quadriceps (front thigh muscles),
  • for stretching the hamstrings ( posterior muscles hips),
  • exercises to stretch the calf muscles.

The legs, in addition to the front and back muscles of the thighs and calf, have many more muscles, but there is no point in stretching them further - since they are all involved in the above exercises.

Quadriceps stretch

Lie on your right side. Left leg Bend your knee and, clasping your foot with your hand, pull it behind your back, stretching the anterior thigh muscle as much as possible. Repeat the same exercise for the other leg.

Hamstring stretch

Lie on your back, bend your knees. Using your hands, pull your legs towards you without lifting your back from the floor.

Calf stretch

Stand a step away from the wall. Step forward with one foot and place your toe against the wall. Pressing your whole body against the wall, do not lift the heel of your “working” leg. Every day, gradually increase your step width.

Back stretching exercises

The back consists of the lower back and latissimus muscles, plus many small muscles connected to them. By doing exercises to stretch the main muscles of the back, you are doing prevention for all the others.

Stretching exercises long muscles back (lumbar muscles)

Get down on your knees. In this case, your pelvis should be placed on or between your heels. Lean forward and extend your arms as far as possible. As soon as you feel that your palms have reached their maximum point, continue to bend over until you feel the peak of the stretch in your lower back.

Exercise to stretch the latissimus dorsi muscles

Standing a step away from the door frame, bend down and grab the frame with your right hand. Place it above it left hand. Pull your torso back, stretching your right latissimus muscle. Repeat the same exercise for the other side.

Shoulder stretches

There are three exercises to fully stretch your shoulders. And it’s better to do all three at once. Each exercise uses specific heads deltoid muscles, also the muscles associated with the shoulder joints - the rhomboids and the muscles that rotate the scapula.

1. Straighten your arm until it is parallel to the floor. Grab the elbow of your outstretched arm with your other hand and pull it towards your opposite shoulder. Repeat the same exercise for the other shoulder.

2. Raising one hand up, bend it at the elbow, and try to reach it with the other hand, only from below. Then repeat the exercise, changing the position of your hands.

3. Place the back of your hand on your lower back, and with your other hand grab your elbow or slightly higher. Pull your arm forward until you feel a stretch in your shoulder. Repeat the exercise for the other shoulder.

Arm muscle stretching

By performing stretching exercises for the biceps and triceps, you are doing prevention for elbow joints, traction tendons and wrist joints.

Triceps stretch

Raising your arm up, bend it behind your head and grab her elbow with your other hand. Smoothly pull your working hand downwards. A similar exercise is for the other hand.

Biceps stretch

Grab the door jamb. Wherein thumb your arm should “look” down and your arm should be parallel to the floor. Then turn around so that your gaze is in the opposite direction from the “working” hand. Standing in this position, rotate the shoulder section of your arm upward until you feel a stretch in your biceps. Repeat a similar exercise for the other hand.

Breast stretch

Standing at the door frame, rest your hands on it so that the shoulder sections of your arms are parallel to the floor. Press into the doorframe, stretching your pectoral muscles as much as possible.

Neck stretch

Neck stretching is useful not only for preventing diseases neck muscles and joints. It is useful for relieving fatigue after long mental work, as well as for relaxing the nerves after grueling athletic training.

Three simple exercises performed after work or training will help you maintain your vision, recover faster and protect your neck muscles from microtrauma.

In a standing position, tilt your head down until your chin touches your chest, then accept initial position, and tilt your head back; 10 – 15 repetitions.

After resting for 30 seconds, tilt your head as far as possible to the left, then slowly return to the starting position and tilt your head as far as possible to the right; 8 – 10 repetitions in each direction.

After a short interval, smoothly turn your head counterclockwise, then in the opposite direction.

The above set is stretching exercises for beginners. For those who simply want to maintain their muscles and joints in the right tone, such stretching is quite enough. But you must remember the conditions, non-compliance with which can cause harm.

  • Before performing the “stretching” complex, it is necessary to perform a light fitness complex.
  • Either perform one easy set of squats, push-ups, and pull-ups at once, or before each exercise, do athletic exercise at low intensity.

For example, before stretching your leg muscles, do squats, and before stretching your biceps, do biceps curls with light weights.

  • Fans of athleticism and fitness should know that stretching should be performed either immediately after finishing a workout, or no earlier than 24 hours after it.
  • If you perform stretching earlier than a day after training, this will only increase the damage and can lead to microtrauma and problems with the joints.

Stretching and flexibility exercises

The complex presented below includes exercises that can make your body more flexible.

In order for the body to become more flexible, it is not enough simple complex to relieve fatigue or muscle tension. More dynamic movements are needed, performed using your own effort or with the help of a partner.

Stretching the pectoral muscles

Stand in the doorway. Rest your forearms against the door frame so that your upper arms are in one line.

Make several stretching movements, pressing your chest into the doorway.

Then ask your partner to press down on your back and hold your torso at the point of maximum chest stretch.

Perform 3 of these holds.

Before stretching, perform a light set of push-ups.

Back stretching exercise

Sitting on your heels, lean forward as far as possible, placing outstretched arms in front of. Pause at the bottom point and, with a slight jerking movement, bend your lower back even more. 8 – 10 repetitions.

Before this exercise, perform a set of standing bends or hyperextensions.

When you get bored and the exercise for stretching the long back muscles becomes very simple, complicate it. Perform a similar exercise, but not sitting on your heels, but sitting on the floor with your legs straight.

Stretch exercise for hamstrings

Stand straight with your feet together. Lean forward, trying to reach your fingers to the floor. Do 6 – 8 measured inclinations.

Then stand up straight, inhale and exhale deeply, and begin ballistic hamstring stretches. Bend as low as possible through jerking movements, touching your fingers to the floor, and stay in the lower position for as long as possible. 5 – 6 repetitions.

Do a set of squats before stretching. If you have stiff joints in your legs and lower back, do the stretching exercise for the rear leg muscles from the first set after squats.

Leg stretching exercises are essential for developing body flexibility. Thanks to simple activities muscle flexibility and elasticity improves. In addition, flexibility improves coordination and allows you to improve your performance in sports. Basically, the body loses elasticity due to a sedentary and passive lifestyle. So if you work in an office, this article will be very useful for you. But let's look at motivation first. Not everyone wants to stretch for 15-20 minutes every day. For more desire, set yourself a goal do the splits. Below we will look at the basic information about stretching the leg muscles.

Getting ready to stretch

In addition to fulfilling every girl’s cherished dream of “doing the splits,” stretching has its own advantages. Firstly, after strength and aerobic exercise, muscles contract in volume. This happens due to tension muscle tissue. To return the muscles to their former shape and get more effect from power loads, it is worth doing stretching exercises immediately after the main workout.
In addition, muscle flexibility allows you to perform power training over a larger range, increases mobility. But if you neglect it, you can only worsen the condition of the body. For example, lack of warm-up before training can cause overstrain of joints and ligaments. The result is body fatigue and even decreased flexibility.

The benefits of stretching include:

  • warming up joints and ligaments;
  • improves blood circulation in the body;
  • stabilizes the nervous system;
  • Increases body tone and promotes rapid recovery after training.

Before you start stretching, you need to warm up. It is very important to warm up the body and drive blood through the muscles. Ideal for: jumping in place with high knees; deep squats; jumping - legs to the sides, arms to the top; jumping with your buttocks touching your feet.
After 7-10 minutes of warming up, you can move on to stretching. First do simple exercises, and then increase the difficulty level.

Leg stretching at home

Here are 10 best exercises for stretching the legs, which are suitable even for beginners. The main thing is desire and regularity in training. For clarity, watch a video about leg stretching:

Exercise No. 1

Stand straight with your lower back arched and straight back. Bend one leg at the knee and bring it back. Grab your toe with your same foot and pull your heel toward your lower back. Hold this position for 30 seconds, then change to the other leg. To make it easier to maintain balance, place the foot of your supporting leg not straight, but slightly to the side.

Exercise No. 2

Do lunges. Place one leg far enough forward and the other far back. In this case, the lower back and back should be straight. Make sure that when performing the exercise, the knee of the front leg does not go beyond the level of the toe. Start leaning forward; you will feel tension in your hips. Don't make sudden movements, just stretch the muscles slowly. After 30 seconds, change position to the other leg.

Exercise #3

As in the previous example, lunge forward. Only this time, the second leg will not look back, but perpendicular to the exposed leg. The second foot is on the heel, and the toe is facing you. For convenience, you can hold on to your knee. Try to sit as low as possible. You should feel tension in the back of your thigh. Hold this position for half a minute and then change legs.

Exercise #4

Place your feet wider than shoulder-width apart. Make sure your posture is straight and your back is not bent. Clasp your hands and slowly lean down, trying to touch the floor. Try to stay at one level for 20-30 seconds. If this is difficult for you, cup your hands and try to touch the floor.

Exercise #5

It is suitable for more advanced students. Stand straight with your feet together. Try to do the same bends as in the previous case. If you touch the floor with ease, try to grab the bottom of your legs and reach your head to your knees. The technique is not easy, but very effective.

Exercise #6

Lie on the floor, bend your knees. Grab your leg with one hand and pull it towards your chest. You need to hold it in this position for 20-30 seconds, then change to the second one.

Exercise No. 7

Make a butterfly. Sit on the floor with your back straight. Place your feet together, take your toes in your hands, and place your elbows on your knees. After the starting position, begin to slowly press your elbows onto your knees. This way we stretch the leg muscles. The main thing is smooth movements, otherwise you can damage internal muscles hips. After a zone of strong tension, hold it for 20-30 seconds and relax.

Exercise #8

Swings to stretch the thigh. Lie on the floor, your back should touch the surface, your arms along your body. Keep your legs straight, and one should always lie down. Start raising one leg to 90 degrees with your body, and lower it. Then repeat with the other one. Here it is not necessary to maintain a certain level of swing degree; everything needs to be determined individually. If your flexibility allows, lift your leg beyond the level of the right angle.

Exercise #9

Sit on the floor with your feet in front of you, slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. The socks should be facing you. Start bending forward. At the same time, fold your hands into a boat or lock, and try to bring them beyond the level of your heels. Hold in this position for 15-20 seconds and return to the starting position. You can repeat 5-6 times.

Exercise No. 10

Similar to the previous one, only a little more complicated. Sit on the floor with your feet in front of you and together. Start bending forward with your hands touching your heels. The main thing is that your back does not hunch and your knees do not bend. If you adhere to these conditions, the flexibility of the body will develop.

Leg stretch for splits

In order to do the splits, you need to practice regularly. Here we are talking about, albeit short, daily training. This is necessary so that the muscles are always in good shape and do not fall back in shape until previous results. In order to do the splits faster, we recommend watching a video with stretching exercises.

We must remember that it is important to monitor the exercise technique. Your back should always be straight. An arched back is the worst enemy of flexibility. In addition, your knees should always be level. If you cheat, you will only delay the desired result. When you manage to do the splits, we advise you to consolidate your result. Namely: sit in a splits position for 2-3 minutes so that the muscles get used to the tension.

Leg flexibility is one of the best physical benefits plastic and active girls. It is she who gives special elegance and beauty to movements.

How to do the splits at home? You can learn how to do the splits at home! A great bonus - a beautiful outline of the hips and the absence of cellulite!


Athletes and professional dancers know how to do the splits at home after a long break from training. If this is your first time deciding to do the splits at home or just tighten up your figure (especially your legs) - my special exercises will help you with this!

​I'll describe it super effective stretching legs, popular among professionals. It will allow you to do the splits at home, detailed description will be the impetus for this achievement!


You may now have three important questions:

  1. how to do the splits at home;
  2. why do you need this;
  3. and does it make sense for an unprepared person to strive for this.

Definitely - it makes sense! Stretching the legs, leading to a chic split, has a “side”, amazing effect - flexibility and fit of the figure, lightness and activity of the body.

The assumption that such stretching is the prerogative of people associated with sports and choreography is incorrect! Stretching and the climactic splits will bring muscle tone and moral satisfaction to you (a teenager, a young person or an already established person). This is also facilitated by classes aimed at how Lose weight with yoga .

More details about everything...

__________________________________________Your motivators_______________________________________________

  • ​The leg muscles become stronger with each exercise, creating a strong musculoskeletal system. Running and overcoming obstacles in emergency situations will no longer cause difficulties.
  • Activity during training becomes a guarantee of proper blood circulation and functioning of the whole body. Longevity without increasing frequency of “sores” is guaranteed!
  • Beautiful legs will soon be your asset.

How to get the coveted horizontal straight line by sliding your feet along the floor in different directions?

Move from simple to complex. Give up trying to pull down, enduring the pain - you will tear the ligaments, and you are guaranteed two months of real estate in your limbs!

Are you waiting for miracles? I’ll disappoint you: there won’t be any – you won’t do the splits in 10 days! The only exceptions are small children and amazingly flexible adults, gifted by nature. If you are encountering stretching or gymnastics for the first time, then it will take months to master the desired pose...

Are you feeling desperate right now? In vain - the farther the goal, the brighter the joy of victory over oneself. fall in love daily exercise, compare your progress, and it will certainly happen, and train!

___________________***Learn to do the splits at home with

professional stretching – really!***____________________

There are many ways to stretch; I will focus on the exercises used by professional dancers and track and field athletes. A beginner who dreams of learning how to do the splits at home will be able to perform each of them. Let's put aside the panic and get started...



Important! It is forbidden to start stretching without warming up; you are not aiming for torn ligaments and muscle strains, are you? Do a “jog” (2-3 minutes) on the spot, perform 15-20 swings of your legs to the sides and forward. Experts recommend taking a hot shower 10-20 minutes before exercise to relax muscle fibers.

______________________________***Forward to straight split***__________________________

Exercise 1

The front surface of the thighs is directly involved in a straight split, when one leg slides exactly forward and the other back. Therefore, let's start with the impact on this area:

  • Standing on a hard surface, bend the knee of one leg, grabbing it by the instep with the same hand;
  • We press the heel to the butt, while the hips and knees are tightly in contact with each other;
  • We stand like this for a few seconds, then tense our buttocks and move our pelvis slightly forward and upward - the muscle tension will increase.

After a minute we change legs. You can do 2 approaches.

Exercise 2

Let's turn our attention to back surface hips and popliteal ligaments, with their development, the full split will become “closer”. Subsequence:

  1. Keeping the upper body straight, we move our right leg into a deep lunge in front of us until the final phase, in which the angle of the knee bent in front is 90º.
  2. We increase the pressure with the pelvis downwards, helping with weight own body(the more relaxed the body is, the large mass affects the legs). We remain motionless for 16-25 seconds.
  3. Next, release your chest down, moving it slightly to the left so that you can place both elbows on the floor next to your right heel. We remain in this position for 25-30 seconds. (You can gradually make this phase more difficult by placing your right hand under your foot, as if you were going to crawl under this rectangular “fence”).
  4. We get up and switch to the left leg.

Exercise 3

It affects the same muscle groups as the previous one, only the calves and Achilles are also involved in the work.

  • We place our feet at a 30-centimeter distance - parallel, without turning out positions.
  • We bend down as far as possible, directing our palms to the center of this segment on the surface.
  • If we set it, we freeze; if it doesn’t work, we don’t jerk, but smoothly pull ourselves lower.
  • Time – 30 seconds.
  • The option is more complicated - with connected legs.

Exercise 4

This stretching task targets all longitudinal muscles - from the buttocks and inguinal ligaments to the Achilles and instep. Ready?

We stand on the mat with one knee (shin on the floor and thigh at a right angle), leaving the other leg in a straight position in front of us (heel on the floor, foot contracted).

We try to lie on it with our chest, clasping our foot with our hands. A minute passed - changing legs.

Exercise 5

Let's start with complex tasks, be patient, perform at the level that is still available.

Exercise 6

An important step towards a full-fledged twine - efficiency has the highest rates.

The best option is to have a machine. But in the conditions of home training, we will choose the usual stable support (the back of the sofa, a high window sill, a chest of drawers) - it will be our choreographic “stick”.

_______***Is it possible to quickly do cross splits at home?***________

We have already found out that you can quickly do the splits at home (and even in gym) will not work.

But if you try... The result will be faster. A few more photos with stretch variations:

Their effectiveness will only increase!

If you have completed this complex to the end, it means that now the muscles are the “hottest”, try to smoothly slide down in the splits. Ignore the initial pain, go lower and freeze. Count to 10 and switch to the other leg. Remember the distance to the floor, its gradual “melting” will motivate you day by day!

Stretching - This is a human achievement that requires long training.

Flexibility allows you to adjust your gait, pump up your legs, and avoid muscle damage from a fall or injury. The best way to cope with muscle stretching is twine.

Let's talk about how to quickly do the splits at home without damaging muscle tissue.

Why do the splits?

For many, stretching is not a priority, but in vain. After all, the ability to do the splits is an indicator of high tissue elasticity. Answering why this is necessary, here are the main arguments:

  • Posture improves. Flexibility is the direct path to beautiful posture and smooth movements, since by working on stretching, you strengthen the spine. An additional benefit is the reduction of back pain during exercise.
  • Develops endurance . Since just the desire to do the splits is not enough, during training you “cultivate” endurance, perseverance, the ability not to give up, and self-control.
  • Joints are strengthened . Their mobility becomes higher. Such classes are recommended for women who are planning their next pregnancy, since the birth process in women with good stretching is much easier.
  • INs acts as a prevention of varicose veins. During exercise, blood circulation improves, which significantly reduces the risk of developing varicose veins and congestion.
  • Self-esteem increases. By placing this sporting goal like the splits, many, having achieved it, look at the world a little differently, as their self-esteem increases significantly.

Experts say that exercises that allow you to do the splits normalize the menstrual cycle, prevent scoliosis, and improve blood circulation in the pelvis.

How to do the splits correctly?

The real period during which muscles can be stretched without harm or damage can be called month, but subject to moderate daily exercise. Below we have collected several sets of exercises that will help you get good stretching within the minimum reasonable time.

What exercises should you do to stretch your leg muscles and how often?

So, as mentioned above, training involves two types of exercises, which should be given the same amount of time:

  1. Dynamic - These are movements that are repeated. When they are carried out, the movements are performed a certain amount of once.
  2. Static – movements are not carried out here, parts of the body are motionless, but the position causes the muscles to stretch.

To achieve the goal, the frequency of exercise can be daily or at least 4 times a week.

How to painlessly do the splits in a month: a set of stretching exercises

The set of exercises below is aimed at stretching the muscles and will help you do both the longitudinal and transverse splits. Initially, do a warm-up and warm up your muscles, only then proceed to the main activity. Hold each statistical pose initially for 30 seconds, gradually increasing the time to 3-5 minutes with subsequent training. All exercises, both static and dynamic, are first performed on one leg, then on the other, this will help to evenly stretch the muscles on both legs.

Exercise No. 1

Sit on your heels, your back should be straight. Bend forward with your whole body, stretch as much as possible, trying not to lift your buttocks from your heels. Hold this stretch for a few seconds. Return to the starting position. You need to repeat these steps 10–20 times.

Exercise No. 2.

Sitting on your heels, spread them in different directions, your buttocks should be between them. Spread your feet in different directions to the maximum possible width. Each time the breeding radius will become larger. While performing the exercise, watch your back; it should be straight.

Exercise No. 3.

From a standing position, lunge with your leg forward. At the same time, smoothly transfer the weight to the front leg, stretching the back leg to the maximum. Perform the exercise 5 times for each leg.

Exercise No. 4.

Do side lunges To do this, you need to sit down as deeply as possible, spreading your legs as far apart as possible. Shift your weight to one leg and completely straighten the other. Lock in and “spring” for a few seconds. Slowly change position, transferring your weight to your straight leg, bending it at the knee.

Exercise No. 5.

Sit on the floor, legs and back straight, toes pointed towards you. Grasp your feet with your hands and tilt your body forward, without bending your knees. Maintain in this position for as long as possible. Return to a sitting position. Perform such bends in 5–10 approaches.

Exercise No. 6.

IN sitting position, grab one foot with your hand, the other remains level. Straighten the captured leg, lifting it up to maximum knee extension. Hold at maximum straightening for up to 30–60 seconds. Perform the same actions with the second leg. 5–10 approaches will be enough. The back should be straight when performing.

Exercise No. 7.

Sitting straight, cross the foot of one leg over the thigh of the other. The lower leg should be level. Reach your fingertips with your hand outstretched leg, and the tension should come from the chest, and not from the head. Fix in this position until obvious discomfort appears. Switch legs and perform the exercise for another 5–10 approaches.

Exercise No. 8.

From a sitting position on the floor with straight legs, bend one leg at the knee, crossing it over the other, fixing your foot on the floor with outside hips. Reach forward, clasping the foot of the outstretched leg with your hands. Having reached maximum tension, fix the position for up to a minute. Change legs and repeat the steps. Perform in 5–10 approaches.

Exercise No. 9.

Sitting on the floor, bring your feet together and try to lower your knees to the floor. When performing the exercise for the first time, you can help yourself place your knees on the floor with your hands. With a straight back, try to touch your feet with your forehead, fixate for a few seconds and return to the starting position. This tension should be done in 10–15 approaches.

Exercise No. 10.

In a sitting position, extend one leg forward and bend the other back. The foot of the back leg should be near the outside of the thigh. Tilt your body forward with a straight back towards your straight leg, while helping yourself with your hands, holding your foot. Having stretched to the maximum, return the body to its place and tilt it to the center, trying to touch the floor with your forehead. Such movements need to be performed in 10–15 approaches.

How to effectively and correctly do 3 splits: training program

Can everyone do the splits?

Stretching training has no age restrictions, so anyone can try doing the splits. Another question is how quickly this will happen, because in addition to the innate “ductility”, one should take into account the build, gender and age of the person training.

The younger the person, the less time he needs to master the splits, and the exercises will be easier. It should also be noted that stretching is easier for women, since men are physiologically less flexible.

Twine also has contraindications. It is not advisable to seat children under 5 years old on it, since their muscles and tendons are still very weak. It is not recommended to conduct classes if you have the following diseases:

  • Hypertension (high blood pressure).
  • Cracks, fractures, bruises in the hip area.
  • Musculoskeletal disorders.
  • Spinal injuries.

Why can't I do the splits?

It has been noted that more than 80% of those who are “inspired” to do the splits stop halfway without achieving results. Therefore, when you decide to stretch, do not give up regular exercise, and if you cannot do the splits, then look at the possible reasons given below; perhaps you are doing something wrong.

  • Impatience. One of the main “enemies” for stretch marks. It so happens that after spending several weeks training and not getting the desired effect, a person becomes disappointed and quits training.
  • Lack of correct execution of techniques. In order to achieve your goal, you need not only to engage daily training, you must perform the exercises correctly. If you do not notice a positive result after 2-3 weeks of training, it is better to seek the help of a trainer.
  • Presence of injuries. About 35–40% are injured during stretches that are performed incorrectly. Such activities lead to disastrous consequences.

Video from Laysan Utyasheva: how to do the splits?

If you decide to do the splits, then confidently go towards your goal. Don’t let minor failures scare you, because stretching is not only beautiful, but also has health benefits.
