What fruits “burn” fats? Tangerines burn belly fat Is it true that citrus fruits burn fat

When you want to lose weight, it is very important to reduce your intake of foods high in sugar at all costs. What natural substitutes are best to replace the desire to eat something sweet?

Tangerines are a common product that, fortunately, is perfect for people on a diet. Tangerines are also sweet enough to be eaten as a snack or dessert, making them an incredible substitute for calorie-laden candy. Therefore, as you can already see, to combat excess fat you should eat tangerines.

Benefit for health

Tangerines, like oranges, are of course very famous for their high vitamin C content (27 mg per 100 g). This is especially important for smokers, who, compared to non-smokers, must double their vitamin C intake to protect themselves from lung cancer. For women of childbearing age, tangerines are also an excellent source of folic acid, which helps prevent birth defects in the neural tube.

In addition, tangerines contain more than 150 different phytochemical compounds, and more than 60 of them are flavonoids. Flavonoids protect blood vessels, reduce inflammation, and are also powerful antioxidants. Polyphenolic phytochemicals are antioxidants that help prevent cancer and heart disease.

Currently, research is still being conducted on the effect of polyphenols on memory and other brain functions. Another group of phytochemicals, flavanones, and especially hesperidin, have the ability to reduce inflammation, blood pressure and blood cholesterol.

Hesperidin is found in the inner white pulp of tangerines, which is why it is recommended to eat as much of the white membrane as your taste buds can tolerate.

The ability of tangerines to fight fat

Research conducted by Murray Huff's team at the University of Western Ontario found that nobilitene, a flavonoid found in tangerines, prevents the accumulation of fat in the liver.

This is done by stimulating genes involved in burning excess fat and suppressing the activity of those responsible for the production of fluids.

This is the same group of researchers who discovered the flavonoid naringenin in grapefruits, which has similar properties and also fights obesity and other manifestations of metabolic syndrome.

According to Huff, what interested them most was that Nobiliten is ten times stronger than naringenin, in addition, it also has the ability to prevent the occurrence of atherosclerosis.

What fruits “burn” fats?

It is no secret that the active acids contained in fruits help “burn” fats in the body. Therefore, there are many diets based specifically on fruits. So which fruits “burn” fat and help the body get rid of extra pounds?

Fruits that “burn” fats - what are they?

What fruits “burn” fats? The first thing that comes to mind for people who are not even familiar with dietary nutrition is citrus fruits. And indeed it is so. But not only citrus fruits will help you achieve your dream figure! So, a list of fruits that “burn” fats:

grapefruit- it contains only 35 calories, and it rightfully occupies a leading place among fruits that burn fat, this citrus wizard can curb your appetite, and for this it will be enough to eat only half a grapefruit, if the fruit itself does not delight you, you can get by with juice from it, which is also beneficial for the body;

tangerine - this fruit contains 33 calories, and it has one unique feature: tangerine contains a large amount of vitamin C, tangerine also contains flavonoids, which help burn fat;

a pineapple - this no less healthy fruit, which burns fat, contains 49 calories and the important element bromelain, which promotes the burning of proteins and fats; pineapple, like grapefruit, can suppress appetite, so it is better to eat it in between meals;

in kiwi contains 47 calories, and it is also a fat-burning fruit, unique enzymes in kiwi help eliminate fats that block arteries, kiwi, like tangerines, contains a large amount of vitamin C, which is necessary for our immunity;

in apples and pears contain 47 and 42 calories respectively, and these fat-burning fruits are very rich in fiber and pectin - essential nutrients for the body, they are great for snacking between meals;

figs contains 49 calories and helps digestion very well; figs are also an excellent diuretic and help cleanse the body of harmful substances; Avocado is one of the most high-calorie foods in principle. Its value is 208 calories. But, nevertheless, this fact does not prevent avocado from being considered a fat-burning fruit - due to its calorie content, avocado suppresses appetite and has the property of controlling hormone levels in the body.

Among the fat-burning fruits you can also name papaya and pomelo, but these fruits may not be a delicacy in our country, but it is hardly possible to consume them constantly. Moreover, when among the fruits that burn fat, there are quite affordable and very healthy treats.

Have you decided to lose extra pounds and are wondering what fruits and vegetables contribute to weight loss? Are you planning to switch to proper nutrition? There are some points to consider. Proper nutrition is not only about eating healthy food and strictly following the universal recommendations from the series “eat natural, exercise and lose weight quickly.” You need to make a rational choice of foods that benefit your body.

Before actively switching to a fruit diet, you need to find out which fruits burn fat and which, on the contrary, contribute to gaining extra pounds.

The first fruit that actively helps you lose extra pounds is grapefruit. One grapefruit has only 35 calories! In addition to being low in calories, it is a true leader among foods that can burn fat. To reduce appetite, you need to eat a small amount of this wonderful fruit or drink a glass. It must be remembered that, like many citrus fruits, grapefruit can cause allergies. Scientists explain the wonderful properties of this fruit by the fact that it can reduce insulin levels in the blood.

What fruits are just as quick and efficient? Among

These fruits are kiwi and tangerine. Kiwi has about 45 calories, tangerine 30. The undoubted advantage of eating these fruits is that they improve immunity and help fight excess fat, just in different ways. Mandarin does this through flavonoids, and kiwi does this with the help of special enzymes that serve as a kind of fat blockers.

The next fruit that actively helps to reduce extra pounds is figs. This fruit has a diuretic effect, thereby removing excess substances from the body. Eating figs helps improve the digestion process.

You can’t do without the most famous fat burner - pineapple. This product contains bromelain, an enzyme that accelerates the breakdown of fats in the human body. Most dietary supplements are currently produced with the addition of this enzyme, which allows you to actively lose excess weight.

The next record holder in the fight against fat is avocado. It contains up to 200 calories. Due to its high calorie content, this fruit can block appetite. It also helps control hormone levels in the body.

Pomelo and papaya are fruits that burn fat, but, unfortunately, they are not as popular as all the others, and they are much more expensive than those listed above.

What fruits burn fat and still grow in Russia? Of course, grapefruit is good, but not everyone can afford it. You can choose fruits that grow in all regions of the country and are inexpensive.

The first category of such fruits is pears and apples. A pear contains no more than 40 calories, an apple has 45, so these fruits can be safely consumed during a diet. These fruits are great for snacking between meals. They contain large quantities of pectin and fiber, extremely important substances for the body.

Watermelon helps well - a miracle fruit that burns fat. Just don't use it at night.

Apricots grow in many countries; they perfectly satisfy hunger and burn fat. It is very useful to eat dried apricots (dried apricots).

Now you know which fruits burn fat. Use them - and be slim and beautiful!

To get a beautiful figure, you don’t have to give up delicious food. And indeed it is! Read the article about which fruits help you lose weight, and you will not have a shadow of doubt.

After the surprise from this unusual fact wears off - “Oh, fruits really know how to burn fat?”, you will probably be interested in knowing what fruits you can eat while losing weight and why this happens. In this article we will answer all your questions!

However, before we tell you which fruits are good for weight loss, we will talk in more detail about the list of other fat-burning foods, because it is important to get a general understanding of the process of accumulating fat deposits and how to get rid of them. Having this information will allow you to be more careful in your food choices and will also help you develop your eating habits.

You can find all the quick answers in the following video. And then we will analyze the topic thoroughly.

The process of fat deposition

The body needs food for energy to nourish/maintain cells and perform internal and external functions. The energy found in foods can be measured loosely in terms of "calories". The more calories in a food, the more fuel/energy the body can get from it. The body must also expend energy to digest food and extract energy from it - so a small percentage of old fuel is burned in the process of acquiring new fuel.

What does this have to do with fruits that are advisable to eat when losing weight? And so, the more difficult it is to digest food, the more energy is spent by the body for digestion.

Macro Nutrients and Calories

There are three macro-nutrients, or fuel-producing elements, that can be present in food - carbohydrates and fats. In fact, 1 gram of protein provides 4 calories, 1 gram of carbohydrate provides 4 calories, and 1 gram of fat provides 9 calories. Therefore, in general, fats can provide more (double) the amount of calories to the body compared to the other two nutritional units. But please refrain from jumping to the conclusion that fats are bad for you, they are not. Many healthy fats are essential for the harmonious functioning of the body, and foods that provide these fats should be an integral part of your diet.

How does the fat deposition process work?

When you consume food, your body receives fuel in the form of carbohydrates, proteins or fats. It begins to generate energy from these fuels through the process of digestion and assimilation. The body uses some of the fuel to replenish its sustenance and meet functional requirements, and the excess fuel ends up stored as fat in the fat cells of your body, with some fat also stored around the kidneys and liver.

Cause of fat folds

One important thing to understand is that the human body under normal conditions has a limited number of fat cells, and there is a limit to how much fat these cells can store. Once these cells reach their limit, fats begin to accumulate in muscle folds (traps).

Fat cells are usually found in the chest, waist and hips. The more fat is deposited in these cells, the more they increase in size, and this increase is precisely the fat folds in the chest, waist and hips of men and women. When fat cells reach their maximum, fats begin to be stored in the muscle folds of the arms and thighs, creating flab in the limbs.

How fruits help you lose weight

How can foods help with weight loss if they themselves are a source of calories, and therefore a possible source of fat? Yes, all foods can be possible sources of fat storage - this is true, however, certain ones help reduce fat folds in one of the following ways:

  • Some foods contain certain vitamins and minerals that help improve metabolism and the body's ability to burn fat and act as a virtual fat burner (foods that reduce the possibility of further fat storage).
  • Foods contain fewer calories, although they are more difficult to digest and absorb, causing energy expenditure, and therefore act as a virtual calorie burner.
  • Some foods make you feel full even when eaten in small quantities and also have few calories.
  • Some cooking methods reduce the number of calories in food and thus help reduce the amount of fat.

Consuming these foods in the right quantity over a period of time will ensure that your fat levels are reduced. When we talk about burning stored calories, this also includes foods that help reduce the chance of new fat formation, as this indirectly helps burn fat faster during activities (like working out). Now it’s time to find out which fruits burn fat and which foods help you get back in shape.

The best approach and fruits for weight loss

The best way to start the weight loss process is to eat foods that reduce the possibility of further fat deposits and even help burn them, and increase your physical activity.

For example, it is advisable to start doing interval cardio workouts that burn maximum calories and add light strength activities (aerobics, yoga, home strength training or resistance training) to more actively use previously accumulated fat.

Citrus fruits for weight loss

Eating citrus fruits or other fruits rich in vitamin C for breakfast is one of the best ways to speed up your metabolism and kickstart your body's weight loss process. First, they provide the body with fast, low-calorie energy. Secondly, such fruits supply large amounts of vitamin C, which helps burn fat, since this is a vital chemical used by the body in the process of metabolizing fat.

You can try citrus fruits such as orange, grapefruit, tangerine and fresh lime. While fruits and berries such as strawberries, apples, tomatoes, plums, grapes, cherries and raspberries are also good sources of vitamin C.

  • Grapefruit is the king among fat-burning fruits. It contains only 35 calories, but this citrus wizard can curb your appetite with just half a grapefruit. Moreover, even grapefruit juice has such an amazing effect.
  • Mandarin. This fruit contains only 33 calories and a large amount of vitamin C. In addition, tangerine contains flavonoids, which help burn fat.

Depending on your budget and the availability of your favorite weight-loss fruits in your local supermarkets, try using a combination of them for breakfast, combining health benefits with a pleasant taste.

For example, you can eat only citrus fruits for breakfast for a few weeks to see how effectively they help burn fat around your waist and thighs.

Other fruits are excellent foods for weight loss because they are natural, rich in vitamins and minerals, high in water content and low in calories compared to refined foods. Fruits are known to improve metabolism in the body and reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. Papayas, bananas, mangoes, pomegranates and blueberries are considered excellent snacks and a wonderful breakfast option.

Apples and Pears

When considering which fruits burn fat, we must not forget about apples and pears. Adding them to your diet can aid weight loss in two ways. First, both fruits are high in fiber, helping you stay full for longer periods of time. Secondly, the pectins they contain limit the absorption of fat into cells and increase the absorption of water, which can lead to greater weight loss.

To prevent weight gain, eat 1-2 apples a day. Apples contain high amounts of pectin, which binds to water and limits the amount of fat your cells can absorb. They also contain high amounts of fiber, which makes you feel full.

Numerous studies have shown that eating apples half an hour to an hour before meals reduces the number of calories received per meal. In addition, the antioxidants contained in these fruits prevent metabolic syndrome, a combination of high cholesterol, high blood pressure and pre-diabetes, which tends to be accompanied by an enlarged waistline. And by the way, apples have only 47 calories, and pears have 42. So crunch for your health!


Blackberries and raspberries are fiber-rich fruits that play an important role in burning fat and promoting long-term weight loss. These foods help you stay full for a long time, which helps prevent hunger throughout the day. Berries are digested slowly, which prevents spikes in insulin levels and helps you break out of fat storage mode.


Bananas are not only delicious, but also an amazingly effective fat-burning food that helps in long-term weight loss. They contain prebiotic fiber, which helps reduce appetite, and indigestible fiber, often called resistant starch. This resistant starch blocks some carbohydrates from being absorbed by the intestines and forces the body to resort to using stored fat for energy.

Here is another list of fruits that can effectively burn fat:

  • A pineapple. Pineapple contains only 49 calories and the important element bromelain, which helps burn proteins and fats. Like grapefruit, it can suppress appetite, so it is better to eat it in between meals.
  • Kiwi. In addition to 47 calories, kiwi has other benefits: the fruit's unique enzymes help burn fats that block arteries. Plus a large amount of vitamin C, which is necessary for our immunity.
  • Figs (49 calories) aid digestion and have an excellent diuretic effect, cleansing the body of harmful substances.
  • Avocado is one of the most high-calorie foods in principle. Its value is 208 calories. However, avocado is a fat-burning fruit. Due to its calorie content, avocado suppresses appetite and has the ability to control hormone levels in the body.

You can use weight loss-supporting fruits and come up with delicious ideas for your daily breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks, making them both enjoyable and healthy. Of course, don't be too hard on yourself, because it's completely okay to eat foods you enjoy (even if they're not completely healthy) every now and then, in moderation.

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Tangerines burn belly fat ");