How to make a bow in Minecraft, and what is it crafted from? Archery

Take, for example, skeleton archers or creepers. The first ones attack the player from a distance, not letting them get close to them, and the last one, the most famous mob in the game, explodes when approaching the player. To prevent this, you need to kill him from a distance. But how to make a bow in Minecraft, and what is it crafted from? Let's find out!

This is a really good weapon that is able to resist most mobs in the game. Using a bow in the game is simple, just hold down RMB and do not release the key until the shot is fired. The more the arrow is pulled, the more penetrating power it will have. Basically, mobs die from 1 - 2 arrows. To defeat the boss you need about 20 arrows.

The bow is very effective against:

  • mobs that attack from the air;
  • skeletons;
  • spiders;
  • creepers.

How to craft a bow in Minecraft?

Before you start creating a bow, you first need to acquire all the necessary ingredients. Any item in Minecraft consists of several others that are combined on a workbench. To create a bow, you need to have 3 sticks and 3 strings. Threads can be obtained by killing a spider or simply collecting threads from spiders that died in the mine, but to do this you need to go down into it. The feathers come from killed chickens. Sometimes bows and arrows can be obtained without crafting: simply picked up from a dead skeleton. But you still have to resort to creation, because nothing lasts forever in the game.

The bow is practically created, but you need to shoot something with it, otherwise what is the use of it? If our weapons are ready, now we need to deal with the arrows. Arrows are created not individually, but in blocks of 4 pieces. So, to get such a block, you need to find flint, feather and sticks.

Experienced players know that all these materials are not cheap, and they are very difficult to get, so after use, in order to save money, it is better to select arrows. In 80% of cases, the arrows do not break, and you can walk around the battlefield after the battle, looking for any remaining ammunition.

At this stage, you have learned how to make a bow and arrows for it, now you need to practice shooting. The bow can be made more powerful, add a shock wave to it, or make fire arrows. All this is achieved by enchanting weapons. The game has a level and upon reaching a certain level you will be able to enchant weapons. The higher your level, the stronger the spell will work. For example, strength gives more damage to a bow, shock wave - throws the target back when hit, fire or ignition - sets the enemy on fire and endless arrows, which are not spent, but require 1 arrow. Weapons can also be repaired, this is done in the following way: two worn-out bows are placed on the anvil, and the output is one completely repaired.


As mentioned earlier, archery is simple. It is worth remembering that by pulling the bowstring tighter, you waste time, and in battle conditions there is very little of it. There is gravity in the game, this also needs to be taken into account, because the arrow will fly along its own trajectory and will only decrease with distance. When aiming, try to aim a little lower than the enemy's head and then there is a high chance that you will hit the target. Over time, you will learn to determine the right trajectory, because this comes with experience. However, if possible, it is better to spend precious seconds and shoot with all your might so that the enemy is crushed with one hit.

Getting things with a bow

The bow is one of the components of such an item as a dispenser. Most things in the game can produce some items, and the bow is no exception. If you combine a bow and seven cobblestone blocks, as well as redstone, the result will be quite a useful thing. We advise you to learn how to craft things, because this skill will diversify the game and bring more emotions and pleasure. But now you know exactly how to create a bow in Minecraft!

Remember that in the world of the game everything is done simply, only sometimes you need to understand how this or that thing is created. There are many other news for this, information from which you can find out in just a couple of clicks! Share the article with your friends, leave comments and ratings, thank you!


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In addition to the sword in Minecraft, you can fight the enemy with the help of another interesting weapon: a bow. After all, the sword will be effective only in close combat, and when the enemy flies and moves, it will be of little help. A bow can help in this case, as it can also deal damage to enemy mobs from long distances.

To shoot a bow, hold down the right mouse button. The arrow will fly further if you pull it longer, and accordingly, it will cause more damage to the enemy. To kill a mob, you need to shoot 3-4 times, but bosses die only after a couple of dozen shots. Bow durability was introduced in the game after version 1.0.0.

The bow is very useful in fighting flying mobs. To defeat the Endwalkers, a bow is completely useless, because these enemies can teleport. So don't use this weapon to fight them as you will only waste the durability of your bow and arrow.

Burning arrows in the game go out after a certain time. An eternal flame is formed using a bow with a fire enchantment. Such arrows burn until they disappear.

Read also:

How to make a bow in Minecraft video

Now we will learn how to make a bow in minecraft. It's quite simple: you need to have 3 sticks and 3 threads. Threads are webs that fall out of spiders.

To fight with a bow, you need to create arrows. Arrows do not have a durability indicator. They are obtained from a killed skeleton, but they may not drop out every time an enemy is destroyed. In order to make your own arrow, you will need flint. To do this, you must first dig into the gravel, and flint will fall out of it.

Craft arrows:

You can also make fire arrows, which do more damage and can set enemies on fire.

To get new properties, you can enchant a bow in Minecraft. This requires additional items. There is a level scale in the game and you can get stronger properties when enchanting with a higher level. You can gain a level by mining coal and destroying mobs. Another way is to craft flasks, put them in the furnace, and then break the flasks with the mouse button and collect the dropped experience. You will definitely need an enchanting table.

To do it, you need to do the following:

When the table is ready, we place bookshelves near it, otherwise nothing will work.

The enchantment table can enchant other items in addition to weapons. Now we'll tell you how to make an enchanted bow in minecraft. Take the bow in your hands and right-click on the table.

Green numbers indicate the level to which the item can be enchanted. The higher it is, the better the enchantment turns out.

Bow in Minecraft is a ranged weapon that allows you to effectively and safely destroy enemies from a distance. Minecraft is full of variety, which gives rise to many battle tactics with them, and therefore without Luke in many situations it is simply not possible. How onion is applied? It goes without saying that it is used against those mobs that are difficult to kill. Onion allows you to not let the enemy get close, which makes the battle clearly safer for you.

Onions can be obtained in the following ways: crafting and drop. How to craft a bow from resources, and it’s easy to get a rare drop from skeleton archers. For onion crafting You will need three sticks and three threads - the sticks are obtained from wood, but for the sake of the thread you will have to kill spiders or climb caves in search of a treasury, since this is the only way to get it. Great, the onion is ready! To make a long-range attack with a bow, press and hold the right mouse button; the longer you hold it, the tighter the bowstring will be drawn, and this determines how far the arrow will fly and how much damage it will cause. But if you think that Minecraft is too tough for your child, entertain your child with any of the Android games.

Onion recipe

Animation of drawing a bow string

An important detail when shooting will be the arrows: without them you simply won’t be able to shoot. For normal shooting, arrows must be in your inventory, and you must have a bow in your hands. Arrows can be obtained from defeated skeleton archers, you can craft them or pick up your own arrows (those fired by a skeleton cannot be picked up. You also cannot pick up your own arrows fired from a bow with an Infinity enchantment). It would be too cheating to shoot with a bow endlessly, and then collect arrows and sell them on the market for diamonds.

Arrow recipe

Arrows are needed for each shot, but if the bow is enchanted with Infinity, you can keep only one arrow in your inventory and use it constantly.

Bow without arrows

Bow ID: 261.

NID: bow.

Bow - English name Luke in Minecraft.

Damage (Attack damage) - from 1 () to 10 ().

Durability - 385.

with arrows in Minecraft is a weapon whose purpose is to hit the enemy from a distance. It is advisable to use the bow against hostile mobs that pose a danger to the player nearby, or that themselves attack from afar. This definition includes ghasts, creepers, spiders, skeletons, wither skeletons and skeleton riders. Against Endwalkers, archery is a futile exercise due to the teleportation capabilities.

The player has two bows in his hands

How to make a bow in Minecraft?

Onions are good both in battle and in cabbage soup (pun).

In order to make a bow, you will need to get three threads and three sticks in Minecraft. The crafting recipe is obvious and can even be called intuitive.

There is another way to make a bow in Minecraft. If you have two damaged bows, then by placing them in the workbench, you will receive one. But at the same time, another 5 percent is added to the sum of the strength of two bows placed in the workbench. You need to know that any charm will be lost.

Is it possible to get a bow in another way without using a workbench? Yes, it's possible. In short:

  1. As a drop after defeating some mobs.
  2. Buying with emeralds.
  3. Fishing.

Onions in crafting recipes

The bow is tight, but the husband is not strong (proverb).

It’s strange or, on the contrary, logical, but onions are present in such a crafting recipe as creating a dispenser.


Onions can be used as fuel in a stove. Whether you need to use this or not, there is such an opportunity, for example:


Bow is a weapon in Minecraft

You can’t bend an onion the other way (proverb).

In order to shoot a bow, you must first pull the bowstring by holding down the right mouse button and then release it. The stronger the tension, the further the arrow flies and the greater the damage. This is what it looks like on the table:

Bow Attack Damage
Tension time Damage
0 - 0.2 s (small) 1 ()
0.3 - 0.9 s (average) 6 ()
1 + s (full) 9 ()
critical hit 10 ()

After version 1.0.0, the bow has durability. It may not be entirely correct to compare melee weapons to bows. But you can just look at some of their characteristics.

Weapon Damage
Weapon Strength Damage All damage
385 1 - 10
Golden sword 33 4 () 132
Wooden sword 60 4 () 240
Stone sword 132 5 () 660
an iron sword 251 6 () 1506
Diamond Sword 1562 7 () 10934

Bow and arrows can be enchanted.

Armed with bows are: the player and two armor stands.

Enchanted weapons in the game

From a bow - not us, from a squeak - not us, but to drink and dance is not against us (proverb).

Enchanted weapons in Minecraft should increase their effectiveness. What can you come up with with bows? Since version Minecraft 1.1, the following enchantments for bows have been added: “fire arrow”, “efficiency”, “strength” and “infinity” (names may vary slightly). In version 1.4.6, it became possible to enchant a bow to be “indestructible” on an anvil and with an enchanted book.

Enchant Weapon
Weapon Name What gives
With some degree of probability, the strength will not decrease.
Additional damage.
Dropping the target.
Burning Arrow
Sets fire to arrows.
Arrows are not wasted. But to shoot you need at least one arrow.
Uses experience to repair items in your hands or armor slots.

At the very beginning, it is more advisable to enchant the bow for “strength” and “durability”.

What types of arrows are there?

Who cares what, but the arrow cares about the bow (proverb).

Speaking about bows, we can’t help but say a few words about arrows. A separate material will be devoted to how to make them, their features and effectiveness. Here it is appropriate to present a table, the contents of which speak for themselves and, in our opinion, are understandable.

All arrows in Minecraft
Name Effect Note
Spectral Arrow Other name: Spectral Arrow
Night Vision Arrow Night vision (0:22)
Night Vision Arrow Night vision (1:00)
Invisibility Arrow Invisibility (0:22)
Invisibility Arrow Invisibility (1:00)
Jumping Arrow Bouncing (0:22)
Jumping Arrow Jumpiness (1:00)
Jumping Arrow Jumpiness II (011)
Fire resistance boom Fire resistance (0:22)
Fire resistance boom Fire resistance (1:00)
Swift Arrow Speed ​​(0:22)
Swift Arrow Speed ​​(1:00) Another name is Speed ​​Arrow. On use: +20% speed.
Swift Arrow Speed ​​II (0:11) Another name is Speed ​​Arrow. On use: +40% speed.
Slow Arrow Slowdown (0:11)
Slow Arrow Slowdown (0:30) On cast: –15% speed.
Poisoning (0:05)
Poison Arrow Poisoning (0:11)
Poison Arrow Poisoning II (0:02)
Regeneration Arrow Regeneration (0:05)
Regeneration Arrow Regeneration (0:11)
Regeneration Arrow Regeneration II (0:02)
Arrow of Power Power (0:22) On cast: +3 damage
Arrow of Power Strength (1:00) On cast: +3 damage
Arrow of Power Power II (0:11) On use: +6 damage
Arrow of Weakness Weakness (0:11) On cast: –4 damage
Arrow of Weakness Weakness (0:30) On cast: –4 damage
Arrow of Luck Luck (0:37) When used: +1 luck

When an arrow flies through lava, it becomes fiery and can set the enemy on fire. But such an arrow cannot set fire to blocks or burn objects, and will not cause additional damage. Although, at the same time, it activates THT. After some time it will go out. This differs from burning arrows fired from a bow with a fire enchantment, which will burn forever until they disappear.

Are you tired of melee weapons and want to defeat your enemies from a distance? Does the creeper explode, preventing you from even striking? Then the best weapon for you is a bow. The bow is one of the easiest weapons to create in Minecraft, and after reading the article, you will learn how to make it.

Making a bow

To make a bow you will need: three threads and three sticks. Sticks can be obtained from two boards; to do this, you need to cut down a log and make boards from it.

Also, when tree leaves are broken, there is a possibility of sticks falling out.

To get the thread, you need to kill several spiders. The web may not always fall out, but there is also a chance that two threads will fall out instead of one.

A longer way to get threads is to go down abandoned mines or find spider spawns, but again, you might get lucky.

All necessary resources have been obtained. We put everything that we got in the right order on the workbench, and we get a wonderful ranged weapon (see Fig. 1).

Picture 1

The bow is a ranged weapon that uses arrows. Arrows can be obtained in several ways.


The fastest way to get arrows is to destroy skeletons, but this method can be dangerous, and it’s not a fact that you’ll be able to get away with it after getting what you want. Therefore, there is a safer way, for example, fishing with a fishing rod or creating on a workbench.

The first method is quite long and grueling, so let’s consider a faster and safer one.

To create arrows we will need:

  • Flint
  • Sticks
  • Feathers

To mine silicon, you need to dig gravel; gravel is most often found between rocks and the ground, both in mountains and in caves. A few blocks of dug up gravel will give us a chance of obtaining silicon.

Also, mined gravel can be placed in the world and dug up again, silicon also falls out.

To get feathers, you need to kill a couple of chickens (see Fig. 2), since feathers do not always fall out of a killed bird. The chicken dies with one blow from an iron sword, so there should be no difficulty.

Figure 2

And, in order not to disturb the natural balance, do not forget to feed several pairs of animals with seeds, which can be obtained by breaking the grass.

The extraction of sticks has already been discussed above in the article, the method is the same: we chop it, make boards, put it on a workbench.

After extracting the necessary resources, we place them on the workbench and get four arrows from each craft (see Fig. 3).

Figure 3

Now you know how to make a bow in Minecraft, as well as how to make ammunition for it. Now you are not afraid of creepers and zombies, the killing projectile will reach everyone.
