How to strengthen the bladder muscles show exercises. Kegel exercises to strengthen the bladder in women and men. How to train your bladder

Pathologies associated with bladder, is far from uncommon for women. Frequent hypothermia, heavy physical exertion, labor - all this directly or indirectly affects the organs that excrete urine and reproductive system the weaker sex. How to restore normal function, strengthen elastic tissues and improve the quality of life of the body as a whole is worth talking about in more detail.

The issue is very delicate and not every representative of the fair half of humanity can safely consult a doctor for qualified help. Unfortunately, such a negligent attitude towards your health can lead to serious consequences in the future. Since urogenital diseases often worry women, due to which the bladder cannot function normally, let's look at how to strengthen its muscles and increase functionality.

A weak bladder can have different symptoms, but not every girl identifies them in time. For example, if you begin to notice that you feel the urge to defecate more often than usual, without drinking a lot of liquid, then this problem may be caused by the failure of muscle tissue due to surgery or for other reasons.

Such a deviation from the norm does not threaten human life, but it greatly worsens its quality, because in addition to physical discomfort, a woman also has to cope with difficulties of a general psychological nature.

Features of the anatomical structure of the bladder in women. Source:

The urethra is located anatomically, as if in a suspended position: it is held by the elastic muscle tissue of the pelvis, like belts. If they are weakened, the organs being held may not be positioned correctly. In order to eliminate the uncomfortable symptoms associated with urinary incontinence, it is not necessary to undergo drug therapy. Muscle very elastic and easy to restore with physical activity in the right areas.

Californian professor in the field of gynecology of the last century, Arnold Kegel, developed for the fair sex a unique method for strengthening the pelvic muscles, regenerating reproductive function and women’s health in general.

The doctor worked closely on the problem of urinary incontinence during the postpartum and post-stress period, as well as the postmenopausal period of time when the body ages naturally. The developments of the honored specialist have allowed many women to restore their health without having to undergo surgery.

The Kegel complex is officially recognized in medical science as a method of treating pelvic organ prolapse or postpartum pathologies. Exercises help train the vaginal and pubococcygeus elastic tissues. Systematic performance of this gymnastics (namely, contraction, retention and compression of elastic tissues) will help strengthen the intimate muscles.


This set of exercises to strengthen the bladder in women is very common and has no restrictions or contraindications. However, it is better to start with the support of an experienced specialist who, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body, will be able to tell you in what number of repetitions and with what intensity it is better to do gymnastics.

Exercises to strengthen the bladder muscles. Source:

Important Tips:

  1. Before performing any exercises related to physical stress on the elastic tissues of the intimate area, you must empty your bladder.
  2. The basic rule for performing this exercise is from simple to difficult. That is, you need to start with easy exercises, gradually increasing the degree of difficulty of their implementation.
  3. Before performing any of these movements, you need to take the most comfortable position.
  4. To get results, you need to do gymnastics regularly and systematically.
  5. Gradually increasing the load: you need to start with 10 movements, after 7 days of training you can add 5 more and thus you need to reach 30 movements in one workout.

Kegel exercises are invisible to others, which allows you to perform them practically wherever you are: while walking, while relaxing at home, while driving a car, etc. The time of day chosen for training is not so important, the main thing is to do the exercises daily.

Important: you can strengthen the pelvic muscles only by following a systematic method and performing all the necessary types of loads.

The main mistake of many patients is to attract the elastic tissues of the abs and thighs during the effort with a delay, as a result, the person continues to experience inconvenience due to incontinence.

Basic set

This set of exercises of varying complexity, namely contraction, pushing and compression, is aimed at the main function - strengthening the fibers of the pelvic floor. Systematic exercise and a gradual increase in loads, as well as the duration of exercise, will help get rid of the syndrome and maintain elastic tissues in good shape. And most importantly, you won’t need to spoil your health with pills to strengthen the bladder in women.

The basic complex looks like in the following way. Tension or compression - the movement completely repeats the muscle contraction when it is necessary to stop the emission of urine. Tense areas must be held in this position, counting to three, and then relaxed for the same period of time. Gradually, workout after workout, the time for holding the pelvic muscles in tension should be increased to 15 seconds and only then can you move on to a more complex level of exercise.

Classic Kegel exercises for strengthening muscles.

Many people are concerned about the question: what to do if a weak bladder is diagnosed? In females, the pathology occurs much more often than in males. However, most women hide their illness and are in no hurry to visit a specialist. This model of behavior is fundamentally wrong, since a sluggish bladder and urinary incontinence cause a lot of trouble, and an experienced doctor will help solve them. Therefore, when the first symptoms of a weak bladder appear, it is important to seek advice from a specialist who will conduct the necessary examination and determine the cause of the pathology.

Causes of weakened urinary cavity

Bladder problems occur in men, often due to problems with the prostate gland. In addition, a number of other factors that negatively affect the urinary cavity can provoke weakening. In women, weakening of the urinary cavity occurs most often due to the age factor, as well as due to many other reasons that should be considered in more detail.

Reasons for men

The following factors can provoke bladder exhaustion in men:

  • inflammatory and infectious processes in the urethra;
  • stool disorders (long-term constipation);
  • prostatitis;
  • neurological diseases;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • neoplasms in the prostate gland;
  • taking certain medications;
  • frequent and severe stress.

Reasons for women

A weak bladder in women causes quite a lot of trouble.

Women who have given birth several times often suffer from bladder weakness, since during childbirth the muscle tone of the pelvis and perineum weakens, and the internal organs descend, putting pressure on the urinary cavity. Common cause When the bladder weakens, menopause also occurs, during which the body undergoes strong hormonal changes. The bladder sphincter becomes weak and does not properly retain urine. Because of this, with minimal stress, the urethra opens and urine comes out. Often women note spontaneous urine output during laughter, coughing and sneezing.

A weak bladder is also diagnosed in cases of organ irritation, which occurs against the background of severe stress and prolonged nervous situations. In addition, the urinary cavity is often weakened during infection and inflammatory processes, which happens, for example, with cystitis (inflammation of the bladder).

Symptoms of organ weakness

Patients experiencing conditions where the bladder is weakened note the appearance of frequent and uncontrollable urge to urinate, as well as spontaneous elimination of urine when the abdominal muscles tense. The condition when the sphincter does not hold urine is divided into 2 groups:

  • First. The patient defecates, but does not feel a preliminary urge to urinate. Often the weakness of this group is observed in children and men.
  • Second. The patient experiences such strong tension in the muscles of the urinary cavity that he is unable to restrain the urge to urinate. Often people with cystitis belong to this group.

Medicinal strengthening of the bladder

Muscle strengthening tablets

Drug treatment is aimed at strengthening the urinary muscles.

Strengthening the bladder is initially done with the help of special exercises prescribed by a specialist. The exercises are based on strengthening the walls of the urinary cavity and improving muscle tone. In situations where exercises do not produce the desired effect, doctors resort to medications.

To begin with, doctors prescribe medications whose effects are aimed at strengthening the muscles and walls of the bladder. The drug must have antimuscarinic activity, and the most commonly used are oxybutynin chloride. They have not only an antimuscarinic, but also an antispasmodic effect, which helps relieve spasms in a weak urinary cavity. Doctors strongly recommend not to use diuretics during therapy, as they act as irritants and further worsen symptoms.

Exercises to strengthen muscle tone Most experts agree that many women could avoid large quantity problems with the genitourinary system, the only condition is to perform a daily set of special exercises to strengthen the muscles. They are designed not only to cope with a weak bladder, but can also act as a preventive measure for the development of this condition. Let's consider the most effective exercises to strengthen:

  • muscle tone
  • You should alternately tense and relax the muscles of the perineum. The tension lasts approximately 6 seconds, after which the muscles relax and tense again.
  • You will need to take a lying position on your back, and raise your leg up at an angle of 90 degrees and hold for 5 seconds. Then the leg is lowered and the right leg is raised in the same way. The next rise should occur at an angle of 45 degrees. During the last execution, the leg should not be more than 30 centimeters above the floor level.
  • Lying on your back, legs bent at the knees. The soles should be aligned together, and the knees should be spread apart as far as the stretch allows. You need to fixate in this position for 10 seconds, then bring your legs together and continue to spread them again.
  • You should sit on the floor, stretch your legs and bring them together, place your palms on your knees. Then start reaching for your toes and hold at the maximum point for 6 seconds.
  • Take a standing position, bring your legs together and bend forward, trying to reach the floor. Stand next to a chair, place your hands on its back, place your feet shoulder-width apart and do, so that your knees do not go beyond your toes.
  • You will need to take the ball, fix it between your knees and squeeze as hard as possible.

Relief from stress

A stressful situation can trigger urinary incontinence.

Bladder weakness is often caused by stressful situations. What should you do if your weak bladder symptoms are diagnosed due to stress? Doctors recommend resorting to relaxing massages, during which you can perform the following manipulations:

  • Take a lying position on your stomach and try to relax as much as possible. Pull the skin in the sacrum area with your fingers and stroke the resulting fold towards the spine. Stroking movements should be done for 8 minutes.
  • Perform the same manipulations in the lumbar region, 4 vertebrae higher than the sacrum.
  • You will need to sit down on the floor and put your legs towards yourself, and bring your feet together. Wrap your hands around your ankles, applying pressure with your elbows to your knees and trying to lower them down. Pressure should be applied for 11 seconds, then relax and shake your legs, and then do the same 10 times.
  • You should lie on your back, bend your legs at the knees, and then spread them apart, trying to make an effort.

For sitz baths, ready-made herbal preparations are used, in the form of tinctures or decoctions.

In addition to massage, a woman’s bladder can also be strengthened using heat. Let's consider popular methods:

  • Use of sitz baths.
  • Warm foot baths with chamomile. To do this, you need to take dried medicinal chamomile and add it to warm water (not higher than 36 degrees Celsius). It is important to resort to such baths every evening.
  • The use of warm heating pads, which will need to be applied to the lower area of ​​the peritoneum before going to bed.
  • Visit the bathhouse or sauna at least several times a month. It is important to remember that between visits to the steam rooms it is forbidden to take a cold shower or dive into the pool.

Lifestyle correction

To strengthen the muscles of the bladder, experts recommend changing your usual lifestyle by making a number of significant changes:

  • Adhere to a proper and balanced diet, which was agreed upon with your doctor.
  • Avoid drinking strong coffee and tea, as well as alcoholic drinks and soda.
  • Quit smoking or reduce the number of cigarettes.
  • Increase the amount of fluid you drink. Drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day.
  • Make a schedule for going to the restroom. For example, go to the toilet no more than once an hour.
  • Use special urological pads if you need to leave the house.
  • Get examined to make sure there are no infections or inflammatory processes in the bladder. In situations where they are present, carry out full treatment.
  • To strengthen the bladder, it is important to follow a special diet, which is prescribed by a specialist and includes a maximum of vitamins and minerals that the body needs for normal functioning.
    • Both female and male bladders need vitamins A, C and E, as well as sufficient amounts of zinc, so dietary nutrition must include a number of such products:
    • a large amount of seafood and fish;
    • cereals;
    • a lot of green vegetables (fresh);
    • dried fruits;
    • herbal teas;

    herbal decoctions.

Doctors strongly recommend including red fish in your diet at least occasionally, since it has a huge number of useful components, thanks to which not only the genitourinary system returns to normal, but also other vital human organs. When preparing food, it is important not to make it too hot, oily, salty or spicy. Salty foods provoke swelling and retain water in the body, while spicy foods have a diuretic effect. Fatty and spicy foods act as an irritant to the mucous membrane of a weak urinary cavity, provoking the urge to urinate, which does not allow strengthening the bladder.

Weakness of the bladder in most cases indicates the presence of a pathology that requires comprehensive diagnosis and timely treatment.

In order to begin the therapeutic process of getting rid of incontinence and strengthening the bladder, it is necessary to identify the cause of the failure and eliminate it. A decrease in muscle tone may be associated with injuries and aging of the body, as a result of which the bladder “shrinks” and decreases in volume. The following text will provide helpful information

about how to strengthen the bladder and get rid of problems with urinary incontinence in women with the help of medications or surgery.

Physiology of the Bladder Urination is a complex physiological act that involves the process of simultaneous relaxation of the external and internal sphincter with synchronous contraction of the bladder muscles. The muscles of the perineum and.

The urea has very elastic walls. In the case of normal functioning of the receptors, the signal about the urge to void enters the brain when the volume of urine reaches 160-170 ml.

Anatomical features The structure of the human bladder allows the volume of urine to accommodate no more than 1000 ml (based on average values). Due to the weakened muscles of the organ, the process of excretion and accumulation of urine becomes chaotic and uncontrollable.

According to medical statistics, such problems are most often observed in older women and children younger age. When the muscle walls of the bladder lose tone, the brain stops receiving neural signals that indicate it is full. Such communication disorders are fraught with (incontinence) and provoke the process of uncontrolled urine release.

Causes of pathology

If the body functions without any serious disturbances, the urinary musculature must block the urethral canal, so urine cannot be released uncontrollably. Men have problems with weak bladder often occur due to chronic prostatitis or prostate adenoma.

Women often have to face similar problems during pregnancy and the postpartum period, when the tone of the muscles of the perineum and pelvis is significantly reduced. Due to increased pressure on the row internal organs a constant compression of the bladder is created, which leads to weakening of the muscular sphincter and the muscles surrounding the bladder.

Manifestations of organ weakness

The problem of urinary incontinence may be associated with the presence in a woman of such as and, or with, arising due to phobias and worries.

The main symptoms of bladder weakness are an increase in night awakenings associated with a feeling of fullness of the bladder.

Effective treatments

A basic therapeutic intervention to strengthen the bladder in women involves regular execution an individually selected set of special . The purpose of such physical therapy consists of increasing the tone of the muscles surrounding the urinary cavity.

If the exercises do not have a positive effect, the doctor must select the optimal course of medications for the patient. Many doctors create special schedules for their patients to go to the toilet. The interval varies from an hour to two, and is selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.

Medication assistance

To strengthen the muscles surrounding the bladder, a course of pharmaceutical drugs is usually prescribed in combination with a number of physiotherapeutic procedures and a well-chosen diet.

Good results are demonstrated by medications such as Oxybutynin, Propantheline and Flapvoxate, which help strengthen the muscular system and prevent.

Disease prevention

For achievement best results In order to strengthen the bladder, it is worth making a number of adjustments to your usual lifestyle. First of all, you must adhere to the diet recommended by your doctor even after the condition of the genitourinary system improves. You need to give up addictions and drinking carbonated drinks, strong tea and coffee.

It is important to undergo a full diagnostic examination for the presence of inflammatory processes affecting bladder tissue. It is strongly recommended not to expose your body to hypothermia, and to avoid stressful situations and heavy physical activity.

Urinary disorders in adults and children are not the only pathologies for the treatment of which it is proposed to perform physical exercise to strengthen the bladder. Atony, neurogenicity, irritation syndrome, prolapse, polyps, hernias, diverticula, cystitis, endometriosis or sclerosis of the bladder walls.

Here is a far from complete list of diseases for which exercise therapy is part of the therapy. However, there are a number of bladder diseases in which excessive motor movement is contraindicated.

Therefore, engage in “amateur activities” and do special exercises to strengthen the bladder muscles is only possible for the prevention of diseases of the pelvic organs or urinary incontinence in the elderly. If there is a disease of the genitourinary system or a surgical operation has been performed in the pelvic area, the attending physician should create a set of exercises for the bladder, tell in detail when and how to do it, as well as how to complicate and increase physical activity.

This type of isolated movements, such as exercises to strengthen the walls of the bladder, which would only train muscle fibers its walls do not exist. Why?

The three muscle layers of the bladder or detrusor are bundles of smooth muscle cells, which are not controlled by human consciousness. To influence the muscular and mucous membrane (urothelium) of the bladder, it is necessary to force the nearby muscles and more to work.

A number of exercises that involve muscles are suitable for strengthening the bladder:

  • pelvic floor;
  • perineum;
  • abdominals;
  • hips;
  • buttocks

It should also be understood that the listed muscles should be worked in different ways:

  1. Pelvic floor muscles inner surface hips, buttocks, bottom part The abdominal press and oblique abdominal muscles must be pumped in interval mode - several (optimally 3) sets of dynamic or static repetitions of one exercise with minimal pauses between them. Isometric and strength (with weights) exercises are also shown, as well as exercises with a fitball, especially movements while sitting on it.
  2. Perineal muscles gluteal muscles, front and posterior muscles The hips need to be mostly stretched. Special stretching exercises or yoga asanas are suitable for this.

By doing pelvic floor exercises, you are also doing exercises to strengthen the sphincter (the sphincters responsible for holding urine) and the urogenital diaphragm muscles. The vast majority of sites and even half of practicing doctors advise loading these muscles almost constantly and in a “damn what” contraction mode.

Attention! Conducted in different countries Studies of exercises for the pelvic floor muscles have proven that their overdose (excessive load) aggravates it, leads to its leakage, and men may have problems with sexual intercourse.

It should also be noted that exercises for men, exercises for women and bladder strengthening exercises for children are the same. They can be performed from 3 years of age until old age. Only the number of repetitions and approaches will be different.

However, special Kegel exercises for the bladder, due to the specifics of their implementation and the complexity of the explanation, are simply not possible for small children to do, and “Elevator” is only available to the female sex, since it involves sequentially selective tension of the muscles surrounding the vagina.

How does the bladder become stronger?

If the muscular layer of the walls of the bladder cannot be strained at will, and they involuntarily contract only at the moment of emptying urine, then what is the mechanism for strengthening them, increasing tone and strength?

This becomes possible due to the fact that the work of nearby muscles has the following effects on the bladder:

  • blood circulation increases in small arterial vessels penetrating the mucous membrane;
  • opening and filling of small capillaries occurs, in which in the “normal” state blood circulation is barely possible;
  • venous congestion in the pelvic area is eliminated;
  • metabolism in the cells of the muscular lining of the bladder increases;
  • blood oxygen saturation increases, which means redox processes accelerate and tissue respiration improves;
  • cells of excess visceral adipose tissue are burned, reducing the volume of the bladder and reducing its tone.

On a note. By regularly performing exercises for the bladder muscles and strengthening the sphincters, women will definitely receive “bonuses” in the form of making it easier to achieve orgasm, prolonging it and increasing the strength of sensations, reducing the volume of the vagina, getting the opportunity to add variety to intimate life and the man receiving additional sensations during sexual intercourse.

Examples of exercises for the walls of the bladder

Let's start describing the examples with exercises that are available for the little ones. Of course, it is better to take your child to a physical therapy room for group exercises under the guidance of an instructor, but if this is not possible, then you can do it yourself.

The main thing is that the training gradually increases in duration from 10-15 to 30 minutes, first once and then 2 times a day, carried out in a playful way, and the relative conducting the lesson closely monitors the child’s mood and well-being - does not allow him to “suck” and to shirk from a sufficient number of repetitions, but also did not allow or force me to do the exercise with all my might, “I just can’t.”

The undoubted advantages will be conducting a lesson with your favorite music and doing some exercises with your child. There is no need to be ashamed that your results will be worse than his. On the contrary, children in such cases only show more diligence and interest.

For younger children

First you need to do the first exercise:

  1. Starting position: main stance. Do deep breath and simultaneously step to the side, spread your arms up and to the sides, bend back a little, inflate your stomach, imagine that your body is a large inflated balloon.
  2. Now “the ball needs to be deflated.” Exhaling noisily, take a step back, join your legs together and lean forward, trying not to bend your knees, and touch them with your forehead.

Number of repetitions – 4-6.

Then let the child be a “fun monkey.” This exercise is always done with a bang.” Ask your baby to move around the room on all fours (on his feet and hands). Allow 1-2 minutes for this exercise. If the child becomes very excited, interrupt the exercise by stretching his arms up and standing on tiptoes, then continue with the monkey image.

And at the end of the complex, invite the child to walk on his butt. You need to move forward, backward, sideways to the left and right.

At the same time, ask the baby not to bend his knees, but to move only his buttocks. In the middle of the exercise, invite him to remember and move a little as he did when he was very tiny - bending both legs at the same time, knees to the sides, and pulling his butt towards his heels.

You can learn how to stretch children's muscles so that the child can sit on the longitudinal and transverse “splits” by watching the following video:

Kegel exercises for teenagers and adults

The special exercises “invented” by gynecologist Arnold Kegel to prevent and treat uterine prolapse after childbirth were actually borrowed by him from the ancient Chinese “Deer Exercise” system and the ancient Indian practice “Horse Gestures”.

The following types of Kegel exercises are suitable for strengthening the walls of the bladder:

  • dynamic contractions of the pelvic floor muscles, performed in several approaches;
  • a series of static holds of tension in the pelvic floor muscles, followed by their relaxation.

On a note. It is not recommended to make short intermittent stops in the act of urination, due to tension of the affected muscle group, to maintain bladder tone. This exercise is prescribed for problems with sphincters, and is strictly prohibited in case of infectious and inflammatory processes.

The rules for performing these exercises are as follows:

  • You need to exercise every day, morning and evening, for 20-30 minutes.
  • To begin, the exercises are performed in a lying position with legs bent, then you can move on to mastering the same movements, but in a sitting position on a chair, and then move on to positions standing on the floor and sitting on a fitball. It is not forbidden to purposefully contract the pelvic floor muscles during general developmental exercises or yoga asanas.
  • The training consists of repeating the next block of exercises.
Description of action Dosage instructions
Dynamic repetitions of tension in the pelvic floor muscles, without tightening the muscles surrounding the anal sphincter. Number of repetitions until fatigue. The first series of contractions is on the count of “one and, two and, ...”, the second - on the count of “one, two, three, ...”, the third - as quickly as possible.
Relaxation of muscles without changing the main starting position. Until the discomfort in the pelvic area disappears.
Alternating between holding the contraction of the pelvic floor muscles and relaxing them. Holding tension and relaxation should be the same in time - from 7 to 11 seconds, no more. The number of repetitions is until fatigue, but no more than 8 times.
Relaxation of the muscles in the position: standing on your knees, which should be placed shoulder-width apart, resting on your forearms, forehead almost or touching the floor. Stay in this position for 2-3 minutes. Breathe calmly and shallowly. Then start doing everything from the very beginning. To avoid boredom, turn on music.
  • If your weekly regimen does not include other physical education activities that include exercises to build strength and stretch the muscles of the hips, groin, buttocks and abdominals, then immediately after Kegel exercises, perform a set of such exercises, which should last about 20 minutes. Make sure that strength exercises alternate with relaxation and stretching of the muscle being worked. For example, having pumped up your abs while lying on your back in 3 approaches until fatigued, roll over onto your stomach and freeze for 15-30 seconds in the “Cobra” asana.

Important! Kegel exercises should not be performed during menstruation, pregnancy, or within 30 days after childbirth or abortion. Direct contraindications also include hemorrhoids and fistulas in the colon. On the Internet you can find a recommendation to squeeze and unclench your pelvic floor muscles while carrying heavy objects, for example, on the way home from the store, carrying heavy bags of groceries. Do not do this under any circumstances, especially if there is inflammation of the genitourinary system.

“Exercise” for stretching the walls of the bladder

To strengthen the walls of the bladder, in addition to training to increase their strength, they must be periodically stretched moderately. This can only be done in one way - at the moment when it signals the need to go to the toilet, you need to make an effort, be patient and push back the moment of emptying for a few minutes.

In cases where this needs to be done with small children, the advice to distract the child from the idea that he needs to “go small” works well. But don't hide the potty or deliberately occupy the washroom.

The prohibition, impossibility or stress of conscious expectation will only make the situation worse. It is necessary to divert attention. For example, ask to urgently bring you some thing that the child likes.

Important! You cannot tolerate the urge to urinate for a long time. Excessive stretching of the bladder and weakening of the hip muscles can lead to the development of inflammatory processes. For those who have urolithiasis, such manipulations are generally prohibited.

A little trick for adults

There is another way that will help you lose weight, increase the tone of the abdominal muscles and bladder walls. Exhale halfway, pulling your stomach in slightly. In this state, tie a thick thread that is pleasant to the touch around your waist, but just below the navel. It is better to do this not on the naked body, but over a T-shirt or T-shirt.

This manipulation will force the abdominal muscles to be in constant slight tension, which will not only achieve the desired effect, but will also remove excess body fat in the waist and lower abdomen. True, this will require following a diet and continuing with special exercise therapy.

Finally, watch this great non-fiction video about the bladder. Perhaps it will become a motivator for refusing to self-medicate delicate problems that interfere with leading a normal lifestyle.

In women, bladder weakness and urinary incontinence are one of the most pressing problems associated with the characteristics of the endocrine system.

To strengthen the bladder, treatment should be aimed at restoring the bladder’s neck, reducing the time intervals between acts of urination, and increasing the capacity of the organ. In most cases, conservative therapy is sufficient. Surgical treatment is only necessary for severe degrees of urinary incontinence or when long-term use of medications and physiotherapeutic agents has not given the desired result.


Such problems occur in women because they are more likely to experience chronic infections of the genitourinary system due to a shorter urethra. Urethritis occurs, and with further spread of infection - cystitis. The anatomical features of the pelvic organs are such that the urethra, uterus, and rectum are located in close proximity, and problems with one organ cause problems in the urinary system.

Women are also at risk of tissue damage during childbirth. If the patient gives birth naturally, and such labor activity was rapid or, conversely, protracted, the bladder muscles may be stretched.

Factors that increase the risk of urinary incontinence include:

  • Varicose veins;
  • constipation;
  • hernias;
  • pathology of the uterus;
  • hormonal changes, especially during postmenopause.

A weak bladder has characteristic symptoms - involuntary release of urine even with small amounts of urine. physical activity, coughing or laughing. Other symptoms are frequent urination, including at night, and a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder. Much depends on what disease is accompanied by bladder weakness. With cystitis, it may be accompanied by an increase in temperature, pain and burning during urination.

The doctor will definitely refer the patient for a full examination, which includes an ultrasound of the pelvic organs, a series of neurological tests to assess the activity of the central nervous system and motor skills of the lower extremities.

Laboratory tests are carried out - from a general analysis of urine and its bacterial culture to uroflowmetry, which means a urinary stress test.


Physical activity and a variety of exercises are the key to the health of the genitourinary system. You need to train the muscles of the bladder regularly, i.e. every day, then in a month the results will be visible.

Kegel exercises are recommended. It is often performed by women after childbirth, and it is useful in such cases as well. The technique involves alternately tensing and relaxing the muscles of the perineum and pelvic area. You need to spend 5-8 seconds in each position. Then this tension and relaxation is repeated at a fast pace. Each movement is performed 5-8 times to begin with.

If a woman is worried about enuresis, then other physical exercises are performed to strengthen the muscles of the pelvis and perineum. Many of these movements are familiar from childhood - “bicycle” and “scissors”. If you don’t have time for full-fledged training, you can strengthen your muscles even while doing household chores - carry a small rubber ball between your legs, holding it as high as possible.

In old age, daily exercise should also be the norm. But often they are not enough. For ladies over 65-70 years old, doctors prescribe special support corsets and vaginal cones, which reduce the frequency of urination. In addition, physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed to stimulate muscle fibers and restore innervation of the urinary system.

There are exercises available at any age, and they take literally a few seconds. You can walk on tiptoes, synchronously squeezing the sphincter, which tones all muscle groups.

Drug treatment

If inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary organs occur, antibiotics are used. But drug treatment includes three groups of drugs:




Mainly drugs such as Ducolsitin and its analogues. This remedy allows you to take control of involuntary urination due to the fact that it interacts with compounds involved in transmitting impulses to the muscles. Sometimes other drugs are used, for example, imipramine, which helps to contract the bladder walls

Alpha adrenergic drugs

The drugs improve the condition of the sympathetic nervous system. A medicine such as Midodrine is prescribed, which strengthens the pelvic musculature. But it should be remembered that it is contraindicated for hypertensive patients, as it provokes an increase in blood pressure


Although hormones are released in different forms, in this case vaginal suppositories and creams are considered more effective. "Ovestin" has proven itself well. With the help of hormones, urinary incontinence is eliminated during menopause. Then the female body stops producing estrogen and the processes of atrophy of the mucous membranes of the urinary tract begin. Hormonal drugs inhibit this process, and the woman has better control over urination

If problems are associated solely with dysfunction of the urinary system, anticholinergic drugs are prescribed. They reduce bladder activity and reduce the frequency of urination. Among them there are inexpensive drugs - atropine sulfate, which directly reduces the tone of the bladder. This drug can be prescribed either orally or in the form of subcutaneous and intravenous injections.

There is a drug that is suitable for both older ladies and young women. This is Driptan. But it is contraindicated for cardiovascular diseases. Anticholinergic drugs have quite serious side effects. They provoke not only dry mouth, but also diseases such as candidiasis and caries. They are drunk only as prescribed by a doctor.

Sometimes, when problems with the bladder are caused not by diseases of the internal organs, but by various external factors, Desmopressin is prescribed - in the form of tablets or spray. This is an analogue of natural antidiuretic hormone. It does not affect the muscles in any way, but it reduces the amount of urine in the body. That is, it is useful when a woman is bothered by urination when coughing. The only contraindication is a lack of sodium in the body. Therefore, it is not prescribed to older women.

If problems with the bladder began due to vaginal prolapse, then installing a special uterine ring or tampon can cope with them. Of the medications, the most effective in these cases is Terazosin.

To treat urinary incontinence and any other problems associated with dysfunction of the bladder muscles, weight correction is necessary. Overweight lead to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure and displacement of the pelvic organs.

It is necessary to reduce the calorie content of the diet, exclude spicy and fatty foods, smoked and fried foods. It is recommended to avoid carbonated drinks, coffee and tea as they increase urine output. Instead, you should eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, lean meats and fish. If you have intestinal dysbiosis, it is recommended to drink natural yoghurt.

Doctors advise taking a course of treatment with probiotics. Especially in cases where the patient had previously taken antibacterial drugs. Sometimes tranquilizers are prescribed - Afobazol tablets.

If drug treatment carried out for a long time does not give the desired result, surgery is prescribed. It should reduce the volume of the bladder and improve the condition of its walls. Sometimes removal is carried out a certain area fabrics. But surgical treatment is practiced quite rarely.

Folk remedies

The most effective drugs for bladder problems are anticholinergic and hormonal drugs. But many women prefer to use folk remedies.

You can prepare a decoction of dill seeds:

  1. 1. Take 1 tbsp. l. raw materials per glass of boiling water.
  2. 2. Keep on low heat for several minutes.
  3. 3. Leave for a couple of hours in a thermos.
  4. 4. Strain.
  5. 5. Drink a glass right away, without being tied to the meal.

Another option is corn silk:

  1. 1. Infuse 1 teaspoon of raw material in a glass of boiling water.
  2. 2. Leave until cool.
  3. 4. Strain.
  4. 4. Add honey and drink like tea.

But we must remember that traditional methods are only an additional method to the main therapy.
