How to lift weights correctly without injuring your back? Lifting weights is harmful to a woman's health. Which muscles are responsible for lifting loads?

If I had known earlier how to lift weights correctly, I wouldn’t have had problems with my back and a hernia wouldn’t have appeared. All you had to do was follow a simple rule:
- We lift the load not by bending over and using the back muscles, but by squatting - the back must be straight - we rise using the leg muscles. We try to press the load closer to the chest. Why do you need to lift the load this way?

When the back is straight, the vertebrae are parallel to each other and the load on them is distributed evenly. And when the back is in a bent position, the vertebrae are displaced, and the intervertebral discs experience severe overload and become deformed (usually in the lumbosacral region). Over time, these overloads lead to the appearance of protrusions and hernias.

If problems with the spine appear, a person will no longer be able to lead a normal life and lift the same weights as before. And the weight of the lifted load now has to be limited.

To avoid overloading your spine, try not to carry a heavy load in one hand, but, if possible, divide it into equal parts and carry it in both hands.

If you still have to carry a heavy bag, you need to move it from one hand to the other and back more often, stop periodically, give your back and arms a rest.

When carrying heavy objects, it is better to use a wheeled bag, cart or backpack.

Feel free to use a fixing belt or corset that will prevent your spine from being injured.

It is not necessary to buy a special belt - you can tightly wrap a wide waffle towel around your lower back from chest level to sacrum. It is more convenient to do this together, securing the towel with pins. This way the spine is fixed, all movements will be correct and smooth and there is less risk of injury. Wear such a belt only during heavy work, and take it off when resting so that your back muscles do not become lazy.

Any objects from the floor should be lifted not by bending over, but by going down on one knee. But in the garden you need to work while sitting on a bench, or standing (sitting) on ​​your knees.

When lifting weights, you should not turn your body; turn your whole body towards the load that needs to be lifted.

Be sure to rest your spine every half hour. It could be as simple as a change of job that uses different muscles.

If suddenly there is a sharp pain in the lower back when lifting weights, your back does not straighten - do not try to straighten up by force. In this case, it is better to lie on your side or back until the pain subsides, then seek medical help.

Knowing these simple prevention techniques, you will protect yourself from the occurrence of a hernia in the lumbar region.
Video: how to lift weights correctly and strengthen your spine

Almost every person has problems with the spine, but not everyone has them clinically. And the spine can remind itself due to uncoordinated movements or heavy lifting, for example, in the garden. As chiropractors and neurologists note, in the summer the number of citizens’ calls with complaints of back pain increases significantly. However, knowing simple rules, even a fragile woman can painlessly transfer significant weight without harming the health of the spine.

Milena Sigaeva / “Health-info”

Doctors from the Federal Center for Manual Therapy spoke about how to lift weights correctly to the “Health” program: Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences Alexander Yuryevich Nefedov, Candidate of Medical Sciences Dmitry Nikolaevich Shubin and Chief Physician, Director of the Center for Manual Therapy, creator of the specialty manual therapy itself Anatoly Boleslavovich Sitel .

Spine structure

First of all, we need to say a few words about the structure of the human spine. This is the pillar of our body. It consists of 24 small vertebrae, with an elastic layer between the vertebrae called an intervertebral disc. The main function of the discs is not only to connect two vertebrae, but also to absorb static and dynamic loads that occur during any person’s life. Two hemivertebrae and an intervertebral disc together form a moving segment of the spine, which perfectly adapts to the center of gravity of each moving segment, like a mercury ball. The human spine is very strong and can withstand enormous loads - from 400 to 600 kg per cm 2. But as a result of various incorrect movements throughout a person’s life, segments of the spine appear that do not have time to return to their normal state and are displaced to the anterior, posterior or lateral sections of the spine. Inside the spine, intradiscal pressure gradually begins to increase. It can increase over 10 and 50 years. In the end, a person experiences discosis (a degenerative-dystrophic process in the intervertebral disc with spinal osteochondrosis) or, as they say in common parlance, osteochondrosis. With discosis, ruptures occur along the entire perimeter of the spine, and local pain appears. The next stage is the protrusion of the spinal segments. First it appears in the posterior part - the vertebrae begin to put pressure on the posterior longitudinal ligament, which has many nerve endings. In this case, sharp pain appears. The next stage is when a thoracic protrusion of the lower back of up to 12-15 mm already appears. In addition to pain, difficulty urinating or even paralysis of the lower extremities may occur.

How to lift weights correctly

Normally, our spine has a natural forward curve - lordosis. When you lift weights while leaning forward, the lordosis first straightens and then arches outward. And when we lift even a light object from the ground, the law of leverage comes into force. Its essence is that the closer the fulcrum is to the object, the easier it is to lift it. Our spinal column acts as a fulcrum when we lift weights. When bending over with an outstretched arm, the relative weight of the object increases tens of times. This is how much the load on our spine increases. The intervertebral discs become flattened, causing intervertebral pain and, as a result, severe back pain. Therefore, doctors prohibit lifting weights in this position.

If you want to know how to lift weights correctly and never have problems with your spine, then first imagine weightlifters. Remember in what position they lift the heaviest barbells. Almost every person can lift off the ground, if not a heavy barbell, then two buckets of water without any hindrance. Only this should be done by bending the knee joints, and not by straightening the back with a load. To make your buckets weigh less, stand between them strictly in the center. In this case, the distance between the load and the fulcrum will be minimal. Before lifting a weight, squat down without bending your back, then take the load in both hands, and also, without bending your back, rise up. This way the load on your spine will be distributed evenly, the intervertebral discs will not become deformed, and your back will not hurt.

To carry large or very heavy objects, such as bags, without harming your spine, hold them close to your body. At this moment, the law of physics will come into effect - the weight of the object will be evenly distributed along your spine, and the spine will retain its natural curves, which will allow it to withstand even a very heavy load.

Every day we are faced with the need to lift heavy things. It could be a grocery bag, seedlings, suitcase or table; You also have to carry small children in your arms, and this is also a serious burden. Some professions are directly related to the need to lift weights, and often all this leads to an exacerbation of chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Effects of lifting weights

Excessive stress on the musculoskeletal system can lead to the following consequences:

  • back pain;
  • protrusions;
  • increased varicose veins;
  • prolapse of internal organs.

Keeping healthy

We offer 9 most important tips:

  1. Set a limit for yourself - lift no more than 10 kg, while distributing the weight on both hands.
  2. If you have to lift weights, wear a belt - this will prevent your internal organs from drooping. It is important to tighten your belt well!
  3. Do not lift weights with a jerk, do it slowly, walk in small steps.
  4. Pushing is easier and more useful than carrying or pulling.
  5. Try not to rotate your torso at the waist if you have a lot of weight in your hands. Turn your whole body.
  6. Do not carry heavy items in your bag; a backpack is better for this.
  7. Hold heavy bags with handles with the backs of your hands facing forward.
  8. Try to carry children in your arms as little as possible.
  9. Before lifting weights, stand as close as possible to the object you want to pick up. Squat down, pull the object towards you and stand up. Keep your back straight. All this will significantly reduce the load on the lower back.

And most importantly, if there is an opportunity not to lift weights, it is better to completely abandon it.

Osteochondrosis is a common occurrence. In order not to worsen the health of the spine, it is important to learn how to move correctly. It is important to lift weights correctly.

Important Rules

Few people think about the fact that there are rules for lifting weights. Many people know the rule from childhood: “Don’t lift weights - you’ll break your back.” Many listened and understood what the warning meant? In addition to caring for loved ones, it is important to take care of yourself. It’s worth learning how to competently lift, carry, and lower heavy objects!

Failure to comply with the rules leads to:

  • Back pain;
  • Hernia;
  • Spinal diseases;
  • Radiculitis;
  • Phlebeurysm;
  • Uterine prolapse in women.

Worse, if the back muscles are weakened, lifting heavy things will be an unbearable burden for the spine. If you start working, lifting weights, listen to your body’s signals. If you experience difficulties or pain, this indicates health problems, errors in actions:

  • osteochondrosis, hernia, radiculitis;
  • rachiocampsis;
  • non-compliance with the technique of lifting things;
  • transfer of load to one side;
  • incorrect calculation of the weight of an object.

Weight lifting technique

  1. Weight estimation. It is important to estimate the weight of the item that needs to be moved. It is harmful to underestimate this parameter or overestimate it.
  2. Approach the item. Stand close. Correct body position – feet hip-width apart, one leg forward, will allow you to maintain balance.
  3. Half squat. Squat down so that your back does not arch and maintain a straight line, bend forward to comfortably grab the object.
  4. Grabbing gravity. Depending on the shape and design of the item, grab it with both hands (top, bottom) or pick it up under one edge, then under the opposite. It is worth leaning forward, leaning the load towards you.
  5. Lifting the body. Rise up without bending, gradually straightening your back from an inclination to a straight position. Don't turn around!
  6. Transfer, installation of an object. It is worth carrying the load, pressing tightly. This will allow you to strain your muscles less and distribute the load evenly. The object is placed in a new place in a half-squat position, maintaining a straight back position.

Knowing the technology, you can help your loved ones move or rearrange their home. Many people know the advice, have heard it, but do not always comply with the requirements.

  • Do not turn when lifting with heavy hands. Young mothers and grooms often make a mistake at a wedding;
  • If you need to carry groceries from the store to your home or car, divide the grocery cart into several bags. It’s better to overpay 5-10 rubles than to constantly be on painkillers;
  • Carry a load by pressing it to your torso. Tighten your pelvis, not your lower back;
  • After “dropping” a heavy object, it is important to rise correctly, you risk injuring your back!

On the Internet, you can hear bad advice from friends that should not be used:

  1. “Take a chair - it’s easier.” Sitting on a chair, the load falls on the lower back!
  2. “Don’t squat - your legs will get tired,” “... you’ll squeeze your veins.” It is better to sit down for a while than to reach for a load from a standing position. The lumbar spine bends strongly, even if you try to keep your back straight, the lumbar ligaments become strained, and the load increases.
  3. “Throw it behind your back - it’s easier!” The advice does little harm - it is important to maintain body balance. Correctly carry the load behind your back so that your back leans forward. Don't try to stay straight.

It is important not to make sudden movements. Try to act smoothly, gently lifting and lowering weights. If the load is heavy, you need to move a large object, you should not act alone. It is better to call a friend, relative, or neighbor for help.

The article was written for general educational development.

To establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment, ALWAYS consult a doctor

When you are moving heavy things in your home, remember that first of all, you need to know the basic techniques of lifting weights, otherwise, you may get serious injury while lifting. Safe lifting is a technique that can be learned through training in the gym, for example. When lifting any weight, there is a set of movements and repetitions that will help you avoid unnecessary stress and take a posture that is gentle on your back. When lifting a load, the muscles of the torso become a victim of increased tension, so it is necessary to increase their strength and endurance. Lifting requirements:


Part 1

    correct technique for lifting heavy objects Always start with a warm-up before any weight lifting. This will help circulate blood throughout the body, which in turn will increase the flow of oxygen to the muscles, allowing them to relax and increase their performance and elasticity. Warming up is simply necessary in order to avoid possible injuries and prepare the muscles for the upcoming load.

    Correct cargo weight. You need to lift a load that matches your strength training. Experts say that you need to increase the strength load on your muscles and take yourself out of your comfort zone, otherwise your physical fitness will remain at the same level without muscle growth. Experience comes with training, and if you are a beginner, take the advice of a professional to avoid injuries and mistakes.

    • Cargo. Start with light weights and gradually increase it during training.
    • Selection of cargo. Your main task during training is the correct selection of weight. If you use the same weight during training, you will only increase the stress on your joints without building muscle mass. Be extremely careful with sudden increases in loads - this can lead to serious injury. A balanced approach to training is the golden mean when playing sports.
  1. Repeat. Repeating the same movement during training promotes more intensive muscle building and development than lifting a maximum load one time. Increase the number of repetitions of the same strength exercise.

    • The “Pyramid” technique in strength training. This technique will help you effectively increase the number and intensity of repetitions in one or a set of strength exercises. So, for example, let's take a strength exercise, standing dumbbell curls: start with one arm, repeat the exercise 10 times, rest, and repeat the same exercise 15 times, then increase the number of repetitions to 20 times. Take a break and begin to reduce the load based on the countdown principle (you end up where you started). First 20 repetitions, then 15 and then only 10 times.
    • "Maximum cargo weight." Try gradually increasing the weight of the load with each repetition until you can lift it. Be extremely careful, because along with the advantages of this load, there are also disadvantages. The positive aspects include your body’s readiness to conquer new weight categories. This exercise, in itself, is more of a test than a training goal. The quieter you go, the further you'll get. Our advice is not to subject your body to this maximum stress more than once every few months.
  2. Movement Technique. When playing sports, there are a number of body movements that are characteristic only for performing a certain type of exercise. For example, the bench press technique is different from the deadlift technique. When bench pressing, you need to lower the barbell down to your chest and immediately raise the barbell up. Proper repetition technique is very important when performing these exercises.

    Slowly. There is no need to rush during exercises. The most effective workout takes one hour, but should not exceed more than 2-3 hours. Remember to be safe and that building muscle mass takes time.

    Breath. Breathing technique is important when playing sports. When lifting a load, you need to inhale through your nose to provide the body with the necessary flow of oxygen, and exhale through your mouth when lowering the load. Do not hold your breath and breathe freely, otherwise you may feel dizzy or lose consciousness. Don't focus on breathing. Simply inhale through your nose as you lift and exhale through your mouth as you lower the weight.

    Assistant. Try not to lift a load without outside support, even if you are sure that you can do it. Ask someone to back you up, this will prevent injury.

    End of training. It is very important to finish your workout properly, just as it is important to warm up before starting it. This will help your body cool down and your breathing to return to normal. The next day, your body and muscles will ache less from tension. This technique will also help you avoid possible injuries. You can use the same set of stretches as when you started your workout.

    Part 2

    trunk musculature
    1. Chest muscle training. The pectoral muscles are a large superficial muscle that includes the muscles of the shoulder girdle and chest. These muscles are trained using loads of different weight categories, just like push-ups.

      Back muscle training. Using loads of different weight categories is a great way to strengthen not only your back muscles, but also tone your entire body. The training will also involve the shoulder muscles, which are so necessary when lifting loads.

      Pump up your biceps. Depending on your goals, whether it’s going to a shooting range or professional shooting, big biceps are not a shame to capture in a photo.

      • How to pump up your biceps. You can train in a sitting or lying position. Alternate your arms with the correct weight, straighten your elbow as if a dumbbell is hanging from your arm, then bend your arm back towards your chest, squeezing your biceps.
    2. Squats. An intense workout is a full-body workout, including your legs. The leg muscles are a large muscle group that needs to be given proper attention. Take the barbell, carefully throw it over your shoulders, and do a squat. Your back should be as straight as possible, then push off the floor with force, returning to your original position.

    Part 3

    Create Your Own Workout Routine
    1. Exercises should differ both in their intensity and in their variety. It would be wrong to only bench press for the entire week. This will not bring results or benefit to anyone. Choose an individual training regimen; do not let your muscles get used to only one type of strength load. Change the exercises and vary the load, involving different muscles in the work. Here are some tips for adding variety to your workout routine:

      • Monday: Work your shoulder and upper chest muscles
      • Tuesday: Work on your leg muscles
      • Wednesday: Aerobics or running
      • Thursday: Chest and back muscles
      • Friday: Strengthen your abdominal muscles
      • Weekends are golden time for relaxation
    2. Listen to your body. You will feel when it is time to move up the weight category. Professionals call this a “training plateau,” when the body has adapted to strength loads.

      • Gradually increase the load so that you feel body resistance during the repetition.
    3. Add variety. Continue using the previously described “pyramid” technique, diversify it with elements of cardio. It’s very difficult at first, then take a break. In the future, when your body gets used to the new load, shorten the rest interval, for example, if you rested for one minute, then this time take a break for only 30 seconds, or maybe 15 if you are not so tired.

      • Listen to your body. Take your time. Fatigue will reduce your concentration and can lead to injury. Exercise so that you don’t overwork yourself and feel comfortable.