How to understand while squatting. On the toilet or squatting: what is the correct way to go to the toilet? Rehabilitation of the squatting pose: rest and work pose

Today, most of us use the so-called Western style sit-down toilet. But this method, which has become the most common for us, turns out to cause so much harm that it is even difficult to imagine.

“Letidor” will tell you why this situation is dangerous and what are the advantages of proper bowel movements. Have you noticed that to make newborns poop better, parents pull their knees to their chest? Do small children usually poop while squatting? The fact is that this is precisely the natural and natural position of the human body, designed to facilitate the process of defecation.

Why is the squatting position better?

It is natural for people to squat while performing various tasks, resting, or defecating. Because our body is designed in such a way that we can defecate easily and without putting pressure on our internal organs in a squatting position.

Here's what happens inside your body when you squat to defecate:

1. Imagine yourself squeezing bent knees to the breast, exactly the same as in the fetal position. You may feel pressure on your abdomen and stomach. This is exactly what happens when you squat during a bowel movement. Since your legs are bent and your knees are touching chest, in this position, gravity does most of the work. Additionally, your torso puts pressure on your abdomen (externally) and colon (internally), which stimulates the process of moving masses into the colon, rectum, and finally the anus.

2. Your right leg pushes the cecum and its contents up into the ascending colon, your left thigh lifts your sigmoid colon.

Both of these actions help move fecal matter around the intestines and prevent it from reaching the appendix.

3. The sigmoid colon has a natural kink (at the base) to prevent incontinence or accidental spewing of feces. Elevation of the sigmoid colon helps open the fracture, allowing the passage of masses into the rectum.

4. This position also helps to properly close the ileocecal valve (located between the colon and small intestine), which prevents backflow of masses and creates pressure in the colon, which also acts as a natural laxative.

5. Squatting also relaxes the puborectal muscle (located at the junction of the rectum and anus), which in turn allows fecal matter to be completely expelled.

Why sitting on the toilet is wrong

Sitting on the toilet as if it were a chair is an unnatural posture when defecating. This is because the body was not designed to perform this function in this position.

In fact, sitting level on the toilet restricts the passage of fecal matter.

The sigmoid colon does not rise and the kink does not relax. The same applies to the puborectal muscle, which does not relax, clogging the rectum, as a result, fecal matter is retained in the body and causes you discomfort.

Besides, in sitting position pressure is exerted due to the fact that when inhaling and exhaling, the diaphragm moves down, which is extremely harmful. Not only does this action weaken the puborectal muscle, it also causes mass to leak into adjacent parts such as the appendix. Also, if a person pushes too hard, it can damage their heart.

Additionally, when you sit, your ileocecal valve does not close tightly, making it difficult for your bowels to work to obtain the necessary pressure to have a bowel movement. All this leads to many ailments.

Benefits of defecation in the squatting position

Prevents the formation of hemorrhoids. The curve between the anus and rectum is partially straightened in the squatting position. This reduces pressure on the muscles and helps prevent hemorrhoids.

Helps fight constipation. If you have been constipated for some time, try squatting when you have a bowel movement. According to scientists, the squatting position not only makes bowel movements easier, but also allows for complete bowel movement.

Helps ease childbirth in pregnant women. The muscles in the pelvis, hips and vagina need to be strong and flexible to reduce damage caused by pressure during childbirth.

Squatting is your cousin, rapper Yung Hurn and Beyonce. This pose, somewhat reminiscent of visiting the toilet in a budget hostel somewhere in Vietnam, has become a massive trend. In Germany they recently began to call it “Russian squats.” Photographers adopt this pose when taking an important photo. But you can also find a lot of such photos on Instagram.

At the same time, you can sit anywhere - as long as the leg muscles can withstand it: on the stairs, on the steps in front of the museum, or in the very classic version - next to the barbell. Well, if you are Queen B herself, then you can even afford to sit on the roof of a sinking police car.

Why is everyone sitting “on the courts” now?

Apparently squatting is fashionable in 2016 because the pose seems aesthetically pleasing. This has become a kind of non-verbal code that expresses a certain trend consciousness without directly pointing to it. A person sitting “on the courts” seeks recognition on the Internet from people similar to him. Most are under 30 years old.

Researcher Charles Lewis writes in his essay “Photography, Consumerism and Patriarchy” about the influence of photography on the habit of posing for the camera: “A certain pose, accidentally adopted in an ordinary life situation, becomes standard when photographers pay attention to her.”

We already know this from the example of “Duckface” (a portrait with lips folded like a duck), which was replaced in 2015 by “Fish Gape”.

Before a certain pose (or gesture) becomes the subject of numerous Internet memes, it has only a small circle of fans - the so-called early adopters. They take this pose, take pictures and distribute their photos in in social networks. Thus, they exclude from their circle people who do not understand this code.

The situation comes to a head when this pose becomes mainstream - after which this kind of “cool factor” gradually begins to lose its meaning and loses it until it becomes the subject of ridicule. So in five years we will probably be able to laugh at ourselves again.

Have “Russian squats” already become mainstream?

Hard to say. The first signs of becoming mainstream are already visible. Beyonce appeared in this pose in the Foundation video, where she sits on the roof of a police car. Putin also sometimes squats.

© RIA Novosti, Dmitry Astakhov

At the same time, just recently, in January, the first Russian squat competition, Russenhocke-Challenge, was held on a Facebook page dedicated to “Russian squat”, to which users could send their own photos. Now this group has about 1440 likes. Accordingly, the number of photographs sent to the competition is not too large. The mainstream trend still looks different. For the photo with the most likes (139), its authors received a prize in the form of a 20 euro coupon for purchases on the Amazon website. The winners, Sasha and Ivan, still can’t decide which training pants they should buy with this coupon.

So it’s possible that this will remain an internet trend for some time to come.

Wasn’t there “squatting in Russian” before?

Yes, “Russian squats” did not appear yesterday. There is still lively debate as to whether this is a modification of a well-known rap pose or whether it has a completely different origin. In any case, “rapper squatting” became popular in the relevant environment back in the 1990s and early 2000s, when photographs of performers squatting adorned the covers of their albums.

The criminal world also contributed to the popularization of this pose. Additionally, squatting is common in the Middle East and Southeast Asia. There, perhaps, the clothing factor was at the forefront: men often wear wide skirts or, in the Arab world, robes, which are simply more comfortable to sit in than jeans.

Squatting “in Russian” is not only very convenient for drinking alcoholic drinks while waiting for a night bus, in a sense it is also an expression of benevolence: this position, like clothing, excludes strangers from one’s own circle - whoever does not squat is not with us. Sitting with your bros on the courts is about the same as sitting in the yard and smoking one cigarette in a circle.

Where the line lies between squatting “in Russian” and “in rap” is quite difficult for people far from this topic to understand. However, it is obvious that when people squat "in Russian", they do not fold their palms, as in prayer (as Justin Bieber once did), but rest their elbows on their knees, and their hands hanging down freely.

In Russia, squatting is common among the so-called gopniks - young hooligans and criminals from working-class areas. Ironically, they have something in common with fans of rap culture. They also embrace working-class attributes: they drink cheap alcohol, wear sweatpants and silver chains.

The name “Russian squats” itself should in no way be understood as derogatory - rather, on the contrary: everyone wants to relax like Russians. Or like those who wear polo caps and expensive sneakers and pass themselves off as such. This stereotypical picture is reinforced not only by the pose - a certain fetish of street clothes is also characteristic of a more or less successful introduction to this distant culture. Children from middle- and high-class families, familiar with this cultural code, also try to conform to it - albeit in a more refined style.

Like any other Internet phenomenon, “Russian squats” have copies, and not always successful ones. So if your older siblings suddenly start emulating this trend, know that it's time for you to change your profile photo.

InoSMI materials contain assessments exclusively foreign media and do not reflect the position of the editorial board of InoSMI.

Why can't girls squat? Probably, many girls have heard that they do not want to squat, but few know why. In this article we will try to figure out why girls should not squat.

This habit of squatting appears in us since childhood and is so commonplace that we squat involuntarily, without thinking about whether it is possible to do it or not.

It is enough to remember in what position we work in the garden or clean the house, and it immediately becomes clear that we very often squat. But few people know that girls, especially pregnant women, are prohibited from taking this position.

Reasons why girls shouldn't squat

  1. When squatting, the outflow of blood in the legs greatly worsens, this has a strong negative effect on lower limbs and on blood circulation in them.
  2. With this position, the arteries are severely compressed, and this in the future can lead to that unpleasant disease such as varicose veins veins
  3. Also, when we squat, the pressure on the internal organs sharply increases, they begin to shrink.
  4. And one more very important reason, according to which girls should not squat: with such a seemingly comfortable position, the girl’s pelvis puts a lot of pressure on the uterus, and this has a negative impact on women’s health. And for pregnant girls, this can cause premature birth or even miscarriage.


Razg. Sit with your knees bent and on your toes. FSRY, 208; BMS 1998, 306.

Big dictionary Russian sayings. - M: Olma Media Group. V. M. Mokienko, T. G. Nikitina. 2007 .

See what “Squatting” is in other dictionaries:

    Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    1. SIT1, sitting, sitting; sitting, imperfect 1. Be in a position in which the body rests on something with its lower part. Sit on the chair. Sit on a chair. Sit in a chair. Sit at a table. “My wolf is sitting with his butt pressed into the corner.” ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    SIT, sit (continuation of the verb to sit) on what, gray church. be in a sitting position; sit down and remain in this position. The man sits, bent at the hips and knees; the animal sits in the same way, but resting its front paws on the ground; if they... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    Verb., nsv., used. max. often Morphology: I am sitting, you are sitting, he/she/it is sitting, we are sitting, you are sitting, they are sitting, sit, sit, sat, sat, sat, sat, sitting, sitting, sitting; noun, p. sitting... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

    I’m sitting, sitting; sitting; nsv. 1. Be in vertical position, in which the body rests on something. his bottom, and the legs (paws) are bent or extended; take a seat where l. S. on the back desk, on the sofa, on a log, on... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    sit- sit / sit / sit; si/dia; nsv. see also sitting, sitting, sitting, seat 1) a) Be in an upright position in which the body rests on something. with its lower part, and its legs (paws) are bent or extended; take a seat somewhere... Dictionary of many expressions


The squatting pose (Utkasana) does not require any special skill or special training. Only lack of mobility knee joints may cause difficulties in its implementation.

Execution technique

There are 3 options for performing this pose.

1 option

Stand up straight. Legs slightly apart. As you rise onto your toes, inhale deeply, then begin to lower your torso, exhaling slowly, so that you end up sitting on your heels. Slowly rise to initial position, keeping your back straight.

Option 2

Do the same, but without lifting your heels off the floor. Then squat down, with your buttocks almost touching the floor, your body slightly tilted forward, and your stomach pressed against your thighs.

Option 3

The third option is much more difficult: you need to squat down, keeping your legs together and not lifting your heels off the floor.

Number of repetitions

Repeat any of the three options 3-4 times or do all three once. Then lie down and do the exercise several times.

If your knees have lost flexibility and you cannot lower your body into a squatting position, begin training while holding a door handle (open the door and hold the handles on both sides of it). You can hold on to any other support that will support your weight and not fall on you. Gradually squat lower and lower, making light springing movements. In a few days you will be able to squat much better.


This pose gives flexibility to weak and painful knees, relieves lumbago, and also treats lumbago. A practitioner of this pose can easily climb up stairs. She is also good exercise for skiers and climbers.

However, all this is not the main reason for studying this pose. You need to learn how to perform it correctly to better cleanse the body. Nature itself suggested to us such a pose as the optimal position of the body when removing decay products and toxins, when the spine is slightly tilted forward and the hips are pressed to the stomach.
