History of basketball. The most complete calendar of sports dates and events What sports game was invented by James Naismith

122 years ago, on January 15, 1892, James Naismith first published the rules of basketball.
Basketball is perhaps the only popular sport whose date and place of origin are known for certain. More than a dozen books have been written about this significant event, often with fictitious details telling about the first steps of this future addiction of millions. And yet, it makes sense to at least schematically outline the main points of the formation and development of basketball, an artificially figurative game that in a matter of decades managed to win the hearts of fans all over the world, which in itself seems to be an unprecedented phenomenon.

The concept of basketball originated in his school years, while playing “duck-on-a-rock”...
The meaning of this game, popular at that time, was as follows: by tossing one, not large, stone, it was necessary to hit the top of another, larger stone with it.

Already, as a physical education teacher and college professor in Springfield, James Naismith was faced with the problem of creating a game for the Massachusetts winter, the period between baseball and football competitions.
Naismith believed that due to the weather at this time of year, the best solution would be to invent a game for indoors.

Naismith wanted to create an outdoor game for Christian Worker School students that involved more than just the use of force.
He needed a game that could be played indoors in a relatively small space.

And so, in December 1891, James Naismith presented his unnamed invention to his gymnastics class at the Springfield YMCA.

The first game

The first game was played with a soccer ball,
and instead of rings, Naismith attached two simple baskets to the balcony railings on both sides of the gym,
and to top it all off, posted on the notice board a list of thirteen rules that were to govern this new game...
But soon after the first game, the sheet with the rules disappeared...

And, a few days later, one of Naismith's students, Frank Mahon, confessed to the “crime”...

“I took them,” Mahon told his teacher.
“I knew this game would be a big success and I took them as a souvenir.
But now I think they should belong to you...”

In less than an hour, James Naismith, sitting at his desk in his office at the YMCA, formulated thirteen rules of playing basketball. Here they are:

1) The ball can be thrown in any direction with one or two hands

2) The ball can be hit with one or two hands in any direction, but in no case with a fist

3) The player cannot run with the ball. The player must pass or throw the ball into the basket from the point where he caught it, with the exception of a player running at good speed.

4) The ball must be held with one or two hands. Do not use your forearms or body to hold the ball.

5) In any case, hitting, grabbing, holding and pushing the opponent is not allowed. The first violation of this rule by any player shall be recorded as a foul (dirty play); a second foul will disqualify him until the next goal is scored and, if there was clear intent to injure the player, for the entire game. No substitution is allowed.

6) Hitting the ball with your fist is a violation of rules 2 and 4, the punishment is described in paragraph 5.

7) If one of the sides commits three fouls in a row, they must be recorded as a goal for the opponents (this means that during this time the opponents must not commit a single foul).

8) A goal is counted if the ball thrown or bounced off the floor hits the basket and remains there. Defensive players are not allowed to touch the ball or basket while shooting. If the ball touches the rim and the opponents move the basket, a goal is awarded.

9) If the ball goes into touch (out of bounds), then it must be thrown into the field by the first player who touched it. In case of a dispute, the referee must throw the ball into the field. The thrower is allowed to hold the ball for five seconds. If he holds it longer, the ball is given to the opponent. If either side tries to stall, the referee must give them a foul.

10) The referee must monitor the actions of the players and fouls, and also notify the referee of three fouls committed in a row. He is vested with the power to disqualify players under Law 5.

11) The referee must watch the ball and determine when the ball is in play (inside the court) and when it goes into touch (outside the court), which side should have the ball, and also control the clock. He must determine whether a target is hit, keep a record of goals scored, and perform any other actions that are normally performed by a referee.

12) The game consists of two halves of 15 minutes each with a five minute break between them.

13) The side that scores more goals in this period of time is the winner.

First Basketball Hall, YMCA Springfield Junior College,
Massachusetts. Peach basket attached to balcony

Over time, basketball has changed...

At first it was a game of patience and strategy...
Most of the early games had scores that never exceeded 15 or 20 points.

Naismith closely followed the development of sports, represented in many nations by the YMCA movement, as early as 1893.
Basketball was first introduced to the Olympic Games in Berlin in 1936.
At the height of the game, Naismith was inducted into the Basketball Hall of Fame, despite the fact that it was already named after him.

Basketball has come a long way since James Naismith.
And today it is one of the most popular sports in the world, which would not have been possible without Dr. James Naismith, the founder of this magnificent game.

James Naismith
James Naismith
Date of Birth November 6(1861-11-06 )
Place of Birth
  • Almonte[d], Mississippi Mills, Lanark County[d], Ontario, Canada
Date of death November 28(1939-11-28 ) (78 years old)
A place of death
  • Lawrence, Kansas, USA
A country
Occupation inventor, basketball coach, writer, cleric, doctor
Awards and prizes
Media files on Wikimedia Commons

Naismith worked as a physical education teacher at the Springfield International Training School in the United States. In search of increasing the physical activity of students in the winter, he came up with a similar game with a ball in the hall.


Naismith was born in 1861 in the village of Ramsay (eng. Ramsay Township, later included in the city of Almont (Ontario), now Mississippi Mills). In 1883 he graduated from Almonte High School.

The first officially recorded basketball game took place in December 1891. He walked in a way that was not entirely familiar to us. So, Naismith’s teams had 9 people (the doctor simply divided the group of his students equally), and they played with a soccer ball.

The news of the new sports game spread all over America, and soon the college where Naismith taught began to receive many letters, the authors of which asked to send them the rules of the game.

On January 15, 1892, James Naismith first published the rules of basketball in the Triangle newspaper, published at Springfield College. In 1892, the first Book of Rules for the Game of Basketball was published, containing 13 points, many of which are still in effect today. Although in some ways the “Naismith rules” differ from modern ones.

  • The player cannot run with the ball. The player must throw the ball from the point where he caught it, with the exception of a player running at high speed.
  • The ball must be held with your hands. Do not use your forearms or body to hold the ball.
  • In any case, hitting, grabbing, holding and pushing the opponent is not allowed. The first violation of this rule by any player shall be called a foul; a second foul will disqualify him until the next goal is scored, and if there was obvious intent to injure the player, then he will be disqualified for the entire game. However, it is not allowed to replace a disqualified player.
  • Hitting the ball with your fist is a violation of rules 2 and 4, the punishment is described in paragraph 5.
  • If either side commits three fouls in a row, then a goal is recorded for its opponent (this means that the opponent must not commit a single foul during this time).
  • A goal is counted if the ball thrown or bounced off the floor enters the basket and remains there. Defensive players are not allowed to touch the ball or basket while shooting. If the ball touches the rim and the opponents move the basket, a goal is scored.
  • If the ball goes out of bounds, it must be thrown onto the field by the first player to touch it. In case of a dispute, the referee must throw the ball into the field. The thrower is allowed to hold the ball for five seconds. If he holds it longer, the ball is given to the opponent. If either side tries to stall, the referee must give them a foul.
  • The referee must monitor the actions of the players and fouls, and also notify the referee of three fouls committed in a row. He is vested with the power to disqualify players under Rule 5.
  • The referee must keep an eye on the ball and determine when the ball is in play (inside) and when it is out of bounds (outside), which side should be in possession of the ball, and any other actions that a referee would normally perform.
  • Basketball- a sports team game with a ball, which is included in the program of the Olympic Games. The etymology of the game comes from the addition of two English words basket "basket" and ball "ball".

    The goal of each team is to throw the ball into the opponent’s basket as many times as possible within the allotted time. A basket is called a suspended at 3.05 m ring with mesh at the bottom. Hits are scored based on the position the player occupies on the field at the time of the throw.

    A Brief History of the Origins of Basketball

    There is an opinion that basketball originated many centuries ago.

    Invention: who invented modern sport, where it first originated

    The ancestor of modern basketball is ritual Mayan Indian game- “Pitz”, currently known as “ulama”.

    In Mexico, archaeologists discovered the first rubber balls, weighing several kilograms, which were invented in 2500 BC e. Found only on the territory of modern Guatemala 500 places to play Pizz.

    The game not only depicted the ritual battle between the gods in the sky, but also served to resolve disputes between communities.

    The essence of the competition was that you had to throw the ball into a ring located on the podium 10 meters high without using your hands, pushing him with your head, hips, elbows and legs. The number of players on the team varied from 2 to 5. The ring was located vertically on the sides of the field. The team that won was the first one to hit the ring. You could say that Pitz was a mixture of football and basketball.

    Attention! It is believed that in some cases the captain, and sometimes the entire losing team at the time, lost their heads.

    The inventor of modern basketball is called James Naismith (1861-1939), who taught physical education to students at the Springfield Christian Worker School in Massachusetts.

    Photo 1. The creator of modern basketball, James Naismith. The inventor holds one of the first basketballs in his hands.

    The game was invented due to the need to diversify the winter pastime of their charges. The students were divided into two groups and pursued the goal of throwing the ball into a fruit basket with a bottom attached to the wall.

    Reference. A number of researchers believe that Naismith was inspired by a children's game "duck on a rock", in which you need to hit a small stone on top of a larger stone.

    First basketball match

    In 1892 the first match was played between the teams consisting of of 9 players, ending with a score 1:0. The popularity of the new dynamic game quickly gained momentum. Due to the rapid development and increasing incidence of unfair play, Naismith was forced to develop the first rules.

    James Naismith's first 13 rules of basketball:

    1. The ball can be thrown in any direction with one hand.
    2. On the ball You can't hit with your fist.
    3. On the ball You can hit with one or two hands.

    1. The ball must be held with your hands, the use of the body and forearms is prohibited.
    2. The player can only run with the ball at speed, otherwise he must pass the ball or throw the ball into the basket.
    3. You cannot push, grab, hold or hit your opponent. The violation is recorded as a foul, with a second foul the player is disqualified.
    4. Three fouls by the opponent count as a goal for the other side.
    5. If the ball gets stuck in the basket, it is counted as a goal, while defending players are prohibited from kicking the ball or touching the basket.
    6. In an offside situation, the ball is put into play by the first player to touch it. 5 seconds to throw in, if the player holds it longer, the ball goes to the opponent.
    7. The referee monitors the players' actions and fouls; he has the power to remove players.
    8. The referee determines the position of the ball(in play, out) and which side should have the ball.
    9. The game consists of two halves of 15 minutes with a break of 5 minutes.
    10. The team that scores more goals is considered the winner.

    Modern rules have undergone a number of changes, for example:

    • 4 halves of 10 minutes, with breaks - 2 minutes after the first and before the last round and 15 minutes between the second and third rounds.
    • With a ball you can run, throw with both hands and help him in flight.
    • Allowed 5 fouls and player replacement.

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    Development and formation

    The first matches revealed the shortcomings of the new game and caused practical changes: The bottom of the basket is cut out, shields appear to protect the basket, and after a few years the baskets themselves are replaced with an iron ring with a mesh.

    In parallel with men's basketball, women's basketball also developed, the first rules of which were invented by Senda Berenson in 1892. Despite the long practice of various competitions, women's basketball was included in the Olympic program only in 1976

    In what year did professional leagues appear?

    In the early stages, basketball spread spontaneously in educational institutions in the USA and Canada.

    In 1898 in the USA created the first professional National Basketball League to survive 5 years, and then broke up into several independent leagues.

    Basketball spreads from America to the East (Japan, China), and then to Europe and South American countries.

    After World War I The Amateur Athletic Union and the National Collegiate Athletic Association took over the organization and management of the games in America. In the 20s National federations are beginning to be actively created.

    Important! Contracts with players were concluded not for the season, as is currently the case, but for the game. The player's bet was 1 dollar per minute, which was considered a very impressive amount.

    In 1925, the American Basketball League was created, which united all the teams in the northeast of America. Late 20s - early 30s In the United States, almost all basketball competitions were canceled due to the Great Depression.

    A milestone in the development of sports is the creation of the International Basketball Federation in 1932 (FIBA). In 1936 By decision of the Olympic Committee, under the auspices of FIBA, the first Olympic Games are held in Berlin.

    In the 40s Due to the outbreak of World War II, basketball, like other sports, faded into the background. Inexhaustible interest in sports during difficult years for the United States was supported by the rapid development of the student league.

    Reference. The guest of honor of the first games is their creator James Naismith, in whose honor in 1959. will be named the Basketball Hall of Fame, perpetuating the brightest players, the best matches and memorable moments of the game.

    The emergence of the NBA

    National Basketball Association (NBA) was formed in 1946 by the merger of two organizations: National Basketball League and Basketball Association of America.

    It is one of the leading and most influential men's professional leagues in North America to this day, which includes 30 teams.

    The most titled club in the league - Boston Celtics, on whose account 17 wins. They are following him Los Angeles Lakers and Chicago Bulls.

    Merger with ABA

    In parallel with the first tournaments, the NBA is developing American Basketball Association (ABA), united under its wing 11 teams. Unable to withstand competition with the NBA, the association disintegrates 3 years later, and the teams join the winner.

    Important! The ABA went down in history because at its championships a three-point shot was counted for the first time - an accurate shot made from behind the arc (at a distance 724 cm from the ring).

    The history of the creation of domestic basketball

    Basketball was also actively developing in the vastness of our country.


    The first mention of basketball in Russia is for 1901 and belongs to the founder of Russian football George Duperron. The first games in the new sport begin to be held in the St. Petersburg society for the physical and moral education of youth "Mayak", based on a donation from an American James Stokes.

    In 1906 The first team was founded on the basis of Mayak. In 1909. The first “international” match is held, with the participation of an American team, hastily put together from Christian missionaries who arrived on the ship.

    The best of 6 teams the Lilov team, led by the pioneer of Russian basketball, was recognized Stepan Vasilievich Vasiliev.

    By 1910 basketball begins to take root in the largest physical education society of that time, “Bogatyr”, thanks to which it begins to spread to other cities of the empire.

    In 1913 The first rules of the game, then called “ball in a basket,” were published.

    Game distribution

    After the October Revolution the new sport receives all-Union recognition. In 1920 Basketball is introduced as a separate discipline in educational institutions and the Soviet school of basketball begins to form. In 1923 The first national championship took place in Moscow. Methodological developments and rules of the Soviet school largely coincided with international ones.

    Reference. TO 1941. in the USSR there were about 82 thousand basketball players.

    In 1947 The Soviet section joins the International Basketball Federation and begins to participate in international competitions. Both the men's and women's teams have shown good results for many years, taking prizes at the Olympic Games and the World and European Championships.

    After the collapse of the USSR, Russian basketball is undergoing a restructuring. In 1991 created Russian Basketball Federation (RFB).

    Photo 2. Modern logo of the Russian Basketball Federation. The organization was created in 1991.

    Since 1992 The Russian Basketball Championship is held among women and men. By 1995 a super league has been created, which includes six leading men's teams.

    In 2015 Due to scandals associated with the Federation, all Russian teams were suspended from participation in international competitions. Interest and level basketball teams has fallen sharply in the last decade. At the moment, the Russian team is unable to pass the threshold of the qualifying round of the competition.

    History of Veterans Basketball

    Movement of maxibasketball - competitions in which athletes play over 30 years old- has roots in Buenos Aires, where in 1969 The first veterans' games were held. Ibid. in 1991 The first World Basketball Championship among veterans took place. In 1992 The International MaxiBasketball Federation (FIMBA) was formed in Argentina. Now the federation includes 40 countries, including Russia.

    Competitions are held in different age categories for men and women from 30 years old, in increments of each category 5 years each. Additional categories are provided for male athletes: 65+,70+ and 75+.

    Photo 3. Basketball game among veteran men. Athletes who are over fifty years old play.

    How BASKETBALL was created!

    James Naysmith

    Dr. James Naysmith is known throughout the world as the inventor of basketball. He was born in 1861 in Ramsay, a town near Almonte, Ontario, Canada...

    Already, as a physical education teacher and college professor in Springfield, James Naismith was faced with the problem of creating a game for the Massachusetts winter, the period between baseball and football competitions.

    Naismith believed that due to the weather at this time of year, the best solution would be to invent a game for indoors.

    Naismith wanted to create an outdoor game for Christian Worker School students that involved more than just the use of force.

    He needed a game that could be played indoors in a relatively small space.

    And so, in December 1891, James Naismith presented his unnamed invention to his gymnastics class at the Springfield YMCA.

    The first game

    The first game was played with a soccer ball, and instead of hoops, Naismith attached two simple baskets to the balcony railings on either side of the gymnasium, and to top it all off, posted on the notice board a list of thirteen rules that were to govern this new game...

    But soon after the first game, the sheet with the rules disappeared...

    And, a few days later, one of Naismith's students, Frank Mahon, confessed to the “crime”...

    “I took them,” Mahon told his teacher.

    “I knew this game would be a big success and I took them as a souvenir. But now I think they should belong to you...”

    First Rules of Basketball

    In less than an hour, James Naismith, sitting at his desk in his office at the YMCA, formulated thirteen rules for playing basketball.

    Here they are:

    The ball can be thrown in any direction with one or two hands.

    The ball can be hit with one or two hands in any direction, but never with a fist.

    The player cannot run with the ball. The player must pass or throw the ball into the basket from the point where he caught it, with the exception of a player running at good speed.

    The ball must be held with one or two hands. Do not use your forearms or body to hold the ball.

    In any case, hitting, grabbing, holding and pushing the opponent is not allowed. The first violation of this rule by any player shall be recorded as a foul (dirty play); a second foul will disqualify him until the next goal is scored and, if there was clear intent to injure the player, for the entire game. No substitution is allowed.

    Hitting the ball with your fist is a violation of rules 2 and 4, the punishment is described in paragraph 5.

    If one of the sides commits three fouls in a row, they must be recorded as a goal for the opponents (this means that the opponents must not commit a single foul during this time).

    A goal is counted if the ball thrown or bounced off the floor enters the basket and remains there. Defensive players are not allowed to touch the ball or basket while shooting. If the ball touches the rim and the opponents move the basket, a goal is awarded.

    If the ball goes into touch (out of bounds), it must be thrown into the field by the first player to touch it. In case of a dispute, the referee must throw the ball into the field. The thrower is allowed to hold the ball for five seconds. If he holds it longer, the ball is given to the opponent. If either side tries to stall, the referee must give them a foul.

    The referee must monitor the actions of the players and fouls, and also notify the referee of three fouls committed in a row. He is vested with the power to disqualify players under Law 5.

    The referee must watch the ball and determine when the ball is in play (inside) and when it goes into touch (outside), which side should have possession of the ball, and control the clock. He must determine whether a target is hit, keep a record of goals scored, and perform any other actions that are normally performed by a referee.

    The game consists of two halves of 15 minutes each with a five minute break in between.

    The side that scores more goals in this period of time is the winner.

    James Naismith was born November 6, 1861, in Ramsey, Canada. Since childhood, the boy was fond of sports, especially game sports. While studying at the University of Montreal, he played mainly in types of football: European and Canadian. Among the predecessors of basketball, the children's game “duck on a rock,” common in the 19th century in some countries, with which James was well acquainted, is often cited. The meaning of the game: by throwing a small stone, the player must hit the top of another, larger stone.

    It was during the game of “duck on the rock” that the “basketball concept” arose in young Naismith’s head in general terms. The game finally matured when James began teaching anatomy and physical education at the YMCA International Youth Training College in Springfield.

    Naismith noticed that winter gymnastics classes in the hall seemed monotonous to students, and decided to occupy them with some new outdoor game of dexterity and coordination, which could be carried out indoors. At different ends of the gym, two baskets, “basket” in English, were attached to the balcony that surrounded it along the perimeter, hence the name of the new fruit game. The height from the floor to the edge of the balcony turned out to be 3 m 5 cm, hence the standard that is maintained to this day on all basketball courts in the world. Students needed to hit the ball into a basket. This is how a well-known and popular sports game appeared: basketball. This happened December 1, 1891.

    The first officially registered basketball match took place December 21, 1891. It was not quite as usual for us. So, Naismith’s teams played with 9 people. The coach simply divided his group of students equally. The game was played with a soccer ball.

    The news of the new sports game spread all over America, and soon the college where Naismith taught began to receive many letters, the authors of which asked to send them the rules of the game. James Naismith January 15, 1892 first published the rules of basketball in the Triangle newspaper, published at Springfield College. In the same year, the first Book of Basketball Rules was published, containing 13 points, many of which are still in effect today.

    The amazing popularity of the game he invented speaks for itself by the fact that already in 1904, at the Olympics, the first demonstration game was demonstrated to the public. A large-scale basketball tournament took place during the 1936 Olympics in Berlin, which was attended by the creator of the game himself.

    James Naismith has passed away November 28, 1939 in the American city of Lawrence, surrounded by five children and many grandchildren.

    In memory of James Naismith

    Corday-Morgan Prize

    The Basketball Hall of Fame, which honors players, teams, coaches and officials who have contributed to the development of basketball, is named after James Naismith.
