“It took a long time to achieve this victory”: Russia won five gold medals for the first time at the International Physics Olympiad. Russian schoolchildren collected all the highest awards at the Physics Olympiad in Indonesia. And what are the benefits of victories at the Olympiads for the children themselves?

Last days The media headlines are full of news about the victory of Russian schoolchildren at the International Physics Olympiad IPhO 2017 - for the first time in the history of participation of Russia and the USSR at IPhO, all members of the team received gold medals. We talked with the guys and learned details about their victory and plans for the future.

Last week, the 48th International Physics Olympiad IPhO 2017 took place in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. More than 400 schoolchildren from 88 countries took part in it. About half of the young physicists received medals, and the highest award, gold medal, were presented to 60 schoolchildren.

Russia was represented at the Olympiad by four eleventh-graders and one tenth-grader from different parts of the country: Dmitry Plotnikov from Moscow school No. 1329, Stanislav Krymsky from the academic lyceum “Physical and Technical School” of St. Petersburg, Vasily Yugov from school No. 146 Perm, Kirill Parshukov from the physics and mathematics boarding school of the Komi Republic and Sergey Vlasenko from school No. 8 in Voronezh. The team’s preparation took place at MIPT; teachers, graduate students and students of the Physics and Technology Institute worked with the schoolchildren.

From left to right: Vasily Yugov, Dmitry Plotnikov, Kirill Parshukov, Stanislav Krymsky, Sergey Vlasenko

Tell us about your passion for physics. Where did you start, how did you get to such a high level?

Sergey Vlasenko: I probably got my interest in physics and mathematics from my grandfather - he was an engineer. I started studying physics seriously in the 9th grade, when I passed the Vseros. And then things just happened.

Kirill Parshukov: In the summer after 8th grade, I went to the Kirov LMS, where I became interested in Olympiad physics. I set myself the goal of qualifying for Vseros at 9, and became a prize-winner. In 10th grade he was among the candidates for the national team.

Dmitry Plotnikov: The physics teacher from Lyceum 1524 motivated me; I studied there from 6th to 9th grade.

Stanislav Krymsky: When I was studying at primary school, I was interested in reading physics textbooks. Therefore, by the 6th grade I was already ready to participate in the city Olympiad in this subject. The tasks for 7th grade were simple, but for 8th grade and above they already caused difficulties; I had to study a lot. Gradually I learned the theory, but I had to learn how to solve problems by applying it. I took the archive of the Olympiad for a certain class, solved problems for all the years. It became a habit, like exercise. In 2014 I passed all-Russian, I was then in 7th grade. Became a prize-winner. That’s when Valery Pavlovich Slobodyanin called me to Dolgoprudny for training for the IJSO. At the training camp, I realized that I can do a lot. I believed in myself. It was motivating. In addition to physics, it was necessary to go very deep into chemistry and biology, because at IJSO assignments are given in all three subjects. In the end, I made it to the team and in Argentina I received my first international gold medal, albeit a junior one. It was then that my teammates explained to me that only participation in the “big international competition” – IPHO – could be considered a real achievement. I had to train for three more years, and everything worked out. The experience of participating in IJSO helped a lot. I understood what it means to “bott”.

Vasily Yugov: By the seventh grade, I was already an experienced Olympiad student and was good at mathematics. After the sixth grade, I moved to physics and mathematics school 146 in Perm, where a wonderful physics teacher works, Sergei Evgenievich Polyansky. With an experienced eye, he saw something in me and took on my preparation with all his might. Two trips to the Kirov Medical School also helped. As a result, in the eighth grade I was already a prize-winner at the All-Russian Physics Olympiad for the ninth grade. The secret of success is simple. Daily work, concentration, an excellent mentor and, probably, natural abilities.

Have you participated in olympiads in other subjects?

Sergey Vlasenko: I probably didn’t have any particularly big victories in other subjects. I took part in the final stage of the All-Russian mathematics competition in 11th grade and was a regional winner; became the winner of “Phystech”. And in the 9th grade I was the regional winner in ecology and a prize-winner in chemistry. He also participated in regional computer science competitions.

Kirill Parshukov: I was interested in mathematics at the Olympiad, but didn’t go beyond winning a regional medal.

Dmitry Plotnikov: In other subjects, not so much.

Stanislav Krymsky: Three times I received a winner's diploma in the All-Russian mathematics competition. Unfortunately, it is impossible to fight for a place on the team at the international level in two subjects at the same time. It hurts. I really envy Hermione Granger with her time turner. I just need it! In the 7th grade, I also went to the All-Russian astronomy class, and even became a prize-winner. But astronomy had to be abandoned, as well as computer science. You can achieve high results by studying only one subject. You can't scatter.

Vasily Yugov: I am a prize-winner in the finals of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in mathematics and computer science.

How was your training before IPHO?

Sergey Vlasenko: First, about 30 people from Vseros, 10th grade, were selected. Then there were several training and qualifying camps and the All-Russian 11th grade, after which 7 people remained, who then went to the Asian Physics Olympiad, APhO. Based on the APhO results and the previous rating, 5 people (us) were selected and participated in the IPhO. Immediately before the Olympics there was another training camp.

The camps include lectures, seminars, training and qualifying theoretical and experimental rounds of the international type.

Kirill Parshukov: Training camps took place throughout the year, and we were trained and selected for them.

Dmitry Plotnikov: Personally, I didn’t prepare, I tried to rest psychologically, because most guys lose out on stupid mistakes.

Stanislav Krymsky: Intensely. The team arrived in Dolgoprudny on July 3. Installation training began on July 4th. 10 days of classes is like a good change in summer school. This is exactly the time when you have time to get into the rhythm of classes, and fatigue has not yet had time to manifest itself. There were a lot of experiments and interesting lectures with a foundation for the future.

Vasily Yugov: Training took place at home (self-training) and in Dolgoprudny, at MIPT, where the national team is preparing.

Olympiad winner certificate.

IEPhO(International Experimental Physics Olympiad) is the world's only international Olympiad in experimental physics. This year, 328 children came to Belarus to compete for prizes. Thus, a record was set for the number of IEPhO participants. 19 teams from Moscow took part in the Olympiad, including such well-known educational and research centers as the Secular Science Center of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov (three teams), Novosibirsk Scientific Research Center (2 teams), 4 teams from St. Petersburg, three teams from Mordovia, Samara, Sarov, Kaliningrad, a number of other regions of Russia, as well as Slovakia, Belarus and Armenia. As a result, 40 teams began solving the problems of the first round.

The main goals and objectives of the Olympiad are to identify and develop students' creative abilities, encourage interest in scientific activities in the field of experimental physics, create conditions for intellectual development, support gifted children, including assisting them in vocational guidance and continuing education, promoting scientific knowledge, formation of a favorable social climate. The conduct of the Olympiad was provided by representatives of the best educational institutions of the country, including the Foundation for Support of Innovative Programs "Education and Science", the Center for Pedagogical Excellence, the National Center for Continuing Natural Science Education and the Sirius Educational Center, created by the Educational Foundation "Talent and Success" on the basis of the Olympic infrastructure on the initiative of the President Russian Federation V.V. Putin (The Foundation was established on December 24, 2014 by outstanding Russian figures of science, sports and art. The activities of the center are carried out with the support and coordination of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Russian Federation) and a team of experienced volunteers.

In 2017, the Olympiad took place from November 24 to December 2. The opening ceremony of the Experimental Physics Olympiad IEPhO-2017 among schoolchildren in grades 8-11 took place on November 24.

The Olympiad was held in three rounds, which consisted only of experimental physical problems. Teams representing regional teams of the Russian Federation, city teams, and teams from Russian educational institutions took part in the Olympiad. Schoolchildren from grades 8 to 11 were allowed to participate in the competition. Based on the results of the Olympiad, both a personal competition, which was separate in each age group, and a team competition (grades 8-9 and grades 10-11) were provided. The winners and prize-winners of the Olympiad in the individual competition were determined by the organizing committee and the jury of the Olympiad on the proposal of the jury separately in each parallel. The winners were awarded first-degree diplomas and gold medals, and the prize-winners were awarded second- and third-degree diplomas, silver and bronze medals. Participants were also awarded certificates of commendation, special and other incentive prizes. The selection of teams was carried out on a competitive basis. At the same time, priority was given to those of them that included winners or prize-winners of the International Olympiad in Experimental Physics for the past year, the final stage All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren in physics 2017, as well as teams educational organizations, which are included in the All-Russian ranking of schools in physics and mathematics (TOP-100).

The team of the MBOU "Physics and Mathematics Lyceum" was represented by students of grades 9 and 11 in the amount of 7 people:

  • Alexey Zolotarev – 11th grade;
  • Melnikov Alexander – 11th grade;
  • Vasilyev Arseny – 9th grade;
  • Knyazhev Alexey – 9th grade;
  • Shevtsov Ivan – 9th grade;
  • Zhigalov Daniil – 9th grade;
  • Minaev Vladimir – 9th grade.
  • The team leader is physics teacher Elena Vasilievna Shatkova.

As a result of a stubborn struggle, Arseny Vasiliev was awarded a bronze medal and a corresponding diploma.

Russian schoolchildren won several gold medals at the completed international Olympiads in physics and mathematics. Thus, at the 48th International Physics Olympiad, held in Indonesia, the Russians won five gold medals for the first time in history. At the Mathematics Olympiad in Rio de Janeiro, St. Petersburg resident Mikhail Ivanov won one gold, and the Russian team took 11th place.

  • Russian schoolchildren at the 48th International Physics Olympiad in Indonesia
  • Press service of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science

Schoolchildren from 88 countries took part in the International Physics Olympiad. The Russian students and their coaches have already been congratulated by the Minister of Education and Science of Russia Olga Vasilyeva.

“Since the time of Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov, Russia has been one of the most active countries participating in the development of physics as a science. We have seen this in the achievements of our scientists, we also see this in the results of our young talents. I would like to congratulate the Russian team on their outstanding performance at the International Physics Olympiad, from which each participant will bring with them a gold medal,” says Olga Vasilyeva’s congratulations, published on the department’s website.

Russian schoolchildren, whose knowledge in physics were awarded gold medals, shared with RT their impressions of last Olympiad. A graduate of Moscow school No. 1329 Dmitry Plotnikov said that the competition was not without incidents. Thus, the experimental round was postponed by a day, so the participants had to wait several hours.

“While waiting, many slept right on the floor,” admitted Plotnikov.

The graduate also spoke about how he prepared for the intellectual competition. According to him, the training sessions at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology helped, where participants “were explained complex topics on in simple language».

However, the graduate believes that no matter how nice it is to get gold, the most important task for him at the moment is getting into a good university.

Another winner of a gold medal in physics, a student of a physics and mathematics boarding school from the Komi Republic, Kirill Parshukov, also shared with RT the details of the Olympiad, which consisted of two rounds: theoretical and experimental.

If the theory seemed simple to Kirill, then, according to him, “the experiment turned out to be difficult to complete in the allotted time.” However, no difficulties prevented the student from winning a gold medal.

Parshukov also noted that when presenting the award, he felt “satisfaction from achieving the goal that he had been pursuing for three years.”

The head of the Russian team, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and Pre-University Training at MIPT Artyom Voronov told RT that in comparison with the school curriculum, the tasks of international Olympiads are very voluminous - five hours are given to solve three problems.

“The guys arrived ten days before the start of the Olympiad, and we solved quite long and complex problems with them - to improve their skills and refresh their knowledge. This happened at MIPT, we have special coaches there, also former Olympiad athletes,” Voronov noted.

He admitted that the guys are very emotional about the Olympics, but it itself is structured in such a way that everything happens in a positive atmosphere.

“Everyone did a really good job. This is a joint victory, unique for Russia - never in history have there been five gold medals in physics, and we, of course, took a long time to achieve this victory,” Voronov added.

Excelled in Rio

On Saturday, July 22, the International Mathematics Olympiad, which took place in Rio de Janeiro, ended with a ceremony. Russian schoolchildren took 11th place in the team competition.

The best result among Russians was shown by Mikhail Ivanov from St. Petersburg. According to the total points, he was awarded a gold medal and took 14th place in the individual competition. In a conversation with RT, the student said that preparations for the competition took place in Sochi, and also shared his opinion about the Olympics itself in Rio.

The medalist noted that the training took place for three weeks at the Sochi educational center “Sirius”. Moreover, despite the intensive preparation, the schoolchildren still managed to relax and get to know the city.

“There were several hours of free time left a day, we watched films, played tennis and volleyball, and went on excursions around Sochi,” said Ivanov.

The student did not forget to thank those who helped him on his way to gold.

“The Olympiad was difficult this year, and on the second day I could have written better. But I’m glad that I received a gold medal, this is a huge merit of our leaders - the teachers who accompanied us to the Olympiad and explained to the English-speaking jury members what we wrote in our works,” said Ivanov.

Chemistry of knowledge

Let us remind you that a week ago, Russian schoolchildren also won two golds and two silvers at the International Chemistry Olympiad, held in Thailand. Then representatives from 76 countries took part in the competition, and the absolute winner of the Olympiad was Moscow schoolboy Alexander Zhigalin.

Another gold was won by Ruslan Kotlyarov from Kazan, with whom RT also managed to talk. He admitted that before the international Olympiad there was very intensive preparation, although in fact the tasks turned out to be relatively easy.

“In total, we studied chemistry for almost a month, eight hours a day, seven days a week.<...>The Olympics were, in general, easy and quite doable. There were a lot of tasks, but in general, strong participants could sit for another hour to check the answers,” said Kotlyarov.

He added that despite the concentration on the competition, the guys managed to make many new acquaintances, communicate and get acquainted with the culture of Thailand. Schoolchildren were able to see the beauty of Bangkok and its surroundings, including the ruins of the ancient capital of Siam.

“Since all the equipment was taken away from us - team leaders translate tasks personally, and leaks cannot be allowed - we had a lot of time to communicate. Naturally, we made a bunch of new friends. It was extremely interesting to work with them, and I will miss them,” said Kotlyarov.

Five schoolchildren - five gold medals. Absolute victory at the International Physics Olympiad, which took place in Indonesia! The competition at these intellectual competitions was literally furious. The best minds, trained by the world's best teachers. And as a result, young Russians are ahead of the rest.

Tired but happy. The Russian team in its entirety demonstrates the coveted awards. Five winners - five cities. Moscow, Voronezh, St. Petersburg, Syktyvkar and Perm.

Dozens of journalists greeted the medalists of the International Physics Olympiad at the airport. But it’s not lyricists in front of the cameras, but physicists: they feel much more confident in the laboratory than when communicating with the press.

“It’s not clear whether you’re smart, or you’ve just learned a lot,” says Dmitry Plotnikov, gold medalist of the International Schoolchildren Olympiad in Physics.

“In fact, it was a feeling of satisfaction, because all the work that was put in was not in vain,” said Kirill Parshukov, gold medalist of the International Schoolchildren Olympiad in Physics.

This Olympiad, the 48th in a row, was held in Indonesia. Russian schoolchildren have won before, but this is the first time they have shown such a result.

“This is a record for Russia. Russia previously received four gold medals and one silver, three gold medals and one silver. This year we got the absolute maximum,” says team leader Artem Voronov.

The guys coped with the most difficult tasks. Two parts - theoretical and practical. Each problem takes five hours to solve. At the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, the best teachers help such gifted children. More than one genius was raised in these offices. Classes go on with renewed vigor, because you never know what you will get at the Olympiad.

“For example, this installation is ultrasound diffraction, we gave this work to children, for several years it was idle, but finally it took off, and this work ended up at the Olympics,” says team coach Valery Slobodyanin.

Indonesian Yogyakarta hosted the strongest young physicists from 88 countries. To win, you need to have not only exceptional knowledge of physics, but also take into account the experience of previous Olympiads.

“It’s very important to know what happened before, because sometimes tasks are repeated or not directly repeated, but some motives are repeated, so you can’t miss this opportunity,” says Ivan, gold medalist of the 36th International School Olympiad in Physics in 2005 Gushchin.

Dmitry Plotnikov, a graduate of one of the Moscow schools, was not at home for almost a month. Parents proudly show off the awards their son has received since elementary school. They remember: he spent all his pocket money not on entertainment, but on equipment for experiments.

“He probably managed to get gold because he was interested. For the last five years he has chosen a direction and has been doing it. I miss, say, playing football with him, but he spends time there, which means everything else is less important for him,” said Vladimir Plotnikov.

Gifted children become guests of the Sirius educational center. Programs have been developed for children in all types of sciences, there is a science park and a cultural center. In December 2015, Sirius hosted the Olympiad in Experimental Physics, and Dmitry Plotnikov won there too.

Recently, Russian schoolchildren have regularly won medals at international scientific Olympiads. Young chemists recently returned from Thailand victorious. The absolute winner was Moscow schoolboy Alexander Zhigalin.

“At international Olympiads, place is determined by tenths of a point. Accuracy and speed in solving the problem are important,” says the absolute champion of the 2017 International Chemistry Olympiad, Alexander Zhigalin.

An Olympic medal opens up incredible opportunities for young scientists, because it guarantees admission to almost any university in the world. However, today's heroes have already made their choice - everyone will continue their education in Russia.
