Denis Khlystov killed his wife. Broadcast of the official blog of Maria Arbatova in Hyde Park. Tragedy in personal life

On Monday, a court in the American Denver began to consider the case of goalkeeper of the NHL club Colorado Avalanche Semyon Varlamov, accused of allegedly beating his girlfriend Evgenia Vavrinyuk. Some believe that Varlamov is innocent, it was a pure provocation on the part of the girl, others believe that the beatings did take place. So the scandal with our hockey player in America is flaring up...

But no matter what happens “behind closed doors” between two once close people, domestic, moral or physical violence in a sports environment, as insiders say, sometimes becomes public.

Especially in such a tough sport as hockey. We will tell you another “hockey” story that ended in tragedy.

“My little bunny, little one, honey!”, “I love you!”, “I love you and won’t give it to anyone!”, “I work so that everyone eats deliciously, dresses well, I love you!”, “I love you! I will die without you! You are my heart. I adore you…"

Preserved text messages from an old cell phone. From husband to wife. The parents of Yulia Khlystova, the wife of Ufa forward Salavat Yulaev, the mother of his two children - daughter Dasha and son Danila, will never erase these letters from their daughter’s phone.

In early September, condolences appeared in news reports. “Sad news: after a long illness, the wife of striker Denis Khlystov, Yulia, has died.” “You must live on for the sake of the children! Denis, hold on!” Journalistic investigations on sports Internet resources were more specific: “The main version of the untimely death of a young woman is the difficult character of her hockey player husband. Denis’ teammates, relatives, and family friends knew about the problems in the Khlystov family.”

“It is possible that the head of the family showed his tough character not only on the hockey rink; “forceful techniques” were also allowed at home...”

What happened to Yulia Khlystova, why did a 30-year-old woman, who seemed to have plenty of everything: youth, beauty, prosperity (the salary of a hockey player of Denis Khlystov’s level ranges from 3 to 5 million rubles a month), suddenly decided to settle scores with life?

The body was discovered in the entrance by a neighbor going to work in the morning. There was no suicide note. The hockey player himself was in Moscow at the time, at a game, so any hints that he was guilty of his wife’s death were brushed aside.

“Traumatic brain disease,” is the last entry made in August on Yulina’s hospital card. And also a crumpled jaw, which even specialists from Germany did not undertake to treat with a guarantee...

Because of the head injury, she couldn’t sleep; she would forget herself for an hour and jump up. Insomnia tormented, exhausted, exhausted. “Mom, without sleep my head feels like plasticine, I can’t feel it!” - I suffered from day to day, from hour to hour, from second to second. The pills didn't help.

Post-traumatic arachnoiditis is another diagnosis for Yulin. It is also based on a closed craniocerebral injury, which triggered a chronic inflammatory process that spread to the arachnoid and pia mater of the brain.

The first time, as I remember, I saw bruises on my daughter was on the eve of the wedding,” recalls her mother Svetlana Vladimirovna. - I asked her: what happened? She begged her daughter not to rush into marriage, she was almost on her knees. But she couldn't hold her. She was already expecting a child, our Dasha. I have been living with my husband for 31 years, I wished the same happy fate for my girls: the eldest Yulia and the youngest Anyuta.

From the crown to the end.

“Julia could neither live nor breathe without Denis...” Photo from the family archive

Good girl and bully

Despite her appearance - a real beauty - Julia has never been a fashion model, like most wives of athletes. She was no one, after the school uniform she immediately tried on her wedding dress. There was no calculation - they married for great love. Denis, then still a novice hockey player, played in the youth league, barely turned 21, he didn’t have much income yet, and she was actually 17. On April 8, Dasha was born, and on the 26th, only Yulia became an adult.

There are photographs of the evening in which Yulia, an eleventh-grader, is dressed in a fluffy dress, rented from a local theater. The dress does not fit very well, wide both in the chest and in the shoulders. Denis hugs her like a owner by these slender girlish shoulders. He became everything to her: her girlfriends, her career, her only man.

He filled her entire world.

The hat is askew, there is fire in the eyes. A good girl and a hooligan boy from the outskirts of the city. As he would later say in numerous interviews: “I was brought up on the street. There I got into all sorts of troubles, my parents went to the local police officer more than once. I grew up in the wild 90s - that’s why it’s like this.”

For the first five years, the young people lived with us,” recalls Yulia’s father. “The son-in-law somehow immediately easily switched to “mom” and “dad.” We went to his games. His parents came to us for holidays and just for dinner. We welcomed them in every possible way. He was like a son to us... We loved him like a son.

I sometimes heard young people arguing and “boxing” in their room. But I didn’t think that it could be something serious,” the girl’s mother worries. - I asked Yulia: “Let me stand up for you?” - “Mom, don’t!”

Do real men play hockey? “Yesterday, in the decisive match of the Bashkortostan Cup, in which Salavat Yulaev and Avangard participated, experienced masters Denis Khlystov and Alexey Badyukov sorted things out in a fist fight. It even got to the point of blood. But hockey is not a sport for weaklings, this happens quite often.”

“Battle and ice in the blood. “Avangard” - “Salavat Yulaev” - 6053 likes.

"Battle on the Ice. Denis Khlystov VS Kip Brennan.” 40,704 views.

“Khlystov devotes the goal to his wife/Khlystov dedicated the goal to the memory of his wife” - 106,809.

A man on ice and a man on earth - are they two different people?

The marriage of Yulia and Denis Khlystov - as much as she did not want to take his “speaking” surname, Khlyst, that was his name on the team - the marriage that began on the 29th (lucky number for him, his number on the hockey uniform) of September 2000, lasted only half 13 years old. On July 10, 2013, at the request of the plaintiff, Denis Khlystov, this marriage was dissolved.

Two months earlier - in May 2013 - Yulia and her two children were, according to her parents, expelled from their three-story cottage in the Ufa suburb of Nagaev, the “Ufa Rublyovka.” At first she went to their shared apartment, then moved to her parents. To be left alone, without the family walls in which so much had been invested, seemed simply unbearable.

But still she tried to do everything to save the family.

July 28, 2013, SMS, Denis to Yulia, after the divorce: “Danila said that I am the best dad in the world. I asked him: “Where did you get the idea?” He said that’s what his mother told him.”

Secret behind seven seals

Magnitogorsk "Metallurg". Leaving the parents' apartment. All those years - a four-year contract with the new club - if anything happened in their family, it remained a secret, the doctor of their hockey team, to whom, as they say, Yulia Khlystova turned to because of health problems that had begun, this “ does not reveal the secret.

The team will lose - his wife is to blame, of course, he apparently took it out on her, friends recall. - At the same time, it was clear, oddly enough, that he loved her. He gave diamonds without counting, Swiss watches, clothes... And where to go? Before Denis, Yulia was a cheerful and joyful person, but now she withdraws into herself. Proud - she never complained about anything, even her husband, when he left her, did not know how and what she really felt. "I'm great!" - I sent him text messages. After the divorce they communicated, of course, it was necessary to divide the property.

Khlystov's claim to the parents of his ex-wife: for the allocation of the marital share from jointly acquired property.

“I, Denis Vladimirovich Khlystov, was in a registered marriage with Yulia Alexandrovna Khlystova from September 29, 2000 to July 2013. The marriage was dissolved by the decision of the magistrate of court district No. 10 in the Sovetsky district of Ufa. The decision came into force in August 2013. On September 11, 2013, Yu. Khlystova passed away. The issue of dividing property between the former spouses was not resolved before her death. During our cohabitation with Khlystova, we acquired the following property, registered in her name.

A solid brick garage, which I value at 500,000 rubles.

The Porsche Cayenne car, which I value at 2,500,000 rubles.

Non-residential premises in the city of Ufa at the address: st. Tsyurupa, which I estimate at 16,000,000 rubles.

An apartment at the address: Oktyabrya Avenue, which I value at 6,500,000 rubles.

In total, the total cost of the property that we acquired during marriage, in my opinion, is 25,000,000 rubles. Since the property was acquired by us during marriage, that is, it has joint status, I have the right to half of the property worth 12,750,000 rubles, despite the fact that it was not registered in my name. Considering that the division of the spouses' property is impossible due to the death of my wife, I am forced to go to court with a claim for the allocation of my share. Our children, Daria, born in 2001, Danila, born in 2010, as well as Yulia Khlystova’s parents, defendants Alexander Konstantinovich Vinogradsky and Svetlana Vladimirovna, can also claim part of the property due to my ex-wife.”

The property registered in his name - several cottages, apartments, a brand new Mercedes - although also purchased during marriage, Denis modestly did not offer to divide.

Some of the “sports wives” received fashion boutiques or beauty salons opened in their name from their husbands. Julia, according to her family, did not ask for anything like that. Perhaps she simply did not know that there could be another life and another relationship. “Denis raised her to suit himself.” First I sat with one child, then with two...

Does your family go to your matches? - they asked Khlystov in another interview.

My wife is doing less of it now, Yulia is doing more at home with the little one - we are starting to teach our son to play hockey. He himself wants to become an athlete. My father takes him ice skating.

Does your daughter get upset when dad loses?

On such days she tries to support me: “Dad, don’t worry, everything will be fine, and next time you will definitely win.”

We are talking with Yulia’s mother, Svetlana Vladimirovna, together with a psychologist, Dasha does not know about this conversation.

“I know that Dasha saw the difficult relationship between her father and mother,” continues Svetlana Vladimirovna Vinogradskaya. - Although Dasha often lived with us, we took her to kindergarten, since Yulia entered a technical school, and then to college in absentia, and we sat with our granddaughter. And now, in the evenings, when Yulechka is gone, Dasha sleeps with me, wraps herself in a cocoon of blankets - she’s afraid to be left alone, as if she’s looking for protection in it - and talks to me, talks...

“In an acute period of grief, which lasts up to six months, this is always the case,” the specialist explains the girl’s behavior.

Yulia was pregnant with Danila and was visiting her parents. She called, as her mother later said, Denis in Magnitogorsk - she heard an unfamiliar female voice on the phone in the background. I couldn’t stand it - I rushed home... And there was another one. “And again there was a showdown, again I asked my daughter: leave. “But how can I, mom? There are already two children. After the scandals, he’s on his knees, begging for forgiveness...” Yulia took care of me; my daughter didn’t tell me a lot of what happened in their house. Somehow in passing: we spent the night alone again, Denis left... Yulia took care of me, didn’t complain, her mother repeats. “But it turns out I didn’t save my girl...”

What could Svetlana Vinogradskaya do then? What can she do now? Denis calls periodically. I brought Danila to see my sister. The children are now separated. Three-year-old Danila lives with Denis’ parents. Dasha is still with Yulina’s mom and dad. This is what the girl herself wanted, she is already 12, and she has the right to choose.

Svetlana Vladimirovna Vinogradskaya is crying. And I don’t even know what to say to her in response. In this house, a cozy, bright, homely little world, Yulia’s photograph on the desk in a mourning frame does not look like that.

Point of no return

We did not understand how seriously her body and her soul suffered, the parents say. - When Yulia returned to our home in the spring of 2013, everything seemed to go back to normal. Yulia calmly collected papers for the division of property, Denis refused voluntary alimony - and it was necessary to submit an application through the court, but Yulia did not have time to do this... The divorce entered into legal force. And then something seemed to break in her... Denis will call her: everything is fine with me, he answers, and my personal life is also good. And her own jaw was knocked out. In Germany they didn’t even pay for the operation; they say the damage to the jaw ligaments is too serious - in two months, even if treatment is carried out, everything will be the same.

The point of no return has already been passed. And neither Denis nor Yulia apparently knew how to build a new, post-divorce, conscious relationship between two adults who are now connected only by children.

They clung to the last thing that still connected them - children and the division of their property.

From SMS correspondence:

“I’ll come by in the evening after training,” writes Denis.

“As soon as you start paying alimony, then come and see the notary before the 17th,” replies Yulia.

“In your opinion and in my opinion, we agreed on everything! Now for some reason you are starting to change something: an apartment, a garage, a Porsche, a business of 4 million, it’s yours. If we do it through a notary, we will pay large taxes! The state duty will be decent!..”

“Everything must be done according to the law. Yours will remain for you, mine will remain for me. Otherwise, I will be the mistress of everything you have even after the divorce, do you understand?”

"You understand?" That other woman probably suited Denis much more than Yulia. Several years older than the hockey player, with two children of his own, experienced - new relationships, new life in his and Yulia’s house.

"The former is lying"

Why didn’t Yulia Khlystova contact the police for so many years? Didn’t you record the beatings, if there were any? Didn’t you formally demand that your husband be brought to justice? A woman's soul is darkness... Someone runs away from his half as soon as he says a rude word. Someone is silent and patient.

“It is difficult to prove incitement to suicide only if there are direct facts: evidence from neighbors, statements to the police, a clear suicide note with accusations, medical documents - when immediately after the beating a woman “removes” the visible beatings and attracts the public and lawyers to her side, as in in the case of the hockey player Varlamov, no matter what happened in the end,” the forensic expert told me. “Cause and effect, beating and suicide itself are sometimes so separated in time that in court, if it takes place, this case will not have much prospects.”

Perhaps, realizing that no one will protect them, most of our women remain silent. Common children, common property - where to go? And love, of course - how could we live without it?

This is what one of Yulia Khlystova’s friends told me, who asked not to mention her name: “Yulia could neither live nor breathe without Denis. Despite everything, she lived her love. Although she closed her inner world from everyone like a shell. Pride did not allow her to cry into other people's vests. She did not even open up to her parents in many ways, feeling sorry for them. I personally knew that Denis and Yulia often quarreled. At the very end, she confessed to me what was going on in their family... But what could I do if she didn’t leave him herself?”

A perverted form of love, when all boundaries are erased. Two once close people who pull a rope in different directions, every now and then changing places - and each experiences from this alternately unbearable, murderous pleasure and the same - transcendental - pain.

“You can’t wait!” - standing in front of the mirror, Julia seemed to shout on her last day. She wanted to live. I really wanted to. And she couldn't. “The former is lying” - that’s what was written on her phone next to Denis’s number.

They say that any suicide expresses a person’s very strong desire to live - but in a different way, differently... Two weeks before her death, Yulia’s mother decided to quit her job and help at home with the children. Svetlana Vladimirovna submitted an application of her own free will, and on the last day of her work, at night, this misfortune happened. "How so? - she is now annoyed with herself. “I did everything Yulechka asked!”

Unwillingness, inability to live is a disease, no matter what those who, fortunately, did not recognize this, say: “Women are crazy!” Is this fat? When you can’t force yourself to get up, wash your face, even breathe... When you look at the same point 24 hours a day, not having the strength to get up.

Yulia has this terrible, fatal disease - depression, but they could not recognize it in time. In August, a young woman was admitted to neurology with unbearable headaches after an injury. She was examined by two psychotherapists, and neither saw signs of impending suicide. Yulia, like her ex-husband in hockey, knew how to hold the line.

The last time I talked to her was somewhere in mid-August,” says one of Yulia’s friends and also the athlete’s wife. - She said that it was as if she was dying from the inside...

“I WILL live. I WANT to live,” Yulia repeated as a mantra on her last day. And again I couldn’t sleep at night. Last time.

The priests agreed that the death of Yulia Khlystova occurred as a result of illness, in a state of altered consciousness, and was her last, tortured step, so the girl was allowed to have a funeral service - not as a suicide, but as a sufferer.

All that the Vinogradskys are now asking of their former son-in-law, the famous hockey player Denis Khlystov, is not to cripple the soul of the growing Dasha with courts and lawsuits for the division of property, for the division of millions, for determining with whom and how the child (two children) will live in the future, but just let 12-year-old Dasha and 3-year-old Danila be close to their family and people who love them, with their grandparents.

P.S. Of course, we also called hockey player Denis Khlystov to talk to him about the untimely death of his wife. He was silent for a long time, then said that he was very busy, that he had nothing to say about this, then asked to call back later - but did not pick up the phone again.

After a long illness, the wife of Ufa hockey player “Salavat Yulaev” Denis Khlystova, Yulia Khlystova, died. Julia was the mother of two children.


“HC Salavat Yulaev expresses sincere condolences in connection with the sudden death of the wife of the striker of the masters team Denis Khlystov, Yulia. Two children were left without a mother: a daughter and a son. Denis, hold on! We mourn with you,” says the official website of the Ufa club.

The cause of death has not been reported. Khlystov himself, who was preparing with the team for the Kontinental Hockey League match with Vityaz near Moscow, urgently flew home.

34-year-old Denis Khlystov is a graduate of Ufa hockey. The hockey player played in Salavat from 1998 to 2006. Later, the athlete played for Nizhnekamsk Neftekhimik and Magnitogorsk Metallurg. As part of Magnitogorsk, Denis became the KHL bronze medalist and also played in the Champions League final. In May 2012, Khlystov decided to return to his native team, for which he still plays. The agreement runs until 2015.

Let us remind you that recently a misfortune happened in the family of Avangard defender Pavel Valentenko. The death of the hockey player’s 25-year-old wife, Ekaterina, occurred on April 1 in a Moscow hospital after a long illness, presumably the flu. Pavel and Ekaterina Valentenko had a child a year ago - daughter Polina.

Denis Khlystov is a famous Russian hockey player. Plays as a striker. Medalist of the Kontinental Hockey League championship. Currently plays for Ak Bars Kazan.

Biography of a hockey player

Denis Khlystov was born in Ufa in 1979. I became interested in hockey in my youth. In the capital of Bashkiria he began playing in youth teams.

He made his professional debut in 1997, when he was 18 years old. The first team was the Ufa Novoil, which at that time played in the First League. Denis Khlystov scored 26 points for the season - he scored 13 goals and gave 13 assists.

The young striker showed himself very well and the next year he ended up in the main team of Ufa, “Salavat Yulaev”. First he spent a season in the First League in the reserve team, then moved to the main team.

Debut in the Super League

In his debut season in the Premier League, Denis Khlystov regularly appeared on the court. His team took 9th place in the regular season and qualified for the playoffs. True, in the first round, “Salavat Yulaev” lost to the Perm “Molot-Prikamye” with a score of 1:3.

In the 1999/00 season, the Ufa team had an extremely unsuccessful regular season, ending up outside the playoffs. By the way, that year only 4 teams did not qualify for the elimination series. Therefore, Salavat had to defend its right to compete in the Super League in a transitional tournament. Having won 10 out of 14 matches, the Ufa team retained their registration in the elite division.

Denis Khlystov played in Salavat until 2006. The hockey player played 267 matches on the court, in which he scored 56 points. He scored 23 goals. His team made it to the playoffs several more times, but was invariably eliminated in the first round.

New clubs

In 2006, Khlystov signed a contract with Nizhnekamsk Neftekhimik. Over two seasons he played more than 100 matches, in which he scored 16 goals. His team's highest position during this time in the Super League was 12th.

In 2008, Denis Khlystov moved to Metallurg Magnitogorsk. For the first time, the hockey player found himself in a club that was actually fighting for championship medals. With this team he made his debut in the newly formed Kontinental Hockey League.

The first season went well. Metallurg finished sixth in the regular season. In the 1/8 finals, they knocked out Nizhny Novgorod Torpedo in three matches, and in the 1/4 they defeated Atlant from Mytishchi 3:1. In the semifinals alone, he lost 4 out of 5 games to Lokomotiv Yaroslavl.

Khlystov never achieved such serious success at Metallurg. He played on the team until 2012. In total he played 137 matches on the court. He scored 23 goals and scored 58 points using the goal+pass system.

Return to Ufa

In 2012, Denis Khlystov, whose photo regularly appeared on sports newspapers, returned to the Ufa Salavat Yulaev. The team performed much more confidently. In the 2012/13 season, the Ufa team finished fifth in the Eastern Conference. In the playoffs, Magnitogorsk Metallurg won 7 matches. In the semi-finals of the conference they played with the more recent Kazan Ak Bars, which went through the previous stage without defeat. Kazan won 4:3.

In the 2031/14 season, Khlystov was again able to win bronze medals. In the regular season, the Ufa team shared 3rd-5th place in the Eastern Conference. In the playoffs, Nizhny Novgorod "Torpedo" won 4:3, and then Kazakh "Barys" 4:2. Only in the conference finals did Salavat lose in five matches to Magnitogorsk Metallurg.

In the 2015/16 season, Khlystov became a three-time bronze medalist of the Russian championship. That season he was a key player, playing 48 matches.

Salavat Yulaev finished the regular championship in 4th place in the Eastern Conference, behind Avangard Omsk, Metallurg Magnitogorsk and Siberia from Novosibirsk.

In the quarter finals of the conference, the Ufa team led 3:1 against Ak Bars Kazan. However, then they lost 3:4 at home, and then 0:8 in the capital of Tatarstan. In the decisive match, Khlystov’s team was able to win 3:2.

In the semi-finals of the conference, Salavat met with Omsk Avangard. Again the Ufa team led 3:1 in the best-of-4 series and again brought the confrontation to the seventh, decisive match. This time they played away, but won again. This time it's 2:1.

In the conference finals, the Ufa team played Magnitogorsk Metallurg for the right to play in the Gagarin Cup final. We started with two defeats (2:3 in overtime and 1:6). Then they won at home 3:2, but lost again in the second match. So the score in the series became 1:3. “Salavat” had to correct their mistakes on the opponent’s field. Khlystov's team sent the game into overtime, but could not win and again were content with only bronze medals.

In 2016, Khlystov became a free agent. The Ekaterinburg Avtomobilist signed a contract with him. In the regular season, the team took only 11th place in the Eastern Conference and did not make it to the playoffs.

Tragedy in personal life

In 2013, a tragedy occurred in the hockey player’s family. Denis Khlystov could not recover from it for a long time. The wife whose photo was adorned committed suicide. It is known that she was in long-term depression.

The wife's family blamed the athlete for everything. According to them, he regularly and brutally beat her. This led to depression and subsequent death. However, no criminal case was opened regarding incitement to suicide.

Russian hockey player Denis Khlystov began his sports career in the Ufa club “Novoil” and very quickly established himself as a good striker as part of the Bashkir “Salavat Yulaev”. Then he successfully played for Neftekhimik and Metallurg, receiving a KHL team bronze medal in 2008. Having reached the final of the Champions League in 2010, he played for a short time for the Magnitogorsk team, and then returned to his home club Salavat Yulaev. The suicide of Denis Khlystov’s wife, Yulia, who had been married to him for 13 years, dates back to this time, for which his relatives blame him.

They got married in 2000, when Yulia was only 17 years old. She got married hastily, barely leaving her school uniform: she was so in love. Denis turned 21 and he also loved his bride. True, Yulia’s mother once noticed a bruise on her daughter’s face and was afraid for her future, but the girl stood firm in her position. In addition, the Khlystovs’ first child, daughter Dasha, was already “on the way” and was born in 2001. The young couple first lived with their wife’s parents and everything seemed to be going well. Denis called them “dad” and “mom” and was friendly and reserved.

After 5 years, the young married couple acquired their own home and, at first, no one noticed how the cheerful and joyful beauty Yulia began to change. She became withdrawn, did not open up with her friends and spent most of her time at home. Denis was everything to her: husband, friend, father-mother and the center of the Universe. She could not always accompany her husband to games and took care of the house and daughter. Khlystov or - “Khlyst”, as he was called on the team, was a hockey player with an aggressive style of play.

Those close to him who knew about his character suspected that he was raising his hand against his wife. But there was no evidence of this, and Julia herself remained silent. However, after her death, doctors determined that she had a poorly healed traumatic brain injury and a complex jaw injury, which “even German doctors did not undertake to treat.” There are few assumptions about how a calm and non-drinking young woman who was doing housework could have such injuries.

Yulia’s parents knew about the relationship between the Khlystovs, they knew on the team, but no one dared to interfere with someone else’s family, who did not want it. In 2010, another child appeared in the family - son Danil. Denis at this time was already freely cheating on his wife, but he knew how to persuade her and everything remained as before. He went to training camps, Yulia looked after the children, taking care of their upbringing and home. Despite her beauty, she did not intend to be a model or socialite. Denis remained the main thing in her life.

In May 2013, Denis kicked his wife and children out of the 3-story country cottage in which they lived, and in July he received a divorce, refusing to pay alimony. Another woman and her children moved into the house with him. At first, Yulia was strengthening herself, preparing for the division of property, and then she began to suffer from severe headaches and anorexia. She weighed 38 kg with a height of 170 cm. In the fall, Denis Khlystov’s wife hanged herself on the balcony of the entrance to her home. 16-year-old Dasha lives with her grandmother, 6-year-old Danila lives with his father.

What preceded suicide spouses hockey player"Salavat Yulaev" by Denis Khlystov - Yulia, in what cases will pedophiles be given life sentences, what dangers does "Black Friday" pose - in the traditional review of the latest Russian press on "Ytre".

The wife of the famous hockey player “Salavat Yulaev” Denis Khlystov, Yulia, who committed suicide three months ago, suffered beatings from her husband for many years of marriage. The athlete’s acquaintances reported this to MK. “The team will lose - it’s his wife’s fault, of course, he apparently took it out on her. At the same time, it was clear, oddly enough, that he loved her,” admitted one of the publication’s interlocutors, adding that Khlystov’s wife closed in on herself, but she was proud and did not complain to anyone. Yulia’s parents said that even after the collapse of their marriage, when their daughter had a broken jaw that doctors refused to treat, she still continued to communicate with Denis. “We did not understand how seriously her body and her soul suffered,” they concluded.

It was proposed to give pedophiles life sentences - State Duma deputies came up with this initiative. They want to amend Articles 131 and 132 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, increasing criminal liability for crimes of a sexual nature that “caused grave consequences for a young child.” In addition, a pedophile will be permanently deprived of freedom if he has already had a conviction for a crime against the sexual integrity of minors and committed it again, Rossiyskaya Gazeta points out. The statistics in our country are as follows: last year alone, over three thousand children were subjected to sexual violence.

In Russia, on December 6, Black Friday will be held - a day of global online sales of discounted goods, the idea of ​​which Russian marketers adopted from their American colleagues. About 100 organizations will participate in it, with plans to attract at least five million buyers, writes Novye Izvestia. Stores promise discounts from 15% to 90%, but experts warn about possible “scams”: sellers may first deliberately raise prices, and then, under the pretext of “providing a discount,” return them to their original value.

By 2020, 500 thousand professional soldiers and sergeants will serve in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, and three-quarters of the army will consist of contract soldiers, Komsomolskaya Pravda reports. As Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said, his department plans to reduce the number of conscripted military personnel. This year, the recruitment plan for contract soldiers was fulfilled by more than 110% - the relevant documents were signed by 70 thousand people. The starting salary for a volunteer, as the publication notes, is 25 - 30 thousand rubles. per month.

Russians can begin to be notified of emergencies via Twitter. The management of this company contacted the Russian Consulate General in San Francisco with a proposal to create a special account in our country. There has been no official reaction yet, but, Izvestia emphasizes, the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations reacted positively to the idea. “We need to understand how reliable this system is. On what principles the information will be based. For example, what will happen if they start some technical work. There are a lot of nuances. But in general, the idea is good,” the department said.
