Bonina osteochondrosis secrets of a healthy back. Review of Alexandra Bonina's courses on a healthy spine and the secrets of a healthy neck. Improvement in a matter of weeks

If you want to know how to overcome cervical osteochondrosis, get rid of the painful manifestations of this disease and never encounter spinal problems again, then Alexandra Bonina’s author’s video course, dedicated to osteochondrosis and the secrets of a healthy neck, will be very useful to you. The author of the healing technique knows firsthand how insidious pathologies of the spinal column can be, and reveals all the secrets of a healthy back.

About the author of the technique

The creator of the educational treatment courses is a young specialist and sports doctor Alexandra Bonina. While studying at medical school, the girl encountered a serious problem, which initially manifested itself in the form of stiffness in movement and gradually increasing headaches.

Over time, Alexandra’s condition worsened, tension in the cervical spine increased, and presyncope appeared more and more often. After all the diagnostic procedures, it turned out that Alexandra Bonina had advanced cervical osteochondrosis.

The painkillers prescribed by the attending physician did not produce positive results, and the girl began attending seminars on physical therapy and health-improving gymnastics, combining her studies at a medical school and work as a physical therapy coach in a sports club. In addition, Alexandra Bonina actively attended therapeutic massage sessions and a chiropractor’s office, while simultaneously practicing a set of exercise therapy exercises on herself. This valuable experience helped Alexandra draw solid conclusions that, thanks to special systematic exercises and therapeutic exercises, it is possible to overcome spinal diseases without resorting to taking medications!

Based on the experience gained in working with people and the knowledge applied on her own body, Bonina developed a therapeutic course of gymnastics for cervical osteochondrosis. Having become a qualified specialist in the treatment of spinal pathologies using exercise therapy, Alexandra has developed a number of training programs dedicated to the topic of restoration of different parts of the spinal column.

How is the “Secrets of a Healthy Neck” course useful?

The treatment program will be useful for those people who do not want to get sick, who are tired of a passive lifestyle and chronic loss of strength. In addition, if you have a desire to get rid of the following symptoms, then you are on the right track:

Performing therapeutic exercises for cervical osteochondrosis from Alexandra Bonina will be useful for both new parents and grandparents. This will instill healthy habits in the younger generation and form the right attitude towards their health.

Course structure

It includes:

As a gift, the treatment method comes with a free video course on self-massage of the neck, which lasts more than 20 minutes, as well as a set of exercises for express warm-up of the thoracic and cervical spine, which can be performed directly at the workplace. The duration of the express warm-up is 20 minutes.

Alternative treatment options for osteochondrosis

Having delved into the possible methods of treating this pathology, a clear understanding comes that all treatment follows the same scheme. Diagnosis of the disease leads to an accurate diagnosis of “cervical osteochondrosis”, then the doctor prescribes a number of medications, pain-relieving injections, massage and orthopedic massagers. And at the end of all this, we can only state a temporary effect. You forget about the pain for a certain period of time, after which a new exacerbation of the disease occurs.

Alexandra Bonina’s set of exercises for the neck is quite popular. It is aimed at treating cervical osteochondrosis and eliminating its symptoms. The author of the method is a practicing sports doctor and specialist in the field of physical therapy. She is the creator of the unique “Traffic Light” program, which consists of four programs for working with problematic parts of the spine and two programs aimed at restoring and strengthening the back. Let's look at what exercises for the cervical spine Alexandra Bonina recommends.

Before creating the unique project “No Osteochondrosis,” Alexandra Bonina received the appropriate education and completed an internship at the best health centers in the country. In addition to her medical school diploma, Alexandra also has a certificate as a professional fitness trainer.

In the programs, the author provides proven techniques that have been used in exercise therapy for a long time, and supplements them with his own complexes.

All exercises are carefully analyzed, the methodology for performing them is explained clearly and in detail, and the main mistakes that beginners make are discussed. This is precisely the uniqueness of Alexandra Bonina’s technique.

The complexes proposed by the author are clearly structured. A person can choose the necessary recovery program for a specific area of ​​the back (cervical, thoracic or lumbar). There is no need to attend classes in person - the program is aimed at distance learning through relevant videos, answers to common questions, excerpts from seminars, and so on. Indications for use

  • gymnastics of Alexandra Bonina are as follows:
  • hypertension, vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • weather dependence;
  • deterioration of vision and hearing;
  • poor memory;
  • morning fatigue;
  • increased sweating;
  • panic attacks and other neurotic manifestations;
  • difficulty moving, stiff neck and shoulders;

shortness of breath and arrhythmia.

These symptoms are usually characteristic of those who lead a sedentary lifestyle. But it is precisely this that is one of the main causes of osteochondrosis. A simple set of exercises will help eliminate negative manifestations and prevent unpleasant consequences.

Benefits of neck exercises Bonina

  • The positive features of gymnastics are as follows:
  • Completing the course recommended by Bonina makes it possible to provide in-depth treatment of a specific area of ​​the spine.
  • Exercises according to the method must be performed every day, but they will not require a lot of time - to achieve results, 20 minutes a day is enough. It is only important to follow all the recommendations given in the video.
  • The author of the gymnastics set the goal not only to explain to patients how to get rid of pain, but also to understand why osteochondrosis appears in the first place. This will help identify the cause of the disease and get rid of it, preventing the development of the disease in the future.
  • The exercises are designed so that they can be easily performed by anyone, regardless of their level of training, even those who are severely weakened by illness. In addition, the program does not involve the use of special simulators and devices - you can do them at any time and in any room.

A set of exercises by Alexandra Bonina for cervical osteochondrosis

You need to start doing the exercises with warm-up. It involves the following exercises:

  • Circular movements of the shoulder joints. Hands should be placed on the shoulders, and in this position, perform circular movements with the shoulders 10-15 times forward, and the same amount back. Then shake your hands. Pay attention to your sensations - movements should be comfortable, pain should not be allowed. This exercise will help improve blood flow to the cervical spine.
  • Flexion and extension of the arms. Clench your hands into fists and place them on your shoulders. Perform elbow extensions, keeping them parallel to the floor, and bend them, bringing your fists back to your shoulders. Repeat the exercise 15-20 times, then shake your hands. Movements should be performed at an average rhythm, avoiding sudden movements.

Main part includes the following actions:

  • Cross your fingers and place them on your forehead. Try to tilt your head forward while giving yourself resistance with your hands. You should feel the back muscles of the cervical region tense, without tilting your head forward. Count to five, then relax your neck muscles. Repeat 5-7 times.
  • Cross your fingers again and place them on the back of your head. Pull your head back, resisting with your hands and making sure that your neck muscles tense. Count to five, then relax your muscles and repeat the exercise 5-7 times.

Alexander Bonin calls this method isometric. The secret of the classes is that you can perform exercises both at the stage of remission and at the stage of exacerbation of the disease with severe pain. This is explained by the fact that during these exercises only the neck muscles work, and the upper spine remains at rest. Such exercises are called isometric. The secret to a healthy neck according to Alexandra Bonina includes performing various isometric complexes.

  • Squeeze your shoulders forward without lifting them, pause slightly and slowly move them back, trying to bring your shoulder blades together.
  • Do the exercise at a calm pace five times. Next exercise - respiratory.

Take a deep breath, spread your arms to the horizon line and lower your arms as you exhale. Repeat five times.

Alexandra Bonina recommends doing this basic complex, which includes 6 simple exercises, every day at any stage of the disease. There is also

  • a couple of exercises for the neck that are performed with a chair: You need to sit straight on a chair, place your hands on your knees, place your legs parallel to each other, keep your back relaxed. Inhale slowly and tilt your head forward, aiming your chin toward your chest. Stay in this position for a while, then raise your head, also slowly, and exhale. Repeat five times at a slow pace.
  • Stretching and relaxing the neck muscles. Sit on a chair with your legs parallel to each other. Bend over and place your torso on your knees. Keep your back relaxed, using only the cervical region and head, which are located outside the knees, with your arms down along your legs. Repeat the exercise slowly five times.

Alexandra Bonina’s super cool exercises (and this is how those who have tried them say about them) really help to achieve excellent results with the correct technique. We invite you to watch a video on this topic.

Exercise therapy for the neck according to Bonina on video

The secrets of Alexandra Bonina’s healthy neck help people with osteochondrosis cope with the clinical manifestations of the disease. Her health complexes strengthen the muscular frame of the cervical spine and return the vertebrae to their anatomical position.

Who is A. Bonina

Alexandra Bonina is a certified physician in the field of traumatology and sports medicine, as well as a fitness and physical therapy trainer. Her patients include people from all over the world. She also conducts online training on restorative gymnastics for the musculoskeletal system.

During her student years, she herself suffered from osteochondrosis and developed a set of exercises to combat the symptoms. Now she helps people cope with the disease, has her own website, where she talks in detail about the technique.


If there are clinical signs of cervical osteochondrosis, treatment should be started immediately. This is especially important for people who experience severe headaches and dizziness. Such manifestations are a sign of brain hypoxia when the vessels of the cervical spine are compressed.

Also indications for therapeutic exercises are:

  • noise in ears;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • blurred vision and periodic darkening of the eyes;
  • muscle pain in the neck and upper back;
  • numbness in the upper extremities;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • stiffness of movements.

In the absence of pronounced signs of cervical osteochondrosis, it is recommended to engage in physical therapy for the purpose of prevention. This is especially true for people at risk. These include people who are overweight, lead a passive lifestyle, or spend a lot of time at the computer.


The secret to the effectiveness of the set of exercises is that it has virtually no contraindications. Despite the fact that most complexes are prohibited from being used during an exacerbation, this does not apply to A. Bonina’s course. Static exercises for the cervical spine allow the patient to exercise without experiencing pain when turning the head.

The main contraindications are serious injuries to the back and vertebrae.

Before starting training, you should consult your doctor. People with tumors of the thyroid gland and salivary glands should also be careful. Patients with unstable vertebrae need to perform the complex in a rigid Shants support collar.

Exercises for a healthy neck

A. Bonina developed techniques for a healthy back. Each of them concerns a specific part of the spine. To prevent the development of osteochondrosis, it is recommended to carry out exercises for each of the departments.

The official website warns that during an exacerbation of the disease, exercise should be done with caution: not all exercises can be done, as they can harm the muscles and vertebrae.

A set of exercises for the neck

The secrets to a healthy neck lie in strengthening the muscles. A set of exercises for this department includes a short warm-up to warm up the muscles, several basic exercises and a cool-down.

The lesson according to Alexandra Bonina’s method goes as follows:

  • The warm-up begins with the shoulder girdle, and the thoracic spine is also partially involved. The arms are raised along the shoulder line and bent at the elbows. Flexion-extension movements are repeated for 1 minute. By this time, a pleasant warmth or even a burning sensation will be felt in the arm muscles. This is followed by arm swings - up to 10-15 repetitions. If osteochondrosis is in a phase of stable remission, you can turn your head to the right and left. At least 7 repetitions are required.
  • The main part of the complex is aimed at working the cervical muscles. To do this, in a standing or sitting position, but without leaning on the back of a chair, clasp your hands together. Next, they are applied to the forehead and pressed on it with maximum force. The neck muscles counteract this. The same procedure is carried out by placing hands on the back of the head. Exercises are repeated 5-8 times.
  • The cool-down is based on normalizing breathing and complete relaxation of all muscle tissues of the cervical and thoracic spine. As you inhale, make a smooth swing of your arms and bring them above your head, then exhale noisily and lower your arms. You need to inhale the air quickly and deeply.

The course of treatment with such exercises lasts from several months to six months. The effect is not achieved instantly; only after a month of regular training is a significant improvement in the patient’s condition noticeable.

Exercise therapy for cervical osteochondrosis is a mandatory stage in the treatment of the disease. They are simple and do not require a high level of physical fitness. They are easy to perform on your own at home, but you must listen to the sensations and prevent pain from occurring.


Warm-up for the cervical spine is performed at the beginning of the workout. First you need to warm up the muscles and joints of the upper limbs and shoulder girdle. The neck is not used during the warm-up phase. Alexandra Bonina recommends the following exercises:

  1. Arms are bent at the elbows, hands rest on the shoulders. It is necessary to perform 10-15 circular movements in the shoulder joints in different directions. Movements should be slow and not cause pain.
  2. Your arms should be moved to the sides parallel to the floor. Next, the hands need to be moved to the shoulders and back, bending and straightening the arms at the elbows.

During warm-up, you need to pay attention to the elasticity of the joints. You can do more repetitions and perform rotational movements with a smaller amplitude.

Basic exercises

After the warm-up complex is completed, you can begin basic gymnastics for the cervical region. Here the neck muscles are directly involved and strengthened. The exercises are just as simple, but they must be performed carefully so as not to damage the vertebrae and ligaments.

  1. You need to clasp your hands and put your head on them. They rest their foreheads on their palms, trying to push them away using the back muscles of the neck, but with their hands they need to hold the head in one place. In this case, the main load should fall on the muscles, and not on the spine. In total, perform 5-7 approaches of 5 seconds, between which the muscles should rest.
  2. The hands are clasped together in a similar lock and placed on the back of the head. Then they try to tilt their head back, but with their hands they do not allow the neck to bend. Thus, the muscles of the back of the neck are trained, but the vertebrae do not move. It is enough to do 5-7 repetitions, each of which lasts 5 seconds.


At the end of the session, you need to pay attention to stretching the muscles. These exercises will help restore joint mobility, restore blood circulation in the neck and strengthen the cardiovascular system.

  1. Without raising your shoulders, you need to smoothly move them forward and then back, trying to bring your shoulder blades together as much as possible. The main thing is that the shoulders remain down, otherwise you can put stress on the cervical spine.
  2. The second exercise is breathing. While taking a deep breath, you need to raise your arms until they are parallel to the floor or above your head. As you exhale, they are slowly lowered down and your shoulders are relaxed.

Alexandra Bonina reveals the secrets of a healthy neck for everyone. In her video lessons, she demonstrates only those varieties that are useful to everyone and have no contraindications. Depending on the level of physical fitness and the stage of osteochondrosis, you can increase their complexity.

It is worth consulting with your doctor and contacting the author of the course directly so that she can create an individual training program. Alexandra can demonstrate the effectiveness of this gymnastics by her own example, as well as by the example of a huge number of her patients.

The official website warns that during an exacerbation of the disease, exercise should be done with caution: not all exercises can be done, as they can harm the muscles and vertebrae.

Who is Alexandra Bonina

Her patients include people from all over the world with varying levels of fitness and varying stages of illness. Due to the impossibility of consulting everyone personally, she released a course of training videos, which are presented on her website.

Among them there are also detailed free videos that anyone can watch. You can also contact your doctor personally so that she can advise the correct therapeutic exercises in each specific case.

During her student years, she herself suffered from osteochondrosis and developed a set of exercises to combat the symptoms. Now she helps people cope with the disease, has her own website, where she talks in detail about the technique.


Also indications for therapeutic exercises are:

  • noise in ears;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • blurred vision and periodic darkening of the eyes;
  • muscle pain in the neck and upper back;
  • numbness in the upper extremities;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • stiffness of movements.

In the absence of pronounced signs of cervical osteochondrosis, it is recommended to engage in physical therapy for the purpose of prevention. This is especially true for people at risk. These include people who are overweight, lead a passive lifestyle, or spend a lot of time at the computer.

The main contraindications are serious injuries to the back and vertebrae.

Before starting training, you should consult your doctor. People with tumors of the thyroid gland and salivary glands should also be careful. Patients with unstable vertebrae need to perform the complex in a rigid Shants support collar.

Cervical osteochondrosis, its causes and symptoms

Cervical osteochondrosis is a chronic disease of the intervertebral structures, in which the cartilage tissue gradually thins, becomes saturated with calcium salts and becomes too strong.

The disease can develop for several reasons:

  • during the processes of natural aging and wear and tear of tissues in old age;
  • due to poor nutrition;
  • as a result of a sedentary lifestyle.


​For other videos on the treatment of osteochondrosis, see here:​

What is

How to treat spinal osteochondrosis? Movement, but only systematic and high-quality.​

  • ​8:35 – second exercise for the treatment of spinal osteochondrosis;​
  • ​0:25 - first exercise for the cervical spine;​
  • ​Free Webinar "How to eliminate pain in the back, joints and

The main complex for cervical osteochondrosis


  1. ​The secrets of a healthy neck lie in a well-chosen complex of physical therapy and its strict adherence.​

Main part

  1. ​Breathing exercise. Take a deep breath and spread your arms to the horizon line, as you exhale, lower your arms. Repeat 5 times.​
  2. ​Cross your fingers and place them on your forehead. Try to tilt your head forward while resisting with your hands. Feel how the back muscles of the cervical spine tense, while your head should not tilt forward. Count to five, relax your neck muscles, repeat 5-7 times.​

​a brief excursion about the prerequisites for osteochondrosis, in accessible language, so that even a person far from medicine will understand everything;​


  1. ​A set of exercises aimed at treating and getting rid of the symptoms of neck osteochondrosis, developed by Alexandra Bonina: “What is this?” A simple exercise for the neck or a serious technique developed by a professional and bearing fruit. Many positive reviews and thanks from patients indicate that neck exercises are effective in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis.​
  2. ​SUBSCRIBE to our channel!​

​The main thing to remember: the most effective is movement with certain parts of the body, in certain directions, with a certain duration, intensity and frequency.​

Neck exercises with a chair

  1. ​11:50 – exercise for the lumbar region;​
  2. ​2:56 – second exercise for cervical osteochondrosis;​

​muscles with self-massage of trigger points?" here:​

Alexandra Bonina

Biography of Alexandra Bonina:

​From the course you will learn how you can cure thoracic osteochondrosis on your own, without leaving home and spending only 20 minutes a day on it. Remember - osteochondrosis is not a disease, but just a specific condition of the spine. Which appears under the influence of an incorrect lifestyle. Constant work in a sitting position, lack of adequate loads, the formation of muscle blocks - all this causes the formation of osteochondrosis. You can perform the sets of exercises from this course alternately, every other day. Or one week - one complex, the second - the second, the third - the first, and so on. The complexes are equally effective, so it doesn’t matter in what order you perform them.​

Osteochondrosis - no! 50 basic physical therapy exercises for the treatment of spinal osteochondrosis

​Sports doctor and exercise therapy doctor (physical therapy). After graduating from medical school, she completed 2 years of residency in this specialty and an internship at the Center for Rehabilitation Medicine. At the same time, she studied to become a personal fitness trainer. Now she works as a personal trainer and sports doctor at a fitness club. She is sure that our whole life and our health are only in our hands. Therefore, he adheres to the principle that every person should clearly understand his condition and know how to deal with it, first of all, on his own, and then seek outside help. Alexandra Bonina has studied a large amount of information on the treatment of osteochondrosis. It would seem that such a common problem, but, surprisingly, few people clearly understand what it is. As it turns out, there is a lot of literature on the topic of osteochondrosis, but all these manuals and textbooks have one common mistake. They are written in overly complex language using a large number of medical terms. They contain a lot of unnecessary information that is not systematized and does not respond to the specific needs of a person who is in no way related to medicine. Cervical osteochondrosis must be treated in any case, and the sooner the better. Especially if you have not yet experienced complications. Perhaps you have your own ideas about life without cervical osteochondrosis. Great, the most important thing is that you have them! The only thing that needs to be done is to get cured. You will learn about this from Alexandra Bonina’s course.​

​Alexandra Bonina recommends doing this basic complex for a healthy neck at any stage of the disease.​

  • ​Cross your fingers into a lock and place them on the back of your head. Move your head back, while exerting resistance with your hands, making sure that the neck muscles tense. Count to five, relax your muscles, repeat 5-7 times.​

Eliminating thoracic osteochondrosis 2.0

​in the practical part, Alexandra Bonina presented neck exercises that will help restore health to the cervical spine and cope with the disease in time; the complex can be done not only in gyms, but also at home.​

TREATMENT OF OSTEOCHONDROSIS: 6 simple exercises with Alexandra Bonina

​Gymnastics for osteochondrosis from Alexandra Bonina is a simple set of physical therapy exercises designed to remove the question of “how to treat osteochondrosis” from the agenda.​
​14:12 – stretching and relaxation exercise for the lumbar spine.​
​5:10 – exercise for thoracic osteochondrosis: thoracic spine;​
​Treatment and prevention of osteochondrosis - get the course for free by e-mail:​
