Biathletes and their halves. The most beautiful couple! Personal life of biathlete Simon Fourcade Simon Fourcade had a son

Who is also handsome and a biathlete. Simon participated in the Olympic Games in 2006 and 2010, and is also a multiple world champion in summer biathlon and 2009 world champion in mixed relay.

Simon has been involved in sports since early childhood, but he did not come to biathlon right away - before that, Simon tried himself in hockey, judo and snowboarding. Simon Fourcade started biathlon at the age of 14. At the age of 19, he took part in the 2003-2004 World Cup for the first time.

In 2006, at the Turin Olympics, Simon took 31st place in the individual race. At the Biathlon World Championships in 2007, Simon Fourcade placed in the top ten three times. In 2008, Simon finished fourth twice. At the 2009 World Championships, Simon became the world champion for the first time as part of the French mixed relay.

In 2009 and 2011, Simon Fourcade won the competition for the prize in memory of Vitaly Fatyanov, held in Kamchatka.

Simon Fourcade and his girlfriend Nastya Spirina

It was at the competition in memory of Fatyanov in 2011 that Simon Fourcade met his girlfriend Nastya Spirina. Nastya also does biathlon, but at the amateur level. Simon says that he immediately understood that Nastya is his man. They have been together for a year and a half and distances do not interfere with the lovers - Nastya flies to France, and Simon sometimes visits her in Kamchatka.

In 2012, Simon Fourcade starred in a photo shoot,which shook up all biathlon fans and more. After he published the pictures on Facebook, Simon’s page was visited by 50 thousand people, and Simon had no end to the love confessions of his fans.

The author of the photographs is the famous Austrian photographer Christian Meislinger, who previously took sports photos for Fourcade's website. Christian liked the athlete's physical form, and he invited Simon to appear in a more glamorous photo shoot. The entire shooting took about two hours, and Simon was more than pleased with the result.

Everyone is beautiful and everyone is different, happiness to everyone.

Everyone is good, why argue!
p. s. But the Makoveev couple is the most classic

I really liked Tim Burke. Tim Burke and Henkel - the most beautiful couple

Chudov has the most beautiful wife, and Poiret is a very beautiful couple. Ours are so-so.

Why aren’t Zhenya, Dima and Anton with their other halves?

Youth itself is beautiful - everyone is wonderful. May God grant them to always be so cheerful - they deserve it with their hard work.

Chudov’s other half is beautiful, simply a miracle. ;)
I didn't know Tim Burke was Henkel's husband.
Now it’s clear where the American athlete has made such dramatic progress. The teacher is good.

Where is one of the most beautiful biathletes in the world, Dmitry Yaroshenko? Why is it not on your list?

Yes, so much BEAUTY and POSITIVE in one blog - this is GREAT LUCK, your Morozko!

My sympathies are from OURS: Albina and Maxim, Medvedtsev and Maxim Chudov with his Nadezhda...!

Of the rest: Becky the couple, cool!, Poiret and Liv Greta!, WEB with Natalie Santer and the Ekholms with Helena!

Of course, you can be happy for the others, all at once... and Anastasia Kuzmin... Magdalena - always and with everything...!
but there are still ESPECIALLY PLEASANT to the eye and soul...,
like M-A-A-RTAN, his brother Simon... and Bunny with Milan!

Advice to all of them: Love, Happiness, children and OLYMPIC GOOD LUCK!

The Makoveevs look so cute, beautiful couple! Among the foreigners, the Poiret couple stands out.

The most positive and harmonious couple of Tura Berger and her husband, the Ekholms are also very suitable for each other. Of ours, I would like to mention the Makoveevs and Ustyugovs.

Thank you, Morozko! I came across your wonderful blog by chance.
I’m not original, all couples are wonderful, beautiful and, I hope, happy in their own way.
A little closer to me are Maximov-Akhatova, Tcherezov and Chudov with their halves, the Medvedtsev couple.
From abroad: Bjoerndalen together with Natalie Santer, the Poiret couple (handsome guys)...
Thanks again for the pleasure.

Natasha Zaitseff_5:0_v_odnu_kalitku!)), I also really like the Akhatova-Maksimov couple... but I generally can’t choose the best couple among ours - I like everyone... Although, as a couple, the Chudovs probably look more strange to me, than everyone else...

Martina Beck and Helena Ekholm with their husbands

All the couples are just wonderful! Thanks for such a good selection!

And here are Simon and Nastya! Class!

people, you didn’t notice in vain: Maxim Maximov and Albina Akhatova look very touching together, there is a feeling of a very warm, close, harmonious couple, people who really feel good together.
Albina’s look in the second photo is expressive.

Louis Habert is so handsome))
and Hanevold’s wife is so cool :)
Yes, everyone is good) I just saw a lot of people here in the photo.
And the photos themselves are great :)
thanks for the selection! :)

Well, of course, a pair of Poiret!

Here is another couple, Andreas Birnbacher and Anna Aschenbach. They had a wedding on April 13th!

The most beautiful Ustyugovs and Chudovs))

I really like the pair of Ustyugovs, Zaitsevs and Ekholm. Who are Halvard and Sandra? in my opinion, the most harmonious, natural and happy) Cool selection. I always wanted to see the other halves of my favorite athletes)

In my opinion, the most beautiful are the Chudovs, Tcherezovs and Poirets

+5 to the author, I really liked almost all of them. It's nice to see biathletes happy and loved, next to their loved ones. It feels like you're looking at an album of old friends. The only thing I’ll write is that it doesn’t look right against the background of the overall pleasant picture.
1. The suit doesn’t suit WEB at all.
2. The monsters don’t look good together
3. Neuner's photos stand out, they are very official, without soul.

Daria Domracheva and Maxim Subbotin

I just found this photo

All the couples are romantic, they all suit each other, but I don’t want to single out anyone.

The photos are just lovely! But I would also like to see Daria Domracheva with her other half.

Everyone is good... I can’t objectively evaluate, I like our couples better, and I’ll also single out Poiret...

Ekholms are the most romantic.

OlgaVlad, Marten seemed to me here rather languidly and languidly next to a beautiful girl)) by the way, Marten has a lot of photos where he is very cheerful (you can somehow make a photo album of the funny Marten)
P.S. Thank you all for your comments! let's continue

Just now I noticed: Joseph Holzer’s ties matched Magdalena’s dress))

Ustyugov, Poiret, Ekholm.

in my opinion, the Ustyugovs look harmonious in the bottom photo and the Ekholms (or whatever their name is) in the top one), and Poiret looks beautiful in the wedding photo

Everyone is pleasant and smiling... The main thing is that their relationship is beautiful...

I really like the couples Ekholm and Ustyugov! Ustyugov's wife is very beautiful

Becks are good!

They are all so wonderful that it is difficult to choose. Although I still can’t help but highlight Vanya Tcherezov and his wife Irina. I have loved Vanya for a long time, and I once saw Irina, when they still had only one son, she was interviewed somewhere at a training camp in Russia. It looks like she and Vanya are just the perfect couple!
Of the foreigners, I always admired the Poiret couple. They are simply made for each other.
In general, how can you not admire Helena and David Ekholm? Or Louis and Marie Habert. She always smiles like that, and this photo is just awesome! And Martina Beck and her husband are good! And Olya Zaitseva and her husband are so cool. And Andrei Makoveev and his wife are so happy! I’m very happy for Andrey, it’s clear that this couple is really a couple of people who love each other... The list goes on and on. But still, I wrote my preferences at the very beginning.

Morozko, thank you! Where else can you see so many star biathlon pairs? Everyone is cool, most importantly, happy, positive and smiling! Let it be!

If the most beautiful couple is David Ekholm + Nadezhda Chudova, ha ha,
The Ustyugovs are very cute, Simon and Nastya are very sexy

Elmira, what does it have to do with being spiteful? You are disgusting, what simple faces Vanya and Yevonna’s wife have. when I lived in the village, well, exactly like the Tolokonnikovs. And we are talking about the most beautiful couple. so this is poiret. but this is my opinion as an esthete

In sports, as in any other area of ​​life, continuity is also developed; the Semerenko, Bjoerndalen, and Berger dynasties are well known. Simon Fourcade is a brilliant representative of the Fourcade family, who won a lot of awards in biathlon, the first of the brothers who forced this surname to be pronounced with aspiration.

Childhood and youth

Simon Fourcade was born in the south of France in Perpignan in April 1984 in the family of a speech therapist and tour guide. When asked about his dark skin tone, he answers that his ancestors are Spaniards, and not Algerians, as many believe.

As a child, Simon did everything - judo, figure skating, hockey, swimming, cycling. Even when he joined the ski club, he did not think that biathlon would enter his life so deeply, and simply enjoyed skiing.

This continued until the age of 14, when friends from the sports school went to the national championship, and Simon did not qualify, so he stayed at home. The young man understood: to achieve a result, it is necessary to put in more effort than what he is doing now. Simon went to the town of Villars-de-Lans, famous not only for its ski resort, but also for its sports school and the coach Thierry Dusser who worked there.


The dedication with which Fourcade trained impressed the coaching staff, and the young athlete gained fame as Raphael Poiret's successor. Moreover, Simon has become an icon for the younger brother.

Fourcade's serious sports biography began in the 2003-2004 season: Simon overcame the qualifying sieve in the World Cup to participate in the Oslo stage. By this time, Simon already had silver and gold at the youth world championships under his belt. In total, Simon won 4 gold and silver medals in the junior category. By the way, Simon Fourcade's younger brother cannot boast of similar achievements at the beginning of his career.

However, Simon still does not have a single personal award of the highest dignity from adult competitions. Fourcade first reached the podium in 2006, at the World Championships, when the biathlete won a bronze medal in the mixed relay. A year later in Finland, at the next stage of the World Cup, there was already silver in the individual race.

At the 2006 Olympic Games in Italy, Simon finished 31st in the individual race. At the world championship in 2007, Fourcade entered the top ten three times, and a year later he came fourth twice and received an award for third place in the mixed relay at the cup stage in South Korea.

Luck smiled on Simon in the relay race at the 2009 world championship: Fourcade won the championship title for the first time as part of the national team, and also won another silver and two bronze medals at the World Cup stages.

In addition, the biathlete twice won the competition in memory of Vitaly Fatyanov, held in Russia. The athlete won 3 gold medals at the 2008 Summer Biathlon World Championships.

Albeit for a short period, but in the 2009-2010 season Simon managed to rise to the top line of the overall World Cup standings. The following year, the path to medals was blocked by a fall from the stairs and a serious injury.

Martin's silver medal and Simon's place outside the top ten at the Vancouver Olympics practically quarreled the brothers. It took a year and a half before Fourcade Sr. recognized the superiority of the younger one.

In the 2011-2012 season, Fourcade Sr. won gold in the relay, five silver and three bronze medals at the World Cup. Then the Frenchman received a small Crystal Globe in the individual competition, two silver medals at the World Championships, and took fifth place in the overall World Cup standings.

The winter of 2012-2013 is considered the best in his career, as the biathlete emphasizes, since then Fourcade returned to the distance after surgery and missing the start of the competition. The season was marked by two gold medals in relay races, a silver one in the pursuit race at the World Cup, and silver at the World Championships held in the Czech Republic.

In the 2013-2014 season, the athlete received the highest step of the podium in Antholz (Italy), again in the relay race. By the end of 2014, Simon repeated his success in Ostersund, Sweden. In the same season, a medal for third place from the world championship, bronze and silver from the cup stages, all in the same relay, were added to the biathlete’s collection.

In the new season, the athlete stopped just one step away from the podium at the World Cup and world championships - in the mass start, individual race, and sprint. There is no equal to French army sergeant Simon Fourcade at the military world championships. The athlete has five gold, three silver and two bronze medals.

Personal life

At the Fatyanov Memorial in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, held in 2011, Simon met amateur biathlete Anastasia Spirina. As Simon said in an interview, one glance was enough to understand that Nastya was his person. The girl flew to her lover in France, Simon occasionally visited Kamchatka. But the distance of thousands of kilometers took its toll, and the couple broke up.

In 2012, Simon Fourcade starred in a glamorous photo shoot with the famous Austrian photographer Christian Meislinger. He was impressed by the excellent physical shape of the athlete (Simon’s height is 174 cm, weight is 66 kg). Photos published by the handsome Frenchman on the page

10 facts about Martin Fourcade that you might not know

Another brother, a house in Holmenkollen, escape from boarding school and other new details in the biography of the best biathlete in the world.

At the age of 16, Martin Fourcade was ready to quit biathlon. It was hard for him to be separated from his girlfriend and friends - and after the first semester, the guy ran away from the sports boarding school home. Later, Marten tried his hand at triathlon, but was not very successful - and eventually returned to biathlon, starting training at another sports center. Stéphane Boutier and Siegfried Mazet, future coaches of the French national team, worked with him there.

After the 2010 Olympics, Martin and Simon constantly quarreled for two years. The middle Fourcade - Brice - told the newspaper Le Parisien how difficult the relationship between the older brothers had become at some point. Simon went to Vancouver as the favorite and was not prepared for the fact that his younger brother would win silver in the mass start, and his best result would be 14th place in the same race. Simon almost cried with resentment - how could this be, after all, I’m older, I should be better! Since then, the brothers either quarreled or did not speak, it even got to the point that they refused to train in the same group. Everything changed two years later. Simon claims that by that time he had simply wised up and realized that there was no need to be jealous of his brother’s achievements - he should be proud of them. Martin is sure that the relationship has improved because he moved to a higher level, where his brother is not his competitor. As for Brees, he's just glad everyone at home is feeling at ease again and isn't trying to avoid the uncomfortable topic of sports performance.

Martin Fourcade lives in Norway. There, the biathlete jokes, he can spend more time with his friend Tarjei Boe. In fact, he planned to move to Holmenkolen immediately after the Olympics in Sochi, and was able to fulfill his dream last year. I rented a house 100 meters from the stadium and during the off-season I managed to conduct several training sessions with Norwegian biathletes. And on September 10, Martin and his girlfriend Helen had a daughter, Manon. It was in Norway, in the first months of Manon’s life, that Martin Fourcade added another talent to his talents - the ability to quickly and deftly change a child’s diapers.

Martin Fourcade is not trying to repeat Bjoerndalen's record of 95 (so far) World Cup victories.“Even if we imagine that I win all the remaining races before the Olympics in Pyeongchang,” says the biathlete, “I still won’t surpass Ole Einar’s result. But I haven’t thought about what I’ll do after the Olympics.” At the same time, Fourcade has repeatedly stated that he in no case plans to run until he is 42 years old (for now), like the Norwegian.

Martin Fourcade's preparations for the 2016 World Cup were disrupted due to illness. After the completion of the American stage of the World Cup, the athlete developed sinusitis (inflammation of the paranasal sinuses - website). The illness was so severe that, according to Martin, he could not do anything for a week. “I don’t know what consequences such a stop in work will lead to,” the biathlete admitted, “but I’m sure: this is definitely not the most ideal way to prepare for the World Championships.”

Watch broadcasts of the Biathlon World Championships on Match TV and Match! Arena". The most convenient racing calendar –

Text: Natalia Volkova


The future athlete was born in the French town of Perpignan, in the south of the country, in 1984, on April 25th. He was the eldest of three sons in the family of a speech therapist and organizer of mountain excursions. His parents were keen skiers in their youth and instilled in their children a love of the snowy slopes and skiing. The biathlete has Spanish roots, as evidenced by his characteristic appearance. Simon's younger brothers also connected their lives with skiing: and set many world records, but Brice did not become a professional athlete, and now he works as a ski instructor at a popular French ski resort.

Simon Fourcade as a child with his brothers Martin and Brice

In his youth, Simon attended the figure skating section, swam in the pool, and he was also seriously interested in martial arts. For some time, he and his middle brother attended the hockey section, but they had to leave this activity, because the ice rink where they trained was located on the other side of the city and the boys’ father simply could not take them to training every day.

But the ski section was located in close proximity to their house, so first Simon was transferred there, and then his younger brothers.

Simon and Martin Fourcade

Initially, the guy was not at all attracted to this sport, and therefore he did not make any efforts to achieve any tangible results. This continued until Simon turned 14 and, unlike his friends at the sports school, was unable to qualify for the national championship. As a result, everyone left for the competition, and Fourcade remained at home, as the weakest of the group. This circumstance annoyed the teenager so much that he promised himself to make every effort, and next time not only go to the competition, but also win an award there.

He moved to the Villars-de-Lans sports school, where he began to engage in biathlon and trained with such dedication that he won gold four times at the world junior championships, and also became a real idol for his younger brother Martin, who also expressed a desire to move to biathlon section. In the future, Simon took part in three Olympic Games, and also became a multiple winner of European and world championships.

Simon Fourcade

Simon Fourcade: personal life

Mentors always noted that Simon had enormous potential, which the athlete himself was in no hurry to realize. Many people cited the biathlete’s love for noisy parties and nightclubs as the main reason for his failures in sports. He himself does not deny this, admitting that he does not follow the sports regime as carefully as his younger brother, but notes that he has never been seen in a state of severe intoxication.

Simon Fourcade, photo shoot

A few years ago, he was credited with an affair with Italian biathlete Dorothea Wierer. The athletes were repeatedly spotted together at various parties, they danced, hugged and kissed. Later, in an interview, Dorothea called Simon the most attractive man, and he responded by calling her the sexiest biathlete.

At the same time, they both claimed that they were just close friends and they enjoyed spending time in each other’s company. In matters of his personal life, the biathlete has never been particularly secretive; he actively maintains his account on Instagram, which now has almost 70 thousand followers, and he also willingly gives interviews, frankly answering even provocative questions from journalists.

Simon Fourcade, photo shoot

In 2012, the athlete took part in a rather candid photo shoot by the famous Austrian fashion photographer Christian Meislinger. When photographs of a half-naked, handsome athlete with sculpted muscles became public knowledge, his army of fans instantly grew exponentially.

Simon Fourcade, photo shoot

For some time, Fourcade had a romantic relationship with a Russian biathlete named Anastasia Spirina. The athletes met in Kamchatka, during commercial starts at the Fatyanov memorial. According to Simon himself, just one glance was enough for him to understand that Anastasia was his person. The young people immediately found a common language, a romantic relationship began between them, however, the lovers lived separately, because each of them was focused on their own sports career. Anastasia visited her chosen one in France from time to time, but much more often Simon visited the girl in Russia. He liked that in his beloved’s homeland, biathlon was almost more popular than football.

Simon Fourcade and Anastasia Spirina

Their relationship lasted more than two years, Nastya and Simon tried to spend all the holidays together, however, most of the time, nevertheless, they were separated by a distance of thousands of kilometers, and therefore they were able to see each other and communicate only by phone or Skype. Of course, this state of affairs did not at all contribute to the development and strengthening of their relationship. Anastasia once hinted in an interview that she was waiting for more decisive action from her lover, perhaps hinting at a marriage proposal, but Simon argued that he was not yet ready for family life. Ultimately, the couple broke up, but maintained friendly relations. Fans are sure that distance and the athletes’ too busy schedules are to blame.

Simon Fourcade and Anastasia Spirina

Simon Fourcade and Clémence Toulz

After breaking up with the Russian biathlete, Fourcade did not feel sad alone for long. Soon he admitted that his heart was not free, he was in love again and very happy. As it later turned out, the athlete’s new chosen one was a young Englishwoman named Clemence Toulz.

There is practically no information about his beloved; in particular, it is unknown who she is by education and what she does in life. At the beginning of 2017, it became known that the couple was expecting the birth of their first child. At the same time, information appeared that Simon asked for his lover’s hand in marriage, and they got engaged, however, the couple never confirmed the news of their engagement.

Simon Fourcade and Clémence Toulz

In May 2017, Fourcade and Tulz became parents for the first time - their common son was born, whom they decided to name Adam. Despite the fact that in a few months their child will turn two years old, the biathlete and his girlfriend have not yet legalized their relationship. However, Simon admits that after the birth of his child he changed for the better: he became wiser and more serious.

Simon Fourcade and Clémence Toulz with their son
