Swimming pool with sea water for babies. Infant and children's swimming. To attend classes you will need

Cost: from 500 rub./subscription lesson, from 600 rub./one-time lesson
Age: from 1.5 months to 5 years

The “Second Birth” family health center specializes in preparing families for a gentle natural birth in maternity hospitals, and also teaches parents hardening methods and conducts swimming classes for babies. There are groups for infants up to 1.5 years old and groups for children. Children swim with their mothers in specially equipped pools. For example, in the pool named after. Timiryazev classes take place in a special mini-pool for infants. And in general, they tried to take into account the needs of young swimmers to the maximum: there are potties and changing tables in the locker rooms; A multi-level water purification system is used, and the temperature required for children is maintained (32-34 degrees Celsius).

2. Brightfamily Positive Lifestyle Center

m. Polyanka, Tretyakovskaya
Cost: 1,000 rub./lesson with a subscription, 1,100 rub./one-time lesson
Age: from 1.5 months

The main focus of the center's work is the soft parenting practices Birthlight, developed by anthropologist and mother of 4 children Francoise Friedman. Practices include yoga classes, as well as early swimming training and aqua yoga for pregnant women using the Birthlight method. Children go swimming with their mothers. The program offers a gentle approach and special movement and relaxation techniques that are aimed at strengthening the emotional bond between mother and child. Classes are held in a swimming pool designed specifically for children. The water temperature is maintained at 32-34 degrees. All of the center's instructors were trained in the UK and are Birthlight diploma holders.

3. Children's center "Dolphin"

6. Children's sports and health club "Semitsvetik"

m. Strogino, SC "Yantar"
m. Yugo-Zapadnaya, Olympic Village, 2
Cost: 775 rub./lesson with a subscription, 1,200 rub./one-time lesson
Age: from 3 months

In the children's pool of the Yantar sports complex, children are gently and gradually accustomed to water. The trainers use the Russian-Finnish training method: water games, counting rhymes, songs and individual exercises according to a progressive plan. At the School, I believe that this is the most effective way to improve a child’s ability to stay in the water; At the same time, the instructor monitors how their development proceeds. Interest in activities is stimulated by various floating devices - rollers, boards and toys. Each group has no more than 8 families. It is recommended that both parents attend classes.
The School’s branch operates in the “Olympic Village – 80” Sports Complex.

C We are pleased to invite all children and their parents to the Aquafamily Infant and Children's Swimming School!

Every person needs to learn to swim, and the sooner this happens, the better. The beneficial effects of swimming on the body have been known since ancient times. No type of physical activity for children compares with exercise in water. Water, like no other environment, can effectively improve the functioning of the entire human body and become the key to health for life!

Our classes are an excellent opportunity to give your baby good health and ensure harmonious, rapid physical and intellectual development. The aquatic environment successfully removes unnecessary stress from the spine and forms correct posture; active movements are a good prevention of flat feet, strengthen bones, the nervous system, improve appetite, sleep, increase the overall tone of the body and endurance.

The Aquafamily infant and children's swimming school is a Russian-Finnish project created, developed and adapted for residents of Russia.

The concept that underlies the project is one of the best methods, recognized in the world and well-proven.

Our goal is to teach children and adults how to behave in the pool and what to do so that the child gets used to the water and makes friends with it. We work with families, giving children and adults the opportunity to have fun and enjoy time together through infant swimming.

Toddlers and children under 4 years of age are still dependent on their parents; they constantly want to feel the physical closeness of mother and father. Tactile contact is of great importance to them. Parents not only provide support and exercises in the water, ensuring comfort and safety for their child, but also play with him, getting used to a joint, healthy and active lifestyle. During classes, a unique atmosphere of family unity arises. After all, adults and children are doing one thing, learning new games, exercises and elements of swimming together.

Each lesson is conducted in warm and clean water under the guidance of a qualified instructor. Classes are held in groups of different levels and according to a specially developed progressive plan. The program includes group and individual exercises and games. The safety and correctness of the exercises is monitored by a trainer who is in the water with the parents.

Methodology of conducting classes

The school's instructors conduct infant swimming classes according to the developed methodology. The lesson program includes: water games and individual exercises according to a progressive plan. In this way, the child's water skills can be improved; At the same time, the instructor monitors how their development proceeds. Classes based on the school’s methods contribute to the overall development of the child in many ways.

The School program is designed for classes from 3 months of age to 9 years. In the learning process there are intermediate stages, overcoming which the child moves to the group of the next level. Don’t worry if you came to the pool for the first time when your baby was already 6 months old or one year old - we will definitely select a suitable group for you. Many people begin to learn to swim at both 2 and 3 years old.

Our instructors make sure that during each lesson the child gains his own small, but certainly positive experience. In addition, for the timely development of certain skills in the water, we try to use the natural sensitive periods of each child.

Training takes place in a playful way until the child learns to swim. We recommend that during lessons both parents act as a helper for the child and play together. All this contributes to more comfortable and natural development and forms a good attitude towards water in the baby.

You can start studying at our school without special preparation. As the child masters certain skills and reaches a certain age, he moves to the next level group.
Classes at the school are held in 4 programs:
Babyswim – age up to 2 years,
Kidswim – ages from 2 to 4 years,
Swimmers – ages 4 to 6 years,
Proswim – age from 7 to 9 years.

Goals that are achieved in infant and children's swimming school classes.

  • Developing a good relationship with water
  • Formation of social skills
  • Forming habits of joint, healthy and active pastime for the whole family
  • Development of movement coordination
  • Development of fine motor skills
  • Improves baby's head and body position control
  • Development of interaction between eyes and hands, finding the midline of the body
  • Development of coordination of movements of the upper and lower extremities - a skill necessary for mastering crawling and walking
  • Developing flexibility and ability to relax
  • Improving the performance of the respiratory and circulatory systems

Useful information for parents:

To attend classes you will need:

  • Sign up for the group by phone (see below)
  • Prepare the necessary certificates for the child and all adults accompanying the child into the water
  • Download payment receipt
  • Pay the receipt at any branch of Sberbank, another bank or online
  • At the first lesson, take the School rules and the rules for visiting the pool from the coach, read them carefully, sign both documents and give them to the coach.

To practice in the pool you will need:

  1. Certificate for the child: from the pediatrician, including the results of tests for enterobiasis and worm eggs.
  2. Certificate for parents accompanying the water: from a therapist, tests for enterobiasis and worm eggs, dermatovenerologist or (dermatologist and gynecologist for mother)
  3. Swimming trunks - diapers from the following companies: “Miracle - Panties”, “Splash About”, “KairaSport” and a hat for children under 3 years old.
  4. Swimsuit/swimming trunks and cap for parents/family members.
  5. Towel, diaper, robe, rubber shoes and soap accessories.

Cost of classes:
For Babyswim, Kidswim, Swimmers programs:

3800 rubles

Subscription for 4 weeks (2 visits per week)7000 rubles

One-time visit1400 rubles(by appointment only and agreement with the trainer)

— For those who came for the first time at the end of the training cycle.

— For those with a subscription and those wishing to visit additionally.

- Only by appointment and agreement with the coach.

For the Proswim program

Subscription for 4 weeks (1 visit per week)2400 rubles

Subscription for 4 weeks (2 visits per week)4400 rubles

Subscription for 4 weeks (3 visits per week)6000 rubles

D Additional information and registration for classes by phone:

multi-channel number 8-916-588-28-38 (all school coaches)

Anastasia 8-909-994-88-54

Daria 8-926-208-99-81

Tatyana 8-495-740-09-38

You can send a paid receipt or ask a question to our

email address: [email protected]

We are waiting for you and your kids in our classes!

We are waiting for you and your children in our classes!

The sports complex has 3 swimming pools: 1 deep and 2 shallow. They are among the most visited in the capital. The swimming pool SK OD-80 is unique and today has no analogues in Moscow.

Convenient and professional

The main (deep) pool, with a bowl measuring 25x25x6, is a unique structure for the capital. It is designed for professional diving, equipped with an air cushion and longues. The pool has 9 lanes, 6 towers, with a height of 3 to 10 m, as well as 4 springboards.

Regular classes

The SK OD-80 swimming pool provides classes in diving, swimming (individual, group and free), synchronized swimming, water polo and aqua aerobics. Classes are taught by distinguished trainers and teachers.

Equipped for children

A special partition separates the bathtub of the large pool from two small bathtubs, measuring 10x16 with a depth of 70 cm to 110 cm each. These pools provide swimming lessons for children aged 5 years and older.

Perfect cleanliness

All pools of the sports complex have a unique water purification system that complies with SanPiN “Drinking Water” and sand-quartz filters. The latest ultraviolet water disinfection system has been installed.

Rules for using the pool


Rules for using the swimming pool of the Olympic Village Sports Complex – 80

  1. The deep pool (25x25x6 meters, 8 lanes) is open by sessions. The loading standard for each track is 6 – 8 (adults) people and 8-10 children. Within the same path, you must drive on the right in both directions.
  2. Children's pool (2 baths - 10x16 meters, depth from 70 to 110 cm), open according to the schedule of swimming groups.
  3. Before entering the pool, you must hand over your outerwear to the Sports Complex cloakroom.
  4. To use the pool you must have:
    • a subscription or single ticket and visitor card, as well as a corresponding medical certificate.
    • swimwear, flip-flops, washcloth, soap (gel), towel, cap (must be used when
    • swimming).
  5. Entrance to the unit's territory is carried out only in replaceable shoes (not shoe covers), 15 minutes before the start of the corresponding session. At the end of the session, visitors are required to leave the shower and locker room within 15 minutes.
  6. Before going out on the water, you should wash in the shower with soap (gel) and a washcloth, taking off your bathing suit.
  7. The duration of a session in the pool water is 45 minutes. 1 minute before the end of the session and visitors exit the pool water, a sound signal is given.
  8. Personal belongings can be taken out to the side of the pool, with control of their safety by the visitors themselves; The administration is not responsible for things left in the shower.
  9. Pool visitors are PROHIBITED from: providing instructions, giving recommendations on activities for pool visitors, conducting classes (including free of charge), consulting or training other persons, and conducting individual classes.
  10. Persons engaged in subscription groups are met, accompanied and supervised by a trainer-teacher, according to the approved schedule. Without a trainer-teacher, independent entry into the locker room and access to the water is prohibited.
  11. In groups of 5 years of age, one parent on duty is allowed to accompany and provide assistance to children in the locker rooms and showers of the pool, respectively for boys and girls.
  12. Children studying in groups are required to comply with sanitary and hygienic requirements: visit the toilet before class and wash in the shower with soap and a washcloth without a swimsuit. Parents should monitor their health status before visiting the pool, and also take into account the recommendation that the child eat food no later than 1.5-2 hours before swimming in the pool. In case of violation of sanitary and hygienic rules by children (the appearance of feces in the pool bath), the child’s parents bear financial responsibility in the form of monetary compensation for draining the water and unscheduled treatment of the bath.
  13. Only female accompanying persons are allowed into the girls' locker room, and both female and male accompanying persons are allowed into the boys' locker room in order to provide assistance to preschool children. ENTRY TO THE GIRLS' LOCKER ROOM IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED TO MALES.
  14. Persons who violated these rules and caused damage to the Sports Complex shall compensate it in the prescribed manner and amount, and also bear other liability in cases provided for by current legislation.
  • entering the pool area using documents belonging to other persons or without proper documents;
  • parents accompanying their children to classes go out onto the side of the pool;
  • use springboards and towers;
  • jumping from the sides of the pool;
  • dive in water;
  • sink to the bottom of the pool;
  • swim across the paths;
  • swim onto paths occupied by pool tenants;
  • create obstacles in the water for other pool visitors;
  • swim with fins, masks, and breathing tubes;
  • swim without a cap on your head;
  • use detergents, perfumes and other liquids in glass containers in the shower;
  • rub yourself with strong-smelling creams and oils;
  • bring food and drinks, including alcoholic drinks and beer, to the pool, locker room and consume;
  • smoking in the pool areas;
  • swim while under the influence of alcohol, toxic or drugs;
  • pollute the premises and structures of the swimming pool, including throwing used chewing gum on the floor;
  • appear in the pool premises with animals;
  • use office phones;
  • enter the service areas of the pool.
Sincerely, administration of SK OD-80

All parents dream of their child growing up healthy, smart and strong. This is quite possible to achieve if you start taking care of the baby’s physical health from birth. In the first months after birth, swimming is an ideal way to improve your baby's health.

The benefits of this type of physical activity for newborns are undeniable:

Early swimming hardens the body and strengthens the immune system. Regular visits to the pool in the future will lead to the fact that the baby’s body will steadfastly resist colds and infections.

Swimming exercises train all muscle groups and contribute to the development of proper coordination of movements.

In addition to the healing effect, exercise in the pool also performs therapeutic functions. Special therapeutic exercises under the supervision of doctors will help get rid of hip dysplasia, hypotonicity and hypertonicity of muscles, and also turn out to be very useful for children with cerebral palsy.

Exercising with a baby in the pool has a positive effect on his nervous system. In addition, appetite improves and sleep normalizes.

Psychologists say that when diving, a child overcomes the thickness of the water, as a result, he develops such personality traits as determination, courage, determination, and perseverance.

However, many parents worry whether it is dangerous for a baby to swim? In fact, for a newborn, being in water is very comfortable. Of course, he should only be in the pool under the supervision of adults who have completed infant swimming courses. Training is necessary, on the one hand, for the safety of the baby, and on the other, so that the classes bring maximum health benefits.

The Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine offers courses for infant swimming instructors, after which graduates will receive all the necessary knowledge and skills to conduct classes with newborns in the pool. Specialists from the Department of Infant Swimming have created an intensive training program, which includes both theoretical and practical blocks.

After completing the course, you will gain knowledge about the basic swimming techniques for babies, understand how you can improve your child’s health, and understand the main indications and contraindications for swimming in a newborn’s pool. The majority of the Infant Swimming: Instructor Training course consists of practical exercises. During them, there will be an opportunity to learn how to properly hold a child on the water, perform special gymnastics, harden and relax him.

Learning is comfortable and easy. We provide students with a convenient class schedule, so you can easily choose the most optimal time. Teachers are always ready to help and explain complex course topics in more detail. We also offer flexible prices for training and various discounts, so you can purchase a course at a competitive price. After completing the course, a standard certificate is issued.
